function build_cache_setting() { global $_G; $table = 'common_setting'; $skipkeys = array('posttableids', 'siteuniqueid', 'mastermobile', 'closedreason', 'creditsnotify', 'backupdir', 'custombackup', 'jswizard', 'maxonlines', 'modreasons', 'newsletter', 'postno', 'postnocustom', 'customauthorinfo', 'domainwhitelist', 'ipregctrl', 'ipverifywhite', 'fastsmiley', 'defaultdoing', 'profilegroup'); $serialized = array('reginput', 'memory', 'search', 'creditspolicy', 'ftp', 'secqaa', 'ec_credit', 'qihoo', 'spacedata', 'infosidestatus', 'uc', 'indexhot', 'relatedtag', 'sitemessage', 'uchome', 'heatthread', 'recommendthread', 'disallowfloat', 'allowviewuserthread', 'advtype', 'click', 'card', 'rewritestatus', 'rewriterule', 'privacy', 'focus', 'forumkeys', 'article_tags', 'verify', 'seotitle', 'seodescription', 'seokeywords', 'domain', 'ranklist', 'seccodedata', 'inviteconfig', 'advexpiration', 'allowpostcomment', 'mobile', 'connect'); $data = array(); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table($table) . " WHERE skey NOT IN(" . dimplode($skipkeys) . ')'); while ($setting = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($setting['skey'] == 'extcredits') { if (is_array($setting['svalue'] = unserialize($setting['svalue']))) { foreach ($setting['svalue'] as $key => $value) { if ($value['available']) { unset($setting['svalue'][$key]['available']); } else { unset($setting['svalue'][$key]); } } } } elseif ($setting['skey'] == 'creditsformula') { if (!checkformulacredits($setting['svalue'])) { $setting['svalue'] = '$member[\'extcredits1\']'; } else { $setting['svalue'] = preg_replace("/(friends|doings|blogs|albums|polls|sharings|digestposts|posts|threads|oltime|extcredits[1-8])/", "\$member['\\1']", $setting['svalue']); } } elseif ($setting['skey'] == 'maxsmilies') { $setting['svalue'] = $setting['svalue'] <= 0 ? -1 : $setting['svalue']; } elseif ($setting['skey'] == 'threadsticky') { $setting['svalue'] = explode(',', $setting['svalue']); } elseif ($setting['skey'] == 'attachdir') { $setting['svalue'] = preg_replace("/\\.asp|\\0/i", '0', $setting['svalue']); $setting['svalue'] = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($setting['svalue'], 0, 2) == './' ? DISCUZ_ROOT . $setting['svalue'] : $setting['svalue']); $setting['svalue'] .= substr($setting['svalue'], -1, 1) != '/' ? '/' : ''; } elseif ($setting['skey'] == 'attachurl') { $setting['svalue'] .= substr($setting['svalue'], -1, 1) != '/' ? '/' : ''; } elseif ($setting['skey'] == 'onlinehold') { $setting['svalue'] = $setting['svalue'] * 60; } elseif (in_array($setting['skey'], $serialized)) { $setting['svalue'] = @unserialize($setting['svalue']); if ($setting['skey'] == 'search') { foreach ($setting['svalue'] as $key => $val) { foreach ($val as $k => $v) { $setting['svalue'][$key][$k] = max(0, intval($v)); } } } if ($setting['skey'] == 'ftp') { $setting['svalue']['attachurl'] .= substr($setting['svalue']['attachurl'], -1, 1) != '/' ? '/' : ''; } } $_G['setting'][$setting['skey']] = $data[$setting['skey']] = $setting['svalue']; } DB::free_result($query); $data['newusergroupid'] = DB::result_first("SELECT groupid FROM " . DB::table('common_usergroup') . " WHERE creditshigher<=" . intval($data['initcredits']) . " AND " . intval($data['initcredits']) . "<creditslower LIMIT 1"); if ($data['srchhotkeywords']) { $data['srchhotkeywords'] = explode("\n", $data['srchhotkeywords']); } if ($data['search']) { $searchstatus = 0; foreach ($data['search'] as $item) { if ($item['status']) { $searchstatus = 1; break; } } if (!$searchstatus) { $data['search'] = array(); } } $data['creditspolicy'] = array_merge($data['creditspolicy'], get_cachedata_setting_creditspolicy()); if ($data['heatthread']['iconlevels']) { $data['heatthread']['iconlevels'] = explode(',', $data['heatthread']['iconlevels']); arsort($data['heatthread']['iconlevels']); } else { $data['heatthread']['iconlevels'] = array(); } if ($data['verify']) { foreach ($data['verify'] as $key => $value) { if ($value['available'] && !empty($value['icon'])) { $icourl = parse_url($value['icon']); if (!$icourl['host'] && !file_exists($value['icon'])) { $data['verify'][$key]['icon'] = $data['attachurl'] . 'common/' . $value['icon']; } } } } if ($data['recommendthread']['status']) { if ($data['recommendthread']['iconlevels']) { $data['recommendthread']['iconlevels'] = explode(',', $data['recommendthread']['iconlevels']); arsort($data['recommendthread']['iconlevels']); } else { $data['recommendthread']['iconlevels'] = array(); } } else { $data['recommendthread'] = array('allow' => 0); } if ($data['commentnumber'] && !$data['allowpostcomment']) { $data['commentnumber'] = 0; } if (!empty($data['ftp'])) { if (!empty($data['ftp']['allowedexts'])) { $data['ftp']['allowedexts'] = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $data['ftp']['allowedexts']); $data['ftp']['allowedexts'] = explode("\n", strtolower($data['ftp']['allowedexts'])); array_walk($data['ftp']['allowedexts'], 'trim'); } if (!empty($data['ftp']['disallowedexts'])) { $data['ftp']['disallowedexts'] = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $data['ftp']['disallowedexts']); $data['ftp']['disallowedexts'] = explode("\n", strtolower($data['ftp']['disallowedexts'])); array_walk($data['ftp']['disallowedexts'], 'trim'); } $data['ftp']['connid'] = 0; } if (!empty($data['forumkeys'])) { $data['forumfids'] = array_flip($data['forumkeys']); } else { $data['forumfids'] = array(); } $data['commentitem'] = explode("\t", $data['commentitem']); $commentitem = array(); foreach ($data['commentitem'] as $k => $v) { $tmp = explode(chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0), $v); if (count($tmp) > 1) { $commentitem[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1]; } else { $commentitem[$k] = $v; } } $data['commentitem'] = $commentitem; if ($data['allowviewuserthread']['allow']) { $data['allowviewuserthread'] = is_array($data['allowviewuserthread']['fids']) && $data['allowviewuserthread']['fids'] && !in_array('', $data['allowviewuserthread']['fids']) ? dimplode($data['allowviewuserthread']['fids']) : ''; } else { $data['allowviewuserthread'] = false; } include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/discuz_version.php'; $_G['setting']['version'] = $data['version'] = DISCUZ_VERSION; $data['sitemessage']['time'] = !empty($data['sitemessage']['time']) ? $data['sitemessage']['time'] * 1000 : 0; foreach (array('register', 'login', 'newthread', 'reply') as $type) { $data['sitemessage'][$type] = !empty($data['sitemessage'][$type]) ? explode("\n", $data['sitemessage'][$type]) : array(); } $data['cachethreadon'] = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE status='1' AND threadcaches>0") ? 1 : 0; $data['disallowfloat'] = is_array($data['disallowfloat']) ? implode('|', $data['disallowfloat']) : ''; if (!$data['imagelib']) { unset($data['imageimpath']); } if (is_array($data['relatedtag']['order'])) { asort($data['relatedtag']['order']); $relatedtag = array(); foreach ($data['relatedtag']['order'] as $k => $v) { $relatedtag['status'][$k] = $data['relatedtag']['status'][$k]; $relatedtag['name'][$k] = $data['relatedtag']['name'][$k]; $relatedtag['limit'][$k] = $data['relatedtag']['limit'][$k]; $relatedtag['template'][$k] = $data['relatedtag']['template'][$k]; } $data['relatedtag'] = $relatedtag; foreach ((array) $data['relatedtag']['status'] as $appid => $status) { if (!$status) { unset($data['relatedtag']['limit'][$appid]); } } unset($data['relatedtag']['status'], $data['relatedtag']['order'], $relatedtag); } $data['domain']['defaultindex'] = isset($data['defaultindex']) && $data['defaultindex'] != '#' ? $data['defaultindex'] : ''; $data['domain']['holddomain'] = isset($data['holddomain']) ? $data['holddomain'] : ''; $data['domain']['list'] = array(); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_domain') . " WHERE idtype IN('subarea', 'forum', 'topic', 'channel')"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $data['domain']['list'][$value['domain'] . '.' . $value['domainroot']] = array('id' => $value['id'], 'idtype' => $value['idtype']); } writetocache('domain', getcachevars(array('domain' => $data['domain']))); $data['seccodedata'] = is_array($data['seccodedata']) ? $data['seccodedata'] : array(); if ($data['seccodedata']['type'] == 2) { if (extension_loaded('ming')) { unset($data['seccodedata']['background'], $data['seccodedata']['adulterate'], $data['seccodedata']['ttf'], $data['seccodedata']['angle'], $data['seccodedata']['color'], $data['seccodedata']['size'], $data['seccodedata']['animator']); } else { $data['seccodedata']['animator'] = 0; } } elseif ($data['seccodedata']['type'] == 99) { $data['seccodedata']['width'] = 32; $data['seccodedata']['height'] = 24; } $data['watermarktype'] = !empty($data['watermarktype']) ? unserialize($data['watermarktype']) : array(); $data['watermarktext'] = !empty($data['watermarktext']) ? unserialize($data['watermarktext']) : array(); foreach ($data['watermarktype'] as $k => $v) { if ($data['watermarktype'][$k] == 'text' && $data['watermarktext']['text'][$k]) { if ($data['watermarktext']['text'][$k] && strtoupper(CHARSET) != 'UTF-8') { $data['watermarktext']['text'][$k] = diconv($data['watermarktext']['text'][$k], CHARSET, 'UTF-8', true); } $data['watermarktext']['text'][$k] = bin2hex($data['watermarktext']['text'][$k]); if (file_exists('static/image/seccode/font/en/' . $data['watermarktext']['fontpath'][$k])) { $data['watermarktext']['fontpath'][$k] = 'static/image/seccode/font/en/' . $data['watermarktext']['fontpath'][$k]; } elseif (file_exists('static/image/seccode/font/ch/' . $data['watermarktext']['fontpath'][$k])) { $data['watermarktext']['fontpath'][$k] = 'static/image/seccode/font/ch/' . $data['watermarktext']['fontpath'][$k]; } else { $data['watermarktext']['fontpath'][$k] = 'static/image/seccode/font/' . $data['watermarktext']['fontpath'][$k]; } $data['watermarktext']['color'][$k] = preg_replace('/#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/e', "hexdec('\\1').','.hexdec('\\2').','.hexdec('\\3')", $data['watermarktext']['color'][$k]); $data['watermarktext']['shadowcolor'][$k] = preg_replace('/#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/e', "hexdec('\\1').','.hexdec('\\2').','.hexdec('\\3')", $data['watermarktext']['shadowcolor'][$k]); } else { $data['watermarktext']['text'][$k] = ''; $data['watermarktext']['fontpath'][$k] = ''; $data['watermarktext']['color'][$k] = ''; $data['watermarktext']['shadowcolor'][$k] = ''; } } $data['styles'] = array(); $query = DB::query("SELECT s.styleid,, s.extstyle, FROM " . DB::table('common_style') . " s\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_template') . " t ON s.templateid=t.templateid\n\t\t\t\tWHERE s.available='1'"); while ($style = DB::fetch($query)) { $data['styles'][$style['styleid']] = dhtmlspecialchars($style['name']); } $exchcredits = array(); $allowexchangein = $allowexchangeout = FALSE; foreach ((array) $data['extcredits'] as $id => $credit) { $data['extcredits'][$id]['img'] = $credit['img'] ? '<img style="vertical-align:middle" src="' . $credit['img'] . '" />' : ''; if (!empty($credit['ratio'])) { $exchcredits[$id] = $credit; $credit['allowexchangein'] && ($allowexchangein = TRUE); $credit['allowexchangeout'] && ($allowexchangeout = TRUE); } $data['creditnotice'] && ($data['creditnames'][] = str_replace("'", "\\'", htmlspecialchars($id . '|' . $credit['title'] . '|' . $credit['unit']))); } $data['creditnames'] = $data['creditnotice'] ? @implode(',', $data['creditnames']) : ''; $creditstranssi = explode(',', $data['creditstrans']); $data['creditstrans'] = $creditstranssi[0]; unset($creditstranssi[0]); $data['creditstransextra'] = $creditstranssi; for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) { $data['creditstransextra'][$i] = $data['creditstrans'] ? !$data['creditstransextra'][$i] ? $data['creditstrans'] : $data['creditstransextra'][$i] : 0; } $data['exchangestatus'] = $allowexchangein && $allowexchangeout; $data['transferstatus'] = isset($data['extcredits'][$data['creditstrans']]); list($data['zoomstatus'], $data['imagemaxwidth']) = explode("\t", $data['zoomstatus']); $data['imagemaxwidth'] = intval($data['imagemaxwidth']); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './config/config_ucenter.php'; $data['ucenterurl'] = UC_API; $query = DB::query("SELECT identifier, name FROM " . DB::table('common_magic') . " WHERE available='1'"); while ($magic = DB::fetch($query)) { $data['magics'][$magic['identifier']] = $magic['name']; } $data['tradeopen'] = DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_usergroup_field') . " WHERE allowposttrade='1'") ? 1 : 0; $data['medalstatus'] = intval(DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_medal') . " WHERE available='1'")); $focus = array(); if ($data['focus']['data']) { foreach ($data['focus']['data'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['available'] && $v['position']) { foreach ($v['position'] as $position) { $focus[$position][$k] = $k; } } } } $data['focus'] = $focus; list($data['plugins'], $data['pluginlinks'], $data['hookscript'], $data['hookscriptmobile'], $data['threadplugins'], $data['specialicon']) = get_cachedata_setting_plugin(); if (empty($data['defaultindex'])) { $data['defaultindex'] = array(); } list($data['navs'], $data['subnavs'], $data['menunavs'], $data['navmns'], $data['navmn'], $data['navdms'], $data['navlogos']) = get_cachedata_mainnav(); $data['footernavs'] = get_cachedata_footernav(); $data['spacenavs'] = get_cachedata_spacenavs(); $data['mynavs'] = get_cachedata_mynavs(); $data['topnavs'] = get_cachedata_topnav(); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; $ucapparray = uc_app_ls(); $data['allowsynlogin'] = isset($ucapparray[UC_APPID]['synlogin']) ? $ucapparray[UC_APPID]['synlogin'] : 1; $appnamearray = array('UCHOME', 'XSPACE', 'DISCUZ', 'SUPESITE', 'SUPEV', 'ECSHOP', 'ECMALL', 'OTHER'); $data['ucapp'] = $data['ucappopen'] = array(); $data['uchomeurl'] = ''; $data['discuzurl'] = $_G['siteurl']; $appsynlogins = 0; foreach ($ucapparray as $apparray) { if ($apparray['appid'] != UC_APPID) { if (!empty($apparray['synlogin'])) { $appsynlogins = 1; } if ($data['uc']['navlist'][$apparray['appid']] && $data['uc']['navopen']) { $data['ucapp'][$apparray['appid']]['name'] = $apparray['name']; $data['ucapp'][$apparray['appid']]['url'] = $apparray['url']; } } else { $data['discuzurl'] = $apparray['url']; } if (!empty($apparray['viewprourl'])) { $data['ucapp'][$apparray['appid']]['viewprourl'] = $apparray['url'] . $apparray['viewprourl']; } foreach ($appnamearray as $name) { if ($apparray['type'] == $name && $apparray['appid'] != UC_APPID) { $data['ucappopen'][$name] = 1; if ($name == 'UCHOME') { $data['uchomeurl'] = $apparray['url']; } elseif ($name == 'XSPACE') { $data['xspaceurl'] = $apparray['url']; } } } } $data['allowsynlogin'] = $data['allowsynlogin'] && $appsynlogins ? 1 : 0; $data['homeshow'] = $data['uchomeurl'] && $data['uchome']['homeshow'] ? $data['uchome']['homeshow'] : '0'; unset($data['allowthreadplugin']); if ($data['jspath'] == 'data/cache/') { writetojscache(); } elseif (!$data['jspath']) { $data['jspath'] = 'static/js/'; } if ($data['cacheindexlife']) { $cachedir = DISCUZ_ROOT . './' . $data['cachethreaddir']; $tidmd5 = substr(md5(0), 3); @unlink($cachedir . '/' . $tidmd5[0] . '/' . $tidmd5[1] . '/' . $tidmd5[2] . '/0.htm'); } $reginputbwords = array('username', 'password', 'password2', 'email'); if (in_array($data['reginput']['username'], $reginputbwords) || !preg_match('/^[A-z]\\w+?$/', $data['reginput']['username'])) { $data['reginput']['username'] = random(6); } if (in_array($data['reginput']['password'], $reginputbwords) || !preg_match('/^[A-z]\\w+?$/', $data['reginput']['password'])) { $data['reginput']['password'] = random(6); } if (in_array($data['reginput']['password2'], $reginputbwords) || !preg_match('/^[A-z]\\w+?$/', $data['reginput']['password2'])) { $data['reginput']['password2'] = random(6); } if (in_array($data['reginput']['email'], $reginputbwords) || !preg_match('/^[A-z]\\w+?$/', $data['reginput']['email'])) { $data['reginput']['email'] = random(6); } $defaultcurhost = empty($_G['setting']['domain']['app']['default']) ? '{CURHOST}' : $_G['setting']['domain']['app']['default']; $output = array('str' => array(), 'preg' => array()); //str為二級域名的查找和替換,preg為rewrite和默認域名的查找和替換 $_G['domain'] = array(); if (is_array($_G['setting']['domain']['app'])) { $apps = $_G['setting']['domain']['app']; $repflag = $apps['portal'] || $apps['forum'] || $apps['group'] || $apps['home'] || $apps['default']; foreach ($apps as $app => $domain) { if (in_array($app, array('default', 'mobile'))) { continue; } $appphp = "{$app}.php"; if (!$domain) { $domain = $defaultcurhost; } if ($domain != '{CURHOST}') { $domain = 'http://' . $domain . $_G['siteport'] . '/'; } if ($repflag) { $output['str']['search'][$app] = "<a href=\"{$app}.php"; $output['str']['replace'][$app] = '<a href="' . $domain . $appphp; $_G['domain']['pregxprw'][$app] = '<a href\\="(' . preg_quote($domain, '/') . ')' . $appphp; } else { $_G['domain']['pregxprw'][$app] = '<a href\\="()' . $appphp; } } } if ($_G['setting']['rewritestatus'] || $output['str']['search']) { if ($_G['setting']['rewritestatus']) { require_once libfile('function/admincp'); $output['preg'] = rewritedata(0); } if ($repflag) { if ($defaultcurhost != '{CURHOST}') { $defaultcurhost = 'http://' . $defaultcurhost . $_G['siteport'] . '/'; } $output['preg']['search'][] = "/<a href=\"(\\w+\\.php)/"; $output['preg']['replace'][] = '<a href="' . $defaultcurhost . "\$1"; } } $data['output'] = $output; save_syscache('setting', $data); $_G['setting'] = $data; }
} } if ($searchindex['id']) { $searchid = $searchindex['id']; } else { if (!$srchtxt) { dheader('Location: search.php?mod=portal'); } if ($_G['adminid'] != '1' && $_G['setting']['search']['portal']['maxspm']) { if (DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_searchindex') . " WHERE srchmod='{$srchmod}' AND dateline>'{$_G['timestamp']}'-60") >= $_G['setting']['search']['portal']['maxspm']) { showmessage('search_toomany', 'search.php?mod=portal', array('maxspm' => $_G['setting']['search']['portal']['maxspm'])); } } $num = $ids = 0; $_G['setting']['search']['portal']['maxsearchresults'] = $_G['setting']['search']['portal']['maxsearchresults'] ? intval($_G['setting']['search']['portal']['maxsearchresults']) : 500; $srchtxtsql = addcslashes($srchtxt, '%_'); $query = DB::query("SELECT aid FROM " . DB::table('portal_article_title') . " WHERE title LIKE '%{$srchtxtsql}%' ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT " . $_G['setting']['search']['portal']['maxsearchresults']); while ($article = DB::fetch($query)) { $ids .= ',' . $article['aid']; $num++; } DB::free_result($query); $keywords = str_replace('%', '+', $srchtxt); $expiration = TIMESTAMP + $cachelife_text; DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('common_searchindex') . " (srchmod, keywords, searchstring, useip, uid, dateline, expiration, num, ids)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$srchmod}', '{$keywords}', '{$searchstring}', '{$_G['clientip']}', '{$_G['uid']}', '{$_G['timestamp']}', '{$expiration}', '{$num}', '{$ids}')"); $searchid = DB::insert_id(); !($_G['portal']['exempt'] & 2) && updatecreditbyaction('search'); } dheader("location: search.php?mod=portal&searchid={$searchid}&searchsubmit=yes"); } }
} $data = ['penalty' => $penalty, 'reason' => $reason, 'seed_id' => $seed['seed_id']]; $res = PTHelper::getApiCurl("seed/delete", $data); if ($res['result'] != 'success') { if ($res['reason'] == 'not exists') { deleteThreadAndSeed($tid); $seed_not_exists++; continue; } else { throw new Exception("删除seed_id : {$seed['seed_id']} 失败" . $res['extra']); } } else { $seed_info = $res['extra']; $threadinfo = DB::query("SELECT tid FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE tid='{$tid}' LIMIT 1;"); $threadnum = DB::num_rows($threadinfo); DB::free_result($threadinfo); // 如果帖子未删除 if ($threadnum <= 0) { $thread_not_exists++; } // 查询发种者 $publisheruid = $seed_info['discuz_pub_uid']; $threadsubject = DB::fetch_first("SELECT subject FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE tid='{$tid}';")['subject']; $name = DB::fetch_first("SELECT username FROM " . DB::table('ucenter_members') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}';")['username']; // 关于用户名: //"alter table pre_ucenter_members change username username char(32) default '' not null;"; // // // 在发送短消息之前要对即将加入的信息进行转义 $threadsubject = htmlentities($threadsubject, ENT_QUOTES); $reason = htmlentities($reason, ENT_QUOTES);
function friend_cache($touid) { global $_G; $tospace = array('uid' => $touid); space_merge($tospace, 'field_home'); $filtergids = empty($tospace['privacy']['filter_gid']) ? array() : $tospace['privacy']['filter_gid']; $uids = array(); $count = 0; $fcount = 0; $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_friend') . " WHERE uid='{$touid}' ORDER BY num DESC, dateline DESC"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($value['fuid'] == $touid) { continue; } if ($fcount > 200) { $count = DB::num_rows($query); DB::free_result($query); break; } elseif (empty($filtergids) || !in_array($value['gid'], $filtergids)) { $uids[] = $value['fuid']; $fcount++; } $count++; } DB::update('common_member_field_home', array('feedfriend' => implode(',', $uids)), array('uid' => $touid)); DB::update('common_member_count', array('friends' => $count), array('uid' => $touid)); }
public function uloginLoginUser($user_id) { $result = DB::query("SELECT * FROM {users} WHERE trash='0' AND act='1' AND id='%s'", $user_id); $user = DB::fetch_object($result); DB::free_result($result); $this->diafan->_users->set($user); $this->diafan->redirect($this->diafan->_route->current_link()); }
$userUpdate["LOG_IP"] = $userInfo["LOG_IP"] . ';' . $ip; } else { $userUpdate["LOG_IP"] = $ip; } if (!$userInfo["LOG_TIMES"]) { $userUpdate["LOG_TIMES"] = 1; } else { $userUpdate["LOG_TIMES"] = $userInfo["LOG_TIMES"] + 1; } $db->update("admin", $userUpdate, "ID='{$userInfo['ID']}'"); header("Location: user.php?action=1 "); } else { $message = "用户名或密码错误"; header("Location: index.php "); } $db->free_result(); } else { $message = "请输入用户名和密码"; header("Location: index.php "); } setcookie("message", $message); function dowith_sql($str) { $str = str_replace("and", "", $str); $str = str_replace("execute", "", $str); $str = str_replace("update", "", $str); $str = str_replace("count", "", $str); $str = str_replace("chr", "", $str); $str = str_replace("mid", "", $str); $str = str_replace("master", "", $str); $str = str_replace("truncate", "", $str);
function Get($ids, $fields = '*', $process = 'Make', $table = "", $prikey = 'tid', $cache = 0) { $table = $table ? $table : TABLE_PREFIX . "topic"; if ($cache) { $cache_key = md5($fields . $process . $table . $prikey); } $condition = ""; $ids_count = 0; $is_num = is_numeric($ids); if ($is_num) { if ($cache && isset($this->_cache[$cache_key][$ids])) { return $this->_cache[$cache_key][$ids]; } $condition = "WHERE `{$prikey}`='{$ids}'"; } elseif (is_array($ids)) { $ids_count = count($ids); $condition = "WHERE `{$prikey}` IN ('" . implode("','", $ids) . "')"; } elseif (is_string($ids) && false !== strpos(strtolower($ids), ' limit ')) { $condition = $ids; } else { return false; } $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table} {$condition} "; $query = DB::query($sql); $list = array(); if (!$query || ($num_rows = DB::num_rows($query)) < 1 || $ids_count > 0 && $num_rows != $ids_count) { if (TABLE_PREFIX . 'topic' == $table) { if ($is_num) { $is_one = 1; $list = jtable('topic')->row($ids); if ($list && $process) { $list = $this->{$process}($list); } } elseif ($ids_count > 0) { $list = jtable('topic')->get_list($ids); } } if (!$list) { return false; } } else { $is_one = $is_num && $num_rows < 2 ? 1 : 0; $pri_key_is_set = 1; while (false != ($row = DB::fetch($query))) { if ($process && ('Make' != $process || $is_one)) { $row = $cache && isset($this->_cache[$cache_key][$row[$prikey]]) ? $this->_cache[$cache_key][$row[$prikey]] : $this->{$process}($row); } if ($cache && isset($row[$prikey]) && !isset($this->_cache[$cache_key][$row[$prikey]])) { $this->_cache[$cache_key][$row[$prikey]] = $row; } if ($is_one) { $list = $row; break; } else { if (isset($row[$prikey])) { $pri_key_is_set = 1; $list[$row[$prikey]] = $row; } else { $list[] = $row; } } } DB::free_result($query); if ($ids_count > 0 && $list && $pri_key_is_set) { $_list = array(); foreach ($ids as $_id) { $_list[$_id] = $list[$_id]; } $list = $_list; unset($_list); } } if ('Make' == $process && !$is_one) { $verify = $table == TABLE_PREFIX . 'topic_verify' ? 1 : 0; $list = $this->MakeAll($list, 1, $verify); } return $list; }
private function _searchData($kw, $page, $pagesize, $res, $searchid) { global $_G; $srchtype = 'title'; $orderby = 'lastpost'; $ascdesc = 'desc'; $srchtxt = $kw; $keyword = WebUtils::t(dhtmlspecialchars(trim($kw))); $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['searchctrl'] = intval($_G['setting']['search']['forum']['searchctrl']); require_once libfile('function/forumlist'); require_once libfile('function/forum'); require_once libfile('function/search'); require_once libfile('function/misc'); require_once libfile('function/post'); loadcache(array('forums', 'posttable_info')); $srchmod = 2; $cachelife_time = 300; $cachelife_text = 3600; $seltableid = 0; if (empty($searchid)) { //searchid 为空的时候就要通过拼接一个字符串来进行查找搜索缓存表了 if ($_G['group']['allowsearch'] & 32 && $srchtype == 'fulltext') { //全文搜索 //时间段设置检测 periodscheck('searchban0periods'); } elseif ($srchtype != 'title') { $srchtype = 'title'; } $forumsarray = array(); if (!empty($srchfid)) { foreach (is_array($srchfid) ? $srchfid : explode('_', $srchfid) as $forum) { if ($forum = intval(trim($forum))) { $forumsarray[] = $forum; } } } //取出板块的fid $fids = $comma = ''; foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) { if ($forum['type'] != 'group' && (!$forum['viewperm'] && $_G['group']['readaccess']) || $forum['viewperm'] && forumperm($forum['viewperm'])) { if (!$forumsarray || in_array($fid, $forumsarray)) { $fids .= "{$comma}'{$fid}'"; $comma = ','; } } } if ($_G['setting']['threadplugins'] && $specialplugin) { $specialpluginstr = implode("','", $specialplugin); $special[] = 127; } else { $specialpluginstr = ''; } $special = ''; $specials = $special ? implode(',', $special) : ''; $srchfilter = 'all'; //所有板块 //搜索缓存表 查找字符串 $srchuid = $srchuname = $srchfrom = $before = ''; $searchstring = 'forum|' . $srchtype . '|' . base64_encode($srchtxt) . '|' . intval($srchuid) . '|' . $srchuname . '|' . addslashes($fids) . '|' . intval($srchfrom) . '|' . intval($before) . '|' . $srchfilter . '|' . $specials . '|' . $specialpluginstr . '|' . $se0; $searchindex = array('id' => 0, 'dateline' => '0'); foreach (C::t('common_searchindex')->fetch_all_search($_G['setting']['search']['forum']['searchctrl'], $_G['clientip'], $_G['uid'], $_G['timestamp'], $searchstring, $srchmod) as $index) { if ($index['indexvalid'] && $index['dateline'] > $searchindex['dateline']) { $searchindex = array('id' => $index['searchid'], 'dateline' => $index['dateline']); break; } elseif ($_G['adminid'] != '1' && $index['flood']) { //抱歉,您在 秒内只能进行一次搜索 return WebUtils::makeErrorInfo_oldVersion($res, 'search_ctrl', array('searchctrl' => $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['searchctrl'])); } } if ($searchindex['id']) { $searchid = $searchindex['id']; } else { if ($_G['adminid'] != '1' && $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxspm']) { if (C::t('common_searchindex')->count_by_dateline($_G['timestamp'], $srchmod) >= $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxspm']) { //抱歉,站点设置每分钟系统最多响应搜索请求 {maxspm} 次,请稍候再试 return WebUtils::makeErrorInfo_oldVersion($res, 'search_toomany', array('maxspm' => $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxspm'])); } } $digestltd = $srchfilter == 'digest' ? "t.digest>'0' AND" : ''; $topltd = $srchfilter == 'top' ? "AND t.displayorder>'0'" : "AND t.displayorder>='0'"; $sqlsrch = $srchtype == 'fulltext' ? "FROM " . DB::table(getposttable($seltableid)) . " p, " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t WHERE {$digestltd} t.fid IN ({$fids}) {$topltd} AND p.tid=t.tid AND p.invisible='0'" : "FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t WHERE {$digestltd} t.fid IN ({$fids}) {$topltd}"; if ($srchtxt) { $srcharr = $srchtype == 'fulltext' ? searchkey($keyword, "(p.message LIKE '%{text}%' OR p.subject LIKE '%{text}%')", true) : searchkey($keyword, "t.subject LIKE '%{text}%'", true); $srchtxt = $srcharr[0]; $sqlsrch .= $srcharr[1]; } $keywords = str_replace('%', '+', $srchtxt); $expiration = TIMESTAMP + $cachelife_text; $num = $ids = 0; $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxsearchresults'] = $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxsearchresults'] ? intval($_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxsearchresults']) : 500; $query = DB::query("SELECT " . ($srchtype == 'fulltext' ? 'DISTINCT' : '') . " t.tid, t.closed,, t.authorid {$sqlsrch} ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT " . $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxsearchresults']); while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) { $ids .= ',' . $thread['tid']; $num++; } DB::free_result($query); $idsArr = explode(',', $ids); $idCount = count($idsArr); if ($idCount == 1) { return WebUtils::makeErrorInfo_oldVersion($res, 'search_no_results'); } $searchid = C::t('common_searchindex')->insert(array('srchmod' => $srchmod, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'searchstring' => $searchstring, 'useip' => $_G['clientip'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'expiration' => $expiration, 'num' => $num, 'ids' => $ids), true); !($_G['group']['exempt'] & 2) && updatecreditbyaction('search'); } } //这个分支要把数据取出来,并且返回正确的数据结构 $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $index = C::t('common_searchindex')->fetch_by_searchid_srchmod($searchid, $srchmod); if (!$index) { //showmessage('search_id_invalid');//指定的搜索不存在或已过期 return WebUtils::makeErrorInfo_oldVersion($res, 'search_id_invalid'); } $keyword = dhtmlspecialchars($index['keywords']); $keyword = $keyword != '' ? str_replace('+', ' ', $keyword) : ''; $index['keywords'] = rawurlencode($index['keywords']); $searchstring = explode('|', $index['searchstring']); $index['searchtype'] = $searchstring[0]; $searchstring[2] = base64_decode($searchstring[2]); $srchuname = $searchstring[3]; $modfid = 0; if ($keyword) { $modkeyword = str_replace(' ', ',', $keyword); $fids = explode(',', str_replace('\'', '', $searchstring[5])); if (count($fids) == 1 && in_array($_G['adminid'], array(1, 2, 3))) { $modfid = $fids[0]; if ($_G['adminid'] == 3 && !C::t('forum_moderator')->fetch_uid_by_fid_uid($modfid, $_G['uid'])) { $modfid = 0; } } } $threadlist = $posttables = array(); foreach (C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_all_by_tid_fid_displayorder(explode(',', $index['ids']), null, 0, $orderby, $start_limit, $pagesize, '>=', $ascdesc, 0) as $thread) { $thread['subject'] = bat_highlight($thread['subject'], $keyword); $thread['realtid'] = $thread['isgroup'] == 1 ? $thread['closed'] : $thread['tid']; $tempLastPost = $thread['lastpost']; $tempDateLine = $thread['dateline']; $threadlist[$thread['tid']] = procthread($thread, 'dt'); $threadlist[$thread['tid']]['lastpost'] = $tempLastPost; $threadlist[$thread['tid']]['dateline'] = $tempDateLine; $posttables[$thread['posttableid']][] = $thread['tid']; } if ($threadlist) { foreach ($posttables as $tableid => $tids) { foreach (C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all_by_tid($tableid, $tids, true, '', 0, 0, 1) as $post) { $threadlist[$post['tid']]['message'] = bat_highlight(messagecutstr($post['message'], 200), $keyword); } } } $pageInfo = $row = $rows = array(); $rows = $this->_fieldInfo($threadlist); $pageInfo = WebUtils::getWebApiArrayWithPage_oldVersion($page, $pagesize, $index['num']); $res = array_merge($res, $pageInfo); $res['searchid'] = (int) $searchid; $res['list'] = $rows; return $res; }
function jsg_member_get($p, $mark = 1, $cache = 1) { if ($cache && $p['uid'] && $p['uid'] == MEMBER_ID && $GLOBALS['_J']['member']) { return array('list' => array($GLOBALS['_J']['member'])); } static $S_members = array(); if ($cache) { $cache_id = md5(serialize($p) . $mark); if (isset($S_members[$cache_id])) { return $S_members[$cache_id]; } } $wheres = array(); $ws = array('uid' => 1, 'username' => 1, 'nickname' => 1, 'email' => 1, 'phone' => 1, 'province' => 1, 'city' => 1, 'role_id' => 1, 'ucuid' => 1, 'invite_uid' => 1); foreach ($p as $k => $v) { if (isset($ws[$k])) { $vs = (array) $v; $wheres[$k] = " `{$k}` IN ('" . implode("','", $vs) . "') "; } } $sql_where = $wheres ? " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $wheres) : ""; $count = max(0, (int) $p['count']); if ($count < 1) { $count = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM " . DB::table('members') . " {$sql_where} "); } $rets = array(); if ($count > 0) { $page = array(); $sql_limit = ''; if ($p['per_page_num']) { $page = page($count, $p['per_page_num'], $p['page_url'], array('return' => 'Array', 'extra' => $p['page_extra'])); $sql_limit = " {$page['limit']} "; } elseif ($p['limit']) { if (false !== strpos(strtolower($p['limit']), 'limit ')) { $sql_limit = " {$p['limit']} "; } else { $sql_limit = " LIMIT {$p['limit']} "; } } elseif ($p['count']) { $sql_limit = " LIMIT {$p['count']} "; } $sql_order = ''; if ($p['order']) { if (false !== strpos(strtolower($p['order']), 'order by ')) { $sql_order = " {$p['order']} "; } else { $sql_order = " ORDER BY {$p['order']} "; } } $sql_fields = $p['fields'] ? $p['fields'] : "*"; $query = DB::query("SELECT {$sql_fields} FROM " . DB::table('members') . " {$sql_where} {$sql_order} {$sql_limit} "); $list = array(); while (false != ($r = DB::fetch($query))) { if ($mark) { $r = jsg_member_make($r); } $list[] = $r; } DB::free_result($query); if ($list) { if ($mark) { $list = buddy_follow_html($list, 'uid', true === IN_JISHIGOU_WAP ? 'wap_follow_html' : 'follow_html'); } $rets = array('count' => $count, 'list' => $list, 'page' => $page); } } if ($cache && $cache_id) { $S_members[$cache_id] = $rets; } return $rets; }