function ote_accent($str) { $str = str_replace("'", " ", $str); $str = utf8_decode($str); $ch = strtr($str, '����������������������������������������������������', 'AAAAAACEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiioooooouuuuyy'); return utf8_encode($ch); }
/** * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Exception\Exception * Создание word для юр вопросов */ public static function ur_questions($row) { $user = User::findOne(\Yii::$app->user->identity->id); $file = \Yii::$app->basePath . '/temp/ur_questions/' . $row['qid'] . '.docx'; $template = \Yii::$app->basePath . '/temp/ur_questions/Template.docx'; $templateProcessor = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor($template); // Variables on different parts of document $row['question'] = str_replace("\n", "<w:br/>", $row['question']); //Для пробелов $templateProcessor->setValue('vopros', $row['question']); $templateProcessor->setValue('date', date("d.m.Y")); $templateProcessor->setValue('ur_name', $row['uname']); $templateProcessor->setValue('ur_ruk', $row['contact_face']); $templateProcessor->setValue('ur_phone', $row['contact_phone']); $templateProcessor->setValue('ur_mail', $row['contact_mail']); $templateProcessor->setValue('ur_region', $row['rname']); //$templateProcessor->setValue('serverName', realpath(__DIR__)); // On header $templateProcessor->saveAs($file); $qf = explode("|", $row['qfiles']); if (!isset($qf[0])) { $qf[0] = $qf; } $mail = \Yii::$app->mail->compose('ur_questions', ['uname' => $row['uname'], 'username' => $user['username'], 'mail' => $user['mail']])->setFrom([\Yii::$app->params['infoEmail'] => 'СоюзФарма'])->setTo(\Yii::$app->params['uristEmail'])->setSubject('Юридический вопрос')->attach($file); foreach ($qf as $q) { if ($q != "") { $mail->attach($q); } } $mail->send(); // if($templateProcessor->saveAs('results/Sample_07_TemplateCloneRow.docx')) { // return true; // }else{ // return false; // } }
function getLocation($str) { $array_size = intval(substr($str, 0, 1)); // 拆成的行数 $code = substr($str, 1); // 加密后的串 $len = strlen($code); $subline_size = $len % $array_size; // 满字符的行数 $result = array(); $deurl = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $array_size; $i += 1) { if ($i < $subline_size) { array_push($result, substr($code, 0, ceil($len / $array_size))); $code = substr($code, ceil($len / $array_size)); } else { array_push($result, substr($code, 0, ceil($len / $array_size) - 1)); $code = substr($code, ceil($len / $array_size) - 1); } } for ($i = 0; $i < ceil($len / $array_size); $i += 1) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($result); $j += 1) { $deurl = $deurl . "" . substr($result[$j], $i, 1); } } return str_replace("^", "0", urldecode($deurl)); }
public function collectData(array $param) { $html = $this->file_get_html('') or $this->returnError('Could not request Maliki.', 404); $count = 0; $latest = 1; $latest_title = ""; $latest = $html->find('div.conteneur_page a', 1)->href; $latest_title = $html->find('div.conteneur_page img', 0)->title; function MalikiExtractContent($url) { $html2 = $this->file_get_html($url); $text = '' . $html2->find('img', 0)->src; $text = '<img alt="" src="' . $text . '"/><br>' . $html2->find('div.imageetnews', 0)->plaintext; return $text; } $item = new \Item(); $item->uri = '' . $latest; $item->title = $latest_title; $item->timestamp = time(); $item->content = MalikiExtractContent($item->uri); $this->items[] = $item; foreach ($html->find('div.boite_strip') as $element) { if (!empty($element->find('a', 0)->href) and $count < 3) { $item = new \Item(); $item->uri = '' . $element->find('a', 0)->href; $item->title = $element->find('img', 0)->title; $item->timestamp = strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $element->find('span.stylepetit', 0)->innertext)); $item->content = MalikiExtractContent($item->uri); $this->items[] = $item; $count++; } } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getEntityAlias($entityClass) { if ($this->configManager->hasConfig($entityClass)) { // check for enums $enumCode = $this->configManager->getProvider('enum')->getConfig($entityClass)->get('code'); if ($enumCode) { $entityAlias = $this->getEntityAliasFromConfig($entityClass); if (null !== $entityAlias) { return $entityAlias; } return $this->createEntityAlias(str_replace('_', '', $enumCode)); } // check for dictionaries $groups = $this->configManager->getProvider('grouping')->getConfig($entityClass)->get('groups'); if (!empty($groups) && in_array(GroupingScope::GROUP_DICTIONARY, $groups, true)) { // delegate aliases generation to default provider return null; } // exclude hidden entities if ($this->configManager->isHiddenModel($entityClass)) { return false; } // check for custom entities if (ExtendHelper::isCustomEntity($entityClass)) { $entityAlias = $this->getEntityAliasFromConfig($entityClass); if (null !== $entityAlias) { return $entityAlias; } return $this->createEntityAlias('Extend' . ExtendHelper::getShortClassName($entityClass)); } } return null; }
/** * Get link definition defined in 'fields' metadata. In linkDefs can be used as value (e.g. "type": "hasChildren") and/or variables (e.g. "entityName":"{entity}"). Variables should be defined into fieldDefs (in 'entityDefs' metadata). * * @param string $entityName * @param array $fieldDef * @param array $linkFieldDefsByType * @return array | null */ public function getLinkDefsInFieldMeta($entityName, $fieldDef, array $linkFieldDefsByType = null) { if (!isset($fieldDefsByType)) { $fieldDefsByType = $this->getFieldDefsByType($fieldDef); if (!isset($fieldDefsByType['linkDefs'])) { return null; } $linkFieldDefsByType = $fieldDefsByType['linkDefs']; } foreach ($linkFieldDefsByType as $paramName => &$paramValue) { if (preg_match('/{(.*?)}/', $paramValue, $matches)) { if (in_array($matches[1], array_keys($fieldDef))) { $value = $fieldDef[$matches[1]]; } else { if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'entity') { $value = $entityName; } } if (isset($value)) { $paramValue = str_replace('{' . $matches[1] . '}', $value, $paramValue); } } } return $linkFieldDefsByType; }
public function addFieldToModule($field) { global $log; $fileName = 'modules/Settings/Vtiger/models/CompanyDetails.php'; $fileExists = file_exists($fileName); if ($fileExists) { require_once $fileName; $fileContent = file_get_contents($fileName); $placeToAdd = "'website' => 'text',"; $newField = "'{$field}' => 'text',"; if (self::parse_data($placeToAdd, $fileContent)) { $fileContent = str_replace($placeToAdd, $placeToAdd . PHP_EOL . ' ' . $newField, $fileContent); } else { if (self::parse_data('?>', $fileContent)) { $fileContent = str_replace('?>', '', $fileContent); } $fileContent = $fileContent . PHP_EOL . $placeToAdd . PHP_EOL . ' ' . $newField . PHP_EOL . ');'; } $log->info('Settings_Vtiger_SaveCompanyField_Action::addFieldToModule - add line to modules/Settings/Vtiger/models/CompanyDetails.php '); } else { $log->info('Settings_Vtiger_SaveCompanyField_Action::addFieldToModule - File does not exist'); return FALSE; } $filePointer = fopen($fileName, 'w'); fwrite($filePointer, $fileContent); fclose($filePointer); return TRUE; }
public static function apiUpdateOrder($order, $response) { if (!defined('ORDER_MANAGEMENT')) { define('ORDER_MANAGEMENT', true); } if (!empty($order['status'])) { $statuses = fn_get_statuses(STATUSES_ORDER, false, true); if (!isset($statuses[$order['status']])) { $response->addError('ERROR_OBJECT_UPDATE', str_replace('[object]', 'orders', __('twgadmin_wrong_api_object_data'))); } else { fn_change_order_status($order['order_id'], $order['status']); } } $cart = array(); fn_clear_cart($cart, true); $customer_auth = fn_fill_auth(array(), array(), false, 'C'); fn_form_cart($order['order_id'], $cart, $customer_auth); $cart['order_id'] = $order['order_id']; // update only profile data $profile_data = fn_check_table_fields($order, 'user_profiles'); $cart['user_data'] = fn_array_merge($cart['user_data'], $profile_data); $cart['user_data'] = fn_array_merge($cart['user_data'], $order); fn_calculate_cart_content($cart, $customer_auth, 'A', true, 'I'); if (!empty($order['details'])) { db_query('UPDATE ?:orders SET details = ?s WHERE order_id = ?i', $order['details'], $order['order_id']); } if (!empty($order['notes'])) { $cart['notes'] = $order['notes']; } fn_update_payment_surcharge($cart, $customer_auth); list($order_id, $process_payment) = fn_place_order($cart, $customer_auth, 'save'); return array($order_id, $process_payment); }
/** * Requests API data and returns aliases * * @return string */ private function getAliases() { $request = new Request(); $user = new User(); $path = 'drush_aliases'; $method = 'GET'; $response = $request->request('users', Session::getValue('user_id'), $path, $method); eval(str_replace('<?php', '', $response['data']->drush_aliases)); $formatted_aliases = substr($response['data']->drush_aliases, 0, -1); $sites_object = new Sites(); $sites = $sites_object->all(); foreach ($sites as $site) { $environments = $site->environments->all(); foreach ($environments as $environment) { $key = $site->get('name') . '.' . $environment->get('id'); if (isset($aliases[$key])) { break; } try { $formatted_aliases .= PHP_EOL . " \$aliases['{$key}'] = "; $formatted_aliases .= $this->constructAlias($environment); } catch (TerminusException $e) { continue; } } } $formatted_aliases .= PHP_EOL; return $formatted_aliases; }
/** * Entry point for the script * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public function doExecute() { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE . '/configuration.php') || file_exists(JPATH_BASE . '/config.php')) { $configfile = file_exists(JPATH_BASE . 'configuration.php') ? JPATH_BASE . '/config.php' : JPATH_BASE . '/configuration.php'; if (is_writable($configfile)) { $config = file_get_contents($configfile); //Do a simple replace for the CMS and old school applications $newconfig = str_replace('public $offline = \'0\'', 'public $offline = \'1\'', $config); // Newer applications generally use JSON instead. if (!$newconfig) { $newconfig = str_replace('"public $offline":"0"', '"public $offline":"1"', $config); } if (!$newconfig) { $this->out('This application does not have an offline configuration setting.'); } else { JFile::Write($configfile, &$newconfig); $this->out('Site is offline'); } } else { $this->out('The file is not writable, you need to change the file permissions first.'); $this->out(); } } else { $this->out('This application does not have a configuration file'); } $this->out(); }
/** * On modifie les URLS des images dans le corps de l'article */ function filtre_picture($content, $url, $id) { $matches = array(); $processing_pictures = array(); // list of processing image to avoid processing the same pictures twice preg_match_all('#<\\s*(img)[^>]+src="([^"]*)"[^>]*>#Si', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $i => $link) { $link[1] = trim($link[1]); if (!preg_match('#^(([a-z]+://)|(\\#))#', $link[1])) { $absolute_path = get_absolute_link($link[2], $url); $filename = basename(parse_url($absolute_path, PHP_URL_PATH)); $directory = create_assets_directory($id); $fullpath = $directory . '/' . $filename; if (in_array($absolute_path, $processing_pictures) === true) { // replace picture's URL only if processing is OK : already processing -> go to next picture continue; } if (download_pictures($absolute_path, $fullpath) === true) { $content = str_replace($matches[$i][2], $fullpath, $content); } $processing_pictures[] = $absolute_path; } } return $content; }
function mdl_const($str_type) { if (!fn_token("chk")) { //令牌 $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert("x030102"); } $_arr_opt = fn_post("opt"); $_str_content = "<?php" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($_arr_opt as $_key => $_value) { $_arr_optChk = validateStr($_value, 1, 900); $_str_optValue = $_arr_optChk["str"]; if (is_numeric($_value)) { $_str_content .= "define(\"" . $_key . "\", " . $_str_optValue . ");" . PHP_EOL; } else { $_str_content .= "define(\"" . $_key . "\", \"" . str_replace(PHP_EOL, "|", $_str_optValue) . "\");" . PHP_EOL; } } if ($str_type == "base") { $_str_content .= "define(\"BG_SITE_SSIN\", \"" . fn_rand(6) . "\");" . PHP_EOL; } else { if ($str_type == "visit") { if ($_arr_opt["BG_VISIT_TYPE"] != "static") { $_str_content .= "define(\"BG_VISIT_FILE\", \"html\");" . PHP_EOL; } } } $_str_content = str_replace("||", "", $_str_content); $_num_size = file_put_contents(BG_PATH_CONFIG . "opt_" . $str_type . ".inc.php", $_str_content); if ($_num_size > 0) { $_str_alert = "y060101"; } else { $_str_alert = "x060101"; } return array("alert" => $_str_alert); }
function valida_valor($valor, $aceita_float) { // valida valor if ($valor == null) { // informa que nao e um valor return false; } // remove a virgula se houver $valor = str_replace(",", ".", $valor); // remove espaco vazio no meio se houver $valor = str_replace(" ", null, $valor); // remove o espaco em branco $valor = trim($valor); // valida se e numero, e se e numero positivo if (is_numeric($valor) == false or $valor < 0) { // informa que nao e um numero return false; } // arredonda valor se nao aceitar float if ($aceita_float == false) { // arredonda $valor = round($valor, 0); } // se aceitar float, e for float entao arredonda if ($aceita_float == true) { // arredonda $valor = round($valor, 2); } // retorno return $valor; }
function includePeer($path = "general") { $_path = _FM_HOME_DIR . DS . 'symbiosis' . DS . _FM_PEER . DS . str_replace('.', DS, $path) . '.php'; if (file_exists($_path)) { require_once $_path; } }
/** * Load metadata about an HTML document using Aperture. * * @param string $htmlFile File on disk containing HTML. * * @return array */ protected static function getApertureFields($htmlFile) { $xmlFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'apt'); $cmd = static::getApertureCommand($htmlFile, $xmlFile, 'filecrawler'); exec($cmd); // If we failed to process the file, give up now: if (!file_exists($xmlFile)) { throw new \Exception('Aperture failed.'); } // Extract and decode the full text from the XML: $xml = str_replace(chr(0), ' ', file_get_contents($xmlFile)); @unlink($xmlFile); preg_match('/<plainTextContent[^>]*>([^<]*)</ms', $xml, $matches); $final = isset($matches[1]) ? trim(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) : ''; // Extract the title from the XML: preg_match('/<title[^>]*>([^<]*)</ms', $xml, $matches); $title = isset($matches[1]) ? trim(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) : ''; // Extract the keywords from the XML: preg_match_all('/<keyword[^>]*>([^<]*)</ms', $xml, $matches); $keywords = []; if (isset($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $current) { $keywords[] = trim(html_entity_decode($current, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } } // Extract the description from the XML: preg_match('/<description[^>]*>([^<]*)</ms', $xml, $matches); $description = isset($matches[1]) ? trim(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) : ''; // Send back the extracted fields: return ['title' => $title, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'description' => $description, 'fulltext' => $final]; }
/** * getUser * * read User by ID * id, int: id (required) * * @return User */ public function getUser($id) { // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/user_get_two_read1"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'; $headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; // query params if ($id !== null) { $queryParams['id'] = $this->apiClient->toQueryValue($id); } $body = $body ?: $formParams; if (strpos($headerParams['Content-Type'], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") > -1) { $body = http_build_query($body); } // make the API Call $response = $this->apiClient->callAPI($resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $body, $headerParams); if (!$response) { return null; } $responseObject = $this->apiClient->deserialize($response, 'User'); return $responseObject; }
function xml_debutElement($phraseur, $name, $attrs) { $depth = $phraseur->depth; $t = isset($phraseur->ouvrant[$depth]) ? $phraseur->ouvrant[$depth] : ' '; // espace initial signifie: deja integree au resultat if ($t[0] != ' ') { $phraseur->res .= '<' . $t . '>'; $phraseur->ouvrant[$depth] = ' ' . $t; } $t = $phraseur->contenu[$depth]; // n'indenter que s'il y a un separateur avant $phraseur->res .= preg_replace("/[\n\t ]+\$/", "\n{$depth}", $t); $phraseur->contenu[$depth] = ""; $att = ''; $sep = ' '; foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) { $delim = strpos($v, "'") === false ? "'" : '"'; $val = xml_entites_html($v); $att .= $sep . $k . "=" . $delim . ($delim !== '"' ? str_replace('"', '"', $val) : $val) . $delim; $sep = "\n {$depth}"; } $phraseur->depth .= ' '; $phraseur->contenu[$phraseur->depth] = ""; $phraseur->ouvrant[$phraseur->depth] = $name . $att; $phraseur->reperes[$phraseur->depth] = xml_get_current_line_number($phraseur->sax); }
/** * Returns a string with the values as placeholders in a string to be used * for the SQL version of this expression * * @param \Cake\Database\ValueBinder $generator The value binder to convert expressions with. * @return string */ protected function _stringifyValues($generator) { $values = []; $parts = $this->getValue(); if ($parts instanceof ExpressionInterface) { return $parts->sql($generator); } foreach ($parts as $i => $value) { if ($value instanceof ExpressionInterface) { $values[] = $value->sql($generator); continue; } $type = $this->_type; $multiType = is_array($type); $isMulti = $this->isMulti(); $type = $multiType ? $type : str_replace('[]', '', $type); $type = $type ?: null; if ($isMulti) { $bound = []; foreach ($value as $k => $val) { $valType = $multiType ? $type[$k] : $type; $bound[] = $this->_bindValue($generator, $val, $valType); } $values[] = sprintf('(%s)', implode(',', $bound)); continue; } $valType = $multiType && isset($type[$i]) ? $type[$i] : $type; $values[] = $this->_bindValue($generator, $value, $valType); } return implode(', ', $values); }
private function underscore($name) { $name = preg_replace('/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/', '\\1_\\2', $name); $name = preg_replace('/([a-z\\d])([A-Z])/', '\\1_\\2', $name); $name = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), array('.', '.'), $name); return $name; }
/** * Throw file upload error, return true if error has been thrown, false if error has been catched * * @param int $number * @param string $text * @access public */ function throwError($number, $uploaded = false, $exit = true) { if ($this->_catchAllErrors || in_array($number, $this->_skipErrorsArray)) { return false; } $oRegistry =& CKFinder_Connector_Core_Factory::getInstance("Core_Registry"); $sFileName = $oRegistry->get("FileUpload_fileName"); $sFileUrl = $oRegistry->get("FileUpload_url"); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); /** * echo <script> is not called before CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::getErrorMessage * because PHP has problems with including files that contain BOM character. * Having BOM character after <script> tag causes a javascript error. */ echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"; if (!empty($_GET['CKEditor'])) { $errorMessage = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::getErrorMessage($number, $sFileName); if (!$uploaded) { $sFileUrl = ""; $sFileName = ""; } $funcNum = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']); echo "{$funcNum}, '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $sFileUrl . $sFileName) . "', '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $errorMessage) . "');"; } else { if (!$uploaded) { echo "window.parent.OnUploadCompleted(" . $number . ", '', '', '') ;"; } else { echo "window.parent.OnUploadCompleted(" . $number . ", '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $sFileUrl . $sFileName) . "', '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $sFileName) . "', '') ;"; } } echo "</script>"; if ($exit) { exit; } }
public function wp_hi_term_link($termlink, $term, $taxonomy) { foreach ($this->cpts_array as $hi_cpt) { $termlink = str_replace($hi_cpt['cpt_taxonomy'], $hi_cpt['cpt_slug'] . '/category', $termlink); return $termlink; } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return void */ public function fire() { $contents = $this->getKeyFile(); $dbName = $this->argument('database'); $dbUserName = $this->ask('What is your MySQL username?'); $dbPassword = $this->secret('What is your MySQL password?'); // Replace DB credentials taken from env.php file $keys = ['MYSQL_DATABASE', 'MYSQL_USERNAME', 'MYSQL_PASSWORD']; $search = ["'{$keys['0']}' => ''", "'{$keys['1']}' => ''", "'{$keys['2']}' => ''"]; $replace = ["'{$keys['0']}' => '{$dbName}'", "'{$keys['1']}' => '{$dbUserName}'", "'{$keys['2']}' => '{$dbPassword}'"]; $contents = str_replace($search, $replace, $contents, $count); if ($count != 3) { throw new Exception('Error while writing credentials to .env.php.'); } // Set DB credentials to laravel config $this->laravel['config']['database.connections.mysql.database'] = $dbName; $this->laravel['config']['database.connections.mysql.username'] = $dbUserName; $this->laravel['config']['database.connections.mysql.password'] = $dbPassword; $this->error($this->laravel['config']['local.database.connections.mysql.database']); // Migrate DB if (!Schema::hasTable('migrations')) { $this->call('migrate'); $this->call('db:seed'); } else { $this->error('A migrations table was found in database [' . $dbName . '], no migrate and seed were done.'); } // Write to .env.php $env = $this->laravel->environment(); $newPath = $env == 'production' ? '.env.php' : '.env.' . $env . '.php'; $this->files->put($newPath, $contents); }
public function get_mp3_url($id, $type) { $byte1[] = $this->getBytes(self::secret_bit_mask); //18 $byte2[] = $this->getBytes($id); //16 $magic = $byte1[0]; $song_id = $byte2[0]; $size = count($song_id); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $song_id[$i] ^= $magic[$i % count($magic)]; } $result = base64_encode(md5($this->toStr($song_id), true)); $result = str_replace(['/', '+'], ['_', '-'], $result); $sufix = $result . '/' . number_format($id, 0, '', '') . ".mp3"; switch ($type) { case "hd": $url = self::mp3_hd_url . $sufix; break; case "sd": $url = self::mp3_sd_url . $sufix; break; default: $url = NULL; break; } return $url; }
function index() { $path = \GCore\C::get('GCORE_ADMIN_PATH') . 'extensions' . DS . 'chronoforms' . DS; $files = \GCore\Libs\Folder::getFiles($path, true); $strings = array(); //function to prepare strings $prepare = function ($str) { /*$path = \GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_PATH'); if(strpos($str, $path) !== false AND strpos($str, $path) == 0){ return '//'.str_replace($path, '', $str); }*/ $val = !empty(\GCore\Libs\Lang::$translations[$str]) ? \GCore\Libs\Lang::$translations[$str] : ''; return 'const ' . trim($str) . ' = "' . str_replace("\n", '\\n', $val) . '";'; }; foreach ($files as $file) { if (substr($file, -4, 4) == '.php') { // AND strpos($file, DS.'extensions'.DS) === TRUE){ //$strings[] = $file; $file_code = file_get_contents($file); preg_match_all('/l_\\(("|\')([^(\\))]*?)("|\')\\)/i', $file_code, $langs); if (!empty($langs[2])) { $strings = array_merge($strings, $langs[2]); } } } $strings = array_unique($strings); $strings = array_map($prepare, $strings); echo '<textarea rows="20" cols="80">' . implode("\n", $strings) . '</textarea>'; }
public function __construct($a = '') { parent::__construct(); $this->a = $a; /* parse the before and after graphs if necessary*/ foreach (array('before', 'after', 'before_rdfxml', 'after_rdfxml') as $rdf) { if (!empty($a[$rdf])) { if (is_string($a[$rdf])) { /** @var \ARC2_RDFParser $parser */ $parser = \ARC2::getRDFParser(); $parser->parse(false, $a[$rdf]); $a[$rdf] = $parser->getSimpleIndex(0); } else { if (is_array($a[$rdf]) and isset($a[$rdf][0]) and isset($a[$rdf][0]['s'])) { //triples array /** @var \ARC2_RDFSerializer $ser */ $ser = \ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(); /** @var string $turtle */ $turtle = $ser->getSerializedTriples($a[$rdf]); /** @var \ARC2_RDFParser $parser */ $parser = \ARC2::getTurtleParser(); $parser->parse(false, $turtle); $a[$rdf] = $parser->getSimpleIndex(0); } } $nrdf = str_replace('_rdfxml', '', $rdf); $this->{$nrdf} = $a[$rdf]; } } $this->__init(); }
public function renderPager() { // /controller/action -> #!controller/action $str = parent::renderPager(); $str = str_replace('href="/', 'href="#!', $str); return $str; }
function CoolVideoGallery() { $this->plugin_url = trailingslashit(WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__))); $this->video_player_url = trailingslashit(WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/cvg-player'); $this->video_player_path = trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/cvg-player/'); $this->table_gallery = ''; $this->table_videos = ''; $this->video_id = ''; if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite()) { $this->default_gallery_path = get_option('upload_path') . '/video-gallery/'; } else { $this->default_gallery_path = 'wp-content/uploads/video-gallery/'; } $this->winabspath = str_replace("\\", "/", ABSPATH); $this->load_video_files(); //adds scripts and css stylesheets add_action('wp_print_scripts', array(&$this, 'gallery_script')); //adds admin menu options to manage add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'admin_menu')); //adds contextual help for all menus of plugin add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'add_gallery_contextual_help')); //adds player options to head add_action('wp_head', array(&$this, 'addPlayerHeader')); add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'addPlayerHeader')); //adds filter for post/page content add_filter('the_content', array(&$this, 'CVGVideo_Parse')); add_filter('the_content', array(&$this, 'CVGGallery_Parse')); add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', array(&$this, 'cvg_custom_dashboard_widgets')); }
/** * Return book's short name * * @return string */ public function getShortName() { if ($this->short_name === null) { $this->short_name = str_replace('_', '-', basename($this->path)); } return $this->short_name; }
function plugin_skype_inline() { $options = $this->conf['options']; $args = func_get_args(); $alias = array_pop($args); $this->fetch_options($options, $args, array('id')); if (!$options['id']) { return FALSE; } else { $id = $this->func->htmlspecialchars($options['id']); } if (!$alias) { $alias = $id; } foreach ($this->conf['modes'] as $mode) { if (!empty($options[$mode])) { break; } } if ($options['status']) { foreach ($this->conf['statuses'] as $status) { if ($options['status'] === $status) { break; } } } else { $status = ''; } $image = ''; if ($status) { $image = '<img src="' . $status . '/' . $id . '" />'; } $link = 'skype:' . $id . '?' . $mode; return str_replace(array('$image', '$link', '$alias'), array($image, $link, $alias), $this->conf['format']); }
function schema() { $this->column('id')->integer()->primary()->autoIncrement(); $this->column('name')->typeConstraint()->required()->varchar(128); $this->column('description')->varchar(128); $this->column('category_id')->integer(); $this->column('address')->varchar(64)->validator(function ($val, $args, $record) { if (preg_match('/f**k/', $val)) { return array(false, "Please don't"); } return array(true, "Good"); })->filter(function ($val, $args, $record) { return str_replace('John', 'XXXX', $val); })->default(function () { return 'Default Address'; })->varchar(256); $this->column('country')->varchar(12)->required()->index()->validValues(array('Taiwan', 'Taipei', 'Tokyo')); $this->column('type')->varchar(24)->validValues(function () { return array('Type Name A' => 'type-a', 'Type Name B' => 'type-b', 'Type Name C' => 'type-c'); }); $this->column('confirmed')->boolean(); $this->column('date')->date()->isa('DateTime')->deflator(function ($val) { if ($val instanceof \DateTime) { return $val->format('Y-m-d'); } elseif (is_integer($val)) { return strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $val); } return $val; })->inflator(function ($val) { return new \DateTime($val); }); $this->seeds('TestSeed'); }