Example #1
$script_dir = "check-scripts";
// Get check info
// Create check object
$check = new Check($check_id);
// Start timer and exec check script
$time_start = microtime(true);
$script = "{$script_dir}/" . $check->get_parsed_check_script();
$check_result = exec_check($script);
// Now create a new Event object
// Store the info we know from Check object
// and check results
$event = new Event();
// Now  we can use handle_event() to figure out if this is a new
// or exitsing event. It will do all the updating for us
// and call notify() in the event class
$time_end = microtime(true);
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
//print status line
print "{$script} => status: " . $event->get_status() . "  " . trim($event->get_info_msg());
if ($check_result['perf_data'] != "") {
    print " | " . $check_result['perf_data'];
Example #2
function displayAllChecks()
    //global the tool and make a tool bar for adding a device and display all the archived device, and displaying the IP Report
    global $tool, $form, $status_array, $status_collors;
    $toolNames = array("Add Check");
    $toolIcons = array("add");
    $toolHandlers = array("handleEvent('" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?action=addCheck')");
    echo $tool->createNewTools($toolNames, $toolIcons, $toolHandlers);
    $keyHandlers = array();
    $keyData = array();
    $keyTitle = array();
    foreach (Check::get_checks() as $id => $name) {
        $check = new Check($id);
        array_push($keyHandlers, "handleEvent('" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?action=showCheck&checkid=" . $check->get_check_id() . "')");
        array_push($keyData, $check->get_name());
        array_push($keyData, $check->get_hostname());
        array_push($keyData, $check->get_desc());
        array_push($keyData, $check->get_interval());
        array_push($keyData, $check->get_template_name());
    $headings = array("Name", "Host", "Description", "Interval", "Template");
    echo $form->showForm();