function __construct() { $count = getInput("count"); $email = getInput("email"); $password = getInput("password"); $x = 0; while ($x < $count) { $first_name = $this->names[mt_rand(0, sizeof($this->names) - 1)]; $last_name = $this->surnames[mt_rand(0, sizeof($this->surnames) - 1)]; $user = new User(); $user->password = md5($password); $user->random = true; $user->verified = "true"; $user->profile_type = "default"; $user->access_id = "system"; $user->first_name = $first_name; $user->last_name = $last_name; $user->email = "tester" . $x . "@" . $email; $user->full_name = $first_name . " " . $last_name; $user->save(); $x++; } new SystemMessage("Random users have been generated"); forward(); }
/** * Unmarshal return value from a specified node * * @param xml.Node node * @return webservices.uddi.BusinessList * @see xp://webservices.uddi.UDDICommand#unmarshalFrom * @throws lang.FormatException in case of an unexpected response */ public function unmarshalFrom($node) { if (0 != strcasecmp($node->name, 'businessList')) { throw new \lang\FormatException('Expected "businessList", got "' . $node->name . '"'); } // Create business list object from XML representation with($list = new BusinessList(), $children = $node->nodeAt(0)->getChildren()); $list->setOperator($node->getAttribute('operator')); $list->setTruncated(0 == strcasecmp('true', $node->getAttribute('truncated'))); for ($i = 0, $s = sizeof($children); $i < $s; $i++) { $b = new Business($children[$i]->getAttribute('businessKey')); for ($j = 0, $t = sizeof($children[$i]->getChildren()); $j < $s; $j++) { switch ($children[$i]->nodeAt($j)->name) { case 'name': $b->names[] = $children[$i]->nodeAt($j)->getContent(); break; case 'description': $b->description = $children[$i]->nodeAt($j)->getContent(); break; } } $list->items[] = $b; } return $list; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function prepare_form($request, $template, $user, $row, &$error) { $avatar_list = $this->get_avatar_list($user); $category = $request->variable('avatar_local_cat', key($avatar_list)); foreach ($avatar_list as $cat => $null) { if (!empty($avatar_list[$cat])) { $template->assign_block_vars('avatar_local_cats', array('NAME' => $cat, 'SELECTED' => $cat == $category)); } if ($cat != $category) { unset($avatar_list[$cat]); } } if (!empty($avatar_list[$category])) { $template->assign_vars(array('AVATAR_LOCAL_SHOW' => true)); $table_cols = isset($row['avatar_gallery_cols']) ? $row['avatar_gallery_cols'] : 4; $row_count = $col_count = $avatar_pos = 0; $avatar_count = sizeof($avatar_list[$category]); reset($avatar_list[$category]); while ($avatar_pos < $avatar_count) { $img = current($avatar_list[$category]); next($avatar_list[$category]); if ($col_count == 0) { ++$row_count; $template->assign_block_vars('avatar_local_row', array()); } $template->assign_block_vars('avatar_local_row.avatar_local_col', array('AVATAR_IMAGE' => $this->phpbb_root_path . $this->config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $img['file'], 'AVATAR_NAME' => $img['name'], 'AVATAR_FILE' => $img['filename'], 'CHECKED' => $img['file'] === $row['avatar'])); $template->assign_block_vars('avatar_local_row.avatar_local_option', array('AVATAR_FILE' => $img['filename'], 'S_OPTIONS_AVATAR' => $img['filename'], 'CHECKED' => $img['file'] === $row['avatar'])); $col_count = ($col_count + 1) % $table_cols; ++$avatar_pos; } } return true; }
public function getTablaUsuarios() { //get de los usuarioes $usuarios = $this->UsuariosDAO->getUsuarios(); //valida si hay usuarioes if ($usuarios) { for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($usuarios); $a++) { $id = $usuarios[$a]["pkID"]; $alias = $usuarios[$a]["alias"]; $nombres = $usuarios[$a]["nombres"]; $apellidos = $usuarios[$a]["apellidos"]; $numero_cc = $usuarios[$a]["numero_cc"]; $nom_tipo = $usuarios[$a]["nom_tipo"]; echo ' <tr> <td>' . $id . '</td> <td>' . $alias . '</td> <td>' . $nombres . '</td> <td>' . $apellidos . '</td> <td>' . $numero_cc . '</td> <td>' . $nom_tipo . '</td> <td> <button id="btn_editar" name="edita_usuario" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#frm_modal_usuario" data-id-usuario = "' . $id . '" ><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> Editar</button> <br><br> <button id="btn_eliminar" name="elimina_usuario" type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-id-usuario = "' . $id . '" ><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> Eliminar</button> </td> </tr>'; } } else { echo "<tr>\n\t <td></td>\n\t <td></td>\n\t <td></td>\t\t \t\t \n\t </tr>\n\t <h3>En este momento no hay usuarioes creadas.</h3>"; } }
private static function listCommands() { $commands = array(); $dir = __DIR__; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && $entry != "base.php") { $s1 = explode("cli_", $entry); $s2 = explode(".php", $s1[1]); if (sizeof($s2) == 2) { require_once "{$dir}/{$entry}"; $command = $s2[0]; $className = "cli_{$command}"; $class = new $className(); if (is_a($class, "cliCommand")) { $commands[] = $command; } } } } closedir($handle); } sort($commands); return implode(" ", $commands); }
/** Function builds one dimentional category tree based on given array * * @param array $all_categories * @param int $parent_id * @param string $path * @return array */ private function _buildCategoryTree($all_categories = array(), $parent_id = 0, $path = '') { $output = array(); foreach ($all_categories as $category) { if ($parent_id != $category['parent_id']) { continue; } $category['path'] = $path ? $path . '_' . $category['category_id'] : $category['category_id']; $category['parents'] = explode("_", $category['path']); $category['level'] = sizeof($category['parents']) - 1; //digin' level if ($category['category_id'] == $this->category_id) { //mark root $this->selected_root_id = $category['parents'][0]; } $output[] = $category; $output = array_merge($output, $this->_buildCategoryTree($all_categories, $category['category_id'], $category['path'])); } if ($parent_id == 0) { $this->data['all_categories'] = $output; //place result into memory for future usage (for menu. see below) // cut list and expand only selected tree branch $cutted_tree = array(); foreach ($output as $category) { if ($category['parent_id'] != 0 && !in_array($this->selected_root_id, $category['parents'])) { continue; } $category['href'] = $this->html->getSEOURL('product/category', '&path=' . $category['path'], '&encode'); $cutted_tree[] = $category; } return $cutted_tree; } else { return $output; } }
function clsRecordt_rep_bphtb_registrationSearch($RelativePath, &$Parent) { global $FileName; global $CCSLocales; global $DefaultDateFormat; $this->Visible = true; $this->Parent =& $Parent; $this->RelativePath = $RelativePath; $this->Errors = new clsErrors(); $this->ErrorBlock = "Record t_rep_bphtb_registrationSearch/Error"; $this->ReadAllowed = true; if ($this->Visible) { $this->ComponentName = "t_rep_bphtb_registrationSearch"; $this->Attributes = new clsAttributes($this->ComponentName . ":"); $CCSForm = explode(":", CCGetFromGet("ccsForm", ""), 2); if (sizeof($CCSForm) == 1) { $CCSForm[1] = ""; } list($FormName, $FormMethod) = $CCSForm; $this->FormEnctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; $this->FormSubmitted = $FormName == $this->ComponentName; $Method = $this->FormSubmitted ? ccsPost : ccsGet; $this->wp_name =& new clsControl(ccsTextBox, "wp_name", "wp_name", ccsDate, array("dd", "-", "mm", "-", "yyyy"), CCGetRequestParam("wp_name", $Method, NULL), $this); $this->Button_DoSearch =& new clsButton("Button_DoSearch", $Method, $this); $this->t_bphtb_registration_id =& new clsControl(ccsHidden, "t_bphtb_registration_id", "t_bphtb_registration_id", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("t_bphtb_registration_id", $Method, NULL), $this); } }
function clsRecordchange_passwordchangepwd1($RelativePath, &$Parent) { global $FileName; global $CCSLocales; global $DefaultDateFormat; $this->Visible = true; $this->Parent =& $Parent; $this->RelativePath = $RelativePath; $this->Errors = new clsErrors(); $this->ErrorBlock = "Record changepwd1/Error"; $this->DataSource = new clschange_passwordchangepwd1DataSource($this); $this->ds =& $this->DataSource; $this->UpdateAllowed = true; $this->ReadAllowed = true; if ($this->Visible) { $this->ComponentName = "changepwd1"; $this->Attributes = new clsAttributes($this->ComponentName . ":"); $CCSForm = explode(":", CCGetFromGet("ccsForm", ""), 2); if (sizeof($CCSForm) == 1) { $CCSForm[1] = ""; } list($FormName, $FormMethod) = $CCSForm; $this->EditMode = $FormMethod == "Edit"; $this->FormEnctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; $this->FormSubmitted = $FormName == $this->ComponentName; $Method = $this->FormSubmitted ? ccsPost : ccsGet; $this->oldpwd = new clsControl(ccsTextBox, "oldpwd", "Old Password", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("oldpwd", $Method, NULL), $this); $this->oldpwd->Required = true; $this->newpwd = new clsControl(ccsTextBox, "newpwd", "New Password", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("newpwd", $Method, NULL), $this); $this->newpwd->Required = true; $this->confirmpwd = new clsControl(ccsTextBox, "confirmpwd", "Confirm Password", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("confirmpwd", $Method, NULL), $this); $this->confirmpwd->Required = true; $this->Button1 = new clsButton("Button1", $Method, $this); } }
public static function createFromArray($a = array()) { if (sizeof($a) === 0) { throw new FoursquareException('not an array'); } return new FoursquarePhoto($a); }
/** * aangepaste parseData functie die overweg kan met 1 rij ipv een array met daarin een array * * @param unknown_type $data * @return unknown */ function parseData($data) { $result = array(); $result['gebruikersnaam'] = $data["uid"][0]; $result['voornaam'] = $data["ugentpreferredgivenname"][0]; $result['achternaam'] = $data["ugentpreferredsn"][0]; $result['email'] = $data["mail"][0]; $kot = $data["ugentdormpostaladdress"][0]; if ($kot != "") { $kot = explode("\$", $kot); if (strpos(" " . $kot[0], "HOME")) { //VUILE LDAP HACK :( $kot[0] = $kot[0] == "HOME BERTHA DE VRIES" ? "HOME BERTHA DE VRIESE" : $kot[0]; $home = Home::getHome("ldapNaam", $kot[0]); $result['homeId'] = $home->getId(); $result['home'] = $home->getLangeNaam(); $temp = explode(":", $kot[1]); if (sizeof($temp) > 1) { $result['kamer'] = $temp[1]; } else { $temp = explode("(", $kot[1]); $temp = explode(")", $temp[1]); if (sizeof($temp) > 1) { $result['kamer'] = $home->getKamerPrefix() . "." . $temp[0]; } else { $temp = explode("K. ", $kot[1]); $result['kamer'] = $home->getKamerPrefix() . "." . converteer($temp[0]); //er wordt nog een oud kamernummer gebruikt } } } } return $result; }
function run() { add_action('w3tc_dashboard_setup', array(&$this, 'wp_dashboard_setup')); add_action('w3tc_network_dashboard_setup', array(&$this, 'wp_dashboard_setup')); // Configure authorize and have_zone $this->_setup($this->_config); /** * Retry setup with main blog */ if (w3_is_network() && is_network_admin() && !$this->authorized) { $this->_config = new W3_Config(false, 1); $this->_setup($this->_config); } if (w3_is_network()) { $conig_admin = w3_instance('W3_ConfigAdmin'); $this->_sealed = $conig_admin->get_boolean('cdn.configuration_sealed'); } if ($this->have_zone && $this->authorized && isset($_GET['page']) && strpos($_GET['page'], 'w3tc_dashboard') !== false) { w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_NETDNA_DIR . '/NetDNA.php'); w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_NETDNA_DIR . '/NetDNAPresentation.php'); $authorization_key = $this->_config->get_string('cdn.maxcdn.authorization_key'); $alias = $consumerkey = $consumersecret = ''; $keys = explode('+', $authorization_key); if (sizeof($keys) == 3) { list($alias, $consumerkey, $consumersecret) = $keys; } $this->api = new NetDNA($alias, $consumerkey, $consumersecret); add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'admin_head')); } }
function convertToCurrency($uang) { $number = (string) $uang; $numberLength = strlen($number); $numberArray = array(); $currencyArray = array(); $currency = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $numberLength; $i++) { array_push($numberArray, $number[$i]); } $j = $numberLength - 1; $k = $numberLength - 1; for ($i = 0; $i <= $j; $i++) { $currencyArray[$i] = $numberArray[$k]; $k--; } $count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($currencyArray); $i++) { if ($count % 3 == 0 && $count != 0) { $currency = $currency . "."; } $currency = $currency . $currencyArray[$i]; $count++; } return strrev($currency); }
function listbox($name, $data, $selected_value, $attributes = null) { $_attributes = array('value_key' => 'id', 'label_key' => 'name'); if ($attributes) { if (array_key_exists('value_key', $attributes)) { $_attributes['value_key'] = $attributes['value_key']; } if (array_key_exists('label_key', $attributes)) { $_attributes['label_key'] = $attributes['label_key']; } } $valueKey = $_attributes['value_key']; $labelKey = $_attributes['label_key']; $open_select = sprintf('<select name="%s" id="list_%s">', $name, $name); $select_data = ""; if ($data && sizeof($data) > 0) { $select_data .= sprintf('<option value="">--</option>'); foreach ($data as $item) { if ($item->{$valueKey} == $selected_value) { $select_data .= sprintf('<option value="%s" selected>%s</option>', $item->{$valueKey}, $item->{$labelKey}); } else { $select_data .= sprintf('<option value="%s">%s</option>', $item->{$valueKey}, $item->{$labelKey}); } } } $close_select = '</select>'; return $open_select . $select_data . $close_select; }
public function calculate_shipping() { /** @var \jigoshop_tax $_tax */ $_tax = $this->get_tax(); $this->shipping_total = 0; $this->shipping_tax = 0; if ($this->type == 'order') { // Shipping for whole order $this->shipping_total = $this->cost + $this->get_fee($this->fee, jigoshop_cart::$cart_contents_total); $this->shipping_total = $this->shipping_total < 0 ? 0 : $this->shipping_total; // fix flat rate taxes for now. This is old and deprecated, but need to think about how to utilize the total_shipping_tax_amount yet if (Jigoshop_Base::get_options()->get('jigoshop_calc_taxes') == 'yes' && $this->tax_status == 'taxable') { $this->shipping_tax = $this->calculate_shipping_tax($this->shipping_total); } } else { // Shipping per item if (sizeof(jigoshop_cart::$cart_contents) > 0) { foreach (jigoshop_cart::$cart_contents as $item_id => $values) { /** @var jigoshop_product $_product */ $_product = $values['data']; if ($_product->exists() && $values['quantity'] > 0 && !$_product->is_type('downloadable')) { $item_shipping_price = ($this->cost + $this->get_fee($this->fee, $_product->get_price())) * $values['quantity']; $this->shipping_total = $this->shipping_total + $item_shipping_price; //TODO: need to figure out how to handle per item shipping with discounts that apply to shipping as well // * currently not working. Will need to fix if ($_product->is_shipping_taxable() && $this->tax_status == 'taxable') { $_tax->calculate_shipping_tax($item_shipping_price, $this->id, $_product->get_tax_classes()); } } } $this->shipping_tax = $_tax->get_total_shipping_tax_amount(); } } }
function ajoutLieu() { require 'connect.php'; $requete = $bdd->query("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVILID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcommune"); $villes = $requete->fetchAll(); $requete->closeCursor(); $requete = $bdd->prepare("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIEUID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIEU\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIEUID=:lieuId\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVILID=:ville\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIEUNOM=:nom"); $requeteSeconde = $bdd->prepare("INSERT INTO LIEU\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(LIEUID,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVILID,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIEUNOM,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIEUCOORDGPS)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(:lieuId,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t:ville,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t:nom,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t:gps)"); for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { echo $lieuId = $i; echo $ville = $villes[rand(0, sizeof($villes) - 1)]['VILID']; $lieuT = file('./generateurLieu.txt'); $lieu = array(trim($lieuT[rand(0, 93)]), trim($lieuT[rand(0, 93)])); $lieu = implode("-", $lieu); echo $nom = $lieu; echo $gps = rand(0, 5000); echo "<br />"; $requete->execute(array("ville" => $ville, "nom" => $nom)); if ($requete->fetch() == false) { $requeteSeconde->execute(array("lieuId" => $lieuId, "ville" => $ville, "nom" => $nom, "gps" => $gps)); } else { $i--; } } $requete->closeCursor(); $requeteSeconde->closeCursor(); }
function wsOnMessage($clientID, $message, $messageLength, $binary) { global $Server; $ip = long2ip($Server->wsClients[$clientID][6]); // check if message length is 0 if ($messageLength == 0) { $Server->wsClose($clientID); return; } //The speaker is the only person in the room. Don't let them feel lonely. if (sizeof($Server->wsClients) == 1) { $Server->wsSend($clientID, "There isn't anyone else in the room, but I'll still listen to you. --Your Trusty Server"); } else { //Send the message to everyone but the person who said it foreach ($Server->wsClients as $id => $client) { if ($id != $clientID) { $Server->wsSend($id, "{$message}"); } } } //and to arduino forst decoding mesage and sending only one byte if ("{$message}" == "arduino1") { `mode com4: BAUD=9600 PARITY=N data=8 stop=1 xon=off`; $fp = fopen("com4", "w+"); fwrite($fp, chr(0x1)); fclose($fp); } }
protected function _getLastOpenDir() { $index = sizeof($this->open_dirs) - 1; if (isset($this->open_dirs[$index])) { return $this->open_dirs[$index]['dir']; } }
/** * Returns an array of found directories * * This function checks every found directory if they match either $uid or $gid, if they do * the found directory is valid. It uses recursive function calls to find subdirectories. Due * to the recursive behauviour this function may consume much memory. * * @param string path The path to start searching in * @param integer uid The uid which must match the found directories * @param integer gid The gid which must match the found direcotries * @param array _fileList recursive transport array !for internal use only! * @return array Array of found valid pathes * * @author Martin Burchert <*****@*****.**> * @author Manuel Bernhardt <*****@*****.**> */ function findDirs($path, $uid, $gid) { $list = array($path); $_fileList = array(); while (sizeof($list) > 0) { $path = array_pop($list); $path = makeCorrectDir($path); $dh = opendir($path); if ($dh === false) { standard_error('cannotreaddir', $path); return null; } else { while (false !== ($file = @readdir($dh))) { if ($file == '.' && (fileowner($path . '/' . $file) == $uid || filegroup($path . '/' . $file) == $gid)) { $_fileList[] = makeCorrectDir($path); } if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file) && $file != '..' && $file != '.') { array_push($list, $path . '/' . $file); } } @closedir($dh); } } return $_fileList; }
/** * _struct_to_array($values, &$i) * * This is adds the contents of the return xml into the array for easier processing. * Recursive, Static * * @access private * @param array $values this is the xml data in an array * @param int $i this is the current location in the array * @return Array */ function _struct_to_array($values, &$i) { $child = array(); if (isset($values[$i]['value'])) { array_push($child, $values[$i]['value']); } while ($i++ < count($values)) { switch ($values[$i]['type']) { case 'cdata': array_push($child, $values[$i]['value']); break; case 'complete': $name = $values[$i]['tag']; if (!empty($name)) { $child[$name] = is_null($values[$i]['value']) ? '' : $values[$i]['value']; //$child[$name]= ($values[$i]['value'])?($values[$i]['value']):''; if (isset($values[$i]['attributes'])) { $child[$name] = $values[$i]['attributes']; } } break; case 'open': $name = $values[$i]['tag']; $size = isset($child[$name]) ? sizeof($child[$name]) : 0; $child[$name][$size] = $this->_struct_to_array($values, $i); break; case 'close': return $child; break; } } return $child; }
/** * Parses the requested route to fetch * - the resource (databox, basket, record etc ..) * - general action (list, add, search) * - the action (setstatus, setname etc..) * - the aspect (collections, related, content etc..) * * @param ApiLog $log * @param Request $request * @param Response $response */ private function setDetails(ApiLog $log, Request $request, Response $response) { $chunks = explode('/', trim($request->getPathInfo(), '/')); if (false === $response->isOk() || sizeof($chunks) === 0) { return; } switch ($chunks[0]) { case ApiLog::DATABOXES_RESOURCE: $this->hydrateDataboxes($log, $chunks); break; case ApiLog::RECORDS_RESOURCE: $this->hydrateRecords($log, $chunks); break; case ApiLog::BASKETS_RESOURCE: $this->hydrateBaskets($log, $chunks); break; case ApiLog::FEEDS_RESOURCE: $this->hydrateFeeds($log, $chunks); break; case ApiLog::QUARANTINE_RESOURCE: $this->hydrateQuarantine($log, $chunks); break; case ApiLog::STORIES_RESOURCE: $this->hydrateStories($log, $chunks); break; case ApiLog::MONITOR_RESOURCE: $this->hydrateMonitor($log, $chunks); break; } }
/** * TuiyoControllerResources::inc() * @param string $identifier * @param string $type * @param string $size * @return */ public function inc($identifier = '', $type = '', $size = '') { $itemStore = array(); $resource =& $this; if (!$resource instanceof self) { $resource = self::getInstance(); } //Tuiyo TakeOver JRequest::setVar('format', 'stream'); JRequest::setVar('tmpl', 'component'); $data = JRequest::getVar("data", null); $segments = explode('.', trim($data)); $count = sizeof($segments); //Methods $validMethods = array("avatar" => "_getAvatar", "audio" => "_getAudio", "doc" => "_getDocument"); if ($count > 0) { if (array_key_exists($segments[0], $validMethods)) { $type = $segments[0]; $args = $segments; //Get the file and return it; call_user_method($validMethods[$type], $resource, $args); } } jexit(0); }
function clsRecordt_laporan_daftar_bphtb($RelativePath, &$Parent) { global $FileName; global $CCSLocales; global $DefaultDateFormat; $this->Visible = true; $this->Parent =& $Parent; $this->RelativePath = $RelativePath; $this->Errors = new clsErrors(); $this->ErrorBlock = "Record t_laporan_daftar_bphtb/Error"; $this->ReadAllowed = true; if ($this->Visible) { $this->ComponentName = "t_laporan_daftar_bphtb"; $this->Attributes = new clsAttributes($this->ComponentName . ":"); $CCSForm = explode(":", CCGetFromGet("ccsForm", ""), 2); if (sizeof($CCSForm) == 1) { $CCSForm[1] = ""; } list($FormName, $FormMethod) = $CCSForm; $this->FormEnctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; $this->FormSubmitted = $FormName == $this->ComponentName; $Method = $this->FormSubmitted ? ccsPost : ccsGet; $this->Button1 =& new clsButton("Button1", $Method, $this); $this->date_start_laporan =& new clsControl(ccsTextBox, "date_start_laporan", "date_start_laporan", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("date_start_laporan", $Method, NULL), $this); $this->date_start_laporan->Required = true; $this->DatePicker_date_start_laporan1 =& new clsDatePicker("DatePicker_date_start_laporan1", "t_laporan_daftar_bphtb", "date_start_laporan", $this); $this->date_end_laporan =& new clsControl(ccsTextBox, "date_end_laporan", "date_end_laporan", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("date_end_laporan", $Method, NULL), $this); $this->date_end_laporan->Required = true; $this->DatePicker_end_start_laporan1 =& new clsDatePicker("DatePicker_end_start_laporan1", "t_laporan_daftar_bphtb", "date_end_laporan", $this); $this->cetak_laporan =& new clsControl(ccsHidden, "cetak_laporan", "cetak_laporan", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("cetak_laporan", $Method, NULL), $this); } }
function GetEvents($date = NULL, $userid = 0, $customerid = 0) { global $DB, $AUTH; $list = $DB->GetAll('SELECT AS id, title, description, begintime, endtime, closed, note, events.type,' . $DB->Concat('UPPER(c.lastname)', "' '", '') . ' AS customername, ' . $DB->Concat('', "', '", 'c.address') . ' AS customerlocation, nodes.location AS nodelocation, (SELECT contact FROM customercontacts WHERE customerid = AND (customercontacts.type & ?) > 0 AND (customercontacts.type & ?) <> ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1) AS customerphone FROM events LEFT JOIN customerview c ON (customerid = LEFT JOIN nodes ON (nodeid = WHERE date = ? AND (private = 0 OR (private = 1 AND userid = ?)) ' . ($customerid ? 'AND customerid = ' . intval($customerid) : '') . ' ORDER BY begintime', array(CONTACT_MOBILE | CONTACT_FAX | CONTACT_LANDLINE, CONTACT_DISABLED, CONTACT_DISABLED, $date, $AUTH->id)); if ($list) { foreach ($list as $idx => $row) { $list[$idx]['userlist'] = $DB->GetAll('SELECT userid AS id, FROM eventassignments, users WHERE userid = AND eventid = ? ', array($row['id'])); if ($userid && sizeof($list[$idx]['userlist'])) { foreach ($list[$idx]['userlist'] as $user) { if ($user['id'] == $userid) { $list2[] = $list[$idx]; break; } } } } } if ($userid) { return $list2; } else { return $list; } }
/** * Create additional xml index file with links to other xml files (if number of them more than 1) */ public function createIndexSitemapFile() { if (sizeof($this->filenamesForIndexSitemap) > 1) { $io = new Varien_Io_File(); $io->setAllowCreateFolders(true); $io->open(array('path' => $this->getPath())); $fileToCreate = Mage::helper('ascurl')->insertStringToFilename($this->getSitemapFilename(), '_index'); if ($io->fileExists($fileToCreate) && !$io->isWriteable($fileToCreate)) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('sitemap')->__('File "%s" cannot be saved. Please, make sure the directory "%s" is writeable by web server.', $fileToCreate, $this->getPath())); } $io->streamOpen($fileToCreate); $io->streamWrite('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n"); $io->streamWrite('<sitemapindex ' . self::URLSET . '>'); $storeId = $this->getStoreId(); $baseUrl = Mage::app()->getStore($storeId)->getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB); $date = Mage::getSingleton('core/date')->gmtDate('Y-m-d'); $path = $this->getSitemapPath(); $fullPath = preg_replace('/(?<=[^:])\\/{2,}/', '/', $baseUrl . $path); foreach ($this->filenamesForIndexSitemap as $item) { $xml = sprintf('<sitemap><loc>%s</loc><lastmod>%s</lastmod></sitemap>', htmlspecialchars($fullPath . $item), $date); $io->streamWrite($xml); } $io->streamWrite('</sitemapindex>'); $io->streamClose(); } }
function service($text) { $text = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$text); $token = explode(",",$text); $last_token = $token[sizeof($token)-1]; $last_token = trim($last_token); $items = array(); $result = mysql_query("select firstName, lastName, email from employees where CONCAT(firstName,' ',lastName,' ', email) like '%$last_token%' order by email;"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $text = '"'.$row["firstName"]." ".$row["lastName"].'"'."<".$row["email"].">"; $text_array = $token; $text_array[sizeof($text_array)-1] = $text; $text = join(",",$text_array); $html = '"'.$row["firstName"]." ".$row["lastName"].'"'."[".$row["email"]."]"; $html = preg_replace("/".$last_token."/i","<b>$last_token</b>",$html); $html = str_replace("[","<",$html); $html = str_replace("]",">",$html); $item = array("text"=>$text,"html"=>$html); array_push($items,$item); } return $items; }
/** * Get tail dependencies * * @param string entity * @param string target release * @param array ids * @return array array of array with keys "component", entity", "ids" */ function getXmlExportTailDependencies($a_entity, $a_target_release, $a_ids) { if ($a_entity == "glo") { $deps = array(); include_once "./Services/Taxonomy/classes/class.ilObjTaxonomy.php"; $tax_ids = array(); foreach ($a_ids as $id) { $t_ids = ilObjTaxonomy::getUsageOfObject($id); if (count($t_ids) > 0) { $tax_ids[$t_ids[0]] = $t_ids[0]; } } if (sizeof($tax_ids)) { $deps[] = array("component" => "Services/Taxonomy", "entity" => "tax", "ids" => $tax_ids); } $advmd_ids = array(); foreach ($a_ids as $id) { $rec_ids = $this->getActiveAdvMDRecords($id); if (sizeof($rec_ids)) { foreach ($rec_ids as $rec_id) { $advmd_ids[] = $id . ":" . $rec_id; } } } if (sizeof($advmd_ids)) { $deps[] = array("component" => "Services/AdvancedMetaData", "entity" => "advmd", "ids" => $advmd_ids); } return $deps; } return array(); }
public function f_DEPURARINPUT($a_array) { $data = array(); $data = $a_array; $c = 0; //primerar validacion for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($data); $i++) { if ($data[$i] == "") { } else { //echo '</br>,la informaciĆ²n es adecuada, espere un momneto mientras se realiza su pedido.. <br>'; $c++; } } if ($c == sizeof($data)) { return true; } else { echo '<div class="alert alert-danger" style="font-size:15px;">Recuerde que todos los campos deben ser llenados.</div>'; //echo '</br>Recuerde que todos los campos deben estar llenos y no vacios, revise los siguientes campos por favor. <br>'; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($data); $i++) { if ($data[$i] == "") { //echo "Casillero: (".($i+1).")<br>"; echo '<div class="alert alert-danger" style="font-size:15px;">Casillero ' . ('' . ($i + 1) . '') . '</div>'; } else { //echo '</br>,la informaciĆ²n es adecuada, espere un momneto mientras se realiza su pedido.. <br>'; $c++; } } return false; } }
public function validateArraySize($attribute, $value, $parameters) { if (!is_array($value)) { return false; } return sizeof($value) == $parameters[0]; }
/** Find the greatest key that is less than or equal to a given upper * bound, and return the value associated with that key. * * @param integer|null $maximumKey The upper bound for keys. If null, the * maxiumum valued key will be found. * @param array $collection An two-dimensional array of key/value pairs * to search through. * @returns mixed The value corresponding to the located key. * @throws \Zend\GData\App\Exception Thrown if $collection is empty. */ public static function findGreatestBoundedValue($maximumKey, $collection) { $found = false; $foundKey = $maximumKey; // Sanity check: Make sure that the collection isn't empty if (sizeof($collection) == 0) { throw new Exception("Empty namespace collection encountered."); } if ($maximumKey === null) { // If the key is null, then we return the maximum available $keys = array_keys($collection); sort($keys); $found = true; $foundKey = end($keys); } else { // Otherwise, we optimistically guess that the current version // will have a matching namespce. If that fails, we decrement the // version until we find a match. while (!$found && $foundKey >= 0) { if (array_key_exists($foundKey, $collection)) { $found = true; } else { $foundKey--; } } } // Guard: A namespace wasn't found. Either none were registered, or // the current protcol version is lower than the maximum namespace. if (!$found) { throw new Exception("Namespace compatible with current protocol not found."); } return $foundKey; }
/** * Create the migration * * @param string $name * @return bool */ protected function createMigration() { //Create the migration $app = app(); $migrationFiles = array($this->laravel->path . "/database/migrations/*_create_cities_table.php" => 'cities::generators.migration'); $seconds = 0; foreach ($migrationFiles as $migrationFile => $outputFile) { if (sizeof(glob($migrationFile)) == 0) { $migrationFile = str_replace('*', date('Y_m_d_His', strtotime('+' . $seconds . ' seconds')), $migrationFile); $fs = fopen($migrationFile, 'x'); if ($fs) { $output = "<?php\n\n" . $app['view']->make($outputFile)->with('table', 'cities')->render(); fwrite($fs, $output); fclose($fs); } else { return false; } $seconds++; } } //Create the seeder $seeder_file = $this->laravel->path . "/database/seeds/CitiesSeeder.php"; $output = "<?php\n\n" . $app['view']->make('cities::generators.seeder')->render(); if (!file_exists($seeder_file)) { $fs = fopen($seeder_file, 'x'); if ($fs) { fwrite($fs, $output); fclose($fs); } else { return false; } } return true; }