Example #1
 public function index()
     if (is_logged(false)) {
     set_theme('title', 'Login');
     set_theme('content', load_module('login', 'login'));
     set_theme('bodyClass', 'login bg-login printable');
     set_theme('pluginsJS', load_javascript(array('user-pages', 'initialize-login')), false);
Example #2
 public function index()
     if (is_logged(false)) {
         set_theme('title', 'Dashboard');
         set_theme('content', '<h1>Painel Principal</h1>');
         set_theme('pluginsJS', load_javascript(array('initialize')), false);
     } else {
Example #3
 public function __construct()
     if (!$this->session->userdata('logged_in')) {
         $this->session->set_userdata('url', uri_string());
         redirect(base_url() . 'login');
     $themes = get_themes();
     if ($this->input->get('theme') && in_array($this->input->get('theme'), $themes)) {
     $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<p class="bg-danger">', '</p>');
Example #4
 protected function _initialize()
     $config = api('Config/lists');
     if (!C('WEB_SITE_CLOSE')) {
     $days = array('星期天', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六');
     $today = date('w');
     $this->assign('days', $days);
     $this->assign('today', $today);
function initialize($instance = 'dashboard')
    $vtx =& get_instance();
    switch ($instance) {
        case 'dashboard':
            // Init Dashboard
            $vtx->load->library(array('vortex', 'session', 'form_validation', 'parser'));
            $vtx->load->helper(array('form', 'url', 'array', 'text'));
            set_theme('defaultTitle', 'Vortex');
            set_theme('defaultFooter', '');
            set_theme('bodyClass', 'theme-grey', false);
            set_theme('template', 'dashboard/dashboard');
            // Style
            set_theme('headerIncludes', load_style(array('bootstrap.min', 'font-awesome.min', 'ionicons.min', 'perfect-scrollbar.min')), false);
            set_theme('coreCSS', load_style(array('admin', 'elements')), false);
            set_theme('pluginsCSS', load_style(array('plugins', 'lobibox', 'animate', 'bootstrap-social', 'main')), false);
            set_theme('shortcutIcon', load_icon());
            set_theme('touchIcon', load_icon('apple-touch-icon', 'apple-touch-icon', 'png'));
            // javascript
            set_theme('modernizr', load_javascript(array('modernizr.min')), false);
            set_theme('footerIncludes', load_javascript(array('jquery-1.12.0.min', 'bootstrap.min')), false);
            set_theme('globalVendors', load_javascript(array('global-vendors')), false);
            set_theme('vortex', load_javascript(array('pleasure', 'layout', 'lobibox.min', 'perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min')), false);
            set_theme('defaultIncludes', load_javascript(array('main', 'effects')), false);
        case 'frontend':
            // Init FrontEnd
        case 'system':
            // Init Vortex System
Example #6
 public function index($template_name = 'default')
     if (is_profile_complete()) {
         if ($template_name == 'default') {
             $template_name = get_current_theme();
         $template_name = set_theme($template_name);
         $this->db->where('name', $template_name);
         $query = $this->db->get('templates', 1);
         if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
             $data['template'] = $query->row();
             $this->db->where('template_id', $data['template']->id);
             $this->db->order_by('order', 'ASC');
             $query = $this->db->get('template_images');
             if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
                 $data['main_images'] = $query;
             } else {
                 $data['main_images'] = FALSE;
             $this->db->where('template_id', $data['template']->id);
             $this->db->order_by('order', 'ASC');
             $query = $this->db->get('template_videos');
             if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
                 $data['videos'] = $query;
             } else {
                 $data['videos'] = FALSE;
         } else {
         $this->load->view(get_client() . '/header', array('jqueryui' => TRUE, 'layout' => $data['template']->layout, 'color_scheme' => $data['template']->color_scheme));
         $this->load->view(get_client() . '/' . $data['template']->layout, $data);
         $this->load->view(get_client() . '/footer', array('jqueryui' => TRUE));
     } else {
         $this->session->set_userdata('url', uri_string());
Example #7
                        if ($mime_types[$extension] != $each['type']) {
                            die('Prevented an unwanted file upload attempt!');
                unset($file_info, $extension);
$defender = new defender();
// Set admin login procedures
$defender->debug_notice = FALSE;
// turn this off after beta.
$dynamic = new dynamics();
$fusion_page_head_tags =& \PHPFusion\OutputHandler::$pageHeadTags;
$fusion_page_footer_tags =& \PHPFusion\OutputHandler::$pageFooterTags;
$fusion_jquery_tags =& \PHPFusion\OutputHandler::$jqueryTags;
// Set theme using $_GET as well.
// Set theme
if ($userdata['user_level'] == USER_LEVEL_SUPER_ADMIN && isset($_GET['themes']) && theme_exists($_GET['themes'])) {
    $newUserTheme = array("user_id" => $userdata['user_id'], "user_theme" => stripinput($_GET['themes']));
    dbquery_insert(DB_USERS, $newUserTheme, "update");
    redirect(clean_request("", array("themes"), FALSE));
set_theme(empty($userdata['user_theme']) ? fusion_get_settings("theme") : $userdata['user_theme']);
Example #8
// Load the Global language file
include LOCALE . LOCALESET . "global.php";
if (iADMIN) {
    define("iAUTH", substr(md5($userdata['user_password'] . USER_IP), 16, 16));
    $aidlink = "?aid=" . iAUTH;
// PHP-Fusion user cookie functions
if (!isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'visited'])) {
    $result = dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_SETTINGS . " SET settings_value=settings_value+1 WHERE settings_name='counter'");
    setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . "visited", "yes", time() + 31536000, "/", "", "0");
$lastvisited = Authenticate::setLastVisitCookie();
// Set theme
// Check if a given theme exists and is valid
function theme_exists($theme)
    global $settings;
    if ($theme == "Default") {
        $theme = $settings['theme'];
    if (!file_exists(THEMES) || !is_dir(THEMES) || !is_string($theme) || !preg_match("/^([a-z0-9_-]){2,50}\$/i", $theme) || !file_exists(THEMES . $theme)) {
        return FALSE;
    } elseif (file_exists(THEMES . $theme . "/theme.php") && file_exists(THEMES . $theme . "/styles.css")) {
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        return FALSE;
function mccss_options()
    // Get plugin version:
    $plugin_data = get_plugin_data(__FILE__);
    $plugin_version = $plugin_data['Version'];
    // BrightTheme
    $chrome = 'ace/theme/chrome';
    $clouds = 'ace/theme/clouds';
    $crimson_editor = 'ace/theme/crimson_editor';
    $dawn = 'ace/theme/dawn';
    $dreamweaver = 'ace/theme/dreamweaver';
    $eclipse = 'ace/theme/eclipse';
    $github = 'ace/theme/github';
    $iplastic = 'ace/theme/iplastic';
    $solarized_light = 'ace/theme/solarized_light';
    $textmate = 'ace/theme/textmate';
    $tomorrow = 'ace/theme/tomorrow';
    $xcode = 'ace/theme/xcode';
    $kuroir = 'ace/theme/kuroir';
    $katzenmilch = 'ace/theme/katzenmilch';
    $sqlserver = 'ace/theme/sqlserver';
    // DarkTheme
    $ambiance = 'ace/theme/ambiance';
    $chaos = 'ace/theme/chaos';
    $clouds_midnight = 'ace/theme/clouds_midnight';
    $cobalt = 'ace/theme/cobalt';
    $idle_fingers = 'ace/theme/idle_fingers';
    $kr_theme = 'ace/theme/kr_theme';
    $merbivore = 'ace/theme/merbivore';
    $merbivore_soft = 'ace/theme/merbivore_soft';
    $mono_industrial = 'ace/theme/mono_industrial';
    $monokai = 'ace/theme/monokai';
    $pastel_on_dark = 'ace/theme/pastel_on_dark';
    $solarized_dark = 'ace/theme/solarized_dark';
    $terminal = 'ace/theme/terminal';
    $tomorrow_night = 'ace/theme/tomorrow_night';
    $tomorrow_night_blue = 'ace/theme/tomorrow_night_blue';
    $tomorrow_night_bright = 'ace/theme/tomorrow_night_bright';
    $tomorrow_night_eighties = 'ace/theme/tomorrow_night_eighties';
    $twilight = 'ace/theme/twilight';
    $vibrant_ink = 'ace/theme/vibrant_ink';
    echo '
<div class="wrap">
	<h2>' . __('My Custom CSS Panel', 'my-custom-css') . ' - v' . $plugin_version . '</h2>
		<div id="textsizer">
			<p>' . __('Font Size:', 'my-custom-css') . '</p>
				<ul class="textresizer">
				  <li><a href="#nogo" class="small-text" title="12px (Small)">A-</a></li>
				  <li><a href="#nogo" class="medium-text" title="14px (Medium)">A</a></li>
				  <li><a href="#nogo" class="large-text" title="16px (Large)">A+</a></li>
				  <li><a href="#nogo" class="larger-text" title="18px (Larger)">A++</a></li>
				  <li><a href="#nogo" class="giga-text" title="26px (Giga)">A+++</a></li>
		<form action="' . admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=my_custom_css" method="post" id="thememenu">
			<label for="theme">' . __('Theme:', 'my-custom-css') . '</label>
				<select name="themelist" id="themelist" onchange="if(confirm(\'' . __('Warning!!! This will refresh entire page (Unsaved data will be lost) - Continue?', 'my-custom-css') . '\')){this.form.submit()}">
					<optgroup label="' . __('Bright:', 'my-custom-css') . '">
						<option value="' . $chrome . '"' . (set_theme() == $chrome ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Chrome</option>
						<option value="' . $clouds . '"' . (set_theme() == $clouds ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Clouds</option>
						<option value="' . $crimson_editor . '"' . (set_theme() == $crimson_editor ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Crimson Editor</option>
						<option value="' . $dawn . '"' . (set_theme() == $dawn ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Dawn</option>
						<option value="' . $dreamweaver . '"' . (set_theme() == $dreamweaver ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Dreamweaver</option>
						<option value="' . $eclipse . '"' . (set_theme() == $eclipse ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Eclipse</option>
						<option value="' . $github . '"' . (set_theme() == $github ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>GitHub</option>
						<option value="' . $iplastic . '"' . (set_theme() == $iplastic ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>IPlastic</option>
						<option value="' . $solarized_light . '"' . (set_theme() == $solarized_light ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Solarized Light</option>
						<option value="' . $textmate . '"' . (set_theme() == $textmate ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>TextMate</option>
						<option value="' . $tomorrow . '"' . (set_theme() == $tomorrow ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Tomorrow</option>
						<option value="' . $xcode . '"' . (set_theme() == $xcode ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>XCode</option>
						<option value="' . $kuroir . '"' . (set_theme() == $kuroir ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Kuroir</option>
						<option value="' . $katzenmilch . '"' . (set_theme() == $katzenmilch ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>KatzenMilch</option>
						<option value="' . $sqlserver . '"' . (set_theme() == $sqlserver ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>SQL Server</option>
					<optgroup label="' . __('Dark:', 'my-custom-css') . '">
						<option value="' . $ambiance . '"' . (set_theme() == $ambiance ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Ambiance</option>
						<option value="' . $chaos . '"' . (set_theme() == $chaos ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Chaos</option>
						<option value="' . $clouds_midnight . '"' . (set_theme() == $clouds_midnight ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Clouds Midnight</option>
						<option value="' . $cobalt . '"' . (set_theme() == $cobalt ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Cobalt</option>
						<option value="' . $idle_fingers . '"' . (set_theme() == $idle_fingers ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>idle Fingers</option>
						<option value="' . $kr_theme . '"' . (set_theme() == $kr_theme ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>krTheme</option>
						<option value="' . $merbivore . '"' . (set_theme() == $merbivore ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Merbivore</option>
						<option value="' . $merbivore_soft . '"' . (set_theme() == $merbivore_soft ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Merbivore Soft</option>
						<option value="' . $mono_industrial . '"' . (set_theme() == $mono_industrial ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Mono Industrial</option>
						<option value="' . $monokai . '"' . (set_theme() == $monokai ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Monokai</option>
						<option value="' . $pastel_on_dark . '"' . (set_theme() == $pastel_on_dark ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Pastel on dark</option>
						<option value="' . $solarized_dark . '"' . (set_theme() == $solarized_dark ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Solarized Dark</option>
						<option value="' . $terminal . '"' . (set_theme() == $terminal ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Terminal</option>
						<option value="' . $tomorrow_night . '"' . (set_theme() == $tomorrow_night ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Tomorrow Night</option>
						<option value="' . $tomorrow_night_blue . '"' . (set_theme() == $tomorrow_night_blue ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Tomorrow Night Blue</option>
						<option value="' . $tomorrow_night_bright . '"' . (set_theme() == $tomorrow_night_bright ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Tomorrow Night Bright</option>
						<option value="' . $tomorrow_night_eighties . '"' . (set_theme() == $tomorrow_night_eighties ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Tomorrow Night 80s</option>
						<option value="' . $twilight . '"' . (set_theme() == $twilight ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Twilight</option>
						<option value="' . $vibrant_ink . '"' . (set_theme() == $vibrant_ink ? ' selected="selected"' : false) . '>Vibrant Ink</option>
    if (isset($_POST["themelist"]) && !empty($_POST["themelist"])) {
        setcookie('_mccss_ace_themelist_', $_POST['themelist'], time() + 31556926, '/');
    echo '
	<form id="my-custom-css" method="post" action="options.php">';
    echo '
		<div id="my_custom_css_container">
			<div name="my_custom_css" id="my_custom_css"></div>
		<textarea id="my_custom_css_textarea" name="my_custom_css" style="display: none;">' . get_option('my_custom_css') . '</textarea>
		<input type="submit" name="save" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Save', 'my-custom-css') . '" />
	<div id="mccss_credit">
		<a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/my-custom-css/" title="My Custom CSS">My Custom CSS v' . $plugin_version . '</a> | Author: <a href="https://laltroweb.it/" title="Salvatore Noschese - (L\'AltroWeb)">Salvatore Noschese</a> - Support my work: <a href="https://www.paypal.me/SalvatoreN" title="Even 1$ can help... :)">Donate :)</a>
    // Hidden view/erase button for blog id > 1 (security fix in multisite)
    $blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
    if ($blog_id == 1) {
        // If no backup exist, disable button!
        $glob = glob(mystylecss_basedir() . "/my_custom_css/bkk/*.css");
        if ($glob == false) {
            $submit_backup = 'value="' . __('No backup found...', 'my-custom-css') . '" title="' . __('No backup found...', 'my-custom-css') . '" disabled';
        } else {
            $submit_backup = 'value="' . __('View backups :)', 'my-custom-css') . '" title="' . __('Click to view all backups!', 'my-custom-css') . '" ';
        echo '
	<form method="post" action="' . admin_url('admin.php') . '?action=my_custom_css?show_backup" target="_blank">
		<input type="submit" name="viewbackup" class="button-secondary" ' . $submit_backup . ' />
    echo '
	<!-- Smooth Scroll -->
		<a href="#" class="scrollup">&#9650;</a>
	<!-- Smooth Scroll -->
    // Ok, save css!!!
Example #10
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="../js/bootstrap-datepicker.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

echo add_arsip();
echo edit_gallery();
echo upload_slide_image();
echo set_theme();
<div id="wrapper">

        <!-- Navigation -->
        <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
            <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
            <div class="navbar-header">
                <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.php" id="nav-pandan">KATAR 06</a>
            <!-- Top Menu Items -->
            <ul class="nav navbar-right top-nav">
                <li class="dropdown">
                    <a href="" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><?php 
echo chat_pesan_counter();