protected function compile()
     $arrOptions = $this->objWidget->options;
     $blnShowGroupLabel = true;
     $strOptionTemplate = $this->strTemplate . '_option';
     $strOptGroupTemplate = $this->strTemplate . '_optgroup';
     try {
         $strCustomTemplate = $strOptionTemplate . '_' . $this->objWidget->name;
         $strOptionTemplate = $strCustomTemplate;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     try {
         $strCustomTemplate = $strOptGroupTemplate . '_' . $this->objWidget->name;
         $strOptGroupTemplate = $strCustomTemplate;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $arrCustomOptions = array();
     $arrDisableGroups = $this->getSetting(BOOTSTRAPPER_OPTION_DISABLEOPTGROUPS);
     foreach ($arrOptions as $strKey => $arrOption) {
         if (isset($arrOption['value'])) {
             $arrCustomOptions[] = $this->parseOption($arrOption, $strKey, $strOptionTemplate);
         } else {
             $arrOptgroups = array();
             foreach ($arrOption as $arrOptgroup) {
                 $arrOptgroups[] = $this->parseOption($arrOptgroup, $strKey, $strOptionTemplate);
             $arrCustomOptions[] = $this->parseOptGroup($strKey, $arrOptgroups, $strOptGroupTemplate, $arrDisableGroups);
     // for multiple select menu set blankOption as title attribute, required by bootstrap-select for example
     if ($this->arrDca['eval']['includeBlankOption'] && $this->arrDca['eval']['multiple']) {
         $strLabel = isset($this->arrDca['eval']['blankOptionLabel']) ? $this->arrDca['eval']['blankOptionLabel'] : '-';
         $this->objWidget->addAttribute('title', $strLabel);
     if ($this->arrDca['eval']['size']) {
         $this->objWidget->addAttribute('size', $this->arrDca['eval']['size']);
     $this->Template->options = implode('', $arrCustomOptions);
     $this->Template->groupID = sprintf("%s_%s", $this->objWidget->type, $this->objWidget->id);
     $this->Template->name = $this->objWidget->name;
     if ($this->objWidget->multiple) {
         $this->Template->name .= '[]';
 protected function compile()
     $strOptions = '';
     $arrOptions = $this->objWidget->options;
     $blnShowGroupLabel = true;
     if ($this->arrDca !== null && !isset($this->arrDca['options']) && !isset($this->arrDca['options_callback']) && !isset($this->arrDca['foreignKey'])) {
         // do not use description for single checkboxes in frontend
         $arrOptions[0]['label'] = $this->objWidget->label;
         $blnShowGroupLabel = false;
     if ($this->blnUseAwesomeInputs) {
         $this->strTemplate .= '_awesome';
     $strOptionTemplate = $this->strTemplate . '_option';
     try {
         $strCustomTemplate = $strOptionTemplate . '_' . $this->objWidget->name;
         $strOptionTemplate = $strCustomTemplate;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     foreach ($arrOptions as $strKey => $arrOption) {
         $strOptions .= $this->parseOption($arrOption, $strKey, $strOptionTemplate);
     $this->Template->options = $strOptions;
     $this->Template->groupID = sprintf("%s_%s", $this->objWidget->type, $this->objWidget->id);
     $this->Template->groupLabel = $this->objWidget->groupLabel ?: $this->objWidget->label;
     $this->Template->explanation = $this->objWidget->explanation;
     $this->Template->invisible = $this->objWidget->invisible;
     $this->Template->multiple = $this->objWidget->multiple;
     if (!$this->getSetting(BOOTSTRAPPER_OPTION_HIDELABEL) && $blnShowGroupLabel || $this->getSetting(BOOTSTRAPPER_OPTION_SHOWGROUPLABEL)) {
         $this->Template->showGroupLabel = true;
     if ($this->getSetting(BOOTSTRAPPER_OPTION_SINGLESELECT)) {
 public function __construct(\Widget $objWidget)
     // parse and generate methods append [] for multiple element widgets
     $objWidget->name = str_replace('[]', '', $objWidget->name);
     $this->objWidget = $objWidget;
     $this->arrDca = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$objWidget->strTable]['fields'][$objWidget->strField];
     global $objPage;
     $this->blnIsXhtml = $objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml';
     $this->blnUseAwesomeInputs = \Config::get('useAwesomeInputs');
     // use custom field template, named by type and widget name
     try {
         $strCustomTemplate = $this->strTemplate . '_' . $objWidget->name;
         $this->strTemplate = $strCustomTemplate;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
  * Find a particular template file and return its path
  * @param string  $strTemplate The name of the template
  * @param string  $strFormat   The file extension
  * @param boolean $blnDefault  If true, the default template path is returned
  * @return string The path to the template file
 protected function getTemplatePath($strTemplate, $strFormat = 'html5', $blnDefault = false)
     if ($blnDefault) {
         return \TemplateLoader::getDefaultPath($strTemplate, $strFormat);
     return \Controller::getTemplate($strTemplate, $strFormat);
Example #5
    if (empty($_POST['login'])) {
        $error[] = 'NO_LOGIN';
    } else {
        $login = htmlspecialchars($_POST['login']);
    if (empty($_POST['password'])) {
        $error[] = 'NO_PASSWORD';
    } else {
        $password = md5($_POST['password']);
    if (empty($error)) {
        $user = DB::getAll("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE  `login` = ? AND `password` = ? LIMIT 1", array($login, $password))->fetch();
        if ($user) {
            $hash = setAutologin($user['id']);
            $upd = DB::update("UPDATE `user` SET `hash` = ? WHERE `id` = ?", array($hash, $user['id']));
            setcookie('login', $login, 0, '/');
            setcookie('hash', $hash, 0, '/');
            header("Location: /cabinet/");
        } else {
            $error[] = "Вы ошиблись при заполнении полей!";
if (!empty($error)) {
    foreach ($error as $err) {
        echo Controller::getMess($err) . '<br>';
Example #6
require "includes/common/forms.php";
$controller = new Controller();
if ($_REQUEST['mod'] == 'index.php') {
    $controller->redirect(APP_ROOT . "/dashboard");
if ($_REQUEST['mod'] != 'login' && (!isset($_SESSION['user']) || empty($_SESSION['user']['admin_id']))) {
    $controller->redirect(APP_ROOT . "/login");
$controller->module = isset($_REQUEST['mod']) && $_REQUEST['mod'] != "" && $_REQUEST['mod'] != "index.php" ? $_REQUEST['mod'] : "dashboard";
$action = $controller->getAction();
$breadcrumb = $controller->getBreadcrumb();
if ($action) {
    include $action;
    $page = $controller->getPage();
    if ($page) {
        if (!is_object($view)) {
            $view = new View();
        $view->page = $page;
        if (!$controller->isAjax()) {
            header("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
            $template = $controller->getTemplate();
            include $template;
        } else {
            include $view->page;
  * Do the generating of the map.
  * @param MapModel    $model     Map model.
  * @param Filter|null $filter    Optional request filter.
  * @param string      $elementId Optional element id. If none given the mapId or alias is used.
  * @param string      $template  The template being used for generating.
  * @param string      $style     Optional style attributes.
  * @return string
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedLocalVariable)
 protected function doGenerate($model, $filter, $elementId, $template, $style)
     $definition = $this->getDefinition($model, $filter, $elementId);
     $template = \Controller::getTemplate($template);
     // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart - Set for the template.
     $javascript = $this->leaflet->build($definition, $this->assets);
     $mapId = $definition->getId();
     // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
     include $template;
     $content = ob_get_contents();
     $event = new GetJavascriptEvent($definition, $content);
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($event::NAME, $event);
     $buffer = $event->getJavascript();
     return $buffer;