Example #1
 * @package EDK
require_once 'common/admin/admin_menu.php';
$page = new Page();
$ctrID = (int) edkURI::getArg('ctr_id');
if (edkURI::getArg('op') == 'view') {
    $page->setTitle('Administration - Campaigns');
    $list = new ContractList();
    $html = '[<a href="' . edkuri::build(array('op', 'add', false)) . '">Add</a>]<br />';
    if ($list->getCount() > 0) {
        $html .= '<table class="kb-table" cellspacing="1">';
        $html .= "<tr class='kb-table-header'><td class='kb-table-cell' width='160'>Name</td><td class='kb-table-cell' width='80'>Startdate</td><td class='kb-table-cell' width='80'>Enddate</td><td class='kb-table-cell' width='140' colspan='2' align='center'>Action</td></tr>";
    while ($contract = $list->getContract()) {
        $html .= "<tr class='kb-table-row-odd'>";
        $html .= "<td class='kb-table-cell'>" . $contract->getName() . "</td>";
        $html .= "<td class='kb-table-cell'>" . substr($contract->getStartDate(), 0, 10) . "</td>";
        $html .= "<td class='kb-table-cell'>" . substr($contract->getEndDate(), 0, 10) . "</td>";
        $html .= '<td class="kb-table-cell" align="center" width="70"><a href="' . edkuri::build(array(array('ctr_id', $contract->getID(), false), array('op', 'edit', false))) . '">Edit</a></td><td align="center"><a href="' . edkuri::build(array(array('ctr_id', $contract->getID(), false), array('op', 'del', false))) . '">Delete</a></td>';
        $html .= "</tr>";
    if ($list->getCount() > 0) {
        $html .= "</table><br />";
    if ($list->getCount() > 10) {
        $html .= '[<a href="' . edkuri::build(array('op', 'add', false)) . '">Add</a>]';
// delete
     * Get the statistics for this table.
     * @return array Array of table statistics.
    function getTableStats()
        $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
        while ($contract = $this->contractlist->getContract()) {
            // Losses
            // Outer query adds up the ships and cost.
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(kll_id) AS ships, SUM(kll_isk_loss) AS isk FROM (';
            $invcount = count($contract->getAlliances()) + count($contract->getCorps());
            // Inner query does the hard work of picking which kills to count.
            // Only use DISTINCT if we have to.
            if ($invcount > 1) {
                $sql .= 'SELECT DISTINCT kll_id, kll_isk_loss FROM kb3_kills kll ';
            } else {
                $sql .= 'SELECT kll_id, kll_isk_loss FROM kb3_kills kll ';
            if ($contract->getRegions()) {
                $sql .= ' INNER JOIN kb3_systems sys ON ( sys.sys_id = kll.kll_system_id )
						INNER JOIN kb3_constellations con ON ( con.con_id = sys.sys_con_id)';
            if ($contract->getCorps()) {
                $sql .= ' INNER JOIN kb3_inv_crp inc ON ( kll.kll_id = inc.inc_kll_id ) ';
            if ($contract->getAlliances()) {
                $sql .= ' INNER JOIN kb3_inv_all ina ON ( kll.kll_id = ina.ina_kll_id ) ';
            $andargs = array();
            if ($contract->getStartDate()) {
                $andargs[] = "kll.kll_timestamp >= '" . $contract->getStartDate() . "' ";
                if ($contract->getCorps()) {
                    $andargs[] = "inc.inc_timestamp >= '" . $contract->getStartDate() . "' ";
                if ($contract->getAlliances()) {
                    $andargs[] = "ina.ina_timestamp >= '" . $contract->getStartDate() . "' ";
            if ($contract->getEndDate()) {
                $andargs[] = "kll.kll_timestamp < '" . $contract->getEndDate() . "' ";
                if ($contract->getCorps()) {
                    $andargs[] = "inc.inc_timestamp < '" . $contract->getEndDate() . "' ";
                if ($contract->getAlliances()) {
                    $andargs[] = "ina.ina_timestamp < '" . $contract->getEndDate() . "' ";
            // Who are we shooting?
            $orargs = array();
            if ($contract->getCorps()) {
                $orargs[] = 'inc.inc_crp_id in ( ' . join(',', $contract->getCorps()) . ')';
            if ($contract->getAlliances()) {
                $orargs[] = 'ina.ina_all_id in ( ' . join(',', $contract->getAlliances()) . ')';
            if (count($orargs)) {
                $andargs[] = '(' . join(' OR ', $orargs) . ')';
            // Who are we?
            $orargs = array();
            if (count(config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) {
                $orargs[] = 'kll.kll_all_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_allianceid')) . ") ";
            if (count(config::get('cfg_corpid'))) {
                $orargs[] = 'kll.kll_crp_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_corpid')) . ") ";
            if (count(config::get('cfg_pilotid'))) {
                $orargs[] = 'kll.kll_victim_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_pilotid')) . ") ";
            if (count($orargs)) {
                $andargs[] = '(' . join(' OR ', $orargs) . ')';
            $orargs = array();
            if ($contract->getSystems()) {
                $orargs[] = 'kll.kll_system_id in ( ' . join(',', $contract->getSystems()) . ')';
            if ($contract->getRegions()) {
                $orargs[] = 'con.con_reg_id in ( ' . join(',', $contract->getRegions()) . ' )';
            if (count($orargs)) {
                $andargs[] = '(' . join(' OR ', $orargs) . ')';
            if (count($andargs)) {
                $sql .= 'WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $andargs);
            $sql .= ') as kb3_shadow';
            $sql .= " /* contract: getTableStats '{$invcount}:losses */";
            $result = $qry->execute($sql);
            $row = $qry->getRow($result);
            $ldata = array('losses' => $row['ships'], 'lossisk' => $row['isk'] / 1000);
            // Kills
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(kll_id) AS ships, sum(kll_isk_loss) AS isk FROM (';
            $invcount = count(config::get('cfg_pilotid')) + count(config::get('cfg_corpid')) + count(config::get('cfg_allianceid'));
            if ($invcount > 1) {
                $sql .= 'SELECT DISTINCT kll_id, kll_isk_loss FROM kb3_kills kll ';
            } else {
                $sql .= 'SELECT kll_id, kll_isk_loss FROM kb3_kills kll ';
            if ($contract->getRegions()) {
                $sql .= ' INNER JOIN kb3_systems sys ON ( sys.sys_id = kll.kll_system_id )
						INNER JOIN kb3_constellations con ON ( con.con_id = sys.sys_con_id)';
            if (count(config::get('cfg_pilotid'))) {
                $sql .= ' INNER JOIN kb3_inv_detail ind ON ( kll.kll_id = ind.ind_kll_id ) ';
            if (count(config::get('cfg_corpid'))) {
                $sql .= ' INNER JOIN kb3_inv_crp inc ON ( kll.kll_id = inc.inc_kll_id ) ';
            if (count(config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) {
                $sql .= ' INNER JOIN kb3_inv_all ina ON ( kll.kll_id = ina.ina_kll_id ) ';
            $andargs = array();
            if ($contract->getStartDate()) {
                $andargs[] = "kll.kll_timestamp >= '" . $contract->getStartDate() . "' ";
                if (count(config::get('cfg_corpid'))) {
                    $andargs[] = "inc.inc_timestamp >= '" . $contract->getStartDate() . "' ";
                if (count(config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) {
                    $andargs[] = "ina.ina_timestamp >= '" . $contract->getStartDate() . "' ";
            if ($contract->getEndDate()) {
                $andargs[] = "kll.kll_timestamp < '" . $contract->getEndDate() . "' ";
                if (count(config::get('cfg_corpid'))) {
                    $andargs[] = "inc.inc_timestamp < '" . $contract->getEndDate() . "' ";
                if (count(config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) {
                    $andargs[] = "ina.ina_timestamp < '" . $contract->getEndDate() . "' ";
            $orargs = array();
            if ($contract->getCorps()) {
                $orargs[] = 'kll.kll_crp_id in ( ' . join(',', $contract->getCorps()) . ' )';
            if ($contract->getAlliances()) {
                $orargs[] = 'kll.kll_all_id in ( ' . join(',', $contract->getAlliances()) . ' )';
            if (count($orargs)) {
                $andargs[] = '(' . join(' OR ', $orargs) . ')';
            $orargs = array();
            if (count(config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) {
                $orargs[] = '  ina.ina_all_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_allianceid')) . ") ";
            if (count(config::get('cfg_corpid'))) {
                $orargs[] = ' inc.inc_crp_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_corpid')) . ") ";
            if (count(config::get('cfg_pilotid'))) {
                $orargs[] = ' ind.ind_plt_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_pilotid')) . ") ";
            if (count($orargs)) {
                $andargs[] = '(' . join(' OR ', $orargs) . ')';
            $orargs = array();
            if ($contract->getSystems()) {
                $orargs[] = 'kll.kll_system_id in ( ' . join(',', $contract->getSystems()) . ')';
            if ($contract->getRegions()) {
                $orargs[] = 'con.con_reg_id in ( ' . join(',', $contract->getRegions()) . ' )';
            if (count($orargs)) {
                $andargs[] = '(' . join(' OR ', $orargs) . ')';
            if (count($andargs)) {
                $sql .= 'WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $andargs);
            $sql .= ') as kb3_shadow';
            $sql .= " /* contract: getTableStats '{$invcount}':kills' */";
            $result = $qry->execute($sql);
            $row = $qry->getRow($result);
            $kdata = array('kills' => $row['ships'], 'killisk' => $row['isk'] / 1000);
            if ($kdata['killisk']) {
                $efficiency = round($kdata['killisk'] / ($kdata['killisk'] + $ldata['lossisk']) * 100, 2);
            } else {
                $efficiency = 0;
            $bar = new BarGraph($efficiency, 100);
            $tbldata[] = array_merge(array('name' => $contract->getName(), 'startdate' => $contract->getStartDate(), 'bar' => $bar->generate(), 'enddate' => $contract->getEndDate(), 'efficiency' => $efficiency, 'id' => $contract->getID(), 'url' => edkURI::page('cc_detail', $contract->getID(), 'ctr_id')), $kdata, $ldata);
        return $tbldata;