function MakeArchiveFileName($iRefTime = null) { $sDefaultBackupFileName = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . "__DB__-%Y-%m-%d"; $sBackupFile = utils::ReadParam('backup_file', $sDefaultBackupFileName, true, 'raw_data'); $oConfig = new Config(APPCONF . 'production/config-itop.php'); $sBackupFile = str_replace('__HOST__', $oConfig->GetDBHost(), $sBackupFile); $sBackupFile = str_replace('__DB__', $oConfig->GetDBName(), $sBackupFile); $sBackupFile = str_replace('__SUBNAME__', $oConfig->GetDBSubName(), $sBackupFile); if (is_null($iRefTime)) { $sBackupFile = strftime($sBackupFile); } else { $sBackupFile = strftime($sBackupFile, $iRefTime); } return $sBackupFile . '.zip'; }
static function GetPreviousInstance($sDir) { $bFound = false; $sSourceDir = ''; $sSourceEnvironement = ''; $sConfigFile = ''; $aResult = array('found' => false); if (file_exists($sDir . '/config-itop.php')) { $sSourceDir = $sDir; $sSourceEnvironment = ''; $sConfigFile = $sDir . '/config-itop.php'; $aResult['found'] = true; } else { if (file_exists($sDir . '/conf/production/config-itop.php')) { $sSourceDir = $sDir; $sSourceEnvironment = 'production'; $sConfigFile = $sDir . '/conf/production/config-itop.php'; $aResult['found'] = true; } } if ($aResult['found']) { $oPrevConf = new Config($sConfigFile); $aResult = array('found' => true, 'source_dir' => $sSourceDir, 'source_environment' => $sSourceEnvironment, 'configuration_file' => $sConfigFile, 'db_server' => $oPrevConf->GetDBHost(), 'db_user' => $oPrevConf->GetDBUser(), 'db_pwd' => $oPrevConf->GetDBPwd(), 'db_name' => $oPrevConf->GetDBName(), 'db_prefix' => $oPrevConf->GetDBSubname()); } return $aResult; }
function get_prod($sku, $locking = true, $i = 0) { if ($locking == true) { //locking mechanism - two users can't access the same site at the same time $FeedsDbObj = Config::GetDBName(Config::DATABASE_FEEDS); //$FeedsDbObj->StartTransaction (); $lock = $FeedsDbObj->SelectAndReturnRow("select site from extractor_lock where site='{$this->site}' and created>date_add(now(), interval -2 minute)", TRUE); if (empty($lock)) { $FeedsDbObj->InsertRow("insert into extractor_lock (site, created) values ('{$this->site}', now())"); //$FeedsDbObj->EndTransaction (); $res = $this->parser->get_prod($sku); $FeedsDbObj->DeleteRow("delete from extractor_lock where site='{$this->site}'"); } else { //$FeedsDbObj->EndTransaction (); sleep(7); if ($i > 10) { return "Server busy, try again"; } $res = $this->get_prod($sku, $i + 1); } } else { $res = $this->parser->get_prod($sku); } return $res; }
public static function GetUserScreenAccess($PartyID) { $ScreensDbObj = Config::GetDBName(Config::DATABASE_SCREENS); $CleanParty = $ScreensDbObj->EscapeField($PartyID); $sqlStmt = "select Screen_Name from Screen_Access where Party_ID = {$CleanParty}"; $Results = $ScreensDbObj->SelectAndReturnAllRows($sqlStmt, False, True); $UserScreenList = array(); foreach ($Results as $Screen) { $UserScreenList[$Screen["Screen_Name"]] = null; } if (isset($_SESSION["USER"])) { $ScreenUser = trim($_SESSION["USER"]); if ($ScreenUser == $PartyID) { self::$UserScreenAccess = $UserScreenList; } } return $UserScreenList; }
public function GetApplicationVersion(Config $oConfig) { $aResult = false; try { require_once APPROOT . '/core/'; CMDBSource::Init($oConfig->GetDBHost(), $oConfig->GetDBUser(), $oConfig->GetDBPwd(), $oConfig->GetDBName()); CMDBSource::SetCharacterSet($oConfig->GetDBCharacterSet(), $oConfig->GetDBCollation()); $sSQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . $oConfig->GetDBSubname() . "priv_module_install"; $aSelectInstall = CMDBSource::QueryToArray($sSQLQuery); } catch (MySQLException $e) { // No database or erroneous information $this->log_error('Can not connect to the database: host: ' . $oConfig->GetDBHost() . ', user:'******', pwd:' . $oConfig->GetDBPwd() . ', db name:' . $oConfig->GetDBName()); $this->log_error('Exception ' . $e->getMessage()); return false; } // Scan the list of installed modules to get the version of the 'ROOT' module which holds the main application version foreach ($aSelectInstall as $aInstall) { $sModuleVersion = $aInstall['version']; if ($sModuleVersion == '') { // Though the version cannot be empty in iTop 2.0, it used to be possible // therefore we have to put something here or the module will not be considered // as being installed $sModuleVersion = '0.0.0'; } if ($aInstall['parent_id'] == 0) { if ($aInstall['name'] == DATAMODEL_MODULE) { $aResult['datamodel_version'] = $sModuleVersion; $aComments = json_decode($aInstall['comment'], true); if (is_array($aComments)) { $aResult = array_merge($aResult, $aComments); } } else { $aResult['product_name'] = $aInstall['name']; $aResult['product_version'] = $sModuleVersion; } } } if (!array_key_exists('datamodel_version', $aResult)) { // Versions prior to 2.0 did not record the version of the datamodel // so assume that the datamodel version is equal to the application version $aResult['datamodel_version'] = $aResult['product_version']; } $this->log_info("GetApplicationVersion returns: product_name: " . $aResult['product_name'] . ', product_version: ' . $aResult['product_version']); return $aResult; }
public function __construct() { $this->OfbizDbObj = Config::GetDBName(Config::DATABASE_OFBIZ); }
public function __construct($PartyID, $TableName, $GenericFeed = FALSE, $MiniFeed = FALSE) { $this->TableName = $TableName; $this->PartyID = $PartyID; $this->GenericFeed = $GenericFeed; $this->MiniFeed = $MiniFeed; $this->FeedsDbObj = Config::GetDBName(Config::DATABASE_FEEDS); $this->FeedsInsertObj = Config::GetDBName(Config::DATABASE_FEEDS2); $this->OfbizReadDB = Config::GetDBName(Config::DATABASE_OFBIZREADONLY); // Obtain current date and time from server, we use this for inventory timestamp $sqlStmt = "select now() as work_date"; $sqlResult = $this->FeedsDbObj->SelectAndReturnRow($sqlStmt); $this->StartDateTime = $sqlResult["work_date"]; if (is_null($PartyID)) { $this->IsMiniMSRP = TRUE; } else { // Check the supplier party id, and, if it does not exist, add it $SupplierObj = new OfbizSuppliers(); $SupplierName = $SupplierObj->GetSupplierName($PartyID); if (is_null($SupplierName)) { $SupplierObj->CreateNewSupplier($PartyID, $PartyID); } if (!$MiniFeed) { $this->StartSeconds = time(); $this->SqlStart = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sqlStmt = "select Current_Load_ID, Minimum_Records from Supplier_Control where Supplier_Party_ID = '{$PartyID}'"; $results = $this->FeedsInsertObj->SelectAndReturnRow($sqlStmt); $this->LoadID = $results["Current_Load_ID"]; $this->MinimumRecords = $results["Minimum_Records"]; $sqlStmt = "insert ignore into Supplier_History (Supplier_Party_ID, Load_ID, Pull_Start) values ('{$this->PartyID}', {$this->LoadID}, '{$this->SqlStart}')"; $this->FeedsInsertObj->InsertRow($sqlStmt); // Gather the list of disallowed supplier manufacturers $sqlStmt = "select smx.Supplier_Mfr_Name from Supplier_Manufacturer_Disallow smd, Supplier_Manufacturer_Xref smx where (smd.Supplier_Party_ID = '{$PartyID}' or smd.Supplier_Party_ID = 'ALL') and smd.MANUFACTURER_PARTY_ID = smx.Ofbiz_Manufacturer_ID and smx.Supplier_Party_ID = '{$PartyID}'"; $MfrList = $this->FeedsDbObj->SelectAndReturnAllRows($sqlStmt, False, True); foreach ($MfrList as $MfrInfo) { $workName = trim($MfrInfo["Supplier_Mfr_Name"]); $workName = StripInvalidCharacters($workName); if (empty($workName)) { continue; } $workName = htmlspecialchars_decode($workName, ENT_QUOTES); $this->SupplierMfrDisallow[] = $workName; } // Gather the list of prefixes to be removed for this Supplier Party $sqlStmt = "select pr.prefix, smx.Supplier_Mfr_Name from Prefix_Remover pr, Supplier_Manufacturer_Xref smx where pr.supplier_id = '{$PartyID}' and smx.Ofbiz_Manufacturer_ID = pr.manufacturer_id and smx.Supplier_Party_ID = pr.supplier_id"; $PrefixList = $this->FeedsDbObj->SelectAndReturnAllRows($sqlStmt, False, True); foreach ($PrefixList as $PrefixInfo) { $workName = trim($PrefixInfo["Supplier_Mfr_Name"]); $workName = StripInvalidCharacters($workName); if (empty($workName)) { continue; } $workName = htmlspecialchars_decode($workName, ENT_QUOTES); if (array_key_exists($workName, $this->SupplierPrefixes)) { $this->SupplierPrefixes[$workName][] = "/^" . $PrefixInfo["prefix"] . "[-]*/"; } else { $this->SupplierPrefixes[$workName] = array("/^" . $PrefixInfo["prefix"] . "[-]*/"); } } echo "Our prefix remover array is " . print_r($this->SupplierPrefixes); } } $this->FilesToPurge = array(); }