Example #1
 protected static function loadProfiles()
     $file = App::configPath('profiles.ini.php');
     $tempFile = App::tempPath('profiles.cache.php');
     if (!file_exists($tempFile) || filemtime($file) > filemtime($tempFile)) {
         $compiler = new \jProfilesCompiler($file);
         self::$_profiles = $compiler->compile();
         \Jelix\IniFile\Util::write(self::$_profiles, $tempFile);
     } else {
         self::$_profiles = parse_ini_file($tempFile, true);
Example #2
  * load and read the configuration of the application
  * The combination of all configuration files (the given file
  * and the mainconfig.ini.php) is stored
  * in a single temporary file. So it calls the jConfigCompiler
  * class if needed
  * @param string $configFile the config file name
  * @return object it contains all configuration options
  * @see Jelix\Core\Config\Compiler
 public static function load($configFile)
     $config = array();
     $file = App::tempPath() . str_replace('/', '~', $configFile);
         $file .= '.conf.php';
     } else {
         $file .= '.resultini.php';
     self::$fromCache = true;
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         // no cache, let's compile
         self::$fromCache = false;
     } else {
         $t = filemtime($file);
         $dc = App::mainConfigFile();
         $lc = App::configPath('localconfig.ini.php');
         if (file_exists($dc) && filemtime($dc) > $t || filemtime(App::appConfigPath($configFile)) > $t || file_exists($lc) && filemtime($lc) > $t) {
             // one of the config files have been modified: let's compile
             self::$fromCache = false;
         } else {
             // let's read the cache file
             if (BYTECODE_CACHE_EXISTS) {
                 include $file;
                 $config = (object) $config;
             } else {
                 $config = \Jelix\IniFile\Util::read($file, true);
             // we check all directories to see if it has been modified
             if ($config->compilation['checkCacheFiletime']) {
                 foreach ($config->_allBasePath as $path) {
                     if (!file_exists($path) || filemtime($path) > $t) {
                         self::$fromCache = false;
     if (!self::$fromCache) {
         $compiler = new Config\Compiler($configFile);
         return $compiler->readAndCache();
     } else {
         return $config;
Example #3
  * include a cache file which is the results of the compilation of multiple file sotred in multiple modules
  * @param    array    $aType
  *    = array(
  *    'compilator class name',
  *    'relative path of the compilator class file to lib/jelix/',
  *    'foo.xml', // file name to compile (in each modules)
  *    'foo.php',  //cache filename
  *    );
  *  @return mixed arbitrary value from the cached
 public static function incAll($aType)
     $returnedValue = null;
     $cachefile = App::tempPath('compiled/' . $aType[3]);
     if (isset(self::$_includedFiles[$cachefile])) {
         return $returnedValue;
     $config = App::config();
     $mustCompile = $config->compilation['force'] || !file_exists($cachefile);
     if (!$mustCompile && $config->compilation['checkCacheFiletime']) {
         $compiledate = filemtime($cachefile);
         foreach ($config->_modulesPathList as $module => $path) {
             $sourcefile = $path . $aType[2];
             if (is_readable($sourcefile)) {
                 if (filemtime($sourcefile) > $compiledate) {
                     $mustCompile = true;
     if ($mustCompile) {
         if ($aType[1]) {
             require_once JELIX_LIB_PATH . $aType[1];
         $compiler = new $aType[0]();
         $compileok = true;
         foreach ($config->_modulesPathList as $module => $path) {
             $compileok = $compiler->compileItem($path . $aType[2], $module);
             if (!$compileok) {
         if ($compileok) {
             // the require may load the file content from the
             // opcode cache if it is existing.
             // So we must invalidate the file.
             if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
                 opcache_invalidate($cachefile, true);
             } else {
                 if (function_exists('apc_delete_file')) {
             $returnedValue = (require $cachefile);
             self::$_includedFiles[$cachefile] = true;
     } else {
         $returnedValue = (require $cachefile);
         self::$_includedFiles[$cachefile] = true;
     return $returnedValue;