private function init_connection()
     // Verify authentication information
     try {
         $this->auth = new CF_Authentication($this->username, $this->api_key);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new moodle_exception('repo_auth_fail', 'repository_rackspace_cf');
     // Initialize the connection
     $conn = new CF_Connection($this->auth);
     // Get a list of all the available containers
     $containers = $conn->list_containers();
     // See if the container already exists
     $container_exists = in_array($this->container_name, $containers);
     if ($container_exists) {
         // Save a connection to the container
         $this->container = $conn->get_container($this->container_name);
     } else {
         // The container specified does not exists so create it.
         $this->container = $conn->create_container($this->container_name);
     if ($this->cdn_enable) {
         // Enable CDN for the container
     } else {
         // Disable CDN for the container
Example #2
  * Creates container
  * @param string $container_id
  * @param string $error
  * @return boolean
 function create_container(&$container_id, &$error)
     if (!$this->_init($error)) {
         return false;
     try {
         $containers = $this->_connection->list_containers();
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $error = sprintf('Unable to list containers (%s).', $exception->getMessage());
         return false;
     if (in_array($this->_config['container'], (array) $containers)) {
         $error = sprintf('Container already exists: %s.', $this->_config['container']);
         return false;
     try {
         $container = $this->_connection->create_container($this->_config['container']);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $error = sprintf('Unable to create container: %s (%s).', $this->_config['container'], $exception->getMessage());
         return false;
     $matches = null;
     if (preg_match('~^https?://(.+)$~', $container->cdn_uri, $matches)) {
         $container_id = $matches[1];
     return true;
 private static function getBucket($bucketName)
     $auth = self::getAuth();
     $conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
     try {
         $images = $conn->get_container($bucketName);
     } catch (NoSuchContainerException $e) {
         $images = $conn->create_container($bucketName);
         $uri = $images->make_public();
     return $images;
 protected function createSynchronizer()
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vendor/rackspace/cloudfiles.php';
     $username = sfConfig::get('app_rackspace_username');
     $key = sfConfig::get('app_rackspace_key');
     $containerName = sfConfig::get('app_rackspace_container');
     $webDir = sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir');
     $ttl = sfConfig::get('app_rackspace_ttl');
     $mimeTypeResolver = $this->container->getService('mime_type_resolver');
     $dispatcher = $this->container->getService('dispatcher');
     $auth = new CF_Authentication($username, $key);
     $conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
     $container = $conn->create_container($containerName);
     $synchronizer = new knpDmRackspaceSynchronizer($container, $webDir, $ttl, $mimeTypeResolver, $dispatcher);
     return $synchronizer;
 public function createSynchronizer()
     $username = sfConfig::get('app_rackspace_username');
     $key = sfConfig::get('app_rackspace_key');
     $containerName = sfConfig::get('app_rackspace_container');
     $webDir = sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir');
     $ttl = sfConfig::get('app_rackspace_ttl');
     $mimeTypeResolver = $this->get('mime_type_resolver');
     $dispatcher = $this->get('dispatcher');
     $this->logSection("rackspace", "Connecting '{$username}' to '{$containerName}'");
     $auth = new CF_Authentication($username, $key);
     $conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
     $container = $conn->create_container($containerName);
     $synchronizer = new knpDmRackspaceSynchronizer($container, $webDir, $ttl, $mimeTypeResolver, $dispatcher);
     return $synchronizer;
  * Set up Rackspace cloud files - used by rackspace:initialise task as well as constructor
  * @see rackspaceInitialiseTask::execute()
  * @var array $options    Passed through from __construct
  * @return CF_Container
 public static function setup($options)
     $required_fields = array('container', 'api_key', 'username');
     $adapter_options = $options['options'];
     foreach ($required_fields as $f) {
         if (!array_key_exists($f, $adapter_options)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Missing option '%s' is required", $f));
     $adapter_options = array_merge(self::$adapter_options, $adapter_options);
     $auth = new CF_Authentication($adapter_options['username'], $adapter_options['api_key'], null, 'UK' == $adapter_options['auth_host'] ? UK_AUTHURL : US_AUTHURL);
     $conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
     try {
         $container = $conn->get_container($adapter_options['container']);
     } catch (NoSuchContainerException $e) {
         // Container doesn't already exist so create it
         $container = $conn->create_container($adapter_options['container']);
     return $container;
Example #7
 public static function test($settings, $files = array())
     $rs_username = $settings['username'];
     $rs_api_key = $settings['api_key'];
     $rs_container = $settings['container'];
     $rs_server = $settings['server'];
     if (empty($rs_username) || empty($rs_api_key) || empty($rs_container)) {
         return __('Missing one or more required fields.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy');
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/rackspace/cloudfiles.php';
     $auth = new CF_Authentication($rs_username, $rs_api_key, NULL, $rs_server);
     if (!$auth->authenticate()) {
         return __('Unable to authenticate. Verify your username/api key.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy');
     $conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
     // Set container
     // Create container if it does not exist.
     $container = @$conn->get_container($rs_container);
     // returns object on success, string error message on failure.
     if (!is_object($container)) {
         return __('There was a problem selecting the container:', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ' ' . $container;
     // Create test file
     $testbackup = @$container->create_object('backupbuddytest.txt');
     if (!$testbackup->load_from_filename(pb_backupbuddy::plugin_path() . '/readme.txt')) {
         return __('BackupBuddy was not able to write the test file.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy');
     // Delete test file from Rackspace
     if (!$container->delete_object('backupbuddytest.txt')) {
         return __('Unable to delete file from container.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy');
     return true;
     // Success
         $result = $storageClient->createContainer($_POST['newmsazureContainer']);
         $jobvalues['msazureContainer'] = $result->Name;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $backwpup_message .= __($e->getMessage(), 'backwpup') . '<br />';
 if (!empty($_POST['rscUsername']) and !empty($_POST['rscAPIKey']) and !empty($_POST['newrscContainer'])) {
     //create new Rackspase Container if needed
     if (!class_exists('CF_Authentication')) {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libs/rackspace/cloudfiles.php';
     try {
         $auth = new CF_Authentication($_POST['rscUsername'], $_POST['rscAPIKey']);
         if ($auth->authenticate()) {
             $conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
             $public_container = $conn->create_container($_POST['newrscContainer']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $backwpup_message .= __($e->getMessage(), 'backwpup') . '<br />';
 if (isset($_POST['dropboxauthdel']) and !empty($_POST['dropboxauthdel'])) {
     $jobvalues['dropetoken'] = '';
     $jobvalues['dropesecret'] = '';
     $backwpup_message .= __('Dropbox authentication deleted!', 'backwpup') . '<br />';
 if (!empty($_POST['sugaremail']) && !empty($_POST['sugarpass']) && $_POST['authbutton'] == __('Sugarsync authenticate!', 'backwpup')) {
     if (!class_exists('SugarSync')) {
         include_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libs/sugarsync.php');
Example #9
echo "Listing buckets from your Amazon S3\n";
$awsBucketList = $objS3->listBuckets();
echo str_replace('Array', 'Amazon S3 Buckets', print_r($awsBucketList, true)) . "\n";
foreach ($awsBucketList as $awsBucketName) {
    if (in_array($awsBucketName, $awsExcludeBuckets)) {
        echo "---> Bucket {$awsBucketName} will be excluded\n";
    $mossoContainerName = $prefixToAddToContainers . $awsBucketName;
    // TODO: check if Bucket is CDN enabled
    // Get objects
    echo "Listing objects in Bucket {$awsBucketName} \n";
    $awsObjectList = $objS3->getBucket($awsBucketName);
    // Create this bucket as a Container on MOSSO
    echo "Creating Container {$mossoContainerName} in Cloud Files\n";
    $objMossoContainer = $objMosso->create_container($mossoContainerName);
    echo "Processing objects in Bucket {$awsBucketName} \n";
    foreach ($awsObjectList as $awsObjectInfo) {
        // Check if Object is in ignore list
        if (in_array($awsObjectInfo["name"], $awsExcludeObjects[$awsBucketName])) {
            echo "---> Object {$awsObjectInfo["name"]} will be excluded\n";
        //$awsObjectInfo = $objS3->getObjectInfo($awsBucketName, $awsObjectName);
        echo str_replace('Array', $awsObjectInfo["name"], print_r($awsObjectInfo, true));
        // TODO: Get Metadata and convert them to Mosso
        // Check if it's a folder
        if (strstr($awsObjectInfo["name"], '_$folder$')) {
            // No need to download anything, just create a folder entry
            $awsObjectInfo["name"] = substr($awsObjectInfo["name"], 0, -strlen('_$folder$'));
            echo 'Creating Marker for Folder ' . $awsObjectInfo["name"] . " on CloudFiles\n";
Example #10
  * Uploads the final videos (flv, iso) to the Rackspace CDN
 private function uploadToCDN()
     require_once '_common/includes/rackspace_cloud_php/cloudfiles.php';
     require_once '_common/config/rackspace_cloud.php';
     // vars
     $container_name = $this->tributeId;
     $root_path = "/home/www/sites/";
     $final_video_path = $root_path . $this->tributePath . "video/" . $this->randomCode . $this->videoFilename . '.' . $this->outputFormat;
     $final_iso_path = $root_path . $this->imagesPath . $this->randomCode . $this->videoFilename . '.iso';
     $object_name = md5(time() . $this->tributeId);
     // authentication process
     $cf_auth = new CF_Authentication($cloud_settings['production']['username'], $cloud_settings['production']['api_key']);
     // creates the connection
     $cf_conn = new CF_Connection($cf_auth);
     // creates the container
     $cf_container = $cf_conn->create_container($container_name);
     // deletes the previous files
     $cf_container_objects = $cf_container->list_objects();
     foreach ($cf_container_objects as $object) {
     // creates and upload the flv video¡
     $cf_flv = $cf_container->create_object($object_name . '.flv');
     $cf_flv->content_type = "video/x-flv";
     // creates and upload the iso file
     $cf_iso = $cf_container->create_object($object_name . '.iso');
     $cf_iso->content_type = "application/x-iso-image";
     // makes the container public
     $public_container = $cf_container->make_public();
     $this->vars['filename'] = $public_container . '/' . $object_name . '.' . $this->outputFormat;
Example #11

// Inclusione della libreria php-cloudfiles
require 'php-cloudfiles/cloudfiles.php';
// Rackspace key
$user = "******";
$key = "chiave segreta API";
// Autenticazione con il servizio API di Rackspace
$auth = new CF_Authentication($user, $key);
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    die('Errore: ' . $e->getMessage());
$conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
// Creazione di un container di prova
$container = $conn->create_container('test');
// Nome del file da memorizzare
$filename = 'picture.jpg';
// Invio del file a Rackspace
$object = $container->create_object($filename);
Example #12
if (empty($container_name)) {
    $log->LogError('Container name MUST be set.');
    die('Container name MUST be set.');
$log->LogInfo('Received ' . $_FILES['filename']['name']);
include 'php-cloudfiles/cloudfiles.php';
// Extract user and api key from the http auth
$username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
$api_key = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
// If there's a ?name= query variable, use that as the file name
$filename = empty($_GET['name']) ? $_FILES['filename']['name'] : $_GET['name'];
// Authenticate with CloudFiles and create our file and container objects
$auth = new CF_Authentication($username, $api_key);
$conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
$container = $conn->create_container($container_name);
$file = $container->create_object($filename);
// Set the content-type
if (class_exists('finfo')) {
    // Use the PECL finfo to determine mime type
    $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
    // Rename the file so we get the right extension
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'], "/tmp/{$filename}");
    $file->content_type = $finfo->file("/tmp/{$filename}");
} else {
    // PECL extension not installed, so try and guess
    $file->content_type = guessmime($filename);
$size = (double) sprintf("%u", filesize($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name']));
$fp = fopen($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'], "r");
$file->write($fp, $size);
Example #13
function dest_rsc()
    global $WORKING, $STATIC;
    trigger_error($WORKING['DEST_RSC']['STEP_TRY'] . '. ' . __('Try to sending backup file to Rackspace Cloud...', 'backwpup'), E_USER_NOTICE);
    $WORKING['STEPTODO'] = 2 + filesize($STATIC['JOB']['backupdir'] . $STATIC['backupfile']);
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libs/rackspace/cloudfiles.php';
    $auth = new CF_Authentication($STATIC['JOB']['rscUsername'], $STATIC['JOB']['rscAPIKey']);
    try {
        if ($auth->authenticate()) {
            trigger_error(__('Connected to Rackspase ...', 'backwpup'), E_USER_NOTICE);
        $conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
        $is_container = false;
        $containers = $conn->get_containers();
        foreach ($containers as $container) {
            if ($container->name == $STATIC['JOB']['rscContainer']) {
                $is_container = true;
        if (!$is_container) {
            $public_container = $conn->create_container($STATIC['JOB']['rscContainer']);
            if (empty($public_container)) {
                $is_container = false;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        trigger_error(__('Rackspase Cloud API:', 'backwpup') . ' ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
    if (!$is_container) {
        trigger_error(__('Rackspase Cloud Container not exists:', 'backwpup') . ' ' . $STATIC['JOB']['rscContainer'], E_USER_ERROR);
    try {
        //Transfer Backup to Rackspace Cloud
        $backwpupcontainer = $conn->get_container($STATIC['JOB']['rscContainer']);
        //if (!empty($STATIC['JOB']['rscdir'])) //make the foldder
        //	$backwpupcontainer->create_paths($STATIC['JOB']['rscdir']);
        $backwpupbackup = $backwpupcontainer->create_object($STATIC['JOB']['rscdir'] . $STATIC['backupfile']);
        //set content Type
        if ($STATIC['JOB']['fileformart'] == '.zip') {
            $backwpupbackup->content_type = 'application/zip';
        if ($STATIC['JOB']['fileformart'] == '.tar') {
            $backwpupbackup->content_type = 'application/x-ustar';
        if ($STATIC['JOB']['fileformart'] == '.tar.gz') {
            $backwpupbackup->content_type = 'application/x-compressed';
        if ($STATIC['JOB']['fileformart'] == '.tar.bz2') {
            $backwpupbackup->content_type = 'application/x-compressed';
        trigger_error(__('Upload to RSC now started ... ', 'backwpup'), E_USER_NOTICE);
        if ($backwpupbackup->load_from_filename($STATIC['JOB']['backupdir'] . $STATIC['backupfile'])) {
            $WORKING['STEPTODO'] = 1 + filesize($STATIC['JOB']['backupdir'] . $STATIC['backupfile']);
            trigger_error(__('Backup File transferred to RSC://', 'backwpup') . $STATIC['JOB']['rscContainer'] . '/' . $STATIC['JOB']['rscdir'] . $STATIC['backupfile'], E_USER_NOTICE);
            $STATIC['JOB']['lastbackupdownloadurl'] = $STATIC['WP']['ADMINURL'] . '?page=backwpupbackups&action=downloadrsc&file=' . $STATIC['JOB']['rscdir'] . $STATIC['backupfile'] . '&jobid=' . $STATIC['JOB']['jobid'];
            $WORKING['STEPSDONE'][] = 'DEST_RSC';
            //set done
        } else {
            trigger_error(__('Can not transfer backup to RSC.', 'backwpup'), E_USER_ERROR);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        trigger_error(__('Rackspase Cloud API:', 'backwpup') . ' ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
    try {
        if ($STATIC['JOB']['rscmaxbackups'] > 0) {
            //Delete old backups
            $backupfilelist = array();
            $contents = $backwpupcontainer->list_objects(0, NULL, NULL, $STATIC['JOB']['rscdir']);
            if (is_array($contents)) {
                foreach ($contents as $object) {
                    $file = basename($object);
                    if ($STATIC['JOB']['rscdir'] . $file == $object) {
                        //only in the folder and not in complete bucket
                        if ($STATIC['JOB']['fileprefix'] == substr($file, 0, strlen($STATIC['JOB']['fileprefix'])) and $STATIC['JOB']['fileformart'] == substr($file, -strlen($STATIC['JOB']['fileformart']))) {
                            $backupfilelist[] = $file;
            if (sizeof($backupfilelist) > 0) {
                $numdeltefiles = 0;
                for ($i = $STATIC['JOB']['rscmaxbackups']; $i < sizeof($backupfilelist); $i++) {
                    if ($backwpupcontainer->delete_object($STATIC['JOB']['rscdir'] . $backupfilelist[$i])) {
                        //delte files on Cloud
                    } else {
                        trigger_error(__('Can not delete file on RSC://', 'backwpup') . $STATIC['JOB']['rscContainer'] . $STATIC['JOB']['rscdir'] . $backupfilelist[$i], E_USER_ERROR);
                if ($numdeltefiles > 0) {
                    trigger_error(sprintf(_n('One file deleted on RSC container', '%d files deleted on RSC container', $numdeltefiles, 'backwpup'), $numdeltefiles), E_USER_NOTICE);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        trigger_error(__('Rackspase Cloud API:', 'backwpup') . ' ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);