Example #1
  * Create a recurring job.
  * The `priority` argument should be negative to be run sooner rather than
  * later, and positive if it's less important. The `tags` argument should be
  * a JSON array of the tags associated with the instance.
  * @param string $klass     The class with the 'performMethod' specified in the data.
  * @param string $jid       specified job id, if false is specified, a jid will be generated.
  * @param mixed  $data      array of parameters for job.
  * @param int   $interval   The recurring interval in seconds.
  * @param int   $offset     A delay before the first run in seconds.
  * @param int   $retries    Number of times the job can retry when it runs.
  * @param int   $priority   a negative priority will run sooner.
  * @param array $resources  array of resource identifiers this job must acquire before being processed
  * @param array $tags       array of tags to add to the job.
  * @return mixed
 public function recur($klass, $jid, $data, $interval = 0, $offset = 0, $retries = 5, $priority = 0, $resources = [], $tags = [])
     return $this->client->recur($this->name, $jid ?: Qless::guidv4(), $klass, json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), 'interval', $interval, $offset, 'priority', $priority, 'tags', json_encode($tags, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), 'retries', $retries, 'resources', json_encode($resources, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));