function wppa_create_stereo_images($id)
    global $wppa_supported_stereo_types;
    global $wppa_supported_stereo_glasses;
    // Feature enabled?
    if (!wppa_switch('enable_stereo')) {
    // First create new thumbnail
    // Is it a stereo poto?
    if (!wppa_is_stereo($id)) {
        // Maybe no longer, delete any anaglyphs
    // Now the anaglyphs
    foreach ($wppa_supported_stereo_types as $type) {
        foreach ($wppa_supported_stereo_glasses as $glas) {
            wppa_create_stereo_image($id, $type, $glas);
function wppa_get_photo_url($id, $system = 'flat', $x = '0', $y = '0')
    global $blog_id;
    global $wppa_supported_stereo_types;
    // Does photo exist?
    $thumb = wppa_cache_thumb($id);
    if (!$thumb) {
        return '';
    // Set owner if required
    // Must re-get cached thumb
    $thumb = wppa_cache_thumb($id);
    if (is_feed() && wppa_switch('feed_use_thumb')) {
        return wppa_get_thumb_url($id, $system);
    // If in the cloud...
    $for_sm = wppa('for_sm');
    // Social media do not accept cloud images
    $is_old = wppa_too_old_for_cloud($id);
    if (wppa_cdn('front') && !wppa_is_multi($id) && !$is_old && !wppa_is_stereo($id) && !$for_sm) {
        switch (wppa_cdn('front')) {
            case 'cloudinary':
                $x = round($x);
                $y = round($y);
                $prefix = is_multisite() && !WPPA_MULTISITE_GLOBAL ? $blog_id . '-' : '';
                $t = wppa_switch('enlarge') ? 'fit' : 'limit';
                $q = wppa_opt('jpeg_quality');
                $sizespec = $x && $y ? 'w_' . $x . ',h_' . $y . ',c_' . $t . ',q_' . $q . '/' : '';
                $s = is_ssl() ? 's' : '';
                $url = 'http' . $s . '://' . get_option('wppa_cdn_cloud_name') . '/image/upload/' . $sizespec . $prefix . $thumb['id'] . '.' . $thumb['ext'];
                return $url;
    // Stereo?
    if (wppa_is_stereo($id)) {
        // Get type from cookie
        $st = isset($_COOKIE["stereotype"]) ? $_COOKIE["stereotype"] : 'color';
        if (!in_array($st, $wppa_supported_stereo_types)) {
            $st = '_flat';
        // Get glass from cookie
        $sg = 'rc';
        if (isset($_COOKIE["stereoglass"]) && $_COOKIE["stereoglass"] == 'greenmagenta') {
            $sg = 'gm';
        // Create the file if not present
        if (!is_file(wppa_get_stereo_path($id, $st, $sg))) {
            wppa_create_stereo_image($id, $st, $sg);
        // Build the url
        if ($st == '_flat') {
            $url = WPPA_UPLOAD_URL . '/stereo/' . $id . '-' . $st . '.jpg' . '?ver=' . get_option('wppa_photo_version', '1');
        } else {
            $url = WPPA_UPLOAD_URL . '/stereo/' . $id . '-' . $st . '-' . $sg . '.jpg' . '?ver=' . get_option('wppa_photo_version', '1');
        // Done
        return $url;
    if (get_option('wppa_file_system') == 'flat') {
        $system = 'flat';
    // Have been converted, ignore argument
    if (get_option('wppa_file_system') == 'tree') {
        $system = 'tree';
    // Have been converted, ignore argument
    if (!is_numeric($id) || $id < '1') {
        wppa_dbg_msg('Invalid arg wppa_get_photo_url(' . $id . ')', 'red');
    if ($system == 'tree') {
        return WPPA_UPLOAD_URL . '/' . wppa_expand_id($thumb['id']) . '.' . $thumb['ext'] . '?ver=' . get_option('wppa_photo_version', '1');
    } else {
        return WPPA_UPLOAD_URL . '/' . $thumb['id'] . '.' . $thumb['ext'] . '?ver=' . get_option('wppa_photo_version', '1');