Example #1
    passwordPerson = md5('{$passwordPerson}'),
    behorighetPerson = '{$behorighetPerson}'
    WHERE idPerson = '{$idPerson}';
    } else {
        //Annars läggs en ny användare in.
        $query = <<<QUERY
INSERT INTO {$tablePerson} (accountPerson, passwordPerson, behorighetPerson)
    VALUES ('{$accountPerson}', md5('{$passwordPerson}'), '{$behorighetPerson}');
    // Om $idPerson inte innehåller något är det en ny användare.
    // Hämta då dennes id.
    if (!$idPerson) {
        $idPerson = $dbAccess->LastId();
        $redirect = "edit_usr&id=" . $idPerson;
    if ($debugEnable) {
        $debug .= "idPerson: " . $idPerson . "<br />\r\n";
    // Skicka lösenordet i mejl om detta är begärt.
    if (isset($formValues['send'])) {
        if ($debugEnable) {
            $debug .= "send= " . $formValues['send'] . "<br />\r\n";
        // Hämta mejladress. från personen eller dess målsman.
        $query = "\n            SELECT ePostPerson FROM {$tablePerson} \n            WHERE idPerson = '{$idPerson}';";
        $result = $dbAccess->SingleQuery($query);
        $row = $result->fetch_object();
Example #2
 $nameAlbum = $dbAccess->WashParameter(strip_tags($formValues['name']));
 $descriptionAlbum = $dbAccess->WashParameter(strip_tags($formValues['description']));
 $presentTime = time();
 if ($idAlbum) {
     // If $idAlbum already exists, update the DB.
     $timeEditedAlbum = $presentTime;
     $query = "\n            UPDATE {$tableAlbum} SET \n                nameAlbum        = '{$nameAlbum}',\n                descriptionAlbum = '{$descriptionAlbum}',\n                timeEditedAlbum  = '{$timeEditedAlbum}'\n                WHERE idAlbum = '{$idAlbum}';\n        ";
 } else {
     // Otherwise a new album is added to the DB.
     $album_idUser = $_SESSION['idUser'];
     $timeCreatedAlbum = $presentTime;
     $timeEditedAlbum = $presentTime;
     $query = "\n            INSERT INTO {$tableAlbum} (\n                album_idUser, \n                nameAlbum, \n                descriptionAlbum, \n                timeCreatedAlbum,\n                timeEditedAlbum)\n            VALUES (\n                '{$album_idUser}', \n                '{$nameAlbum}',\n                '{$descriptionAlbum}',\n                '{$timeCreatedAlbum}',\n                '{$timeEditedAlbum}'\n                );\n        ";
     $idAlbum = $dbAccess->LastId();
     if ($debugEnable) {
         $debug .= "idAlbum: " . $idAlbum . "<br /> \r\n";
 // Jump to next page if not in debug.
 if ($debugEnable) {
     // Remove buttons.
     // Freeze the form for display.
     $mainTextHTML .= "<a title='Vidare' href='?p={$redirect}'>\n            <img src='images/accept.png' alt='Vidare' /></a> <br />\r\n";
 } else {
     $redirect = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $redirect);
     header('Location: ' . WS_SITELINK . "?p={$redirect}");
Example #3
if ($idBook) {
    // Edit an existing book
    // Check if the session id is owner of the book.
    $query = <<<QUERY
SELECT child_idUser FROM
({$tableBook} JOIN {$tableChild} ON book_idChild = idChild)
WHERE idBook = {$idBook};
} else {
    // Add a new book.
    $query = <<<QUERY
INSERT INTO {$tableBook} (nameBook, book_idChild)
    VALUES ('{$nameBook}', '{$idChild}');
    $idBook = $dbAccess->LastId();
    // Check the id of the new book.
    if ($debugEnable) {
        $debug .= "idBook: " . $idBook . "<br /> \n";
    // Add a first page of the new book.
    $query = <<<QUERY
INSERT INTO {$tablePage} (stylePage, page_idBook)
    VALUES ('1', '{$idBook}');
// Redirect
// If in debug mode exit before redirect.
if ($debugEnable) {
Example #4
     $statBostad = $dbAccess->WashParameter(strip_tags($formValues['stat']));
     if ($idBostad) {
         // Om personen har en bostad knuten till sig så uppdatera den.
         $query = "\n                UPDATE {$tableBostad} SET \n                    telefonBostad    = '{$telefonBostad}',\n                    adressBostad     = '{$adressBostad}',\n                    stadsdelBostad   = '{$stadsdelBostad}',\n                    postnummerBostad = '{$postnummerBostad}',\n                    statBostad       = '{$statBostad}'\n                    WHERE idBostad   = '{$idBostad}';";
     } else {
         //Annars läggs en ny bostad in.
         if (!$adressBostad) {
             // Om ingen adress är angiven läggs en temporär adress in för
             // att senare kunna uppdateras.
             $adressBostad = "Temporär adress för " . $fornamnPerson . " " . $efternamnPerson;
         $query = "\n                INSERT INTO {$tableBostad} (\n                    telefonBostad, \n                    adressBostad, \n                    stadsdelBostad, \n                    postnummerBostad, \n                    statBostad)\n                VALUES (\n                    '{$telefonBostad}', \n                    '{$adressBostad}', \n                    '{$stadsdelBostad}', \n                    '{$postnummerBostad}', \n                    '{$statBostad}');";
         // Koppla bostaden till personen.
         $idBostad = $dbAccess->LastId();
         $query = "\n                UPDATE {$tablePerson} SET person_idBostad = '{$idBostad}' \n                WHERE idPerson = '{$idPerson}';";
 if ($debugEnable) {
     // Om debug så visa formuläret färdigifyllt.
     // Tag bort knapparna.
     // Frys formuläret inför ny visning.
     $mainTextHTML .= "<a title='Vidare' href='?p=show_usr&amp;id={$idPerson}'\n            tabindex='1'><img src='../images/b_enter.gif' alt='Vidare' /></a>\n            <br />\r\n";
 } else {
     // Annars hoppa vidare.
     header('Location: ' . WS_SITELINK . "?p=show_usr&id={$idPerson}");
Example #5
    firstNameChild   = '{$firstNameChild}',
    famillyNameChild = '{$famillyNameChild}',
    birthDateChild     = '{$birthDateChild}'
    WHERE idChild = '{$idChild}';
} else {
    // Else enter a new child.
    $query = <<<QUERY
INSERT INTO {$tableChild} (firstNameChild, famillyNameChild, birthDateChild, child_idUser)
    VALUES ('{$firstNameChild}', '{$famillyNameChild}', '{$birthDateChild}', '{$idUser}');
// If $idChild is empty then it's a new child. Get the id.
if (!$idChild) {
    $idChild = $dbAccess->LastId();
if ($debugEnable) {
    $debug .= "idChild: " . $idChild . "<br /> \n";
// Redirect to another page
// If in debug mode show info and exit.
if ($debugEnable) {
    echo $debug;
header("Location: " . WS_SITELINK . "?p={$redirect}");
Example #6
 $maxPhoto = new maxImageUpload();
 $result = TRUE;
 $msg = "";
 $error = "";
 // Prepare the database.
 $dbAccess = new CdbAccess();
 $tablePicture = DB_PREFIX . 'Picture';
 $tableAlbum = DB_PREFIX . 'Album';
 // Get form values.
 $namePicture = $dbAccess->WashParameter(strip_tags($_POST['mytitle']));
 $descriptionPicture = $dbAccess->WashParameter(strip_tags($_POST['mydesc']));
 // Register picture in DB and store the information.
 $query = "\n        INSERT INTO {$tablePicture} (\n            picture_idAlbum, \n            namePicture, \n            descriptionPicture)\n        VALUES (\n            '{$idAlbum}', \n            '{$namePicture}',\n            '{$descriptionPicture}'\n        );\n    ";
 // Get the picture id.
 $idPicture = $dbAccess->LastId();
 if ($debugEnable) {
     $debug .= "idPicture=" . $idPicture . " Type=" . $_FILES['myfile']['type'] . " Name=" . $_FILES['myfile']['name'] . "<br />\r\n";
 //Check image type. Only jpeg images are allowed
 if (strcasecmp($_FILES['myfile']['type'], 'image/pjpeg') && strcasecmp($_FILES['myfile']['type'], 'image/jpeg') && strcasecmp($_FILES['myfile']['type'], 'image/jpg')) {
     $error = "Bara jpeg-bilder kan laddas upp!";
     $result = false;
 if ($result) {
     // Move uploaded file to a temporary name.
     $target_path = TP_PICTURES . "tmp" . '.jpg';
     if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
     } else {
         $error = "Något gick fel vid uppladdningen av din bild!";
         $result = false;
Example #7
    accountUser   = '******',
    passwordUser  = md5('{$password1User}'),
    authorityUser = '******'
    WHERE idUser  = '******';
} else {
    // Else enter a new user.
    $query = <<<QUERY
INSERT INTO {$tableUser} (accountUser, passwordUser, authorityUser)
    VALUES ('{$accountUser}', md5('{$password1User}'), '{$authorityUser}');
// If $idUser is empty then it's a new user. Get the id.
if (!$idUser) {
    $idUser = $dbAccess->LastId();
if ($debugEnable) {
    $debug .= "idUser: "******"<br /> \n";
// Send the password in a mail if it is requested.
if ($send) {
    // Get the mail address.
    $query = "SELECT eMail1User, eMail2User FROM {$tableUser} WHERE idUser = '******';";
    $result = $dbAccess->SingleQuery($query);
    $row = $result->fetch_object();
    if ($row->eMail1User) {
        $eMailAdr = $row->eMail1User;
    } elseif ($row->eMail2User) {
        $eMailAdr = $row->eMail1User;