public function widget($args, $instance)
        global $wpdb, $post;
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
        $post_num = isset($instance['post-quantity']) ? $instance['post-quantity'] : 5;
        $post_type = isset($instance['post-type']) ? $instance['post-type'] : 'post';
        $sort_by = isset($instance['sort-by']) ? $instance['sort-by'] : 'date';
        $sort_order = isset($instance['sort-order']) ? $instance['sort-order'] : false;
        if ($sort_order) {
            $order = 'ASC';
        } else {
            $order = 'DESC';
        $show_date = isset($instance['date']) ? $instance['date'] : false;
        $show_comments = isset($instance['comments']) ? $instance['comments'] : false;
        $categories = isset($instance['category']) ? $instance['category'] : '';
        $show_excerpt = isset($instance['excerpt']) ? $instance['excerpt'] : false;
        $excerpt_length = isset($instance['excerpt-length']) ? $instance['excerpt-length'] : 10;
        $excerpt_more = isset($instance['excerpt-more']) ? $instance['excerpt-more'] : ' more';
        // Excerpt filters
        $new_excerpt_more = create_function('$more', 'return " ";');
        add_filter('excerpt_more', $new_excerpt_more);
        $new_excerpt_length = create_function('$length', 'return "' . $excerpt_length . '";');
        if ($excerpt_length > 0) {
            add_filter('excerpt_length', $new_excerpt_length);
        $show_thumb = isset($instance['thumb']) ? $instance['thumb'] : false;
        $show_price = isset($instance['price']) ? $instance['price'] : false;
        $cur_postID = $post->ID;
        // The Query
        $query_args = array('ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'posts_per_page' => $post_num, 'orderby' => $sort_by, 'order' => $order, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'cat' => $categories);
        $the_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
        echo $before_widget;
        if ($title) {
            echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
        echo '<ul class="recent-post-list">';
        while ($the_query->have_posts()) {
            // Frontend Output
			<li class="recent-post-item">

            if ($show_thumb && has_post_thumbnail()) {
				<div class="thumb-wrapper">
					<a class="recent-posts-img-link" rel="bookmark" href="<?php 
" title="Click to learn more about <?php 
            // Post Thumbnail

					<a href="<?php 
" class="nav-button" rel="bookmark" title="Click to learn more about <?php 

            if ($show_date || $show_comments) {
				<div class="recent-posts-entry-meta">

                if ($show_date) {
						<div class="post-date"><?php 
                    the_time('F jS, Y');
<span class="post-author"> by <?php 
                // Post Date & Author

                if ($show_comments) {
						<div class="comments-qty"><?php 
                    comments_popup_link('No comments yet', '1 comment', '% comments', 'comments-link', 'Comments are off for this post');
                // Post Comments


            if ($show_excerpt) {
				<div class="recent-posts-entry-content"><?php 
					<a href="<?php 
" class="more-link" rel="bookmark" title="Read more about <?php 
                echo $excerpt_more;
            // Post Content

            if ($show_price && $post_type != 'product') {
            } else {
                if ($post_type === 'product') {
                    echo '<div class="product-price">';
                    echo '</div>';
                    // Product Price if WOO
                } elseif ($post_type === 'wpsc-product') {
                    echo '<div class="product-price">';
                    echo '</div>';
                    // Product Price if WPEC
                } else {

        echo '</ul>';
        echo $after_widget;
                if (wpsc_product_is_donation()) {
                } else {
              <!-- multi currency code -->
                    if (wpsc_product_has_multicurrency()) {
                        echo wpsc_display_product_multicurrency();
 *** FOR WPEC VERSION 3.9+ ***
* WPSC The Product Price Display
* @param  $args  (array)   Array of args.
* @return        (string)  HTML formatted prices
* @uses   apply_filters()                      Calls 'wpsc_the_product_price_display_old_price_class' passing class and product ID
* @uses   apply_filters()                      Calls 'wpsc_the_product_price_display_old_price_amount_class' passing class and product ID
* @uses   apply_filters()                      Calls 'wpsc_the_product_price_display_price_class' passing class and product ID
* @uses   apply_filters()                      Calls 'wpsc_the_product_price_display_price_amount_class' passing class and product ID
* @uses   apply_filters()                      Calls 'wpsc_the_product_price_display_you_save_class' passing class and product ID
* @uses   apply_filters()                      Calls 'wpsc_the_product_price_display_you_save_amount_class' passing class and product ID
* @uses   wpsc_product_normal_price()          Get the normal price
* @uses   wpsc_the_product_price()             Get the current price
* @uses   wpsc_you_save()                      Get pricing saving
* @uses   wpsc_product_on_special()            Is product on sale?
* @uses   wpsc_product_has_variations()        Checks if product has variations
* @uses   wpsc_product_variation_price_from()  Gets the lowest variation price
* @uses   wpsc_currency_display()              Display price as currency
function vtprd_the_product_price_display($args = array())
    global $vtprd_info, $vtprd_setup_options;
    if (empty($args['id'])) {
        $id = get_the_ID();
    } else {
        $id = (int) $args['id'];
    //  if $id is a variation and has a parent, sent the PARENT!!!
    //gets all of the info we need and puts it into 'product_session_info'
    //  if $id is a variation, refigure product_yousave_total_amt!!
    //refigure yousave amts for WPEC
    if (VTPRD_PARENT_PLUGIN_NAME == 'WP E-Commerce') {
    //if we have no yousave amt, do the default routine and exit
    if ($vtprd_info['product_session_info']['product_yousave_total_amt'] == 0) {
    $defaults = array('id' => $id, 'old_price_text' => __('Old Price: %s', 'wpsc'), 'price_text' => __('Price: %s', 'wpsc'), 'you_save_text' => __('You save: %s', 'wpsc'), 'old_price_class' => 'pricedisplay wpsc-product-old-price ' . $id, 'old_price_before' => '<p %s>', 'old_price_after' => '</p>', 'old_price_amount_id' => 'old_product_price_' . $id, 'old_price_amount_class' => 'oldprice', 'old_price_amount_before' => '<span class="%1$s" id="%2$s">', 'old_price_amount_after' => '</span>', 'price_amount_id' => 'product_price_' . $id, 'price_class' => 'pricedisplay wpsc-product-price ' . $id, 'price_before' => '<p %s>', 'price_after' => '</p>', 'price_amount_class' => 'currentprice pricedisplay ' . $id, 'price_amount_before' => '<span class="%1$s" id="%2$s">', 'price_amount_after' => '</span>', 'you_save_class' => 'pricedisplay wpsc-product-you-save product_' . $id, 'you_save_before' => '<p %s>', 'you_save_after' => '</p>', 'you_save_amount_id' => 'yousave_' . $id, 'you_save_amount_class' => 'yousave', 'you_save_amount_before' => '<span class="%1$s" id="%2$s">', 'you_save_amount_after' => '</span>', 'output_price' => true, 'output_old_price' => true, 'output_you_save' => true);
    $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    $amt = $vtprd_info['product_session_info']['product_list_price'];
    $amt = vtprd_format_money_element($amt);
    $old_price = $amt;
    $amt = $vtprd_info['product_session_info']['product_yousave_total_amt'];
    $amt = vtprd_format_money_element($amt);
    $you_save = $amt . '! (' . $vtprd_info['product_session_info']['product_yousave_total_pct'] . '%)';
    $you_save_percentage = $vtprd_info['product_session_info']['product_yousave_total_pct'];
    // if the product has no variations, these amounts are straight forward...
    //	$old_price           = wpsc_product_normal_price( $id );
    $current_price = wpsc_the_product_price(false, false, $id);
    //	$you_save            = wpsc_you_save( 'type=amount' ) . '! (' . wpsc_you_save() . '%)';
    //	$you_save_percentage = wpsc_you_save();
    //	$show_old_price = $show_you_save = wpsc_product_on_special( $id );
    	// but if the product has variations and at least one of the variations is on special, we have
    	// a few edge cases...
    	if ( wpsc_product_has_variations( $id ) && wpsc_product_on_special( $id ) ) {
    		// generally it doesn't make sense to display "you save" amount unless the user has selected
    		// a specific variation
    		$show_you_save = false;
    		$old_price_number = wpsc_product_variation_price_from( $id, array( 'only_normal_price' => true ) );
    		$current_price_number = wpsc_product_variation_price_from( $id );
    		// if coincidentally, one of the variations are not on special, but its price is equal to
    		// or lower than the lowest variation sale price, old price should be hidden, and current
    		// price should reflect the "normal" price, not the sales price, to avoid confusion
    		if ( $old_price_number == $current_price_number ) {
    			$show_old_price = false;
    			$current_price = wpsc_product_normal_price( $id );
    // replace placeholders in arguments with correct values
    $old_price_class = apply_filters('wpsc_the_product_price_display_old_price_class', $old_price_class, $id);
    $old_price_amount_class = apply_filters('wpsc_the_product_price_display_old_price_amount_class', $old_price_amount_class, $id);
    $attributes = 'class="' . esc_attr($old_price_class) . '"';
    //	if ( ! $show_old_price )
    //		$attributes .= ' style="display:none;"';
    $old_price_before = sprintf($old_price_before, $attributes);
    $old_price_amount_before = sprintf($old_price_amount_before, esc_attr($old_price_amount_class), esc_attr($old_price_amount_id));
    $price_class = 'class="' . esc_attr(apply_filters('wpsc_the_product_price_display_price_class', esc_attr($price_class), $id)) . '"';
    $price_amount_class = apply_filters('wpsc_the_product_price_display_price_amount_class', esc_attr($price_amount_class), $id);
    $price_before = sprintf($price_before, $price_class);
    $price_amount_before = sprintf($price_amount_before, esc_attr($price_amount_class), esc_attr($price_amount_id));
    $you_save_class = apply_filters('wpsc_the_product_price_display_you_save_class', $you_save_class, $id);
    $you_save_amount_class = apply_filters('wpsc_the_product_price_display_you_save_amount_class', $you_save_amount_class, $id);
    $attributes = 'class="' . esc_attr($you_save_class) . '"';
    //	if ( ! $show_you_save )
    //		$attributes .= ' style="display:none;"';
    $you_save_before = sprintf($you_save_before, $attributes);
    $you_save_amount_before = sprintf($you_save_amount_before, esc_attr($you_save_amount_class), esc_attr($you_save_amount_id));
    //	$you_save = wpsc_currency_display ( $you_save );
    $old_price = $old_price_amount_before . $old_price . $old_price_amount_after;
    $current_price = $price_amount_before . $current_price . $price_amount_after;
    $you_save = $you_save_amount_before . $you_save . $you_save_amount_after;
    $old_price_text = sprintf($old_price_text, $old_price);
    $price_text = sprintf($price_text, $current_price);
    $you_save_text = sprintf($you_save_text, $you_save);
    // if ( $vtprd_setup_options['show_old_price'] == 'yes' ) {
    if ($output_old_price && $old_price_text > ' ') {
        echo $old_price_before . $old_price_text . $old_price_after . "\n";
    if ($output_price) {
        echo $price_before . $price_text . $price_after . "\n";
    // if ( $vtprd_setup_options['show_you_save'] == 'yes' ) {
    if ($output_you_save) {
        if ($you_save_text > ' ') {
            echo $you_save_before . $you_save_text . $you_save_after . "\n";
        } else {
            if ($vtprd_info['product_session_info']['show_yousave_one_some_msg'] > ' ') {
                echo $vtprd_info['product_session_info']['show_yousave_one_some_msg'] . "\n";

        do_action('wpsc_product_before_description', wpsc_the_product_id(), $wp_query->post);
					<td class='wpsc_price_td'>
        wpsc_the_product_price_display(array('output_you_save' => false));

        if (wpsc_product_external_link(wpsc_the_product_id()) != '') {
            $action = wpsc_product_external_link(wpsc_the_product_id());
        } else {
            $action = wpsc_this_page_url();
Example #5
 * Product Specials Widget content function
 * Displays the latest products.
 * Changes made in 3.8 that may affect users:
 * 1. The product title link text does now not have a bold tag, it should be styled via css.
 * 2. <br /> tags have been ommitted. Padding and margins should be applied via css.
 * 3. Each product is enclosed in a <div> with a 'wpec-special-product' class.
 * 4. The product list is enclosed in a <div> with a 'wpec-special-products' class.
 * 5. Function now expect a single paramter with an array of options (used to be a string which prepended the output).
function wpsc_specials($args = null, $instance)
    global $wpdb;
    $args = wp_parse_args((array) $args, array('number' => 5));
    if (!($number = (int) $instance['number'])) {
        $number = 5;
    $show_thumbnails = isset($instance['show_thumbnails']) ? (bool) $instance['show_thumbnails'] : false;
    $show_description = isset($instance['show_description']) ? (bool) $instance['show_description'] : false;
    $show_discount = isset($instance['show_discount']) ? (bool) $instance['show_discount'] : false;
    $show_old_price = isset($instance['show_old_price']) ? (bool) $instance['show_old_price'] : false;
    $args = array('post_type' => 'wpsc-product', 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_parent' => 0, 'posts_per_page' => $number, 'no_found_rows' => true);
    add_filter('posts_join', '_wpsc_filter_special_widget_join');
    add_filter('posts_where', '_wpsc_filter_special_widget_where');
    $special_products = new WP_Query($args);
    remove_filter('posts_join', '_wpsc_filter_special_widget_join');
    remove_filter('posts_where', '_wpsc_filter_special_widget_where');
    if (!$special_products->post_count) {
        echo apply_filters('wpsc_specials_widget_no_items_message', __('We currently have no items on special.', 'wp-e-commerce'));
    $product_ids = array();
    while ($special_products->have_posts()) {
		<h4><strong><a class="wpsc_product_title" href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(wpsc_product_url(wpsc_the_product_id(), false));
        echo esc_html(wpsc_the_product_title());

        if ($show_description) {
			<div class="wpsc-special-description">
            echo wpsc_the_product_description();
        // close show description
        if (!in_array(wpsc_the_product_id(), $product_ids)) {
            $product_ids[] = wpsc_the_product_id();
            $has_children = wpsc_product_has_children(get_the_ID());
            $width = get_option('product_image_width');
            $height = get_option('product_image_height');
            if ($show_thumbnails) {
                if (wpsc_the_product_thumbnail()) {
					<a rel="<?php 
                    echo str_replace(array(" ", '"', "'", '&quot;', '&#039;'), array("_", "", "", "", ''), wpsc_the_product_title());
" href="<?php 
                    echo esc_url(wpsc_the_product_permalink());
"><img class="product_image" id="product_image_<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(wpsc_the_product_id());
" alt="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(wpsc_the_product_title());
" title="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(wpsc_the_product_title());
" src="<?php 
                    echo esc_url(wpsc_the_product_thumbnail($width, $height));
                } else {
					<a href="<?php 
"><img class="no-image" id="product_image_<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(wpsc_the_product_id());
" alt="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(wpsc_the_product_title());
" title="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(wpsc_the_product_title());
" src="<?php 
                    echo esc_url(WPSC_CORE_THEME_PATH . '/wpsc-images/noimage.png');
" width="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($width);
" height="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($height);
" /></a>
				<br />
            // close show thumbnails
			<div id="special_product_price_<?php 
            echo esc_attr(wpsc_the_product_id());
            wpsc_the_product_price_display(array('output_old_price' => $show_old_price, 'output_you_save' => $show_discount));
			</div><br />