function export($path = null, $destination = null)
     if (!is_array($path) && !empty($path)) {
         $path = Site::splitPath($path);
     if (empty($path)) {
         $files = DB::allRecords('SELECT MAX(`ID`) as `RID`' . ' FROM `_e_files`' . ' GROUP BY  `Handle`,`CollectionID`');
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $SiteFile = SiteFile::getByID($file['RID'])->getData();
             if (strpos($SiteFile['FullPath'], '_parent') !== 0 && $SiteFile['Status'] != 'Deleted') {
                 $SiteFiles[$SiteFile['FullPath']] = Site::$rootPath . '/data/' . $SiteFile['ID'];
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Sub directories not yet supported.');
     if (count($SiteFiles)) {
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         $tmp = $destination ? $destination : tempnam("/tmp", "emr");
         if ($zip->open($tmp) === TRUE) {
             foreach ($SiteFiles as $virtualPath => $realPath) {
                 $zip->addFromString($virtualPath, file_get_contents($realPath));
         return $tmp;
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Nothing to compress found.');
 public static function handleCollectionsRequest()
     $tags = DB::allRecords('SELECT Tag.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%2$s` AS TagItem WHERE Tag.`%3$s` = TagItem.`%4$s` AND TagItem.`%6$s` = "Media") AS itemsCount FROM `%1$s` AS Tag ORDER BY itemsCount', array(Tag::$tableName, TagItem::$tableName, Tag::getColumnName('ID'), TagItem::getColumnName('TagID'), Tag::getColumnName('Title'), TagItem::getColumnName('ContextClass')));
     $allMediaCollection = array('Title' => 'All Media', 'itemsCount' => DB::oneValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%s`', Media::$tableName), 'nodeType' => 'allMedia');
     $tagsCollection = array('Title' => 'Tagged Media', 'itemsCount' => array_sum(array_map(function ($tag) {
         return $tag['itemsCount'];
     }, $tags)), 'nodeType' => 'tags', 'children' => array_map(function ($tag) {
         $tag['nodeType'] = 'tag';
         return $tag;
     }, $tags));
     return static::respond('collections', array($allMediaCollection, $tagsCollection));
 public static function getTagsSummary($options = array())
     $options = array_merge(array('tagConditions' => array(), 'itemConditions' => array(), 'Class' => false, 'classConditions' => array(), 'overlayTag' => false, 'order' => 'itemsCount DESC', 'excludeEmpty' => true, 'limit' => false), $options);
     // initialize conditions
     $options['tagConditions'] = Tag::mapConditions($options['tagConditions']);
     if (!empty($options['Class'])) {
         $options['classConditions'] = $options['Class']::mapConditions($options['classConditions']);
     $options['itemConditions'] = TagItem::mapConditions($options['itemConditions']);
     // build query
     if (!empty($options['classConditions'])) {
         $classSubquery = 'SELECT `%s` FROM `%s` WHERE (%s)';
         $classParams = array($options['Class']::getColumnName('ID'), $options['Class']::$tableName, join(') AND (', $options['classConditions']));
     $itemsCountQuery = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%s` TagItem WHERE TagItem.`%s` = Tag.`%s` AND (%s)';
     $itemsCountParams = array(TagItem::$tableName, TagItem::getColumnName('TagID'), Tag::getColumnName('ID'), count($options['itemConditions']) ? join(') AND (', $options['itemConditions']) : '1');
     if (!empty($options['overlayTag'])) {
         if (!is_object($OverlayTag = $options['overlayTag']) && !($OverlayTag = Tag::getByHandle($options['overlayTag']))) {
             throw new Excoption('Overlay tag not found');
         $itemsCountQuery .= sprintf(' AND (TagItem.`%s`,TagItem.`%s`) IN (SELECT OverlayTagItem.`%s`, OverlayTagItem.`%s` FROM `%s` OverlayTagItem WHERE OverlayTagItem.`%s` = %u)', TagItem::getColumnName('ContextClass'), TagItem::getColumnName('ContextID'), TagItem::getColumnName('ContextClass'), TagItem::getColumnName('ContextID'), TagItem::$tableName, TagItem::getColumnName('TagID'), $OverlayTag->ID);
     if (isset($classSubquery)) {
         $itemsCountQuery .= sprintf(' AND TagItem.`%s` = "%s" AND TagItem.`%s` IN (%s)', TagItem::getColumnName('ContextClass'), $options['Class']::getStaticRootClass(), TagItem::getColumnName('ContextID'), DB::prepareQuery($classSubquery, $classParams));
     $tagSummaryQuery = 'SELECT Tag.*, (%s) AS itemsCount FROM `%s` Tag WHERE (%s)';
     $tagSummaryParams = array(DB::prepareQuery($itemsCountQuery, $itemsCountParams), Tag::$tableName, count($options['tagConditions']) ? join(') AND (', $options['tagConditions']) : '1');
     // exclude empty
     if ($options['excludeEmpty']) {
         $tagSummaryQuery .= ' HAVING itemsCount > 0';
     // add order options
     if ($options['order']) {
         $tagSummaryQuery .= ' ORDER BY ' . join(',', static::_mapFieldOrder($options['order']));
     // add limit options
     if ($options['limit']) {
         $tagSummaryQuery .= sprintf(' LIMIT %u,%u', $options['offset'], $options['limit']);
     try {
         // return indexed table or list
         if ($options['indexField']) {
             return DB::table(Tag::getColumnName($options['indexField']), $tagSummaryQuery, $tagSummaryParams);
         } else {
             return DB::allRecords($tagSummaryQuery, $tagSummaryParams);
     } catch (TableNotFoundException $e) {
         return array();
 public static function getRevisionRecords($options = array())
     $options = array_merge(array('indexField' => false, 'conditions' => array(), 'order' => false, 'limit' => false, 'offset' => 0), $options);
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE (%s)';
     $params = array(static::getHistoryTableName(), count($options['conditions']) ? join(') AND (', static::_mapConditions($options['conditions'])) : 1);
     if ($options['order']) {
         $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . join(',', static::_mapFieldOrder($options['order']));
     if ($options['limit']) {
         $query .= sprintf(' LIMIT %u,%u', $options['offset'], $options['limit']);
     if ($options['indexField']) {
         return DB::table(static::_cn($options['indexField']), $query, $params);
     } else {
         return DB::allRecords($query, $params);
 public static function getTreeFilesFromTree($tree, $conditions = array())
     $conditions['Status'] = 'Normal';
     // map conditions
     $mappedConditions = array();
     foreach ($conditions as $key => $value) {
         if (is_string($key)) {
             $mappedConditions[] = sprintf('`%s` = "%s"', $key, DB::escape($value));
         } else {
             $mappedConditions[] = $value;
     // separate local and remote layers
     $localCollections = array();
     $remoteCollections = array();
     foreach ($tree as &$collectionInfo) {
         if ($collectionInfo['Site'] == 'Local') {
             $localCollections[] = $collectionInfo['ID'];
         } else {
             $remoteCollections[] = $collectionInfo['ID'];
     // build files query
     $filesSql = 'SELECT' . ' f2.ID, f2.CollectionID, f2.SHA1' . ',CONCAT(' . '(' . 'SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(parent.Handle ORDER BY parent.PosLeft SEPARATOR "/")' . ' FROM `%2$s` AS node, `%2$s` AS parent' . ' WHERE node.PosLeft BETWEEN parent.PosLeft AND parent.PosRight AND node.ID = f2.CollectionID' . ')' . ',"/"' . ',f2.Handle' . ') AS Path' . ' FROM (' . ' SELECT MAX(f1.ID) AS ID' . ' FROM `%1$s` f1' . ' WHERE CollectionID IN (%3$s)' . ' GROUP BY f1.CollectionID, f1.Handle' . ') AS lastestFiles' . ' LEFT JOIN `%1$s` f2 USING (ID)' . ' WHERE (%4$s)';
     // retrieve local and remote files
     $localFiles = count($localCollections) ? DB::allRecords($filesSql, array(SiteFile::$tableName, SiteCollection::$tableName, join(',', $localCollections), join(' ) AND (', $mappedConditions))) : array();
     $remoteFiles = count($remoteCollections) ? DB::allRecords($filesSql, array(SiteFile::$tableName, SiteCollection::$tableName, join(',', $remoteCollections), join(' ) AND (', $mappedConditions))) : array();
     // merge trees
     $mergedTree = array();
     foreach (array('Remote' => $remoteFiles, 'Local' => $localFiles) as $layerName => $layerFiles) {
         foreach ($layerFiles as &$fileInfo) {
             $mergedTree[$fileInfo['Path']] = array('ID' => $fileInfo['ID'], 'CollectionID' => $fileInfo['CollectionID'], 'SHA1' => $fileInfo['SHA1'], 'Site' => $layerName);
     return $mergedTree;
 public static function handleSearchRequest()
     if (empty($_REQUEST['q'])) {
         return static::throwError('You did not supply any search terms');
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['tag'])) {
         if (!($Tag = Tag::getByHandle($_REQUEST['tag']))) {
             return static::throwNotFoundException('Tag does not exist');
     if (empty(static::$searchClasses)) {
         return static::throwError('No search classes configured for this site');
     $searchResults = array();
     $totalResults = 0;
     // Extra feature. Specify which classes to search for in Request parameter 'searchClasses'
         $classes = explode(',', $_REQUEST['searchClasses']);
         foreach(static::$searchClasses AS $className => $options)
     foreach (static::$searchClasses as $className => $options) {
         if (is_string($options)) {
             $className = $options;
             $options = array();
         $options = array_merge(array('className' => $className, 'fields' => array('Title'), 'conditions' => array()), $options);
         if (empty($options['fields'])) {
         // parse fields
         $columns = array('fulltext' => array(), 'like' => array(), 'exact' => array(), 'sql' => array());
         foreach ($options['fields'] as $field) {
             // transform string-only
             if (is_string($field)) {
                 $field = array('field' => $field);
             // apply defaults
             $field = array_merge(array('method' => 'fulltext'), $field);
             // sort conditions
             $columns[$field['method']][] = $field['method'] == 'sql' ? $field['sql'] : $className::getColumnName($field['field']);
         // add match conditions
         $escapedQuery = DB::escape($_REQUEST['q']);
         $matchConditions = array();
         if ($columns['fulltext']) {
             $matchConditions[] = sprintf('MATCH (`%s`) AGAINST ("%s" %s)', implode('`,`', $columns['fulltext']), $escapedQuery, static::$useBoolean ? 'IN BOOLEAN MODE' : '');
         if ($columns['like']) {
             $matchConditions[] = '(' . join(') OR (', array_map(function ($column) use($escapedQuery) {
                 return sprintf('`%s` LIKE "%%%s%%"', $column, $escapedQuery);
             }, $columns['like'])) . ')';
         if ($columns['exact']) {
             $matchConditions[] = '(' . join(') OR (', array_map(function ($column) use($escapedQuery) {
                 return sprintf('`%s` = "%s"', $column, $escapedQuery);
             }, $columns['exact'])) . ')';
         if ($columns['sql']) {
             $matchConditions[] = '(' . join(') OR (', array_map(function ($sql) use($escapedQuery) {
                 return sprintf($sql, $escapedQuery);
             }, $columns['sql'])) . ')';
         $options['conditions'][] = join(' OR ', $matchConditions);
         try {
             if (isset($Tag)) {
                 $results = DB::allRecords('SELECT p.*' . ' FROM `tag_items` t' . ' INNER JOIN `%s` p ON (p.ID = t.`ContextID`)' . ' WHERE t.`TagID` = %u AND t.`ContextClass` = "%s"' . ' AND (%s)', array($className::$tableName, $Tag->ID, $className, join(') AND (', $className::mapConditions($options['conditions']))));
             } else {
                 $results = DB::allRecords('SELECT * FROM `%s` p WHERE (%s)', array($className::$tableName, join(') AND (', $className::mapConditions($options['conditions']))));
         } catch (TableNotFoundException $e) {
             $results = array();
         $classResults = count($results);
         $totalResults += $classResults;
         $searchResults[$className] = $classResults ? ActiveRecord::instantiateRecords($results) : array();
     static::respond('search', array('data' => $searchResults, 'totalResults' => $totalResults));
Example #7
$pageData['projectsTags']['byTopic'] = TagItem::getTagsSummary(array('tagConditions' => array('Handle LIKE "topic.%"'), 'itemConditions' => array('ContextClass' => Laddr\Project::getStaticRootClass())));
$pageData['projectsTags']['byEvent'] = TagItem::getTagsSummary(array('tagConditions' => array('Handle LIKE "event.%"'), 'itemConditions' => array('ContextClass' => Laddr\Project::getStaticRootClass())));
$pageData['projectsStages'] = Laddr\Project::getStagesSummary();
// members
$pageData['membersTotal'] = Emergence\People\Person::getCount();
$pageData['membersTags']['byTech'] = TagItem::getTagsSummary(array('tagConditions' => array('Handle LIKE "tech.%"'), 'itemConditions' => array('ContextClass' => Emergence\People\Person::getStaticRootClass())));
$pageData['membersTags']['byTopic'] = TagItem::getTagsSummary(array('tagConditions' => array('Handle LIKE "topic.%"'), 'itemConditions' => array('ContextClass' => Emergence\People\Person::getStaticRootClass())));
// build activity stream
if (!($pageData['activity'] = Cache::fetch('home-activity'))) {
    $existingTables = \DB::allValues('table_name', 'SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = SCHEMA()');
    $activityQueries = [];
    if (in_array(Emergence\CMS\AbstractContent::$tableName, $existingTables)) {
        $activityQueries[] = sprintf('SELECT' . '  ID, Class, Published AS Timestamp' . ' FROM `%s`' . ' WHERE' . '  Class = "%s" AND' . '  Visibility = "Public" AND' . '  Status = "Published" AND' . '  (Published IS NULL OR Published <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)', Emergence\CMS\AbstractContent::$tableName, DB::escape(Emergence\CMS\BlogPost::class));
    if (in_array(Laddr\ProjectUpdate::$tableName, $existingTables)) {
        $activityQueries[] = sprintf('SELECT ID, Class, Created AS Timestamp FROM `%s`', Laddr\ProjectUpdate::$tableName);
    if (in_array(Laddr\ProjectBuzz::$tableName, $existingTables)) {
        $activityQueries[] = sprintf('SELECT ID, Class, Published AS Timestamp FROM `%s`', Laddr\ProjectBuzz::$tableName);
    if (count($activityQueries)) {
        $pageData['activity'] = array_map(function ($result) {
            return $result['Class']::getByID($result['ID']);
        }, DB::allRecords(implode(' UNION ', $activityQueries) . ' ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 10'));
    } else {
        $pageData['activity'] = [];
    Cache::store('home-activity', $pageData['activity'], 30);
// render data against home template
RequestHandler::respond('home', $pageData);
 public static function getAllByQuery($query, $params = array())
     try {
         return static::instantiateRecords(DB::allRecords($query, $params));
     } catch (TableNotFoundException $e) {
         return array();
function Dwoo_Plugin_sencha_preloader(Dwoo_Core $dwoo, $classes = "app", $App = null)
    if (!$App) {
        $App = $dwoo->data['App'];
    $appName = $App->getName();
    $appPath = "sencha-workspace/{$appName}";
    // include classpath files
    $classPaths = explode(',', $App->getBuildCfg('app.classpath'));
    $srcCollections = array();
    foreach ($classPaths as $classPath) {
        if (strpos($classPath, '${workspace.dir}/x/') === 0) {
            $classPath = 'ext-library/' . substr($classPath, 19);
        } elseif (substr($classPath, 0, 11) == '${app.dir}/') {
            $classPath = $appPath . substr($classPath, 10);
        } else {
        try {
            $tree = Emergence_FS::getTree($classPath);
            $srcCollections = array_merge($srcCollections, array_keys($tree));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
    // include package files
    $requiredPackages = $App->getAppCfg('requires');
    if (!is_array($requiredPackages)) {
        $requiredPackages = array();
    if (($themeName = $App->getBuildCfg('app.theme')) && !in_array($themeName, $requiredPackages)) {
        $requiredPackages[] = $themeName;
    foreach ($requiredPackages as $packageName) {
        $packagePath = "sencha-workspace/packages/{$packageName}";
        foreach (array("{$packagePath}/src", "{$packagePath}/overrides") as $classPath) {
            try {
                $tree = Emergence_FS::getTree($classPath);
                $srcCollections = array_merge($srcCollections, array_keys($tree));
            } catch (Exception $e) {
    #	Benchmark::startLive();
    #	Benchmark::mark("sencha_preload");
    #	Benchmark::mark("getting files from ".count($srcCollections)." collections");
    // get files
    if (count($srcCollections)) {
        $sources = DB::allRecords('SELECT' . ' f2.SHA1' . ',CONCAT(' . '(' . 'SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(parent.Handle ORDER BY parent.PosLeft SEPARATOR "/")' . ' FROM `%2$s` AS node, `%2$s` AS parent' . ' WHERE node.PosLeft BETWEEN parent.PosLeft AND parent.PosRight AND node.ID = f2.CollectionID' . ')' . ',"/"' . ',f2.Handle' . ') AS Path' . ' FROM (' . ' SELECT MAX(f1.ID) AS ID' . ' FROM `%1$s` f1' . ' WHERE CollectionID IN (%3$s)' . ' GROUP BY f1.CollectionID, f1.Handle' . ') AS lastestFiles' . ' LEFT JOIN `%1$s` f2 USING (ID)' . ' WHERE f2.Status = "Normal" AND f2.Type = "application/javascript"', array(SiteFile::$tableName, SiteCollection::$tableName, join(',', $srcCollections)));
    } else {
        $sources = array();
    // compile keyed manifest with localized paths
    $manifest = array();
    foreach ($sources as $source) {
        if (strpos($source['Path'], "{$appPath}/") === 0) {
            $manifest[substr($source['Path'], strlen($appPath) + 1)] = $source['SHA1'];
        } elseif (strpos($source['Path'], 'ext-library/') === 0) {
            $manifest["/app/{$appName}/x" . substr($source['Path'], 11)] = $source['SHA1'];
        } elseif (strpos($source['Path'], 'sencha-workspace/packages/') === 0) {
            $manifest['../' . substr($source['Path'], 17)] = $source['SHA1'];
    #	$srcMasterHash = sha1(join(PHP_EOL, $srcHashes));
    #	Benchmark::mark("found ".count($srcHashes)." files");
    #	// try to get src from cache
    #	$cacheKey = "app-cache/$srcMasterHash";
    #	if(!Cache::exists($cacheKey)) {
    #		$src = '';
    #		foreach($srcHashes AS $fileId => $sha1) {
    #			$src .= JSMin::minify(file_get_contents(SiteFile::getRealPathByID($fileId)));
    #		}
    #		Cache::store($cacheKey, $src);
    #	}
    #	Benchmark::mark("compiled: ".strlen($src)." bytes");
    return '<script type="text/javascript">(function(){' . 'var srcManifest = ' . json_encode($manifest) . ',origLoadScript = Ext.Loader.loadScript' . ',origLoadScriptFile = Ext.Loader.loadScriptFile' . ',dcParam = Ext.Loader.getConfig("disableCachingParam")' . ',now =;' . 'function _versionScriptUrl(url) {' . 'if(url in srcManifest) {' . 'url += "?_sha1=" + srcManifest[url];' . '} else {' . 'url += "?" + dcParam + "=" + now;' . '}' . 'return url;' . '}' . 'Ext.Loader.setConfig("disableCaching", false);' . 'Ext.Loader.loadScript = function(options) {' . 'if (typeof options == "string") {' . 'options = _versionScriptUrl(options);' . '} else {' . 'options.url = _versionScriptUrl(options.url);' . '}' . ', options);' . '};' . 'Ext.Loader.loadScriptFile = function(url, onLoad, onError, scope, synchronous) {' . ', _versionScriptUrl(url), onLoad, onError, scope, synchronous);' . '};' . '})()</script>';
 public function getItems()
     return static::instantiateRecords(DB::allRecords(sprintf("SELECT `Content`.* FROM `category_items` Link JOIN `content` Content ON (`Content`.`ID`=`Link`.`ContextID`) WHERE `Link`.`CategoryID`='%d'", $this->ID)));
Example #11
 public static function getGroupConditions($handle, $matchedCondition)
     $group = Group::getByHandle($handle);
     if (!$group) {
         return false;
     $containedGroups = DB::allRecords('SELECT ID FROM %s WHERE `Left` BETWEEN %u AND %u', array(Group::$tableName, $group->Left, $group->Right));
     $containedGroups = array_map(function ($group) {
         return $group['ID'];
     }, $containedGroups);
     $condition = $matchedCondition['join']['aliasName'] . '.GroupID' . ' IN (' . implode(',', $containedGroups) . ')';
     return $condition;
Example #12
 public function getItemsByClass($class, $options = array())
     // apply defaults
     $options = array_merge(array('conditions' => false, 'order' => false, 'limit' => is_numeric($options) ? $options : false, 'offset' => 0, 'overlayTag' => false, 'calcFoundRows' => false), $options);
     // build TagItem query
     $tagWhere = array();
     $tagWhere[] = sprintf('`%s` = %u', TagItem::getColumnName('TagID'), $this->ID);
     $tagWhere[] = sprintf('`%s` = "%s"', TagItem::getColumnName('ContextClass'), DB::escape($class::getStaticRootClass()));
     $tagQuery = sprintf('SELECT ContextID FROM `%s` TagItem WHERE (%s)', TagItem::$tableName, count($tagWhere) ? join(') AND (', $tagWhere) : '1', $options['limit'] ? sprintf('LIMIT %u', $options['limit']) : '');
     if (!empty($options['overlayTag'])) {
         if (!is_object($OverlayTag = $options['overlayTag']) && !($OverlayTag = Tag::getByHandle($options['overlayTag']))) {
             throw new Exception('Overlay tag not found');
         $tagQuery .= sprintf(' AND (TagItem.`%s`,TagItem.`%s`) IN (SELECT OverlayTagItem.`%s`, OverlayTagItem.`%s` FROM `%s` OverlayTagItem WHERE OverlayTagItem.`%s` = %u)', TagItem::getColumnName('ContextClass'), TagItem::getColumnName('ContextID'), TagItem::getColumnName('ContextClass'), TagItem::getColumnName('ContextID'), TagItem::$tableName, TagItem::getColumnName('TagID'), $OverlayTag->ID);
     // built class table query
     if ($options['conditions']) {
         if (!is_array($options['conditions'])) {
             $options['conditions'] = array($options['conditions']);
         $classWhere = $class::_mapConditions($options['conditions']);
     } else {
         $classWhere = array();
     // return objects
     $classQuery = sprintf('SELECT %s' . ' Content.*' . ' FROM (%s) TagItem' . ' JOIN `%s` Content ON (Content.ID = TagItem.ContextID)' . ' WHERE (%s)', $options['calcFoundRows'] ? 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS' : '', $tagQuery, $class::$tableName, count($classWhere) ? join(') AND (', $classWhere) : '1');
     if ($options['order']) {
         $classQuery .= ' ORDER BY ' . join(',', $class::_mapFieldOrder($options['order']));
     if ($options['limit']) {
         $classQuery .= sprintf(' LIMIT %u,%u', $options['offset'], $options['limit']);
     return $class::instantiateRecords(DB::allRecords($classQuery));
        if (in_array($validHour, $hours)) {
            $where[] = "Site{$validHour} = 1";
// add features filter
if (!empty($_GET['features'])) {
    $validFeatures = ['TransportationProvided'];
    $features = is_array($_GET['features']) ? $_GET['features'] : [$_GET['features']];
    foreach ($validFeatures as $validFeature) {
        if (in_array($validFeature, $features)) {
            $where[] = "Site{$validFeature} = 1";
// calculate limit params
if (!empty($_GET['limit']) && ctype_digit($_GET['limit'])) {
    $limit = (int) $_GET['limit'];
} else {
    $limit = 25;
if (!empty($_GET['offset']) && ctype_digit($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = (int) $_GET['offset'];
} else {
    $offset = 0;
// execute query and print JSON response
#Debug::dumpVar($_GET, false, 'get');
#Debug::dumpVar($where, true, '$where');
JSON::respond(['results' => DB::allRecords('SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . implode(',', $selectFields) . ' FROM Site' . ' WHERE SiteApproved = 1 AND (' . (count($where) ? implode(') AND (', $where) : '1') . ')' . " ORDER BY {$order}" . " LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}"), 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'total' => (int) DB::foundRows()]);
Example #14
 public static function getStagesSummary()
     try {
         $stages = \DB::allRecords('SELECT Stage, COUNT(*) AS itemsCount FROM `%s` GROUP BY Stage ORDER BY itemsCount DESC', [static::$tableName]);
     } catch (\TableNotFoundException $e) {
         $stages = [];
     return $stages;