Example #1
  * Logs this member into the session given username and password
  * @var $eml = The email address
  * @var $pwd = The plaintext password (will be salted and hashed)
  * @return If successful, the Member object. Otherwise null.
 public static function Login($eml, $pwd)
     // Sanitize input
     $eml = DB::Safe($eml);
     // First, we need to obtain this member's unique salt
     $r = DB::Run("SELECT Salt FROM Credentials WHERE Email='{$eml}' AND MemberID > 0 LIMIT 1");
     if (mysql_num_rows($r) == 0) {
         return null;
     $salt = mysql_result($r, 0);
     // Now hash input according to our hashing algorithm and user's salt
     $pwd = hashPwd($pwd, $salt);
     // See if the email/password combination are correct
     $try = DB::Run("SELECT MemberID FROM Credentials WHERE Email='{$eml}' AND Password='******' AND MemberID > 0 LIMIT 1");
     if (mysql_num_rows($try) == 0) {
         return null;
     // At this point, valid credentials were entered. Proceed...
     $memberID = mysql_result($try, 0);
     $member = Member::Load($memberID);
     // Update LastActivity
     // Since they've logged in, no more need for existing
     // password reset tokens. Delete any strays for security.
     $q = "DELETE FROM PwdResetTokens WHERE CredentialsID={$member->CredentialsID()}";
     // Save the session. This is the actual "logging in" part.
     // Helps prevent session hijacking
     $_SESSION["userID"] = $memberID;
     $_SESSION["timestamp"] = time();
     $_SESSION["ipaddress"] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     return $member;
 public function Save()
     // Can we have multiple answer options of the exact
     // same value for the same question?
     // Right now... NO.
     // Make safe the answer value before our preliminary query (including stripping HTML tags)
     $safeAns = DB::Safe($this->AnswerValue);
     $q = "SELECT 1 FROM SurveyAnswerOptions WHERE QuestionID='{$this->QuestionID}' AND AnswerValue='{$safeAns}' LIMIT 1";
     if (mysql_num_rows(DB::Run($q)) > 0) {
         fail("Hmmm, this answer option ({$this->AnswerValue}) already exists for this question. Are you sure you didn't mean something else?");
     $q = DB::BuildSaveQuery($this, get_object_vars($this));
     $r = DB::Run($q);
     if (!$this->ID) {
         $this->ID = mysql_insert_id();
     return $r ? true : false;
Example #3
 public function Save()
     // Should we be able to save multiple answers to the
     // same question for the same member? No.
     // Make safe the user's input, then let's prevent duplication.
     if (is_array($this->AnswerValue)) {
     $safeAns = DB::Safe($this->AnswerValue);
     // Strips HTML tags, just be aware of that.
     $q = "SELECT 1 FROM SurveyAnswers WHERE AnswerValue='{$safeAns}' AND QuestionID='{$this->QuestionID}' AND MemberID='{$this->MemberID}' AND ID!='{$this->ID}' LIMIT 1";
     if (mysql_num_rows(DB::Run($q)) > 0) {
         fail("Oops. Could not save this answer; this user has already answered that question, but instead of changing the existing answer we tried adding a new one. Huh.");
     $q = DB::BuildSaveQuery($this, get_object_vars($this));
     $r = DB::Run($q);
     if (!$this->ID) {
         $this->ID = mysql_insert_id();
     return $r ? true : false;
Example #4
 public function Save()
     if (!$this->Name || !$this->WardID) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->ID) {
         $this->ID = 0;
     $this->Name = trim($this->Name);
     // Sanitize the name before we use it in our query below...
     $safeName = DB::Safe($this->Name);
     // Make sure the calling title is unique
     $q = "SELECT 1 FROM Callings WHERE Name='{$safeName}' AND WardID='{$this->WardID}' AND ID!='{$this->ID}' LIMIT 1";
     if (mysql_num_rows(DB::Run($q)) > 0) {
         fail("Oops. Could not save Calling information; the name of the calling already exists in this ward.");
     $q = DB::BuildSaveQuery($this, get_object_vars($this));
     $r = DB::Run($q);
     if (!$this->ID) {
         $this->ID = mysql_insert_id();
     return $r ? true : false;
Example #5
 public function Save()
     if (!$this->GroupName || !$this->WardID) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->ID) {
         $this->ID = 0;
     // Pascal-case the FHE group name for consistency
     $this->GroupName = ucwords(strtolower(trim($this->GroupName)));
     // Sanitize the name before we use it in our query below...
     $safeName = DB::Safe($this->GroupName);
     // Make sure the group title is unique
     $q = "SELECT 1 FROM FheGroups WHERE GroupName='{$safeName}' AND ID!='{$this->ID}' LIMIT 1";
     if (mysql_num_rows(DB::Run($q)) > 0) {
         fail("Oops. Could not save the FHE group; the name is already the name of another group, and they must be unique.");
     $q = DB::BuildSaveQuery($this, get_object_vars($this));
     $r = DB::Run($q);
     if (!$this->ID) {
         $this->ID = mysql_insert_id();
     return $r ? true : false;
Example #6

require_once "lib/init.php";
if ($MEMBER || $LEADER) {
    // If logged in... just go to directory.
    header("Location: /directory.php");
if (!isset($_GET['key'])) {
    die("Oops! Couldn't find any password reset token. Make sure you clicked on the link in the email or copied the entire link... ");
// Valid key?
$key = '';
$credID = 0;
if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
    $key = DB::Safe($_GET['key']);
    $q = "SELECT * FROM PwdResetTokens WHERE Token='{$key}' LIMIT 1";
    $r = DB::Run($q);
    if (mysql_num_rows($r) == 0) {
        die("ERROR > Sorry, that is not a valid password reset token. Please go back to your email and try again?");
    // Get the associated credentials ID...
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($r);
    $credID = $row['CredentialsID'];
    if (!$credID) {
        die("ERROR > That token doesn't seem associated with any account...");
    // Make sure it hasn't expired; delete it if it has
    $tokenID = $row['ID'];
    $tooLate = strtotime("+48 hours", strtotime($row['Timestamp']));
    if (time() > $tooLate) {
        DB::Run("DELETE FROM PwdResetTokens WHERE ID='{$tokenID}' LIMIT 1");
Example #7
 public function Save()
     if (!$this->Name || !$this->StakeID || !$this->Password) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->ID) {
         $this->ID = 0;
     $this->Name = trim(strip_tags(str_ireplace("ward", "", $this->Name)));
     // Sanitize the name before we use it in our query below... (and strip tags)
     $safeName = DB::Safe($this->Name);
     // Make sure the ward name is unique
     $q = "SELECT 1 FROM Wards WHERE Name='{$safeName}' AND StakeID='{$this->StakeID}' AND ID!='{$this->ID}' LIMIT 1";
     if (mysql_num_rows(DB::Run($q)) > 0) {
         fail("Oops. Could not save Ward information; the name of the ward already exists in its stake.");
     $q = DB::BuildSaveQuery($this, get_object_vars($this));
     $r = DB::Run($q);
     if (!$this->ID) {
         $this->ID = mysql_insert_id();
     return $r ? true : false;
Example #8
 public function Delete($sure = false)
     if ($sure !== true) {
         fail("Could not delete this question; pass in boolean true to be sure.");
     if (!$this->ID) {
         fail("Could not delete this question, because no valid ID was associated with it.");
     // "Make safe the harbor!" ... or ... "Make safe the city!" (pick your movie; I prefer the latter)
     $safeID = DB::Safe($this->ID);
     // Delete all SurveyAnswerOptions to it
     // Delete all permissions for it
     $q = "DELETE FROM Permissions WHERE QuestionID='{$safeID}'";
     if (!DB::Run($q)) {
         fail("Could not delete permissions for this question with ID {$this->ID}, reason: " . mysql_error());
     // Delete all answers to this question
     foreach ($this->Answers() as $ans) {
     // Delete the question, at last.
     $q = "DELETE FROM SurveyQuestions WHERE ID='{$safeID}' LIMIT 1";
     if (!DB::Run($q)) {
         fail("Could not delete question with ID {$this->ID} from database (but answers, answer options, and permissions for it were all deleted), reason: " . mysql_error());
     return true;
Example #9

require_once "../lib/init.php";
if ($MEMBER || $LEADER) {
    Response::Send(403, "You're already logged in!");
@($eml = $_POST['eml']);
if (!$eml) {
    Response::Send(400, "Please type your email address.");
$eml = DB::Safe($eml);
// Verify input, send email, etc.
$q = "SELECT ID FROM Credentials WHERE Email='{$eml}' LIMIT 1";
$r = DB::Run($q);
if (mysql_num_rows($r) == 0) {
    Response::Send(400, "That email address {$eml} doesn't match any on file.");
// Get credential ID
$credID = mysql_result($r, 0);
// Make sure they haven't requested a reset in the last 15 minutes.
$q = "SELECT `Timestamp` FROM `PwdResetTokens` WHERE `CredentialsID`='{$credID}' ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT 1";
// Find most recent
$result = mysql_fetch_array(DB::Run($q));
$tooSoon = strtotime("+15 minutes", strtotime($result['Timestamp']));
if (time() < $tooSoon) {
    Response::Send(403, "Please wait at least 15 minutes before requesting another email to be sent.");
// Generate reset token
$token = urlencode(randomString(15, false));
// Prepare the email
$subj = "Reset your ward website password";
Example #10

require_once "../../lib/init.php";
@($mID = DB::Safe($_GET['mID']));
@($cID = DB::Safe($_GET['cID']));
if (!$mID || !$cID) {
    fail("Problem... missing member ID or calling ID or both.");
$m = Member::Load($mID);
if (!$m) {
    fail("Could not load member with ID {$mID}. aborting.");
if (!$m->RemoveCalling($cID)) {
    fail("Could not remove calling from member.");
Example #11
 public function NameUnique()
     $name = DB::Safe($this->Name);
     $q = DB::Run("SELECT 1 FROM Residences WHERE Name='{$name}' AND WardID='{$this->WardID}' AND ID!='{$this->ID}' LIMIT 1");
     return mysql_num_rows($q) == 0;
Example #12

require_once "../lib/init.php";
protectPage(0, true);
// Get the ward ID. "$WARD" is defined in init.php for convenience.
$wardID = DB::Safe($WARD->ID());
// Load a list of the members in order of apartment or address
$members = array();
$q = DB::Run("SELECT\n\tMembers.ID,\n\tTRIM(CONCAT_WS(\" \", Residences.Address, Residences.City, Residences.State)) AS FullAddr,\n\tTRIM(CONCAT_WS(\" \", Residences.Name, Members.Apartment)) AS RegularAddr\nFROM Members\nLEFT JOIN Residences\nON Members.ResidenceID = Residences.ID\nWHERE Members.WardID='{$WARD->ID()}'\nORDER BY RegularAddr, FullAddr, FirstName, LastName ASC;");
$lastApt = "";
// The apartment/address string of the last member in the loop
$i = 0;
// New line (float clearing) counter
$j = 0;
// Incremented for each apartment group we encounter
echo $WARD->Name;
 Ward Directory &mdash; <?php 
include "../includes/head.php";

Example #13
  * Since Credentials are stored in a separate table but loaded inline into the same object,
  * here we extract the Credentials information so BuildSaveQuery (above) can save the object
  * without hassle. That function shouldn't encounter a member field that isn't in the table.
  * @var $obj 	= The Member or StakeLeader for which to save credentials
  * @var &$vars 	= A reference to the object's member variables, so they can be altered directly
 public static function BuildCredentialsSaveQuery($obj, &$vars)
     $className = get_class($obj);
     $fields = "";
     $values = "";
     $update = "";
     if ($className != "Member" && $className != "StakeLeader") {
         return false;
     @($recordID = $vars['ID'] ? $vars['ID'] : 0);
     @($credID = $vars['CredentialsID'] ? $vars['CredentialsID'] : 0);
     @($email = $vars['Email']);
     @($password = $vars['Password']);
     @($salt = $vars['Salt']);
     $credID = DB::Safe($credID);
     $recordID = DB::Safe($recordID);
     $email = DB::Safe($email);
     $password = DB::Safe($password);
     $salt = DB::Safe($salt);
     // Unset these here because they don't go in the Member/StakeLeader tables!
     return "INSERT INTO Credentials (`ID`, `Email`, `Password`, `Salt`, `{$className}ID`) VALUES ('{$credID}', '{$email}', '{$password}', '{$salt}', '{$recordID}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Email='{$email}', Password='******', Salt='{$salt}', `{$className}ID`='{$recordID}'";
Example #14

require_once "../../lib/init.php";
@($id = DB::Safe($_GET['id']));
// Verify...
if (!$id) {
    fail("Could not delete permission; please specify a valid ID.");
// Load the permission and make sure it belongs in the ward
$p = Permission::Load($id);
if (!$p->InWard($MEMBER->WardID)) {
    fail("That permission is not within your own ward...");
// Delete this permission.
Example #15
 public static function UnfinishedJobExistsWithLeaderID($id, $max = 1)
     $id = DB::Safe($id);
     $r = DB::Run("SELECT ID FROM EmailJobs WHERE StakeLeaderID='{$id}' AND Ended = 0 LIMIT {$max}");
     return mysql_num_rows($r) >= $max;
Example #16
 public function Permissions($removeOverlap = true)
     $permissions = array();
     $wardID = DB::Safe($_SESSION['wardID']);
     $questionQuery = DB::Run("SELECT ID FROM SurveyQuestions WHERE WardID='{$wardID}'");
     while ($questionRow = mysql_fetch_array($questionQuery)) {
         $per = new Permission();
         // Ad-hoc part. We're not looking up permissions by calling or name.
         $permissions[] = $per;
     return $permissions;
Example #17
    header("Location: /newpwd?key={$token}");
if (!$token) {
    Response::Send(400, "Token value disappeared. That shouldn't happen. Please report this so it can get fixed.");
// Make sure both passswords match
if ($pwd1 != $pwd2) {
    Response::Send(400, "Your passwords don't match. Make sure they match.");
// Check length
if (strlen($pwd1) < 8) {
    Response::Send(400, "Your password is too short. Please make it at least 8 characters.");
// Verify that the credentials ID matches the token
$credID = DB::Safe($credID);
$token = DB::Safe($token);
$r = DB::Run("SELECT 1 FROM `PwdResetTokens` WHERE `CredentialsID`='{$credID}' AND `Token`='{$token}' LIMIT 1");
if (mysql_num_rows($r) == 0) {
    Response::Send(400, "Account ID and token do not appear to match. Maybe try again from the link in your email?");
// Get account object (Member or Leader) -- first we have to determine which type it is
$q2 = DB::Run("SELECT * FROM Credentials WHERE ID='{$credID}' LIMIT 1");
$r = mysql_fetch_array($q2);
$memberID = $r['MemberID'];
$leaderID = $r['StakeLeaderID'];
$user = null;
if ($memberID && !$leaderID) {
    $user = @Member::Load($memberID);
} else {
    if ($leaderID && !$memberID) {
        $user = @StakeLeader::Load($leaderID);