  * @return MySQLiAdapter|PDOAdapter
  * @throws Exception
 private function getAdapter()
     // SS version >= 3.2
     if (class_exists('MySQLiConnector') && class_exists('PDOConnector')) {
         $connector = DB::get_connector();
         if ($connector instanceof MySQLiConnector) {
             $connProperty = new ReflectionProperty('MySQLiConnector', 'dbConn');
             $conn = $connProperty->getValue($connector);
             return new MySQLiAdapter($conn);
         } else {
             if ($connector instanceof PDOConnector) {
                 $connProperty = new ReflectionProperty('PDOConnector', 'pdoConnection');
                 $conn = $connProperty->getValue($connector);
                 return new PDOAdapter($conn);
     } else {
         $db = DB::getConn();
         if ($db instanceof MySQLDatabase) {
             $connProperty = new ReflectionProperty('MySQLDatabase', 'dbConn');
             $conn = $connProperty->getValue($db);
             return new MySQLiAdapter($conn);
     throw new Exception('connection cannot be found');
 public function testFilter()
     if (DB::getConn() instanceof MySQLDatabase) {
         $baseQuery = FulltextFilterTest_DataObject::get();
         $this->assertEquals(3, $baseQuery->count(), "FulltextFilterTest_DataObject count does not match.");
         // First we'll text the 'SearchFields' which has been set using an array
         $search = $baseQuery->filter("SearchFields:fulltext", 'SilverStripe');
         $this->assertEquals(1, $search->count());
         $search = $baseQuery->exclude("SearchFields:fulltext", "SilverStripe");
         $this->assertEquals(2, $search->count());
         // Now we'll run the same tests on 'OtherSearchFields' which should yield the same resutls
         // but has been set using a string.
         $search = $baseQuery->filter("OtherSearchFields:fulltext", 'SilverStripe');
         $this->assertEquals(1, $search->count());
         $search = $baseQuery->exclude("OtherSearchFields:fulltext", "SilverStripe");
         $this->assertEquals(2, $search->count());
         // Search on a single field
         $search = $baseQuery->filter("ColumnE:fulltext", 'Dragons');
         $this->assertEquals(1, $search->count());
         $search = $baseQuery->exclude("ColumnE:fulltext", "Dragons");
         $this->assertEquals(2, $search->count());
     } else {
         $this->markTestSkipped("FulltextFilter only supports MySQL syntax.");
 public function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query, DataQuery &$dataQuery = null)
     // Actives locales defined on a SiteConfig are there as a global setting
     if ($this->owner instanceof SiteConfig) {
     // In admin, show everthing anyway
     if ($this->isAdminBackend()) {
     // Find in set is only compatible with MySql
     $c = DB::getConn();
     if (!$c instanceof MySQLDatabase) {
     $locale = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Fluent.Locale') ?: Fluent::current_locale();
     $from = $query->getFrom();
     $where = $query->getWhere();
     $column = 'ActiveLocales';
     $table = null;
     // Check on which table is the ActiveLocales field
     foreach ($from as $fromTable => $conditions) {
         if ($table === null) {
             $table = $fromTable;
         $db = DataObject::custom_database_fields($fromTable);
         if ($db && isset($db[$column])) {
             $table = $fromTable;
     $identifier = "\"{$table}\".\"{$column}\"";
     $where[] = "{$identifier} IS NULL OR FIND_IN_SET ('{$locale}', {$identifier}) > 0";
Example #4
 function delete($country)
     $conn = DB::getConn();
     $stmt = $conn->prepare("DELETE FROM country WHERE id = :id");
     $stmt->bindParam("id", $country->id);
 function waitUntilIndexingFinished()
     $db = DB::getConn();
     if (method_exists($db, 'waitUntilIndexingFinished')) {
 public function getRandomQuestion()
     $qid = Session::get('QACaptchaField.Retry');
     if (isset($qid) && $qid) {
         // Retry the same question
         return DataObject::get_by_id('QACaptchaQuestion', $qid);
     // Provide empty answer field - the question has not been answered yet
     // Get a comma separated list of past questions
     $backlog = Session::get('QACaptchaField.Backlog');
     if (!$backlog) {
         $backlog = array();
     $sqlBacklog = implode($backlog, ', ');
     // Get questions that have not been used before
     $random = DataObject::get('QACaptchaQuestion', $sqlBacklog ? "\"QACaptchaQuestion\".\"ID\" NOT IN ({$sqlBacklog})" : '', DB::getConn()->random());
     if (!($random && $random->exists())) {
         // We have ran out of questions - reset the list
         $backlog = array();
         $random = DataObject::get('QACaptchaQuestion', '', DB::getConn()->random());
     if ($random && $random->exists()) {
         $q = $random->First();
         // Add the question to backlog
         $backlog[] = $q->ID;
         Session::set('QACaptchaField.Backlog', $backlog);
         return $q;
 function Dates()
     $results = new DataObjectSet();
     $container = BlogTree::current();
     $ids = $container->BlogHolderIDs();
     $stage = Versioned::current_stage();
     $suffix = !$stage || $stage == 'Stage' ? "" : "_{$stage}";
     $monthclause = method_exists(DB::getConn(), 'formattedDatetimeClause') ? DB::getConn()->formattedDatetimeClause('"Date"', '%m') : 'MONTH("Date")';
     $yearclause = method_exists(DB::getConn(), 'formattedDatetimeClause') ? DB::getConn()->formattedDatetimeClause('"Date"', '%Y') : 'YEAR("Date")';
     $sqlResults = DB::query("\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT CAST({$monthclause} AS " . DB::getConn()->dbDataType('unsigned integer') . ") AS \"Month\", {$yearclause} AS \"Year\"\n\t\t\tFROM \"SiteTree{$suffix}\" INNER JOIN \"BlogEntry{$suffix}\" ON \"SiteTree{$suffix}\".\"ID\" = \"BlogEntry{$suffix}\".\"ID\"\n\t\t\tWHERE \"ParentID\" IN (" . implode(', ', $ids) . ")\n\t\t\tORDER BY \"Year\" DESC, \"Month\" DESC;");
     if ($this->ShowLastYears == 0) {
         $cutOffYear = 0;
     } else {
         $cutOffYear = (int) date("Y") - $this->ShowLastYears;
     $years = array();
     if (Director::get_current_page()->ClassName == 'BlogHolder') {
         $urlParams = Director::urlParams();
         $yearParam = $urlParams['ID'];
         $monthParam = $urlParams['OtherID'];
     } else {
         $date = new DateTime(Director::get_current_page()->Date);
         $yearParam = $date->format("Y");
         $monthParam = $date->format("m");
     if ($sqlResults) {
         foreach ($sqlResults as $sqlResult) {
             $isMonthDisplay = true;
             $year = $sqlResult['Year'] ? (int) $sqlResult['Year'] : date('Y');
             $isMonthDisplay = $year > $cutOffYear;
             // $dateFormat = 'Month'; else $dateFormat = 'Year';
             $monthVal = isset($sqlResult['Month']) ? (int) $sqlResult['Month'] : 1;
             $month = $isMonthDisplay ? $monthVal : 1;
             $date = DBField::create('Date', array('Day' => 1, 'Month' => $month, 'Year' => $year));
             if ($isMonthDisplay) {
                 $link = $container->Link('date') . '/' . $sqlResult['Year'] . '/' . sprintf("%'02d", $monthVal);
             } else {
                 $link = $container->Link('date') . '/' . $sqlResult['Year'];
             if ($isMonthDisplay || !$isMonthDisplay && !in_array($year, $years)) {
                 $years[] = $year;
                 $current = false;
                 $children = new DataObjectSet();
                 $LinkingMode = "link";
                 if ($isMonthDisplay && $yearParam == $year && $monthParam == $month || !$isMonthDisplay && $yearParam == $year) {
                     $LinkingMode = "current";
                     $current = true;
                     if ($this->ShowChildren && $isMonthDisplay) {
                         $filter = $yearclause . ' = ' . $year . ' AND ' . $monthclause . ' = ' . $month;
                         $children = DataObject::get('BlogEntry', $filter, "Date DESC");
                 $results->push(new ArrayData(array('Date' => $date, 'Year' => $year, 'Link' => $link, 'NoMonth' => !$isMonthDisplay, 'LinkingMode' => $LinkingMode, 'Children' => $children)));
     return $results;
 public function run($request)
     // transfer values for changed column name
     foreach (array('SiteTree', 'SiteTree_Live', 'SiteTree_versions') as $table) {
         DB::query("UPDATE \"{$table}\" SET \"CanViewType\" = 'Viewers';");
         DB::query("UPDATE \"{$table}\" SET \"CanEditType\" = 'Editors';");
     //Debug::message('Moved SiteTree->Viewers to SiteTree->CanViewType');
     //Debug::message('Moved SiteTree->Editors to SiteTree->CanEditType');
     // convert has_many to many_many
     $pageIDs = DB::query("SELECT ID FROM SiteTree")->column('ID');
     foreach ($pageIDs as $pageID) {
         $page = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $pageID);
         if ($page->ViewersGroup && DataObject::get_by_id("Group", $page->ViewersGroup)) {
         if ($page->EditorsGroup && DataObject::get_by_id("Group", $page->EditorsGroup)) {
     //Debug::message('SiteTree->ViewersGroup to SiteTree->ViewerGroups (has_one to many_many)');
     //Debug::message('SiteTree->EditorsGroup to SiteTree->EditorGroups (has_one to many_many)');
     // rename legacy columns
     foreach (array('SiteTree', 'SiteTree_Live', 'SiteTree_versions') as $table) {
         foreach (array('Viewers', 'Editors', 'ViewersGroup', 'EditorsGroup') as $field) {
             DB::getConn()->dontRequireField($table, $field);
 public function run($request)
     //check if OrderCouponModifier exists
     if (DB::getConn()->hasTable("OrderCouponModifier")) {
         $this->log("OrderCouponModifier table exists");
         $query = DB::query("SELECT *\n\t\t\t\tFROM OrderModifier\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `OrderAttribute` ON `OrderModifier`.`ID` = `OrderAttribute`.`ID`\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `OrderCouponModifier` ON `OrderModifier`.`ID` = `OrderCouponModifier`.`ID`\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `Order` ON `OrderAttribute`.`OrderID` = `Order`.`ID`;");
         foreach ($query as $row) {
             $newdata = $row;
             $newdata["ClassName"] = "OrderDiscountModifier";
             $newdata["ID"] = 0;
             if (!OrderDiscountModifier::get()->filter("OrderID", $newdata["OrderID"])->exists()) {
                 $newmodifier = new OrderDiscountModifier($newdata);
                 $discount = Discount::get()->byID($newdata["CouponID"]);
                 //set up discount values
                 if ($discount && $discount->exists()) {
                     $newmodifier->Discounts()->add($discount, array("DiscountAmount" => $newmodifier->Amount));
                 $this->log("Migrated modifier for Order " . $newdata["OrderID"] . " " . $newmodifier->ID);
     } else {
         $this->log("OrderCouponModifier table does not exist");
 function performance($request)
     $markers = array();
     $q = substr(GoogleAnalyzer::get_sapphire_version(), 0, 3) == '2.3' ? '`' : '"';
     $metrics = $request->requestVar('metrics');
     $filters = null;
     $eventfiltersql = "{$q}GoogleLogEvent{$q}.{$q}PageID{$q} = 0";
     $page = SiteTree::get()->byID((int) $request->param('ID'));
     if ($page) {
         $url = trim($page->Link(), '/');
         if (!empty($url)) {
             $url .= '/';
         $filters = 'ga:pagePath==/' . $url;
         $eventfiltersql .= " OR {$q}GoogleLogEvent{$q}.{$q}PageID{$q} = " . (int) $page->ID;
         $allversions = $q == '"' ? '"WasPublished" = 1 AND ' . DB::getConn()->datetimeDifferenceClause('"LastEdited"', date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-1 Year'))) . ' > 0' : "{$q}WasPublished{$q} = 1 AND {$q}LastEdited{$q} > '" . date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-1 Year')) . "'";
         foreach ($page->allVersions() as $version) {
             $markers[] = array(strtotime($version->LastEdited) * 1000, 'Updated', 'Long descr.');
     $events = DataObject::get('GoogleLogEvent', $eventfiltersql);
     if ($events) {
         foreach ($events as $event) {
             $markers[] = array(strtotime($event->Created) * 1000, $event->Title, 'Long descr.');
     $store = new GoogleDataStore(GoogleConfig::get_google_config('profile'), GoogleConfig::get_google_config('email'), GoogleConfig::get_google_config('password'));
     $data = $store->fetchPerformance(array('dimensions' => 'ga:date', 'metrics' => 'ga:visits,ga:pageviews', 'sort' => '-ga:date', 'filters' => $filters));
     return json_encode(array('series' => $data, 'markers' => $markers));
 function run($request)
     $db = DB::getConn();
     if ($db instanceof PostgreSQLDatabase) {
         $exist = DB::query("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name ='PickUpOrDeliveryModifier' AND column_name = 'PickupOrDeliveryType'")->numRecords();
     } else {
         // default is MySQL - broken for others, each database conn type supported must be checked for!
         $exist = DB::query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM \"PickUpOrDeliveryModifier\" LIKE 'PickupOrDeliveryType'")->numRecords();
     if ($exist > 0) {
         $defaultOption = PickUpOrDeliveryModifierOptions::get()->filter(array("IsDefault" => 1))->First();
         $modifiers = PickUpOrDeliveryModifier::get()->filter(array("OptionID" => 0));
         if ($modifiers->count()) {
             foreach ($modifiers as $modifier) {
                 if (!isset($modifier->OptionID) || !$modifier->OptionID) {
                     if (!isset(self::$options_old_to_new[$modifier->Code])) {
                         $option = PickUpOrDeliveryModifierOptions::get()->filter(array("Code" => $modifier->Code))->First();
                         if (!$option) {
                             $option = $defaultOption;
                         self::$options_old_to_new[$modifier->Code] = $option->ID;
                     $myOption = self::$options_old_to_new[$modifier->Code];
                     // USING QUERY TO UPDATE
                     DB::query("UPDATE \"PickUpOrDeliveryModifier\" SET \"OptionID\" = " . $myOption . " WHERE \"PickUpOrDeliveryModifier\".\"ID\" = " . $modifier->ID);
                     DB::alteration_message('Updated modifier #' . $modifier->ID . ' from code to option ID ' . $myOption, 'edited');
     DB::alteration_message("<hr />COMPLETED<hr />", "created");
Example #12
 function delete($state)
     $conn = DB::getConn();
     $stmt = $conn->prepare("DELETE FROM state WHERE id = :id");
     $stmt->bindParam("id", $state->id);
Example #13
 function delete($picture_commentary)
     $conn = DB::getConn();
     $stmt = $conn->prepare("DELETE FROM picture_commentary WHERE id = :id");
     $stmt->bindParam("id", $picture_commentary->id);
 function testReadOnlyTransaction()
     if (DB::getConn()->supportsTransactions() == true) {
         $page = new Page();
         $page->Title = 'Read only success';
         DB::getConn()->startTransaction('READ ONLY');
         try {
             $page = new Page();
             $page->Title = 'Read only page failed';
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //could not write this record
             //We need to do a rollback or a commit otherwise we'll get error messages
         $success = DataObject::get('Page', "\"Title\"='Read only success'");
         $fail = DataObject::get('Page', "\"Title\"='Read only failed'");
         //This page should be in the system
         $this->assertTrue(is_object($success) && $success->exists());
         //This page should NOT exist, we had 'read only' permissions
         $this->assertFalse(is_object($fail) && $fail->exists());
 function testReadOnlyTransaction()
     if (DB::getConn()->supportsTransactions() == true && DB::getConn() instanceof PostgreSQLDatabase) {
         $page = new Page();
         $page->Title = 'Read only success';
         DB::getConn()->transactionStart('READ ONLY');
         try {
             $page = new Page();
             $page->Title = 'Read only page failed';
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //could not write this record
             //We need to do a rollback or a commit otherwise we'll get error messages
         $success = DataObject::get('Page', "\"Title\"='Read only success'");
         $fail = DataObject::get('Page', "\"Title\"='Read only page failed'");
         //This page should be in the system
         $this->assertTrue(is_object($success) && $success->exists());
         //This page should NOT exist, we had 'read only' permissions
         $this->assertFalse(is_object($fail) && $fail->exists());
     } else {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Current database is not PostgreSQL');
 function save()
     $sets = $keys = $vals = array();
     if ($this->id) {
         foreach ($this->data as $key => $val) {
             $val = str_replace("'", "''", $val);
             $sets[$key] = "\"{$key}\" = '{$val}'";
         $query = 'UPDATE "' . $this->table . '" SET ' . implode(', ', $sets) . ' WHERE "ID" = \'' . $this->id . '\'';
     } else {
         foreach ($this->data as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'ID' && empty($val)) {
             $val = str_replace("'", "''", $val);
             $keys[] = "\"{$key}\"";
             $vals[] = "'{$val}'";
         $query = 'INSERT INTO "' . $this->table . '" (' . implode(', ', $keys) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $vals) . ')';
     if ($this->id) {
         $this->id = $this->data['ID'] ? $this->data['ID'] : $this->id;
     } else {
         $this->id = DB::getConn()->getGeneratedID($this->table);
Example #17
 public static function checkConn()
     if (!self::$BDL) {
         return DB::getConn();
     return self::$BDL;
Example #18
 function check($favorite)
     $conn = DB::getConn();
     $stmt = DB::getConn()->query("SELECT `id`,`id_user`,`id_place` FROM favorite WHERE id_user = '******' and id_place = '{$favorite->id_place}'");
     return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
 private function checkAndConnectDB()
     global $databaseConfig;
     if (!DB::getConn() && $databaseConfig) {
 /** Delete the flighthistory for a specific VID, this removes all datapoints for the flight */
 public static function deleteFlightHistory($CONN, $VID)
     $prepare = parent::getConn()->prepare("DELETE FROM `flightHistory` WHERE `CONN` = :CONN `VID` = :VID");
     $prepare->bindParam(':CONN', $CONN);
     $prepare->bindParam(':VID', $VID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
 public function run($request)
     $db = DB::getConn();
     if (!$db instanceof MySQLDatabase) {
         echo '<h3>This task only appies to MySQL databases. This installation is using a ' . get_class($db) . '</h3>';
     $oldschema = array();
     $newschema = array();
     $renamed = 0;
     $current = DB::getConn()->currentDatabase();
     foreach (DB::getConn()->tableList() as $lowercase => $dbtablename) {
         $oldschema[] = $dbtablename;
     $test = new SapphireTest();
     foreach (DB::getConn()->tableList() as $lowercase => $dbtablename) {
         $newschema[] = $dbtablename;
     echo "<ul>\n";
     foreach ($newschema as $table) {
         if (in_array(strtolower($table), $oldschema)) {
             echo "<li>renaming {$table}</li>";
             $db->renameTable(strtolower($table), $table);
     echo "</ul>\n";
     echo "<p>{$renamed} tables renamed.</p>\n";
  * This will bind a new class dynamically so we can hook into manipulation
  * and capture it. It creates a new PHP file in the temp folder, then
  * loads it and sets it as the active DB class.
 public static function bind_manipulation_capture()
     global $databaseConfig;
     $current = \DB::getConn();
     if (!$current || !$current->currentDatabase() || @$current->isManipulationLoggingCapture) {
     // If not yet set, or its already captured, just return
     $type = get_class($current);
     $file = TEMP_FOLDER . "/.cache.CLC.{$type}";
     $dbClass = 'AuditLoggerManipulateCapture_' . $type;
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         file_put_contents($file, "<?php\n\t\t\t\tclass {$dbClass} extends {$type} {\n\t\t\t\t\tpublic \$isManipulationLoggingCapture = true;\n\n\t\t\t\t\tpublic function manipulate(\$manipulation) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\SilverStripe\\Auditor\\AuditHook::handle_manipulation(\$manipulation);\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn parent::manipulate(\$manipulation);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t");
     require_once $file;
     /** @var SS_Database $captured */
     $captured = new $dbClass($databaseConfig);
     // Framework 3.2+ ORM needs some dependencies set
     if (method_exists($captured, 'setConnector')) {
     // The connection might have had it's name changed (like if we're currently in a test)
  *	The process to automatically construct data object output configurations, executed on project build.
 public function requireDefaultRecords()
     // Grab the list of data objects that have been completely removed.
     foreach (DB::getConn()->tableList() as $table) {
         // Delete existing output configurations for these data objects.
         if (!class_exists($table)) {
             $existing = DataObjectOutputConfiguration::get_one('DataObjectOutputConfiguration', "IsFor = '" . Convert::raw2sql($table) . "'");
             $this->deleteConfiguration($table, $existing);
     // Grab the list of all data object types, along with any inclusions/exclusions defined.
     $objects = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject');
     $inclusions = self::$custom_inclusions;
     $exclusions = array_unique(array_merge(self::$exclusions, self::$custom_exclusions));
     // Check existing output configurations for these data objects.
     foreach ($objects as $object) {
         $existing = DataObjectOutputConfiguration::get_one('DataObjectOutputConfiguration', "IsFor = '" . Convert::raw2sql($object) . "'");
         // Delete existing output configurations for invalid data objects, or for those excluded.
         if ($existing && (self::$disabled || get_parent_class($object) !== 'DataObject' || ClassInfo::classImplements($object, 'TestOnly') || count($inclusions) > 0 && !in_array($object, $inclusions) || count($inclusions) === 0 && in_array($object, $exclusions))) {
             $this->deleteConfiguration($object, $existing);
         } else {
             if (!$existing && !self::$disabled && get_parent_class($object) === 'DataObject' && !ClassInfo::classImplements($object, 'TestOnly') && (count($inclusions) > 0 && in_array($object, $inclusions) || count($inclusions) === 0 && !in_array($object, $exclusions))) {
 private function artefacts()
     $oldschema = array();
     $newschema = array();
     $current = DB::getConn()->currentDatabase();
     foreach (DB::getConn()->tableList() as $lowercase => $dbtablename) {
         $oldschema[$dbtablename] = DB::getConn()->fieldList($dbtablename);
     $test = new SapphireTest();
     foreach (DB::getConn()->tableList() as $lowercase => $dbtablename) {
         $newschema[$lowercase] = DB::getConn()->fieldList($dbtablename);
     $artefacts = array();
     foreach ($oldschema as $table => $fields) {
         if (!isset($newschema[strtolower($table)])) {
             $artefacts[$table] = $table;
         foreach ($fields as $field => $spec) {
             if (!isset($newschema[strtolower($table)][$field])) {
                 $artefacts[$table][$field] = $field;
     return $artefacts;
Example #25
 public function testCreateWithTransaction()
     if (DB::getConn()->supportsTransactions() == true) {
         $obj = new TransactionTest_Object();
         $obj->Title = 'First page';
         $obj = new TransactionTest_Object();
         $obj->Title = 'Second page';
         //Create a savepoint here:
         $obj = new TransactionTest_Object();
         $obj->Title = 'Third page';
         $obj = new TransactionTest_Object();
         $obj->Title = 'Fourth page';
         //Revert to a savepoint:
         $first = DataObject::get('TransactionTest_Object', "\"Title\"='First page'");
         $second = DataObject::get('TransactionTest_Object', "\"Title\"='Second page'");
         $third = DataObject::get('TransactionTest_Object', "\"Title\"='Third page'");
         $fourth = DataObject::get('TransactionTest_Object', "\"Title\"='Fourth page'");
         //These pages should be in the system
         $this->assertTrue(is_object($first) && $first->exists());
         $this->assertTrue(is_object($second) && $second->exists());
         //These pages should NOT exist, we reverted to a savepoint:
         $this->assertFalse(is_object($third) && $third->exists());
         $this->assertFalse(is_object($fourth) && $fourth->exists());
     } else {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Current database does not support transactions');
 function up()
     echo "Starting Migration Proc ...<BR>";
     //check if migration already had ran ...
     $migration = DataObject::get_one("Migration", "Name='{$this->title}'");
     if (!$migration) {
         try {
             // migrate records from Live to Stage table
             DB::query("DELETE FROM JobPage");
             DB::query("\nINSERT INTO JobPage\n\t\t(ID,\n\t\tJobPostedDate,\n\t\tJobCompany,\n\t\tJobMoreInfoLink,\n\t\tJobLocation,\n\t\tFoundationJob,\n\t\tExpirationDate,\n\t\tActive,\n\t\tJobInstructions2Apply,\n\t\tLocationType,\n\t\tTitle,\n\t\tContent)\nSELECT \tJobPage_Live.ID,\n\t\tJobPostedDate,\n\t\tJobCompany,\n\t\tJobMoreInfoLink,\n\t\tJobLocation,\n\t\tFoundationJob,\n\t\tExpirationDate,\n\t\tActive,\n\t\tJobInstructions2Apply,\n\t\tLocationType,\n\t\tTitle,\n\t\tContent\nFROM  \tJobPage_Live\nINNER JOIN Page_Live on Page_Live.Id = JobPage_Live.Id\nINNER JOIN SiteTree_Live on SiteTree_Live.Id = JobPage_Live.Id");
             DB::query("DROP TABLE JobPage_Live");
             DB::query("DROP TABLE JobPage_versions");
             // delete orphan records
             DB::query("delete from Page where Id in (select Id from SiteTree where ClassName = 'JobPage')");
             DB::query("delete from SiteTree where ClassName = 'JobPage'");
             DB::query("delete from Page_Live where Id in (select Id from SiteTree_Live where ClassName = 'JobPage')");
             DB::query("delete from SiteTree_Live where ClassName = 'JobPage'");
             DB::query("delete from Page_versions where Id in (select Id from SiteTree_versions where ClassName = 'JobPage')");
             DB::query("delete from SiteTree_versions where ClassName = 'JobPage'");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         $migration = new Migration();
         $migration->Name = $this->title;
         $migration->Description = $this->description;
     echo "Ending  Migration Proc ...<BR>";
Example #27
 function Dates()
     $results = new DataObjectSet();
     $container = BlogTree::current();
     $ids = $container->BlogHolderIDs();
     $stage = Versioned::current_stage();
     $suffix = !$stage || $stage == 'Stage' ? "" : "_{$stage}";
     $monthclause = method_exists(DB::getConn(), 'formattedDatetimeClause') ? DB::getConn()->formattedDatetimeClause('"Date"', '%m') : 'MONTH("Date")';
     $yearclause = method_exists(DB::getConn(), 'formattedDatetimeClause') ? DB::getConn()->formattedDatetimeClause('"Date"', '%Y') : 'YEAR("Date")';
     if ($this->DisplayMode == 'month') {
         $sqlResults = DB::query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT CAST({$monthclause} AS " . DB::getConn()->dbDataType('unsigned integer') . ") AS \"Month\", {$yearclause} AS \"Year\"\n\t\t\t\tFROM \"SiteTree{$suffix}\" INNER JOIN \"BlogEntry{$suffix}\" ON \"SiteTree{$suffix}\".\"ID\" = \"BlogEntry{$suffix}\".\"ID\"\n\t\t\t\tWHERE \"ParentID\" IN (" . implode(', ', $ids) . ")\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY \"Year\" DESC, \"Month\" DESC;");
     } else {
         $sqlResults = DB::query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT {$yearclause} AS \"Year\" \n\t\t\t\tFROM \"SiteTree{$suffix}\" INNER JOIN \"BlogEntry{$suffix}\" ON \"SiteTree{$suffix}\".\"ID\" = \"BlogEntry{$suffix}\".\"ID\"\n\t\t\t\tWHERE \"ParentID\" IN (" . implode(', ', $ids) . ")\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY \"Year\" DESC");
     if ($sqlResults) {
         foreach ($sqlResults as $sqlResult) {
             $isMonthDisplay = $this->DisplayMode == 'month';
             $monthVal = isset($sqlResult['Month']) ? (int) $sqlResult['Month'] : 1;
             $month = $isMonthDisplay ? $monthVal : 1;
             $year = $sqlResult['Year'] ? (int) $sqlResult['Year'] : date('Y');
             $date = DBField::create('Date', array('Day' => 1, 'Month' => $month, 'Year' => $year));
             if ($isMonthDisplay) {
                 $link = $container->Link('date') . '/' . $sqlResult['Year'] . '/' . sprintf("%'02d", $monthVal);
             } else {
                 $link = $container->Link('date') . '/' . $sqlResult['Year'];
             $results->push(new ArrayData(array('Date' => $date, 'Link' => $link)));
     return $results;
 function create_assoc_table()
     if (!DB::getConn()->hasTable($this->associations_table_name)) {
         $r = $this->connection->query($this->sql['assoc_table']);
     return true;
  * Get the DB connection in a SS 3.1 and 3.2+ compatible way
  * @param string $name
  * @return SS_Database
 public static function DBConn($name = 'default')
     if (method_exists('DB', 'get_conn')) {
         return DB::get_conn($name);
     return DB::getConn($name);
Example #30
 function delete($district)
     $conn = DB::getConn();
     $stmt = $conn->prepare("DELETE FROM district WHERE id = :id");
     $stmt->bindParam("id", $district->id);