  * A convenient method that aggregates the results of all the other methods in the class. Example of output:
  * <code>
  *    array(
  *        // the keys are names of fields and/or taxonomies
  *        'taxonomy' => array(
  *            'available' => array(
  *                'taxonomy1'    => array(
  *                    'count'    => 10,
  *                    'slug'    => 'taxonomy1',
  *                    'name'    => 'Taxonomy One',
  *                    'font'    => 24
  *                )
  *            ),
  *            'selected' => array(
  *                'taxonomy2'    => array(
  *                    'slug'    => 'taxonomy2',
  *                    'name'    => 'Taxonomy Two'
  *                )
  *            ),
  *            'total' => 10
  *        ),
  *        'rating' => array(
  *            'available' => array(
  *                '10-20' => array(
  *                    'count'    => 4,
  *                    'slug'    => '10-20',
  *                    'to'    => 20,
  *                    'from'    => 10
  *                )
  *            ),
  *            'total' => 4
  *        )
  *    )
  * </code>
  * @param string $minFont The minimum font size to use for display in a tag cloud (defaults to : 12)
  * @param string $maxFont The maximum font size to use for display in a tag cloud (defaults to : 24)
  * @return array An associative array where the keys represent the data point with a list of selected and/or available options.
 static function all($minFont = 12, $maxFont = 24)
     $options = array();
     foreach (Config::taxonomies() as $tax) {
         $options[$tax] = self::taxonomy($tax);
     $numeric = Config::option('numeric');
     $fields = array_merge(Config::fields(), Config::meta_fields());
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (isset($numeric[$field])) {
             $options[$field] = self::range($field);
         if ($field == 'post_type') {
             $options['post_type'] = self::types(Config::types());
     foreach (Config::customFacets() as $field) {
         $options[$field] = self::custom($field);
     foreach ($options as $name => &$field) {
         if (isset($field['available'])) {
             foreach ($field['available'] as &$available) {
                 $available['font'] = self::cloud($field['available'], $available, $minFont, $maxFont);
     return $options;
  * @internal
 public static function _buildQuery($search, $facets = array())
     global $blog_id;
     $search = str_ireplace(array(' and ', ' or '), array(' AND ', ' OR '), $search);
     $fields = array();
     $musts = array();
     $filters = array();
     $scored = array();
     foreach (Config::taxonomies() as $tax) {
         if ($search) {
             $score = Config::score('tax', $tax);
             if ($score > 0) {
                 $scored[] = "{$tax}_name^{$score}";
         self::_filterBySelectedFacets($tax, $facets, 'term', $musts, $filters);
     $args = array();
     $numeric = Config::option('numeric');
     $exclude = Config::apply_filters('searcher_query_exclude_fields', array('post_date'));
     $fields = Config::fields();
     self::_searchField($fields, 'field', $exclude, $search, $facets, $musts, $filters, $scored, $numeric);
     self::_searchField(Config::meta_fields(), 'meta', $exclude, $search, $facets, $musts, $filters, $scored, $numeric);
     if (count($scored) > 0 && $search) {
         $qs = array('fields' => $scored, 'query' => $search);
         $fuzzy = Config::option('fuzzy');
         if ($fuzzy && strpos($search, "~") > -1) {
             $qs['fuzzy_min_sim'] = $fuzzy;
         $qs = Config::apply_filters('searcher_query_string', $qs);
         $musts[] = array('query_string' => $qs);
     if (in_array('post_type', $fields)) {
         self::_filterBySelectedFacets('post_type', $facets, 'term', $musts, $filters);
     self::_searchField(Config::customFacets(), 'custom', $exclude, $search, $facets, $musts, $filters, $scored, $numeric);
     if (count($filters) > 0) {
         $args['filter']['bool'] = self::_filtersToBoolean($filters);
     if (count($musts) > 0) {
         $args['query']['bool']['must'] = $musts;
     $blogfilter = array('term' => array('blog_id' => $blog_id));
     $args['filter']['bool']['must'][] = $blogfilter;
     $args = Config::apply_filters('searcher_query_pre_facet_filter', $args);
     if (in_array('post_type', $fields)) {
         $args['aggs']['post_type']['terms'] = array('field' => 'post_type', 'size' => Config::apply_filters('searcher_query_facet_size', 100));
     // return facets
     foreach (Config::facets() as $facet) {
         $args['aggs'][$facet] = array('aggs' => array("facet" => array('terms' => array('field' => $facet, 'size' => Config::apply_filters('searcher_query_facet_size', 100)))));
         if (count($filters) > 0) {
             $applicable = array();
             foreach ($filters as $filter) {
                 foreach ($filter as $type) {
                     $terms = array_keys($type);
                     if (!in_array($facet, $terms)) {
                         // do not filter on itself when using OR
                         $applicable[] = $filter;
             if (count($applicable) > 0) {
                 $args['aggs'][$facet]['filter']['bool'] = self::_filtersToBoolean($applicable);
     if (is_array($numeric)) {
         foreach (array_keys($numeric) as $facet) {
             $ranges = Config::ranges($facet);
             if (count($ranges) > 0) {
                 $args['aggs'][$facet]['aggs'] = array("range" => array('range' => array('field' => $facet, 'ranges' => array())));
                 foreach ($ranges as $key => $range) {
                     $params = array();
                     if (isset($range['to'])) {
                         $params['to'] = $range['to'];
                     if (isset($range['from'])) {
                         $params['from'] = $range['from'];
                     $args['aggs'][$facet]['aggs']['range']['range']['ranges'][] = $params;
     if (isset($args['aggs'])) {
         foreach ($args['aggs'] as $facet => &$config) {
             if (!isset($config['filter'])) {
                 $config['filter'] = array('bool' => array('must' => array()));
             $config['filter']['bool']['must'][] = $blogfilter;
     return Config::apply_filters('searcher_query_post_facet_filter', $args);