     * @access private
    protected function _draw_scripts()
  function upload_file_changed (ctrl)
    if (ctrl.value)
      ctrl.form.create_thumbnail.checked = true;
      select_item (ctrl.form.use_upload, 1, true);
      select_item (ctrl.form.read_exif, 1, true);

  function file_name_changed (ctrl)
    if (ctrl.value)
      ctrl.form.create_thumbnail.checked = true;
      select_item (ctrl.form.use_upload, 0, true);

  function file_option_changed (ctrl)
    var is_uploading = is_selected (ctrl, 1);
    ctrl.form.file_name.disabled = is_uploading;
    ctrl.form.upload_file.disabled = ! is_uploading;
    ctrl.form.overwrite.disabled = ! is_uploading;

  function on_click_thumbnail (ctrl)
    ctrl.form.thumbnail_size.disabled = ! ctrl.checked;

  function on_date_changed (ctrl)
    ctrl.form.day.disabled = is_selected (ctrl, 1);
  * Store the form's values to this journal entry.
  * @param JOURNAL $obj
  * @access private
 protected function _store_to_object($obj)
     $obj->weather = $this->value_as_text('weather');
     $obj->lo_temp = $this->value_as_text('lo_temp');
     $obj->hi_temp = $this->value_as_text('hi_temp');
     $obj->weather_type = $this->value_for('weather_type');