function validateFormInputs() { if (validateName()) { if (validateEmail()) { if (validatePhone()) { if (validateMessage()) { return true; } } } } return false; }
function insertPhoneInput() { if (isset($_POST['odeslat'])) { if (validatePhone()) { insertInputWithValue("tel", "telefon", "telefon", "Telefonní číslo (nepovinné)", 20, trim($_POST['telefon'])); insertOKSpan(); } else { insertInputWithValue("tel", "telefon", "telefon", "Telefonní číslo (nepovinné)", 20, trim($_POST['telefon'])); insertWrongSpan(); } } else { insertInput("tel", "telefon", "telefon", "Telefonní číslo (nepovinné)", 20); // insertOKSpan(); } }
function validate() { if (!validateAlpha($_POST['fname'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Not a valid firstname!")</script>'; return false; } if (!validateAlpha($_POST['lname'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Not a valid lastname!")</script>'; return false; } if (!validateAlphaNumeric($_POST['address'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Not a valid address!")</script>'; return false; } if (!validatePhone($_POST['phone'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Not a valid phone number, use ###-###-####!")</script>'; return false; } if (!validateEmail($_POST['email'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Not a valid email!")</script>'; return false; } return true; }
} ?> /> <span class="formcheck" id="spanZip" ></span><br /> <label>Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="PHONE" size="17" id="phone" class="validates" placeholder="###-###-####" onkeyup="phoneValid()" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['PHONE'])) { echo $phone; } ?> " <?php if (!validatePhone($phone)) { echo $styleInvalid; } ?> /> <span class="formcheck" id="spanPhoneNum"> </span><br /> <label>Birthday:</label> <input type="date" name="DOB" size="30" placeholder="mm/dm/yyyy" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['DOB'])) { echo $dob; } ?> " id="dob" <?php
function ProcessItem($formid, $fvalue, $params, $output_type) { global $TOOL_SHORT; $PASS_VALUE = "ok"; $FAIL_VALUE = "error"; global $VALIDATE_TEXT; $failed = false; $VALIDATE_TEXT = ""; // clear before doing the validation if (!validateRequired($fvalue) && !array_key_exists("required", $params)) { // blank and not required return ""; } // do the validation foreach ($params as $value) { if ($failed) { break; } $type = $value; if (strpos($value, ";") !== false) { // get the special rule type $type = substr($value, 0, strpos($value, ";")); } writeLog($TOOL_SHORT, "ajax", "validate:" . $type . ":" . $fvalue); if ($type == "required" || $type == "notblank") { if (!validateRequired($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "email") { if (!validateEmail($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "phone") { if (!validatePhone($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "date") { if (!validateDate($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "time") { if (!validateTime($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "zip" || $type == "zipcode") { if (!validateZip($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "nospaces" || $type == "password") { if (!validateNoSpaces($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "alpha") { if (!validateAlpha($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "alphanum") { if (!validateAlphaNumeric($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "number") { if (!validateNumeric($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "name") { if (!validateAlphaName($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "namespaces") { if (!validateAlphaNameSpaces($fvalue)) { $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "uniquesql") { // should be uniquesql;(columnname);(tablename);(tableid);(userid) $parts = split(';', $value); if (!validateUniqueSQL($parts[1], $parts[2], $fvalue, $parts[3], $parts[4])) { $VALIDATE_TEXT = $formid . " already used"; $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "uniqueinstp") { // should be uniqueinstp;(value);($field);(idval) $parts = split(';', $value); if (!validateUniqueInst($fvalue, $parts[1], $parts[2])) { $VALIDATE_TEXT = $formid . " already used"; $failed = true; } } else { if ($type == "uniqueuserp") { // should be uniqueuserp;(value);($field);(idval) $parts = split(';', $value); if (!validateUniqueUser($fvalue, $parts[1], $parts[2])) { $VALIDATE_TEXT = $formid . " already used"; $failed = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if ($output_type == "ajax") { $status = $PASS_VALUE; if ($failed) { $status = $FAIL_VALUE; } $ajaxReturn = "{$status}|{$formid}|{$VALIDATE_TEXT}"; echo $ajaxReturn; writeLog($TOOL_SHORT, "ajax", "return={$ajaxReturn}"); } else { if ($output_type == "print") { if ($failed) { print $VALIDATE_TEXT . "<br>"; } } else { if ($output_type == "array") { if ($failed) { return $VALIDATE_TEXT; } } } } // defaults to "return" if ($failed) { return $VALIDATE_TEXT . "<br>"; } return ""; }
function validateNewBuyerProfile($form) { if (checkEmpty($form['firstname'])) { $msg = str_replace('field', _LBL_FIRST_NAME, _ALRT_REQUIRED_FIELD); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['firstname']) && !checkLength($form['firstname'], 255)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_FIRST_NAME, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } if (checkEmpty($form['lastname'])) { $msg = str_replace('field', _LBL_LAST_NAME, _ALRT_REQUIRED_FIELD); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['lastname']) && !checkLength($form['lastname'], 255)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_LAST_NAME, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } /*if(checkEmpty($form['companyname'])) { $msg = str_replace('field',_LBL_COMPANY_NAME,_ALRT_REQUIRED_FIELD); return $msg; }*/ if (!checkEmpty($form['companyname']) && !checkLength($form['companyname'], 100)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_COMPANY_NAME, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } if (checkEmpty($form['type_entertainment'])) { $msg = str_replace('field', _LBL_TYPE_OF_ENT, _ALRT_REQUIRED_FIELD); return $msg; } /*if(checkEmpty($form['contactname'])) { $msg = str_replace('field',_LBL_CON_PERSON,_ALRT_REQUIRED_FIELD); return $msg; }*/ if (!checkEmpty($form['phone']) && !checkLength($form['phone'], 20)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_PH_NO, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['phone']) && !validatePhone($form['phone'])) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_PH_NO, _ALRT_CHECK_PHONE); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['jobtitle']) && !checkLength($form['jobtitle'], 100)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_JOB_TITLE, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } /*if(checkEmpty($form['yearfound'])) { $msg = str_replace('field',_LBL_YR_FOUNDED,_ALRT_REQUIRED_FIELD); return $msg; }*/ if (!checkEmpty($form['yearfound']) && !checkLength($form['yearfound'], 4)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', 'Year Started', _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['yearfound']) && !checkValidYear($form['yearfound'])) { $msg = str_replace('field', 'Year Started', _ALRT_VALID_FIELD); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['fax']) && !checkLength($form['fax'], 20)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_FAX_NO, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['fax']) && !validateFax($form['fax'])) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_FAX_NO, _ALRT_CHECK_VALID); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['web']) && !checkLength($form['web'], 200)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_COMP_URL, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['web']) && !validateURL($form['web'])) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_COMP_URL, _ALRT_CHECK_URL); $show_tab_type = 'COMPANY_INFO'; return $msg; } if (checkEmpty($form['city'])) { $msg = str_replace('field', _CITY, _ALRT_REQUIRED_FIELD); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['city']) && !checkLength($form['city'], 80)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _CITY, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } if (checkEmpty($form['state'])) { $msg = str_replace('field', _LBL_STATE, _ALRT_REQUIRED_FIELD); $show_tab_type = 'CONTACT_INFO'; return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['state']) && !checkLength($form['state'], 80)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_STATE, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } if (checkEmpty($form['zip'])) { $msg = str_replace('field', _LBL_ZIP_POSTALCODE, _ALRT_REQUIRED_FIELD); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['zip']) && !checkLength($form['zip'], 15)) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_ZIP_POSTALCODE, _ALRT_CHECK_LENGTH); return $msg; } if (!checkEmpty($form['zip']) && !validateZip($form['zip'])) { $msg = str_replace('%field%', _LBL_ZIP_POSTALCODE, _ALRT_CHECK_ZIP); return $msg; } return true; }
$templet = !empty($templet) ? $templet : MEMBERTEMPLET . 'reg.htm'; $pv->Fields['stoken'] = $token; $pv->SetTemplet(MEMBERTEMPLET . 'reg.htm'); $pv->Display(); exit; } //用户注册 if ($dopost == 'doreg') { @session_start(); $pwd = md5($password); $jointime = time(); $joinip = GetIP(); $jifen = empty($cfg_reg_jifen) ? 0 : $cfg_reg_jifen; //网上注册赠送积分 $nickname = substr($mobile, 0, 5) . '***'; $validateResult = validatePhone(); $_SESSION['mobilecode_' . $mobile] = ''; if ($validateResult !== true) { Helper_Archive::showMsg('注册失败!' . $validateResult, 'reg.php?dopost=reg', 0); return; } $sql = "insert into #@__member(mobile,pwd,jointime,joinip,jifen,nickname) values('{$mobile}','{$pwd}','{$jointime}','{$joinip}','{$jifen}','{$nickname}')"; if (defined('UC_API') && @(include_once SLINEROOT . '/uc_client/client.php')) { $email = time() . ""; $uid = uc_user_register($mobile, $password, $email); if ($uid <= 0) { } else { $ucsynlogin = uc_user_synlogin($uid); } } if ($dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($sql)) {
$err[] = 'The email field is too short or empty'; } if (!validateMaxLength($_POST['email'], 254)) { $err[] = 'The email field must be less than 254 characters'; } if (validateMinLength($_POST['email'], 2) && validateMaxLength($_POST['email'], 254) && !validateEmail($_POST['email'])) { $err[] = 'That email address appears to be invalid'; } //11 = Minimum Number, 23 = Maximum Number if (!validateMinLength($_POST['phone'], 11)) { $err[] = 'The phone number field must be at least 11 numbers'; } if (!validateMaxLength($_POST['phone'], 23)) { $err[] = 'The phone number field must be less than 22 numbers'; } if (validateMaxLength($_POST['phone'], 23) && validateMinLength($_POST['phone'], 11) && !validatePhone($_POST['phone'])) { $err[] = 'The phone number is not valid. Numbers and Hyphens (-) only'; } //1 = Minimum Number if (!validateMinLength($_POST['message'], 1)) { $err[] = 'The message field is too short or empty'; } //5 = Minimum Number, 5 = Maximum Number if (!validateMinLength($_POST['verify'], 5)) { $err[] = 'The security captcha field is too short or empty'; } if (!validateMaxLength($_POST['verify'], 5)) { $err[] = 'The security captcha field is too long'; } if (validateMinLength($_POST['verify'], 5) && validateMaxLength($_POST['verify'], 5) && md5($_POST['verify']) != $_SESSION['verify']) { $err[] = 'The captcha field appears to be incorrect';
$_SESSION['s_two_fa'] = ""; $_SESSION['s_two_fa'] = "{$two_fa}"; // Validate SMS gateway // SMS gateways must have a valid MX record. // The user's SMS gateway is stored encrypted in the DB. if ($sms_gateway != "no_mobile") { if (!getmxrr($sms_gateway, $mxhosts)) { die("Invalid SMS Gateway."); } } // Ensure 10 digit numbers have the "1" prepended to it. if (strlen($phone) == "10") { $phone = "1" . $phone; } // Phone validation. The phone number is stored encrypted in the DB. $new_phone = validatePhone($phone, "<b>Phone number should be less than 15 digits.</b>"); // Needed to send code via SMS. This is appended to the phone number, if the user is using an sms gateway. if ($sms_gateway != "no_mobile") { $_SESSION['s_reg_gateway'] = "{$new_phone}" . "@" . "{$sms_gateway}"; } // These session variables will be passed to the Verify Code script below and passed to the // gen_cert() function, if the proper code is entered. $_SESSION['s_reg_password'] = $password; $_SESSION['s_phone'] = ""; $_SESSION['s_phone'] = $new_phone; $_SESSION['s_sms_gateway'] = $sms_gateway; // Send the respective verification code to complete the registration. if ($two_fa == "s") { // Send sms auth code. sms_random_code_auth(); } else {