  * Browse all saved searches.
  * @return mixed
  *   content of the parents run method
 public function browse()
     $rows = array();
     $savedSearch = new CRM_Contact_DAO_SavedSearch();
     $savedSearch->is_active = 1;
     $savedSearch->selectAdd('id, form_values');
     $properties = array('id', 'name', 'description');
     while ($savedSearch->fetch()) {
         // get name and description from group object
         $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
         $group->saved_search_id = $savedSearch->id;
         if ($group->find(TRUE)) {
             $permissions = CRM_Group_Page_Group::checkPermission($group->id, $group->title);
             if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($permissions)) {
                 $row = array();
                 $row['name'] = $group->title;
                 $row['description'] = $group->description;
                 $row['id'] = $savedSearch->id;
                 $formValues = unserialize($savedSearch->form_values);
                 $query = new CRM_Contact_BAO_Query($formValues);
                 $row['query_detail'] = $query->qill();
                 $action = array_sum(array_keys(self::links()));
                 $action = $action & CRM_Core_Action::mask($permissions);
                 $row['action'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink(self::links(), $action, array('id' => $row['id']), ts('more'), FALSE, 'savedSearch.manage.action', 'SavedSearch', $row['id']);
                 $rows[] = $row;
     $this->assign('rows', $rows);
     return parent::run();
Example #2
  * Confirm a pending subscription
  * @param int $contact_id       The id of the contact
  * @param int $subscribe_id     The id of the subscription event
  * @param string $hash          The hash
  * @return boolean              True on success
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function confirm($contact_id, $subscribe_id, $hash)
     $se =& CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Subscribe::verify($contact_id, $subscribe_id, $hash);
     if (!$se) {
         return FALSE;
     // before we proceed lets just check if this contact is already 'Added'
     // if so, we should ignore this request and hence avoid sending multiple
     // emails - CRM-11157
     $details = CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::getMembershipDetail($contact_id, $se->group_id);
     if ($details && $details->status == 'Added') {
         // This contact is already subscribed
         // lets return the group title
         return CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_Group', $se->group_id, 'title');
     $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction();
     $ce = new CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Confirm();
     $ce->event_subscribe_id = $se->id;
     $ce->time_stamp = date('YmdHis');
     CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::addContactsToGroup(array($contact_id), $se->group_id, 'Email', 'Added', $ce->id);
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain();
     list($domainEmailName, $_) = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail();
     list($display_name, $email) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location::getEmailDetails($se->contact_id);
     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $group->id = $se->group_id;
     $component = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Component();
     $component->is_default = 1;
     $component->is_active = 1;
     $component->component_type = 'Welcome';
     $emailDomain = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain();
     $html = $component->body_html;
     if ($component->body_text) {
         $text = $component->body_text;
     } else {
         $text = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($component->body_html);
     $bao = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing();
     $bao->body_text = $text;
     $bao->body_html = $html;
     $tokens = $bao->getTokens();
     $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($html, $domain, TRUE, $tokens['html']);
     $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceWelcomeTokens($html, $group->title, TRUE);
     $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($text, $domain, FALSE, $tokens['text']);
     $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceWelcomeTokens($text, $group->title, FALSE);
     $mailParams = array('groupName' => 'Mailing Event ' . $component->component_type, 'subject' => $component->subject, 'from' => "\"{$domainEmailName}\" <do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}>", 'toEmail' => $email, 'toName' => $display_name, 'replyTo' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}", 'returnPath' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}", 'html' => $html, 'text' => $text);
     // send - ignore errors because the desired status change has already been successful
     $unused_result = CRM_Utils_Mail::send($mailParams);
     return $group->title;
 * Subscribe from mailing group
 * @param array $params Associative array of property
 *                       name/value pairs to insert in new 'survey'
 * @throws API_Exception
 * @return array api result array
 * {@getfields mailing_event_subscribe_create}
 * @access public
function civicrm_api3_mailing_event_subscribe_create($params)
    $email = $params['email'];
    $group_id = $params['group_id'];
    $contact_id = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_id', $params);
    $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
    $group->is_active = 1;
    $group->id = (int) $group_id;
    if (!$group->find(TRUE)) {
        throw new API_Exception('Invalid Group id');
    $subscribe = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Subscribe::subscribe($group_id, $email, $contact_id);
    if ($subscribe !== NULL) {
        /* Ask the contact for confirmation */
        $values = array();
        $values[$subscribe->id]['contact_id'] = $subscribe->contact_id;
        $values[$subscribe->id]['subscribe_id'] = $subscribe->id;
        $values[$subscribe->id]['hash'] = $subscribe->hash;
        return civicrm_api3_create_success($values);
    return civicrm_api3_create_error('Subscription failed');
Example #4
  * Returns array of group object(s) matching a set of one or Group properties.
  * @param array $params
  *   Limits the set of groups returned.
  * @param array $returnProperties
  *   Which properties should be included in the returned group objects.
  *   (member_count should be last element.)
  * @param string $sort
  * @param int $offset
  * @param int $rowCount
  * @return array
  *   Array of group objects.
  * @todo other BAO functions that use returnProperties (e.g. Query Objects) receive the array flipped & filled with 1s and
  * add in essential fields (e.g. id). This should follow a regular pattern like the others
 public static function getGroups($params = NULL, $returnProperties = NULL, $sort = NULL, $offset = NULL, $rowCount = NULL)
     $dao = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     if (!isset($params['is_active'])) {
         $dao->is_active = 1;
     if ($params) {
         foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
             if ($k == 'name' || $k == 'title') {
                 $dao->whereAdd($k . ' LIKE "' . CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($v) . '"');
             } elseif ($k == 'group_type') {
                 foreach ((array) $v as $type) {
                     $dao->whereAdd($k . " LIKE '%" . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . (int) $type . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . "%'");
             } elseif (is_array($v)) {
                 foreach ($v as &$num) {
                     $num = (int) $num;
                 $dao->whereAdd($k . ' IN (' . implode(',', $v) . ')');
             } else {
                 $dao->{$k} = $v;
     if ($offset || $rowCount) {
         $offset = $offset > 0 ? $offset : 0;
         $rowCount = $rowCount > 0 ? $rowCount : 25;
         $dao->limit($offset, $rowCount);
     if ($sort) {
     // return only specific fields if returnproperties are sent
     if (!empty($returnProperties)) {
         $dao->selectAdd(implode(',', $returnProperties));
     $flag = $returnProperties && in_array('member_count', $returnProperties) ? 1 : 0;
     $groups = array();
     while ($dao->fetch()) {
         $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
         if ($flag) {
             $dao->member_count = CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::memberCount($dao->id);
         $groups[] = clone $dao;
     return $groups;
Example #5
 function from()
     //define table name
     $randomNum = md5(uniqid());
     $this->_tableName = "civicrm_temp_custom_{$randomNum}";
     //block for Group search
     $smartGroup = array();
     if ($this->_groups || $this->_allSearch) {
         require_once 'CRM/Contact/DAO/Group.php';
         $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
         $group->is_active = 1;
         while ($group->fetch()) {
             $allGroups[] = $group->id;
             if ($group->saved_search_id) {
                 $smartGroup[$group->saved_search_id] = $group->id;
         $includedGroups = implode(',', $allGroups);
         if (!empty($this->_includeGroups)) {
             $iGroups = implode(',', $this->_includeGroups);
         } else {
             //if no group selected search for all groups
             $iGroups = null;
         if (is_array($this->_excludeGroups)) {
             $xGroups = implode(',', $this->_excludeGroups);
         } else {
             $xGroups = 0;
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Xg_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id int primary key) ENGINE=HEAP";
         //used only when exclude group is selected
         if ($xGroups != 0) {
             $excludeGroup = "INSERT INTO  Xg_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id )\n                  SELECT  DISTINCT civicrm_group_contact.contact_id\n                  FROM civicrm_group_contact, civicrm_contact                    \n                  WHERE \n                     civicrm_contact.id = civicrm_group_contact.contact_id AND \n                     civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added' AND\n                     civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN( {$xGroups})";
             //search for smart group contacts
             foreach ($this->_excludeGroups as $keys => $values) {
                 if (in_array($values, $smartGroup)) {
                     $ssId = CRM_Utils_Array::key($values, $smartGroup);
                     $smartSql = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::contactIDsSQL($ssId);
                     $smartSql = $smartSql . " AND contact_a.id NOT IN ( \n                              SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_group_contact \n                              WHERE civicrm_group_contact.group_id = {$values} AND civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Removed')";
                     $smartGroupQuery = " INSERT IGNORE INTO Xg_{$this->_tableName}(contact_id) {$smartSql}";
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Ig_{$this->_tableName} ( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                                                                   contact_id int,\n                                                                   group_names varchar(64)) ENGINE=HEAP";
         if ($iGroups) {
             $includeGroup = "INSERT INTO Ig_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, group_names)\n                 SELECT              civicrm_contact.id as contact_id, civicrm_group.title as group_name\n                 FROM                civicrm_contact\n                    INNER JOIN       civicrm_group_contact\n                            ON       civicrm_group_contact.contact_id = civicrm_contact.id\n                    LEFT JOIN        civicrm_group\n                            ON       civicrm_group_contact.group_id = civicrm_group.id";
         } else {
             $includeGroup = "INSERT INTO Ig_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, group_names)\n                 SELECT              civicrm_contact.id as contact_id, ''\n                 FROM                civicrm_contact";
         //used only when exclude group is selected
         if ($xGroups != 0) {
             $includeGroup .= " LEFT JOIN        Xg_{$this->_tableName}\n                                          ON       civicrm_contact.id = Xg_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id";
         if ($iGroups) {
             $includeGroup .= " WHERE           \n                                     civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added'  AND\n                                     civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN({$iGroups})";
         } else {
             $includeGroup .= " WHERE ( 1 ) ";
         //used only when exclude group is selected
         if ($xGroups != 0) {
             $includeGroup .= " AND  Xg_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS null";
         //search for smart group contacts
         foreach ($this->_includeGroups as $keys => $values) {
             if (in_array($values, $smartGroup)) {
                 $ssId = CRM_Utils_Array::key($values, $smartGroup);
                 $smartSql = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::contactIDsSQL($ssId);
                 $smartSql .= " AND contact_a.id NOT IN ( \n                              SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_group_contact\n                              WHERE civicrm_group_contact.group_id = {$values} AND civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Removed')";
                 //used only when exclude group is selected
                 if ($xGroups != 0) {
                     $smartSql .= " AND contact_a.id NOT IN (SELECT contact_id FROM  Xg_{$this->_tableName})";
                 $smartGroupQuery = " INSERT IGNORE INTO Ig_{$this->_tableName}(contact_id) \n                                     {$smartSql}";
                 $insertGroupNameQuery = "UPDATE IGNORE Ig_{$this->_tableName}\n                                         SET group_names = (SELECT title FROM civicrm_group\n                                                            WHERE civicrm_group.id = {$values})\n                                         WHERE Ig_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS NOT NULL \n                                         AND Ig_{$this->_tableName}.group_names IS NULL";
     //group contact search end here;
     //block for Tags search
     if ($this->_tags || $this->_allSearch) {
         //find all tags
         require_once 'CRM/Core/DAO/Tag.php';
         $tag = new CRM_Core_DAO_Tag();
         $tag->is_active = 1;
         while ($tag->fetch()) {
             $allTags[] = $tag->id;
         $includedTags = implode(',', $allTags);
         if (!empty($this->_includeTags)) {
             $iTags = implode(',', $this->_includeTags);
         } else {
             //if no group selected search for all groups
             $iTags = null;
         if (is_array($this->_excludeTags)) {
             $xTags = implode(',', $this->_excludeTags);
         } else {
             $xTags = 0;
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Xt_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id int primary key) ENGINE=HEAP";
         //used only when exclude tag is selected
         if ($xTags != 0) {
             $excludeTag = "INSERT INTO  Xt_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id )\n                  SELECT  DISTINCT civicrm_entity_tag.entity_id\n                  FROM civicrm_entity_tag, civicrm_contact                    \n                  WHERE \n                     civicrm_entity_tag.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' AND\n                     civicrm_contact.id = civicrm_entity_tag.entity_id AND \n                     civicrm_entity_tag.tag_id IN( {$xTags})";
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE It_{$this->_tableName} ( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                                                               contact_id int,\n                                                               tag_names varchar(64)) ENGINE=HEAP";
         if ($iTags) {
             $includeTag = "INSERT INTO It_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, tag_names)\n                 SELECT              civicrm_contact.id as contact_id, civicrm_tag.name as tag_name\n                 FROM                civicrm_contact\n                    INNER JOIN       civicrm_entity_tag\n                            ON       ( civicrm_entity_tag.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' AND\n                                       civicrm_entity_tag.entity_id = civicrm_contact.id )\n                    LEFT JOIN        civicrm_tag\n                            ON       civicrm_entity_tag.tag_id = civicrm_tag.id";
         } else {
             $includeTag = "INSERT INTO It_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, tag_names)\n                 SELECT              civicrm_contact.id as contact_id, ''\n                 FROM                civicrm_contact";
         //used only when exclude tag is selected
         if ($xTags != 0) {
             $includeTag .= " LEFT JOIN        Xt_{$this->_tableName}\n                                       ON       civicrm_contact.id = Xt_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id";
         if ($iTags) {
             $includeTag .= " WHERE   civicrm_entity_tag.tag_id IN({$iTags})";
         } else {
             $includeTag .= " WHERE ( 1 ) ";
         //used only when exclude tag is selected
         if ($xTags != 0) {
             $includeTag .= " AND  Xt_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS null";
     $from = " FROM civicrm_contact contact_a";
      * check the situation and set booleans
     if ($iGroups != 0) {
         $iG = true;
     } else {
         $iG = false;
     if ($iTags != 0) {
         $iT = true;
     } else {
         $iT = false;
     if ($xGroups != 0) {
         $xG = true;
     } else {
         $xG = false;
     if ($xTags != 0) {
         $xT = true;
     } else {
         $xT = false;
     if (!$this->_groups || !$this->_tags) {
         $this->_andOr = 1;
      * Set from statement depending on array sel
     if ($iG && $iT && $xG && $xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " INNER JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL )\n                    AND contact_a.id NOT IN(SELECT contact_id FROM Xg_{$this->_tableName})\n                    AND contact_a.id NOT IN(SELECT contact_id FROM Xt_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xg_{$this->_tableName} temptable3 ON (contact_a.id = temptable3.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xt_{$this->_tableName} temptable4 ON (contact_a.id = temptable4.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR\n                    temptable3.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable4.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if ($iG && $iT && $xG && !$xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " INNER JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL )\n                    AND contact_a.id NOT IN(SELECT contact_id FROM Xg_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xg_{$this->_tableName} temptable3 ON (contact_a.id = temptable3.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR\n                    temptable3.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if ($iG && $iT && !$xG && $xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " INNER JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL )\n                    AND contact_a.id NOT IN(SELECT contact_id FROM Xt_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xt_{$this->_tableName} temptable3 ON (contact_a.id = temptable3.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR\n                    temptable3.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if ($iG && $iT && !$xG && !$xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " INNER JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL )";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if ($iG && !$iT && $xG && $xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL) AND contact_a.id NOT IN(\n                    SELECT contact_id FROM Xg_{$this->_tableName}) AND contact_a.id NOT IN(\n                    SELECT contact_id FROM Xt_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xg_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xt_{$this->_tableName} temptable3 ON (contact_a.id = temptable3.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR\n                    temptable3.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if ($iG && !$iT && $xG && !$xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL) AND contact_a.id NOT IN(\n                    SELECT contact_id FROM Xg_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xg_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if ($iG && !$iT && !$xG && $xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL) AND contact_a.id NOT IN(\n                    SELECT contact_id FROM Xt_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xt_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if ($iG && !$iT && !$xG && !$xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if (!$iG && $iT && $xG && $xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL) AND contact_a.id NOT IN(\n                    SELECT contact_id FROM Xg_{$this->_tableName}) AND contact_a.id NOT IN(\n                    SELECT contact_id FROM Xt_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xg_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xt_{$this->_tableName} temptable3 ON (contact_a.id = temptable3.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR\n                    temptable3.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if (!$iG && $iT && $xG && !$xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL) AND contact_a.id NOT IN(\n                    SELECT contact_id FROM Xg_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xg_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if (!$iG && $iT && !$xG && $xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL) AND contact_a.id NOT IN(\n                    SELECT contact_id FROM Xt_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xt_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if (!$iG && $iT && !$xG && !$xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if (!$iG && !$iT && $xG && $xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $this->_where = "contact_a.id NOT IN(SELECT contact_id FROM Xg_{$this->_tableName})\n                    AND contact_a.id NOT IN(SELECT contact_id FROM Xt_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xg_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xt_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if (!$iG && !$iT && !$xG && $xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "contact_a.id NOT IN(SELECT contact_id FROM Xt_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xt_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN It_{$this->_tableName} temptable2 ON (contact_a.id = temptable2.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL OR temptable2.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     if (!$iG && !$iT && $xG && !$xT) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "contact_a.id NOT IN(SELECT contact_id FROM Xg_{$this->_tableName})";
         } else {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN Xg_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
             $this->_where = "( temptable1.contact_id IS NOT NULL)";
     $from .= " LEFT JOIN civicrm_email ON ( contact_a.id = civicrm_email.contact_id AND ( civicrm_email.is_primary = 1 OR civicrm_email.is_bulkmail = 1 ) )";
     return $from;
  * Given an id, get the name of the saved search.
  * @param int $id
  *   The id of the saved search.
  * @param string $value
  * @return string
  *   the name of the saved search
 public static function getName($id, $value = 'name')
     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $group->saved_search_id = $id;
     if ($group->find(TRUE)) {
         return $group->{$value};
     return NULL;
Example #7
 function whereGroupClause($clause)
     $smartGroupQuery = "";
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/DAO/Group.php';
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/SavedSearch.php';
     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $group->is_active = 1;
     while ($group->fetch()) {
         if (in_array($group->id, $this->_params['gid_value']) && $group->saved_search_id) {
             $smartGroups[] = $group->id;
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/GroupContactCache.php';
     if (!empty($smartGroups)) {
         $smartGroups = implode(',', $smartGroups);
         $smartGroupQuery = " UNION DISTINCT \n                  SELECT DISTINCT smartgroup_contact.contact_id                                    \n                  FROM civicrm_group_contact_cache smartgroup_contact        \n                  WHERE smartgroup_contact.group_id IN ({$smartGroups}) ";
     return " {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id IN ( \n                          SELECT DISTINCT {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}.contact_id \n                          FROM civicrm_group_contact {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}\n                          WHERE {$clause} AND {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}.status = 'Added' \n                          {$smartGroupQuery} ) ";
 * Handle a subscription event
 * @param array $params
 * @return array
function civicrm_mailer_event_subscribe($params)
    $errors = _civicrm_mailer_check_params($params, array('email', 'group_id'));
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        return $errors;
    $email = $params['email'];
    $group_id = $params['group_id'];
    $contact_id = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_id', $params);
    $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
    $group->is_active = 1;
    $group->id = (int) $group_id;
    if (!$group->find(TRUE)) {
        return civicrm_create_error(ts('Invalid Group id'));
    $subscribe = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Subscribe::subscribe($group_id, $email, $contact_id);
    if ($subscribe !== NULL) {
        /* Ask the contact for confirmation */
        $values = array();
        $values['contact_id'] = $subscribe->contact_id;
        $values['subscribe_id'] = $subscribe->id;
        $values['hash'] = $subscribe->hash;
        $values['is_error'] = 0;
        return $values;
    return civicrm_create_error(ts('Subscription failed'));
  * Get list of all the groups and groups for a contact.
  * @param int $contactId
  *   Contact id.
  * @param bool $visibility
  * @return array
  *   this array has key-> group id and value group title
 public static function getGroupList($contactId = 0, $visibility = FALSE)
     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $select = $from = $where = '';
     $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT civicrm_group.id, civicrm_group.title ';
     $from = ' FROM civicrm_group ';
     $where = " WHERE civicrm_group.is_active = 1 ";
     if ($contactId) {
         $from .= ' , civicrm_group_contact ';
         $where .= " AND civicrm_group.id = civicrm_group_contact.group_id\n                        AND civicrm_group_contact.contact_id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($contactId, 'Integer');
     if ($visibility) {
         $where .= " AND civicrm_group.visibility != 'User and User Admin Only'";
     $orderby = " ORDER BY civicrm_group.name";
     $sql = $select . $from . $where . $orderby;
     $values = array();
     while ($group->fetch()) {
         $values[$group->id] = $group->title;
     return $values;
  * @param int $groupId
  * @return bool
 protected function isSmartGroup($groupId)
     // Then decide which table to join onto the query
     $group = \CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getTableName();
     // Get the group information
     $sql = "\nSELECT     {$group}.id, {$group}.cache_date, {$group}.saved_search_id, {$group}.children\nFROM       {$group}\nWHERE      {$group}.id = {$groupId}\n";
     $groupDAO = \CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
     if ($groupDAO->fetch() && !empty($groupDAO->saved_search_id)) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Example #11
  * Build where clause for groups.
  * @param string $field
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param string $op
  * @return string
 public function whereGroupClause($field, $value, $op)
     $smartGroupQuery = "";
     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $group->is_active = 1;
     $smartGroups = array();
     while ($group->fetch()) {
         if (in_array($group->id, $this->_params['gid_value']) && $group->saved_search_id) {
             $smartGroups[] = $group->id;
     $smartGroupQuery = '';
     if (!empty($smartGroups)) {
         $smartGroups = implode(',', $smartGroups);
         $smartGroupQuery = " UNION DISTINCT\n                  SELECT DISTINCT smartgroup_contact.contact_id\n                  FROM civicrm_group_contact_cache smartgroup_contact\n                  WHERE smartgroup_contact.group_id IN ({$smartGroups}) ";
     $sqlOp = $this->getSQLOperator($op);
     if (!is_array($value)) {
         $value = array($value);
     $clause = "{$field['dbAlias']} IN (" . implode(', ', $value) . ")";
     $contactAlias = $this->_aliases['civicrm_contact'];
     if (!empty($this->relationType) && $this->relationType == 'b_a') {
         $contactAlias = $this->_aliases['civicrm_contact_b'];
     return " {$contactAlias}.id {$sqlOp} (\n                          SELECT DISTINCT {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}.contact_id\n                          FROM civicrm_group_contact {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}\n                          WHERE {$clause} AND {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}.status = 'Added'\n                          {$smartGroupQuery} ) ";
Example #12
  * Confirm a pending subscription
  * @param int $contact_id       The id of the contact
  * @param int $subscribe_id     The id of the subscription event
  * @param string $hash          The hash
  * @return boolean              True on success
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function confirm($contact_id, $subscribe_id, $hash)
     require_once 'CRM/Mailing/Event/BAO/Subscribe.php';
     $se =& CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Subscribe::verify($contact_id, $subscribe_id, $hash);
     if (!$se) {
         return false;
     require_once 'CRM/Core/Transaction.php';
     $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction();
     $ce = new CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Confirm();
     $ce->event_subscribe_id = $se->id;
     $ce->time_stamp = date('YmdHis');
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/GroupContact.php';
     CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::updateGroupMembershipStatus($contact_id, $se->group_id, 'Email', $ce->id);
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/Domain.php';
     $domain =& CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain();
     list($domainEmailName, $_) = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail();
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact/Location.php';
     list($display_name, $email) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location::getEmailDetails($se->contact_id);
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/DAO/Group.php';
     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $group->id = $se->group_id;
     require_once 'CRM/Mailing/BAO/Component.php';
     $component = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Component();
     $component->is_default = 1;
     $component->is_active = 1;
     $component->component_type = 'Welcome';
     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/MailSettings.php';
     $emailDomain = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain();
     $headers = array('Subject' => $component->subject, 'From' => "\"{$domainEmailName}\" <do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}>", 'To' => $email, 'Reply-To' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}", 'Return-Path' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}");
     $html = $component->body_html;
     if ($component->body_text) {
         $text = $component->body_text;
     } else {
         $text = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($component->body_html);
     require_once 'CRM/Mailing/BAO/Mailing.php';
     $bao = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing();
     $bao->body_text = $text;
     $bao->body_html = $html;
     $tokens = $bao->getTokens();
     require_once 'CRM/Utils/Token.php';
     $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($html, $domain, true, $tokens['html']);
     $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceWelcomeTokens($html, $group->title, true);
     $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($text, $domain, false, $tokens['text']);
     $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceWelcomeTokens($text, $group->title, false);
     $message = new Mail_mime("\n");
     $b =& CRM_Utils_Mail::setMimeParams($message);
     $h =& $message->headers($headers);
     $mailer =& $config->getMailer();
     require_once 'CRM/Mailing/BAO/Mailing.php';
     PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array('CRM_Core_Error', 'nullHandler'));
     if (is_object($mailer)) {
         $mailer->send($email, $h, $b);
     return $group->title;
Example #13
  * Get group clause for this user
  * @param int $type the type of permission needed
  * @param  array $tables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the select clause
  * @param  array $whereTables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the where clause
  * @return string the group where clause for this user
  * @access public
 public static function groupClause($type, &$tables, &$whereTables)
     if (!isset(self::$_viewPermissionedGroups)) {
     if ($type == CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT) {
         if (self::$_editAdminUser) {
             $clause = ' ( 1 ) ';
         } else {
             if (empty(self::$_editPermissionedGroups)) {
                 $clause = ' ( 0 ) ';
             } else {
                 $clauses = array();
                 $groups = implode(', ', self::$_editPermissionedGroups);
                 $clauses[] = ' ( civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN ( ' . implode(', ', array_keys(self::$_editPermissionedGroups)) . " ) AND civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added' ) ";
                 $tables['civicrm_group_contact'] = 1;
                 $whereTables['civicrm_group_contact'] = 1;
                 // foreach group that is potentially a saved search, add the saved search clause
                 foreach (array_keys(self::$_editPermissionedGroups) as $id) {
                     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
                     $group->id = $id;
                     if ($group->find(true) && $group->saved_search_id) {
                         require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/SavedSearch.php';
                         $clause = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::whereClause($group->saved_search_id, $tables, $whereTables);
                         if (trim($clause)) {
                             $clauses[] = $clause;
                 $clause = ' ( ' . implode(' OR ', $clauses) . ' ) ';
     } else {
         if (self::$_viewAdminUser) {
             $clause = ' ( 1 ) ';
         } else {
             if (empty(self::$_viewPermissionedGroups)) {
                 $clause = ' ( 0 ) ';
             } else {
                 $clauses = array();
                 $groups = implode(', ', self::$_viewPermissionedGroups);
                 $clauses[] = ' ( civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN (' . implode(', ', array_keys(self::$_viewPermissionedGroups)) . " ) AND civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added' ) ";
                 $tables['civicrm_group_contact'] = 1;
                 $whereTables['civicrm_group_contact'] = 1;
                 // foreach group that is potentially a saved search, add the saved search clause
                 foreach (array_keys(self::$_viewPermissionedGroups) as $id) {
                     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
                     $group->id = $id;
                     if ($group->find(true) && $group->saved_search_id) {
                         require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/SavedSearch.php';
                         $clause = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::whereClause($group->saved_search_id, $tables, $whereTables);
                         if (trim($clause)) {
                             $clauses[] = $clause;
                 $clause = ' ( ' . implode(' OR ', $clauses) . ' ) ';
     return $clause;
Example #14
  * We need to do slightly different things for groups vs saved search groups, hence we
  * reimplement browse from Page_Basic
  * @param int $action
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function browse($action = null)
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/GroupNesting.php';
     $this->_sortByCharacter = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('sortByCharacter', 'String', $this);
     if ($this->_sortByCharacter == 1 || !empty($_POST)) {
         $this->_sortByCharacter = '';
         $this->set('sortByCharacter', '');
     $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM civicrm_group";
     $groupExists = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query);
     $this->assign('groupExists', $groupExists);
     $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $params = array();
     $whereClause = $this->whereClause($params, false);
     $this->pagerAToZ($whereClause, $params);
     $params = array();
     $whereClause = $this->whereClause($params, true);
     $this->pager($whereClause, $params);
     list($offset, $rowCount) = $this->_pager->getOffsetAndRowCount();
     $select = $from = $where = "";
     if (defined('CIVICRM_MULTISITE') && CIVICRM_MULTISITE && CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer Multiple Organizations')) {
         $select = ", contact.display_name as orgName, contact.id as orgID";
         $from = " LEFT JOIN civicrm_group_organization gOrg\n                               ON gOrg.group_id = groups.id \n                        LEFT JOIN civicrm_contact contact\n                               ON contact.id = gOrg.organization_id ";
         //get the Organization ID
         $orgID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('oid', 'Positive', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject);
         if ($orgID) {
             $where = " AND gOrg.organization_id = {$orgID}";
         $this->assign('groupOrg', true);
     $query = "\n        SELECT groups.* {$select}\n        FROM  civicrm_group groups \n              {$from}\n        WHERE {$whereClause} {$where}\n        ORDER BY groups.title asc\n        LIMIT {$offset}, {$rowCount}";
     $object = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params, true, 'CRM_Contact_DAO_Group');
     $groupPermission = CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit groups') ? CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT : CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW;
     $this->assign('groupPermission', $groupPermission);
     //FIXME CRM-4418, now we are handling delete separately
     //if we introduce 'delete for group' make sure to handle here.
     $groupPermissions = array(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW);
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit groups')) {
         $groupPermissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT;
         $groupPermissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::DELETE;
     require_once 'CRM/Core/OptionGroup.php';
     $links =& $this->links();
     $allTypes = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('group_type');
     $values = array();
     while ($object->fetch()) {
         $permission = $this->checkPermission($object->id, $object->title);
         if ($permission) {
             $newLinks = $links;
             $values[$object->id] = array();
             CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($object, $values[$object->id]);
             if ($object->saved_search_id) {
                 $values[$object->id]['title'] .= ' (' . ts('Smart Group') . ')';
                 // check if custom search, if so fix view link
                 $customSearchID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_SavedSearch', $object->saved_search_id, 'search_custom_id');
                 if ($customSearchID) {
                     $newLinks[CRM_Core_Action::VIEW]['url'] = 'civicrm/contact/search/custom';
                     $newLinks[CRM_Core_Action::VIEW]['qs'] = "reset=1&force=1&ssID={$object->saved_search_id}";
             $action = array_sum(array_keys($newLinks));
             if (array_key_exists('is_active', $object)) {
                 if ($object->is_active) {
                     $action -= CRM_Core_Action::ENABLE;
                 } else {
                     $action -= CRM_Core_Action::VIEW;
                     $action -= CRM_Core_Action::DISABLE;
             $action = $action & CRM_Core_Action::mask($groupPermissions);
             $values[$object->id]['visibility'] = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::tsEnum('visibility', $values[$object->id]['visibility']);
             if (isset($values[$object->id]['group_type'])) {
                 $groupTypes = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, substr($values[$object->id]['group_type'], 1, -1));
                 $types = array();
                 foreach ($groupTypes as $type) {
                     $types[] = $allTypes[$type];
                 $values[$object->id]['group_type'] = implode(', ', $types);
             $values[$object->id]['action'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($newLinks, $action, array('id' => $object->id, 'ssid' => $object->saved_search_id));
             if (array_key_exists('orgName', $object)) {
                 if ($object->orgName) {
                     $values[$object->id]['org_name'] = $object->orgName;
                     $values[$object->id]['org_id'] = $object->orgID;
     if (isset($values)) {
         $this->assign('rows', $values);
  * This function to get list of groups
  * @param  array   $params associated array for params
  * @access public
 static function getGroupList(&$params)
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $whereClause = self::whereClause($params, FALSE);
     //$this->pagerAToZ( $whereClause, $params );
     if (!empty($params['rowCount']) && $params['rowCount'] > 0) {
         $limit = " LIMIT {$params['offset']}, {$params['rowCount']} ";
     $orderBy = ' ORDER BY groups.title asc';
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('sort', $params)) {
         $orderBy = ' ORDER BY ' . CRM_Utils_Array::value('sort', $params);
     $select = $from = $where = "";
     $groupOrg = FALSE;
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer Multiple Organizations') && CRM_Core_Permission::isMultisiteEnabled()) {
         $select = ", contact.display_name as org_name, contact.id as org_id";
         $from = " LEFT JOIN civicrm_group_organization gOrg\n                               ON gOrg.group_id = groups.id\n                        LEFT JOIN civicrm_contact contact\n                               ON contact.id = gOrg.organization_id ";
         //get the Organization ID
         $orgID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('oid', 'Positive', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject);
         if ($orgID) {
             $where = " AND gOrg.organization_id = {$orgID}";
         $groupOrg = TRUE;
     $query = "\n        SELECT groups.* {$select}\n        FROM  civicrm_group groups\n              {$from}\n        WHERE {$whereClause} {$where}\n        {$orderBy}\n        {$limit}";
     $object = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params, TRUE, 'CRM_Contact_DAO_Group');
     //FIXME CRM-4418, now we are handling delete separately
     //if we introduce 'delete for group' make sure to handle here.
     $groupPermissions = array(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW);
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit groups')) {
         $groupPermissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT;
         $groupPermissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::DELETE;
     // CRM-9936
     $reservedPermission = CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer reserved groups');
     $links = self::actionLinks();
     $allTypes = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('group_type');
     $values = array();
     while ($object->fetch()) {
         $permission = CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::checkPermission($object->id, $object->title);
         if ($permission) {
             $newLinks = $links;
             $values[$object->id] = array();
             CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($object, $values[$object->id]);
             if ($object->saved_search_id) {
                 $values[$object->id]['title'] .= ' (' . ts('Smart Group') . ')';
                 // check if custom search, if so fix view link
                 $customSearchID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_SavedSearch', $object->saved_search_id, 'search_custom_id');
                 if ($customSearchID) {
                     $newLinks[CRM_Core_Action::VIEW]['url'] = 'civicrm/contact/search/custom';
                     $newLinks[CRM_Core_Action::VIEW]['qs'] = "reset=1&force=1&ssID={$object->saved_search_id}";
             $action = array_sum(array_keys($newLinks));
             // CRM-9936
             if (array_key_exists('is_reserved', $object)) {
                 //if group is reserved and I don't have reserved permission, suppress delete/edit
                 if ($object->is_reserved && !$reservedPermission) {
                     $action -= CRM_Core_Action::DELETE;
                     $action -= CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE;
                     $action -= CRM_Core_Action::DISABLE;
             $values[$object->id]['class'] = '';
             if (array_key_exists('is_active', $object)) {
                 if ($object->is_active) {
                     $action -= CRM_Core_Action::ENABLE;
                 } else {
                     $values[$object->id]['class'] = 'disabled';
                     $action -= CRM_Core_Action::VIEW;
                     $action -= CRM_Core_Action::DISABLE;
             $action = $action & CRM_Core_Action::mask($groupPermissions);
             $values[$object->id]['visibility'] = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::tsEnum('visibility', $values[$object->id]['visibility']);
             if (isset($values[$object->id]['group_type'])) {
                 $groupTypes = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, substr($values[$object->id]['group_type'], 1, -1));
                 $types = array();
                 foreach ($groupTypes as $type) {
                     $types[] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($type, $allTypes);
                 $values[$object->id]['group_type'] = implode(', ', $types);
             $values[$object->id]['action'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($newLinks, $action, array('id' => $object->id, 'ssid' => $object->saved_search_id));
             if ($groupOrg) {
                 if ($object->org_id) {
                     $contactUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', "reset=1&cid={$object->org_id}");
                     $values[$object->id]['org_info'] = "<a href='{$contactUrl}'>{$object->org_name}</a>";
                 } else {
                     $values[$object->id]['org_info'] = '';
                     // Empty cell
             } else {
                 $values[$object->id]['org_info'] = NULL;
                 // Collapsed column if all cells are NULL
     return $values;
Example #16
  * Returns array of group object(s) matching a set of one or Group properties.
  * @param array       $param             Array of one or more valid property_name=>value pairs. 
  *                                       Limits the set of groups returned.
  * @param array       $returnProperties  Which properties should be included in the returned group objects. 
  *                                       (member_count should be last element.)
  * @return  An array of group objects.
  * @access public
 static function getGroups($params = null, $returnProperties = null)
     $dao = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $dao->is_active = 1;
     if ($params) {
         foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
             if ($k == 'name' || $k == 'title') {
                 $dao->whereAdd($k . ' LIKE "' . CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($v) . '"');
             } else {
                 if (is_array($v)) {
                     $dao->whereAdd($k . ' IN (' . implode(',', $v) . ')');
                 } else {
                     $dao->{$k} = $v;
     // return only specific fields if returnproperties are sent
     if (!empty($returnProperties)) {
         $dao->selectAdd(implode(',', $returnProperties));
     $flag = $returnProperties && in_array('member_count', $returnProperties) ? 1 : 0;
     $groups = array();
     while ($dao->fetch()) {
         $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
         if ($flag) {
             $dao->member_count = CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::memberCount($dao->id);
         $groups[] = clone $dao;
     return $groups;
  * @param string $type
  * @return array
 private function _getMailingGroupIds($type = 'Include')
     $mailingGroup = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup();
     $group = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getTableName();
     if (!isset($this->id)) {
         // we're just testing tokens, so return any group
         $query = "SELECT   id AS entity_id\n                      FROM     {$group}\n                      ORDER BY id\n                      LIMIT 1";
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT entity_id\n                      FROM   {$mg}\n                      WHERE  mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                      AND    group_type = '{$type}'\n                      AND    entity_table = '{$group}'";
     $groupIds = array();
     while ($mailingGroup->fetch()) {
         $groupIds[] = $mailingGroup->entity_id;
     return $groupIds;
Example #18
 * takes an associative array and sends a thank you or email verification email
 * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
 * @param $sendEmailMode
 * @throws Exception
 * @return void
   @access public
 * @static
 public static function sendEmail($params, $sendEmailMode)
     /* sendEmailMode
      * CRM_Campaign_Form_Petition_Signature::EMAIL_THANK
      *   connected user via login/pwd - thank you
      *    or dedupe contact matched who doesn't have a tag CIVICRM_TAG_UNCONFIRMED - thank you
      *   or login using fb connect - thank you + click to add msg to fb wall
      * CRM_Campaign_Form_Petition_Signature::EMAIL_CONFIRM
      *  send a confirmation request email
     // check if the group defined by CIVICRM_PETITION_CONTACTS exists, else create it
     $petitionGroupName = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'petition_contacts', NULL, 'Petition Contacts');
     $dao = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $dao->title = $petitionGroupName;
     if (!$dao->find(TRUE)) {
         $dao->is_active = 1;
         $dao->visibility = 'User and User Admin Only';
     $group_id = $dao->id;
     // get petition info
     $petitionParams['id'] = $params['sid'];
     $petitionInfo = array();
     CRM_Campaign_BAO_Survey::retrieve($petitionParams, $petitionInfo);
     if (empty($petitionInfo)) {
         CRM_Core_Error::fatal('Petition doesn\'t exist.');
     //get the default domain email address.
     list($domainEmailName, $domainEmailAddress) = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail();
     $emailDomain = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain();
     $toName = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::displayName($params['contactId']);
     $replyTo = "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}";
     // set additional general message template params (custom tokens to use in email msg templates)
     // tokens then available in msg template as {$petition.title}, etc
     $petitionTokens['title'] = $petitionInfo['title'];
     $petitionTokens['petitionId'] = $params['sid'];
     $tplParams['petition'] = $petitionTokens;
     switch ($sendEmailMode) {
         case CRM_Campaign_Form_Petition_Signature::EMAIL_THANK:
             // add this contact to the CIVICRM_PETITION_CONTACTS group
             // Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference
             $p = array($params['contactId']);
             CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::addContactsToGroup($p, $group_id, 'API');
             if ($params['email-Primary']) {
                 CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::sendTemplate(array('groupName' => 'msg_tpl_workflow_petition', 'valueName' => 'petition_sign', 'contactId' => $params['contactId'], 'tplParams' => $tplParams, 'from' => "\"{$domainEmailName}\" <{$domainEmailAddress}>", 'toName' => $toName, 'toEmail' => $params['email-Primary'], 'replyTo' => $replyTo, 'petitionId' => $params['sid'], 'petitionTitle' => $petitionInfo['title']));
         case CRM_Campaign_Form_Petition_Signature::EMAIL_CONFIRM:
             // create mailing event subscription record for this contact
             // this will allow using a hash key to confirm email address by sending a url link
             $se = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Subscribe::subscribe($group_id, $params['email-Primary'], $params['contactId'], 'profile');
             //    require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/Domain.php';
             //    $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain();
             $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
             $localpart = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultLocalpart();
             $replyTo = implode($config->verpSeparator, array($localpart . 'c', $se->contact_id, $se->id, $se->hash)) . "@{$emailDomain}";
             $confirmUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/petition/confirm', "reset=1&cid={$se->contact_id}&sid={$se->id}&h={$se->hash}&a={$params['activityId']}&p={$params['sid']}", TRUE);
             $confirmUrlPlainText = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/petition/confirm', "reset=1&cid={$se->contact_id}&sid={$se->id}&h={$se->hash}&a={$params['activityId']}&p={$params['sid']}", TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
             // set email specific message template params and assign to tplParams
             $petitionTokens['confirmUrl'] = $confirmUrl;
             $petitionTokens['confirmUrlPlainText'] = $confirmUrlPlainText;
             $tplParams['petition'] = $petitionTokens;
             if ($params['email-Primary']) {
                 CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::sendTemplate(array('groupName' => 'msg_tpl_workflow_petition', 'valueName' => 'petition_confirmation_needed', 'contactId' => $params['contactId'], 'tplParams' => $tplParams, 'from' => "\"{$domainEmailName}\" <{$domainEmailAddress}>", 'toName' => $toName, 'toEmail' => $params['email-Primary'], 'replyTo' => $replyTo, 'petitionId' => $params['sid'], 'petitionTitle' => $petitionInfo['title'], 'confirmUrl' => $confirmUrl));
Example #19
  * class constructor
 function __construct()
 function from()
     //define table name
     $randomNum = md5(uniqid());
     $this->_tableName = "civicrm_temp_custom_{$randomNum}";
     //block for Group search
     $smartGroup = array();
     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $group->is_active = 1;
     while ($group->fetch()) {
         $allGroups[] = $group->id;
         if ($group->saved_search_id) {
             $smartGroup[$group->saved_search_id] = $group->id;
     $includedGroups = implode(',', $allGroups);
     if (!empty($this->_includeGroups)) {
         $iGroups = implode(',', $this->_includeGroups);
     } else {
         //if no group selected search for all groups
         $iGroups = $includedGroups;
     if (is_array($this->_excludeGroups)) {
         $xGroups = implode(',', $this->_excludeGroups);
     } else {
         $xGroups = 0;
     $sql = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS Xg_{$this->_tableName}";
     $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Xg_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id int primary key) ENGINE=HEAP";
     //used only when exclude group is selected
     if ($xGroups != 0) {
         $excludeGroup = "INSERT INTO  Xg_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id )\n              SELECT  DISTINCT civicrm_group_contact.contact_id\n              FROM civicrm_group_contact\n              WHERE \n                 civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added' AND\n                 civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN ( {$xGroups} )";
         //search for smart group contacts
         foreach ($this->_excludeGroups as $keys => $values) {
             if (in_array($values, $smartGroup)) {
                 $ssId = CRM_Utils_Array::key($values, $smartGroup);
                 $smartSql = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::contactIDsSQL($ssId);
                 $smartSql = $smartSql . " AND contact_a.id NOT IN ( \n                          SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_group_contact \n                          WHERE civicrm_group_contact.group_id = {$values} AND civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Removed')";
                 $smartGroupQuery = " INSERT IGNORE INTO Xg_{$this->_tableName}(contact_id) {$smartSql}";
     $sql = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS Ig_{$this->_tableName}";
     $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Ig_{$this->_tableName}\n            ( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,\n              contact_id int,\n              group_names varchar(64)) ENGINE=HEAP";
     if ($this->_debug > 0) {
         print "-- Include groups query: <pre>";
         print "{$sql};";
         print "</pre>";
     $includeGroup = "INSERT INTO Ig_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, group_names)\n             SELECT      civicrm_group_contact.contact_id, civicrm_group.name as group_name\n             FROM        civicrm_group_contact\n             LEFT JOIN   civicrm_group\n             ON          civicrm_group_contact.group_id = civicrm_group.id";
     //used only when exclude group is selected
     if ($xGroups != 0) {
         $includeGroup .= " LEFT JOIN        Xg_{$this->_tableName}\n                                      ON        civicrm_group_contact.contact_id = Xg_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id";
     $includeGroup .= " WHERE           \n                                 civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added'  AND\n                                 civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN({$iGroups})";
     //used only when exclude group is selected
     if ($xGroups != 0) {
         $includeGroup .= " AND  Xg_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS null";
     if ($this->_debug > 0) {
         print "-- Include groups query: <pre>";
         print "{$includeGroup};";
         print "</pre>";
     //search for smart group contacts
     foreach ($this->_includeGroups as $keys => $values) {
         if (in_array($values, $smartGroup)) {
             $ssId = CRM_Utils_Array::key($values, $smartGroup);
             $smartSql = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::contactIDsSQL($ssId);
             $smartSql .= " AND contact_a.id NOT IN ( \n                               SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_group_contact\n                               WHERE civicrm_group_contact.group_id = {$values} AND civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Removed')";
             //used only when exclude group is selected
             if ($xGroups != 0) {
                 $smartSql .= " AND contact_a.id NOT IN (SELECT contact_id FROM  Xg_{$this->_tableName})";
             $smartGroupQuery = " INSERT IGNORE INTO Ig_{$this->_tableName}(contact_id) \n                    {$smartSql}";
             $insertGroupNameQuery = "UPDATE IGNORE Ig_{$this->_tableName}\n                    SET group_names = (SELECT title FROM civicrm_group\n                        WHERE civicrm_group.id = {$values})\n                    WHERE Ig_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS NOT NULL \n                        AND Ig_{$this->_tableName}.group_names IS NULL";
     $from = "FROM civicrm_contact contact_a";
     $fromTail = "LEFT JOIN civicrm_email ON ( contact_a.id = civicrm_email.contact_id AND civicrm_email.is_primary = 1 )";
     $fromTail .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
     // now create a temp table to store the randomized contacts
     $sql = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS random_{$this->_tableName}";
     $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE random_{$this->_tableName} ( id int primary key ) ENGINE=HEAP";
     if (substr($this->_segmentSize, -1) == '%') {
         $countSql = "SELECT DISTINCT contact_a.id {$from} {$fromTail}\n                         WHERE " . $this->where();
         $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($countSql);
         $totalSize = $dao->N;
         $multiplier = substr($this->_segmentSize, 0, strlen($this->_segmentSize) - 1);
         $multiplier /= 100;
         //CRM_Core_Error::debug( "Total size: $totalSize<br/>Multiplier: $multiplier<br/>");
         $this->_segmentSize = round($totalSize * $multiplier);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO random_{$this->_tableName} ( id )\n                SELECT DISTINCT contact_a.id {$from} {$fromTail}\n                WHERE " . $this->where() . "\n                ORDER BY RAND()\n                LIMIT {$this->_segmentSize}";
     $from = "FROM random_{$this->_tableName} random";
     $from .= " INNER JOIN civicrm_contact contact_a ON random.id = contact_a.id";
     $from .= " {$fromTail}";
     return $from;
  * @param $mappingID
  * @param $now
  * @param array $params
  * @throws API_Exception
 static function buildRecipientContacts($mappingID, $now, $params = array())
     $actionSchedule = new CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule();
     $actionSchedule->mapping_id = $mappingID;
     $actionSchedule->is_active = 1;
     if (!empty($params)) {
         _civicrm_api3_dao_set_filter($actionSchedule, $params, FALSE, 'ActionSchedule');
     while ($actionSchedule->fetch()) {
         $mapping = new CRM_Core_DAO_ActionMapping();
         $mapping->id = $mappingID;
         // note: $where - this filtering applies for both
         // 'limit to' and 'addition to' options
         // $limitWhere - this filtering applies only for
         // 'limit to' option
         $select = $join = $where = $limitWhere = array();
         $limitTo = $actionSchedule->limit_to;
         $value = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, trim($actionSchedule->entity_value, CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR));
         $value = implode(',', $value);
         $status = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, trim($actionSchedule->entity_status, CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR));
         $status = implode(',', $status);
         $anniversary = false;
         if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($mapping->entity_recipient)) {
             $recipientOptions = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values($mapping->entity_recipient, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'name');
         $from = "{$mapping->entity} e";
         if ($mapping->entity == 'civicrm_activity') {
             $contactField = 'r.contact_id';
             $table = 'civicrm_activity e';
             $activityContacts = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('activity_contacts', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'name');
             $sourceID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Source', $activityContacts);
             $assigneeID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Assignees', $activityContacts);
             $targetID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Targets', $activityContacts);
             if ($limitTo == 0) {
                 // including the activity target contacts if 'in addition' is defined
                 $join[] = "INNER JOIN civicrm_activity_contact r ON r.activity_id = e.id AND record_type_id = {$targetID}";
             } else {
                 switch (CRM_Utils_Array::value($actionSchedule->recipient, $recipientOptions)) {
                     case 'Activity Assignees':
                         $join[] = "INNER JOIN civicrm_activity_contact r ON r.activity_id = e.id AND record_type_id = {$assigneeID}";
                     case 'Activity Source':
                         $join[] = "INNER JOIN civicrm_activity_contact r ON r.activity_id = e.id AND record_type_id = {$sourceID}";
                     case 'Activity Targets':
                         $join[] = "INNER JOIN civicrm_activity_contact r ON r.activity_id = e.id AND record_type_id = {$targetID}";
             // build where clause
             if (!empty($value)) {
                 $where[] = "e.activity_type_id IN ({$value})";
             } else {
                 $where[] = "e.activity_type_id IS NULL";
             if (!empty($status)) {
                 $where[] = "e.status_id IN ({$status})";
             $where[] = ' e.is_current_revision = 1 ';
             $where[] = ' e.is_deleted = 0 ';
             $dateField = 'e.activity_date_time';
         if ($mapping->entity == 'civicrm_participant') {
             $table = 'civicrm_event r';
             $contactField = 'e.contact_id';
             $join[] = 'INNER JOIN civicrm_event r ON e.event_id = r.id';
             if ($actionSchedule->recipient_listing && $limitTo) {
                 $rList = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, trim($actionSchedule->recipient_listing, CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR));
                 $rList = implode(',', $rList);
                 switch ($recipientOptions[$actionSchedule->recipient]) {
                     case 'participant_role':
                         $where[] = "e.role_id IN ({$rList})";
             // build where clause
             if (!empty($value)) {
                 $where[] = $mapping->entity_value == 'event_type' ? "r.event_type_id IN ({$value})" : "r.id IN ({$value})";
             } else {
                 $where[] = $mapping->entity_value == 'event_type' ? "r.event_type_id IS NULL" : "r.id IS NULL";
             // participant status criteria not to be implemented
             // for additional recipients
             if (!empty($status)) {
                 $limitWhere[] = "e.status_id IN ({$status})";
             $where[] = 'r.is_active = 1';
             $where[] = 'r.is_template = 0';
             $dateField = str_replace('event_', 'r.', $actionSchedule->start_action_date);
         $notINClause = '';
         if ($mapping->entity == 'civicrm_membership') {
             $contactField = 'e.contact_id';
             $table = 'civicrm_membership e';
             // build where clause
             if ($status == 2) {
                 //auto-renew memberships
                 $where[] = "e.contribution_recur_id IS NOT NULL ";
             } elseif ($status == 1) {
                 $where[] = "e.contribution_recur_id IS NULL ";
             // build where clause
             if (!empty($value)) {
                 $where[] = "e.membership_type_id IN ({$value})";
             } else {
                 $where[] = "e.membership_type_id IS NULL";
             $where[] = "( e.is_override IS NULL OR e.is_override = 0 )";
             $dateField = str_replace('membership_', 'e.', $actionSchedule->start_action_date);
             $notINClause = self::permissionedRelationships($contactField);
             $membershipStatus = CRM_Member_PseudoConstant::membershipStatus(NULL, "(is_current_member = 1 OR name = 'Expired')", 'id');
             $mStatus = implode(',', $membershipStatus);
             $where[] = "e.status_id IN ({$mStatus})";
         if ($mapping->entity == 'civicrm_contact') {
             if ($value == 'birth_date') {
                 $dateDBField = 'birth_date';
                 $table = 'civicrm_contact e';
                 $contactField = 'e.id';
                 $where[] = 'e.is_deleted = 0';
                 $where[] = 'e.is_deceased = 0';
             } else {
                 //custom field
                 $customFieldParams = array('id' => substr($value, 7));
                 $customGroup = $customField = array();
                 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::retrieve($customFieldParams, $customField);
                 $dateDBField = $customField['column_name'];
                 $customGroupParams = array('id' => $customField['custom_group_id'], $customGroup);
                 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::retrieve($customGroupParams, $customGroup);
                 $from = $table = "{$customGroup['table_name']} e";
                 $contactField = 'e.entity_id';
                 $where[] = '1';
                 // possible to have no "where" in this case
             $status_ = explode(',', $status);
             if (in_array(2, $status_)) {
                 // anniversary mode:
                 $dateField = 'DATE_ADD(e.' . $dateDBField . ', INTERVAL ROUND(DATEDIFF(DATE(' . $now . '), e.' . $dateDBField . ') / 365) YEAR)';
                 $anniversary = true;
             } else {
                 // regular mode:
                 $dateField = 'e.' . $dateDBField;
             // TODO get this working
             // TODO: Make sure everything's provided for repetition, etc.
         // CRM-13577 Introduce Smart Groups Handling
         if ($actionSchedule->group_id) {
             // Need to check if its a smart group or not
             // Then decide which table to join onto the query
             $group = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getTableName();
             // Get the group information
             $sql = "\nSELECT     {$group}.id, {$group}.cache_date, {$group}.saved_search_id, {$group}.children\nFROM       {$group}\nWHERE      {$group}.id = {$actionSchedule->group_id}\n";
             $groupDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
             $isSmartGroup = FALSE;
             if ($groupDAO->fetch() && !empty($groupDAO->saved_search_id)) {
                 // Check that the group is in place in the cache and up to date
                 // Set smart group flag
                 $isSmartGroup = TRUE;
         // CRM-13577 End Introduce Smart Groups Handling
         if ($limitTo) {
             if ($actionSchedule->group_id) {
                 // CRM-13577 If smart group then use Cache table
                 if ($isSmartGroup) {
                     $join[] = "INNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact_cache grp ON {$contactField} = grp.contact_id";
                     $where[] = "grp.group_id IN ({$actionSchedule->group_id})";
                 } else {
                     $join[] = "INNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact grp ON {$contactField} = grp.contact_id AND grp.status = 'Added'";
                     $where[] = "grp.group_id IN ({$actionSchedule->group_id})";
             } elseif (!empty($actionSchedule->recipient_manual)) {
                 $rList = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($actionSchedule->recipient_manual, 'String');
                 $where[] = "{$contactField} IN ({$rList})";
         } else {
             $addGroup = $addWhere = '';
             if ($actionSchedule->group_id) {
                 // CRM-13577 If smart group then use Cache table
                 if ($isSmartGroup) {
                     $addGroup = " INNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact_cache grp ON c.id = grp.contact_id";
                     $addWhere = " grp.group_id IN ({$actionSchedule->group_id})";
                 } else {
                     $addGroup = " INNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact grp ON c.id = grp.contact_id AND grp.status = 'Added'";
                     $addWhere = " grp.group_id IN ({$actionSchedule->group_id})";
             if (!empty($actionSchedule->recipient_manual)) {
                 $rList = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($actionSchedule->recipient_manual, 'String');
                 $addWhere = "c.id IN ({$rList})";
         $select[] = "{$contactField} as contact_id";
         $select[] = 'e.id as entity_id';
         $select[] = "'{$mapping->entity}' as entity_table";
         $select[] = "{$actionSchedule->id} as action_schedule_id";
         $reminderJoinClause = "civicrm_action_log reminder ON reminder.contact_id = {$contactField} AND\nreminder.entity_id          = e.id AND\nreminder.entity_table       = '{$mapping->entity}' AND\nreminder.action_schedule_id = %1";
         if ($anniversary) {
             // only consider reminders less than 11 months ago
             $reminderJoinClause .= " AND reminder.action_date_time > DATE_SUB({$now}, INTERVAL 11 MONTH)";
         if ($table != 'civicrm_contact e') {
             $join[] = "INNER JOIN civicrm_contact c ON c.id = {$contactField} AND c.is_deleted = 0 AND c.is_deceased = 0 ";
         if ($actionSchedule->start_action_date) {
             $startDateClause = array();
             $op = $actionSchedule->start_action_condition == 'before' ? '<=' : '>=';
             $operator = $actionSchedule->start_action_condition == 'before' ? 'DATE_SUB' : 'DATE_ADD';
             $date = $operator . "({$dateField}, INTERVAL {$actionSchedule->start_action_offset} {$actionSchedule->start_action_unit})";
             $startDateClause[] = "'{$now}' >= {$date}";
             if ($mapping->entity == 'civicrm_participant') {
                 $startDateClause[] = $operator . "({$now}, INTERVAL 1 DAY ) {$op} " . $dateField;
             } else {
                 $startDateClause[] = "DATE_SUB({$now}, INTERVAL 1 DAY ) <= {$date}";
             $startDate = implode(' AND ', $startDateClause);
         } elseif ($actionSchedule->absolute_date) {
             $startDate = "DATEDIFF(DATE('{$now}'),'{$actionSchedule->absolute_date}') = 0";
         // ( now >= date_built_from_start_time ) OR ( now = absolute_date )
         $dateClause = "reminder.id IS NULL AND {$startDate}";
         // start composing query
         $selectClause = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $select);
         $fromClause = "FROM {$from}";
         $joinClause = !empty($join) ? implode(' ', $join) : '';
         $whereClause = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
         $limitWhereClause = '';
         if (!empty($limitWhere)) {
             $limitWhereClause = ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $limitWhere);
         $query = "\nINSERT INTO civicrm_action_log (contact_id, entity_id, entity_table, action_schedule_id)\n{$selectClause}\n{$fromClause}\n{$joinClause}\nLEFT JOIN {$reminderJoinClause}\n{$whereClause} {$limitWhereClause} AND {$dateClause} {$notINClause}\n";
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, array(1 => array($actionSchedule->id, 'Integer')));
         if ($limitTo == 0) {
             $additionWhere = ' WHERE ';
             if ($actionSchedule->start_action_date) {
                 $additionWhere = $whereClause . ' AND ';
             $contactTable = "civicrm_contact c";
             $addSelect = "SELECT c.id as contact_id, c.id as entity_id, 'civicrm_contact' as entity_table, {$actionSchedule->id} as action_schedule_id";
             $additionReminderClause = "civicrm_action_log reminder ON reminder.contact_id = c.id AND\n          reminder.entity_id          = c.id AND\n          reminder.entity_table       = 'civicrm_contact' AND\n          reminder.action_schedule_id = {$actionSchedule->id}";
             $addWhereClause = '';
             if ($addWhere) {
                 $addWhereClause = "AND {$addWhere}";
             $insertAdditionalSql = "\nINSERT INTO civicrm_action_log (contact_id, entity_id, entity_table, action_schedule_id)\n{$addSelect}\nFROM ({$contactTable})\nLEFT JOIN {$additionReminderClause}\n{$addGroup}\nWHERE c.is_deleted = 0 AND c.is_deceased = 0\n{$addWhereClause}\n\nAND c.id NOT IN (\n     SELECT rem.contact_id\n     FROM civicrm_action_log rem INNER JOIN {$mapping->entity} e ON rem.entity_id = e.id\n     WHERE rem.action_schedule_id = {$actionSchedule->id}\n      AND rem.entity_table = '{$mapping->entity}'\n    )\nGROUP BY c.id\n";
         // if repeat is turned ON:
         if ($actionSchedule->is_repeat) {
             $repeatEvent = ($actionSchedule->end_action == 'before' ? 'DATE_SUB' : 'DATE_ADD') . "({$dateField}, INTERVAL {$actionSchedule->end_frequency_interval} {$actionSchedule->end_frequency_unit})";
             if ($actionSchedule->repetition_frequency_unit == 'day') {
                 $hrs = 24 * $actionSchedule->repetition_frequency_interval;
             } elseif ($actionSchedule->repetition_frequency_unit == 'week') {
                 $hrs = 24 * $actionSchedule->repetition_frequency_interval * 7;
             } elseif ($actionSchedule->repetition_frequency_unit == 'month') {
                 $hrs = "24*(DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(latest_log_time, INTERVAL 1 MONTH ), latest_log_time))";
             } elseif ($actionSchedule->repetition_frequency_unit == 'year') {
                 $hrs = "24*(DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(latest_log_time, INTERVAL 1 YEAR ), latest_log_time))";
             } else {
                 $hrs = $actionSchedule->repetition_frequency_interval;
             // (now <= repeat_end_time )
             $repeatEventClause = "'{$now}' <= {$repeatEvent}";
             // diff(now && logged_date_time) >= repeat_interval
             $havingClause = "HAVING TIMEDIFF({$now}, latest_log_time) >= TIME('{$hrs}:00:00')";
             $groupByClause = 'GROUP BY reminder.contact_id, reminder.entity_id, reminder.entity_table';
             $selectClause .= ', MAX(reminder.action_date_time) as latest_log_time';
             $sqlInsertValues = "{$selectClause}\n{$fromClause}\n{$joinClause}\nINNER JOIN {$reminderJoinClause}\n{$whereClause} {$limitWhereClause} AND {$repeatEventClause}\n{$groupByClause}\n{$havingClause}";
             $valsqlInsertValues = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sqlInsertValues, array(1 => array($actionSchedule->id, 'Integer')));
             $arrValues = array();
             while ($valsqlInsertValues->fetch()) {
                 $arrValues[] = "( {$valsqlInsertValues->contact_id}, {$valsqlInsertValues->entity_id}, '{$valsqlInsertValues->entity_table}',{$valsqlInsertValues->action_schedule_id} )";
             $valString = implode(',', $arrValues);
             if ($valString) {
                 $query = '
           INSERT INTO civicrm_action_log (contact_id, entity_id, entity_table, action_schedule_id) VALUES ' . $valString;
                 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, array(1 => array($actionSchedule->id, 'Integer')));
             if ($limitTo == 0) {
                 $addSelect .= ', MAX(reminder.action_date_time) as latest_log_time';
                 $sqlEndEventCheck = "\nSELECT * FROM {$table}\n{$whereClause} AND {$repeatEventClause} LIMIT 1";
                 $daoCheck = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sqlEndEventCheck);
                 if ($daoCheck->fetch()) {
                     $valSqlAdditionInsert = "\n{$addSelect}\nFROM  {$contactTable}\n{$addGroup}\nINNER JOIN {$additionReminderClause}\nWHERE {$addWhere} AND c.is_deleted = 0 AND c.is_deceased = 0\nGROUP BY reminder.contact_id\n{$havingClause}\n";
                     $daoForVals = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($valSqlAdditionInsert);
                     $addValues = array();
                     while ($daoForVals->fetch()) {
                         $addValues[] = "( {$daoForVals->contact_id}, {$daoForVals->entity_id}, '{$daoForVals->entity_table}',{$daoForVals->action_schedule_id} )";
                     $valString = implode(',', $addValues);
                     if ($valString) {
                         $query = '
             INSERT INTO civicrm_action_log (contact_id, entity_id, entity_table, action_schedule_id) VALUES ' . $valString;
Example #22
  * adds $value['foo_display'] for each $value['foo'] enum from civicrm_group
  * @param array $values (reference)  the array up for enhancing
  * @return void
 static function addDisplayEnums(&$values)
     $enumFields =& CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getEnums();
     foreach ($enumFields as $enum) {
         if (isset($values[$enum])) {
             $values[$enum . '_display'] = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::tsEnum($enum, $values[$enum]);
  * Construct a WHERE clause to handle permissions to $object_*
  * @param array ref $tables -   Any tables that may be needed in the FROM
  * @param string $operation -   The operation being attempted
  * @param string $object_table -    The table of the object in question
  * @param int $object_id    -   The ID of the object in question
  * @param int $acl_id   -       If it's a grant/revoke operation, the ACL ID
  * @param boolean $acl_role -  For grant operations, this flag determines if we're granting a single acl (false) or an entire group.
  * @return string           -   The WHERE clause, or 0 on failure
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function permissionClause(&$tables, $operation, $object_table = NULL, $object_id = NULL, $acl_id = NULL, $acl_role = FALSE)
     $dao = new CRM_ACL_DAO_ACL();
     $t = array('ACL' => self::getTableName(), 'ACLRole' => 'civicrm_acl_role', 'ACLEntityRole' => CRM_ACL_DAO_EntityRole::getTableName(), 'Contact' => CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName(), 'Group' => CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getTableName(), 'GroupContact' => CRM_Contact_DAO_GroupContact::getTableName());
     $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
     $contact_id = $session->get('userID');
     $where = " {$t['ACL']}.operation = '" . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($operation, 'String') . "'";
     /* Include clause if we're looking for a specific table/id permission */
     if (!empty($object_table)) {
         $where .= " AND ( {$t['ACL']}.object_table IS null\n                         OR ({$t['ACL']}.object_table   = '" . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($object_table, 'String') . "'";
         if (!empty($object_id)) {
             $where .= " AND ({$t['ACL']}.object_id IS null\n                            OR {$t['ACL']}.object_id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($object_id, 'Integer') . ')';
         $where .= '))';
     /* Include clause if we're granting an ACL or ACL Role */
     if (!empty($acl_id)) {
         $where .= " AND ({$t['ACL']}.acl_id IS null\n                        OR {$t['ACL']}.acl_id   = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($acl_id, 'Integer') . ')';
         if ($acl_role) {
             $where .= " AND {$t['ACL']}.acl_table = '{$t['ACLRole']}'";
         } else {
             $where .= " AND {$t['ACL']}.acl_table = '{$t['ACL']}'";
     $query = array();
     /* Query for permissions granted to all contacts in the domain */
     $query[] = "SELECT      {$t['ACL']}.*, 0 as override\n                    FROM        {$t['ACL']}\n\n                    WHERE       {$t['ACL']}.entity_table    = '{$t['Domain']}'\n                            AND ({$where})";
     /* Query for permissions granted to all contacts through an ACL group */
     $query[] = "SELECT      {$t['ACL']}.*, 0 as override\n                    FROM        {$t['ACL']}\n\n                    INNER JOIN  {$t['ACLEntityRole']}\n                            ON  ({$t['ACL']}.entity_table = '{$t['ACLRole']}'\n                            AND     {$t['ACL']}.entity_id =\n                                    {$t['ACLEntityRole']}.acl_role_id)\n\n                    INNER JOIN  {$t['ACLRole']}\n                            ON      {$t['ACL']}.entity_id =\n                                    {$t['ACLRole']}.id\n\n                    WHERE       {$t['ACLEntityRole']}.entity_table =\n                                    '{$t['Domain']}'\n                            AND {$t['ACLRole']}.is_active      = 1\n                            AND ({$where})";
     /* Query for permissions granted directly to the contact */
     $query[] = "SELECT      {$t['ACL']}.*, 1 as override\n                    FROM        {$t['ACL']}\n\n                    INNER JOIN  {$t['Contact']}\n                            ON  ({$t['ACL']}.entity_table = '{$t['Contact']}'\n                            AND     {$t['ACL']}.entity_id = {$t['Contact']}.id)\n\n                    WHERE       {$t['Contact']}.id          = {$contact_id}\n                            AND ({$where})";
     /* Query for permissions granted to the contact through an ACL group */
     $query[] = "SELECT      {$t['ACL']}.*, 1 as override\n                    FROM        {$t['ACL']}\n\n                    INNER JOIN  {$t['ACLEntityRole']}\n                            ON  ({$t['ACL']}.entity_table = '{$t['ACLRole']}'\n                            AND     {$t['ACL']}.entity_id =\n                                    {$t['ACLEntityRole']}.acl_role_id)\n\n                    INNER JOIN  {$t['ACLRole']}\n                            ON  {$t['ACL']}.entity_id = {$t['ACLRole']}.id\n\n                    WHERE       {$t['ACLEntityRole']}.entity_table =\n                                    '{$t['Contact']}'\n                        AND     {$t['ACLRole']}.is_active      = 1\n                        AND     {$t['ACLEntityRole']}.entity_id  = {$contact_id}\n                        AND     ({$where})";
     /* Query for permissions granted to the contact through a group */
     $query[] = "SELECT      {$t['ACL']}.*, 0 as override\n                    FROM        {$t['ACL']}\n\n                    INNER JOIN  {$t['GroupContact']}\n                            ON  ({$t['ACL']}.entity_table = '{$t['Group']}'\n                            AND     {$t['ACL']}.entity_id =\n                                    {$t['GroupContact']}.group_id)\n\n                    WHERE       ({$where})\n                        AND     {$t['GroupContact']}.contact_id = {$contact_id}\n                        AND     {$t['GroupContact']}.status     = 'Added')";
     /* Query for permissions granted through an ACL group to a Contact
      * group */
     $query[] = "SELECT      {$t['ACL']}.*, 0 as override\n                    FROM        {$t['ACL']}\n\n                    INNER JOIN  {$t['ACLEntityRole']}\n                            ON  ({$t['ACL']}.entity_table = '{$t['ACLRole']}'\n                            AND     {$t['ACL']}.entity_id =\n                                    {$t['ACLEntityRole']}.acl_role_id)\n\n                    INNER JOIN  {$t['ACLRole']}\n                            ON  {$t['ACL']}.entity_id = {$t['ACLRole']}.id\n\n                    INNER JOIN  {$t['GroupContact']}\n                            ON  ({$t['ACLEntityRole']}.entity_table =\n                                    '{$t['Group']}'\n                            AND     {$t['ACLEntityRole']}.entity_id =\n                                    {$t['GroupContact']}.group_id)\n\n                    WHERE       ({$where})\n                        AND     {$t['ACLRole']}.is_active      = 1\n                        AND     {$t['GroupContact']}.contact_id = {$contact_id}\n                        AND     {$t['GroupContact']}.status     = 'Added'";
     $union = '(' . implode(') UNION DISTINCT (', $query) . ')';
     $allow = array(0);
     $deny = array(0);
     $override = array();
     while ($dao->fetch()) {
         /* Instant bypass for the following cases:
          * 1) the rule governs all tables
          * 2) the rule governs all objects in the table in question
          * 3) the rule governs the specific object we want
         if (empty($dao->object_table) || $dao->object_table == $object_table && (empty($dao->object_id) || $dao->object_id == $object_id)) {
             $clause = 1;
         } else {
             /* Otherwise try to generate a clause for this rule */
             $clause = self::getClause($dao->object_table, $dao->object_id, $tables);
             /* If the clause returned is null, then the rule is a blanket
              * (id is null) on a table other than the one we're interested
              * in.  So skip it. */
             if (empty($clause)) {
         /* Now we figure out if this is an allow or deny rule, and possibly
          * a contact-level override */
         if ($dao->deny) {
             $deny[] = $clause;
         } else {
             $allow[] = $clause;
             if ($dao->override) {
                 $override[] = $clause;
     $allows = '(' . implode(' OR ', $allow) . ')';
     $denies = '(' . implode(' OR ', $deny) . ')';
     if (!empty($override)) {
         $denies = '(NOT (' . implode(' OR ', $override) . ") AND {$denies})";
     return "({$allows} AND NOT {$denies})";
Example #24
  * Build where clause for groups.
  * This has been overridden in order to:
  *  1) only build the group clause when filtering
  *  2) render the id field as id rather than contact_id in
  *   order to allow us to join on hte created temp table as if it
  *   were the contact table.
  * Further refactoring could break down the parent function so it can be selectively
  * leveraged.
  * @param string $field
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param string $op
  * @return string
 public function whereGroupClause($field, $value, $op)
     if ($op == 'notin') {
         // We do not have an optimisation for this scenario at this stage. Use
         // parent.
         return parent::whereGroupClause($field, $value, $op);
     if (empty($this->groupTempTable)) {
         $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
         $group->is_active = 1;
         $smartGroups = array();
         while ($group->fetch()) {
             if (in_array($group->id, $this->_params['gid_value']) && $group->saved_search_id) {
                 $smartGroups[] = $group->id;
         $smartGroupQuery = '';
         if (!empty($smartGroups)) {
             $smartGroups = implode(',', $smartGroups);
             $smartGroupQuery = " UNION DISTINCT\n                  SELECT DISTINCT smartgroup_contact.contact_id as id\n                  FROM civicrm_group_contact_cache smartgroup_contact\n                  WHERE smartgroup_contact.group_id IN ({$smartGroups}) ";
         $sqlOp = $this->getSQLOperator($op);
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             $value = array($value);
         $clause = "{$field['dbAlias']} IN (" . implode(', ', $value) . ")";
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}.contact_id as id\n                 FROM civicrm_group_contact {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}\n                 WHERE {$clause} AND {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}.status = 'Added'\n                 {$smartGroupQuery}  ";
     return "1";
Example #25
 function from()
     $iGroups = $xGroups = $iTags = $xTags = 0;
     //define table name
     $randomNum = md5(uniqid());
     $this->_tableName = "civicrm_temp_custom_{$randomNum}";
     //block for Group search
     $smartGroup = array();
     if ($this->_groups || $this->_allSearch) {
         $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
         $group->is_active = 1;
         while ($group->fetch()) {
             $allGroups[] = $group->id;
             if ($group->saved_search_id) {
                 $smartGroup[$group->saved_search_id] = $group->id;
         $includedGroups = implode(',', $allGroups);
         if (!empty($this->_includeGroups)) {
             $iGroups = implode(',', $this->_includeGroups);
         } else {
             //if no group selected search for all groups
             $iGroups = NULL;
         if (is_array($this->_excludeGroups)) {
             $xGroups = implode(',', $this->_excludeGroups);
         } else {
             $xGroups = 0;
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Xg_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id int primary key) ENGINE=MyISAM";
         //used only when exclude group is selected
         if ($xGroups != 0) {
             $excludeGroup = "INSERT INTO  Xg_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id )\n                  SELECT  DISTINCT civicrm_group_contact.contact_id\n                  FROM civicrm_group_contact, civicrm_contact\n                  WHERE\n                     civicrm_contact.id = civicrm_group_contact.contact_id AND\n                     civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added' AND\n                     civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN( {$xGroups})";
             //search for smart group contacts
             foreach ($this->_excludeGroups as $keys => $values) {
                 if (in_array($values, $smartGroup)) {
                     $ssGroup = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
                     $ssGroup->id = $values;
                     if (!$ssGroup->find(TRUE)) {
                     $smartSql = "\nSELECT gcc.contact_id\nFROM   civicrm_group_contact_cache gcc\nWHERE  gcc.group_id = {$ssGroup->id}\n";
                     $smartGroupQuery = " INSERT IGNORE INTO Xg_{$this->_tableName}(contact_id) {$smartSql}";
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Ig_{$this->_tableName} ( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                                                                   contact_id int,\n                                                                   group_names varchar(64)) ENGINE=MyISAM";
         if ($iGroups) {
             $includeGroup = "INSERT INTO Ig_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, group_names)\n                 SELECT              civicrm_contact.id as contact_id, civicrm_group.title as group_name\n                 FROM                civicrm_contact\n                    INNER JOIN       civicrm_group_contact\n                            ON       civicrm_group_contact.contact_id = civicrm_contact.id\n                    LEFT JOIN        civicrm_group\n                            ON       civicrm_group_contact.group_id = civicrm_group.id";
         } else {
             $includeGroup = "INSERT INTO Ig_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, group_names)\n                 SELECT              civicrm_contact.id as contact_id, ''\n                 FROM                civicrm_contact";
         //used only when exclude group is selected
         if ($xGroups != 0) {
             $includeGroup .= " LEFT JOIN        Xg_{$this->_tableName}\n                                          ON       civicrm_contact.id = Xg_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id";
         if ($iGroups) {
             $includeGroup .= " WHERE\n                                     civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added'  AND\n                                     civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN({$iGroups})";
         } else {
             $includeGroup .= " WHERE ( 1 ) ";
         //used only when exclude group is selected
         if ($xGroups != 0) {
             $includeGroup .= " AND  Xg_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS null";
         //search for smart group contacts
         foreach ($this->_includeGroups as $keys => $values) {
             if (in_array($values, $smartGroup)) {
                 $ssGroup = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
                 $ssGroup->id = $values;
                 if (!$ssGroup->find(TRUE)) {
                 $smartSql = "\nSELECT gcc.contact_id\nFROM   civicrm_group_contact_cache gcc\nWHERE  gcc.group_id = {$ssGroup->id}\n";
                 //used only when exclude group is selected
                 if ($xGroups != 0) {
                     $smartSql .= " AND gcc.contact_id NOT IN (SELECT contact_id FROM  Xg_{$this->_tableName})";
                 $smartGroupQuery = " INSERT IGNORE INTO Ig_{$this->_tableName}(contact_id)\n                                     {$smartSql}";
                 $insertGroupNameQuery = "UPDATE IGNORE Ig_{$this->_tableName}\n                                         SET group_names = (SELECT title FROM civicrm_group\n                                                            WHERE civicrm_group.id = {$values})\n                                         WHERE Ig_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS NOT NULL\n                                         AND Ig_{$this->_tableName}.group_names IS NULL";
     //group contact search end here;
     //block for Tags search
     if ($this->_tags || $this->_allSearch) {
         //find all tags
         $tag = new CRM_Core_DAO_Tag();
         $tag->is_active = 1;
         while ($tag->fetch()) {
             $allTags[] = $tag->id;
         $includedTags = implode(',', $allTags);
         if (!empty($this->_includeTags)) {
             $iTags = implode(',', $this->_includeTags);
         } else {
             //if no group selected search for all groups
             $iTags = NULL;
         if (is_array($this->_excludeTags)) {
             $xTags = implode(',', $this->_excludeTags);
         } else {
             $xTags = 0;
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Xt_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id int primary key) ENGINE=MyISAM";
         //used only when exclude tag is selected
         if ($xTags != 0) {
             $excludeTag = "INSERT INTO  Xt_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id )\n                  SELECT  DISTINCT civicrm_entity_tag.entity_id\n                  FROM civicrm_entity_tag, civicrm_contact\n                  WHERE\n                     civicrm_entity_tag.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' AND\n                     civicrm_contact.id = civicrm_entity_tag.entity_id AND\n                     civicrm_entity_tag.tag_id IN( {$xTags})";
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE It_{$this->_tableName} ( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                                                               contact_id int,\n                                                               tag_names varchar(64)) ENGINE=MyISAM";
         if ($iTags) {
             $includeTag = "INSERT INTO It_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, tag_names)\n                 SELECT              civicrm_contact.id as contact_id, civicrm_tag.name as tag_name\n                 FROM                civicrm_contact\n                    INNER JOIN       civicrm_entity_tag\n                            ON       ( civicrm_entity_tag.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' AND\n                                       civicrm_entity_tag.entity_id = civicrm_contact.id )\n                    LEFT JOIN        civicrm_tag\n                            ON       civicrm_entity_tag.tag_id = civicrm_tag.id";
         } else {
             $includeTag = "INSERT INTO It_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, tag_names)\n                 SELECT              civicrm_contact.id as contact_id, ''\n                 FROM                civicrm_contact";
         //used only when exclude tag is selected
         if ($xTags != 0) {
             $includeTag .= " LEFT JOIN        Xt_{$this->_tableName}\n                                       ON       civicrm_contact.id = Xt_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id";
         if ($iTags) {
             $includeTag .= " WHERE   civicrm_entity_tag.tag_id IN({$iTags})";
         } else {
             $includeTag .= " WHERE ( 1 ) ";
         //used only when exclude tag is selected
         if ($xTags != 0) {
             $includeTag .= " AND  Xt_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS null";
     $from = " FROM civicrm_contact contact_a";
      * CRM-10850 / CRM-10848
      * If we use include / exclude groups as smart groups for ACL's having the below causes
      * a cycle which messes things up. Hence commenting out for now
      * $this->buildACLClause('contact_a');
      * check the situation and set booleans
     $Ig = $iGroups != 0;
     $It = $iTags != 0;
     $Xg = $xGroups != 0;
     $Xt = $xTags != 0;
     if (!$this->_groups && !$this->_tags) {
         $this->_andOr = 1;
      * Set from statement depending on array sel
     $whereitems = array();
     foreach (array('Ig', 'It') as $inc) {
         if ($this->_andOr == 1) {
             if (${$inc}) {
                 $from .= " INNER JOIN {$inc}_{$this->_tableName} temptable{$inc} ON (contact_a.id = temptable{$inc}.contact_id)";
         } else {
             if (${$inc}) {
                 $from .= " LEFT JOIN {$inc}_{$this->_tableName} temptable{$inc} ON (contact_a.id = temptable{$inc}.contact_id)";
         if (${$inc}) {
             $whereitems[] = "temptable{$inc}.contact_id IS NOT NULL";
     $this->_where = $whereitems ? "(" . implode(' OR ', $whereitems) . ')' : '(1)';
     foreach (array('Xg', 'Xt') as $exc) {
         if (${$exc}) {
             $from .= " LEFT JOIN {$exc}_{$this->_tableName} temptable{$exc} ON (contact_a.id = temptable{$exc}.contact_id)";
             $this->_where .= " AND temptable{$exc}.contact_id IS NULL";
     $from .= " LEFT JOIN civicrm_email ON ( contact_a.id = civicrm_email.contact_id AND ( civicrm_email.is_primary = 1 OR civicrm_email.is_bulkmail = 1 ) ) {$this->_aclFrom}";
     if ($this->_aclWhere) {
         $this->_where .= " AND {$this->_aclWhere} ";
     // also exclude all contacts that are deleted
     // CRM-11627
     $this->_where .= " AND (contact_a.is_deleted != 1) ";
     return $from;
Example #26
  * Get group clause for this user. The group Clause filters the
  * list of groups that the user is permitted to see in a group listing.
  * For example it will filter both the list on the 'Manage Groups' page
  * and on the contact 'Groups' tab
  * the aclGroup hook & configured ACLs contribute to this data.
  * If the contact is allowed to see all contacts the function will return  ( 1 )
  * @todo the history of this function is that there was some confusion as to
  * whether it was filtering contacts or groups & some cruft may remain
  * @param int $type
  *   The type of permission needed.
  * @param array $tables
  *   (reference) add the tables that are needed for the select clause.
  * @param array $whereTables
  *   (reference) add the tables that are needed for the where clause.
  * @return string
  *   the clause to add to the query retrieving viewable groups
 public function groupClause($type, &$tables, &$whereTables)
     if (!isset($this->_viewPermissionedGroups)) {
     // we basically get all the groups here
     $groupKey = 'all';
     if ($type == CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT) {
         if ($this->_editAdminUser) {
             $clause = ' ( 1 ) ';
         } elseif (empty($this->_editPermissionedGroups[$groupKey])) {
             $clause = ' ( 0 ) ';
         } else {
             $clauses = array();
             $groups = implode(', ', $this->_editPermissionedGroups[$groupKey]);
             $clauses[] = ' ( civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN ( ' . implode(', ', array_keys($this->_editPermissionedGroups[$groupKey])) . " ) AND civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added' ) ";
             $tables['civicrm_group_contact'] = 1;
             $whereTables['civicrm_group_contact'] = 1;
             // foreach group that is potentially a saved search, add the saved search clause
             foreach (array_keys($this->_editPermissionedGroups[$groupKey]) as $id) {
                 $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
                 $group->id = $id;
                 if ($group->find(TRUE) && $group->saved_search_id) {
                     $clause = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::whereClause($group->saved_search_id, $tables, $whereTables);
                     if (trim($clause)) {
                         $clauses[] = $clause;
             $clause = ' ( ' . implode(' OR ', $clauses) . ' ) ';
     } else {
         if ($this->_viewAdminUser) {
             $clause = ' ( 1 ) ';
         } elseif (empty($this->_viewPermissionedGroups[$groupKey])) {
             $clause = ' ( 0 ) ';
         } else {
             $clauses = array();
             $groups = implode(', ', $this->_viewPermissionedGroups[$groupKey]);
             $clauses[] = ' civicrm_group.id IN (' . implode(', ', array_keys($this->_viewPermissionedGroups[$groupKey])) . " )  ";
             $tables['civicrm_group'] = 1;
             $whereTables['civicrm_group'] = 1;
             $clause = ' ( ' . implode(' OR ', $clauses) . ' ) ';
     return $clause;
Example #27
  * Replace unsubscribe tokens.
  * @param string $str
  *   The string with tokens to be replaced.
  * @param object $domain
  *   The domain BAO.
  * @param array $groups
  *   The groups (if any) being unsubscribed.
  * @param bool $html
  *   Replace tokens with html or plain text.
  * @param int $contact_id
  *   The contact ID.
  * @param string $hash The security hash of the unsub event
  * @return string
  *   The processed string
 public static function &replaceUnsubscribeTokens($str, &$domain, &$groups, $html, $contact_id, $hash)
     if (self::token_match('unsubscribe', 'group', $str)) {
         if (!empty($groups)) {
             $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
             $base = CRM_Utils_System::baseURL();
             // FIXME: an ugly hack for CRM-2035, to be dropped once CRM-1799 is implemented
             $dao = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
             while ($dao->fetch()) {
                 if (substr($dao->visibility, 0, 6) == 'Public') {
                     $visibleGroups[] = $dao->id;
             $value = implode(', ', $groups);
             self::token_replace('unsubscribe', 'group', $value, $str);
     return $str;
Example #28
  * given an id, get the name of the saved search
  * @param int $id the id of the saved search
  * @return string the name of the saved search
  * @access public
  * @static
 static function getName($id, $value = 'name')
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/DAO/Group.php';
     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $group->saved_search_id = $id;
     if ($group->find(true)) {
         return $group->{$value};
     return null;
Example #29
 function from()
     //define table name
     $randomNum = md5(uniqid());
     $this->_tableName = "civicrm_temp_custom_{$randomNum}";
     //grab the contacts added in the date range first
     $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE dates_{$this->_tableName} ( id int primary key, date_added date ) ENGINE=HEAP";
     if ($this->_debug > 0) {
         print "-- Date range query: <pre>";
         print "{$sql};";
         print "</pre>";
     $startDate = CRM_Utils_Date::mysqlToIso(CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($this->_formValues['start_date']));
     $endDateFix = NULL;
     if (!empty($this->_formValues['end_date'])) {
         $endDate = CRM_Utils_Date::mysqlToIso(CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($this->_formValues['end_date']));
         # tack 11:59pm on to make search inclusive of the end date
         $endDateFix = "AND date_added <= '" . substr($endDate, 0, 10) . " 23:59:00'";
     $dateRange = "INSERT INTO dates_{$this->_tableName} ( id, date_added )\n          SELECT\n              civicrm_contact.id,\n              min(civicrm_log.modified_date) AS date_added\n          FROM\n              civicrm_contact LEFT JOIN civicrm_log\n              ON (civicrm_contact.id = civicrm_log.entity_id AND\n                  civicrm_log.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact')\n          GROUP BY\n              civicrm_contact.id\n          HAVING\n              date_added >= '{$startDate}' \n              {$endDateFix}";
     if ($this->_debug > 0) {
         print "-- Date range query: <pre>";
         print "{$dateRange};";
         print "</pre>";
     CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($dateRange, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
     // Only include groups in the search query of one or more Include OR Exclude groups has been selected.
     // CRM-6356
     if ($this->_groups) {
         //block for Group search
         $smartGroup = array();
         require_once 'CRM/Contact/DAO/Group.php';
         $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
         $group->is_active = 1;
         while ($group->fetch()) {
             $allGroups[] = $group->id;
             if ($group->saved_search_id) {
                 $smartGroup[$group->saved_search_id] = $group->id;
         $includedGroups = implode(',', $allGroups);
         if (!empty($this->_includeGroups)) {
             $iGroups = implode(',', $this->_includeGroups);
         } else {
             //if no group selected search for all groups
             $iGroups = $includedGroups;
         if (is_array($this->_excludeGroups)) {
             $xGroups = implode(',', $this->_excludeGroups);
         } else {
             $xGroups = 0;
         $sql = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS Xg_{$this->_tableName}";
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Xg_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id int primary key) ENGINE=HEAP";
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
         //used only when exclude group is selected
         if ($xGroups != 0) {
             $excludeGroup = "INSERT INTO  Xg_{$this->_tableName} ( contact_id )\n                  SELECT  DISTINCT civicrm_group_contact.contact_id\n                  FROM civicrm_group_contact, dates_{$this->_tableName} AS d\n                  WHERE \n                     d.id = civicrm_group_contact.contact_id AND \n                     civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added' AND\n                     civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN( {$xGroups})";
             CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($excludeGroup, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
             //search for smart group contacts
             foreach ($this->_excludeGroups as $keys => $values) {
                 if (in_array($values, $smartGroup)) {
                     $ssId = CRM_Utils_Array::key($values, $smartGroup);
                     $smartSql = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::contactIDsSQL($ssId);
                     $smartSql = $smartSql . " AND contact_a.id NOT IN ( \n                              SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_group_contact \n                              WHERE civicrm_group_contact.group_id = {$values} AND civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Removed')";
                     $smartGroupQuery = " INSERT IGNORE INTO Xg_{$this->_tableName}(contact_id) {$smartSql}";
                     CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($smartGroupQuery, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
         $sql = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS Ig_{$this->_tableName}";
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
         $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Ig_{$this->_tableName}\n                ( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                  contact_id int,\n                  group_names varchar(64)) ENGINE=HEAP";
         if ($this->_debug > 0) {
             print "-- Include groups query: <pre>";
             print "{$sql};";
             print "</pre>";
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
         $includeGroup = "INSERT INTO Ig_{$this->_tableName} (contact_id, group_names)\n                 SELECT      d.id as contact_id, civicrm_group.name as group_name\n                 FROM        dates_{$this->_tableName} AS d\n                 INNER JOIN  civicrm_group_contact\n                 ON          civicrm_group_contact.contact_id = d.id\n                 LEFT JOIN   civicrm_group\n                 ON          civicrm_group_contact.group_id = civicrm_group.id";
         //used only when exclude group is selected
         if ($xGroups != 0) {
             $includeGroup .= " LEFT JOIN        Xg_{$this->_tableName}\n                                          ON        d.id = Xg_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id";
         $includeGroup .= " WHERE           \n                                     civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added'  AND\n                                     civicrm_group_contact.group_id IN({$iGroups})";
         //used only when exclude group is selected
         if ($xGroups != 0) {
             $includeGroup .= " AND  Xg_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS null";
         if ($this->_debug > 0) {
             print "-- Include groups query: <pre>";
             print "{$includeGroup};";
             print "</pre>";
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($includeGroup, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
         //search for smart group contacts
         foreach ($this->_includeGroups as $keys => $values) {
             if (in_array($values, $smartGroup)) {
                 $ssId = CRM_Utils_Array::key($values, $smartGroup);
                 $smartSql = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::contactIDsSQL($ssId);
                 $smartSql .= " AND contact_a.id IN (\n                                   SELECT id AS contact_id\n                                   FROM dates_{$this->_tableName} )";
                 $smartSql .= " AND contact_a.id NOT IN ( \n                                   SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_group_contact\n                                   WHERE civicrm_group_contact.group_id = {$values} AND civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Removed')";
                 //used only when exclude group is selected
                 if ($xGroups != 0) {
                     $smartSql .= " AND contact_a.id NOT IN (SELECT contact_id FROM  Xg_{$this->_tableName})";
                 $smartGroupQuery = " INSERT IGNORE INTO\n                        Ig_{$this->_tableName}(contact_id) \n                        {$smartSql}";
                 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($smartGroupQuery, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
                 if ($this->_debug > 0) {
                     print "-- Smart group query: <pre>";
                     print "{$smartGroupQuery};";
                     print "</pre>";
                 $insertGroupNameQuery = "UPDATE IGNORE Ig_{$this->_tableName}\n                        SET group_names = (SELECT title FROM civicrm_group\n                            WHERE civicrm_group.id = {$values})\n                        WHERE Ig_{$this->_tableName}.contact_id IS NOT NULL \n                            AND Ig_{$this->_tableName}.group_names IS NULL";
                 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($insertGroupNameQuery, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
                 if ($this->_debug > 0) {
                     print "-- Smart group query: <pre>";
                     print "{$insertGroupNameQuery};";
                     print "</pre>";
     // end if( $this->_groups ) condition
     $from = "FROM civicrm_contact contact_a";
     /* We need to join to this again to get the date_added value */
     $from .= " INNER JOIN dates_{$this->_tableName} d ON (contact_a.id = d.id)";
     // Only include groups in the search query of one or more Include OR Exclude groups has been selected.
     // CRM-6356
     if ($this->_groups) {
         $from .= " INNER JOIN Ig_{$this->_tableName} temptable1 ON (contact_a.id = temptable1.contact_id)";
     //this makes smart groups using this search compatible w/ CiviMail
     $from .= " LEFT JOIN civicrm_email ON (contact_a.id = civicrm_email.contact_id)";
     return $from;
Example #30
 function engageWhereGroupClause($clause)
     $smartGroupQuery = "";
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/DAO/Group.php';
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/SavedSearch.php';
     $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group();
     $group->is_active = 1;
     while ($group->fetch()) {
         if (in_array($group->id, $this->_params['gid_value']) && $group->saved_search_id) {
             $smartGroups[] = $group->id;
     if (!empty($smartGroups)) {
         $smartGroups = implode(',', $smartGroups);
         $smartGroupQuery = " UNION DISTINCT \n                  SELECT DISTINCT smartgroup_contact.contact_id                                    \n                  FROM civicrm_group_contact_cache smartgroup_contact        \n                  WHERE smartgroup_contact.group_id IN ({$smartGroups}) ";
     if ($this->_params['gid_op'] == 'in') {
         return " {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id IN ( \n                          SELECT DISTINCT {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}.contact_id \n                          FROM civicrm_group_contact {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}\n                          WHERE {$clause} AND {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}.status = 'Added' \n                          {$smartGroupQuery} ) ";
     } elseif ($this->_params['gid_op'] == 'mand') {
         $query = " {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id IN ( \n                          SELECT DISTINCT {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}1.contact_id \n                          FROM civicrm_group_contact {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}1\n";
         for ($i = 2; $i <= count($this->_params['gid_value']); $i++) {
             $j = $i - 1;
             $status[] = "{$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}{$i}.group_id != {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}{$j}.group_id";
             $query .= " INNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}{$i} \n                              ON {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}{$i}.contact_id = {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}{$j}.contact_id AND " . implode(" AND ", $status) . "\n";
         $query .= " WHERE ";
         for ($i = 1; $i <= count($this->_params['gid_value']); $i++) {
             $query .= $i > 1 ? " AND " : "";
             $query .= " {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}{$i}.group_id IN ( '" . implode("' , '", $this->_params['gid_value']) . "') AND {$this->_aliases['civicrm_group']}{$i}.status = 'Added'\n";
         $query .= " {$smartGroupQuery} ) ";
         return $query;