Example #1
  * @brief display the board conent view
 function dispBoardContentView()
     // get the variable value
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     $page = Context::get('page');
     // generate document model object
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
      * if the document exists, then get the document information
     if ($document_srl) {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, false, true);
         // if the document is existed
         if ($oDocument->isExists()) {
             // if the module srl is not consistent
             if ($oDocument->get('module_srl') != $this->module_info->module_srl) {
                 return $this->stop('msg_invalid_request');
             // check the manage grant
             if ($this->grant->manager) {
             // if the consultation function is enabled, and the document is not a notice
             if ($this->consultation && !$oDocument->isNotice()) {
                 $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
                 if ($oDocument->get('member_srl') != $logged_info->member_srl) {
                     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument(0);
             // if the document is TEMP saved, check Grant
             if ($oDocument->getStatus() == 'TEMP') {
                 if (!$oDocument->isGranted()) {
                     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument(0);
         } else {
             // if the document is not existed, then alert a warning message
             Context::set('document_srl', '', true);
          * if the document is not existed, get an empty document
     } else {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument(0);
      *check the document view grant
     if ($oDocument->isExists()) {
         if (!$this->grant->view && !$oDocument->isGranted()) {
             $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument(0);
             Context::set('document_srl', '', true);
         } else {
             // add the document title to the browser
             $seo_title = config('seo.document_title') ?: '$SITE_TITLE - $DOCUMENT_TITLE';
             Context::setBrowserTitle($seo_title, array('site_title' => Context::getSiteTitle(), 'site_subtitle' => Context::getSiteSubtitle(), 'subpage_title' => $this->module_info->browser_title, 'document_title' => $oDocument->getTitleText(), 'page' => Context::get('page') ?: 1));
             // update the document view count (if the document is not secret)
             if (!$oDocument->isSecret() || $oDocument->isGranted()) {
             // disappear the document if it is secret
             if ($oDocument->isSecret() && !$oDocument->isGranted()) {
                 $oDocument->add('content', lang('thisissecret'));
     Context::set('update_view', $this->grant->update_view);
     // setup the document oject on context
     $oDocument->add('module_srl', $this->module_srl);
     Context::set('oDocument', $oDocument);
      * add javascript filters
     Context::addJsFilter($this->module_path . 'tpl/filter', 'insert_comment.xml');
     //            return new Object();
Example #2
  * Initialization. It finds the target module based on module, mid, document_srl, and prepares to execute an action
  * @return boolean true: OK, false: redirected
  * */
 public function init()
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     // if success_return_url and error_return_url is incorrect
     $urls = array(Context::get('success_return_url'), Context::get('error_return_url'));
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         if (empty($url)) {
         if ($host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST)) {
             $defaultHost = parse_url(Context::getDefaultUrl(), PHP_URL_HOST);
             if ($host !== $defaultHost) {
                 $siteModuleHost = $site_module_info->domain;
                 if (strpos($siteModuleHost, '/') !== false) {
                     $siteModuleHost = parse_url($siteModuleHost, PHP_URL_HOST);
                 if ($host !== $siteModuleHost) {
                     Context::set('success_return_url', null);
                     Context::set('error_return_url', null);
     if (!$this->document_srl && $this->mid && $this->entry) {
         $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
         $this->document_srl = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentSrlByAlias($this->mid, $this->entry);
         if ($this->document_srl) {
             Context::set('document_srl', $this->document_srl);
     // Get module's information based on document_srl, if it's specified
     if ($this->document_srl) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByDocumentSrl($this->document_srl);
         // If the document does not exist, remove document_srl
         if (!$module_info) {
             if (Context::getRequestMethod() == 'GET') {
                 $this->error = 'The document does not exist';
                 $this->httpStatusCode = '404';
                 return true;
             } else {
         } else {
             // If it exists, compare mid based on the module information
             // if mids are not matching, set it as the document's mid
             if (!$this->mid || $this->mid != $module_info->mid) {
                 if (Context::getRequestMethod() == 'GET') {
                     header('location: ' . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_module_info->domain, 'mid', $module_info->mid, 'document_srl', $this->document_srl), true, 301);
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
                     Context::set('mid', $this->mid);
             // if requested module is different from one of the document, remove the module information retrieved based on the document number
             if ($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) {
             // if the secret document permission does not have, specify HTTP 403
             if (Context::getRequestMethod() == 'GET') {
                 $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
                 $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($this->document_srl);
                 if ($oDocument->isSecret() || $oDocument->get('status') === $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('temp')) {
                     if (!$oDocument->isGranted() && !$oDocument->isAccessible()) {
                         $this->httpStatusCode = '403';
     // If module_info is not set yet, and there exists mid information, get module information based on the mid
     if (!$module_info && $this->mid) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid($this->mid, $site_module_info->site_srl);
         //if($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) unset($module_info);
     // redirect, if module_site_srl and site_srl are different
     if (!$this->module && !$module_info && $site_module_info->site_srl == 0 && $site_module_info->module_site_srl > 0) {
         $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($site_module_info->module_site_srl);
         header('location: ' . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', $site_module_info->mid), true, 301);
         return false;
     // If module_info is not set still, and $module does not exist, find the default module
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && !$this->mid) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && $site_module_info->module_site_srl) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     // redirect, if site_srl of module_info is different from one of site's module_info
     if ($module_info && $module_info->site_srl != $site_module_info->site_srl && !Rhymix\Framework\UA::isRobot()) {
         // If the module is of virtual site
         if ($module_info->site_srl) {
             $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($module_info->site_srl);
             $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
             // If it's called from a virtual site, though it's not a module of the virtual site
         } else {
             $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl(Context::getDefaultUrl(), 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
         header("Location: {$redirect_url}", true, 301);
         return false;
     // redirect, if site start module
     if (Context::getRequestMethod() === 'GET' && isset($_GET['mid']) && $_GET['mid'] === $site_module_info->mid && count($_GET) === 1) {
         header('location: ' . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_module_info->domain), true, 301);
         return false;
     // If module info was set, retrieve variables from the module information
     if ($module_info) {
         $this->module = $module_info->module;
         $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
         $this->module_info = $module_info;
         if ($module_info->mid == $site_module_info->mid) {
             $seo_title = config('seo.main_title') ?: '$SITE_TITLE - $SITE_SUBTITLE';
         } else {
             $seo_title = config('seo.subpage_title') ?: '$SITE_TITLE - $SUBPAGE_TITLE';
         Context::setBrowserTitle($seo_title, array('site_title' => Context::getSiteTitle(), 'site_subtitle' => Context::getSiteSubtitle(), 'subpage_title' => $module_info->browser_title, 'page' => Context::get('page') ?: 1));
         $module_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('module');
         if ($module_info->meta_keywords) {
             Context::addMetaTag('keywords', $module_info->meta_keywords);
         } elseif ($module_config->meta_keywords) {
             Context::addMetaTag('keywords', $module_config->meta_keywords);
         if ($module_info->meta_description) {
             Context::addMetaTag('description', $module_info->meta_description);
         } elseif ($module_config->meta_description) {
             Context::addMetaTag('description', $module_config->meta_description);
         $viewType = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'M' : 'P';
         $targetSrl = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mlayout_srl' : 'layout_srl';
         // use the site default layout.
         if ($module_info->{$targetSrl} == -1) {
             $oLayoutAdminModel = getAdminModel('layout');
             $layoutSrl = $oLayoutAdminModel->getSiteDefaultLayout($viewType, $module_info->site_srl);
         } else {
             $layoutSrl = $module_info->{$targetSrl};
         // reset a layout_srl in module_info.
         $module_info->{$targetSrl} = $layoutSrl;
         $part_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $layoutSrl);
     // Set module and mid into module_info
     if (!isset($this->module_info)) {
         $this->module_info = new stdClass();
     $this->module_info->module = $this->module;
     $this->module_info->mid = $this->mid;
     // Set site_srl add 2011 08 09
     $this->module_info->site_srl = $site_module_info->site_srl;
     // Still no module? it's an error
     if (!$this->module) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
         $this->httpStatusCode = '404';
         return true;
     // If mid exists, set mid into context
     if ($this->mid) {
         Context::set('mid', $this->mid, TRUE);
     // Call a trigger after moduleHandler init
     $output = self::triggerCall('moduleHandler.init', 'after', $this->module_info);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         $this->error = $output->getMessage();
         return true;
     // Set current module info into context
     Context::set('current_module_info', $this->module_info);
     return true;