$control = new Controller();
$view = new view();
$msg = $view->getcollege();
$fromdean = $msg[1];
$todirector = $msg[2];
$msg = $view->getdeanpermission();
if (!empty($_POST['rejected'])) {
    //Do all the submission part or storing in DB work and all here
    header('Location: reasond.php');
if (!empty($_POST['Accept'])) {
    $message = $_POST['textarea'];
    $temp = $_POST['hello'];
    $row = $view->getuser($temp);
    $subject = "Mail from Dean in regard of leave '" . $row[0] . "'";
    //echo "<script>alert('".$row[0]."')</script>";//echo $message;
    $headers = "From:" . $fromdean;
    mail($todirector, $subject, "Dear Sir,\n\t.'{$message}'.\n\t please http://designghar.com/flm/directorresponce.php to for give your responce", $headers);
    //Do all the submission part or storing in DB work and all here
    //select Content,From_date,To_date from leave_status where Username="******";
    //select Username from leave_status where Hod="";
    //select Username from leave_status where Dean="";
    //select Username from leave_status where Director="";
    //update leave_status set Hod='Rejected',Dean='Rejected',Director='Rejected' where Username="******" ;
    //SELECT DATEDIFF(To_date,From_date) FROM leave_status where Username='******';
    //select Hod,Dean,Director from college where Name='The LNM Institue of Information Technology';
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