Example #1
 public function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
     parent::before_filter($action, $args);
     // Lock context to user id
     $this->owner = $GLOBALS['user'];
     $this->context_id = $this->owner->id;
     $this->full_access = true;
     if (Config::get()->PERSONALDOCUMENT_OPEN_ACCESS) {
         $username = Request::username('username', $GLOBALS['user']->username);
         $user = User::findByUsername($username);
         if ($user && $user->id !== $GLOBALS['user']->id) {
             $this->owner = $user;
             $this->context_id = $user->id;
             $this->full_access = Config::get()->PERSONALDOCUMENT_OPEN_ACCESS_ROOT_PRIVILEDGED && $GLOBALS['user']->perms === 'root';
             URLHelper::bindLinkParam('username', $username);
     $this->limit = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->PERSONAL_FILES_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE ?: Config::get()->ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;
     $this->userConfig = DocUsergroupConfig::getUserConfig($GLOBALS['user']->id);
     if ($this->userConfig['area_close'] == 1) {
     if (Request::isPost()) {
     if (($ticket = Request::get('studip-ticket')) && !check_ticket($ticket)) {
         $message = _('Bei der Verarbeitung Ihrer Anfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.') . "\n" . _('Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.');
Example #2
 * generates proper text for confirmation question and removes range_id from news
 * @param $remove_array array with $news_id as key and array of range_ids as value
 * @param string $range_id
 * @return string text for confirmation question or empty string after removal
function remove_news($remove_array)
    $confirmed = false;
    $question_text = array();
    if (!is_array($remove_array)) {
        return false;
    if (Request::submitted('yes') and Request::isPost()) {
        $confirmed = true;
    foreach ($remove_array as $news_id => $ranges) {
        $remove_news = new StudipNews($news_id);
        $remove_news_title = $remove_news->getValue('topic');
        if (!is_array($ranges)) {
            $ranges = array($ranges);
        // should we delete news completely
        if (count($ranges) == count($remove_news->getRanges())) {
            $text = delete_news($news_id);
            if ($text) {
                $question_text[] = $text;
            // or just remove range_id(s)?
        } else {
            $text = '';
            if ($confirmed and !$remove_news->isNew() and count($ranges)) {
                foreach ($ranges as $key => $range_id) {
                    if ($remove_news->havePermission('unassign', $range_id)) {
                    } else {
                        PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(sprintf(_('Keine Berechtigung zum Entfernen der Ankündigung "%s" aus diesem Bereich.'), htmlReady($remove_news->getValue('topic')))));
                    if (count($ranges)) {
                        if (count($ranges) == 1) {
                            PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(sprintf(_('Ankündigung "%s" wurde aus dem Bereich entfernt.'), htmlReady($remove_news->getValue('topic')))));
                        } else {
                            PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(sprintf(_('Ankündigung "%s" wurde aus %s Bereichen entfernt.'), htmlReady($remove_news->getValue('topic')), count($ranges))));
            } elseif (!$confirmed) {
                if (count($ranges) == 1) {
                    $text = sprintf(_('- Die Ankündigung "%s" wird aus dem aktiven Bereich entfernt. ' . 'Sie wird dadurch nicht endgültig gelöscht. Es wird nur die Zuordnung entfernt.'), $remove_news_title) . "\n";
                } elseif (count($ranges) > 1) {
                    $text = sprintf(_('- Die Ankündigung "%s" wird aus den %s gewählten Bereichen entfernt. ' . 'Sie wird dadurch nicht endgültig gelöscht. Es werden nur die Zuordnungen entfernt.'), $remove_news_title, count($ranges)) . "\n";
            if ($text) {
                $question_text[] = $text;
    if (count($question_text) > 1) {
        return _('Wollen Sie die folgenden Aktionen jetzt ausführen?') . "\n" . implode($question_text);
    } elseif (count($question_text) == 1) {
        return _('Wollen Sie diese Aktion jetzt ausführen?') . "\n" . implode($question_text);
Example #3
  * Delete a group
 public function sortAlphabetic_action($group_id)
     $this->group = new Statusgruppen($group_id);
     if (Request::submitted('confirm')) {
Example #4
  * save tour data
  * @param String $tour_id    tour id
 function save_action($tour_id = '')
     // check permission
     // initialize
     $this->tour = new HelpTour($tour_id);
     if ($tour_id and $this->tour->isNew()) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException(_('Die Tour mit der angegebenen ID existiert nicht.'));
     if (Request::submitted('save_tour_details')) {
         $this->tour->name = trim(Request::get('tour_name'));
         $this->tour->description = trim(Request::get('tour_description'));
         if (Request::option('tour_language')) {
             $this->tour->language = Request::option('tour_language');
         $this->tour->type = Request::option('tour_type');
         $this->tour->settings->access = Request::option('tour_access');
         $this->tour->roles = implode(',', Request::getArray('tour_roles'));
         if ($this->tour->isNew()) {
             $this->tour->global_tour_id = md5(uniqid('help_tours', 1));
             $this->tour->settings->active = 0;
         $this->tour->author_email = $GLOBALS['user']->Email;
         $this->tour->studip_version = $GLOBALS['SOFTWARE_VERSION'];
         if ($this->tour->validate()) {
             if (!count($this->tour->steps)) {
                 $step_data = array('title' => '', 'tip' => _('(Neue Tour)'), 'interactive' => 0, 'route' => trim(Request::get('tour_startpage')), 'css_selector' => '', 'action_prev' => '', 'action_next' => '', 'orientation' => '', 'mkdate' => time(), 'author_email' => $GLOBALS['user']->Email);
                 $this->tour->addStep($step_data, 1);
                 $this->tour_startpage = trim(Request::get('tour_startpage'));
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_('Die Angaben wurden gespeichert.')));
         } else {
             $roles = '';
             if (count(Request::getArray('tour_roles'))) {
                 foreach (Request::getArray('tour_roles') as $role) {
                     $roles .= '&tour_roles[]=' . $role;
             $this->redirect('tour/admin_details?tour_name=' . Request::get('tour_name') . '&tour_language=' . Request::get('tour_language') . '&tour_description=' . Request::get('tour_description') . '&tour_type=' . Request::get('tour_type') . '&tour_access=' . Request::get('tour_access') . '&tour_startpage=' . Request::get('tour_startpage') . $roles);
     $this->redirect('tour/admin_details/' . $this->tour->tour_id);
Example #5
  * delete help content
  * @param String $id         id of help content
 function delete_action($id)
     if (!$this->help_admin) {
         return $this->render_nothing();
     // Output as dialog (Ajax-Request) or as Stud.IP page?
     if ($this->via_ajax) {
         header('X-Title: ' . _('Hilfe-Text löschen'));
     $this->help_content = HelpContent::GetContentByID($id);
     if (is_object($this->help_content)) {
         if (Request::submitted('delete_help_content')) {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(sprintf(_('Der Hilfe-Text zur Route "%s" wurde gelöscht.'), $this->help_content->route)));
             header('X-Dialog-Close: 1');
             return $this->render_nothing();
     // prepare delete dialog
     $this->help_content_id = $id;
Example #6
 public function share_action($range_id = null)
     $this->range_id = $range_id ?: $this->range_id;
     $this->calendar = new SingleCalendar($this->range_id);
     $this->short_id = null;
     if ($this->calendar->havePermission(Calendar::PERMISSION_OWN)) {
         if (Request::submitted('delete_id')) {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_('Die Adresse, unter der Ihre Termine abrufbar sind, wurde gelöscht')));
         if (Request::submitted('new_id')) {
             $this->short_id = IcalExport::setKey($GLOBALS['user']->id);
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_('Eine Adresse, unter der Ihre Termine abrufbar sind, wurde erstellt.')));
         } else {
             $this->short_id = IcalExport::getKeyByUser($GLOBALS['user']->id);
         if (Request::submitted('submit_email')) {
             $email_reg_exp = '/^([-.0-9=?A-Z_a-z{|}~])+@([-.0-9=?A-Z_a-z{|}~])+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/i';
             if (preg_match($email_reg_exp, Request::get('email')) !== 0) {
                 $subject = '[' . get_config('UNI_NAME_CLEAN') . ']' . _('Exportadresse für Ihre Termine');
                 $text .= _("Diese Email wurde vom Stud.IP-System verschickt. Sie können\n            auf diese Nachricht nicht antworten.") . "\n\n";
                 $text .= _('Über diese Adresse erreichen Sie den Export für Ihre Termine:') . "\n\n";
                 $text .= $GLOBALS['ABSOLUTE_URI_STUDIP'] . 'dispatch.php/ical/index/' . IcalExport::getKeyByUser($GLOBALS['user']->id);
                 StudipMail::sendMessage(Request::get('email'), $subject, $text);
                 PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_('Die Adresse wurde verschickt!')));
             } else {
                 PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Email-Adresse an.')));
             $this->short_id = IcalExport::getKeyByUser($GLOBALS['user']->id);
     PageLayout::setTitle($this->getTitle($this->calendar, _('Kalender teilen oder einbetten')));
     $this->createSidebar('share', $this->calendar);
Example #7
  * Builds news dialog for editing / adding news
  * @param string $id news           id (in case news already exists; otherwise set to "new")
  * @param string $context_range     range id (only for new news; set to 'template' for copied news)
  * @param string $template_id       template id (source of news template)
 function edit_news_action($id = '', $context_range = '', $template_id = '')
     // initialize
     $this->news_isvisible = array('news_basic' => true, 'news_comments' => false, 'news_areas' => false);
     $ranges = array();
     $this->ranges = array();
     $this->area_options_selectable = array();
     $this->area_options_selected = array();
     $this->may_delete = false;
     $this->route = "news/edit_news/{$id}";
     if ($context_range) {
         $this->route .= "/{$context_range}";
         if ($template_id) {
             $this->route .= "/{$template_id}";
     $msg_object = new messaging();
     if ($id == "new") {
         $this->title = _("Ankündigung erstellen");
     } else {
         $this->title = _("Ankündigung bearbeiten");
     // user has to have autor permission at least
     if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm(autor)) {
         return $this->render_nothing();
     // Output as dialog (Ajax-Request) or as Stud.IP page?
     if (Request::isXhr()) {
         header('X-Title: ' . $this->title);
     } else {
     // load news and comment data and check if user has permission to edit
     $news = new StudipNews($id);
     if (!$news->isNew()) {
         $this->comments = StudipComment::GetCommentsForObject($id);
     if (!$news->havePermission('edit') and !$news->isNew()) {
         PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Keine Berechtigung!')));
         return $this->render_nothing();
     // if form sent, get news data by post vars
     if (Request::get('news_isvisible')) {
         // visible categories, selected areas, topic, and body are utf8 encoded when sent via ajax
         $this->news_isvisible = unserialize(Request::get('news_isvisible'));
         if (Request::isXhr()) {
             $this->area_options_selected = unserialize(studip_utf8decode(Request::get('news_selected_areas')));
             $this->area_options_selectable = unserialize(studip_utf8decode(Request::get('news_selectable_areas')));
             $topic = studip_utf8decode(Request::get('news_topic'));
             $body = transformBeforeSave(Studip\Markup::purifyHtml(studip_utf8decode(Request::get('news_body'))));
         } else {
             $this->area_options_selected = unserialize(Request::get('news_selected_areas'));
             $this->area_options_selectable = unserialize(Request::get('news_selectable_areas'));
             $topic = Request::get('news_topic');
             $body = transformBeforeSave(Studip\Markup::purifyHtml(Request::get('news_body')));
         $date = $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_startdate'), 'start');
         $expire = $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_enddate'), 'end') ? $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_enddate'), 'end') - $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_startdate'), 'start') : '';
         $allow_comments = Request::get('news_allow_comments') ? 1 : 0;
         if (Request::submitted('comments_status_deny')) {
             $this->anker = 'news_comments';
             $allow_comments = 0;
         } elseif (Request::submitted('comments_status_allow')) {
             $this->anker = 'news_comments';
             $allow_comments = 1;
         if ($news->getValue('topic') != $topic or $news->getValue('body') != $body or $news->getValue('date') != $date or $news->getValue('allow_comments') != $allow_comments or $news->getValue('expire') != $expire) {
             $changed = true;
         $news->setValue('topic', $topic);
         $news->setValue('body', $body);
         $news->setValue('date', $date);
         $news->setValue('expire', $expire);
         $news->setValue('allow_comments', $allow_comments);
     } elseif ($id) {
         // if news id given check for valid id and load ranges
         if ($news->isNew()) {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Die Ankündigung existiert nicht!')));
             return $this->render_nothing();
         $ranges = $news->news_ranges->toArray();
     } elseif ($template_id) {
         // otherwise, load data from template
         $news_template = new StudipNews($template_id);
         if ($news_template->isNew()) {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Die Ankündigung existiert nicht!')));
             return $this->render_nothing();
         // check for permission
         if (!$news_template->havePermission('edit')) {
             return $this->render_nothing();
         $ranges = $news_template->news_ranges->toArray();
         // remove those ranges for which user doesn't have permission
         foreach ($ranges as $key => $news_range) {
             if (!$news->haveRangePermission('edit', $news_range['range_id'])) {
                 $this->news_isvisible['news_areas'] = true;
         if ($changed_areas == 1) {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(_('1 zugeordneter Bereich wurde nicht übernommen, weil Sie dort keine Ankündigungen erstellen dürfen.')));
         } elseif ($changed_areas) {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(sprintf(_('%s zugeordnete Bereiche wurden nicht übernommen, weil Sie dort keine Ankündigungen erstellen dürfen.'), $changed_areas)));
         $news->setValue('topic', $news_template->getValue('topic'));
         $news->setValue('body', $news_template->getValue('body'));
         $news->setValue('date', $news_template->getValue('date'));
         $news->setValue('expire', $news_template->getValue('expire'));
         $news->setValue('allow_comments', $news_template->getValue('allow_comments'));
     } else {
         // for new news, set startdate to today and range to dialog context
         $news->setValue('date', strtotime(date('Y-m-d')));
         // + 12*60*60;
         $news->setValue('expire', 604800);
         if ($context_range != '' and $context_range != 'template') {
             $add_range = new NewsRange(array('', $context_range));
             $ranges[] = $add_range->toArray();
     // build news var for template
     $this->news = $news->toArray();
     // treat faculties and institutes as one area group (inst)
     foreach ($ranges as $range) {
         switch ($range['type']) {
             case 'fak':
                 $this->area_options_selected['inst'][$range['range_id']] = $range['name'];
                 $this->area_options_selected[$range['type']][$range['range_id']] = $range['name'];
     // define search presets
     $this->search_presets['user'] = _('Meine Profilseite');
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('autor') and !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
         $my_sem = $this->search_area('__THIS_SEMESTER__');
         if (count($my_sem['sem'])) {
             $this->search_presets['sem'] = _('Meine Veranstaltungen im aktuellen Semester') . ' (' . count($my_sem['sem']) . ')';
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('dozent') and !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
         $my_inst = $this->search_area('__MY_INSTITUTES__');
         if (count($my_inst)) {
             $this->search_presets['inst'] = _('Meine Einrichtungen') . ' (' . count($my_inst['inst']) . ')';
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
         $this->search_presets['global'] = $this->area_structure['global']['title'];
     // perform search
     if (Request::submitted('area_search') or Request::submitted('area_search_preset')) {
         $this->anker = 'news_areas';
         $this->search_term = studip_utf8decode(Request::get('area_search_term'));
         if (Request::submitted('area_search')) {
             $this->area_options_selectable = $this->search_area($this->search_term);
         } else {
             $this->current_search_preset = Request::option('search_preset');
             if ($this->current_search_preset == 'inst') {
                 $this->area_options_selectable = $my_inst;
             } elseif ($this->current_search_preset == 'sem') {
                 $this->area_options_selectable = $my_sem;
             } elseif ($this->current_search_preset == 'user') {
                 $this->area_options_selectable = array('user' => array($GLOBALS['auth']->auth['uid'] => get_fullname()));
             } elseif ($this->current_search_preset == 'global') {
                 $this->area_options_selectable = array('global' => array('studip' => _('Stud.IP')));
         if (!count($this->area_options_selectable)) {
         } else {
             // already assigned areas won't be selectable
             foreach ($this->area_options_selected as $type => $data) {
                 foreach ($data as $id => $title) {
     // delete comment(s)
     if (Request::submitted('delete_marked_comments')) {
         $this->anker = 'news_comments';
         $this->flash['question_text'] = delete_comments(Request::optionArray('mark_comments'));
         $this->flash['question_param'] = array('mark_comments' => Request::optionArray('mark_comments'), 'delete_marked_comments' => 1);
         // reload comments
         if (!$this->flash['question_text']) {
             $this->comments = StudipComment::GetCommentsForObject($id);
             $changed = true;
     if ($news->havePermission('delete')) {
         $this->comments_admin = true;
     if (is_array($this->comments)) {
         foreach ($this->comments as $key => $comment) {
             if (Request::submitted('news_delete_comment_' . $comment['comment_id'])) {
                 $this->anker = 'news_comments';
                 $this->flash['question_text'] = delete_comments($comment['comment_id']);
                 $this->flash['question_param'] = array('mark_comments' => array($comment['comment_id']), 'delete_marked_comments' => 1);
     // open / close category
     foreach ($this->news_isvisible as $category => $value) {
         if (Request::submitted('toggle_' . $category) or Request::get($category . '_js')) {
             $this->news_isvisible[$category] = $this->news_isvisible[$category] ? false : true;
             $this->anker = $category;
     // add / remove areas
     if (Request::submitted('news_add_areas') and is_array($this->area_options_selectable)) {
         $this->anker = 'news_areas';
         foreach (Request::optionArray('area_options_selectable') as $range_id) {
             foreach ($this->area_options_selectable as $type => $data) {
                 if (isset($data[$range_id])) {
                     $this->area_options_selected[$type][$range_id] = $data[$range_id];
     if (Request::submitted('news_remove_areas') and is_array($this->area_options_selected)) {
         $this->anker = 'news_areas';
         foreach (Request::optionArray('area_options_selected') as $range_id) {
             foreach ($this->area_options_selected as $type => $data) {
                 if (isset($data[$range_id])) {
                     $this->area_options_selectable[$type][$range_id] = $data[$range_id];
     // prepare to save news
     if (Request::submitted('save_news') and Request::isPost()) {
         //prepare ranges array for already assigned news_ranges
         foreach ($news->getRanges() as $range_id) {
             $this->ranges[$range_id] = get_object_type($range_id, array('global', 'fak', 'inst', 'sem', 'user'));
         // check if new ranges must be added
         foreach ($this->area_options_selected as $type => $area_group) {
             foreach ($area_group as $range_id => $area_title) {
                 if (!isset($this->ranges[$range_id])) {
                     if ($news->haveRangePermission('edit', $range_id)) {
                         $changed = true;
                     } else {
                         PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(sprintf(_('Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Ändern der Bereichsverknüpfung für "%s".'), htmlReady($area_title))));
         // check if assigned ranges must be removed
         foreach ($this->ranges as $range_id => $range_type) {
             if ($range_type === 'fak' && !isset($this->area_options_selected['inst'][$range_id]) || $range_type !== 'fak' && !isset($this->area_options_selected[$range_type][$range_id])) {
                 if ($news->havePermission('unassign', $range_id)) {
                     $changed = true;
                 } else {
                     PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Ändern der Bereichsverknüpfung.')));
         // save news
         if ($news->validate() and !$error) {
             if ($news->getValue('user_id') != $GLOBALS['auth']->auth['uid']) {
                 $news->setValue('chdate_uid', $GLOBALS['auth']->auth['uid']);
                 $msg = sprintf(_('Ihre Ankündigung "%s" wurde von %s verändert.'), $news->getValue('topic'), get_fullname() . ' (' . get_username() . ')') . "\n";
                 $msg_object->insert_message($msg, get_username($news->getValue('user_id')), "____%system%____", FALSE, FALSE, "1", FALSE, _("Systemnachricht:") . " " . _("Ankündigung geändert"));
             } else {
                 $news->setValue('chdate_uid', '');
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_('Die Ankündigung wurde gespeichert.')));
             // in fallback mode redirect to edit page with proper news id
             if (!Request::isXhr() and !$id) {
                 $this->redirect('news/edit_news/' . $news->getValue('news_id'));
             } elseif (Request::isXhr()) {
     // check if user has full permission on news object
     if ($news->havePermission('delete')) {
         $this->may_delete = true;