Example #1
  * Add some variables to the template output
 public function add_template_vars()
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('pages')) {
         $this->assign('pages', Posts::get(array('content_type' => 'page', 'status' => Post::status('published'), 'nolimit' => 1)));
     $page = Controller::get_var('page');
     $page = isset($page) ? $page : 1;
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('page')) {
         $this->assign('page', $page);
     $this->assign('show_previously', false);
     $this->assign('show_latest', false);
     $action = Controller::get_action();
     if ($action == 'display_home' || $action == 'display_entries') {
         $offset = (int) (($page + 1 - 1) * Options::get('pagination'));
         $this->assign('previously', Posts::get(array('status' => 'published', 'content_type' => 'entry', 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => self::PREVIOUSLY_ITEMS)));
         $this->assign('show_previously', true);
     if ($action != 'display_home') {
         $this->assign('latest', Posts::get(array('status' => 'published', 'content_type' => 'entry', 'offset' => 0, 'limit' => self::LATEST_ITEMS)));
         $this->assign('show_latest', true);
     $this->assign('controller_action', $action);
  * On request modify <code> tags.
  * We do this here because otherwise you'd get a mess
  * of HTML in your database.
 public function filter_post_content($output, $post)
     if (Controller::get_action() == 'admin' || $output == "") {
         return $output;
     $output = preg_replace_callback("/<code([^>]*)>(.*)<\\/code>/siU", array($this, "syntax_highlight"), $output);
     return $output;
Example #3
  * Add the Pingback header on single post/page requests
  * Not to the entire site.  Clever.
 public function action_add_template_vars()
     $action = Controller::get_action();
     if ($action == 'display_post') {
         header('X-Pingback: ' . URL::get('xmlrpc'));
     } else {
         header('X-action: ' . $action);
Example #4
  * Add the Pingback header on single post/page requests
  * Not to the entire site.  Clever.
 public function action_add_template_vars()
     $action = Controller::get_action();
     $add_header = $action == 'display_post';
     $add_header = Plugins::filter('pingback_add_header', $add_header, $action);
     if ($add_header) {
         header('X-Pingback: ' . URL::get('xmlrpc'));
     } else {
         header('X-action: ' . $action);
  * When the AtomHandler is created, check what action called it
  * If the action is set in our URL list, intercept and redirect to Feedburner
 public function action_init_atom()
     $action = Controller::get_action();
     $feed_uri = Options::get('feedburner__' . $action);
     $exclude_ips = Options::get('feedburner__exlude_ips');
     $exclude_agents = Options::get('feedburner__exclude_agents');
     if ($feed_uri != '' && (!isset(URL::get_matched_rule()->named_arg_values['index']) || URL::get_matched_rule()->named_arg_values['index'] == 1)) {
         if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], (array) $exclude_ips)) {
             if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && !in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], (array) $exclude_agents)) {
                 header('Location: http://feedproxy.google.com/' . $feed_uri, TRUE, 302);
  * Add the link and meta data to the header
  * @param object $theme Theme object with all its properties and methods available
 public function theme_header($theme)
     $search_url = Site::get_url('habari') . '/opensearch.xml';
     $site_title = Options::get('title');
     echo '<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="' . $search_url . '" title="' . $site_title . '">' . "\r\n";
     if (Controller::get_action() == 'search') {
         $totalResults = $theme->posts->count_all();
         $startIndex = $theme->page;
         $itemsPerPage = isset($this->handler_vars['count']) ? $this->handler_vars['count'] : Options::get('pagination');
         echo '<meta name="totalResults" content="' . $totalResults . '">' . "\r\n";
         echo '<meta name="startIndex" content="' . $startIndex . '">' . "\r\n";
         echo '<meta name="itemsPerPage" content="' . $itemsPerPage . '">' . "\r\n";
Example #7
 public function action_user_identify()
     if (Controller::get_action() == 'login' && !empty($_POST['openid_url'])) {
  * theme: show_calendar
  * @access public
  * @param object $theme
  * @return string
 public function theme_show_calendar($theme)
     $handler_vars = Controller::get_handler_vars();
     if (Controller::get_action() == 'display_date' && isset($handler_vars['month'])) {
         $year = (int) $handler_vars['year'];
         $month = (int) $handler_vars['month'];
     } else {
         $year = date('Y');
         $month = date('m');
     $next_year = $year;
     $prev_year = $year;
     $next_month = $month + 1;
     $prev_month = $month - 1;
     if ($next_month == 13) {
         $next_month = 1;
     if ($prev_month == 0) {
         $prev_month = 12;
     $start_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
     $end_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $next_month, 1, $next_year);
     $t_posts_day = DB::get_column('SELECT pubdate FROM {posts} WHERE pubdate >= ? AND pubdate < ? AND status = ?', array($start_time, $end_time, Post::status('published')));
     $posts_day = array();
     while (list(, $pubdate) = @each($t_posts_day)) {
         $posts_day[] = (int) date("j", $pubdate);
     $month_start_week = date("w", $start_time);
     $month_days = date("t", $start_time);
     $week_days = array(_t('Sun', 'calendar'), _t('Mon', 'calendar'), _t('Tue', 'calendar'), _t('Wed', 'calendar'), _t('Thu', 'calendar'), _t('Fri', 'calendar'), _t('Sat', 'calendar'));
     $week_start = Options::get('calendar__week_start');
     $calendar = array();
     $day = 0;
     while (1) {
         $week = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
             $wday = ($i + $week_start) % 7;
             if (count($calendar) == 0) {
                 $week[] = array('label' => $week_days[($i + $week_start) % 7]);
             } elseif ($day == 0) {
                 if ($wday == $month_start_week) {
                     $day = 1;
                     if (array_search($day, $posts_day) !== false) {
                         $week[] = array('label' => $day, 'url' => URL::get('display_entries_by_date', array('year' => $year, 'month' => sprintf('%02d', $month), 'day' => sprintf('%02d', $day))));
                     } else {
                         $week[] = array('label' => $day);
                 } else {
                     $week[] = array('label' => null);
             } elseif ($day >= $month_days) {
                 $week[] = array('label' => null);
             } else {
                 if (array_search($day, $posts_day) !== false) {
                     $week[] = array('label' => $day, 'url' => URL::get('display_entries_by_date', array('year' => $year, 'month' => sprintf('%02d', $month), 'day' => sprintf('%02d', $day))));
                 } else {
                     $week[] = array('label' => $day);
         $calendar[] = $week;
         if ($day == $month_days) {
     $theme->year = $year;
     $theme->month = $month;
     $theme->prev_month_url = URL::get('display_entries_by_date', array('year' => $prev_year, 'month' => sprintf('%02d', $prev_month)));
     $theme->next_month_url = URL::get('display_entries_by_date', array('year' => $next_year, 'month' => sprintf('%02d', $next_month)));
     $theme->calendar = $calendar;
     return $theme->fetch('calendar');