Example #1
 * Make the index view
 public function get_index()
     $fname = "";
     if (Auth::check()) {
         $fname = User::getFirstName(Auth::user()->get()->cid);
     //Pull category data
     $publicCategories = Category::where('hidden', '!=', 1)->get();
     $categories = Category::all();
     //Figure out which categories have children
     $categoryChildren = array();
     foreach ($categories as $categoryParent) {
         if (Category::isParent($categoryParent->id)) {
             $categoryChildren[$categoryParent->id] = Category::getChildren($categoryParent->id);
     //Get our news
     $news = News::where("visible", "=", 1)->orderBy("updated_at", "DESC")->get();
     return View::make('index')->with(array('fname' => $fname, 'categories' => $categories, 'categoryChildren' => $categoryChildren, 'publicCategories' => $publicCategories, 'news' => $news));
  * Get musicinfo rows for browse list by filters and limit.
 public function getMusicRange($cat, $start, $num, $orderby, $maxage = -1, $excludedcats = array())
     $db = new DB();
     $browseby = $this->getBrowseBy();
     if ($start === false) {
         $limit = "";
     } else {
         $limit = " LIMIT " . $start . "," . $num;
     $catsrch = "";
     if (count($cat) > 0 && $cat[0] != -1) {
         $catsrch = " (";
         foreach ($cat as $category) {
             if ($category != -1) {
                 $categ = new Category();
                 if ($categ->isParent($category)) {
                     $children = $categ->getChildren($category);
                     $chlist = "-99";
                     foreach ($children as $child) {
                         $chlist .= ", " . $child["ID"];
                     if ($chlist != "-99") {
                         $catsrch .= " r.categoryID in (" . $chlist . ") or ";
                 } else {
                     $catsrch .= sprintf(" r.categoryID = %d or ", $category);
         $catsrch .= "1=2 )";
     $maxagesql = "";
     if ($maxage > 0) {
         $maxagesql = sprintf(" and r.postdate > now() - interval %d day ", $maxage);
     $exccatlist = "";
     if (count($excludedcats) > 0) {
         $exccatlist = " and r.categoryID not in (" . implode(",", $excludedcats) . ")";
     $order = $this->getMusicOrder($orderby);
     // query modified to join to musicinfo after limiting releases as performance issue prevented sane sql.
     $sql = sprintf(" SELECT r.*, r.ID as releaseID, m.*, g.title as genre, groups.name as group_name, concat(cp.title, ' > ', c.title) as category_name, concat(cp.ID, ',', c.ID) as category_ids, rn.ID as nfoID from releases r left outer join groups on groups.ID = r.groupID inner join musicinfo m on m.ID = r.musicinfoID and m.title != '' left outer join releasenfo rn on rn.releaseID = r.ID and rn.nfo is not null left outer join category c on c.ID = r.categoryID left outer join category cp on cp.ID = c.parentID left outer join genres g on g.ID = m.genreID inner join (select r.ID from releases r inner join musicinfo m ON m.ID = r.musicinfoID and m.title != '' where r.musicinfoID > 0 and r.passwordstatus <= (select value from site where setting='showpasswordedrelease') and %s %s %s %s order by %s %s %s) x on x.ID = r.ID order by %s %s", $browseby, $catsrch, $maxagesql, $exccatlist, $order[0], $order[1], $limit, $order[0], $order[1]);
     return $db->query($sql, true);
Example #3
  * Creates part of a query for searches requiring the categoryid's.
  * @param array $categories
  * @return string
 public function categorySQL($categories)
     $sql = '';
     if (count($categories) > 0 && $categories[0] != -1) {
         $Category = new \Category(['Settings' => $this->pdo]);
         $sql = ' AND (';
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             if ($category != -1) {
                 if ($Category->isParent($category)) {
                     $children = $Category->getChildren($category);
                     $childList = '-99';
                     foreach ($children as $child) {
                         $childList .= ', ' . $child['id'];
                     if ($childList != '-99') {
                         $sql .= ' r.categoryid IN (' . $childList . ') OR ';
                 } else {
                     $sql .= sprintf(' r.categoryid = %d OR ', $category);
         $sql .= '1=2 )';
     return $sql;
  * Constructs a SphinxQL query.
  * @param   array   $search
  * @param   array   $cat
  * @param   int     $offset
  * @param   int     $limit
  * @param   array   $order
  * @param   int     $maxage
  * @param   array   $excludedcats
  * @param   array   $grp
  * @param   array   $indexes
  * @param   boolean $lookup
  * @param   array   $where
  * @param   string  $lookupQuery
 public function buildQuery($search, $cat = array(), $offset = 0, $limit = 100, $order = array("postdate", "desc"), $maxage = -1, $excludedcats = array(), $grp = array(), $indexes = array(), $lookup = true, $where = array(), &$lookupQuery = "")
     $ndb = new DB();
     $offset = intval($offset);
     $limit = intval($limit);
     if ($lookup) {
         // Since we're going to look up the data from MySQL, we don't need
         // to get all the fields from Sphinx.
         $select = "ID, name ";
     } else {
         $select = "* ";
     // Create a comma separated string of indexes, but only of enabled
     // indexes
     $searchIndexes = array();
     foreach ($indexes as $index) {
         if ($this->isIndexEnabled($index)) {
             $searchIndexes[] = $index;
     if (count($searchIndexes) == 0) {
         $searchIndexes = array_reverse($this->getAllEnabledIndexes(true));
     $from = implode(", ", $searchIndexes);
     // Check to see if this is an extended query.  If it is, remove the
     // leading "!" and don't touch the rest of the query.
     if (count($search) > 0) {
         if (substr($search[0], 0, 2) == "! ") {
                Extended Query
             $search[0] = substr($search[0], 2, strlen($search[0]) - 2);
         } else {
                Basic Query
             // Check to see if the the query contains any field specifiers like:
             // "@(field1,field2)"--if not, add in the default search fields.
             foreach ($search as $i => $q) {
                 if ($q && !preg_match('/@\\(?\\w+/i', $q)) {
                     // No field specifiers were found, so use the site-defaults.  This
                     // turns the query for "ubuntu" into something like:
                     //  "@(name,searchname) ubuntu"
                     $fields = str_replace(" ", "", $this->site->sphinxsearchfields);
                     // Remove single "-" so that Sphinx doesn't use it as an
                     // exclusion modifier
                     $q = preg_replace('/([^\\-])\\-/', '\\1 ', $q);
                     // "basic" search syntax allows a "--" exclusion modifier,
                     // but Sphinx uses "-" as a the exclusion modifier
                     $q = str_replace("--", "-", $q);
                     // always add on * to Season based searches
                     $q = preg_replace('/([\\. ]S\\d{2})( |$)/i', '\\1*\\2', $q);
                     // Construct the basic query
                     $search[$i] = sprintf("@(%s) ", $fields) . $q;
     // Create the actual MATCH() query.  Per the Sphinx docs, each query
     // can only have one MATCH() statement.
     if (count($search) > 0) {
         if (!(count($search) == 1 && $search[0] == "")) {
             // If we are searching across multiple indexes, it is safer to prepend
             // "@@relaxed" to the query to ensure that Sphinx doesn't choke on
             // differences in schemas.  See:
             //      http://sphinxsearch.com/docs/2.0.2/extended-syntax.html
             if (count($searchIndexes) > 1 && strpos($search[0], "@@relaxed") !== 0) {
                 // We are searching across multiple indexes and the term
                 // "@@relaxed" wasn't found at the beginning,
                 $search[0] = "@@relaxed " . $search[0];
             $where[] = sprintf("MATCH(%s)", $ndb->escapeString(implode(' ', $search)));
     // Build the category query.  If any of the categories are a "parent"
     // then we need to explicitly include their children as well.
     $categoryIDs = array();
     if (count($cat) > 0 && $cat[0] != -1) {
         foreach ($cat as $category) {
             if ($category != -1) {
                 if (!in_array($category, $categoryIDs)) {
                     $categoryIDs[] = $category;
                 $categ = new Category();
                 if ($categ->isParent($category)) {
                     // Inlcude all children
                     $children = $categ->getChildren($category);
                     foreach ($children as $child) {
                         if (!in_array($child["ID"], $categoryIDs)) {
                             $categoryIDs[] = $child["ID"];
     // Only include the category filter if we created one.
     if ($categoryIDs) {
         $where[] = sprintf("categoryID IN (%s)", implode(",", $categoryIDs));
     // Filter on postdate.
     if ($maxage > 0) {
         // TODO: This probably isn't the best way to do this...
         $where[] = sprintf("postdate >= %d", time() - $maxage * 86400);
     // Categories to exclude.
     if (count($excludedcats) > 0) {
         $where[] = sprintf("categoryID NOT IN (%s)", implode(",", $excludedcats));
     // Usenet groups to include.
     if ($grp) {
         foreach ($grp as $i => $g) {
             if (strpos($g, "a.b.") !== false) {
                 $sql = sprintf("SELECT ID FROM groups " . "WHERE name = %s", $ndb->escapeString(str_replace("a.b.", "alt.binaries.", $g)));
                 $row = $ndb->queryOneRow($sql);
                 $grp[$i] = $row["ID"];
         $where[] = sprintf("groupID IN (%s)", implode(",", $grp));
     // Order the results.
     // TODO: implement better default ordering behavior.
     $orderby = "";
     if (count($order) == 2) {
         $orderby = sprintf("ORDER BY %s %s", $order[0], $order[1]);
         // Add in the ORDER BY parameters if there is a $lookupQuery
         if ($lookupQuery) {
             $lookupQuery = $lookupQuery . " " . $orderby;
     // Build the full query.
     $q = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s " . (!empty($where) ? "WHERE " : "") . " %s %s LIMIT %d,%d", $select, $from, implode(" AND ", $where), $orderby, $offset, $limit);
     // Sphinx imposes a 1000 result limit (max_matches) by default, so in
     // order to access results beyond this, we need to tell it to do so
     if ($offset >= 1000) {
         $q .= sprintf(" OPTION max_matches=%d", $offset + $limit);
     return $q;
Example #5
 public function getMovieRange($cat, $start, $num, $orderby, $maxage = -1, $excludedcats = array())
     $db = new DB();
     $browseby = $this->getBrowseBy();
     if ($start === false) {
         $limit = "";
     } else {
         $limit = " LIMIT " . $start . "," . $num;
     $catsrch = "";
     if (count($cat) > 0 && $cat[0] != -1) {
         $catsrch = " (";
         foreach ($cat as $category) {
             if ($category != -1) {
                 $categ = new Category();
                 if ($categ->isParent($category)) {
                     $children = $categ->getChildren($category);
                     $chlist = "-99";
                     foreach ($children as $child) {
                         $chlist .= ", " . $child["ID"];
                     if ($chlist != "-99") {
                         $catsrch .= " r.categoryID in (" . $chlist . ") or ";
                 } else {
                     $catsrch .= sprintf(" r.categoryID = %d or ", $category);
         $catsrch .= "1=2 )";
     $maxage = "";
     if ($maxage > 0) {
         $maxage = sprintf(" and r.postdate > now() - interval %d day ", $maxage);
     $exccatlist = "";
     if (count($excludedcats) > 0) {
         $exccatlist = " and r.categoryID not in (" . implode(",", $excludedcats) . ")";
     $order = $this->getMovieOrder($orderby);
     $sql = sprintf(" SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(r.ID ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR ',') as grp_release_id, GROUP_CONCAT(r.guid ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR ',') as grp_release_guid, GROUP_CONCAT(rn.ID ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR ',') as grp_release_nfoID, GROUP_CONCAT(groups.name ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR ',') as grp_release_grpname, GROUP_CONCAT(r.searchname ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR '#') as grp_release_name, GROUP_CONCAT(r.postdate ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR ',') as grp_release_postdate, GROUP_CONCAT(r.size ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR ',') as grp_release_size, GROUP_CONCAT(r.totalpart ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR ',') as grp_release_totalparts, GROUP_CONCAT(r.comments ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR ',') as grp_release_comments, GROUP_CONCAT(r.grabs ORDER BY r.postdate desc SEPARATOR ',') as grp_release_grabs, m.*, groups.name as group_name, rn.ID as nfoID from releases r left outer join groups on groups.ID = r.groupID inner join movieinfo m on m.imdbID = r.imdbID and m.title != '' left outer join releasenfo rn on rn.releaseID = r.ID and rn.nfo is not null where r.passwordstatus <= (select value from site where setting='showpasswordedrelease') and %s %s %s %s group by m.imdbID order by %s %s" . $limit, $browseby, $catsrch, $maxage, $exccatlist, $order[0], $order[1]);
     return $db->query($sql);
Example #6
  * Get range of consoleinfo rows for browse list.
 public function getConsoleRange($cat, $start, $num, $orderby, $maxage = -1, $excludedcats = [])
     $browseby = $this->getBrowseBy();
     if ($start === false) {
         $limit = "";
     } else {
         $limit = " LIMIT " . $start . "," . $num;
     $catsrch = "";
     if (count($cat) > 0 && $cat[0] != -1) {
         $catsrch = " (";
         foreach ($cat as $category) {
             if ($category != -1) {
                 $categ = new Category();
                 if ($categ->isParent($category)) {
                     $children = $categ->getChildren($category);
                     $chlist = "-99";
                     foreach ($children as $child) {
                         $chlist .= ", " . $child["id"];
                     if ($chlist != "-99") {
                         $catsrch .= " r.categoryid in (" . $chlist . ") or ";
                 } else {
                     $catsrch .= sprintf(" r.categoryid = %d or ", $category);
         $catsrch .= "1=2 )";
     $maxagesql = "";
     if ($maxage > 0) {
         $maxagesql = sprintf(" and r.postdate > now() - interval %d day ", $maxage);
     $exccatlist = "";
     if (count($excludedcats) > 0) {
         $exccatlist = " and r.categoryid not in (" . implode(",", $excludedcats) . ")";
     $order = $this->getConsoleOrder($orderby);
     $sql = sprintf(" SELECT r.*, r.id as releaseid, con.*, g.title as genre, groups.name as group_name, concat(cp.title, ' > ', c.title) as category_name, concat(cp.id, ',', c.id) as category_ids, rn.id as nfoid from releases r left outer join groups on groups.id = r.groupid inner join consoleinfo con on con.id = r.consoleinfoid left outer join releasenfo rn on rn.releaseid = r.id and rn.nfo is not null left outer join category c on c.id = r.categoryid left outer join category cp on cp.id = c.parentid left outer join genres g on g.id = con.genreid where r.passwordstatus <= (select value from settings where setting='showpasswordedrelease') and %s %s %s %s order by %s %s" . $limit, $browseby, $catsrch, $maxagesql, $exccatlist, $order[0], $order[1]);
     return $this->pdo->query($sql, true);
  * Search for releases by imdbid/movieinfo. Used by API/Couchpotato.
 public function searchbyImdbId($imdbId, $offset = 0, $limit = 100, $name = "", $cat = array(-1), $genre = "", $maxage = -1)
     $s = new Sites();
     $site = $s->get();
     if ($site->sphinxenabled) {
         $sphinx = new Sphinx();
         $results = $sphinx->searchbyImdbId($imdbId, $offset, $limit, $name, $cat, $genre, $maxage, array(), true);
         if (is_array($results)) {
             return $results;
     $db = new DB();
     if ($imdbId != "-1" && is_numeric($imdbId)) {
         //pad id with zeros just in case
         $imdbId = str_pad($imdbId, 7, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $imdbId = sprintf(" and releases.imdbID = %d ", $imdbId);
     } else {
         $imdbId = "";
     // if the query starts with a ^ it indicates the search is looking for items which start with the term
     // still do the fulltext match, but mandate that all items returned must start with the provided word
     $words = explode(" ", $name);
     $searchsql = "";
     $intwordcount = 0;
     if (count($words) > 0) {
         foreach ($words as $word) {
             if ($word != "") {
                 // see if the first word had a caret, which indicates search must start with term
                 if ($intwordcount == 0 && strpos($word, "^") === 0) {
                     $searchsql .= sprintf(" and releases.searchname like %s", $db->escapeString(substr($word, 1) . "%"));
                 } elseif (substr($word, 0, 2) == '--') {
                     $searchsql .= sprintf(" and releases.searchname not like %s", $db->escapeString("%" . substr($word, 2) . "%"));
                 } else {
                     $searchsql .= sprintf(" and releases.searchname like %s", $db->escapeString("%" . $word . "%"));
     $catsrch = "";
     if (count($cat) > 0 && $cat[0] != -1) {
         $catsrch = " and (";
         foreach ($cat as $category) {
             if ($category != -1) {
                 $categ = new Category();
                 if ($categ->isParent($category)) {
                     $children = $categ->getChildren($category);
                     $chlist = "-99";
                     foreach ($children as $child) {
                         $chlist .= ", " . $child["ID"];
                     if ($chlist != "-99") {
                         $catsrch .= " releases.categoryID in (" . $chlist . ") or ";
                 } else {
                     $catsrch .= sprintf(" releases.categoryID = %d or ", $category);
         $catsrch .= "1=2 )";
     if ($maxage > 0) {
         $maxage = sprintf(" and releases.postdate > now() - interval %d day ", $maxage);
     } else {
         $maxage = "";
     if ($genre != "") {
         $genre = sprintf(" and movieinfo.genre like %s", $db->escapeString("%" . $genre . "%"));
     $sql = sprintf("select releases.*, movieinfo.title as moi_title, movieinfo.tagline as moi_tagline, movieinfo.rating as moi_rating, movieinfo.plot as moi_plot, movieinfo.year as moi_year, movieinfo.genre as moi_genre, movieinfo.director as moi_director, movieinfo.actors as moi_actors, movieinfo.cover as moi_cover, movieinfo.backdrop as moi_backdrop, concat(cp.title, ' > ', c.title) as category_name, concat(cp.ID, ',', c.ID) as category_ids, groups.name as group_name, rn.ID as nfoID from releases left outer join groups on groups.ID = releases.groupID left outer join category c on c.ID = releases.categoryID left outer join releasenfo rn on rn.releaseID = releases.ID and rn.nfo is not null left outer join category cp on cp.ID = c.parentID left outer join movieinfo on releases.imdbID = movieinfo.imdbID where releases.passwordstatus <= (select value from site where setting='showpasswordedrelease') %s %s %s %s %s order by postdate desc limit %d, %d ", $searchsql, $imdbId, $catsrch, $maxage, $genre, $offset, $limit);
     $orderpos = strpos($sql, "order by");
     $wherepos = strpos($sql, "where");
     $sqlcount = "select count(releases.ID) as num from releases left outer join movieinfo on releases.imdbID = movieinfo.imdbID " . substr($sql, $wherepos, $orderpos - $wherepos);
     $countres = $db->queryOneRow($sqlcount, true);
     $res = $db->query($sql, true);
     if (count($res) > 0) {
         $res[0]["_totalrows"] = $countres["num"];
     return $res;
Example #8
  * Get movieinfo rows for browse list by limit.
 public function getMovieRange($cat, $start, $num, $orderby, $maxage = -1, $excludedcats = array())
     $browseby = $this->getBrowseBy();
     if ($start === false) {
         $limit = "";
     } else {
         $limit = " LIMIT " . $start . "," . $num;
     $catsrch = "";
     if (count($cat) > 0 && $cat[0] != -1) {
         $catsrch = " (";
         foreach ($cat as $category) {
             if ($category != -1) {
                 $categ = new Category();
                 if ($categ->isParent($category)) {
                     $children = $categ->getChildren($category);
                     $chlist = "-99";
                     foreach ($children as $child) {
                         $chlist .= ", " . $child["id"];
                     if ($chlist != "-99") {
                         $catsrch .= " r.categoryid in (" . $chlist . ") or ";
                 } else {
                     $catsrch .= sprintf(" r.categoryid = %d or ", $category);
         $catsrch .= "1=2 )";
     } else {
         $catsrch = " 1=1 ";
     $maxagesql = "";
     if ($maxage > 0) {
         $maxagesql = sprintf(" and r.postdate > now() - interval %d day ", $maxage);
     $exccatlist = "";
     if (count($excludedcats) > 0) {
         $exccatlist = " and r.categoryid not in (" . implode(",", $excludedcats) . ")";
     $order = $this->getMovieOrder($orderby);
     $sql = sprintf(" SELECT r.imdbid, max(r.postdate) as postdate, m.* from releases r inner join movieinfo m on m.imdbid = r.imdbid where r.passwordstatus <= (select value from settings where setting='showpasswordedrelease') and m.title != '' and r.imdbid != 0000000 and %s %s %s %s group by r.imdbid order by %s %s" . $limit, $browseby, $catsrch, $maxagesql, $exccatlist, $order[0], $order[1]);
     $rows = $this->pdo->query($sql, true);
     //get a copy of all the imdbs
     $imdbds = "";
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $imdbds .= $row["imdbid"] . ", ";
     if (strlen($imdbds) > 0) {
         $imdbds = substr($imdbds, 0, -2);
         // get all releases matching these ids
         $sql = sprintf("select r.*, releasenfo.id as nfoid, groups.name as grpname, concat(cp.title, ' > ', c.title) as categoryname from releases r left outer join category c on c.id = r.categoryid left outer join category cp on cp.id = c.parentid left outer join releasenfo on releasenfo.releaseid = r.id left outer join groups on groups.id = r.groupid where imdbid in (%s) and %s %s %s order by r.postdate desc", $imdbds, $catsrch, $maxagesql, $exccatlist);
         $allrows = $this->pdo->query($sql, true);
         $arr = array();
         // build array indexed by imdbid
         foreach ($allrows as &$allrow) {
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["id"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["id"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["id"] : "") . $allrow["id"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["rarinnerfilecount"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["rarinnerfilecount"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["rarinnerfilecount"] : "") . $allrow["rarinnerfilecount"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["haspreview"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["haspreview"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["haspreview"] : "") . $allrow["haspreview"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["passwordstatus"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["passwordstatus"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["passwordstatus"] : "") . $allrow["passwordstatus"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["guid"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["guid"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["guid"] : "") . $allrow["guid"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["nfoid"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["nfoid"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["nfoid"] : "") . $allrow["nfoid"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["grpname"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["grpname"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["grpname"] : "") . $allrow["grpname"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["searchname"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["searchname"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["searchname"] : "") . $allrow["searchname"] . "#";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["postdate"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["postdate"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["postdate"] : "") . $allrow["postdate"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["size"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["size"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["size"] : "") . $allrow["size"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["totalpart"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["totalpart"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["totalpart"] : "") . $allrow["totalpart"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["comments"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["comments"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["comments"] : "") . $allrow["comments"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["grabs"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["grabs"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["grabs"] : "") . $allrow["grabs"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["categoryid"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["categoryid"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["categoryid"] : "") . $allrow["categoryid"] . ",";
             $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["categoryname"] = (isset($arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["categoryname"]) ? $arr[$allrow["imdbid"]]["categoryname"] : "") . $allrow["categoryname"] . ",";
         // stuff back into the results set
         foreach ($rows as &$row) {
             $row["grp_release_id"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["id"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_rarinnerfilecount"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["rarinnerfilecount"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_haspreview"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["haspreview"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_password"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["passwordstatus"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_guid"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["guid"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_nfoid"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["nfoid"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_grpname"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["grpname"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_name"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["searchname"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_postdate"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["postdate"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_size"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["size"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_totalparts"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["totalpart"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_comments"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["comments"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_grabs"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["grabs"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_categoryid"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["categoryid"], 0, -1);
             $row["grp_release_categoryname"] = substr($arr[$row["imdbid"]]["categoryname"], 0, -1);
     return $rows;