if ($audio == '') {
    $audio = $welcomeSound;
} else {
    $audio = $basepath . "audio/" . $audio['data'];
$msg = date("r", time()) . " -- Call in progress -- Number:{$userNumber}  -- Audio:{$audio}\n";
file_put_contents($basepath . "logs/callLog.txt", $msg, FILE_APPEND);
$query = "update logs set status='Connected' where autoID='{$dbid}'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Database Error");
$keys = "Nil";
$count = 0;
do {
    if ($count > 2) {
    $result = $agi->get_data("{$audio}", 5000, 1);
    $keys = $result['result'];
    if ($keys == "1" or $keys == "2") {
} while ($keys != 1 and $keys != 2);
$query = "update logs set options='{$keys}' where autoID='{$dbid}'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Database Error");
$msg = date("r", time()) . " -- User pressed {$keys} -- Number:{$userNumber}  -- Audio:{$audio}\n";
file_put_contents($basepath . "logs/callLog.txt", $msg, FILE_APPEND);
if ($keys == 1 or $keys == "1") {
    $agi->exec_goto($context_1, $exten_1, $priority_1);
    $query = "update logs set status='Transferred' where autoID='{$dbid}'";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Database Error");
// Get the extension of the caller
$cid = $agi->parse_callerid();
$caller_ext = $cid['username'];
// Get 'ConfCenter' Parameters
$ConfCenter = Database_Entry('Ext_ConfCenter', $Extension_D['PK_Extension']);
//CDR: Set called info
//	"{$ConfCenter['PK_Extension']}",                    // CalledID
//	"ConfCenter",                                       // CalledType
//	"Conference Center",                                // CalledName
//	"{$Extension_D['Extension']}"                      // CalledNumber
// Request a conference pin number
$invalid_atempts = 0;
while ($conf_no == '') {
    $result = $agi->get_data('conf-getconfno', 3000, 100);
    $conf_no = $result['result'];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM Ext_ConfCenter_Rooms WHERE Number='{$conf_no}' LIMIT 1";
    $result = $mysqli->query($query) or $logger->error_sql($mysqli->error, $query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if ($mysqli->numrows($result) == 1) {
        $Room = $result->fetch_assoc();
    } else {
        $conf_no = '';
        $invalid_atempts += 1;
// Get a list of conference admins
$Admins = array();
$query = "\n\tSELECT \n\t\tExtension\n\tFROM\n\t\tExtensions\n\t\tINNER JOIN Ext_ConfCenter_Admins ON FK_Extension = PK_Extension\n\tWHERE\n\t\tFK_Room = '{$Room['PK_Room']}'\n";
$result = $mysqli->query($query) or $logger->error_sql($mysqli->error, $query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
Example #3
$cdr->set_called($Extension['PK_Extension'], 'IVR', $IVR_Menu['Name'], $Extension['Extension']);
while ($menu > 0 && $step > 0) {
    ivr_run($menu, $step, $vars, $key);
    // <- that also modify the $step variable
    // See if there is a next step in this menu
    $query = "SELECT * FROM IVR_Actions WHERE FK_Menu = {$menu} AND `Order` = {$step}";
    $result = $mysqli->query($query) or $logger->error_sql("", $query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $next_step_available = $mysqli->num_rows($result);
    if (!$next_step_available && $key == '') {
        // Get the timeout for this menu
        $query = "SELECT Timeout FROM IVR_Menus WHERE PK_Menu = '{$menu}' LIMIT 1";
        $result = $mysqli->query($query) or $logger->error_sql("", $query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $row = $mysqli->fetch_array($result);
        $timeout = $row[0] * 1000;
        if ($timeout) {
            $result = $agi->get_data('beep', $timeout, 1);
            $key = $result['result'];
    // Test if a key was pressed
    if ($key != "") {
        $dialing_enabled = false;
        $extension_to_dial = '';
        $option_to_jumpto = '';
        // See if extension dialing is enabled in this menu
        $query = "SELECT ExtensionDialing FROM IVR_Menus WHERE PK_Menu = '{$menu}' LIMIT 1";
        $result = $mysqli->query($query) or $logger->error_sql("", $query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $row = $mysqli->fetch_array($result);
        $dialing_enabled = $row[0];
        // If extension dialing is enabled
        if ($dialing_enabled) {
Example #4
$trunkname = $age->get_variable("TRUNK");
// format should be callshop-XXXX
$tmp = split("-", $context);
$userid = $tmp[1];
$query = "SELECT clid FROM clid WHERE groupid = {$groupid} AND pin = '{$dnid}'";
print "here";
$clid = $db->getOne($query);
if (!$clid) {
    // invalid pin number
    // hangup
# play dial prompt
$dtmf = $agi->get_data($prompt_enter_dest, 4000, 20, "#");
$agi->exec_dial($trunkname, $dtmf);
function debug($string)
    print $string;
$charge_callback = 0;
$G_startime = time();
$agi_date = "Release : no date";
$agi_version = "Version 1.4 - Trunk";
if ($argc > 1 && ($argv[1] == '--version' || $argv[1] == '-v')) {
    echo "Version {$agi_version} - {$agi_date}\n";
//answer the phone. 
//wait a minute to give everything a chance to settle

//I had it set up to check the callerid against a set of valid peeps - but i decided i was tired of that. and it made it too complex.
//get caller id. 
$cid = $agi->parse_callerid();
$cid= $cid[username];

//streamfile that says "Enter number to spoof"
//beep then get the resulting 10 digits - set it to spoofnumber
$result = $agi->get_data('beep', 3000, 10);
$spoofnumber= $result['result'];
$agi->verbose("Spoof Number:".$spoofnumber);
//streamfile that says "enter number to call"
//beep then get the resulting 10 digits - set it to callnumber
$result = $agi->get_data('beep', 3000, 10);
$callnumber= $result['result'];
$agi->verbose("Number to call:".$callnumber);
// set caller id to the spoofnumber

//call the number using whatever you got
//notice i have placed the 1 before the callnumber. this is so that i can keep everything ten digits. and cuz i am lazy
$agi->exec("Dial IAX2/yourpassword@provider/1".$callnumber);
//foreach($callduration as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }
// $agi->get_data('traductores/saludo', $tiempoDeEspera, 1);
// $agi->exec_dial("SIP/une/033104452509,HCL(5:5:0000)");
// $callduration = $agi->get_variable("ANSWEREDTIME");
// $callduration = $agi->get_variable("CDR(billsec)");
///  foreach($callduration as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }
// file_get_contents('http://webdaniel.info/nethexa/?'.$fields_string);
$cuenta = 1;
do {
    //$result =  $agi->get_data('traductores/saludo', $tiempoDeEspera, 1);
    $result = $agi->get_data('traductores/saludo', $tiempoDeEspera, 1);
    if ($cuenta == 5) {
    if ($result['result'] > 0 && $result['result'] < 4) {
    } else {
        $result['result'] = "";
} while ($result['result'] == "");
//ingreso por español
if ($result['result'] == 1) {
    $cuenta = 1;
    do {
        //aqui se pone el audio donde dice 1 para ingles, 2 para español
        $opcion = $agi->get_data('traductores/seleccione_idioma', $tiempoDeEspera, 1);
Example #7
#!/usr/bin/php -q
require_once "phpagi.php";
require_once "PxpRestClient.php";
include_once '/var/www/html/libs/JSON.php';
$agi = new AGI();
//agi(googletts.agi,"Esta es una simple prueba de google",es)
$agi->exec("AGI", "googletts.agi,\"Bienvenido a la aplicación para inactivar roles en el servidor vps de estados unidos .\",es,#,1.28");
$pxpRestClient = PxpRestClient::connect('gema.kplian.com', 'pxp/lib/rest/')->setCredentialsPxp('admin', 'admin');
$jsonString = $pxpRestClient->doGet('seguridad/Rol/listarRol', array('start' => '0', 'limit' => '10'));
$jsonString = str_replace('(', '', $jsonString);
$jsonString = str_replace(')', '', $jsonString);
$json = new Services_JSON();
$array = $json->decode($jsonString);
$id = 1;
foreach ($array->datos as $value) {
    $valor = $value->rol;
    $agi->exec("AGI", "googletts.agi,\" {$id}  Rol  {$valor}.\",es,#,1.28");
$agi->exec("AGI", "googletts.agi,\" Ingrese el número de rol a eliminar despues del tono \",es,#,1.28");
$resultado = $agi->get_data('beep', 3000, 20);
$numero = $resultado['result'];
$id_rol = $array->datos[$numero - 1]->id_rol;
$agi->exec("AGI", "googletts.agi,\" El id del rol seleccionado es  {$id_rol}\",es,#,1.28");
$jsonString = $pxpRestClient->doPost('seguridad/Rol/eliminarRol', array('_tipo' => 'matriz', 'row' => "{\"0\":{\"id_rol\":\"{$id_rol}\",\"_fila\":{$numero}}}"));
$agi->exec("AGI", "googletts.agi,\" El rol ha sido inactivado exitosamente \",es,#,1.28");