/** * @return bool */ protected function isAuth() { require_once ROOT . '/dataProvider/Applications.php'; $Applications = new Applications(); $access = $Applications->hasAccess($this->params->SecureKey); unset($Applications); return $access; }
function display($tpl = null) { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setTitle(JText::_('COM_PROFILE_LABEL_APPLICATIONS')); $apps = new Applications(); // contains the user object $rows = $apps->getUserDeviceList(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $row->isAuthorized = $apps->isAuthorized($row->authorized); } $this->assignRef('userDevices', $rows); parent::display($tpl); }
protected function get($id = '', $start = null, $limit = null, $type = null, $filter = null, $search = null, $process = null, $user = null, $status = null, $typeResource = null, $dateFrom = null, $dateTo = null) { if (empty($id)) { // getting all records. G::loadClass('applications'); $app = new Applications(); $userUid = Services_Rest_Auth::$userId; return $app->getAll($userUid, $start, $limit, $type, $filter, $search, $process, $status, $typeResource, $dateFrom, $dateTo); } else { // get a specific record. G::loadClass('wsBase'); $wsBase = new wsBase(); return $wsBase->getCaseInfo($id); } }
public function getLabel() { if (Applications::activeApplication() != "lightCRM") { return null; } return "Kalender"; }
function find_app_tkt($pk = '') { if (!empty($pk)) { $app = Applications::findOrFail($pk); return $app->name; } else { return false; } }
public static function getList() { $Apps = Applications::getList(); $Services = array(); foreach ($Apps as $v) { if ($v == "personalKartei") { $Services["Worktime"] = "Arbeitszeit stempeln"; $Services["Holidays"] = "Urlaub beantragen"; } } return $Services; }
public function submitApplication() { //save the main app and primary applicant $appFields = Input::all(); $application = new Applications(); $application->move_in_date = $appFields['move_in_date']; $application->reason_for_moving = $appFields['reason_for_moving']; $application->status = 0; $application->save(); $lastID = $application->id; $occupants = []; foreach ($appFields['occupant'] as $afKey => $afVal) { foreach ($afVal as $k => $v) { $occupants[$k][$afKey] = $v; } } $occ = new Occupants(); $occ->application_id = $lastID; $occ->first_name = $appFields['first_name']; $occ->last_name = $appFields['last_name']; $occ->date_of_birth = $appFields['date_of_birth']; $occ->email_address = $appFields['email']; $occ->primary_applicant = 1; $occ->save(); //save additional occupants foreach ($occupants as $occupant) { $occ = new Occupants(); $occ->application_id = $lastID; $occ->first_name = $occupant['firstname']; $occ->last_name = $occupant['lastname']; $occ->date_of_birth = $occupant['date_of_birth']; $occ->email_address = $occupant['email']; $occ->primary_applicant = 0; $occ->save(); } echo "<pre>"; print_r($occupants); print_r($appFields); exit('test'); }
public static function init() { $_SESSION[self::$sessionVariable] = new Session(); SysMessages::init(); if (!isset($_SESSION["DBData"])) { self::reloadDBData(); } Applications::init(); JSLoader::init(); if (!defined("PHYNX_VIA_INTERFACE")) { AppPlugins::init(); } }
public function updateAllTables() { $apps = Applications::getList(); $apps["plugins"] = "plugins"; #$apps["plugins"] = "ubiquitous"; $currentPlugins = $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]; $return = array(); foreach ($apps as $app) { $AP = $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"] = new AppPlugins($app); $AP->scanPlugins("plugins"); $p = array_flip($AP->getAllPlugins()); #Applications::i()->setActiveApplication($app); //or the autoloader won't work; yes, it does because of addClassPath later on foreach ($p as $key => $value) { if ($key == "CIs") { continue; } if ($key == "mInstallation") { continue; } $return[$value] = "Keine Collection-Klasse!"; addClassPath(Util::getRootPath() . $app . "/" . $AP->getFolderOfPlugin($key) . "/"); try { $c = new $key(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { $key2 = $key . "GUI"; try { $c = new $key2(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e2) { continue; } } try { if (!$c->checkIfMyDBFileExists()) { $return[$value] = "Keine DB-Datei!"; } else { if ($c->checkIfMyTableExists()) { $return[$value] = $c->checkMyTables(true); } else { #if(!$c->checkIfMyTableExists()) $return[$value] = $c->createMyTable(true); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $return[$value] = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage() . "; " . print_r(DBStorage::$lastQuery, true); } } } mUserdata::setUserdataS("DBVersion", Phynx::build(), "", -1); $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"] = $currentPlugins; return $return; }
public function set($plantID, $applicationArray) { $applications = Applications::all(); $applicationArray = $this->filterArray($applicationArray); $cleanApplications = $this->cleanModelArray($applications); foreach ($applicationArray as $application) { if (is_numeric(array_search($application, $cleanApplications))) { $newApplication = new PlantApplication(); $newApplication->plant_id = $plantID; $newApplication->application_id = array_search($application, $cleanApplications) + 1; $newApplication->save(); } } }
public function steps() { G::LoadClass('applications'); $applications = new Applications(); $proUid = isset($_SESSION['PROCESS']) ? $_SESSION['PROCESS'] : ''; $tasUid = isset($_SESSION['TASK']) ? $_SESSION['TASK'] : ''; $appUid = isset($_SESSION['APPLICATION']) ? $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] : ''; $index = isset($_SESSION['INDEX']) ? $_SESSION['INDEX'] : ''; $steps = $applications->getSteps($appUid, $index, $tasUid, $proUid); $list = array(); foreach ($steps as $step) { $item['id'] = $item['idtodraw'] = $step['id']; $item['draggable'] = false; $item['leaf'] = true; $item['hrefTarget'] = 'casesSubFrame'; $item['text'] = $step['title']; $item['url'] = '../' . $step['url']; switch ($step['type']) { case 'DYNAFORM': $item['iconCls'] = 'ss_sprite ss_application_form'; break; case 'OUTPUT_DOCUMENT': $item['iconCls'] = 'ss_sprite ss_application_put'; break; case 'INPUT_DOCUMENT': $item['iconCls'] = 'ss_sprite ss_application_get'; break; case 'EXTERNAL': $item['iconCls'] = 'ss_sprite ss_application_view_detail'; break; default: $item['iconCls'] = 'ICON_ASSIGN_TASK'; } $list[] = $item; } echo G::json_encode($list); }
public function getHTML($id) { if ($_SESSION["S"]->isUserAdmin()) { $D = new ADesktopGUI(); return $D->getHTML($id); } $c = Applications::activeApplication() . "DesktopGUI"; try { $c = new $c(); if ($id == "1") { return "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style=\"float:right;width:33.3333%;\"><div id=\"desktopRight\" style=\"padding:10px;\">" . $c->getHTML($id) . "</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style=\"float:right;width:33.3333%;\"><div id=\"desktopMiddle\" style=\"padding:10px;width:90%;margin:auto;\"></div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style=\"float:right;width:33.3333%;\"><div id=\"desktopLeft\" style=\"padding:10px;\"></div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . OnEvent::script(OnEvent::frame("desktopLeft", "Desktop", "2") . OnEvent::frame("desktopMiddle", "Desktop", "3")) . "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>"; } return $c->getHTML($id); } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { } }
public function actionCreate() { $data = $_POST; //will be empty if CSRF authentication fails if (!empty($data)) { $note = new Notes(); $note->project_id = isset($data['project_id']) ? $data['project_id'] : Applications::model()->findByPk($data['application_id'])->project_id; $note->application_id = isset($data['application_id']) ? $data['application_id'] : NULL; $note->notes = trim($data['notes']); $note->date_created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $note->date_updated = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $note->created_by = Yii::app()->user->name; $note->save(); echo CJSON::encode(array('type' => 'success', 'data' => $note)); } else { echo CJSON::encode(array('type' => 'error', 'data' => 'CSRF_ERROR: CSRF Token did not match')); } }
function getHTML($id) { $gui = new HTMLGUIX($this); $gui->name("RSSParser"); $FB = new FileBrowser(); $FB->addDir(dirname(__FILE__)); $P = array_merge(array("" => "kein Parser"), array_flip($FB->getAsLabeledArray("iRSSParser", ".class.php"))); $FB = new FileBrowser(); $FB->addDir(dirname(__FILE__)); $PD = array_merge(array("" => "kein Parser"), array_flip($FB->getAsLabeledArray("iRSSDataParser", ".class.php"))); $fields = array("RSSParserName", "RSSParserURL", "RSSParserPOST", "RSSParserDataParserClass", "RSSParserUseCache", "RSSParserLastUpdate", "RSSParserCache"); if (Applications::activeApplication() == "fheME") { $fields[] = "RSSParserParserClass"; $fields[] = "RSSParserOnCall"; $fields[] = "RSSParserCount"; } $gui->attributes($fields); $gui->type("RSSParserParserClass", "select", $P); $gui->type("RSSParserDataParserClass", "select", $PD); $gui->type("RSSParserUseCache", "checkbox"); $gui->type("RSSParserPOST", "textarea"); $gui->label("RSSParserParserClass", "Parser"); $gui->label("RSSParserOnCall", "Button"); $gui->label("RSSParserCount", "Anzahl"); $gui->label("RSSParserDataParserClass", "Data-Parser"); $gui->descriptionField("RSSParserUseCache", "Der Cache funktioniert nur zusammen mit dem cronjob"); $gui->descriptionField("RSSParserPOST", "Format: Jeweils ein Name:Wert pro Zeile<br>Variablen: \$timestampToday"); $gui->parser("RSSParserLastUpdate", "parserLastUpdate"); $gui->parser("RSSParserCache", "parserCache"); $gui->descriptionField("RSSParserParserClass", "Der Parser kann die Anzeige des Feeds anpassen"); $gui->descriptionField("RSSParserDataParserClass", "Der Parser kann die Daten des Feeds anpassen"); $gui->descriptionField("RSSParserOnCall", "Der Feed wird mit einem eigenen Button geöffnet"); $gui->descriptionField("RSSParserCount", "Die maximale Anzahl der angezeigten Einträge. 0 zeigt alle"); #$gui->type("RSSParserLastUpdate", "hidden"); $gui->type("RSSParserOnCall", "checkbox"); $B = $gui->addSideButton("Update", "down"); $B->rmePCR("RSSParser", $this->getID(), "download", "", OnEvent::reload("Left")); #if($this->A("RSSParserCache") != ""){ # $B = $gui->addSideButton("XML\nvalidieren", "new"); # $B->popup("", "XML validieren", "RSSParser", $this->getID(), "validate"); #} return $gui->getEditHTML(); }
public function scanPlugins($appFolder = null) { #file_put_contents(Util::getRootPath()."debug.txt", print_r(debug_backtrace(), true)); #echo "<pre>"; #print_r(); #echo "</pre>"; foreach ($this->appFolder as $key => $value) { if ($value == "plugins") { continue; } unset($this->menuEntries[array_search($key, $this->menuEntries)]); } #echo "scanning for plugins...<br />"; if ($appFolder == null) { $folder = "plugins"; if ($_SESSION["applications"]->getActiveApplication() != "nil") { $folder = $_SESSION["applications"]->getActiveApplication(); } } else { $folder = $appFolder; } $allowedPlugins = Environment::getS("allowedPlugins", array()); $extraPlugins = Environment::getS("pluginsExtra", array()); if (Applications::activeApplication() == "Zeus" or Applications::activeApplication() == "nil") { $extraPlugins = array(); } $allowedPlugins = array_merge($allowedPlugins, $extraPlugins); #$p = ".".(is_dir("./$folder/") ? "" : "."); $p = Util::getRootPath(); if ($p[strlen($p) - 1] == "/") { $p[strlen($p) - 1] = " "; } $p = trim($p); $_SESSION["messages"]->startMessage("checking for directory {$p}/{$folder}/: "); if (is_dir("{$p}/{$folder}/")) { $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage("found"); $plugins = array(); $fp = opendir("{$p}/{$folder}/"); while (($file = readdir($fp)) !== false) { if ($file == "." or $file == "..") { continue; } if (is_dir("{$p}/{$folder}/{$file}")) { if (file_exists("{$p}/{$folder}/{$file}/plugin.xml")) { $file = "{$file}/plugin.xml"; } else { continue; } } if (stripos($file, "plugin") === false) { continue; } $plugins[] = $file; } sort($plugins); foreach ($plugins as $key => $file) { $f = explode(".", $file); if ($f[0][0] == "-") { continue; } if ($f[1] == "xml") { $c = new XMLPlugin("{$p}/{$folder}/{$file}", $allowedPlugins); } else { require_once "{$p}/{$folder}/{$file}"; $f = $f[0]; $c = new $f(); } $_SESSION["messages"]->startMessage("trying to register " . $c->registerName() . ": "); if (count($allowedPlugins) > 0 and !in_array($c->registerClassName(), $allowedPlugins)) { $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage(" not allowed"); continue; } $pFolder = $c->registerFolder(); if (!is_array($pFolder)) { $this->folders[] = $pFolder; } else { foreach ($pFolder as $k => $v) { $this->folders[] = $v; } } $this->pluginToFolder[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerFolder(); $this->blockNonAdmin[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerBlockNonAdmin(); if ($c->registerMenuEntry() != "") { $this->menuEntries[$c->registerMenuEntry()] = $c->registerClassName(); } $this->appFolder[$c->registerClassName()] = $folder; if ($c->registerName() != "noName") { $this->classes[$c->registerName()] = $c->registerClassName(); } if ($c->registerName() != "noName" and $c->registerMenuEntryTarget() != "contentRight") { $this->targets[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerMenuEntryTarget(); } $this->icons[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerIcon(); if ($c->registerPluginIsAdminOnly()) { $this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerPluginIsAdminOnly(); } elseif (!$c->registerPluginIsAdminOnly() and isset($this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$c->registerClassName()])) { unset($this->isAdminOnlyByPlugin[$c->registerClassName()]); } if ($c->registerDependencies() != "none") { $this->deps[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerDependencies(); } $this->versions[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerVersion(); if ($c->registerJavascriptFile() != "" and isset($_SESSION["JS"])) { if (is_array($c->registerJavascriptFile())) { foreach ($c->registerJavascriptFile() as $v) { JSLoader::addScriptS($v, $c->registerFolder(), $c->registerClassName(), $folder); } } else { JSLoader::addScriptS($c->registerJavascriptFile(), $c->registerFolder(), $c->registerClassName(), $folder); } } #if(method_exists($c, "registerUseGenericClasses")) # $this->isGeneric[$c->registerName()] = $c->registerUseGenericClasses(); #if(isset($this->isGeneric[$c->registerName()]) AND $this->isGeneric[$c->registerName()]){ # $this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()] = $c->registerName(); # $this->genericPlugins[$c->registerName()] = $c; #} $n = $c->registerClassName(); if ($n != "" and $appFolder == null) { try { $nc = new $n(); if (method_exists($nc, 'getCollectionOf')) { if (!isset($this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()])) { $this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()] = $nc->getCollectionOf(); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { if ($n != "") { try { $n = $n . "GUI"; $nc = new $n(); if (method_exists($nc, 'getCollectionOf')) { if (!isset($this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()])) { $this->collectors[$c->registerClassName()] = $nc->getCollectionOf(); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e2) { } } } } if ($f[1] == "xml") { $fld = $c->registerFolder(); if (!is_array($fld)) { $fld = array($fld); } foreach ($fld as $folderName) { $path = "./{$folder}/{$folderName}/" . $c->registerClassName() . ".class.php"; if (file_exists($path)) { require_once $path; } elseif (file_exists("." . $path)) { require_once "." . $path; } } } if ($appFolder == null) { $c->doSomethingElse(); } $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage(" successful"); unset($c); } } else { $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage("not found"); } }
<?php namespace WhichBrowser\Data; Applications::$BOTS = [['name' => '80legs', 'id' => '008', 'regexp' => '/(?:^|\\s)008\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => '360spider', 'id' => '360', 'regexp' => '/360Spider/u'], ['name' => '360spider', 'id' => '360', 'regexp' => '/360spider-image/u'], ['name' => 'A6 Indexer', 'id' => 'a6', 'regexp' => '/A6-Indexer(?:\\/([0-9.]*))?/u'], ['name' => 'Aboundex', 'id' => 'abound', 'regexp' => '/Aboundex\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Ad Muncher', 'id' => 'muncher', 'regexp' => '/Ad Muncher v([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Adaxas', 'id' => 'adaxas', 'regexp' => '/Adaxas Spider/u'], ['name' => 'AddThis.com', 'id' => 'addthis', 'regexp' => '/AddThis.com/u'], ['name' => 'ADmantX', 'id' => 'admantx', 'regexp' => '/ADmantX Platform Semantic Analyzer/u'], ['name' => 'AhrefsBot', 'id' => 'ahrefsbot', 'regexp' => '/AhrefsBot.Feeds v([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'AhrefsBot', 'id' => 'ahrefsbot', 'regexp' => '/AhrefsBot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Alexa', 'id' => 'archiver', 'regexp' => '/ia_archiver/u'], ['name' => 'AltaVista', 'id' => 'altavista', 'regexp' => '/AltaVista Intranet V([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Analytics SEO', 'id' => 'curious', 'regexp' => '/Curious George - www.analyticsseo.com\\/crawler/u'], ['name' => 'Amazon CloudFront', 'id' => 'cloudfront', 'regexp' => '/Amazon CloudFront/u'], ['name' => 'Amorank Spider', 'id' => 'amorank', 'regexp' => '/AmorankSpider\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'ArchiveBot', 'id' => 'archive', 'regexp' => '/ArchiveTeam ArchiveBot/u'], ['name' => 'Archive.org', 'id' => 'archive', 'regexp' => '/archive.org_bot(?:\\/([0-9.]*))?/u'], ['name' => 'Archive.org', 'id' => 'archive', 'regexp' => '/special_archiver(?:\\/([0-9.]*))?/u'], ['name' => 'Ask Jeeves', 'id' => 'jeeves', 'regexp' => '/Ask Jeeves\\/Teoma/u'], ['name' => 'AstraSpider', 'id' => 'astra', 'regexp' => '/AstraSpider V([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Backlink-Check', 'id' => 'backlink', 'regexp' => '/Backlink-Ceck.de/u'], ['name' => 'BacklinkCrawler', 'id' => 'backlink', 'regexp' => '/BacklinkCrawler/u'], ['name' => 'Baiduspider', 'id' => 'baidu', 'regexp' => '/Baiduspider[\\+ ]\\([\\+ ]/u'], ['name' => 'Baiduspider', 'id' => 'baidu', 'regexp' => '/Baiduspider\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Baiduspider', 'id' => 'baidu', 'regexp' => '/Baiduspider/u'], ['name' => 'Baiduspider', 'id' => 'baidu', 'regexp' => '/baiduspider-mobile-gate/u'], ['name' => 'Baiduspider', 'id' => 'baidu', 'regexp' => '/\\+http:\\/\\/www.baidu.com\\/search\\/spider.html/u'], ['name' => 'Baiduspider', 'id' => 'baidu', 'regexp' => '/BaiduImagespider/u'], ['name' => 'BazQux', 'id' => 'bazqux', 'regexp' => '/BazQux\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Bing', 'id' => 'bingbot', 'regexp' => '/bingbot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Bing', 'id' => 'msnbot', 'regexp' => '/msnbot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Bing', 'id' => 'msnbot', 'regexp' => '/msnbot-UDiscovery\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Bing', 'id' => 'msnbot', 'regexp' => '/msnbot-media\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Bing', 'id' => 'msnbot', 'regexp' => '/MsnBot-Media \\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Bing', 'id' => 'msnbot', 'regexp' => '/msnbot-NewsBlogs\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Bing', 'id' => 'msnbot', 'regexp' => '/MSNBOT_Mobile/u'], ['name' => 'Bing', 'id' => 'msmobot', 'regexp' => '/MSMOBOT/u'], ['name' => 'Bing Preview', 'id' => 'bing', 'regexp' => '/BingPreview\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'BlogBridge', 'id' => 'blogbridge', 'regexp' => '/BlogBridge ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Bloglines', 'id' => 'bloglines', 'regexp' => '/Bloglines\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Bloglovin', 'id' => 'bloglovin', 'regexp' => '/Bloglovin\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'BlogPulse', 'id' => 'blogpulse', 'regexp' => '/BlogPulse \\(ISSpider-([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Blogram', 'id' => 'blogram', 'regexp' => '/BlogramCrawler\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Blogtrottr', 'id' => 'blogtrot', 'regexp' => '/Blogtrottr\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Blogshares', 'id' => 'blogshares', 'regexp' => '/Blogshares/u'], ['name' => 'BoardReader', 'id' => 'boardreader', 'regexp' => '/BoardReader\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Browsershots', 'id' => 'browsershots', 'regexp' => '/Browsershots/u'], ['name' => 'BUbiNG', 'id' => 'bubing', 'regexp' => '/BUbiNG/u'], ['name' => 'Butterfly', 'id' => 'butterfly', 'regexp' => '/Butterfly\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'CiteSeerX', 'id' => 'heritrix', 'regexp' => '/heritrix\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Cliqzbot', 'id' => 'cliqz', 'regexp' => '/Cliqzbot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'CloudFare Always Online', 'id' => 'cloudflare', 'regexp' => '/CloudFlare-AlwaysOnline\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Comodo', 'id' => 'comodo', 'regexp' => '/Comodo Spider ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'CommaFeed', 'id' => 'commafeed', 'regexp' => '/CommaFeed\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'CommonCrawl', 'id' => 'cbot', 'regexp' => '/CCBot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Data Hotel Watchdog', 'id' => 'watchdog', 'regexp' => '/Data-Hotel-Watchdog\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'DataparkSearch', 'id' => 'datasearch', 'regexp' => '/DataparkSearch\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Daumoa', 'id' => 'daumoa', 'regexp' => '/Daumoa ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Digg', 'id' => 'digg', 'regexp' => '/Digg Deeper\\/v([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Digg', 'id' => 'digg', 'regexp' => '/Digg\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Domain Re-Animator', 'id' => 'domain', 'regexp' => '/Domain Re-Animator Bot/u'], ['name' => 'Exabot Thumbnails', 'id' => 'exabot', 'regexp' => '/Exabot-Thumbnails/u'], ['name' => 'ExactSeek', 'id' => 'exactseek', 'regexp' => '/ExactSeek Crawler/u'], ['name' => 'Ezooms Crawler', 'id' => 'ezooms', 'regexp' => '/Ezooms\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Facebook', 'id' => 'facebook', 'regexp' => '/facebookplatform\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Facebook', 'id' => 'facebook', 'regexp' => '/facebookexternalhit\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Facebook', 'id' => 'facebook', 'regexp' => '/facebookscraper\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Facebook', 'id' => 'facebook', 'regexp' => '/FacebookSecurity\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'FAST Crawler', 'id' => 'fast', 'regexp' => '/FAST Crawler ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'FAST Crawler', 'id' => 'fast', 'regexp' => '/FastCrawler3/u'], ['name' => 'FAST Enterprise Crawler', 'id' => 'fast', 'regexp' => '/FAST Enterprise Crawler\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'FAST Enterprise Crawler', 'id' => 'fast', 'regexp' => '/FAST Enterprise Crawler ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'FAST Enterprise Crawler', 'id' => 'fast', 'regexp' => '/FAST EnterpriseCrawler ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'FAST MetaWeb Crawler', 'id' => 'fast', 'regexp' => '/FAST MetaWeb Crawler/u'], ['name' => 'FAST mSEARCH Crawler', 'id' => 'fast', 'regexp' => '/FAST-mSEARCH Crawler ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'FAST Web Crawler', 'id' => 'fast', 'regexp' => '/FAST-WebCrawler\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Flamingo Search', 'id' => 'flamingo', 'regexp' => '/Flamingo_SearchEngine/u'], ['name' => 'Fastladder', 'id' => 'fastladder', 'regexp' => '/Fastladder FeedFetcher\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Feedbin', 'id' => 'feed', 'regexp' => '/Feedbin/u'], ['name' => 'FeedWrangler', 'id' => 'wrangler', 'regexp' => '/Feed Wrangler\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Feedly', 'id' => 'feed', 'regexp' => '/FeedlyApp\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Feedly', 'id' => 'feed', 'regexp' => '/FeedlyBot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Feedly', 'id' => 'feed', 'regexp' => '/MetaFeedly\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Feedspot', 'id' => 'feed', 'regexp' => '/Feedspot/u'], ['name' => 'FeedValidator', 'id' => 'validator', 'regexp' => '/FeedValidator\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'FeedZirra', 'id' => 'feed', 'regexp' => '/feedzirra/u'], ['name' => 'Fever', 'id' => 'fever', 'regexp' => '/Fever\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Friendica', 'id' => 'friendica', 'regexp' => '/Friendica/u'], ['name' => 'FTRF: Friendly Robot', 'id' => 'robot', 'regexp' => '/FTRF: Friendly robot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Genieo Web Filter', 'id' => 'genieo', 'regexp' => '/Genieo\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'GNIP', 'id' => 'fetchor', 'regexp' => '/UnwindFetchor\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Gocrawl', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Googlebot \\(gocrawl v([0-9.]*)\\)/u'], ['name' => 'GomezAgent', 'id' => 'gomez', 'regexp' => '/GomezAgent ([0-9.]+)/u'], ['name' => 'Goo', 'id' => 'ichiro', 'regexp' => '/ichiro\\/mobile goo/u'], ['name' => 'Goo Blog Search', 'id' => 'gooblog', 'regexp' => '/gooblog\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Goo Blog Search', 'id' => 'gooblog', 'regexp' => '/gooblogsearch\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Goo RSS Reader', 'id' => 'goorss', 'regexp' => '/gooRSSreader([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Googlebot', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Google[Bb]ot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Googlebot Mobile', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Googlebot-Mobile\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Googlebot Image', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Googlebot-Image\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Googlebot Video', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Googlebot-Video\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Google Ads Bot', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/AdsBot-Google/u'], ['name' => 'Google Adsense Snapshot', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Adsense-Snapshot-Google/u'], ['name' => 'Google App Engine', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/AppEngine-Google/u'], ['name' => 'Google Web Preview', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Google Web Preview/u'], ['name' => 'Google Page Speed', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Google Page Speed Insights/u'], ['name' => 'Google FeedBurner', 'id' => 'feed', 'regexp' => '/FeedBurner\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Google Feedfetcher', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Feedfetcher-Google/iu'], ['name' => 'Google Font Analysis', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Google-FontAnalysis\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Google Sitemaps', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Google-Sitemaps\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Google Site Verification', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Google-Site-Verification\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Google Rich Snippets', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Googlebot-richsnippets/u'], ['name' => 'Google Mediapartners', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Mediapartners-Google\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Google Mediapartners', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Mediapartners-Google/u'], ['name' => 'Google News', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Googlebot-News/u'], ['name' => 'Google Wireless Transcoder', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Google Wireless Transcoder/u'], ['name' => 'Google Play Newsstand', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/GoogleProducer/u'], ['name' => 'Google YouTube Sample', 'id' => 'google', 'regexp' => '/Google-YouTubeSample\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Grammarly', 'id' => 'grammarly', 'regexp' => '/Grammarly\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Grub', 'id' => 'grub', 'regexp' => '/grub-client-([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Hatena Antenna', 'id' => 'hatena', 'regexp' => '/Hatena Antenna\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Hatena Diary', 'id' => 'hatena', 'regexp' => '/Hatena Diary RSS Module/u'], ['name' => 'Hatena Pagetitle', 'id' => 'hatena', 'regexp' => '/Hatena Pagetitle Agent\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'HeartRails Capture', 'id' => 'capture', 'regexp' => '/HeartRails_Capture\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'htdig', 'id' => 'htdig', 'regexp' => '/htdig\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'HTTPMon', 'id' => 'httpmon', 'regexp' => '/HTTPMon\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'HubPages', 'id' => 'hubpages', 'regexp' => '/HubPages V([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'iAsk Spider', 'id' => 'spider', 'regexp' => '/iaskspider\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'iAsk Spider', 'id' => 'spider', 'regexp' => '/iaskspider2/u'], ['name' => 'Ichiro', 'id' => 'ichiro', 'regexp' => '/ichiro\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Internet Archive', 'id' => 'archive', 'regexp' => '/InternetArchive\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'JamesBOT', 'id' => 'crawler', 'regexp' => '/James BOT - WebCrawler/u'], ['name' => 'Jayde', 'id' => 'crawler', 'regexp' => '/Jayde Crawler./u'], ['name' => 'Kouio', 'id' => 'kouio', 'regexp' => '/kouio.com/u'], ['name' => 'Larbin', 'id' => 'larbin', 'regexp' => '/[Ll]arbin[\\/_]([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Linkedin Bot', 'id' => 'linkedin', 'regexp' => '/LinkedInBot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Linkdex Bot', 'id' => 'linkdex', 'regexp' => '/linkdexbot-mobile\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Linkdex Bot', 'id' => 'linkdex', 'regexp' => '/linkdex.com\\/v([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Livedoor', 'id' => 'livedoor', 'regexp' => '/livedoor/u'], ['name' => 'LTX71', 'id' => 'ltx71', 'regexp' => '/ltx71/u'], ['name' => 'Magpie RSS', 'id' => 'magpie', 'regexp' => '/MagpieRSS\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Mapian News Bot', 'id' => 'mapion', 'regexp' => '/mapion-news-bot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Microsoft Social Streams', 'id' => 'socialstreams', 'regexp' => '/Microsoft MSN SocialStreams Bot/u'], ['name' => 'Mixi', 'id' => 'mixi', 'regexp' => '/mixi-check\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'MnoGoSearch', 'id' => 'mnogo', 'regexp' => '/MnoGoSearch\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Monitor.us', 'id' => 'monitor', 'regexp' => '/monitor.us/u'], ['name' => 'Naver Yeti', 'id' => 'yeti', 'regexp' => '/Yeti\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Netcraft Survey Bot', 'id' => 'netcraft', 'regexp' => '/Netcraft Web Server Survey/u'], ['name' => 'Netvibes', 'id' => 'netvibes', 'regexp' => '/Netvibes/u'], ['name' => 'NewsBlur', 'id' => 'newsblur', 'regexp' => '/NewsBlur Favicon Fetcher/u'], ['name' => 'NewsBlur', 'id' => 'newsblur', 'regexp' => '/NewsBlur Feed Fetcher/u'], ['name' => 'NewsBlur', 'id' => 'newsblur', 'regexp' => '/NewsBlur Feed Finder/u'], ['name' => 'NewsBlur', 'id' => 'newsblur', 'regexp' => '/NewsBlur Page Fetcher/u'], ['name' => 'NewsGator', 'id' => 'newsgator', 'regexp' => '/NewsGator\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'NewsGator', 'id' => 'newsgator', 'regexp' => '/NewsGatorOnline\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'NewsGator FetchLinks', 'id' => 'newsgator', 'regexp' => '/NewsGator FetchLinks extension\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'OpenWebSpider', 'id' => 'spider', 'regexp' => '/OpenWebSpider v([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'OrangeBot', 'id' => 'orange', 'regexp' => '/OrangeBot-Collector\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'OrangeBot', 'id' => 'orange', 'regexp' => '/OrangeBot-Mobile/u'], ['name' => 'PagesInventory ', 'id' => 'pages', 'regexp' => '/PagesInventory/u'], ['name' => 'Picsearch bot', 'id' => 'psbot', 'regexp' => '/psbot-page/u'], ['name' => 'Pingdom', 'id' => 'pingdom', 'regexp' => '/Pingdom.com_bot_version_([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Pinterest', 'id' => 'pinterest', 'regexp' => '/Pinterest\\/([0-9.]+)( \\(+|$)/u'], ['name' => 'PostRank', 'id' => 'postrank', 'regexp' => '/PostRank\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'PowerMapper', 'id' => 'crawler', 'regexp' => '/CrawlerProcess \\(http:\\/\\/www\\.PowerMapper\\.com\\) \\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Radian 6', 'id' => 'feed', 'regexp' => '/R6_FeedFetcher/u'], ['name' => 'Radian 6', 'id' => 'comment', 'regexp' => '/R6_CommentReader/u'], ['name' => 'RssBar', 'id' => 'rssbar', 'regexp' => '/RssBar\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'ROI Hunter', 'id' => 'hunter', 'regexp' => '/ROI Hunter/u'], ['name' => 'QuerySeekerSpider', 'id' => 'spider', 'regexp' => '/QuerySeekerSpider(?:\\/([0-9.]*))?/u'], ['name' => 'Quora Link Preview', 'id' => 'quora', 'regexp' => '/Quora Link Preview\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'SafeSearch Microdata', 'id' => 'safesearch', 'regexp' => '/SafeSearch microdata crawler/u'], ['name' => 'Scrapy', 'id' => 'scrapy', 'regexp' => '/Scrapy\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'ScreenerBot', 'id' => 'crawler', 'regexp' => '/ScreenerBot Crawler Beta ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Server Density', 'id' => 'monitor', 'regexp' => '/Server Density Service Monitoring/u'], ['name' => 'ShopWiki', 'id' => 'shopwiki', 'regexp' => '/ShopWiki\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'SilverReader', 'id' => 'reader', 'regexp' => '/SilverReader\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'SimplePie', 'id' => 'simplepie', 'regexp' => '/SimplePie\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Site24x7', 'id' => 'site24', 'regexp' => '/Site24x7/u'], ['name' => 'Sogou Web Spider', 'id' => 'sogou', 'regexp' => '/sogou spider/u'], ['name' => 'Sogou Web Spider', 'id' => 'sogou', 'regexp' => '/Sogou pic spider\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Sogou Web Spider', 'id' => 'sogou', 'regexp' => '/Sogou inst spider\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Sogou Web Spider', 'id' => 'sogou', 'regexp' => '/Sogou web spider\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Sogou Mobile Spider', 'id' => 'sogou', 'regexp' => '/Sogou Mobile Spider([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Sophora Linkchecker', 'id' => 'sophora', 'regexp' => '/Sophora Linkchecker/u'], ['name' => 'Soso Web Spider', 'id' => 'soso', 'regexp' => '/Sosospider\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Soso Web Spider', 'id' => 'soso', 'regexp' => '/Sosospider/u'], ['name' => 'Soso Image Spider', 'id' => 'soso', 'regexp' => '/Sosoimagespider/u'], ['name' => 'SPDYCheck', 'id' => 'spdycheck', 'regexp' => '/SPDYCheck SPDY Protocol Tester/iu'], ['name' => 'Spinn3r', 'id' => 'spinn', 'regexp' => '/Spinn3r ([0-9.]*)/iu'], ['name' => 'Spiderlytics', 'id' => 'spider', 'regexp' => '/Spiderlytics\\/([0-9.]*)/iu'], ['name' => 'StatusCake Error Detector', 'id' => 'detector', 'regexp' => '/StatusCake Error Detector/iu'], ['name' => 'Summify', 'id' => 'summify', 'regexp' => '/Summify\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'TelegramBot', 'id' => 'telegram', 'regexp' => '/TelegramBot/u'], ['name' => 'Twisted PageGetter', 'id' => 'twisted', 'regexp' => '/Twisted PageGetter/u'], ['name' => 'Twitterbot', 'id' => 'twitter', 'regexp' => '/Twitterbot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Tiny Tiny RSS', 'id' => 'tiny', 'regexp' => '/Tiny Tiny RSS\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'TLSProber', 'id' => 'tlsprober', 'regexp' => '/TLSProber\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Typhoeus', 'id' => 'typhoeus', 'regexp' => '/Typhoeus/u'], ['name' => 'Vagabondo', 'id' => 'vagabondo', 'regexp' => '/Vagabondo\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Voilabot', 'id' => 'voila', 'regexp' => '/Voila[Bb]ot/u'], ['name' => 'VocusBot', 'id' => 'vocus', 'regexp' => '/VocusBot ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Vodafone mCrawler', 'id' => 'mcrawler', 'regexp' => '/Vodafone mCrawler/u'], ['name' => 'W3Bot', 'id' => 'w3bot', 'regexp' => '/W3Bot ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C CSS Validator', 'id' => 'jigsaw', 'regexp' => '/Jigsaw\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C Internationalization Checker', 'id' => 'w3c', 'regexp' => '/W3C_I18n-Checker\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C Line Mode', 'id' => 'w3c', 'regexp' => '/W3CLineMode\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C Link Checker', 'id' => 'w3c', 'regexp' => '/W3C-checklink\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C Markup Validator', 'id' => 'w3c', 'regexp' => '/W3C_Validator\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C MobileOK Checker', 'id' => 'w3c', 'regexp' => '/W3C-mobileOK\\/DDC-([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C Multipage Validator', 'id' => 'w3c', 'regexp' => '/W3C_Multipage_Validator\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C Robot', 'id' => 'w3c', 'regexp' => '/W3CRobot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C Unified Validator', 'id' => 'w3c', 'regexp' => '/W3C_Unicorn\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'W3C Validator.nu', 'id' => 'validator', 'regexp' => '/Validator.nu\\//u'], ['name' => 'Wayback Archive', 'id' => 'wayback', 'regexp' => '/waybackarchive.org\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'WebbCrawler', 'id' => 'crawler', 'regexp' => '/WebbCrawler ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'WebIndexer', 'id' => 'webindexer', 'regexp' => '/WebIndexer\\//u'], ['name' => 'WordPress', 'id' => 'wordpress', 'regexp' => '/WordPress\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'WordPress.com', 'id' => 'wordpress', 'regexp' => '/WordPress\\.com; http/u'], ['name' => 'WordPress Jetpack', 'id' => 'wordpress', 'regexp' => '/Jetpack by WordPress\\.com/u'], ['name' => 'WWW Mechanize', 'id' => 'mechanize', 'regexp' => '/WWW-Mechanize\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Xerka WebBot', 'id' => 'xerka', 'regexp' => '/Xerka WebBot v([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'XML Sitemaps Generator', 'id' => 'sitemap', 'regexp' => '/XML-Sitemaps\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'XMLSitemapGenerator', 'id' => 'sitemap', 'regexp' => '/XmlSitemapGenerator/u'], ['name' => 'YaCy Bot', 'id' => 'yacy', 'regexp' => '/yacy(?:\\/|\\s|bot)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex Anti Virus', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexAntivirus\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex Blogs', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexBlogs\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex Bot', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexBot\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex Direct', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexDirect\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex Favicons', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexFavicons\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex Image Resizer', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexImageResizer\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex Images', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexImages\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex Metrika', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexMetrika\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex News', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexNews\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yandex Newslinks', 'id' => 'yandex', 'regexp' => '/YandexNewslinks(?:\\/([0-9.]*))?/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Ad Monitoring', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo Ad monitoring/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Blogs', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo-Blogs\\/v([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Cache System', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/YahooCacheSystem/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Feed Seeker', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/YahooFeedSeeker\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Feed Seeker', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/YahooFeedSeeker Testing\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Image', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo-MMCrawler\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Link Expander', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo:LinkExpander/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Link Preview', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo Link Preview/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Video', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo-MMAudVid\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Mindset', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo\\! Mindset/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Product Search', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/YahooSeeker\\/ProductSearch([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Slurp', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo\\! Slurp\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Slurp', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo\\! Slurp/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Seeker', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/YahooSeeker(?:\\/([0-9.]*))?/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Seeker', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/YahooSeeker-Testing\\/v([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Seeker', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/yahooseeker-jp-mobile/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Site Checker', 'id' => 'y\\!j', 'regexp' => '/Y\\!J SiteChecker/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Pipes', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo Pipes ([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Video Search', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/YahooVideoSearch/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Japan', 'id' => 'yahoo', 'regexp' => '/Yahoo\\! Japan/u'], ['name' => 'Yahoo! Japan', 'id' => 'y\\!j', 'regexp' => '/(^|\\(compatible; )Y\\!J-/u'], ['name' => 'Inktomi Slurp', 'id' => 'slurp', 'regexp' => '/Slurp\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Inktomi Slurp', 'id' => 'slurp', 'regexp' => '/Slurp\\.so\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Apache Httpd', 'id' => 'httpclient', 'regexp' => '/Apache-HttpClient(?:\\/([0-9.]*))?/u'], ['name' => 'Apache Jakarta', 'id' => 'httpclient', 'regexp' => '/Jakarta Commons-HttpClient(?:\\/([0-9.]*))?/u'], ['name' => 'Apache Nutch', 'id' => 'nutch', 'regexp' => '/\\/Nutch-([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Apache Nutch', 'id' => 'nutch', 'regexp' => '/Nutch(?:CVS|Org)\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Apache Synapse', 'id' => 'synapse', 'regexp' => '/compatible; Synapse/u'], ['name' => 'Borland Delphi', 'id' => 'indy', 'regexp' => '/Indy Library/u'], ['name' => 'Wget', 'id' => 'wget', 'regexp' => '/Wget\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Curl', 'id' => 'curl', 'regexp' => '/^curl\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Go', 'id' => 'package', 'regexp' => '/Go [0-9\\.]+ package http/u'], ['name' => 'Java', 'id' => 'java', 'regexp' => '/^Java\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'Perl', 'id' => 'simple', 'regexp' => '/LWP::Simple\\//u'], ['name' => 'Perl', 'id' => 'libwww', 'regexp' => '/libwww-perl\\//u'], ['name' => 'Perl', 'id' => 'lwp', 'regexp' => '/lwp-trivial\\//u'], ['name' => 'Python', 'id' => 'urllib', 'regexp' => '/Python-urllib/u'], ['name' => 'PHP', 'id' => 'php', 'regexp' => '/ PHP\\/([0-9.]*)/u'], ['name' => 'PHP', 'id' => 'php', 'regexp' => '/^PHP/u'], ['name' => 'PHP', 'id' => 'pear', 'regexp' => '/PEAR HTTP_Request class/u'], ['name' => 'PHP', 'id' => 'php', 'regexp' => '/CakePHP/u'], ['name' => 'PHP', 'id' => 'zend', 'regexp' => '/Zend_Http_Client/u'], ['name' => 'Ruby', 'id' => 'ruby', 'regexp' => '/^Ruby/u']];
function getApplications() { return Applications::getList(); }
<?php namespace WhichBrowser\Data; Applications::$OTHERS_REGEX = '/(itunes|qt|bluefish|nightingale|songbird|stagefright|substream|vlc|windows-media|coreplayer|flycast|boxee|kodi|xbmc|lightning|thunderbird|outlook|lotus|postbox|bat|yahoo|daum|akregator|blogos|cococ|feed|liferea|news|jetbrains|rss|reeder|reedkit|rome|ziepod|messenger|kik|yammer|fbios|fb4a|googleplus|instagram|pinterest|weibo|tumblr|twitter|wp-android|office|hao123|gsa|naver|atom|golive|brackets|iweb|frontpage|amaya|download|origin|secondlife|valve|raptr|cooliris|google|leechcraft|expeditor)/i';
$data = $app->request->post(); if (Banlist::isBanned('email', $data['email']) || Banlist::isBanned('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $app->flash('danger', $lang->t('apply|email_ip_banned')); $app->redirect(BASE_URL . "apply/{$data['job_id']}"); } $data = escape($data); if ($data['trap'] != '') { $app->redirect(BASE_URL . "apply/{$data['job_id']}"); } if (isset($_FILES['attachment']) && $_FILES['attachment']['name'] != '') { $file = $_FILES['attachment']; $path = ATTACHMENT_PATH; $attachment = time() . '_' . $file['name']; $data['attachment_type'] = $file['type']; $data['attachment_size'] = $file['size']; if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], "{$path}{$attachment}")) { $data['attachment'] = $attachment; } } else { $data['attachment'] = ''; } $apply = new Applications($data['job_id']); if ($apply->applyForJob($data)) { $app->flash('success', $lang->t('apply|msg_success')); } else { $app->flash('danger', $lang->t('apply|msg_fail')); } $title = $apply->getJobTitleURL(); $app->redirect(BASE_URL . "jobs/{$data['job_id']}/{$title}"); }); });
function getApplicationList() { App::import("Model", "Applications"); $model = new Applications(); $app_namelist = $model->find('list', array('fields' => array('id', 'vc_application_name'), 'conditions' => array('wf_status ="1"'))); return $app_namelist; }
$type = isset($_GET["type"]) ? $_GET["type"] : (isset($_POST["type"]) ? $_POST["type"] : "extjs"); $dateFrom = isset($_POST["dateFrom"]) ? substr($_POST["dateFrom"], 0, 10) : ""; $dateTo = isset($_POST["dateTo"]) ? substr($_POST["dateTo"], 0, 10) : ""; try { $userUid = isset($_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"]) && $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"] != "" ? $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"] : null; $result = ""; switch ($action) { case "search": case "to_reassign": $user = $user == "CURRENT_USER" ? $userUid : $user; $userUid = $user; break; default: break; } if (($action == "todo" || $action == "draft" || $action == "paused" || $action == "sent" || $action == "selfservice" || $action == "unassigned" || $action == "search") && ($solrConf = System::solrEnv()) !== false) { G::LoadClass("AppSolr"); $ApplicationSolrIndex = new AppSolr($solrConf["solr_enabled"], $solrConf["solr_host"], $solrConf["solr_instance"]); $data = $ApplicationSolrIndex->getAppGridData($userUid, $start, $limit, $action, $filter, $search, $process, $status, $type, $dateFrom, $dateTo, $callback, $dir, $sort, $category); $result = G::json_encode($data); } else { G::LoadClass("applications"); $apps = new Applications(); $data = $apps->getAll($userUid, $start, $limit, $action, $filter, $search, $process, $status, $type, $dateFrom, $dateTo, $callback, $dir, $sort, $category); $result = G::json_encode($data); } echo $result; } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = array("error" => $e->getMessage()); echo G::json_encode($msg); }
public function getHTML($id) { #$_SESSION["BPS"]->unregisterClass(get_class($this)); $defaultAnsicht = "monat"; if (Applications::activeApplication() == "personalKartei") { $defaultAnsicht = "jahr"; } $ansicht = mUserdata::getUDValueS("KalenderAnsicht", $defaultAnsicht); #$ansicht = $ansicht->getUDValue("KalenderAnsicht"); #if($ansicht == null) $ansicht = "monat"; $display = mUserdata::getUDValueS("KalenderDisplay" . ucfirst($ansicht), "0"); $BThis = new Button("", "arrow_down", "iconicG"); $BThis->style("float:left;margin-top:-6px;margin-right:5px;"); $Calendars = ""; Registry::reset("Kalender"); while ($C = Registry::callNext("Kalender", "categories")) { if (!$C) { continue; } foreach ($C as $tab) { $Calendars .= "<div onclick=\"{$tab->onclick}\">" . ($tab->isCurrent ? $BThis : "") . " {$tab->label}</div>"; } } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="styles"> $html = "\n\t\t\n\t\t<style type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t.Day {\n\t\t\t-moz-user-select:none;\n\t\t\tborder-left:1px solid #EEE;\n\t\t\tborder-bottom:1px solid #EEE;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t/*.Day:hover {\n\t\t\tborder-style:solid;\n\t\t\tborder-width:1px;\n\t\t\tpadding:2px;\n\t\t}*/\n\n\t\t.dayOptions {\n\t\t\tdisplay:none;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t.Day:hover .dayOptions {\n\t\t\tdisplay:inline;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t.Termin {\n\t\t\tposition:relative;\n\t\t\tleft:44px;\n\t\t\tcursor:pointer;\n\t\t\twidth:150px;\n\t\t\tfloat:left;\n\t\t\tborder-style:solid;\n\t\t\tborder-width:1px;\n\t\t\tmargin-right:3px;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t.KalenderButton {\n\t\t\topacity:0.5;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t.KalenderButton:hover {\n\t\t\topacity:1;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t.KalenderUser {\n\t\t\tmargin-left:10px;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t.KalenderUser div {\n\t\t\tpadding:10px;\n\t\t\tpadding-top:10px;\n\t\t\tpadding-bottom:5px;\n\t\t\tdisplay:inline-block;\n\t\t\tmargin-right:20px;\n\t\t\tcursor:pointer;\n\t\t\tmin-width:150px;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t.cellHeight {\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t.ui-datepicker {\n\t\t\twidth: auto;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t#contentScreen tr:hover {\n\t\t\tbackground-color:inherit;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t#calendar1stMonth .ui-datepicker-prev, #calendar1stMonth .ui-datepicker-next/*,\n\t\t#calendar2ndMonth .ui-datepicker-prev, #calendar2ndMonth .ui-datepicker-next */{\n\t\t\tdisplay:none;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t#calendar1stMonth .ui-widget-content,\n\t\t#calendar2ndMonth .ui-widget-content, \n\t\t#calendar2ndMonth .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default,\n\t\t#calendar1stMonth .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default {\n\t\t\tborder:0px;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t#calendar1stMonth .ui-datepicker-header,\n\t\t#calendar2ndMonth .ui-datepicker-header {\n\t\t\tborder:0px;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t/*@media only screen and (max-height: 820px) {\n\t\t\t.cellHeight {\n\t\t\t\theight:55px;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}*/\n\t\t</style>"; // </editor-fold> $BLeft = new Button("Zurück", "back", "icon"); $BLeft->rmePCR("mKalender", "", "setDisplay", $display - 1, "contentManager.loadFrame('contentScreen','mKalender');"); $BLeft->style("margin-right:10px;"); $BRight = new Button("Weiter", "navigation", "icon"); $BRight->rmePCR("mKalender", "", "setDisplay", $display + 1, "contentManager.loadFrame('contentScreen','mKalender');"); $BRight->style("margin-right:10px;"); $BToday = new Button("Aktuelles Datum", "down", "icon"); $BToday->rmePCR("mKalender", "", "setToday", '', "contentManager.loadFrame('contentScreen','mKalender');"); $BToday->style("margin-right:10px;"); $BJahr = new Button("Jahr", "./ubiquitous/Kalender/month.png", "icon"); $BJahr->rmePCR("mKalender", "", "setView", "jahr", "contentManager.loadFrame('contentScreen','mKalender');"); $BJahr->style("margin-right:10px;" . ($ansicht != "jahr" ? "opacity:0.5;" : "")); $BJahr->id("jahrButton"); $BMonat = new Button("Monat", "./ubiquitous/Kalender/month.png", "icon"); $BMonat->rmePCR("mKalender", "", "setView", "monat", "contentManager.loadFrame('contentScreen','mKalender');"); $BMonat->style("margin-right:10px;" . ($ansicht != "monat" ? "opacity:0.5;" : "")); $BMonat->id("monatButton"); $BWoche = new Button("Woche", "./ubiquitous/Kalender/workweek.png", "icon"); $BWoche->rmePCR("mKalender", "", "setView", "woche", "contentManager.loadFrame('contentScreen','mKalender');"); $BWoche->style("margin-right:10px;" . ($ansicht != "woche" ? "opacity:0.5;" : "")); $BWoche->id("wocheButton"); $BTag = new Button("Tag", "./ubiquitous/Kalender/day.png", "icon"); $BTag->rmePCR("mKalender", "", "setView", "tag", "contentManager.loadFrame('contentScreen','mKalender');"); $BTag->style("margin-right:10px;" . ($ansicht != "tag" ? "opacity:0.5;" : "")); $BTag->id("tagButton"); if (Applications::activeApplication() == "personalKartei") { $BTag = ""; $BWoche = ""; $BMonat = ""; } if (Applications::activeApplication() != "personalKartei") { $BJahr = ""; } $ST = new HTMLTable(1); $ST->setColClass(1, ""); #$ST->setTableStyle("width:40px;margin:0px;margin-right:-215px;float:right;/*margin-right:-50px;margin-top:95px;*/"); $newWindow = new Button("Kalender in neuem Fenster öffnen", "new_window", "iconicL"); $newWindow->style("margin-right:10px;"); $newWindow->newSession("Mail", Applications::activeApplication(), "mKalender", "Kalender"); if (Session::physion()) { $newWindow = ""; } $reminder = ""; if (Session::isPluginLoaded("mReminder")) { $reminder = Reminder::getButton(); $reminder->style("margin-right:10px;"); } $ST->addRow("<div id=\"calendar1stMonth\"></div>"); $ST->addRow("<div id=\"calendar2ndMonth\"></div>"); $TC = "KalenderView" . ucfirst($ansicht); $TC = new $TC(); $TCalendars = "<div>"; if (trim($Calendars) != "") { $TCalendars .= "<div class=\"KalenderUser\">" . $Calendars . "</div>"; } $TCalendars .= "</div>"; $pCalButton = ""; if (Session::isPluginLoaded("mpCal")) { $pCalButton = pCal::getTBButton(); $pCalButton->type("icon"); $pCalButton->style("margin-right:10px;"); } $GoogleButton = ""; $GoogleDLButton = ""; if (Session::isPluginLoaded("mGoogle")) { $GoogleButton = LoginData::getButtonU("GoogleAccountUserPass", "Google-Daten bearbeiten", "./ubiquitous/Google/google.png"); $GoogleButton->type("icon"); $GoogleButton->style("margin-right:10px;"); $GoogleDLButton = new Button("Daten herunterladen", "./ubiquitous/Google/googleDL.png", "icon"); $GoogleDLButton->popup("", "Daten herunterladen", "Google", "-1", "syncByDateRange", array("'" . date("Y-m-d", $TC->getFirst()) . "'", "'" . date("Y-m-d", $TC->getLast()) . "'")); $GoogleDLButton->style("margin-right:10px;"); } $xCalButton = ""; if (Session::isPluginLoaded("mxCal")) { $xCalButton = xCal::getButton(); $xCalButton->style("margin-right:10px;"); } $BShare = new Button("Kalender teilen", "fork", "iconicL"); $BShare->popup("", "Kalender teilen", "mKalender", "-1", "share"); $BShare->style("margin-right:10px;"); #$AWVButton = new Button("Müllabfuhr-Daten herunterladen", "trash_stroke", "iconicL"); #$AWVButton->popup("", "Müllabfuhr-Daten", "mKalender", "-1", "downloadTrashData"); $AWVButton = ""; $ST->addRow($pCalButton . $GoogleButton . $GoogleDLButton); $html .= "\n\t\t<div style=\"width:205px;float:right;margin-right:40px;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:15px;padding-left:0px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t{$newWindow}{$BShare}{$AWVButton}{$xCalButton}{$reminder}\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div style=\"margin-right:270px;\">\n\t\t<div id=\"KalenderTitle\" class=\"prettyTitle\">\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<span style=\"float:right;\">\n\t\t\t\t{$BLeft}{$BToday}{$BRight}\n\t\t\t</span>\n\t\t\t<div style=\"float:right;margin-right:100px;\">{$BTag}{$BWoche}{$BMonat}{$BJahr}</div>\n\t\t\t" . $TC->getTitle() . "\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id=\"KalenderAuswahl\">\n\t\t\t{$TCalendars}\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t" . $TC->getHeader() . "\n\t\t<div id=\"KalenderWrapper\" style=\"overflow:auto;\">\n\t\t\t" . ($ansicht != "jahr" ? "\n\t\t\t<div style=\"width:205px;float:right;margin-right:40px;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"height:23px;\"></div>{$ST}\n\t\t\t</div>" : "") . "\n\t\t\t<div style=\"" . ($ansicht != "jahr" ? "margin-right:270px;" : "") . "\">\n\n\t\t\t" . $TC->getTable($this) . "\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>"; $nextMonths = new Datum(); $nextMonths->setToMonth1st(); $thisMonth = $nextMonths->time(); $nextMonths->addMonth(); $nextMonth = $nextMonths->time(); $html .= OnEvent::script("\$j(function() {\n\t\t\$j('#calendar1stMonth').datepicker({ minDate: '" . date("d.m.Y", $thisMonth) . "'" . ($TC->getCurrent()->time() < $nextMonth ? ",defaultDate: '" . date("d.m.Y", $TC->getCurrent()->time()) . "'" : "") . ", showWeek: true, showOtherMonths: true, onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { var day = Math.round(+new Date(inst.selectedYear, inst.selectedMonth, inst.selectedDay, 0, 1, 0)/1000); " . OnEvent::rme($this, "setView", array("'tag'", "day"), "function(){ " . OnEvent::reload("Screen") . " }") . " } });\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\$j('.KalenderUser div[class!=backgroundColor1]').hover(function(){ \$j(this).addClass('backgroundColor2'); }, function(){ \$j(this).removeClass('backgroundColor2'); });\n\t\tfitKalender();\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\$j(window).resize(function() {\n\t\t\tfitKalender();\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\tfunction fitKalender(){\n\t\t\tif(!\$j('#KalenderTitle').length)\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t//console.log(\$j('#KalenderTitle').outerHeight());\n\t\t\t//console.log(\$j('#KalenderAuswahl').outerHeight());\n\t\t\tvar height = (contentManager.maxHeight() - \$j('#KalenderAuswahl').outerHeight() - \$j('#KalenderTitle').outerHeight() - \$j('#KalenderHeader').outerHeight()) + 4;\n\t\t\tvar width = contentManager.maxWidth();\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\$j('#KalenderWrapper').css('height', height);\n\t\t\t\$j('#KalenderWrapper').css('width', width);\n\n\t\t\tvar cellHeight = (height - \$j('#KalenderTable tr:first th').parent().outerHeight()) / (\$j('#KalenderTable tr').length - " . (($ansicht == "monat" or $ansicht == "jahr") ? "1" : "0") . ") - 1;\n\t\t\t\$j('.cellHeight').css('height', cellHeight+'px');\n\t\t\t\$j('.innerCellHeight').css('height', (cellHeight - \$j('.innerCellTitle:visible').outerHeight())+'px');\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif(\$j('#KalenderHeader').length > 0){\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\$j('#KalenderHeader tr:first th'));\n\t\t\t\t\$j('#KalenderTable tr:first td').each(function(k, v){\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\$j(\$j('#KalenderHeader tr:first th')[k]).css('width', \$j(v).width());\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif(\$j('#tagDiv').length) {\n\t\t\t\t\$j('#tagDiv').css('width', \$j('#KalenderTable tr').width()+'px');\n\t\t\t\t\$j('#tagDiv').animate({scrollTop: 7*40}, 0);\n\t\t\t\tvar pos = \$j('#tagDiv').offset();\n\t\t\t\tpos.position = 'absolute';\n\n\t\t\t\t\$j('#tagDiv').css(pos)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}") . "\n\t\t<style type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t\t" . ($TC->getCurrent()->time() < $thisMonth ? "#calendar1stMonth .ui-state-default { border: 1px solid #D3D3D3; background-color:transparent; }" : "") . "\n\t\t\t" . ($TC->getCurrent()->time() < $nextMonth ? "#calendar2ndMonth .ui-state-default { border: 1px solid #D3D3D3; background-color:transparent; }" : "") . "\n\t\t\t.ui-datepicker-week-col { color:grey; text-align:left; }\n\t\t\ttr td.ui-datepicker-week-col {text-align:left;font-size:10px; }\n\t\t\t/*.ui-datepicker-week-end { background-color:#DDD; }*/\n\t\t</style>"; $html .= OnEvent::script("\$j(function() {\n\t\t\$j('#calendar2ndMonth').datepicker({ minDate: '" . date("d.m.Y", $nextMonth) . "'" . ($TC->getCurrent()->time() >= $nextMonth ? ", defaultDate: '" . date("d.m.Y", $TC->getCurrent()->time()) . "'" : "") . ", showWeek: true, showOtherMonths: true, onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { var day = Math.round(+new Date(inst.selectedYear, inst.selectedMonth, inst.selectedDay, 0, 1, 0)/1000); " . OnEvent::rme($this, "setView", array("'tag'", "day"), "function(){ " . OnEvent::reload("Screen") . " }") . " } });\n\t});"); return $html; }
<?php namespace WhichBrowser\Data; Applications::$BOTS_REGEX = '/(008|360|a6|abound|muncher|adaxas|addthis|admantx|ahrefsbot|archiver|altavista|curious|cloudfront|amorank|archive|jeeves|astra|backlink|baidu|bazqux|bingbot|msnbot|msmobot|bing|blogbridge|bloglines|bloglovin|blogpulse|blogram|blogtrot|blogshares|boardreader|browsershots|bubing|butterfly|heritrix|cliqz|cloudflare|comodo|commafeed|cbot|watchdog|datasearch|daumoa|digg|domain|exabot|exactseek|ezooms|facebook|fast|flamingo|fastladder|feed|wrangler|validator|fever|friendica|robot|genieo|fetchor|google|gomez|ichiro|gooblog|goorss|grammarly|grub|hatena|capture|htdig|httpmon|hubpages|spider|crawler|kouio|larbin|linkedin|linkdex|livedoor|ltx71|magpie|mapion|socialstreams|mixi|mnogo|monitor|yeti|netcraft|netvibes|newsblur|newsgator|orange|pages|psbot|pingdom|pinterest|postrank|comment|rssbar|hunter|quora|safesearch|scrapy|shopwiki|reader|simplepie|site24|sogou|sophora|soso|spdycheck|spinn|detector|summify|telegram|twisted|twitter|tiny|tlsprober|typhoeus|vagabondo|voila|vocus|mcrawler|w3bot|jigsaw|w3c|wayback|webindexer|wordpress|mechanize|xerka|sitemap|yacy|yandex|yahoo|y\\!j|slurp|httpclient|nutch|synapse|indy|wget|curl|package|java|simple|libwww|lwp|urllib|php|pear|zend|ruby)/i';
public function getHTML($id, $page) { $entries = $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->getMenuEntries(); $icons = $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->getIcons(); $targets = $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->getMenuTargets(); $appMenuDisplayed = MenuGUI::getAppMenuOrder("appMenuDisplayed"); if ($appMenuDisplayed != "") { $appMenuDisplayed = explode(";", $appMenuDisplayed); } else { $appMenuDisplayed = $entries; } ksort($entries); $request = array_values($entries); $xml = self::getSpell($request); #$AP3 = new AppPlugins("customer"); #$plugins = array_merge($plugins, $AP3->getAllPlugins()); #$menu = array_merge($menu, array_flip($AP3->getAllMenuEntries())); #$icons = array_merge($icons, $AP3->getIcons()); #$plugins3 = array_flip($AP3->getAllPlugins()); #print_r($plugins3); $AP = new AppPlugins(Applications::activeApplication()); $plugins = array_flip($AP->getAllPlugins()); $html = ""; $html .= "<div style=\"float:right;width:160px;padding-top:20px;\" id=\"containerSortTabs\">" . $this->getSortable(false) . "</div>\n\t\t\t<div style=\"margin-right:160px;\">"; $U = new mUserdata(); $U->addAssocV3("typ", "=", "TTP"); $collapsedTabs = Environment::getS("collapsedTabs", "0") == "1"; foreach ($entries as $key => $value) { $text = ""; if ($xml !== false) { foreach ($xml->plugin as $xmlp) { if ($xmlp->name == $value) { $text = $xmlp->description; } } } if (isset($plugins[$value])) { unset($plugins[$value]); } $BG = new Button("Plugin {$key} öffnen", "navigation", "icon"); $BG->onclick("contentManager.loadPlugin('" . (isset($targets[$value]) ? $targets[$value] : "contentRight") . "', '{$value}', '{$value}GUI;-');"); $BG->style("float:right;margin-top:-7px;"); $B = new Button($key, $icons[$value], "icon"); $B->style("float:left;margin-right:10px;margin-top:-7px;margin-left:-5px;"); $I = new HTMLInput("usePlugin{$value}", "checkbox", in_array($value, $appMenuDisplayed) ? "1" : "0"); $I->id("usePlugin{$value}"); $I->onchange("if(this.checked) { Menu.showTab('{$value}'); \$j('#minPlugin{$value}').prop('disabled', ''); } else { Menu.hideTab('{$value}'); \$j('#minPlugin{$value}').prop('disabled', 'disabled'); }"); $t = !$_SESSION["S"]->isUserAdmin() ? $U->getUDValueCached("ToggleTab{$value}") : "big"; if ($t == null and $collapsedTabs) { $t = "small"; } if ($t == null) { $t = "big"; } $IM = new HTMLInput("minPlugin{$value}", "checkbox", $t == "big" ? "0" : "1"); $IM->id("minPlugin{$value}"); $IM->onchange("toggleTab('{$value}');"); if (isset($_COOKIE["phynx_layout"]) and ($_COOKIE["phynx_layout"] == "vertical" or $_COOKIE["phynx_layout"] == "desktop")) { $IM->isDisabled(true); } if (!in_array($value, $appMenuDisplayed)) { $IM->isDisabled(true); } #border-width:1px;border-style:solid; $html .= "\n\t\t\t<div style=\"width:33%;float:left;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"margin:10px;\" class=\"borderColor1 spell\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"backgroundColor2\" style=\"padding:10px;padding-bottom:5px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$BG}{$B}<h2 style=\"margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;\">{$key}</h2>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style=\"padding:7px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$I}<label style=\"float:none;width:200px;text-align:left;display:inline;margin-left:10px;font-wight:normal;\" for=\"usePlugin{$value}\">Plugin verwenden</label>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style=\"padding:7px;padding-top:0px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$IM}<label style=\"float:none;width:200px;text-align:left;display:inline;margin-left:10px;font-wight:normal;\" for=\"minPlugin{$value}\">Reiter minimiert</label>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($xml !== false ? "<div style=\"padding:7px;height:115px;overflow:auto;\">{$text}</div>" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>"; } $html .= "</div><h2 style=\"clear:both;padding-top:50px;\">Admin-Plugins und Plugins ohne eigenen Reiter</h2><div style=\"margin-right:160px;\">"; $icons = $AP->getIcons(); $plugins = array_flip($plugins); $menu = array_flip($AP->getAllMenuEntries()); $AP2 = new AppPlugins("plugins"); $plugins = array_merge($plugins, $AP2->getAllPlugins()); $menu = array_merge($menu, array_flip($AP2->getAllMenuEntries())); $icons = array_merge($icons, $AP2->getIcons()); $plugins2 = array_flip($AP2->getAllPlugins()); $request = array_values($plugins); $xml = self::getSpell($request); ksort($plugins); foreach ($plugins as $key => $value) { if (isset($menu[$value])) { $key = $menu[$value]; } $text = ""; if ($xml !== false) { foreach ($xml->plugin as $xmlp) { if ($xmlp->name == $value) { $text = $xmlp->description; } } } if ($text == "" or $text == "-") { continue; } if (!isset($plugins2[$value]) and substr($AP->getFolderOfPlugin($value), 0, 3) == "../") { continue; } if (isset($plugins2[$value]) and substr($AP2->getFolderOfPlugin($value), 0, 3) == "../") { continue; } if (!isset($plugins2[$value])) { $isAdmin = $AP->getIsAdminOnly($value); } if (isset($plugins2[$value])) { $isAdmin = $AP2->getIsAdminOnly($value); } $B = new Button($key, $icons[$value], "icon"); $B->style("float:left;margin-right:10px;margin-top:-7px;margin-left:-5px;"); #border-width:1px;border-style:solid; $html .= "\n\t\t\t<div style=\"width:33%;float:left;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"margin:10px;border-radius:5px;\" class=\"borderColor1 spell\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"backgroundColor2\" style=\"padding:10px;padding-bottom:5px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$B}<span style=\"float:right;margin-top:7px;\">" . ($isAdmin ? "Admin!" : "") . "</span><h2 style=\"margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;\">{$key}</h2>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($xml !== false ? "<div style=\"padding:7px;height:115px;overflow:auto;\">{$text}</div>" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>"; } $html .= "</div>"; #echo "<pre>"; #print_r($menu); #echo "</pre>"; return $html; }
</div><!-- End Field --> <div class="field field-input-name"> <div class="field-secondary"><span class="label">Type*</span></div> <div id="app-main-create-modal-container" class="field-primary"> <div class="pseudo-field"> <input id="app-main-create-type" type="text" class="text"/> <span id="app-main-create-type-error" class="field-input-name-error error-message" style="display: none;"></span> </div> </div><!-- End Field Primary --> </div><!-- End Field --> <div class="field field-input-name"> <div class="field-secondary"><span class="label">Accessibility*</span></div> <div class="field-primary"> <div class="pseudo-field"> <?php echo ZHtml::enumDropDownList(Applications::model(), 'accessibility', array('id' => 'app-main-create-accessibility', 'class' => 'select')); ?> <span id="app-main-create-accessibility-error" class="field-input-name-error error-message" style="display: none;"></span> </div> </div><!-- End Field Primary --> </div><!-- End Field --> <div class="field field-input-name"> <div class="field-secondary"><span class="label">Repository</span></div> <div class="field-primary"> <div class="pseudo-field"> <input id="app-main-create-repository" type="text" class="text"></input> </div> </div><!-- End Field Primary --> </div><!-- End Field --> <div class="field field-input-name"> <div class="field-secondary"><span class="label">Uses Mobile Patterns</span></div>
$site = $data[0]->server->site; $pvtKey = $data[0]->server->pvtKey; $token = $data[0]->server->token; } else { $site = $data->server->site; $pvtKey = isset($data->server->pvtKey) ? $data->server->pvtKey : ''; $token = isset($data->server->token) ? $data->server->token : ''; } include_once '../registry.php'; include_once '../sites/' . $site . '/conf.php'; include_once '../dataProvider/Modules.php'; include_once '../dataProvider/Applications.php'; include_once '../classes/Sessions.php'; include_once 'config.php'; $modules = new Modules(); $app = new Applications(); $appAccess = $app->hasAccess($pvtKey); $API = array_merge($API, $modules->getEnabledModulesAPI()); if (isset($token)) { $s = new Sessions(); $userAccess = $s->setSessionByToken($token); } function doRpc($cdata) { global $API; global $appAccess; try { if (!$appAccess) { throw new Exception('Access Denied: Please make sure API Key is typed correctly in the settings tab'); } if (!isset($API[$cdata->action])) {
public static function newSession($physion, $application, $plugin, $cloud = "", $title = "", $icon = "") { echo "<p>Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld, während die neue Sitzung initialisiert wird...</p><iframe onload=\"window.open(contentManager.getRoot()+'?physion={$physion}&application={$application}&plugin={$plugin}" . ($cloud != "" ? "&cloud={$cloud}" : "") . "" . ($title != "" ? "&title={$title}" : "") . "" . ($icon != "" ? "&icon={$icon}" : "") . "');" . OnEvent::closePopup("Util") . "\" src=\"interface/rme.php?class=Users&construct=&method=doLogin¶meters=%27" . Session::currentUser()->A("username") . "%27,%27" . Session::currentUser()->A("SHApassword") . "%27,%27" . Applications::activeApplication() . "%27,%27" . Session::currentUser()->A("language") . "%27&physion={$physion}" . ($cloud != "" ? "&cloud={$cloud}" : "") . "\" style=\"display:none;\"></iframe>"; }
public function getContextMenuHTML($identifier) { $deTexts = array(); $deTexts["pluginSupport"] = "Bitte beachten Sie, dass ein Plugin diese Einstellungen unterstützen muss, selbst wenn es hier angezeigt wird!"; $deTexts["selectPlugin"] = "Bitte Plugin wählen"; $deTexts["add"] = "hinzufügen"; $deTexts["selectPluginButton"] = "Plugin auswählen"; $deTexts["save"] = "speichern"; $deTexts["select"] = "auswählen"; $deTexts["noPsOptions"] = "keine plugin-spezifischen Optionen vorhanden"; $deTexts["newFieldName"] = "Neuer Feldname"; $deTexts["maybeHidden"] = "Bitte beachten Sie, dass hier interne Namen angezeigt werden, die von der Feldbeschriftung abweichen können!<br />Manche internen Felder werden möglichweise gar nicht angezeigt."; $ac = new anyC(); $singularLanguageClass = $ac->loadLanguageClass("Userdata"); $text = $singularLanguageClass != null ? $singularLanguageClass->getText() : $deTexts; $opts = ""; $ps = array_flip($_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->getAllPlugins()); $ms = $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->getAllMenuEntries(); #print_r($ms); foreach ($ps as $key => $value) { if ($key == "mUserdata") { continue; } if ($identifier == "4" and !PMReflector::implementsInterface($key, "iPluginSpecificRestrictions")) { continue; } if ($identifier == "4") { $c = new $key(); if (!$c->getPluginSpecificRestrictions()) { continue; } } if ($identifier == "5" and !in_array($key, $ms)) { continue; } if ($value == "Kunde") { continue; } if (!$_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->getIsAdminOnly($key) and $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->isCollectionOfFlip($key) != "") { $opts .= "<option value=\"{$key}:" . $_SESSION["CurrentAppPlugins"]->isCollectionOfFlip($key) . "\">{$value}</option>"; } } $s = explode(":", $identifier); if (isset($s[1])) { $identifier = $s[0]; } switch ($identifier) { case "1": $c = isset($text["kann nicht erstellen"]) ? $text["kann nicht erstellen"] : "kann nicht\nerstellen"; $b = isset($text["kann nicht bearbeiten"]) ? $text["kann nicht bearbeiten"] : "kann nicht\nbearbeiten"; $l = isset($text["kann nicht löschen"]) ? $text["kann nicht löschen"] : "kann nicht\nlöschen"; echo "\n\t\t\t\t<table>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" class=\"bigButton backgroundColor2\" value=\"" . $c . "\" style=\"background-image:url(./images/navi/new.png);\" onclick=\"phynxContextMenu.update('mUserdata','Create','" . str_replace(array("\n", "'"), array(" ", "\\'"), $c) . ":');\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" class=\"bigButton backgroundColor2\" value=\"" . $b . "\" style=\"background-image:url(./images/navi/editb.png);\" onclick=\"phynxContextMenu.update('mUserdata','Edit','" . str_replace(array("\n", "'"), array(" ", "\\'"), $b) . ":');\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" class=\"bigButton backgroundColor2\" value=\"" . $l . "\" style=\"background-image:url(./images/navi/trash.png);\" onclick=\"phynxContextMenu.update('mUserdata','Delete','" . str_replace(array("\n", "'"), array(" ", "\\'"), $l) . ":');\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><img src=\"./images/navi/warning.png\" style=\"float:left;margin-right:4px;\" />" . $text["pluginSupport"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>"; break; case "Edit": case "Delete": case "Create": echo "\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"uRestAction\" value=\"{$identifier}\" />\n\t\t\t\t<table>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $text["selectPlugin"] . ":</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><select id=\"cant{$identifier}\">{$opts}</select></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $text["add"] . "\" onclick=\"addUserRestriction();\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>"; break; case "3": case "2": echo "\n\t\t\t\t<table>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $text["selectPlugin"] . ":</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><select id=\"relabelPlugin\">{$opts}</select></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $text["select"] . "\" onclick=\"phynxContextMenu.update('mUserdata','" . ($identifier == "2" ? "relabel" : "hide") . ":'+\$('relabelPlugin').value.split(':')[1], \$('relabelPlugin').value.split(':')[1]);\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><img src=\"./images/navi/warning.png\" style=\"float:left;margin-right:4px;\" />" . $text["maybeHidden"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>"; break; case "5": case "4": if ($opts == "") { die("<p>" . $text["noPsOptions"] . "</p>"); } echo "\n\t\t\t\t<table>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $text["selectPlugin"] . ":</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><select id=\"relabelPlugin\">{$opts}</select></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($identifier == 4 ? "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $text["selectPluginButton"] . "\" onclick=\"phynxContextMenu.update('mUserdata','pS:'+\$('relabelPlugin').value.split(':')[0], \$('relabelPlugin').value.split(':')[0]);\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>" : "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $text["selectPluginButton"] . "\" onclick=\"addHidePlugin();\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>") . "\n\t\t\t\t</table>"; break; case "pS": $c = new $s[1](); $pSs = $c->getPluginSpecificRestrictions(); $pSopts = ""; foreach ($pSs as $key => $value) { $pSopts .= "<option value=\"{$key}:{$s['1']}\">{$value}</option>"; } echo "\n\t\t\t\t<table>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><select id=\"pSSelect\">{$pSopts}</select></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $text["save"] . "\" onclick=\"savePluginSpecificRestriction();\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>"; break; case "hide": case "relabel": try { $c = new $s[1](-1); $c = $c->newAttributes(); echo "\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" . $identifier . "Plugin\" value=\"{$s['1']}\" />\n\t\t\t\t<table>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><select id=\"" . $identifier . "Field\"><option>" . implode("</option><option>", PMReflector::getAttributesArray($c)) . "</option></select></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($identifier == "relabel" ? "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $text["newFieldName"] . ":</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input id=\"relabelTo\" type=\"text\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $text["save"] . "\" onclick=\"" . ($identifier == "relabel" ? "saveFieldRelabeling();" : "saveFieldHiding();") . "\" /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>"; } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { echo "<p>Diese Option steht bei diesem Plugin leider nicht zur Verfügung</p>"; } break; case "copyFromUser": $T = new HTMLTable(2); $T->useForSelection(); $T->setColWidth(1, 20); $T->maxHeight(200); $G = new Users(); $G->addAssocV3("isAdmin", "=", "0"); $G->setLimitV3("10"); $G->lCV3(); while ($t = $G->getNextEntry()) { $T->addRow(array(new Button("", "./images/i2/copy.png", "icon"), $t->A("username"))); $T->addRowEvent("click", "copyFromOtherUser('" . $t->getID() . "');"); } echo $T; break; case "login": $T = new HTMLTable(2); $T->useForSelection(); $T->setColWidth(1, 20); $T->maxHeight(200); $apps = Applications::getList(); foreach ($apps as $app) { #rme("mUserdata","-1","setUserdata",new Array("hidePlugin"+$('relabelPlugin').value.split(":")[0],$('relabelPlugin').value.split(":")[0], "pHide", lastLoadedLeft),"contentManager.reloadFrameLeft()"); $T->addRow(array(new Button("", "./plugins/Userdata/login18.png", "icon"), "Kann sich nicht an '{$app}' anmelden")); $T->addRowEvent("click", OnEvent::rme(new mUserdata(-1), "setUserdata", array("'loginTo{$app}'", "'0'", "'loginTo'", "lastLoadedLeft"), OnEvent::closeContext() . OnEvent::reload("Left"))); #$T->addRowEvent("click", "copyFromOtherUser('".$t->getID()."');"); } echo $T; break; } }
public function getAppsData($type, $start = null, $limit = null, $user = null, $filter = null, $search = null, $process = null, $status = null, $dateFrom = null, $dateTo = null, $callback = null, $dir = null, $sort = "APP_CACHE_VIEW.APP_NUMBER", $category = null) { require_once "classes/model/AppNotes.php"; G::LoadClass('applications'); $apps = new Applications(); $appNotes = new AppNotes(); $start = empty($start) ? $this->appListStart : $start; $limit = empty($limit) ? $this->appListLimit : $limit; $notesStart = 0; $notesLimit = 4; switch ($user) { case 'CURRENT_USER': $user = $this->userID; break; case 'ALL': $user = null; break; case null: $user = $this->userID; break; default: //$user = $this->userID; break; } $cases = $apps->getAll($user, $start, $limit, $type, $filter, $search, $process, $status, $type, $dateFrom, $dateTo, $callback, $dir, $sort, $category); // formating & complitting apps data with 'Notes' foreach ($cases['data'] as $i => $row) { // Formatting $appTitle = str_replace('#', '', $row['APP_TITLE']); if (is_numeric($appTitle)) { $cases['data'][$i]['APP_TITLE'] = G::LoadTranslation('ID_CASE') . ' ' . $appTitle; } if (isset($row['DEL_DELEGATE_DATE'])) { $cases['data'][$i]['DEL_DELEGATE_DATE'] = G::getformatedDate($row['DEL_DELEGATE_DATE'], 'M d, yyyy - h:i:s'); } if (isset($row['APP_DEL_PREVIOUS_USER'])) { $cases['data'][$i]['APP_DEL_PREVIOUS_USER'] = ucwords($row['APP_DEL_PREVIOUS_USER']); } // Completting with Notes $notes = $appNotes->getNotesList($row['APP_UID'], '', $notesStart, $notesLimit); $notes = $notes['array']; $cases['data'][$i]['NOTES_COUNT'] = $notes['totalCount']; $cases['data'][$i]['NOTES_LIST'] = $notes['notes']; } return $cases; }
rejectFriendRequest($id); } header('Location: ' . url_rewrite(AT_SOCIAL_BASENAME . AT_SOCIAL_INDEX, AT_PRETTY_URL_IS_HEADER)); exit; } include AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'header.inc.php'; ?> <div class="social-wrapper"> <div class="network-activity"> <?php //network updates $actvity_obj = new Activity(); $savant->assign('activities', $actvity_obj->getFriendsActivities($_SESSION['member_id'])); $savant->display('social/activities.tmpl.php'); //applications/gagdets $applications_obj = new Applications(); $savant->assign('list_of_my_apps', $applications_obj->listMyApplications(true)); $savant->display('social/tiny_applications.tmpl.php'); // echo '<div class="gadget_wrapper">'; // echo '<div class="gadget_title_bar">Applications</div>'; // echo '<div class="gadget_container">TODO: GADGETS/Applications</div>'; // echo '</div>'; ?> </div> <div class="my-contacts"> <?php //if friends array is not empty. if (!empty($friends)) { $savant->assign('friends', $friends); } else {