 * Return a comma-delimited list of group types.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @param int $group_id Group ID. Defaults to current group ID if on a group page.
 * @param array|string $args {
 *     Array of parameters. All items are optional.
 *     @type string $parent_element Element to wrap around the list. Defaults to 'p'.
 *     @type array  $parent_attr    Element attributes for parent element. Defaults to
 *                                  array( 'class' => 'bp-group-type-list' ).
 *     @type string $label          Label to add before the list. Defaults to 'Group Types:'.
 *     @type string $label_element  Element to wrap around the label. Defaults to 'strong'.
 *     @type array  $label_attr     Element attributes for label element. Defaults to array().
 *     @type bool   $show_all       Whether to show all registered group types. Defaults to 'false'. If
 *                                 'false', only shows group types with the 'show_in_list' parameter set to
 *                                  true. See bp_groups_register_group_type() for more info.
 * }
 * @return string
function bp_get_group_type_list($group_id = 0, $r = array())
    if (empty($group_id)) {
        $group_id = bp_get_current_group_id();
    $r = bp_parse_args($r, array('parent_element' => 'p', 'parent_attr' => array('class' => 'bp-group-type-list'), 'label' => __('Group Types:', 'buddypress'), 'label_element' => 'strong', 'label_attr' => array(), 'show_all' => false), 'group_type_list');
    $retval = '';
    if ($types = bp_groups_get_group_type($group_id, false)) {
        // Make sure we can show the type in the list.
        if (false === $r['show_all']) {
            $types = array_intersect(bp_groups_get_group_types(array('show_in_list' => true)), $types);
            if (empty($types)) {
                return $retval;
        $before = $after = $label = '';
        // Render parent element.
        if (!empty($r['parent_element'])) {
            $parent_elem = new BP_Core_HTML_Element(array('element' => $r['parent_element'], 'attr' => $r['parent_attr']));
            // Set before and after.
            $before = $parent_elem->get('open_tag');
            $after = $parent_elem->get('close_tag');
        // Render label element.
        if (!empty($r['label_element'])) {
            $label = new BP_Core_HTML_Element(array('element' => $r['label_element'], 'attr' => $r['label_attr'], 'inner_html' => esc_html($r['label'])));
            $label = $label->contents() . ' ';
            // No element, just the label.
        } else {
            $label = esc_html($r['label']);
        // Comma-delimit each type into the group type directory link.
        $label .= implode(', ', array_map('bp_get_group_type_directory_link', $types));
        // Retval time!
        $retval = $before . $label . $after;
    return $retval;
  * Builds the button based on class parameters.
  * @since 1.2.6
  * @param array|string $args See {@BP_Button}.
 public function __construct($args = '')
     $r = wp_parse_args($args, get_class_vars(__CLASS__));
     // Backward compatibility with deprecated parameters.
     $r = $this->backward_compatibility_args($r);
     // Deprecated. Subject to removal in a future release.
     $this->wrapper = $r['wrapper'];
     if (!empty($r['link_id'])) {
         $this->link_id = ' id="' . $r['link_id'] . '"';
     if (!empty($r['link_href'])) {
         $this->link_href = ' href="' . $r['link_href'] . '"';
     if (!empty($r['link_title'])) {
         $this->link_title = ' title="' . $r['link_title'] . '"';
     if (!empty($r['link_rel'])) {
         $this->link_rel = ' rel="' . $r['link_rel'] . '"';
     if (!empty($r['link_class'])) {
         $this->link_class = ' class="' . $r['link_class'] . '"';
     if (!empty($r['link_text'])) {
         $this->link_text = $r['link_text'];
     // Required button properties.
     $this->id = $r['id'];
     $this->component = $r['component'];
     $this->must_be_logged_in = (bool) $r['must_be_logged_in'];
     $this->block_self = (bool) $r['block_self'];
     // $id and $component are required and component must be active.
     if (empty($r['id']) || empty($r['component']) || !bp_is_active($this->component)) {
         return false;
     // No button for guests if must be logged in.
     if (true == $this->must_be_logged_in && !is_user_logged_in()) {
         return false;
     // The block_self property.
     if (true == $this->block_self) {
          * No button if you are the current user in a members loop.
          * This condition takes precedence, because members loops can be found on user
          * profiles.
         if (bp_get_member_user_id()) {
             if (is_user_logged_in() && bp_loggedin_user_id() == bp_get_member_user_id()) {
                 return false;
             // No button if viewing your own profile (and not in a members loop).
         } elseif (bp_is_my_profile()) {
             return false;
     // Should we use a parent element?
     if (!empty($r['parent_element'])) {
         if (!isset($r['parent_attr']['class'])) {
             $r['parent_attr']['class'] = '';
         // Always add 'generic-button' class.
         if (false === strpos($r['parent_attr']['class'], 'generic-button')) {
             if (!empty($r['parent_attr']['class'])) {
                 $r['parent_attr']['class'] .= ' ';
             $r['parent_attr']['class'] .= 'generic-button';
         // Render parent element attributes.
         $parent_elem = new BP_Core_HTML_Element(array('element' => $r['parent_element'], 'attr' => $r['parent_attr']));
         // Set before and after.
         $before = $parent_elem->get('open_tag');
         $after = $parent_elem->get('close_tag');
         // No parent element.
     } else {
         $before = $after = '';
     // Button properties.
     $button = '';
     if (!empty($r['button_element'])) {
         $button = new BP_Core_HTML_Element(array('element' => $r['button_element'], 'attr' => $r['button_attr'], 'inner_html' => !empty($r['link_text']) ? $r['link_text'] : ''));
         $button = $button->contents();
     // Build the button.
     $this->contents = $before . $button . $after;
      * Filters the button based on class parameters.
      * This filter is a dynamic filter based on component and component ID and
      * allows button to be manipulated externally.
      * @since 1.2.6
      * @since 2.7.0 Added $r as a parameter.
      * @param string    $contents HTML being used for the button.
      * @param BP_Button $this     Current BP_Button instance.
      * @param string    $before   HTML appended before the actual button.
      * @param string    $after    HTML appended after the actual button.
      * @param array     $r        Parsed button arguments.
     $this->contents = apply_filters('bp_button_' . $this->component . '_' . $this->id, $this->contents, $this, $before, $after, $r);