Example #1
 private function ParseHeaderFooter($str, $uid = null)
     $str = preg_replace_callback('/%sort_?link:([a-z0-9_]+)%/i', array(__CLASS__, 'GenSortlink'), $str);
     if (strpos($str, '%search_form%') !== false) {
         $str = str_replace('%search_form%', WPFB_Output::GetSearchForm("", $_GET), $str);
     $str = preg_replace_callback('/%print_?(script|style):([a-z0-9_-]+)%/i', array(__CLASS__, 'PrintScriptCallback'), $str);
     if (empty($uid)) {
         $uid = uniqid();
     $str = str_replace('%uid%', $uid, $str);
     $count = 0;
     $str = preg_replace("/jQuery\\((.+?)\\)\\.dataTable\\s*\\((.*?)\\)(\\.?.*?)\\s*;/", 'jQuery($1).dataTable((function(options){/*%WPFB_DATA_TABLE_OPTIONS_FILTER%*/})($2))$3;', $str, -1, $count);
     if ($count > 0) {
         $dataTableOptions = array();
         list($sort_field, $sort_dir) = wpfb_call('Output', 'ParseSorting', $this->current_list->file_order);
         $file_tpl = WPFB_Core::GetTpls('file', $this->file_tpl_tag);
         if (($p = strpos($file_tpl, "%{$sort_field}%")) > 0) {
             // get the column index of field to sort
             $col_index = substr_count($file_tpl, "</t", 0, $p);
             $dataTableOptions["aaSorting"] = array(array($col_index, strtolower($sort_dir)));
         if ($this->current_list->page_limit > 0) {
             $dataTableOptions["iDisplayLength"] = $this->current_list->page_limit;
         $str = str_replace('/*%WPFB_DATA_TABLE_OPTIONS_FILTER%*/', " var wpfbOptions = " . json_encode($dataTableOptions) . "; " . " if('object' == typeof(options)) { for (var v in options) { wpfbOptions[v] = options[v]; } }" . " return wpfbOptions; ", $str);
     return $str;
    static function Display()
        wpfb_loadclass('Output', 'File', 'Category', 'TplLib');
        $content = '';
        $file_tpls = WPFB_Core::GetTpls('file');
        $cat_tpls = WPFB_Core::GetTpls('cat');
        if (true || !isset($file_tpls['filebrowser_admin'])) {
            $file_tpls['filebrowser_admin'] = '%file_small_icon% ' . '%file_display_name% (<a href="%file_url%">%file_name%</a>, %file_size%) ' . '<!-- IF %file_user_can_edit% --><a href="%file_edit_url%" class="edit" onclick="wpfbFBEditFile(event)">%\'Edit\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->' . '<!-- IF %file_user_can_edit% --><a href="#" class="delete" onclick="return confirm(\'Sure?\') && wpfbFBDelete(event) && false;">%\'Delete\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->';
        if (true || !isset($cat_tpls['filebrowser_admin'])) {
            $cat_tpls['filebrowser_admin'] = '<span class="cat-icon" style="background-image:url(\'%cat_icon_url%\');"><span class="cat-icon-overlay"></span></span>' . '%cat_name% (%cat_num_files% / %cat_num_files_total%)' . '<!-- IF %cat_user_can_edit% --><a href="%cat_edit_url%" class="edit" onclick="wpfbFBEditCat(event)">%\'Edit\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->' . '<!-- IF %cat_user_can_edit% --><a href="#" class="delete" onclick="return confirm(\'Sure?\') && wpfbFBDelete(event) && false;">%\'Delete\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->';
        WPFB_Output::FileBrowser($content, 0, empty($_GET['wpfb_cat']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['wpfb_cat']));
        wpfb_call('Output', 'PrintJS');
    <div class="wrap filebrowser-admin"> 
        _e('File Browser', 'wp-filebase');
        echo '<div>' . __('You can Drag &amp; Drop (multiple) files directly on Categories to upload them. Dragging a category or an existing file to another category is also possible.', 'wp-filebase') . '</div>';
        echo $content;
	function wpfbFBEditCat(e) {
	function wpfbFBEditFile(e) {
	function wpfbFBDelete(e) {
		var t = jQuery(e.currentTarget).parents('li').first();		
		var d = {wpfb_action: 'delete'};
		var tid = t.attr('id').split('-');
		d[tid[tid.length-2]+'_id'] = +tid[tid.length-1];
		jQuery.ajax({type: 'POST', url: wpfbConf.ajurl, data: d,
			//async: false,
			success: (function (data) {
				if (data == '1') {
					t.fadeOut(300, function() { t.remove(); });
		return false;
 static function CheckTraffic($file_size)
     $traffic = wpfb_call('Misc', 'GetTraffic');
     $limit_month = WPFB_Core::$settings->traffic_month * 1073741824;
     $limit_day = WPFB_Core::$settings->traffic_day * 1048576;
     // MiB
     return ($limit_month == 0 || $traffic['month'] + $file_size < $limit_month) && ($limit_day == 0 || $traffic['today'] + $file_size < $limit_day);
 static function PluginsApiFilter($res, $action, $args)
     global $user_ID;
     $res = wpfb_call('ExtensionLib', 'QueryAvailableExtensions');
     if ($user_ID && !empty($res->info['tag_time'])) {
         update_user_option($user_ID, 'wpfb_ext_tagtime', $res->info['tag_time']);
     return $res;
Example #5
 static function TplFieldsSelect($input, $short = false, $for_cat = false)
     $out = __('Add template variable:', WPFB) . ' <select name="_wpfb_tpl_fields" onchange="WPFB_AddTplVar(this, \'' . $input . '\')"><option value="">' . __('Select') . '</option>';
     foreach (wpfb_call('Models', 'TplVarsDesc', $for_cat) as $tag => $desc) {
         $out .= '<option value="' . $tag . '" title="' . $desc . '">' . $tag . ($short ? '' : ' (' . $desc . ')') . '</option>';
     $out .= '</select>';
     $out .= '<small>(' . __('For some files there are more tags available. You find a list of all tags below the form when editing a file.', WPFB) . '</small>';
     return $out;
Example #6
 static function PluginsApiFilter($res, $action, $args)
     global $user_ID;
     $res = wpfb_call('ExtensionLib', 'QueryAvailableExtensions');
     if (!$res || empty($res->info)) {
         wp_die('WP-Filebase extension directory is currently not available.');
         return false;
     if ($user_ID && !empty($res->info['tag_time'])) {
         update_user_option($user_ID, 'wpfb_ext_tagtime', $res->info['tag_time']);
     return $res;
Example #7
 static function AdminBar()
     global $wp_admin_bar;
     wpfb_call('Output', 'PrintJS');
     $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('id' => WPFB, 'title' => WPFB_PLUGIN_NAME, 'href' => admin_url('admin.php?page=wpfilebase_manage')));
     $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => WPFB, 'id' => WPFB . '-add-file', 'title' => __('Add File', 'wp-filebase'), 'href' => admin_url('admin.php?page=wpfilebase_files#addfile')));
     $current_object = get_queried_object();
     $is_filebrowser = false;
     if (!empty($current_object) && !empty($current_object->post_type) && $current_object->ID > 0) {
         if ($current_object->post_type != 'wpfb_filepage') {
             $is_filebrowser = $current_object->ID == WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_post_id;
             $link = esc_attr(admin_url('admin.php?wpfilebase-screen=editor-plugin&manage_attachments=1&post_id=' . $current_object->ID));
             $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => WPFB, 'id' => WPFB . '-attachments', 'title' => __('Manage attachments', 'wp-filebase'), 'href' => $link, 'meta' => array('onclick' => 'window.open("' . $link . '", "wpfb-manage-attachments", "width=680,height=400,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes");return false;')));
         } else {
             $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => WPFB, 'id' => WPFB . '-edit-file', 'title' => __('Edit File', 'wp-filebase'), 'href' => get_edit_post_link($current_object->ID)));
     $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => WPFB, 'id' => WPFB . '-add-file', 'title' => __('Sync Filebase', 'wp-filebase'), 'href' => admin_url('admin.php?page=wpfilebase_manage&action=sync')));
     $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => WPFB, 'id' => WPFB . '-toggle-context-menu', 'title' => !empty(WPFB_Core::$settings->file_context_menu) ? __('Disable file context menu', 'wp-filebase') : __('Enable file context menu', 'wp-filebase'), 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'meta' => array('onclick' => 'return wpfb_toggleContextMenu();')));
     if ($is_filebrowser) {
         $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => WPFB, 'id' => WPFB . '-toggle-drag-drop', 'title' => get_user_option('wpfb_set_fbdd') ? __('Disable file browser Drag &amp; Drop', 'wp-filebase') : __('Enable file browser Drag &amp; Drop', 'wp-filebase'), 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'meta' => array('onclick' => 'jQuery.ajax({url:wpfbConf.ajurl,type:"POST",data:{wpfb_action:"set-user-setting",name:"fbdd",value:' . (get_user_option('wpfb_set_fbdd') ? 0 : 1) . '},async:false});location.reload();return false;')));
Example #8
    public function Display()
        wpfb_call('Output', 'PrintJS');
        // setUserSetting
		<style type="text/css" media="screen">@import url(<?php 
        echo WPFB_PLUGIN_URI . 'css/batch-uploader.css';
<div id="<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
	<div id="<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
-uploader-interface" class="wpfb-batch-uploader-interface">	
		<div class="form-wrap uploader-presets" id="<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
		<form method="POST" action="" class="validate" name="batch_presets">
        _e('Upload Presets', 'wp-filebase');
        //wp_nonce_field('batch-presets'); // TODO validate this!

		<div id="<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
-drag-drop-uploader" class="drag-drop-uploader">
			 <h2>Drag &amp; Drop</h2> 
			<div id="<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
-drag-drop-area" class="drag-drop-area">
				<div style="margin: 70px auto 0;">
					<p class="drag-drop-info"><?php 
        _e('Drop files here');
        _ex('or', 'Uploader: Drop files here - or - Select Files');
					<p class="drag-drop-buttons"><input id="<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
-browse-button" type="button" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Select Files');
" class="button" /></p> 			
			<div id="<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;

		<div style="clear: both;"></div>

	<div id="<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
-uploader-files" style="position:relative;"></div>


<script type="text/javascript">
var mouseDragPos = [];
var presetData = '';
var morePresets = 0;

jQuery(document).ready( function() {
	var form = jQuery('#<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
        echo $this->prefix;
-drag-drop-area').bind('dragover', function(e){
		mouseDragPos = [e.originalEvent.pageX, e.originalEvent.pageY];

	// "more" toggle init
	morePresets = 0;
        echo $this->prefix;
-uploader-presets-more-toggle').click(function() {
		batchUploaderSetPresetsMore(morePresets = ((morePresets+1)%3));
	batchUploaderSetPresetsMore(typeof(getUserSetting) !== 'function' || getUserSetting('wpfb_batch_presets_more') || 0);

function batchUploaderSetPresetsMore(m)
	if(isNaN(m)) m = 0;
	var form = jQuery('#<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
	form.find('tr.more')[m == 0 ? 'hide' : 'show'](400);
	form.find('tr.more-more')[m != 2 ? 'hide' : 'show'](400);
	// TODO show any field with non-default value!!
	//form.find('tr.more').toggle(morePresets > 0);
	//form.find('tr.more-more').toggle(morePresets > 1);
	if(typeof(setUserSetting) !== 'undefined') setUserSetting('wpfb_batch_presets_more',''+morePresets);
        echo $this->prefix;
-uploader-presets-more-toggle td span').html(m==2?'<?php 

function batchUploaderFilesQueued(up, files)
	var form = jQuery('#<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
	up.settings.multipart_params["presets"] = form.serialize();
	var hidden_params = form.find('input[type=hidden]').serializeArray();
	for (var i = 0; i < hidden_params.length; ++i) {
		up.settings.multipart_params[hidden_params[i].name] = hidden_params[i].value;
		.css({ background:			 "rgba(255,255,0,0.0)" })
		.animate({ backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)"}, 100)
		.animate({ backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,0,0.0)"}, 400);
		.animate({ opacity: 0.2}, 100)
		.animate({ opacity: 1.0}, 400);

function batchUploaderFileQueued(up, file)
	//file.name, file.size

        echo $this->prefix;
-uploader-files').prepend('<div id="<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
-uploader-file-'+file.id+'-spacer" class="batch-uploader-file-spacer"></div>');

        echo $this->prefix;
-uploader-files').prepend('<div id="'+file.dom_id+'" class="media-item batch-uploader-file">'+
	'<div class="progress"><div class="percent">0%</div><div class="bar"></div></div>'+
	'<img src="<?php 
        echo site_url(WPINC . '/images/crystal/default.png');
" alt="Loading..." /><span class="filename">'+file.name+'</span><span class="error"></span></div>');
	var fileEl = jQuery('#'+file.dom_id);
	var spacerEl = jQuery('#<?php 
        echo $this->prefix;
	var dest = fileEl.offset();
	var ppos = fileEl.parent().offset();
	var destWidth = fileEl.width();
	fileEl.css({position:'absolute', zIndex:100, top:mouseDragPos[1]-ppos.top, left:mouseDragPos[0]-ppos.left-15});
		 //opacity: 0.25,
		 left: dest.left-ppos.left,
		 top: dest.top-ppos.top
	  }, 400, function() {
		 var startWidth = jQuery(this).width();
			.animate({width: destWidth}, 200);
	spacerEl.animate({height: fileEl.outerHeight(true)}, 400);
	jQuery('.error', fileEl).hide();

function batchUploaderSuccess(file, serverData)
	var item = jQuery('#'+file.dom_id);	
        if(!serverData || serverData == -1 || 'object' != typeof(serverData)) {
            jQuery('.error', item).show().html('Server response error! '+serverData);
	var url = serverData.file_cur_user_can_edit ? serverData.file_edit_url : serverData.file_download_url;
	jQuery('.filename', item).html('<a href="'+url+'" target="_blank">'+serverData.file_display_name+'</a> <span class="ok"><?php 
        _e('Upload OK!', 'wp-filebase');
	jQuery('img', item).attr('src', serverData.file_thumbnail_url);
        $uploader = new WPFB_PLUploader();
        $uploader->js_file_queued = 'batchUploaderFileQueued';
        $uploader->js_files_queued = 'batchUploaderFilesQueued';
        $uploader->js_upload_success = 'batchUploaderSuccess';
        $uploader->post_params['file_add_now'] = true;
        if (!empty($this->hidden_vars)) {
            $uploader->post_params = array_merge($uploader->post_params, $this->hidden_vars);
        $uploader->Init($this->prefix . '-drag-drop-area', $this->prefix . '-browse-button', $this->prefix . '-uploader-errors');
Example #9
 static function GetMemStats()
     static $limit = -2;
     if ($limit == -2) {
         $limit = wpfb_call("Misc", "ParseIniFileSize", ini_get('memory_limit'));
     return array('limit' => $limit, 'used' => max(memory_get_usage(true), memory_get_usage()));
Example #10
 static function GetTreeItems($parent_id, $type = 'browser', $args = array())
     /* $args = array(
      * sort_cats
      * sort_files
      * cats_only
      * exclude_attached
      * priv
      * cat_id_fmt => 
      * file_id_fmt => 
      * onselect
      * );
     $parent_id = is_object($parent_id) ? $parent_id->cat_id : intval($parent_id);
     $browser = $type === 'browser';
     $filesel = $type === 'fileselect';
     $catsel = $type === 'catselect';
     if ($parent_id > 0 && (is_null($cat = WPFB_Category::GetCat($parent_id)) || !$cat->CurUserCanAccess())) {
         return array((object) array('id' => 0, 'text' => WPFB_Core::$settings->cat_inaccessible_msg));
     $sql_sort_files = $browser ? WPFB_Core::GetSortSql((WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_file_sort_dir ? '>' : '<') . WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_file_sort_by) : 'file_display_name';
     $sql_sort_cats = $browser ? WPFB_Core::GetSortSql((WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_cat_sort_dir ? '>' : '<') . WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_cat_sort_by, false, true) : 'cat_name';
     $cat_id_format = empty($args['cat_id_fmt']) ? 'wpfb-cat-%d' : $args['cat_id_fmt'];
     $file_id_format = empty($args['file_id_fmt']) ? 'wpfb-file-%d' : $args['file_id_fmt'];
     if ($filesel || $catsel) {
         $onselect = $args['onselect'];
     $files_before_cats = $browser && WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_fbc;
     $where = " cat_parent = {$parent_id} ";
     if ($browser) {
         $where .= " AND cat_exclude_browser <> '1' ";
     $cats = WPFB_Category::GetCats("WHERE {$where} ORDER BY {$sql_sort_cats}");
     $cat_items = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($cats as $c) {
         if ($c->CurUserCanAccess(true)) {
             $cat_items[$i++] = (object) array('id' => sprintf($cat_id_format, $c->cat_id), 'cat_id' => $c->cat_id, 'text' => $catsel ? '<a href="javascript:' . sprintf($onselect, $c->cat_id, str_replace('\'', '\\\'', htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($c->cat_name)))) . '">' . esc_html($c->GetTitle(24)) . '</a>' : ($filesel ? esc_html($c->cat_name) . " ({$c->cat_num_files} / {$c->cat_num_files_total})" : $c->GenTpl2('filebrowser', false)), 'hasChildren' => $c->HasChildren($catsel), 'classes' => $filesel || $catsel ? 'folder' : null);
     if ($parent_id == 0 && $catsel && $i == 0) {
         return array((object) array('id' => sprintf($cat_id_format, 0), 'text' => sprintf(__('You did not create a category. <a href="%s" target="_parent">Click here to create one.</a>', WPFB), admin_url('admin.php?page=wpfilebase_cats#addcat')), 'hasChildren' => false));
     $file_items = array();
     $i = 0;
     if (empty($args['cats_only']) && !$catsel) {
         $where = WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($parent_id);
         if (!empty($args['exclude_attached'])) {
             $where .= " AND `file_post_id` = 0";
         //	$files =  WPFB_File::GetFiles2(WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($root_id),  WPFB_Core::$settings->hide_inaccessible, $sql_file_order);
         //$files =  WPFB_File::GetFiles2(WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($root_id),  WPFB_Core::$settings->hide_inaccessible, $sql_file_order);
         $files = WPFB_File::GetFiles2($where, WPFB_Core::$settings->hide_inaccessible && !($filesel && wpfb_call('Admin', 'CurUserCanUpload')), $sql_sort_files);
         foreach ($files as $f) {
             $file_items[$i++] = (object) array('id' => sprintf($file_id_format, $f->file_id), 'text' => $filesel ? '<a href="javascript:' . sprintf($onselect, $f->file_id, str_replace('\'', '\\\'', htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($f->file_display_name)))) . '">' . esc_html($f->GetTitle(24)) . '</a> <span style="font-size:75%;vertical-align:top;">' . esc_html($f->file_name) . '</span>' : $f->GenTpl2('filebrowser', false), 'classes' => $filesel ? 'file' : null, 'hasChildren' => false);
     return $files_before_cats ? array_merge($file_items, $cat_items) : array_merge($cat_items, $file_items);
Example #11
 function ChangeCategoryOrName($new_cat_id, $new_name = null, $add_existing = false, $overwrite = false)
     // 1. apply new values (inherit permissions if nothing (Everyone) set!)
     // 2. check for name collision and rename
     // 3. move stuff
     // 4. notify parents
     // 5. update child paths
     if (empty($new_name)) {
         $new_name = $this->GetName();
     } elseif (!$add_existing) {
         $new_name = sanitize_file_name($new_name);
     // also removes ()!
     $new_cat_id = intval($new_cat_id);
     $old_cat_id = $this->GetParentId();
     $old_path_rel = $this->GetLocalPathRel(true);
     $old_path = $this->GetLocalPath();
     $old_name = $this->GetName();
     if ($this->is_file) {
         $old_thumb_path = $this->GetThumbPath();
     $old_cat = $this->GetParent();
     $new_cat = WPFB_Category::GetCat($new_cat_id);
     if (!$new_cat) {
         $new_cat_id = 0;
     $cat_changed = $new_cat_id != $old_cat_id;
     if ($cat_changed && $new_cat_id > 0 && $this->IsAncestorOf($new_cat)) {
         return array('error' => __('Cannot move category into a sub-category of itself.', 'wp-filebase'));
     // strip accents/umlauts
     if ($new_name != $old_name) {
         if ($this->is_file && $add_existing) {
             $this->file_name_original = rawurldecode($new_name);
             // expect utf8 chars to be urlencoded on disk, so decode them
         } else {
             $prev_new_name = $new_name;
             $new_name = remove_accents($new_name);
             // sanitize, but make sure not to strip too much
             $sani = sanitize_file_name($new_name);
             if (strlen($sani) >= 6) {
                 $new_name = $sani;
             if (wpfb_call('Misc', 'IsUtf8', $new_name)) {
                 $new_name = rawurlencode($new_name);
             if ($this->is_file) {
                 $this->file_name_original = $prev_new_name;
     // unset original name if equal to actual
     if ($this->is_file && $new_name === $this->file_name_original) {
         $this->file_name_original = '';
     if ($this->is_file) {
         $this->file_category = $new_cat_id;
         $this->file_name = $new_name;
         $this->file_category_name = $new_cat_id == 0 ? '' : $new_cat->GetTitle();
     } else {
         $this->cat_parent = $new_cat_id;
         $this->cat_folder = $new_name;
     // inherit user roles
     if (count($this->GetReadPermissions()) == 0) {
         $this->SetReadPermissions($new_cat_id != 0 ? $new_cat->GetReadPermissions() : WPFB_Core::$settings->default_roles);
     // flush cache
     $this->last_parent_id = -1;
     $new_path_rel = $this->GetLocalPathRel(true);
     $new_path = $this->GetLocalPath();
     if ($new_path_rel != $old_path_rel) {
         $i = 1;
         if (!$add_existing) {
             $name = $this->GetName();
             if ($overwrite) {
                 if (@file_exists($new_path)) {
                     $ex_file = WPFB_File::GetByPath($new_path_rel);
                     if (!is_null($ex_file)) {
                     } else {
             } else {
                 // rename item if filename collision (ignore if coliding with $this and ignore existing folders that does not belong to categories)
                 while (@file_exists($new_path) && ($this->is_file || !is_dir($new_path) || !is_null(WPFB_Item::GetByPath($new_path_rel))) || !is_null($ex_file = WPFB_Item::GetByPath($new_path_rel)) && !$this->Equals($ex_file)) {
                     if ($this->is_file) {
                         $p = strrpos($name, '.');
                         $this->file_name = $p <= 0 ? "{$name}_{$i}" : substr($name, 0, $p) . "_{$i}" . substr($name, $p);
                     } else {
                         $this->cat_folder = "{$name}_{$i}";
                     $new_path_rel = $this->GetLocalPathRel(true);
                     $new_path = $this->GetLocalPath();
         // finally move it!
         if (!empty($old_name) && @file_exists($old_path)) {
             //echo "MOVING! $old_path -> $new_path";
             if ($this->is_file) {
                 if (!@rename($old_path, $new_path)) {
                     return array('error' => sprintf('Unable to move file %s!', $old_path));
                 @chmod($new_path, octdec(WPFB_PERM_FILE));
             } else {
                 if (!@is_dir($new_path)) {
                 if (!@WPFB_FileUtils::MoveDir($old_path, $new_path)) {
                     return array('error' => sprintf('Could not move folder %s to %s', $old_path, $new_path));
         } else {
             if ($this->is_category) {
                 if (!@is_dir($new_path) && !wp_mkdir_p($new_path)) {
                     return array('error' => sprintf(__('Unable to create directory %s. Is it\'s parent directory writable?'), $new_path));
         // move thumb
         if ($this->is_file && !empty($old_thumb_path) && @is_file($old_thumb_path)) {
             $thumb_path = $this->GetThumbPath();
             if ($i > 1) {
                 $p = strrpos($thumb_path, '-');
                 if ($p <= 0) {
                     $p = strrpos($thumb_path, '.');
                 $thumb_path = substr($thumb_path, 0, $p) . "_{$i}" . substr($thumb_path, $p);
                 $this->file_thumbnail = basename($thumb_path);
             if (!is_dir(dirname($thumb_path))) {
             if (!@rename($old_thumb_path, $thumb_path)) {
                 return array('error' => 'Unable to move thumbnail! ' . $thumb_path);
             @chmod($thumb_path, octdec(WPFB_PERM_FILE));
         $all_files = $this->is_file || $this->GetId() > 0 ? $this->GetChildFiles(true) : array();
         // all children files (recursively)
         if (!empty($all_files)) {
             foreach ($all_files as $file) {
                 if ($cat_changed) {
                     if ($old_cat) {
                     // notify parent cat to remove files
                     if ($new_cat) {
                 // update file's path
         if ($this->is_category && $this->GetId() > 0) {
             $cats = $this->GetChildCats(true);
             if (!empty($cats)) {
                 foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                     // update cats's path
     if (!$this->locked) {
     return array('error' => false);
     * 		// create the directory if it doesnt exist
      // move file
      if($this->IsLocal() && !empty($old_file_path) && @is_file($old_file_path) && $new_file_path != $old_file_path) {
      if(!@rename($old_file_path, $new_file_path)) return array( 'error' => sprintf('Unable to move file %s!', $this->GetLocalPath()));
      @chmod($new_file_path, octdec(WPFB_PERM_FILE));
Example #12
 static function PluginsApiFilter($value, $action = null, $args = null)
     if (!is_object($args)) {
         $args = (object) $args;
     return $action === 'plugin_information' && (strpos($args->slug, "wp-filebase") === 0 || strpos($args->slug, "wpfb-") === 0) ? wpfb_call('ExtensionLib', 'GetApiPluginInfo', $args->slug) : $value;
Example #13
    static function Display()
        global $wpdb, $user_ID;
        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php';
        if (wp_is_mobile()) {
        //register_shutdown_function( create_function('','$error = error_get_last(); if( $error && $error[\'type\'] != E_STRICT ){print_r( $error );}else{return true;}') );
        wpfb_loadclass('File', 'Category', 'Admin', 'Output');
        $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
        $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET);
        $action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : (!empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '');
        $clean_uri = remove_query_arg(array('message', 'action', 'file_id', 'cat_id', 'deltpl', 'hash_sync', 'doit', 'ids', 'files', 'cats', 'batch_sync'));
        // keep search keyword
	<script type="text/javascript">	
	/* Liking/Donate Bar */
	if(typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined') {
			if(getUserSetting("wpfilebase_hidesuprow",false) == 1) {
				setUserSetting("wpfilebase_hidesuprow", 1-getUserSetting("wpfilebase_hidesuprow",false), 0);

	<div class="wrap">
	<div id="icon-wpfilebase" class="icon32"><br /></div>
        echo WPFB_PLUGIN_NAME;
        switch ($action) {
                $clean_uri = remove_query_arg('pagenum', $clean_uri);
                $upload_dir = WPFB_Core::UploadDir();
                $upload_dir_rel = str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $upload_dir);
                $chmod_cmd = "CHMOD " . WPFB_PERM_DIR . " " . $upload_dir_rel;
                if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) {
                    $result = WPFB_Admin::Mkdir($upload_dir);
                    if ($result['error']) {
                        $error_msg = sprintf(__('The upload directory <code>%s</code> does not exists. It could not be created automatically because the directory <code>%s</code> is not writable. Please create <code>%s</code> and make it writable for the webserver by executing the following FTP command: <code>%s</code>', 'wp-filebase'), $upload_dir_rel, str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $result['parent']), $upload_dir_rel, $chmod_cmd);
                    } else {
                        wpfb_call('Setup', 'ProtectUploadPath');
                } elseif (!is_writable($upload_dir)) {
                    $error_msg = sprintf(__('The upload directory <code>%s</code> is not writable. Please make it writable for PHP by executing the follwing FTP command: <code>%s</code>', 'wp-filebase'), $upload_dir_rel, $chmod_cmd);
                if (!empty($error_msg)) {
                    echo '<div class="error default-password-nag"><p>' . $error_msg . '</p></div>';
                if (!empty(WPFB_Core::$settings->tag_conv_req)) {
                    echo '<div class="updated"><p><a href="' . add_query_arg('action', 'convert-tags') . '">';
                    _e('WP-Filebase content tags must be converted', 'wp-filebase');
                    echo '</a></p></div><div style="clear:both;"></div>';
                if (self::PluginHasBeenUsedAWhile(true)) {
                if (self::PluginHasBeenUsedAWhile()) {
<div id="wpfb-support-col">
<div id="wpfb-liking-toggle"></div>
                    _e('Like WP-Filebase?', 'wp-filebase');
<div id="wpfb-liking">
	<!-- <div style="text-align: center;"><iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwordpress.org%2Fextend%2Fplugins%2Fwp-filebase%2F&amp;send=false&amp;layout=button_count&amp;width=150&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font&amp;height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:140px; height:21px; display:inline-block; text-align:center;" <?php 
                    echo ' allowTransparency="true"';
></iframe></div> -->
	<div style="text-align: center;" ><a href="https://twitter.com/wpfilebase" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @wpfilebase</a>
			<script type="text/javascript">!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script></div>
	<p>Please <a href="http://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/wp-filebase">give it a good rating</a>.</p>
	<p>For Cloud support and lots of other advanced features consider an</p>
	<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://wpfilebase.com/?ref=dblike" class="button-primary">Upgrade to Pro</a></p>
	<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://demo.wpfilebase.com/?ref=dblike" class="button">Live Pro Demo</a></p>
	<p style="text-align:right;float:right;font-style:italic;">Thanks, Fabian</p> 
	<!-- <div style="text-align: center;">
	</div> -->

	<div id="dashboard-widgets-wrap">
	</div><!-- dashboard-widgets-wrap -->
            case 'convert-tags':
                _e('Tag Conversion');
                if (empty($_REQUEST['doit'])) {
                    echo '<div class="updated"><p>';
                    _e('<strong>Important:</strong> before updating, please <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Backups">backup your database and files</a>. For help with updates, visit the <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Updating_WordPress">Updating WordPress</a> Codex page.');
                    echo '</p></div>';
                    echo '<p><a href="' . add_query_arg('doit', 1) . '" class="button">' . __('Continue') . '</a></p>';
                $result = wpfb_call('Setup', 'ConvertOldTags');
                printf(__('%d Tags in %d Posts has been converted.'), $result['n_tags'], count($result['tags']));
                if (!empty($result['tags'])) {
                    foreach ($result['tags'] as $post_title => $tags) {
                        echo "<li><strong>" . esc_html($post_title) . "</strong><ul>";
                        foreach ($tags as $old => $new) {
                            echo "<li>{$old} =&gt; {$new}</li>";
                        echo "</ul></li>";
                if (!empty($result['errors'])) {
                    foreach ($result['errors'] as $post_title => $err) {
                        echo "<li><strong>" . esc_html($post_title) . ": </strong> " . esc_html($err) . "<ul>";
                $opts = WPFB_Core::GetOpt();
                update_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME, $opts);
                WPFB_Core::$settings = (object) $opts;
                // convert-tags
            // convert-tags
            case 'del':
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['files']) && WPFB_Core::CurUserCanUpload()) {
                    $ids = explode(',', $_REQUEST['files']);
                    $nd = 0;
                    foreach ($ids as $id) {
                        $id = intval($id);
                        if (($file = WPFB_File::GetFile($id)) != null && $file->CurUserCanDelete()) {
                    echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . sprintf(__('%d Files removed'), $nd) . '</p></div>';
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['cats']) && WPFB_Core::CurUserCanCreateCat()) {
                    $ids = explode(',', $_REQUEST['cats']);
                    $nd = 0;
                    foreach ($ids as $id) {
                        $id = intval($id);
                        if (($cat = WPFB_Category::GetCat($id)) != null) {
                    echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . sprintf(__('%d Categories removed'), $nd) . '</p></div>';
            case 'sync':
                echo '<h2>' . __('Synchronisation') . '</h2>';
                $result = WPFB_Sync::Sync(!empty($_GET['hash_sync']), true);
                if (!is_null($result)) {
                if (empty($_GET['hash_sync'])) {
                    echo '<p><a href="' . add_query_arg('hash_sync', 1) . '" class="button">' . __('Complete file sync', 'wp-filebase') . '</a> ' . __('Checks files for changes, so more reliable but might take much longer. Do this if you uploaded/changed files with FTP.', 'wp-filebase') . '</p>';
                if (empty($_GET['debug'])) {
                    echo '<p><a href="' . add_query_arg('debug', 1) . '" class="button">' . __('Debug Sync', 'wp-filebase') . '</a> ' . __('Run to get more Debug Info in case Sync crashes', 'wp-filebase') . '</p>';
                // sync
            // sync
            case 'batch-upload':
                $batch_uploader = new WPFB_BatchUploader();
            case 'reset-hits':
                global $wpdb;
                $n = 0;
                if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
                    $n = $wpdb->query("UPDATE `{$wpdb->wpfilebase_files}` SET file_hits = 0 WHERE 1=1");
                echo "<p>";
                printf(__('Done. %d Files affected.'), $n);
                echo "</p>";
            case 'install-extensions':
                wpfb_call('AdmInstallExt', 'Display');
        // switch
        if (!empty($_GET['action'])) {
            echo '<p><a href="' . $clean_uri . '" class="button">' . __('Go back') . '</a></p>';
</div> <!-- wrap -->
Example #14
	<input type="radio" name="list-cat-sort-order" id="list-cat-sort-order-desc" value="desc" />
	<label for="list-cat-sort-order-desc" class="radio"><?php 


<script type="text/javascript">
	if(typeof wpOnload=='function')wpOnload();
wpfb_call('Output', 'PrintJS');
/* only required for wpfbConf */
Example #15
 static function GetTreeItems($parent_id, $args = array())
     /* $args = array(
      * sort_cats
      * sort_files
      * cats_only
      * exclude_attached
      * priv
      * idp => 
      * onselect
      * );
     $parent_id = is_object($parent_id) ? $parent_id->cat_id : intval($parent_id);
     $args = self::fileBrowserArgs($args);
     $type = $args['type'];
     $browser = $type === 'browser';
     $filesel = $type === 'fileselect';
     $catsel = $type === 'catselect';
     $args['idp'] = wp_strip_all_tags($args['idp']);
     $idp_cat = $args['idp'] . 'cat-';
     $idp_file = $args['idp'] . 'file-';
     $file_tpl = $cat_tpl = !empty($args['tpl']) ? $args['tpl'] : (($is_admin = !empty($args['is_admin'])) ? 'filebrowser_admin' : 'filebrowser');
     if ($parent_id > 0 && (is_null($cat = WPFB_Category::GetCat($parent_id)) || !$cat->CurUserCanAccess())) {
         return array((object) array('id' => 0, 'text' => WPFB_Core::$settings->cat_inaccessible_msg));
     $sql_sort_files = $browser ? WPFB_Core::GetSortSql((WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_file_sort_dir ? '>' : '<') . WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_file_sort_by) : 'file_display_name';
     $sql_sort_cats = $browser ? WPFB_Core::GetSortSql((WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_cat_sort_dir ? '>' : '<') . WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_cat_sort_by, false, true) : 'cat_name';
     $files_before_cats = $browser && WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_fbc;
     $inline_add_cat = WPFB_Core::CurUserCanCreateCat();
     $where = " cat_parent = {$parent_id} ";
     if ($browser) {
         $where .= " AND cat_exclude_browser <> '1' ";
     $cats = WPFB_Category::GetCats("WHERE {$where} ORDER BY {$sql_sort_cats}");
     $cat_items = array();
     $i = 0;
     $folder_class = $filesel || $catsel ? 'folder' : '';
     foreach ($cats as $c) {
         if ($c->CurUserCanAccess(true)) {
             $cat_items[$i++] = (object) array('id' => $idp_cat . $c->cat_id, 'cat_id' => $c->cat_id, 'text' => self::fileBrowserCatItemText($catsel, $filesel, $c, $args['onselect'], $cat_tpl), 'hasChildren' => $inline_add_cat || $c->HasChildren($catsel), 'classes' => $folder_class);
     if ($inline_add_cat) {
         $is = WPFB_Core::$settings->small_icon_size > 0 ? WPFB_Core::$settings->small_icon_size : 32;
         $cat_items[$i++] = (object) array('id' => $idp_cat . '0', 'cat_id' => 0, 'text' => '<form action="" style="display:none;"><input type="text" placeholder="' . __('Category Name', WPFB) . '" name="cat_name" /></form> ' . '<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none;" onclick=\'return wpfb_newCatInput(this,' . $parent_id . ');\'><span style="' . ($browser ? 'font-size:' . $is . 'px;width:' . $is . 'px' : 'font-size:200%') . ';line-height:0;vertical-align:sub;display:inline-block;text-align:center;">+</span>' . __('Add Category', WPFB) . '</a>' . '<span style="font-size: 200%;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 0;font-weight: lighter;"> / </span>' . '<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none;" class="add-file"><span style="' . ($browser ? 'font-size:' . $is . 'px;width:' . $is . 'px' : 'font-size:200%') . ';line-height:0;vertical-align:sub;display:inline-block;text-align:center;">+</span>' . __('Add File', WPFB) . '</a>', 'hasChildren' => false, 'classes' => 'add-item');
     } elseif ($parent_id == 0 && $catsel && $i == 0) {
         return array((object) array('id' => $idp_cat . '0', 'text' => sprintf(__('You did not create a category. <a href="%s" target="_parent">Click here to create one.</a>', WPFB), admin_url('admin.php?page=wpfilebase_cats#addcat')), 'hasChildren' => false));
     $file_items = array();
     $i = 0;
     if (empty($args['cats_only']) && !$catsel) {
         $where = WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($parent_id);
         if (!empty($args['exclude_attached'])) {
             $where .= " AND `file_post_id` = 0";
         //	$files =  WPFB_File::GetFiles2(WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($root_id),  WPFB_Core::$settings->hide_inaccessible, $sql_file_order);
         //$files =  WPFB_File::GetFiles2(WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($root_id),  WPFB_Core::$settings->hide_inaccessible, $sql_file_order);
         $files = WPFB_File::GetFiles2($where, WPFB_Core::$settings->hide_inaccessible && !($filesel && wpfb_call('Core', 'CurUserCanUpload')), $sql_sort_files);
         foreach ($files as $f) {
             $file_items[$i++] = (object) array('id' => $idp_file . $f->file_id, 'text' => $filesel ? '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="' . sprintf($args['onselect'], $f->file_id) . '">' . esc_html($f->GetTitle(24)) . '</a> <span style="font-size:75%;vertical-align:top;">' . esc_html($f->file_name) . '</span>' : $f->GenTpl2($file_tpl, false), 'classes' => $filesel ? 'file' : null, 'hasChildren' => false);
     return $files_before_cats ? array_merge($file_items, $cat_items) : array_merge($cat_items, $file_items);
Example #16
 static function GetMaxUlSize()
     return wpfb_call('Misc', 'ParseIniFileSize', ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
    static function Display()
        global $wpdb, $user_ID;
        //register_shutdown_function( create_function('','$error = error_get_last(); if( $error && $error[\'type\'] != E_STRICT ){print_r( $error );}else{return true;}') );
        wpfb_loadclass('File', 'Category', 'Admin', 'Output');
        $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
        $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET);
        $action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : (!empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '');
        $clean_uri = remove_query_arg(array('message', 'action', 'file_id', 'cat_id', 'deltpl', 'hash_sync', 'doit', 'ids', 'files', 'cats', 'batch_sync'));
        // keep search keyword
        // switch simple/extended form
        if (isset($_GET['exform'])) {
            $exform = !empty($_GET['exform']) && $_GET['exform'] == 1;
            update_user_option($user_ID, WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_exform', $exform, true);
        } else {
            $exform = (bool) get_user_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_exform');
        if (!empty($_GET['wpfb-hide-how-start'])) {
            update_user_option($user_ID, WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_hide_how_start', 1);
        $show_how_start = !(bool) get_user_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_hide_how_start');
	<script type="text/javascript">	
	/* Liking/Donate Bar */
	if(typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined') {
			if(getUserSetting("wpfilebase_hidesuprow",false) == 1) {
				setUserSetting("wpfilebase_hidesuprow", 1-getUserSetting("wpfilebase_hidesuprow",false), 0);

	<div class="wrap">
	<div id="icon-wpfilebase" class="icon32"><br /></div>
        echo WPFB_PLUGIN_NAME;
        if ($show_how_start) {
            wpfb_call('AdminHowToStart', 'Display');
        if (!empty($_GET['action'])) {
            echo '<p><a href="' . $clean_uri . '" class="button">' . __('Go back') . '</a></p>';
        switch ($action) {
                $clean_uri = remove_query_arg('pagenum', $clean_uri);
                $upload_dir = WPFB_Core::UploadDir();
                $upload_dir_rel = str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $upload_dir);
                $chmod_cmd = "CHMOD " . WPFB_PERM_DIR . " " . $upload_dir_rel;
                if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) {
                    $result = WPFB_Admin::Mkdir($upload_dir);
                    if ($result['error']) {
                        $error_msg = sprintf(__('The upload directory <code>%s</code> does not exists. It could not be created automatically because the directory <code>%s</code> is not writable. Please create <code>%s</code> and make it writable for the webserver by executing the following FTP command: <code>%s</code>', WPFB), $upload_dir_rel, str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $result['parent']), $upload_dir_rel, $chmod_cmd);
                    } else {
                        wpfb_call('Setup', 'ProtectUploadPath');
                } elseif (!is_writable($upload_dir)) {
                    $error_msg = sprintf(__('The upload directory <code>%s</code> is not writable. Please make it writable for PHP by executing the follwing FTP command: <code>%s</code>', WPFB), $upload_dir_rel, $chmod_cmd);
                if (!empty($error_msg)) {
                    echo '<div class="error default-password-nag"><p>' . $error_msg . '</p></div>';
                if (!empty(WPFB_Core::$settings->tag_conv_req)) {
                    echo '<div class="updated"><p><a href="' . add_query_arg('action', 'convert-tags') . '">';
                    _e('WP-Filebase content tags must be converted', WPFB);
                    echo '</a></p></div><div style="clear:both;"></div>';
                if (!get_post(WPFB_Core::$settings->file_browser_post_id)) {
                    echo '<div class="updated"><p>';
                    printf(__('File Browser post or page not set! Some features like search will not work. <a href="%s">Click here to set the File Browser Post ID.</a>', WPFB), esc_attr(admin_url('admin.php?page=wpfilebase_sets#' . sanitize_title(__('File Browser', WPFB)))));
                    echo '</p></div><div style="clear:both;"></div>';
                if(!WPFB_Config::IsWritable()) {
                	echo '<div class="updated"><p>';
                	printf(__('The config file %s is not writable or could not be created. Please create the file and make it writable for the webserver.',WPFB), WPFB_Config::$file);
                	echo '</p></div><div style="clear:both;"></div>';
                if (self::PluginHasBeenUsedAWhile(true)) {
                if (self::PluginHasBeenUsedAWhile()) {
<div id="wpfb-support-col">
<div id="wpfb-liking-toggle"></div>
                    _e('Like WP-Filebase?', WPFB);
<div id="wpfb-liking">
	<!-- <div style="text-align: center;"><iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwordpress.org%2Fextend%2Fplugins%2Fwp-filebase%2F&amp;send=false&amp;layout=button_count&amp;width=150&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font&amp;height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:140px; height:21px; display:inline-block; text-align:center;" <?php 
                    echo ' allowTransparency="true"';
></iframe></div> -->
	<div style="text-align: center;" ><a href="https://twitter.com/wpfilebase" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @wpfilebase</a>
			<script type="text/javascript">!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script></div>
	<p>Please <a href="http://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/wp-filebase">give it a good rating</a>.</p>
	<p>For Cloud support and lots of other advanced features consider an</p>
	<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://wpfilebase.com/?ref=dblike" class="button-primary">Upgrade to Pro</a></p>
	<p style="text-align:right;float:right;font-style:italic;">Thanks, Fabian</p> 
	<!-- <div style="text-align: center;">
	</div> -->

<div id="wpfb-stats-wrap" style="float:right; border-left: 1px solid #eee; margin-left: 5px;">
<div id="col-container">
	<div id="col-right">
		<div class="col-wrap">
                _e('Traffic', WPFB);
			<table class="wpfb-stats-table">
                $traffic_stats = wpfb_call('Misc', 'GetTraffic');
                $limit_day = WPFB_Core::$settings->traffic_day * 1048576;
                $limit_month = WPFB_Core::$settings->traffic_month * 1073741824;
                if ($limit_day > 0) {
                    self::ProgressBar($traffic_stats['today'] / $limit_day, WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($traffic_stats['today']) . '/' . WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($limit_day));
                } else {
                    echo WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($traffic_stats['today']);
				<th scope="row"><?php 
                _e('Today', WPFB);
                if ($limit_month > 0) {
                    self::ProgressBar($traffic_stats['month'] / $limit_month, WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($traffic_stats['month']) . '/' . WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($limit_month));
                } else {
                    echo WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($traffic_stats['month']);
				<th scope="row"><?php 
                _e('This Month', WPFB);
                echo WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(file_size) FROM {$wpdb->wpfilebase_files}"));
				<th scope="row"><?php 
                _e('Total File Size', WPFB);
</div><!-- /col-right -->
<div id="col-left">
<div class="col-wrap">

                _e('Statistics', WPFB);
			<table class="wpfb-stats-table">
                echo WPFB_File::GetNumFiles();
				<th scope="row"><?php 
                _e('Files', WPFB);
                echo WPFB_Category::GetNumCats();
				<th scope="row"><?php 
                _e('Categories', WPFB);
                echo "" . (int) $wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(file_hits) FROM {$wpdb->wpfilebase_files}");
				<th scope="row"><?php 
                _e('Downloads', WPFB);
</div><!-- /col-left -->

</div><!-- /col-container -->

<!-- <h2><?php 
</h2> -->
                $cron_sync_desc = '';
                if (WPFB_Core::$settings->cron_sync) {
                    $cron_sync_desc .= __('Automatic sync is enabled. Cronjob scheduled hourly.');
                    $last_sync_time = intval(get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_cron_sync_time'));
                    $cron_sync_desc .= $last_sync_time > 0 ? " (" . sprintf(__('Last cron sync on %1$s at %2$s.', WPFB), date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $last_sync_time), date_i18n(get_option('time_format'), $last_sync_time)) . ")" : '';
                } else {
                    $cron_sync_desc .= __('Cron sync is disabled.', WPFB);
                $tools = array(array('url' => add_query_arg(array('action' => 'sync')), 'icon' => 'activity', 'label' => __('Sync Filebase', WPFB), 'desc' => __('Synchronises the database with the file system. Use this to add FTP-uploaded files.', WPFB) . '<br />' . $cron_sync_desc));
                if (current_user_can('install_plugins')) {
                    // is admin?
                    $new_tag = self::NewExtensionsAvailable() ? '<span class="wp-ui-notification new-exts">new</span>' : '';
                    $tools[] = array('url' => add_query_arg(array('action' => 'install-extensions')), 'icon' => 'plug', 'label' => __('Extensions', WPFB) . $new_tag, 'desc' => __('Install Extensions to extend functionality of WP-Filebase', WPFB));
<div id="wpfb-tools">
                foreach ($tools as $id => $tool) {
	<li id="wpfb-tool-<?php 
                    echo $id;
"><a href="<?php 
                    echo $tool['url'];
" <?php 
                    if (!empty($tool['confirm'])) {
 onclick="return confirm('<?php 
                        echo $tool['confirm'];
')" <?php 
 class="button"><span style="background-image:url(<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(WPFB_PLUGIN_URI);
                    echo $tool['icon'];
                    echo $tool['label'];
                foreach ($tools as $id => $tool) {
<div id="wpfb-tool-desc-<?php 
                    echo $id;
" class="tool-desc">
                    echo $tool['desc'];
if(!jQuery(document.body).hasClass('mobile')) {
	jQuery('#wpfb-tools li').mouseenter(function(e) {
		jQuery('#wpfb-tools .tool-desc').hide();
                if (!empty(WPFB_Core::$settings->tag_conv_req)) {
<p><a href="<?php 
                    echo add_query_arg('action', 'convert-tags');
" class="button"><?php 
                    _e('Convert old Tags', WPFB);
</a> &nbsp; <?php 
                    printf(__('Convert tags from versions earlier than %s.', WPFB), '0.2.0');
</p> <?php 
<!--  <p><a href="<?php 
                echo add_query_arg('action', 'add-urls');
" class="button"><?php 
                _e('Add multiple URLs', WPFB);
</a> &nbsp; <?php 
                _e('Add multiple remote files at once.', WPFB);
	<div style="clear: both;"></div>

                if (WPFB_Core::CurUserCanUpload()) {
                    WPFB_Admin::PrintForm('file', null, array('exform' => $exform));
                if (!$show_how_start) {
                    // display how start here if its hidden
                    wpfb_call('AdminHowToStart', 'Display');
                echo WPFB_PLUGIN_NAME . ' ' . WPFB_VERSION;
 by Fabian Schlieper <a href="http://fabi.me/">
                if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], 'HTTPS') === false) {
<img src="http://fabi.me/misc/wpfb_icon.gif?lang=<?php 
                    if (defined('WPLANG')) {
                        echo WPLANG;
" alt="" /><?php 
			Includes the great file analyzer <a href="http://www.getid3.org/">getID3()</a> by James Heinrich.<br />
			Tools Icons by <a href="http://www.icondeposit.com/">Matt Gentile</a>.
                if (current_user_can('edit_files')) {
			<p><a href="<?php 
                    echo admin_url('plugins.php?wpfb-uninstall=1');
" class="button"><?php 
                    _e('Completely Uninstall WP-Filebase');
            case 'convert-tags':
                _e('Tag Conversion');
                if (empty($_REQUEST['doit'])) {
                    echo '<div class="updated"><p>';
                    _e('<strong>Important:</strong> before updating, please <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Backups">backup your database and files</a>. For help with updates, visit the <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Updating_WordPress">Updating WordPress</a> Codex page.');
                    echo '</p></div>';
                    echo '<p><a href="' . add_query_arg('doit', 1) . '" class="button">' . __('Continue') . '</a></p>';
                $result = wpfb_call('Setup', 'ConvertOldTags');
                printf(__('%d Tags in %d Posts has been converted.'), $result['n_tags'], count($result['tags']));
                if (!empty($result['tags'])) {
                    foreach ($result['tags'] as $post_title => $tags) {
                        echo "<li><strong>" . esc_html($post_title) . "</strong><ul>";
                        foreach ($tags as $old => $new) {
                            echo "<li>{$old} =&gt; {$new}</li>";
                        echo "</ul></li>";
                if (!empty($result['errors'])) {
                    foreach ($result['errors'] as $post_title => $err) {
                        echo "<li><strong>" . esc_html($post_title) . ": </strong> " . esc_html($err) . "<ul>";
                $opts = WPFB_Core::GetOpt();
                update_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME, $opts);
                WPFB_Core::$settings = (object) $opts;
                // convert-tags
            // convert-tags
            case 'del':
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['files']) && WPFB_Core::CurUserCanUpload()) {
                    $ids = explode(',', $_REQUEST['files']);
                    $nd = 0;
                    foreach ($ids as $id) {
                        $id = intval($id);
                        if (($file = WPFB_File::GetFile($id)) != null && $file->CurUserCanEdit()) {
                    echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . sprintf(__('%d Files removed'), $nd) . '</p></div>';
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['cats']) && WPFB_Core::CurUserCanCreateCat()) {
                    $ids = explode(',', $_REQUEST['cats']);
                    $nd = 0;
                    foreach ($ids as $id) {
                        $id = intval($id);
                        if (($cat = WPFB_Category::GetCat($id)) != null) {
                    echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . sprintf(__('%d Categories removed'), $nd) . '</p></div>';
            case 'sync':
                echo '<h2>' . __('Synchronisation') . '</h2>';
                $result = WPFB_Sync::Sync(!empty($_GET['hash_sync']), true);
                if (!is_null($result)) {
                if (empty($_GET['hash_sync'])) {
                    echo '<p><a href="' . add_query_arg('hash_sync', 1) . '" class="button">' . __('Complete file sync', WPFB) . '</a> ' . __('Checks files for changes, so more reliable but might take much longer. Do this if you uploaded/changed files with FTP.', WPFB) . '</p>';
                // sync
            // sync
            case 'batch-upload':
                $batch_uploader = new WPFB_BatchUploader();
            case 'reset-hits':
                global $wpdb;
                $n = 0;
                if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
                    $n = $wpdb->query("UPDATE `{$wpdb->wpfilebase_files}` SET file_hits = 0 WHERE 1=1");
                echo "<p>";
                printf(__('Done. %d Files affected.'), $n);
                echo "</p>";
            case 'install-extensions':
                wpfb_call('AdmInstallExt', 'Display');
        // switch
</div> <!-- wrap -->
Example #18
 public static function SettingsUpdated($old, &$new)
     $messages = array();
     wpfb_call('Setup', 'ProtectUploadPath');
     // custom fields:
     $messages = array_merge($messages, WPFB_Admin::SyncCustomFields());
     if ($old['thumbnail_path'] != $new['thumbnail_path']) {
         update_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME, $old);
         // temporaly restore old settings
         WPFB_Core::$settings = (object) $old;
         $items = array_merge(WPFB_File::GetFiles2(), WPFB_Category::GetCats());
         $old_thumbs = array();
         foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
             $old_thumbs[$i] = $item->GetThumbPath(true);
         update_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME, $new);
         // restore new settings
         WPFB_Core::$settings = (object) $new;
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
             if (!empty($old_thumbs[$i]) && is_file($old_thumbs[$i])) {
                 $new_path = $item->GetThumbPath(true);
                 $dir = dirname($new_path);
                 if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                 if (rename($old_thumbs[$i], $new_path)) {
                 } else {
                     $messages[] = sprintf(__('Could not move thumnail %s to %s.', WPFB), $old_thumbs[$i], $new_path);
         if (count($n > 0)) {
             $messages[] = sprintf(__('%d Thumbnails moved.', WPFB), $n);
     return $messages;
Example #19
 public function get_tpl_var($name, $extra = null)
     switch ($name) {
         case 'file_url':
             return htmlspecialchars($this->GetUrl());
         case 'file_url_rel':
             return htmlspecialchars(WPFB_Core::$settings->download_base . '/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->GetLocalPathRel()));
         case 'file_post_url':
             return htmlspecialchars(!($url = $this->GetPostUrl()) ? $this->GetUrl() : $url);
         case 'file_icon_url':
             return htmlspecialchars($this->GetIconUrl());
         case 'file_small_icon':
             return '<img src="' . esc_attr($this->GetIconUrl('small')) . '" alt="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Icon of %s', 'wp-filebase'), $this->file_display_name)) . '" style="vertical-align:middle;width:auto;' . (WPFB_Core::$settings->small_icon_size > 0 ? 'height:' . WPFB_Core::$settings->small_icon_size . 'px;' : '') . '" />';
         case 'file_size':
             return $this->GetFormattedSize();
         case 'file_path':
             return htmlspecialchars($this->GetLocalPathRel());
         case 'file_category':
             return htmlspecialchars(is_object($cat = $this->GetParent()) ? $cat->cat_name : '');
         case 'cat_small_icon':
             return is_null($cat = $this->GetParent()) ? '' : '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($cat->GetIconUrl('small')) . '" alt="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Icon of %s', 'wp-filebase'), $cat->cat_name)) . '" style="width:auto;height:' . WPFB_Core::$settings->small_icon_size . 'px;vertical-align:middle;" />';
         case 'cat_icon_url':
             return is_null($cat = $this->GetParent()) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($cat->GetIconUrl());
         case 'cat_url':
             return is_null($cat = $this->GetParent()) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($cat->GetUrl());
         case 'cat_id':
             return $this->file_category;
         case 'file_cat_folder':
             return htmlspecialchars(is_object($cat = $this->GetParent()) ? $cat->cat_folder : '');
         case 'file_languages':
             return wpfb_call('Output', 'ParseSelOpts', array('languages', $this->file_language), true);
         case 'file_platforms':
             return wpfb_call('Output', 'ParseSelOpts', array('platforms', $this->file_platform), true);
         case 'file_requirements':
             return wpfb_call('Output', 'ParseSelOpts', array('requirements', $this->file_requirement, true), true);
         case 'file_license':
             return wpfb_call('Output', 'ParseSelOpts', array('licenses', $this->file_license, true), true);
             //case 'file_required_level':	return ($this->file_required_level - 1);
         //case 'file_required_level':	return ($this->file_required_level - 1);
         case 'file_user_can_access':
             return $this->CurUserCanAccess();
         case 'file_user_can_edit':
             return $this->CurUserCanEdit();
         case 'file_description':
             return nl2br($this->file_description);
         case 'file_tags':
             return esc_html(str_replace(',', ', ', trim($this->file_tags, ',')));
         case 'file_date':
         case 'file_last_dl_time':
             return htmlspecialchars($this->GetFormattedDate($name));
         case 'file_extension':
             return strtolower(substr(strrchr($this->file_name, '.'), 1));
         case 'file_type':
             return wpfb_call('Download', 'GetFileType', $this->file_name);
         case 'file_url_encoded':
             return htmlspecialchars(urlencode($this->GetUrl()));
         case 'file_added_by':
             return empty($this->file_added_by) || !($usr = get_userdata($this->file_added_by)) ? '' : esc_html($usr->display_name);
         case 'file_edit_url':
             return $this->GetEditUrl();
         case 'uid':
             return self::$tpl_uid;
     if (strpos($name, 'file_info/') === 0) {
         $path = explode('/', substr($name, 10));
         return esc_html($this->getInfoValue($path));
     } elseif (strpos($name, 'file_custom') === 0) {
         // dont esc custom
         return isset($this->{$name}) ? $this->{$name} : '';
     // string length limit:
     if (!isset($this->{$name}) && ($p = strpos($name, ':')) > 0) {
         $maxlen = (int) substr($name, $p + 1);
         $name = substr($name, 0, $p);
         $str = $this->get_tpl_var($name);
         if ($maxlen > 3 && strlen($str) > $maxlen) {
             $str = (function_exists('mb_substr') ? mb_substr($str, 0, $maxlen - 3, 'utf8') : mb_substr($str, 0, $maxlen - 3)) . '...';
         return $str;
     if (isset($extra->{$name})) {
         return $extra->{$name};
     return isset($this->{$name}) ? esc_html($this->{$name}) : '';
Example #20
    static function Display()
        global $wpdb, $user_ID, $user_identity;
        wpfb_loadclass('Admin', 'Output', 'TplLib', 'ListTpl');
        $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
        $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET);
        $action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : (!empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '');
        $clean_uri = remove_query_arg(array('message', 'action', 'file_id', 'cat_id', 'deltpl', 'hash_sync'));
        // keep search keyword
        // security	nonce
        if (!empty($action) && $action != 'edit' && !check_admin_referer($action . '-' . $_REQUEST['type'], 'wpfb-tpl-nonce')) {
            wp_die(__('Cheatin&#8217; uh?'));
        if ($action == 'add' || $action == 'update') {
            if (empty($_POST['type'])) {
                wp_die(__('Type missing!', 'wp-filebase'));
            if (empty($_POST['tpltag'])) {
                wp_die(__('Please enter a template tag.', 'wp-filebase'));
            $type = $_POST['type'];
            $for_cat = $type == 'cat';
            $tpl_tag = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]/', '', str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($_POST['tpltag'])));
            if (empty($tpl_tag)) {
                wp_die('Tag is invalid!');
            if ($type == 'list') {
                $data = array('header' => $_POST['tpl-list-header'], 'footer' => $_POST['tpl-list-footer'], 'cat_tpl_tag' => $_POST['tpl-list-cat-tpl'], 'file_tpl_tag' => $_POST['tpl-list-file-tpl']);
                $tpl = new WPFB_ListTpl($tpl_tag, $data);
            } else {
                if (empty($_POST['tplcode'])) {
                    wp_die('Please enter some template code.');
                if ($tpl_tag == 'default') {
                    // hanle default tpls a bit different
                    WPFB_Core::UpdateOption("template_{$type}", $_POST['tplcode']);
                } else {
                    $tpls = WPFB_Core::GetTpls($type);
                    $tpls[$tpl_tag] = $_POST['tplcode'];
                    if ($for_cat) {
                    } else {
            unset($_POST['type'], $_POST['tpltag'], $_POST['tplcode']);
        } elseif ($action == 'del') {
            if (!empty($_GET['type']) && !empty($_GET['tpl']) && !in_array($_GET['tpl'], self::$protected_tags)) {
                $type = $_GET['type'];
                if ($type == 'list') {
                    $tpl = WPFB_ListTpl::Get($_GET['tpl']);
                    if ($tpl) {
                $for_cat = $type == 'cat';
                $tpls = WPFB_Core::GetTpls($type);
                if (!empty($tpls)) {
                    if ($for_cat) {
                    } else {
                unset($_POST['type'], $_POST['tpl']);
        if (!empty($_POST['reset-tpls'])) {
            wpfb_call('Setup', 'ResetTpls');
            // also reset default templates stored in settings
            $settings_schema = WPFB_Admin::SettingsSchema();
            WPFB_Core::UpdateOption('template_file', $settings_schema['template_file']['default']);
            WPFB_Core::UpdateOption('template_cat', $settings_schema['template_cat']['default']);
<script type="text/javascript">
function WPFB_GenSuccess(data, textStatus, request)

function WPFB_PreviewTpl(ta, ty)
	var tplc = (ty != 'list') ? jQuery(ta).val() : {
		header: jQuery('#tpl-list-header').val(),
		footer: jQuery('#tpl-list-footer').val(),
		file_tpl_tag: jQuery('#tpl-list-file-tpl').val(),
		cat_tpl_tag: jQuery('#tpl-list-cat-tpl').val()
	var previewId = 'tplinp_'+ty+'_preview';
		type: 'POST',
		url: '<?php 
        echo WPFB_Core::$ajax_url;
		data: {
			wpfb_action: "tpl-sample",
			tpl: tplc,
			type: ty
		async: true,
		success: WPFB_GenSuccess,
		context: jQuery('#'+previewId)

jQuery(document).ready( function() {
	try { jQuery('#wpfb-tabs').tabs(); }
	catch(ex) {}


        switch ($action) {
            case 'edit':
                if (empty($_REQUEST['type']) || empty($_REQUEST['tpl'])) {
                    wp_die('Request error');
                $tpl_tag = $_REQUEST['tpl'];
                $type = $_REQUEST['type'];
                if ($type == 'list') {
                    if (WPFB_ListTpl::Get($tpl_tag) == null) {
                        wp_die('No such template!');
                } else {
                    $for_cat = $type == 'cat';
                    $tpl_src = WPFB_Core::GetTpls($type, $tpl_tag);
                    if (empty($tpl_src)) {
                        wp_die('No such template!');
                echo '<div class="wrap">';
                self::TplForm($type, $tpl_tag);
                echo '</div>';
<div class="wrap">
                _e('Templates', 'wp-filebase');
                if (empty(WPFB_Core::$settings->disable_css) && current_user_can('edit_themes')) {
	<a href="<?php 
                    echo admin_url('admin.php?page=wpfilebase_css');
" class="add-new-h2"><?php 
                    _e('Edit Stylesheet', 'wp-filebase');
	<a href="<?php 
                echo add_query_arg('iframe-preview', (int) empty($_GET['iframe-preview']));
" class="add-new-h2">iframe preview</a>
<div id="wpfb-tabs">
	<ul class="wpfb-tab-menu">
		<li><a href="#file"><?php 
                _e('Files', 'wp-filebase');
		<li><a href="#cat"><?php 
		<li><a href="#list"><?php 
                _e('File List', 'wp-filebase');
	<div id="file" class="wrap">
                _e('Templates used for single embedded files or file lists.', 'wp-filebase');
	<div id="cat" class="wrap">
                _e('These templates can be used for categories.', 'wp-filebase');
	<div id="list" class="wrap">
                _e('A list-template consists of header, footer and file template. It can optionally have a category template to list sub-categories.', 'wp-filebase');

	<div id="browser" class="wrap">
</div> <!-- tabs -->

<form action="<?php 
                echo remove_query_arg(array('action', 'type', 'tpl'));
" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm('<?php 
                _e('This will reset all File, Category and List Templates! Are your sure?', 'wp-filebase');
	<input type="submit" name="reset-tpls" value="<?php 
                _e('Reset all Templates to default', 'wp-filebase');
" class="button" />

Example #21
 static function GetFileTypeStats()
     global $wpdb;
     $stats = get_transient('wpfb_file_type_stats');
     if ($stats) {
         return $stats;
     $stats = array();
     $results = $wpdb->get_results("\n\t\tSELECT LOWER(SUBSTRING_INDEX(file_name,'.',-1)) as ext, COUNT(file_id) as cnt\n\t\tFROM `{$wpdb->wpfilebase_files}`\n\t\tWHERE LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(file_name,'.',-1)) < 10\n\t\tGROUP by LOWER(SUBSTRING_INDEX(file_name,'.',-1)) ORDER BY `cnt` DESC LIMIT 40", OBJECT_K);
     foreach ($results as $r) {
         $stats[$r->ext] = 0 + $r->cnt;
     set_transient('wpfb_file_type_stats', $stats, 24 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
     // should (must) be on daily-base!
     wpfb_call('ExtensionLib', 'SendStatistics');
     return $stats;
Example #22
    static function Display()
        global $wpdb;
        wpfb_loadclass('Admin', 'Output');
        wpfb_call('Output', 'PrintJS');
        wp_register_script('rvera-image-picker', WPFB_PLUGIN_URI . 'bower_components/image-picker/image-picker/image-picker.min.js', array('jquery'), WPFB_VERSION);
        wp_register_style('rvera-image-picker', WPFB_PLUGIN_URI . 'bower_components/image-picker/image-picker/image-picker.css', array(), WPFB_VERSION);
        if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
            wp_die(__('Cheatin&#8217; uh?') . '<!-- manage_options -->');
        // nonce and referer check (security)
        if ((!empty($_POST['reset']) || !empty($_POST['submit'])) && !check_admin_referer('wpfb-update-settings', 'wpfb-nonce')) {
            wp_die(__('Cheatin&#8217; uh?'));
        $post = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
        $action = !empty($post['action']) ? $post['action'] : (!empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '');
        $messages = array();
        $errors = array();
        $options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME);
        $option_fields = WPFB_Admin::SettingsSchema();
        if (isset($post['reset'])) {
            // keep templates
            $file_tpl = WPFB_Core::$settings->template_file;
            $cat_tpl = WPFB_Core::$settings->template_cat;
            WPFB_Core::UpdateOption('template_file', $file_tpl);
            WPFB_Core::UpdateOption('template_cat', $cat_tpl);
            $new_options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME);
            $messages = array_merge($messages, WPFB_Admin::SettingsUpdated($options, $new_options));
            $messages[] = __('Settings reseted.', 'wp-filebase');
            $options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME);
        } elseif (isset($post['submit'])) {
            // cleanup
            foreach ($option_fields as $opt_tag => $opt_data) {
                if (isset($post[$opt_tag])) {
                    if (!is_array($post[$opt_tag])) {
                        $post[$opt_tag] = trim($post[$opt_tag]);
                    switch ($opt_data['type']) {
                        case 'number':
                            $post[$opt_tag] = intval($post[$opt_tag]);
                        case 'select':
                            // check if value is in options array, if not set to default
                            if (!in_array($post[$opt_tag], array_keys($opt_data['options']))) {
                                $post[$opt_tag] = $opt_data['default'];
                        case 'roles':
                            $post[$opt_tag] = array_values(array_filter($post[$opt_tag]));
                            // the following must not be removed! if the roles array is empty, permissions are assumed to be set for everyone!
                            // so make sure that the admin is explicitly set!
                            if (!empty($opt_data['not_everyone']) && !in_array('administrator', $post[$opt_tag])) {
                                if (!is_array($post[$opt_tag])) {
                                    $post[$opt_tag] = array();
                                array_unshift($post[$opt_tag], 'administrator');
                        case 'cat':
                            $post[$opt_tag] = empty($post[$opt_tag]) || is_null($cat = WPFB_Category::GetCat($post[$opt_tag])) ? 0 : intval($post[$opt_tag]);
            $post['upload_path'] = str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $post['upload_path']);
            $options['upload_path'] = str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $options['upload_path']);
            $post['download_base'] = trim($post['download_base'], '/');
            if (WPFB_Admin::WPCacheRejectUri($post['download_base'] . '/', $options['download_base'] . '/')) {
                $messages[] = sprintf(__('/%s/ added to rejected URIs list of WP Super Cache.', 'wp-filebase'), $post['download_base']);
            $tpl_file = $post['template_file'];
            $tpl_cat = $post['template_cat'];
            if (!empty($tpl_file) && (empty($options['template_file_parsed']) || $tpl_file != $options['template_file'])) {
                $tpl_file = WPFB_TplLib::Parse($tpl_file);
                $result = WPFB_TplLib::Check($tpl_file);
                if (!$result['error']) {
                    $options['template_file_parsed'] = $tpl_file;
                    $messages[] = __('File template successfully parsed.', 'wp-filebase');
                } else {
                    $errors[] = sprintf(__('Could not parse template: error (%s) in line %s.', 'wp-filebase'), $result['msg'], $result['line']);
            if (!empty($tpl_cat) && (empty($options['template_cat_parsed']) || $tpl_cat != $options['template_cat'])) {
                $tpl_cat = WPFB_TplLib::Parse($tpl_cat);
                $result = WPFB_TplLib::Check($tpl_cat);
                if (!$result['error']) {
                    $options['template_cat_parsed'] = $tpl_cat;
                    $messages[] = __('Category template successfully parsed.', 'wp-filebase');
                } else {
                    $errors[] = sprintf(__('Could not parse template: error (%s) in line %s.', 'wp-filebase'), $result['msg'], $result['line']);
            $fb_sub_pages = get_pages(array('child_of' => $options['file_browser_post_id']));
            if ($options['file_browser_post_id'] > 0 && count($fb_sub_pages)) {
                $messages[] = sprintf(__('Warning: The Filebrowser page <b>%s</b> has at least one subpage <b>%s</b>. This will cause unexpected behavior, since all requests to the subpages are redirected to the File Browser Page. Please choose a Page that does not have any subpages for File Browser.', 'wp-filebase'), get_the_title($post['file_browser_post_id']), get_the_title($fb_sub_pages[0]->ID));
            // save options
            foreach ($option_fields as $opt_tag => $opt_data) {
                $val = isset($post[$opt_tag]) ? $post[$opt_tag] : '';
                $options[$opt_tag] = $val;
            // make sure a short tag exists, if not append one
            $select_opts = array('languages', 'platforms', 'licenses', 'requirements', 'custom_fields');
            foreach ($select_opts as $opt_tag) {
                if (empty($options[$opt_tag])) {
                    $options[$opt_tag] = '';
                $lines = explode("\n", $options[$opt_tag]);
                $lines2 = array();
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) {
                    $lines[$i] = str_replace('||', '|', trim($lines[$i], "|\r"));
                    if (empty($lines[$i]) || $lines[$i] == '|') {
                    $pos = strpos($lines[$i], '|');
                    if ($pos <= 0) {
                        $lines[$i] .= '|' . sanitize_key(substr($lines[$i], 0, min(8, strlen($lines[$i]))));
                    $lines2[] = $lines[$i];
                $options[$opt_tag] = implode("\n", $lines2);
            $old_options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME);
            update_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME, $options);
            WPFB_Core::$settings = (object) $options;
            $messages = array_merge($messages, WPFB_Admin::SettingsUpdated($old_options, $options));
            if (count($errors) == 0) {
                $messages[] = __('Settings updated.', 'wp-filebase');
            //refresh any description which can contain opt values
            $option_fields = WPFB_Admin::SettingsSchema();
        if (WPFB_Core::$settings->allow_srv_script_upload) {
            $messages[] = __('WARNING: Script upload enabled!', 'wp-filebase');
        $upload_path = WPFB_Core::$settings->upload_path;
        if (!empty($old_options) && path_is_absolute($upload_path) && !path_is_absolute($old_options['upload_path'])) {
            $rel_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $upload_path);
            $rel_path = substr($rel_path, strpos($rel_path, '/') + 1);
            $messages[] = sprintf(__('NOTICE: The upload path <code>%s</code> is rooted to the filesystem. You should remove the leading slash if you want to use a folder inside your Wordpress directory (i.e: <code>%s</code>)', 'wp-filebase'), $upload_path, $rel_path);
        $action_uri = admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&amp;updated=true';
        if (!empty($messages)) {
            $message = '';
            foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                $message .= '<p>' . $msg . '</p>';
			<div id="message" class="updated fade"><?php 
            echo $message;
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            $error = '';
            foreach ($errors as $err) {
                $error .= '<p>' . $err . '</p>';
			<div id="message" class="error fade"><?php 
            echo $error;
		<script type="text/javascript">
			/* Option tabs */
			jQuery(document).ready(function () {
				try {
				} catch (ex) {
				/*if(typeof(CKEDITOR) != 'undefined') {
				 CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('wpfilebase', ajaxurl+'/../../wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase/extras/ckeditor/');
				 alert( ajaxurl+'/../../wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase/extras/ckeditor/');

		<div class="wrap">
			<div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32"><br /></div>
        echo WPFB_PLUGIN_NAME;
        echo ' ';

			<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo $action_uri;
" name="wpfilebase-options">
        wp_nonce_field('wpfb-update-settings', 'wpfb-nonce');
				<p class="submit">
					<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Save Changes');
" class="button-primary" />
        $misc_tags = array('disable_id3', 'search_id3', 'thumbnail_path', 'use_path_tags', 'no_name_formatting');
        if (function_exists('wp_admin_bar_render')) {
            $misc_tags[] = 'admin_bar';
        $limits = array('bitrate_unregistered', 'bitrate_registered', 'traffic_day', 'traffic_month', 'traffic_exceeded_msg', 'file_offline_msg', 'daily_user_limits', 'daily_limit_subscriber', 'daily_limit_contributor', 'daily_limit_author', 'daily_limit_editor', 'daily_limit_exceeded_msg');
        $option_categories = array(__('Common', 'wp-filebase') => array('upload_path', 'search_integration'), __('Display', 'wp-filebase') => array('file_date_format', 'thumbnail_size', 'auto_attach_files', 'attach_loop', 'attach_pos', 'filelist_sorting', 'filelist_sorting_dir', 'filelist_num', 'decimal_size_format', 'search_result_tpl', 'disable_css'), __('File Browser', 'wp-filebase') => array('file_browser_post_id', 'file_browser_cat_sort_by', 'file_browser_cat_sort_dir', 'file_browser_file_sort_by', 'file_browser_file_sort_dir', 'file_browser_fbc', 'late_script_loading', 'folder_icon', 'small_icon_size', 'disable_footer_credits', 'footer_credits_style', 'file_browser_inline_add'), __('Download', 'wp-filebase') => array('hide_links', 'disable_permalinks', 'download_base', 'force_download', 'range_download', 'http_nocache', 'ignore_admin_dls', 'accept_empty_referers', 'allowed_referers', 'use_fpassthru'), __('Form Presets', 'wp-filebase') => array('default_author', 'default_roles', 'default_cat', 'default_direct_linking', 'languages', 'platforms', 'licenses', 'requirements', 'custom_fields'), __('Limits', 'wp-filebase') => $limits, __('Security', 'wp-filebase') => array('allow_srv_script_upload', 'fext_blacklist', 'frontend_upload', 'hide_inaccessible', 'inaccessible_msg', 'inaccessible_redirect', 'cat_inaccessible_msg', 'login_redirect_src', 'protect_upload_path', 'private_files'), __('Templates and Scripts', 'wp-filebase') => array('template_file', 'template_cat', 'dlclick_js'), __('Sync', 'wp-filebase') => array('cron_sync', 'base_auto_thumb', 'remove_missing_files', 'fake_md5'), __('Misc') => $misc_tags);
				<div id="wpfb-tabs">
					<ul class="wpfb-tab-menu">
        foreach ($option_categories as $key => $val) {
            echo '<li><a href="#' . sanitize_title($key) . '">' . esc_html($key) . '</a></li>';
        $page_option_list = '';
        $n = 0;
        foreach ($option_categories as $opt_cat => $opt_cat_fields) {
            //echo "\n".'<h3>'.$opt_cat.'</h3>';
            echo "\n\n" . '<div id="' . sanitize_title($opt_cat) . '" class="wpfilebase-opttab"><h3>' . $opt_cat . '</h3><table class="form-table">';
            foreach ($opt_cat_fields as $opt_tag) {
                $field_data = $option_fields[$opt_tag];
                $opt_val = $options[$opt_tag];
                echo "\n" . '<tr valign="top">' . "\n" . '<th scope="row">' . $field_data['title'] . '</th>' . "\n" . '<td>';
                $style_class = '';
                if (!empty($field_data['class'])) {
                    $style_class .= ' class="' . $field_data['class'] . '"';
                if (!empty($field_data['style'])) {
                    $style_class .= ' style="' . $field_data['style'] . '"';
                switch ($field_data['type']) {
                    case 'text':
                    case 'number':
                    case 'checkbox':
                        echo '<input name="' . $opt_tag . '" type="' . $field_data['type'] . '" id="' . $opt_tag . '"';
                        echo !empty($field_data['class']) ? ' class="' . $field_data['class'] . '"' : '';
                        if ($field_data['type'] == 'checkbox') {
                            echo ' value="1" ';
                            checked('1', $opt_val);
                        } elseif ($field_data['type'] == 'number') {
                            echo ' value="' . intval($opt_val) . '" size="5" style="text-align: right"';
                        } else {
                            echo ' value="' . esc_attr($opt_val) . '"';
                            if (isset($field_data['size'])) {
                                echo ' size="' . (int) $field_data['size'] . '"';
                        echo $style_class . ' />';
                    case 'textarea':
                        $code_edit = strpos($opt_tag, 'template_') !== false || isset($field_data['class']) && strpos($field_data['class'], 'code') !== false;
                        $nowrap = !empty($field_data['nowrap']);
                        echo '<textarea name="' . $opt_tag . '" id="' . $opt_tag . '"';
                        if ($nowrap || $code_edit) {
                            echo ' cols="100" wrap="off" style="width: 100%;' . ($code_edit ? 'font-size: 10px;' : '') . '"';
                        } else {
                            echo ' cols="50"';
                        echo ' rows="' . ($code_edit ? 20 : 5) . '"';
                        echo $style_class;
                        echo '>';
                        echo esc_html($opt_val);
                        echo '</textarea>';
                    case 'select':
                        echo '<select name="' . $opt_tag . '" id="' . $opt_tag . '">';
                        foreach ($field_data['options'] as $opt_v => $opt_n) {
                            echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($opt_v) . '"' . ($opt_v == $opt_val ? ' selected="selected" ' : '') . $style_class . '>' . (!is_numeric($opt_v) && $opt_v !== $opt_n ? esc_html($opt_v) . ': ' : '') . esc_html($opt_n) . '</option>';
                        echo '</select>';
                    case 'roles':
                        WPFB_Admin::RolesCheckList($opt_tag, $opt_val, empty($field_data['not_everyone']));
                    case 'icon':
                        echo '<select class="image-picker show-html" name="' . $opt_tag . '" id="' . $opt_tag . '">';
                        foreach ($field_data['icons'] as $icon) {
                            echo '<option data-img-src="' . $icon['url'] . '" value="' . $icon['path'] . '" ' . ($icon['path'] === $opt_val ? ' selected="selected" ' : '') . '>' . basename($icon['path']) . '</option>';
									<script type="text/javascript">
										jQuery(document).ready(function () {
                        echo $opt_tag;
                    case 'cat':
                        echo "<select name='{$opt_tag}' id='{$opt_tag}'>";
                        echo WPFB_Output::CatSelTree(array('selected' => $opt_val));
                        echo "</select>";
                if (!empty($field_data['unit'])) {
                    echo ' ' . $field_data['unit'];
                if (!empty($field_data['desc'])) {
                    echo "\n" . '<br />' . str_replace('%value%', is_array($opt_val) ? join(', ', $opt_val) : $opt_val, $field_data['desc']);
                echo "\n</td>\n</tr>";
                $page_option_list .= $opt_tag . ',';
            echo '</table></div>' . "\n";
				</div> <!--wpfilebase-opttabs-->
				<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
				<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="<?php 
        echo $page_option_list;
" />
				<p class="submit">
					<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Save Changes');
" class="button-primary" />
					<input type="submit" name="reset" value="<?php 
        _e('Restore Default Settings', 'wp-filebase');
" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
        _e('All settings (except default file and category template) will be set to default values. Continue?', 'wp-filebase');
')" class="button delete" style="float: right;" />
		</div>	<!-- wrap -->	
Example #23
 function GenTpl($parsed_tpl = null, $context = '')
     if ($context != 'ajax') {
         WPFB_Core::$load_js = true;
     if (empty($parsed_tpl)) {
         $tpo = $this->is_file ? 'template_file_parsed' : 'template_cat_parsed';
         $parsed_tpl = WPFB_Core::GetOpt($tpo);
         if (empty($parsed_tpl)) {
             $parsed_tpl = wpfb_call('TplLib', 'Parse', WPFB_Core::GetOpt($this->is_file ? 'template_file' : 'template_cat'));
             WPFB_Core::UpdateOption($tpo, $parsed_tpl);
     if($this->is_file) {
     	global $wpfb_file_paths;
     	if(empty($wpfb_file_paths)) $wpfb_file_paths = array();
     	$wpfb_file_paths[(int)$this->file_id] = $this->GetLocalPathRel();
     $f =& $this;
     return eval("return ({$parsed_tpl});");
Example #24
    static function WidgetStats()
        global $wpdb;
		<div id="col-container">
			<div id="col-right">
				<div class="col-wrap">
        _e('Traffic', 'wp-filebase');
					<table class="wpfb-stats-table">
        $traffic_stats = wpfb_call('Misc', 'GetTraffic');
        $limit_day = WPFB_Core::$settings->traffic_day * 1048576;
        $limit_month = WPFB_Core::$settings->traffic_month * 1073741824;
        if ($limit_day > 0) {
            WPFB_AdminGuiManage::ProgressBar($traffic_stats['today'] / $limit_day, WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($traffic_stats['today']) . '/' . WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($limit_day));
        } else {
            echo WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($traffic_stats['today']);
							<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Today', 'wp-filebase');
        if ($limit_month > 0) {
            WPFB_AdminGuiManage::ProgressBar($traffic_stats['month'] / $limit_month, WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($traffic_stats['month']) . '/' . WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($limit_month));
        } else {
            echo WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($traffic_stats['month']);
							<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('This Month', 'wp-filebase');
        echo WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(file_size) FROM {$wpdb->wpfilebase_files}"));
							<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Total File Size', 'wp-filebase');
			</div><!-- /col-right -->

			<div id="col-left">
				<div class="col-wrap">

        _e('Statistics', 'wp-filebase');
					<table class="wpfb-stats-table">
        echo WPFB_File::GetNumFiles();
							<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Files', 'wp-filebase');
        echo WPFB_Category::GetNumCats();
							<th scope="row"><?php 
        echo "" . (int) $wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(file_hits) FROM {$wpdb->wpfilebase_files}");
							<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Downloads', 'wp-filebase');
			</div><!-- /col-left -->

		</div><!-- /col-container -->

Example #25
    function process_bulk_action()
        if (!$this->current_action() || empty($_REQUEST['file']) && empty($_REQUEST['action2'])) {
        // filter files current user can edit
        $files = isset($_REQUEST['file']) ? array_filter(array_map(array('WPFB_File', 'GetFile'), $_REQUEST['file']), create_function('$file', 'return ($file && $file->CurUserCan' . 'Edit' . '());')) : array();
        $message = null;
        switch ($this->current_action()) {
            case 'delete':
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                $message = sprintf(__("%d File(s) deleted.", WPFB), count($files));
            case 'edit':
                if (isset($_REQUEST['action2']) && $_REQUEST['action2'] == 'apply') {
                    $message = wpfb_call('AdminGuiBulkEdit', 'Process');
                } else {
                    wpfb_call('AdminGuiBulkEdit', 'Display');
            case 'set_off':
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    $file->file_offline = 1;
                $message = sprintf(__("%d File(s) were set offline.", WPFB), count($files));
            case 'set_on':
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    $file->file_offline = 0;
                $message = sprintf(__("%d File(s) were set online.", WPFB), count($files));
        if (!empty($message)) {
<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><?php 
            echo $message;
Example #26
					<div id="flash-upload-ui"><?php 
</div> <!--  flash-upload-ui -->
    if ($update) {
        echo '<div>' . __('Rename') . ': ';
					<input name="file_rename" id="file_rename" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($file->file_name);
" style="width:280px;" /><br />
        echo ' (' . $file->GetFormattedSize() . ', ' . wpfb_call('Download', 'GetFileType', $file->file_name) . ', MD5: <code>' . $file->file_hash . '</code>)</div>';
				<div id="file-remote-wrap" <?php 
    echo $file->IsRemote() ? '' : 'class="hidden"';
					<label for="file_remote_uri"><?php 
    _e('File URL');
					<input name="file_remote_uri" id="file_remote_uri" type="text" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($file->file_remote_uri);
" style="width:98%" /><br />
 private static function CheckChangedVer()
     $ver = wpfb_call('Core', 'GetOpt', 'version');
     if ($ver != WPFB_VERSION) {
Example #28
 function form($instance)
     wpfb_call('WidgetForms', 'FileListWidget', array($this, $instance), true);
Example #29
 static function AdminPrintScripts()
     if (!empty($_GET['page']) && strpos($_GET['page'], 'wpfilebase_') !== false) {
         if ($_GET['page'] == 'wpfilebase_manage') {
         wpfb_call('Output', 'PrintJS');
     if (has_filter('ckeditor_external_plugins')) {
         <script type="text/javascript">
             /* CKEditor Plugin */
             if (typeof(ckeditorSettings) == 'object') {
                 ckeditorSettings.externalPlugins.wpfilebase = ajaxurl + '/../../wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase/extras/ckeditor/';
 function wpfilebase_deactivate()
     wpfb_loadclass('Core', 'Admin', 'Setup');
     wpfb_call('ExtensionLib', 'PluginDeactivated');