Example #1
     * CSS Magic actions in style.php.
    public function css_magic($cssIn)
        global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $wpUnited, $phpbbForum;
        define('WPU_STYLE_FIXER', true);
        require $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/hooks/hook_wp-united.' . $phpEx;
        if (!isset($wpUnited) || !$wpUnited->is_enabled()) {
            return $cssIn;
        require_once $wpUnited->get_plugin_path() . 'functions-css-magic.php';
        $wpuCache = WPU_Cache::getInstance();
        if (!isset($_GET['usecssm'])) {
            return $cssIn;
        $pos = request_var('pos', 'outer') == 'inner' ? 'inner' : 'outer';
        $islandBlock = request_var('island', 0) == 1;
        $cacheLocation = '';
        $tvFailed = false;
        $cssIdentifier = request_var('cloc', 0);
        $cssIdentifier = $wpUnited->get_style_key($cssIdentifier);
        $useTV = -1;
        if (isset($_GET['tv']) && $pos == 'inner') {
            $useTV = request_var('tv', -1);
         * First check cache
        $css = '';
        if ($useTV > -1) {
            // template voodoo-modified CSS already cached?
            if ($cacheLocation = $wpuCache->get_css_magic($cssIdentifier, $pos, $useTV, $islandBlock)) {
                $css = @file_get_contents($cacheLocation);
        } else {
            // Try loading CSS-magic-only CSS from cache
            if ($cacheLocation = $wpuCache->get_css_magic($cssIdentifier, $pos, -1, $islandBlock)) {
                $css = @file_get_contents($cacheLocation);
        if (!empty($css)) {
            return $css;
        // Apply or load css magic
        include $wpUnited->get_plugin_path() . 'css-magic.php';
        $packagePath = $wpUnited->get_setting('phpbb_path');
        $packageUrl = $phpbbForum->get_board_url();
        $processImports = !($useTV > -1);
        $cssMagic = new CSS_Magic($processImports, $packageUrl, $packagePath);
        if (!$cssMagic->parseString($cssIn)) {
            return $cssIn;
        // if pos= outer, we just need to cache the CSS so that Template Voodoo can get at it
        if ($pos == 'inner') {
            // Apply Template Voodoo
            if ($useTV > -1) {
                if (!apply_template_voodoo($cssMagic, $useTV)) {
                    // set useTV to -1 so that cache name reflects that we weren't able to apply TemplateVoodoo
                    $useTV = -1;
                    $tvFailed = true;
            // Apply CSS Magic
            $cssMagic->makeSpecificByIdThenClass('wpucssmagic', false);
        if ($islandBlock) {
            $cssMagic->makeSpecificByClass('wpuisle2', false);
            $cssMagic->makeSpecificByClass('wpuisle', false);
        $desc = $pos == 'inner' ? 'modified to make it more specific' : 'parsed and cached so the style fixer can read it';
        $now = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
        $preHeader = <<<COUT
\tThis CSS Stylesheet has been parsed with WP-United. The source is phpBB's style.php.
\tThe CSS in this file has been {$desc}.
\tYou should refer to the original CSS files for the underlying style rules.
\tPurge the phpBB cache to re-generate this CSS.
\tDate/Time generated: {$now}
\tWP-United (c) John Wells, licensed under the GNU GPL v2. Underlying CSS copyright not affected.

        $css = $preHeader . $cssMagic->getCSS();
        //cache fixed CSS
        if (!$tvFailed) {
            $wpuCache->save_css_magic($css, $cssIdentifier, $pos, $useTV, $islandBlock);
        return $css;
 * We now have properly separated inner/outer content
 * We now identify all the stylesheets and redirect them to CSS Magic.
 * We don't parse them now, as style.php is used for phpBB styles.
 * Once they have been parsed by CSS Magic, on subsequent run-throughs here, 
 * we can read CSS Magic's cache and look at the stylesheets for conflicting 
 * classes and IDs. Then, we modify the templates accordingly, and instruct CSS Magic
 * to make additional changes to the CSS the next time around.
function wpu_css_magic()
    global $wpUnited;
    $wpuCache = WPU_Cache::getInstance();
     * Get all links to stylesheets, and prepare appropriate replacement links to insert into the page content
     * The generated CSS links to insert into the HTML will need to carry information for the browser on the 
     * physical disk location of the CSS files on the server.
     * We cannot allow browsers to just request any file on the server by filename, so get_stylesheet_links pre-approves the
     * files and stores them in the DB under "style keys". Browsers then only need to know the 
     * appropriate style key, not the filename
    $innerSSLinks = wpu_get_stylesheet_links($wpUnited->get_inner_headinfo(), 'inner');
    // also grep all inline css out of headers
    $inCSSInner = wpu_extract_css($wpUnited->get_inner_headinfo());
     * Template Voodoo
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('templateVoodoo')) {
        //For template voodoo, we also need the outer styles
        $outerSSLinks = wpu_get_stylesheet_links($wpUnited->get_outer_content(), 'outer');
        $inCSSOuter = wpu_extract_css($wpUnited->get_outer_content());
        // First check if the cached CSS Magic files exist, and insert placeholders for TV cache location if they do
        $foundInner = array();
        $foundOuter = array();
        foreach ((array) $innerSSLinks['keys'] as $index => $key) {
            if ($found = $wpuCache->get_css_magic($wpUnited->get_style_key($key), 'inner', -1)) {
                $foundInner[] = $found;
                $innerSSLinks['replacements'][$index] .= '[*FOUND*]';
            } else {
                $innerSSLinks['replacements'][$index] .= '-1';
        foreach ($outerSSLinks['keys'] as $index => $key) {
            if ($found = $wpuCache->get_css_magic($wpUnited->get_style_key($key), 'outer', -1)) {
                $foundOuter[] = $found;
         * Now we create a unique hash based on everything we've found, and use this to 
         * store our Template Voodoo instructions.
         * We append the template voodoo hash key to the end of the redirected stylesheets
        $tplVoodooKey = $wpuCache->get_template_voodoo_key(TEMPLATEPATH, $foundInner, $foundOuter, (array) $inCSSInner['orig'], (array) $inCSSOuter['orig']);
        $innerSSLinks['replacements'] = str_replace('[*FOUND*]', $tplVoodooKey, $innerSSLinks['replacements']);
        if ((sizeof($foundInner) || $inCSSInner['orig']) && (sizeof($foundOuter) || $inCSSOuter['orig'])) {
            $classDupes = array();
            $idDupes = array();
            if ($templateVoodoo = $wpuCache->get_template_voodoo($tplVoodooKey)) {
                 * The template voodoo instructions already exist for this CSS combination
                if (isset($templateVoodoo['classes']) && isset($templateVoodoo['ids'])) {
                    $classDupes = $templateVoodoo['classes'];
                    $idDupes = $templateVoodoo['ids'];
            } else {
                 * We don't have template voodoo for this yet, we need to do some legwork
                 * and generate a set of instructions.
                 * @todo move to separate function, generate_instructions().
                $outerCSS = new CSS_Magic();
                $innerCSS = new CSS_Magic();
                foreach ($foundInner as $index => $cacheFile) {
                foreach ($foundOuter as $index => $cacheFile) {
                foreach ($inCSSInner['css'] as $index => $css) {
                foreach ($inCSSOuter['css'] as $index => $css) {
                $innerCSS->removeCommonKeyEl('#wpucssmagic .wpucssmagic');
                $ignores = array('wpucssmagic', 'wpuisle');
                $innerKeys = $innerCSS->getKeyClassesAndIDs();
                $outerKeys = $outerCSS->getKeyClassesAndIDs($ignores);
                unset($innerCSS, $outerCSS);
                $classDupes = array_intersect($innerKeys['classes'], $outerKeys['classes']);
                $idDupes = array_intersect($innerKeys['ids'], $outerKeys['ids']);
                unset($innerKeys, $outerKeys);
                // save to cache
                $wpuCache->save_template_voodoo(array('classes' => $classDupes, 'ids' => $idDupes), $tplVoodooKey);
             * Now, we can modify the page, removing class and ID duplicates from the inner content
            foreach ($classDupes as $dupe) {
                $findClass = substr($dupe, 1);
                //remove leading '.'
                $wpUnited->set_inner_content(preg_replace('/(class=["\']([^\\s^\'^"]*\\s+)*)' . $findClass . '([\\s\'"])/', '\\1wpu' . $findClass . '\\3', $wpUnited->get_inner_content()));
            foreach ($idDupes as $dupe) {
                $findId = substr($dupe, 1);
                //remove leading '.'
                $wpUnited->set_inner_content(preg_replace('/(id=["\']\\s*)' . $findId . '([\\s\'"])/', '\\1wpu' . $findId . '\\2', $wpUnited->get_inner_content()));
    // end template voodoo
     * Now we can apply the CSS magic to any inline CSS
    $useTVStr = $wpUnited->get_setting('templateVoodoo') ? 'TV' : '';
    $tvKey = $wpUnited->get_setting('templateVoodoo') ? $tplVoodooKey : -1;
    $numFixes = 0;
    foreach ($inCSSInner['css'] as $index => $innerCSSItem) {
        if ($inlineCache = $wpuCache->get_css_magic("{$index}-{$useTVStr}", 'inline', $tvKey)) {
            $result = @file_get_contents($inlineCache);
        } else {
            $cssM = new CSS_Magic();
             * @todo could split out to templatevoodoo file
            if ($wpUnited->get_setting('templateVoodoo')) {
                if (isset($classDupes) && isset($idDupes)) {
                    $finds = array();
                    $repl = array();
                    foreach ($classDupes as $classDupe) {
                        $finds[] = $classDupe;
                        $repl[] = ".wpu" . substr($classDupe, 1);
                    foreach ($idDupes as $idDupe) {
                        $finds[] = $idDupe;
                        $repl[] = "#wpu" . substr($idDupe, 1);
                    $cssM->modifyKeys($finds, $repl);
            $cssM->makeSpecificByIdThenClass('wpucssmagic', false);
            $result = $cssM->getCSS();
            // save to cache
            $wpuCache->save_css_magic($result, "{$index}-{$useTVStr}", 'inline', $tvKey);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            //$result = '<style type="text/css">'  . $result . '</style>';
            $wpUnited->set_inner_headinfo(str_replace($inCSSInner['orig'][$index], $result, $wpUnited->get_inner_headinfo()));
    // Store the updated style keys
    // add link to reset stylesheet
    $reset = "<link href=\"{$wpUnited->get_plugin_url()}theme/reset.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"all\" type=\"text/css\" />";
    $wpUnited->set_inner_headinfo($reset . $wpUnited->get_inner_headinfo());
    //write out the modified stylesheet links
    $wpUnited->set_inner_headinfo(str_replace($innerSSLinks['links'], $innerSSLinks['replacements'], $wpUnited->get_inner_headinfo()));
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('templateVoodoo')) {
        $wpUnited->set_outer_content(str_replace($outerSSLinks['links'], $outerSSLinks['replacements'], $wpUnited->get_outer_content()));
     * Elements (mainly third-party BBCodes) with height="" cannot override the height CSS rule set in CSS Magic's reset.css
     * This adds an inline CSS style attribute to any such elements
     * If the element already has an inline style attribute, the height rule will be appended to it
    $withInline = preg_replace_callback('/((<[^>]+\\b)(?=height\\s?=\\s?[\'"]?\\s?([0-9]+)\\s?[\'"]?)([^>]*?))(\\/?\\s*>)/', create_function('$m', 'if(preg_match(\'/(style\\s?=\\s?[\\\'"]([^\\\'"]+))([\\\'"])/\', $m[1], $r)) 
				return  str_replace($r[0], "{$r[1]};height:{$m[3]}px;{$r[3]}", $m[1]) . $m[5];
			return $m[1] . \' style="height:\' . $m[3] . \'px;" \' . $m[5];'), $wpUnited->get_inner_content());
    //same with width
    $withInline = preg_replace_callback('/((<[^>]+\\b)(?=width\\s?=\\s?[\'"]?\\s?([0-9]+)\\s?[\'"]?)([^>]*?))(\\/?\\s*>)/', create_function('$m', 'if(preg_match(\'/(style\\s?=\\s?[\\\'"]([^\\\'"]+))([\\\'"])/\', $m[1], $r)) 
				return  str_replace($r[0], "{$r[1]};width:{$m[3]}px;{$r[3]}", $m[1]) . $m[5];
			return $m[1] . \' style="width:\' . $m[3] . \'px;" \' . $m[5];'), $withInline);
    //and bgcolor
    $withInline = preg_replace_callback('/((<[^>]+\\b)(?=bgcolor\\s?=\\s?[\'"]?\\s?([0-9]+)\\s?[\'"]?)([^>]*?))(\\/?\\s*>)/', create_function('$m', 'if(preg_match(\'/(style\\s?=\\s?[\\\'"]([^\\\'"]+))([\\\'"])/\', $m[1], $r)) 
				return  str_replace($r[0], "{$r[1]};background-color:{$m[3]}px;{$r[3]}", $m[1]) . $m[5];
			return $m[1] . \' style="background-color:\' . $m[3] . \'px;" \' . $m[5];'), $withInline);
Example #3
  * Parses inbound CSS, storing it as an internal representation of keys and code
  * @param string $str A valid CSS string
  * @return int the number of CSS keys stored
 public function parseString($str, $clear = false)
     if ($clear) {
     $keys = '';
     $Instr = $str;
     // Remove comments
     $str = preg_replace("/\\/\\*(.*)?\\*\\//Usi", "", $str);
     $str = str_replace("\t", "", $str);
     $str = str_replace("}\\", '[TANTEK]', $str);
     // find nested stylesheets
     preg_match_all('/(\\@[^\\{]*\\{)([^\\{^\\}]*(\\{[^\\@^\\{^\\}]*\\}[^\\{^\\}]*)*?)\\}/', $str, $nested);
     $nestIndex = sizeof($this->nestedItems);
     if (sizeof($nested[0]) && isset($nested[1]) && is_array($nested[1]) && sizeof($nested[1])) {
         foreach ($nested[1] as $nestNum => $nestSel) {
             if (!empty($nestSel) && isset($nested[2]) && is_array($nested[2]) && isset($nested[2][$nestNum])) {
                 // handle imported stylesheets separately
                 if (stristr($nestSel, '@import') !== false) {
                 $subSheet = new CSS_Magic($this->processImports, $this->baseUrl, $this->basePath);
                 $this->totalItems = $this->totalItems + $subSheet->parseString($nested[2][$nestNum]);
                 $this->nestedItems[$nestIndex] = array('selector' => $nestSel, 'content' => $subSheet);
                 $str = str_replace($nested[0][$nestNum], '[WPU_NESTED] {' . $nestIndex . '}', $str);
     // Other nested stylesheets:
     if ($this->processImports) {
         preg_match_all('/\\@import\\s(url\\()?[\'"]?([^\'^"^\\)]*)[\'"]?\\)?;/', $str, $imported);
         $importIndex = sizeof($this->importedItems);
         if (sizeof($imported[0]) && isset($imported[2]) && is_array($imported[2]) && sizeof($imported[2])) {
             foreach ($imported[2] as $importNum => $importUrl) {
                 $this->totalItems = $this->totalItems + 1;
                 $subSheet = new CSS_Magic($this->processImports, $this->baseUrl, $this->basePath);
                 $this->importedItems[$importIndex] = array('obj' => $subSheet, 'orig' => $imported[0][$importNum], 'url' => $imported[2][$importNum]);
                 $str = str_replace($imported[0][$importNum], '[WPU_NESTED_IMPORT] {' . $importIndex . '}', $str);
         // Now process the nested imports:
         $this->process_imports($subUrl, $subPath);
     $parts = explode("}", $str);
     if (count($parts) > 0) {
         foreach ($parts as $part) {
             if (strpos($part, '{') !== FALSE) {
                 list($keys, $cssCode) = explode('{', $part);
                 // store full selector
                 if (strlen($keys) > 0) {
                     $keys = str_replace("\n", "", $keys);
                     $keys = str_replace("\r", "", $keys);
                     $keys = str_replace("\\", "", $keys);
                     $this->addSelector($keys, trim($cssCode));
     // process nested stylesheets too
     $this->totalItems = $this->totalItems + count($this->css);
     return $this->totalItems;