Example #1
File: fn.php Project: pr4ka5a/telek
function teltree_handle($c_uid, $sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $sms_receiver, $teltree_keyword, $teltree_param = '', $smsc = '', $raw_message = '')
    $ps = explode(" ", $raw_message, 2);
    $kk = strtoupper($ps[0]);
    $username = "******";
    if ($teltree_keyword == 'DAFTAR') {
        $pecah = preg_split("/#/", $ps[1], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $data = array();
        $data['name'] = trim($pecah[0]);
        $data['username'] = trim($pecah[0]);
        $data['mobile'] = $sms_sender;
        $data['email'] = str_replace(' ', '', $data['name']) . "@noreply.org";
        $data['parent_uid'] = 1;
        //----- ini parentnya admin
        $data['status'] = 4;
        //---ini artinya ditambahkan ke sub user
        $ret = user_add($data);
        $ok = $ret['status'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if ($ok) {
            echo "okee";
            $items = array('uid' => 1, 'name' => $data['name'], 'mobile' => $data['mobile'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'tags' => $tags);
            if ($c_pid = dba_add(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', $items)) {
                $save_to_group = TRUE;
                _log('Success to add contact pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $data['mobile'] . ' n:' . $data['name'] . ' e:' . $data['email'] . ' tags:[' . $data['tags'] . ']', 2, 'teltree');
            } else {
                _log('Fail to add contact pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $data['mobile'] . ' n:' . $data['name'] . ' e:' . $data['email'] . ' tags:[' . $data['tags'] . ']', 2, 'teltree');
            $balasan = "Selamat anda telah terdaftar di Telephone Tree";
            $gagal = "Maaf Sistem sedang mengalami gangguan, silahkan coba beberapa saat lagi";
            if ($save_to_group) {
                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($balasan);
                $balasan = addslashes($balasan);
                // $username = "******";
                //$smsc = "dev";
                _log("returns:" . $balasan, 2, "teltree");
                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $balasan, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
            } else {
                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($gagal);
                $balasan = addslashes($gagal);
                _log("returns:" . $gagal, 2, "teltree");
                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $balasan, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
                _log_print("returns empty", 2, "teltree");
        } else {
            echo "gagal";
        return $ret;
        //$ok = true;
    } elseif ($kk == 'GABUNG') {
        /*$gpids = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group','code',array(
        $uid = user_mobile2uid($sms_sender);
        $group_code = strtoupper($ps[1]);
        $list = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'mobile' => $sms_sender));
        if ($group_code && $sms_sender) {
            /*--dummy code--*/
            $c_pid = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'mobile' => $sms_sender));
            $gpids = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'code' => $group_code));
            foreach ($gpids as $gpid) {
                foreach ($gpid as $key => $val) {
                    $items = array('gpid' => $val, 'pid' => $c_pid[0]['id']);
                    if (dba_isavail(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items, 'AND')) {
                        if (dba_add(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items)) {
                            $list = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group', 'code', array('uid' => 1));
                            _log('contact added to group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 2, 'phonebook_edit');
                            if ($iid = $c_pid[0]['id']) {
                                $bal_grup = "selamat anda telah tergabung di grup" . $list[$iid]['code'];
                                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($bal_grup);
                                $bal_grup = addslashes($bal_grup);
                                _log("returns:" . $bal_grup, 2, "telek");
                                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $bal_grup, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
                                _log("returns empty", 2, "sms custom");
                        } else {
                            _log('contact edited but fail to save in group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 2, 'phonebook_edit');
        //$ok = true;
    } elseif ($kk == 'KELUAR') {
        $uid = user_mobile2uid($sms_sender);
        $group_code = strtoupper($ps[1]);
        //_log($sms_sender . ' '. $group_code, 2 , 'test');
        if ($group_code && $sms_sender) {
            //		_log($sms_sender . ' '. $group_code, 2 , 'test');
            $c_pid = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'mobile' => $sms_sender));
            $gpids = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'code' => $group_code));
            foreach ($gpids as $gpid) {
                foreach ($gpid as $key => $val) {
                    $items = array('gpid' => $val, 'pid' => $c_pid[0]['id']);
                    //				_log($sms_sender . ' '. $group_code, 2 , 'test');
                    if (!dba_isavail(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items, 'AND')) {
                        if (dba_remove(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items)) {
                            if ($iid = $c_pid[0]['id']) {
                                $bal_grup = "anda telah keluar dari grup" . $list[$iid]['code'];
                                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($bal_grup);
                                $bal_grup = addslashes($bal_grup);
                                _log("returns:" . $bal_grup, 2, "telek");
                                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $bal_grup, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
                                _log("returns empty", 2, "sms custom");
                            _log('contact removed from group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 2, 'teltree_phonebook_edit');
                        } else {
                            _log('contact fail to remove from group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 2, 'teltree_phonebook_edit');
                    } else {
                        _log('failed ' . $val . ' ' . $c_pid[0]['id'], 2, 'test');
Example #2
function webservices_pv($c_username, $to, $msg, $type = 'text', $unicode = 0, $nofooter = FALSE, $footer = '', $from = '', $schedule = '')
    $ret = '';
    if ($c_username && $to && $msg) {
        // send SMS, note that we can't let user to define SMSC for now
        list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue_code, $counts, $sms_count, $sms_failed) = sendsms_helper($c_username, $to, $msg, $type, $unicode, '', $nofooter, $footer, $from, $schedule);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($to); $i++) {
            if (($ok[$i] == 1 || $ok[$i] == true) && $to[$i] && ($queue_code[$i] || $smslog_id[$i])) {
                $json['data'][$i]['status'] = 'OK';
                $json['data'][$i]['error'] = '0';
            } elseif ($ok[$i] == 2) {
                // this doesn't work, but not much an issue now
                $json['data'][$i]['status'] = 'ERR';
                $json['data'][$i]['error'] = '103';
            } else {
                $json['data'][$i]['status'] = 'ERR';
                $json['data'][$i]['error'] = '200';
            $json['data'][$i]['smslog_id'] = $smslog_id[$i];
            $json['data'][$i]['queue'] = $queue_code[$i];
            $json['data'][$i]['to'] = $to[$i];
    } else {
        $json['status'] = 'ERR';
        $json['error'] = '201';
    return $json;
Example #3
function sms_quiz_handle($list, $sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $quiz_keyword, $quiz_param = '', $sms_receiver = '', $smsc = '', $raw_message = '')
    global $core_config;
    $ok = false;
    $sms_to = $sms_sender;
    // we are replying to this sender
    $quiz_keyword = strtoupper(trim($quiz_keyword));
    $quiz_param = strtoupper(trim($quiz_param));
    if (($quiz_enable = $list['quiz_enable']) && $quiz_param) {
        if (strtoupper($list['quiz_answer']) == $quiz_param) {
            $message = $list['quiz_msg_correct'];
        } else {
            $message = $list['quiz_msg_incorrect'];
        $quiz_id = $list['quiz_id'];
        $answer = strtoupper($quiz_param);
        $db_query = "INSERT INTO " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureQuiz_log (quiz_id,quiz_answer,quiz_sender,in_datetime) VALUES ('{$quiz_id}','{$answer}','{$sms_to}','" . core_get_datetime() . "')";
        if ($logged = @dba_insert_id($db_query)) {
            if ($message && ($username = user_uid2username($list['uid']))) {
                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($message);
                $message = addslashes($message);
                list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue) = sendsms_helper($username, $sms_to, $message, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
            $ok = true;
    return $ok;
Example #4
function xlate_hook_recvsms_intercept($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver)
    global $core_config;
    $msg = explode(" ", $message);
    $ret = array();
    if (count($msg) > 1) {
        $keyword = trim($msg[0]);
        if (substr($keyword, 0, 1) == '@') {
            $xlate = substr($keyword, 1);
            $xlate = explode('2', $xlate);
            $xlate_from = $xlate[0];
            $xlate_to = $xlate[1];
            if ($xlate_from && $xlate_to && strlen($xlate_from) == 2 && strlen($xlate_to) == 2) {
                for ($i = 1; $i < count($msg); $i++) {
                    $words .= $msg[$i] . " ";
                $words = trim($words);
                // contact google
                $lib = $core_config['apps_path']['plug'] . '/feature/xlate/lib/GoogleTranslate';
                // load JSON.php for PHP version lower than 5.2.x
                require_once $lib . '/JSON.php';
                require_once $lib . '/googleTranslate.class.php';
                if ($gt = new GoogleTranslateWrapper()) {
                    /* Translate */
                    $xlate_words = $gt->translate($words, $xlate_to, $xlate_from);
                    // incoming sms is handled
                    $ret['hooked'] = true;
                    /* Was translation successful */
                    $sms_datetime = core_display_datetime($sms_datetime);
                    if ($gt->isSuccess()) {
                        $reply = '@' . $xlate_from . '2' . $xlate_to . ' ' . $words . ' => ' . $xlate_words;
                        logger_print("success dt:" . $sms_datetime . " s:" . $sms_sender . " r:" . $sms_receiver . " w:" . $words . " from:" . $xlate_from . " to:" . $xlate_to . " xlate:" . $xlate_words, 2, "xlate");
                    } else {
                        $reply = '@' . $xlate_from . '2' . $xlate_to . ' ' . _("unable to translate") . ': ' . $words;
                        logger_print("failed dt:" . $sms_datetime . " s:" . $sms_sender . " r:" . $sms_receiver . " w:" . $words . " from:" . $xlate_from . " to:" . $xlate_to, 2, "xlate");
                    // detect reply message, set unicode if not ASCII
                    $unicode = core_detect_unicode($reply);
                    // send reply SMS using admin account
                    // should add a web menu in xlate.php to choose which account will be used to send reply SMS
                    // usualy we inspect the result of sendsms, but not this time
                    logger_print("send reply encoding:" . $encoding, 2, "xlate");
                    $reply = addslashes($reply);
                    list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue) = sendsms_helper('admin', $sms_sender, $reply, 'text', $unicode);
                    // do not forget to tell parent that this SMS has been hooked
                    $ret['hooked'] = true;
                } else {
                    // unable to load the class, set incoming sms unhandled
                    $ret['hooked'] = false;
                    logger_print("class not exists or fail to load", 2, "xlate");
    return $ret;
function autorespond_hook_recvsms_intercept_after($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver, $feature, $status, $uid, $smsc)
    $ret = array();
    $hooked = FALSE;
    // process only when the previous feature is not 'incoming'
    if ($feature != 'incoming' && $status) {
        return $ret;
    if ($message) {
        $db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutorespond WHERE flag_deleted='0'";
        $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
        while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
            $continue = TRUE;
            // only check sms receiver if set
            if ($db_row['sms_receiver']) {
                if ($sms_receiver != $db_row['sms_receiver']) {
                    $continue = FALSE;
            if ($continue) {
                // match SMS with regex
                if (preg_match($db_row['regex'], $message)) {
                    // match found, send respond
                    $c_uid = $db_row['uid'];
                    $c_username = user_uid2username($c_uid);
                    $c_message = $db_row['message'];
                    if (core_detect_unicode($c_message)) {
                        $unicode = 1;
                    $smsc = gateway_decide_smsc($smsc, $db_row['smsc']);
                    _log("match found dt:" . $sms_datetime . " s:" . $sms_sender . " r:" . $sms_receiver . " uid:" . $c_uid . " username:"******" service:[" . $db_row['service_name'] . "] regex:[" . $db_row['regex'] . "] m:[" . $message . "] smsc:" . $smsc, 3, "autorespond");
                    sendsms_helper($c_username, $sms_sender, $c_message, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
                    // log it
                    $hooked = TRUE;
                    // found then stop
    if ($c_uid && $hooked) {
        _log("hooked dt:" . $sms_datetime . " s:" . $sms_sender . " r:" . $sms_receiver . " uid:" . $c_uid . " username:"******" service:[" . $db_row['service_name'] . "] regex:[" . $db_row['regex'] . "] m:[" . $message . "] smsc:" . $smsc, 3, "autorespond");
        $ret['modified'] = TRUE;
        $ret['param']['feature'] = 'autorespond';
        $ret['param']['status'] = 1;
        $ret['uid'] = $c_uid;
        $ret['hooked'] = $hooked;
    return $ret;
Example #6
function sms_custom_handle($c_uid, $sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $sms_receiver, $custom_keyword, $custom_param = '', $smsc = '', $raw_message = '')
    $ok = false;
    $custom_keyword = strtoupper(trim($custom_keyword));
    $custom_param = trim($custom_param);
    $db_query = "SELECT custom_url,uid,custom_return_as_reply FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureCustom WHERE custom_keyword='{$custom_keyword}'";
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
    $custom_url = $db_row['custom_url'];
    $username = user_uid2username($db_row['uid']);
    $custom_return_as_reply = $db_row['custom_return_as_reply'];
    if ($custom_keyword && $custom_url && $username) {
        $sms_datetime = core_display_datetime($sms_datetime);
        $custom_url = str_replace("{SMSDATETIME}", urlencode($sms_datetime), $custom_url);
        $custom_url = str_replace("{SMSSENDER}", urlencode($sms_sender), $custom_url);
        $custom_url = str_replace("{CUSTOMKEYWORD}", urlencode($custom_keyword), $custom_url);
        $custom_url = str_replace("{CUSTOMPARAM}", urlencode($custom_param), $custom_url);
        $custom_url = str_replace("{CUSTOMRAW}", urlencode($raw_message), $custom_url);
        logger_print("custom_url:" . $custom_url, 3, "sms custom");
        $parsed_url = parse_url($custom_url);
        $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'content' => $parsed_url['query']));
        $context = stream_context_create($opts);
        $server_url = explode('?', $custom_url);
        $returns = file_get_contents($server_url[0], false, $context);
        if ($custom_return_as_reply == 1) {
            if ($returns = trim($returns)) {
                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($returns);
                $returns = addslashes($returns);
                logger_print("returns:" . $returns, 3, "sms custom");
                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $returns, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
            } else {
                logger_print("returns empty", 3, "sms custom");
        $ok = true;
    return $ok;
Example #7
function sms_command_handle($c_uid, $sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $sms_receiver, $command_keyword, $command_param = '', $smsc = '', $raw_message = '')
    global $plugin_config;
    $ok = false;
    $command_keyword = strtoupper(trim($command_keyword));
    $command_param = trim($command_param);
    $db_query = "SELECT command_exec,uid,command_return_as_reply FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureCommand WHERE command_keyword='{$command_keyword}'";
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
    $command_exec = $db_row['command_exec'];
    $command_return_as_reply = $db_row['command_return_as_reply'];
    $username = user_uid2username($db_row['uid']);
    if ($command_keyword && $command_exec && $username) {
        $sms_datetime = core_display_datetime($sms_datetime);
        $command_exec = str_replace("{SMSDATETIME}", "\"{$sms_datetime}\"", $command_exec);
        $command_exec = str_replace("{SMSSENDER}", escapeshellarg($sms_sender), $command_exec);
        $command_exec = str_replace("{COMMANDKEYWORD}", escapeshellarg($command_keyword), $command_exec);
        $command_exec = str_replace("{COMMANDPARAM}", escapeshellarg($command_param), $command_exec);
        $command_exec = str_replace("{COMMANDRAW}", escapeshellarg($raw_message), $command_exec);
        $command_exec = str_replace("/", "", $command_exec);
        $command_exec = $plugin_config['sms_command']['bin'] . "/" . $db_row['uid'] . "/" . $command_exec;
        $command_exec = escapeshellcmd($command_exec);
        logger_print("command_exec:" . addslashes($command_exec), 3, "sms command");
        $command_output = shell_exec($command_exec);
        if ($command_return_as_reply == 1) {
            $unicode = core_detect_unicode($command_output);
            if ($command_output = addslashes(trim($command_output))) {
                logger_print("command_output:" . $command_output, 3, "sms command");
                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $command_output, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
            } else {
                logger_print("command_output is empty", 3, "sms command");
        $ok = true;
    return $ok;
Example #8
function schedule_hook_playsmsd()
    global $core_config;
    // fetch every minutes
    if (!core_playsmsd_timer(60)) {
    // mark a start
    //_log('start scheduler', 2, 'schedule_hook_playsmsd');
    // get current server time
    $current_datetime = core_display_datetime(core_get_datetime());
    $current_timestamp = strtotime($current_datetime);
    // collect active schedules
    $conditions = array('flag_active' => 1, 'flag_deleted' => 0);
    $schedules = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featureSchedule', '*', $conditions);
    foreach ($schedules as $sch) {
        $schedule_id = $sch['id'];
        $uid = $sch['uid'];
        $schedule_name = $sch['name'];
        $schedule_rule = (int) $sch['schedule_rule'];
        // collect destinations
        $conditions = array('schedule_id' => $schedule_id);
        $destinations = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featureSchedule_dst', '*', $conditions, '', $extras);
        foreach ($destinations as $dst) {
            $id = $dst['id'];
            $name = $dst['name'];
            $schedule_message = str_ireplace('#NAME#', $name, $sch['message']);
            $destination = $dst['destination'];
            $schedule = $dst['schedule'] ? core_display_datetime($dst['schedule']) : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
            $scheduled = $dst['scheduled'] ? core_display_datetime($dst['scheduled']) : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
            if (!$scheduled || $scheduled == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                $scheduled = $schedule;
            $scheduled_timestamp = strtotime($scheduled);
            //_log('uid:' . $uid . ' schedule_id:' . $schedule_id . ' id:' . $id . ' rule:' . $schedule_rule . ' current:[' . $current_datetime . '] schedule:[' . $schedule . '] scheduled:[' . $scheduled . ']', 2, 'schedule_hook_playsmsd');
            $continue = FALSE;
            if ($current_timestamp >= $scheduled_timestamp) {
                switch ($schedule_rule) {
                    // once
                    case '0':
                        //$scheduled = '2038-01-19 10:14:07';
                        $scheduled = '2030-01-19 10:14:07';
                        $scheduled = core_adjust_datetime($scheduled);
                        $scheduled_timestamp = strtotime($current_datetime);
                        $scheduled_display = $current_datetime;
                        $continue = TRUE;
                        // Annually
                    // Annually
                    case '1':
                        $current_schedule = date('Y', $current_timestamp) . '-' . date('m-d H:i:s', strtotime($schedule));
                        $next = '';
                        if ($current_timestamp > strtotime($current_schedule)) {
                            $next = '+1 year';
                        $scheduled = date($core_config['datetime']['format'], strtotime($next . ' ' . $current_schedule));
                        $scheduled = core_adjust_datetime($scheduled);
                        $scheduled_timestamp = strtotime($scheduled);
                        $scheduled_display = core_display_datetime($scheduled);
                        $continue = TRUE;
                        // Monthly
                    // Monthly
                    case '2':
                        $current_schedule = date('Y-m', $current_timestamp) . '-' . date('d H:i:s', strtotime($schedule));
                        $next = '';
                        if ($current_timestamp > strtotime($current_schedule)) {
                            $next = '+1 month';
                        $scheduled = date($core_config['datetime']['format'], strtotime($next . ' ' . $current_schedule));
                        $scheduled = core_adjust_datetime($scheduled);
                        $scheduled_timestamp = strtotime($scheduled);
                        $scheduled_display = core_display_datetime($scheduled);
                        $continue = TRUE;
                        // Weekly
                    // Weekly
                    case '3':
                        $current_schedule = date('Y-m-d', $current_timestamp) . ' ' . date('H:i:s', strtotime($schedule));
                        $current_day = date('l', strtotime($current_schedule));
                        $next = '';
                        if ($current_timestamp > strtotime($current_schedule)) {
                            $next = 'next ' . $current_day;
                        $scheduled = date($core_config['datetime']['format'], strtotime($next . ' ' . $current_schedule));
                        $scheduled = core_adjust_datetime($scheduled);
                        $scheduled_timestamp = strtotime($scheduled);
                        $scheduled_display = core_display_datetime($scheduled);
                        $continue = TRUE;
                        // Daily
                    // Daily
                    case '4':
                        $current_schedule = date('Y-m-d', $current_timestamp) . ' ' . date('H:i:s', strtotime($schedule));
                        $next = '';
                        if ($current_timestamp > strtotime($current_schedule)) {
                            $next = '+1 day';
                        $scheduled = date($core_config['datetime']['format'], strtotime($next . ' ' . $current_schedule));
                        $scheduled = core_adjust_datetime($scheduled);
                        $scheduled_timestamp = strtotime($scheduled);
                        $scheduled_display = core_display_datetime($scheduled);
                        $continue = TRUE;
            if ($continue) {
                // set scheduled to next time
                $items = array('c_timestamp' => mktime(), 'scheduled' => $scheduled);
                $conditions = array('schedule_id' => $schedule_id, 'id' => $id);
                if (dba_update(_DB_PREF_ . '_featureSchedule_dst', $items, $conditions, 'AND')) {
                    // if the interval is under an hour then go ahead, otherwise expired
                    $interval = $current_timestamp - $scheduled_timestamp;
                    if ($interval <= 3600) {
                        _log('sendsms uid:' . $uid . ' schedule_id:' . $schedule_id . ' id:' . $id . ' rule:' . $schedule_rule . ' schedule:[' . $schedule . '] scheduled:[' . $scheduled_display . ']', 2, 'schedule_hook_playsmsd');
                        $username = user_uid2username($uid);
                        sendsms_helper($username, $destination, $schedule_message, 'text', $unicode);
                    } else {
                        _log('expired uid:' . $uid . ' schedule_id:' . $schedule_id . ' id:' . $id . ' rule:' . $schedule_rule . ' schedule:[' . $schedule . '] scheduled:[' . $scheduled_display . '] interval:' . $interval, 2, 'schedule_hook_playsmsd');
                } else {
                    _log('fail update uid:' . $uid . ' schedule_id:' . $schedule_id . ' id:' . $id . ' rule:' . $schedule_rule . ' schedule:[' . $schedule . '] scheduled:[' . $scheduled_display . ']', 2, 'schedule_hook_playsmsd');
    // mark an end
    //_log('end scheduler', 2, 'schedule_hook_playsmsd');
Example #9
 $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
 $message = addslashes($db_row['msg']);
 $counter = $db_row['counter'];
 $db_query = "SELECT member_number FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureSubscribe_member WHERE subscribe_id='{$subscribe_id}'";
 $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
 $sms_to = '';
 if ($message && $subscribe_id) {
     while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
         if ($member_number = $db_row['member_number']) {
             $sms_to[] = $member_number;
     if ($sms_to[0]) {
         $unicode = core_detect_unicode($message);
         $message = addslashes($message);
         list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue) = sendsms_helper($username, $sms_to, $message, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
         if ($ok[0]) {
             dba_update(_DB_PREF_ . '_featureSubscribe_msg', array('counter' => $counter), array('subscribe_id' => $subscribe_id, 'msg_id' => $msg_id));
             $_SESSION['error_string'] .= _('Your SMS has been delivered to queue') . "<br>";
         } else {
             $_SESSION['error_string'] .= _('Fail to send SMS') . "<br>";
     } else {
         $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('You have no member');
 } else {
     $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('You must fill all fields');
 header("Location: " . _u('index.php?app=main&inc=feature_sms_subscribe&op=msg_view&msg_id=' . $msg_id . '&subscribe_id=' . $subscribe_id));
Example #10
function playnet_hook_playsmsd()
    global $core_config, $plugin_config;
    if (!core_playsmsd_timer($plugin_config['playnet']['poll_interval'])) {
    $smscs = gateway_getall_smsc_names('playnet');
    foreach ($smscs as $smsc) {
        $c_plugin_config = gateway_apply_smsc_config($smsc, $plugin_config);
        $is_master = (bool) ($c_plugin_config['playnet']['local_playnet_username'] && $c_plugin_config['playnet']['local_playnet_password']);
        if ((int) $c_plugin_config['playnet']['remote_on'] && !$is_master) {
            // fetch from remote
            $ws = $c_plugin_config['playnet']['remote_playsms_url'] . '/index.php?app=ws&op=playnet';
            $ws .= '&go=get_outgoing';
            $ws .= '&s=' . $c_plugin_config['playnet']['remote_playnet_smsc'];
            $ws .= '&u=' . $c_plugin_config['playnet']['remote_playnet_username'];
            $ws .= '&p=' . $c_plugin_config['playnet']['remote_playnet_password'];
            $response_raw = @file_get_contents($ws);
            $response = json_decode($response_raw, 1);
            // validate response
            if (strtoupper($response['status']) == 'OK') {
                if (is_array($response['data'])) {
                    foreach ($response['data'] as $data) {
                        $remote_smsc = $data['smsc'];
                        $remote_smslog_id = $data['smslog_id'];
                        $remote_uid = $data['uid'];
                        $username = $c_plugin_config['playnet']['sendsms_username'];
                        $sms_to = $data['sms_to'];
                        $message = $data['message'];
                        $unicode = core_detect_unicode($message);
                        $sms_type = $data['sms_type'];
                        $sms_sender = $data['sender_id'];
                        _log('sendsms remote_smsc:' . $remote_smsc . ' remote_smslog_id:' . $remote_smslog_id . ' remote_uid:' . $remote_uid . ' u:' . $username . ' sender_id:' . $sms_sender . ' to:' . $sms_to . ' m:[' . $message . '] unicode:' . $unicode, 3, 'playnet_hook_playsmsd');
                        sendsms_helper($username, $sms_to, $message, $sms_type, $unicode, '', 1, '', $sms_sender);
Example #11
        $sms_schedule = trim($_REQUEST['sms_schedule']);
        // type of SMS, text or flash
        $msg_flash = $_REQUEST['msg_flash'];
        $sms_type = "text";
        if ($msg_flash == "on") {
            $sms_type = "flash";
        // unicode or not
        $msg_unicode = $_REQUEST['msg_unicode'];
        $unicode = "0";
        if ($msg_unicode == "on") {
            $unicode = "1";
        // SMS message
        $message = $_REQUEST['message'];
        // save it in session for next form
        $_SESSION['tmp']['message'] = $message;
        // destination numbers
        if ($sms_to = trim($_REQUEST['p_num_text'])) {
            $sms_to = explode(',', $sms_to);
        if ($sms_to[0] && $message) {
            list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue, $counts, $sms_count, $sms_failed) = sendsms_helper($user_config['username'], $sms_to, $message, $sms_type, $unicode, '', $nofooter, $sms_footer, $sms_sender, $sms_schedule, $reference_id);
            $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('Your message has been delivered to queue') . " (" . _('queued') . ":" . (int) $sms_count . " " . _('failed') . ":" . (int) $sms_failed . ")";
        } else {
            $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('You must select receiver and your message should not be empty');
        header("Location: " . _u('index.php?app=main&inc=core_sendsms&op=sendsms'));
Example #12
function sms_autoreply_handle($c_uid, $sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $sms_receiver, $autoreply_id, $autoreply_keyword, $autoreply_param = '', $smsc = '', $raw_message = '')
    $ok = false;
    $autoreply_keyword = strtoupper(trim($autoreply_keyword));
    $autoreply_param = strtoupper(trim($autoreply_param));
    $autoreply_request = $autoreply_keyword . " " . $autoreply_param;
    $array_autoreply_request = preg_split('/[\\s]+/', $autoreply_request);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($array_autoreply_request); $i++) {
        $autoreply_part[$i] = trim($array_autoreply_request[$i]);
        $tmp_autoreply_request .= trim($array_autoreply_request[$i]) . " ";
    $autoreply_request = trim($tmp_autoreply_request);
    for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) {
        $autoreply_scenario_param_list .= "autoreply_scenario_param{$i}='" . $autoreply_part[$i] . "' AND ";
    $db_query = "\n\t\tSELECT autoreply_scenario_result FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutoreply_scenario \n\t\tWHERE autoreply_id='{$autoreply_id}' AND {$autoreply_scenario_param_list} 1=1";
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
    if ($autoreply_scenario_result = $db_row['autoreply_scenario_result']) {
        $ok = false;
        $c_username = user_uid2username($c_uid);
        $unicode = core_detect_unicode($autoreply_scenario_result);
        $autoreply_scenario_result = addslashes($autoreply_scenario_result);
        list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue) = sendsms_helper($c_username, $sms_sender, $autoreply_scenario_result, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
        $ok = $ok[0];
    return $ok;
Example #13
function email2sms_hook_playsmsd_once($param)
    $c_param = explode('_', $param);
    if ($c_param[0] == 'email2sms') {
        if ($c_param[1] == 'uid') {
            $uid = (int) $c_param[2];
    // get username
    $username = user_uid2username($uid);
    // _log('fetch uid:' . $uid . ' username:'******'email2sms_hook_playsmsd_once');
    if ($uid && $username) {
        $items = registry_search($uid, 'features', 'email2sms');
        $enable = $items['features']['email2sms']['enable'];
        if (!$enable) {
        $ssl = $items['features']['email2sms']['ssl'] == 1 ? "/ssl" : "";
        $novalidate_cert = $items['features']['email2sms']['novalidate_cert'] == 1 ? "/novalidate-cert" : "";
        $email_hostname = '{' . $items['features']['email2sms']['server'] . ':' . $items['features']['email2sms']['port'] . '/' . $items['features']['email2sms']['protocol'] . $ssl . $novalidate_cert . '}INBOX';
        $email_username = $items['features']['email2sms']['username'];
        $email_password = $items['features']['email2sms']['password'];
        // _log('fetch ' . $email_username . ' at ' . $email_hostname, 3, 'email2sms_hook_playsmsd_once');
        // open mailbox
        $inbox = imap_open($email_hostname, $email_username, $email_password);
        if (!$inbox) {
            $errors = imap_errors();
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                // _log('error:' . $error, 3, 'email2sms_hook_playsmsd_once');
        $emails = imap_search($inbox, 'UNSEEN');
        if (count($emails)) {
            foreach ($emails as $email_number) {
                $overview = imap_fetch_overview($inbox, $email_number, 0);
                $email_subject = trim($overview[0]->subject);
                $email_sender = trim($overview[0]->from);
                $email_body = trim(imap_fetchbody($inbox, $email_number, 1));
                _log('email from:[' . $email_sender . '] subject:[' . $email_subject . '] body:[' . $email_body . ']', 3, 'email2sms_hook_playsmsd');
                // destination numbers is in array and retrieved from email body
                // remove email footer/signiture
                $sms_to = preg_replace('/--[\\r\\n]+.*/s', '', $email_body);
                $sms_to = explode(',', $sms_to);
                // Check "from" email before checking PIN if option "Check email sender" is TRUE
                if ($items['features']['email2sms']['check_sender']) {
                    preg_match('#\\<(.*?)\\>#', $email_sender, $match);
                    if (user_email2uid($match[1]) == "") {
                // message is from email subject
                // $message = trim($email_subject);
                $message = trim(preg_replace('/' . $items['features']['email2sms']['pin'] . '/', '', $email_subject, -1, $count));
                if ($count <= 0) {
                    _log('PIN does not match. Subject: ' . $email_subject, 2, 'email2sms_hook_playsmsd');
                // sendsms
                if ($username && count($sms_to) && $message && $count > 0) {
                    _log('email2sms username:'******'email2sms_hook_playsmsd_once');
                    list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue, $counts, $sms_count, $sms_failed) = sendsms_helper($username, $sms_to, $message, '', '', '', '', '', '', $reference_id);
        // close mailbox
Example #14
function mailsms_hook_playsmsd_once($param)
    if ($param != 'mailsms_fetch') {
    // get username
    $username = user_uid2username($uid);
    // _log('fetch uid:' . $uid . ' username:'******'mailsms_hook_playsmsd_once');
    $items_global = registry_search(0, 'features', 'mailsms');
    $enable_fetch = $items_global['features']['mailsms']['enable_fetch'];
    if (!$enable_fetch) {
    $ssl = $items_global['features']['mailsms']['ssl'] == 1 ? "/ssl" : "";
    $novalidate_cert = $items_global['features']['mailsms']['novalidate_cert'] == 1 ? "/novalidate-cert" : "";
    $email_hostname = '{' . $items_global['features']['mailsms']['server'] . ':' . $items_global['features']['mailsms']['port'] . '/' . $items_global['features']['mailsms']['protocol'] . $ssl . $novalidate_cert . '}INBOX';
    $email_username = $items_global['features']['mailsms']['username'];
    $email_password = $items_global['features']['mailsms']['password'];
    // _log('fetch ' . $email_username . ' at ' . $email_hostname, 3, 'mailsms_hook_playsmsd_once');
    // open mailbox
    $inbox = imap_open($email_hostname, $email_username, $email_password);
    if (!$inbox) {
        $errors = imap_errors();
        foreach ($errors as $error) {
            // _log('error:' . $error, 3, 'mailsms_hook_playsmsd_once');
    $emails = imap_search($inbox, 'UNSEEN');
    if (count($emails)) {
        foreach ($emails as $email_number) {
            $overview = imap_fetch_overview($inbox, $email_number, 0);
            $email_subject = trim($overview[0]->subject);
            $email_sender = trim($overview[0]->from);
            $email_body = trim(imap_fetchbody($inbox, $email_number, 1));
            _log('email from:[' . $email_sender . '] subject:[' . $email_subject . '] body:[' . $email_body . ']', 3, 'mailsms_hook_playsmsd');
            $e = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($email_subject));
            $f = preg_split('/ +/', $e);
            $sender_username = str_replace('@', '', $f[0]);
            // in case user use @username
            $sender_pin = $f[1];
            //$message = str_replace($sender_username . ' ' . $sender_pin . ' ', '', $email_subject);
            $c_message = preg_split("/[\\s]+/", $email_subject, 3);
            $message = $c_message[2];
            $sender = user_getdatabyusername($sender_username);
            if ($sender['uid']) {
                $items = registry_search($sender['uid'], 'features', 'mailsms_user');
                $pin = $items['features']['mailsms_user']['pin'];
                if ($sender_pin && $pin && $sender_pin == $pin) {
                    if ($items_global['features']['mailsms']['check_sender']) {
                        preg_match('#\\<(.*?)\\>#', $email_sender, $match);
                        $sender_email = $match[1];
                        if ($sender['email'] != $sender_email) {
                            _log('check_sender:1 unknown sender from:' . $sender_email . ' uid:' . $sender['uid'] . ' e:' . $sender['email'], 3, 'mailsms_hook_playsmsd_once');
                } else {
                    _log('invalid pin uid:' . $sender['uid'] . ' sender_pin:[' . $sender_pin . ']', 3, 'mailsms_hook_playsmsd_once');
            } else {
                _log('invalid username sender_username:[' . $sender_username . ']', 3, 'mailsms_hook_playsmsd_once');
            // destination numbers is in array and retrieved from email body
            // remove email footer/signiture
            $sms_to = preg_replace('/--[\\r\\n]+.*/s', '', $email_body);
            $sms_to = explode(',', $sms_to);
            // sendsms
            if ($sender_username && count($sms_to) && $message) {
                _log('mailsms uid:' . $sender['uid'] . ' from:[' . $sender_email . '] username:[' . $sender_username . ']', 3, 'mailsms_hook_playsmsd_once');
                list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue, $counts, $sms_count, $sms_failed) = sendsms_helper($sender_username, $sms_to, $message, '', '', '', '', '', '', $reference_id);
    // close mailbox
Example #15
function sms_poll_handle($list, $sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $poll_keyword, $poll_param = '', $sms_receiver = '', $smsc = '', $raw_message = '')
    $ok = false;
    $smsc = gateway_decide_smsc($smsc, $list['smsc']);
    $poll_keyword = strtoupper(trim($poll_keyword));
    $poll_param = strtoupper(trim($poll_param));
    $choice_keyword = $poll_param;
    if ($sms_sender && $poll_keyword && $choice_keyword) {
        $poll_id = $list['poll_id'];
        // if poll disabled then immediately return, just ignore the vote
        if (!$list['poll_enable']) {
            logger_print('vote s:' . $sms_sender . ' k:' . $poll_keyword . ' c:' . $choice_keyword . ' poll disabled', 2, 'sms_poll');
            return TRUE;
        $db_query = "SELECT choice_id FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featurePoll_choice WHERE choice_keyword='{$choice_keyword}' AND poll_id='{$poll_id}'";
        $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
        $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
        $choice_id = (int) $db_row['choice_id'];
        $db_table = _DB_PREF_ . "_featurePoll_log";
        $items = array('poll_id' => $poll_id, 'choice_id' => $choice_id, 'poll_sender' => $sms_sender, 'in_datetime' => core_get_datetime(), 'status' => 0);
        // status 0 = failed/unknown
        // status 1 = valid
        // status 2 = out of vote option
        // status 3 = invalid
        $log_id = dba_add($db_table, $items);
        if ($poll_id && $choice_id) {
            $continue = sms_poll_check_option_vote($list, $sms_sender, $poll_keyword, $choice_keyword);
            if ($continue) {
                // send message valid
                if (dba_update($db_table, array('status' => 1), array('log_id' => $log_id))) {
                    logger_print('vote s:' . $sms_sender . ' k:' . $poll_keyword . ' c:' . $choice_keyword . ' log_id:' . $log_id . ' valid vote', 2, 'sms_poll');
                    if (($poll_message_valid = trim($list['poll_message_valid'])) && ($c_username = user_uid2username($list['uid']))) {
                        $unicode = core_detect_unicode($poll_message_valid);
                        $poll_message_valid = addslashes($poll_message_valid);
                        list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue_code) = sendsms_helper($c_username, $sms_sender, $poll_message_valid, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
            } else {
                // send message out of vote option
                if (dba_update($db_table, array('status' => 2), array('log_id' => $log_id))) {
                    logger_print('vote s:' . $sms_sender . ' k:' . $poll_keyword . ' c:' . $choice_keyword . ' log_id:' . $log_id . ' out of vote option', 2, 'sms_poll');
                    if (($poll_message_option = trim($list['poll_message_option'])) && ($c_username = user_uid2username($list['uid']))) {
                        $unicode = core_detect_unicode($poll_message_option);
                        $poll_message_option = addslashes($poll_message_option);
                        list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue_code) = sendsms_helper($c_username, $sms_sender, $poll_message_option, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
            $ok = true;
        } else {
            // send message invalid
            if (dba_update($db_table, array('status' => 3), array('log_id' => $log_id))) {
                logger_print('vote s:' . $sms_sender . ' k:' . $poll_keyword . ' c:' . $choice_keyword . ' log_id:' . $log_id . ' invalid vote', 2, 'sms_poll');
                if (($poll_message_invalid = trim($list['poll_message_invalid'])) && ($c_username = user_uid2username($list['uid']))) {
                    $unicode = core_detect_unicode($poll_message_invalid);
                    $poll_message_invalid = addslashes($poll_message_invalid);
                    list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue_code) = sendsms_helper($c_username, $sms_sender, $poll_message_invalid, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
    return $ok;
Example #16
            $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('Invalid session ID');
        header("Location: " . _u('index.php?app=main&inc=feature_sendfromfile&op=list'));
    case 'upload_process':
        if ($sid = $_REQUEST['sid']) {
            $db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureSendfromfile WHERE sid='{$sid}'";
            $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
            while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
                $c_sms_to = $db_row['sms_to'];
                $c_sms_msg = addslashes($db_row['sms_msg']);
                $c_username = $db_row['sms_username'];
                if ($c_sms_to && $c_sms_msg && $c_username) {
                    $type = 'text';
                    $unicode = '0';
                    $c_sms_msg = addslashes($c_sms_msg);
                    list($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue) = sendsms_helper($c_username, $c_sms_to, $c_sms_msg, $type, $unicode);
            $db_query = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureSendfromfile WHERE sid='{$sid}'";
            $db_result = dba_affected_rows($db_query);
            $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('SMS has been sent to valid numbers in uploaded file');
        } else {
            $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('Invalid session ID');
        header("Location: " . _u('index.php?app=main&inc=feature_sendfromfile&op=list'));
Example #17
function _sms_subscribe_member_expired($subscribe, $member)
    $c_username = user_uid2username($subscribe['uid']);
    if ($c_username && $member['member_id']) {
        if (sms_subscribe_member_remove($member['member_id'])) {
            _log('removed k:' . $subscribe['subscribe_keyword'] . ' member_id:' . $member['member_id'] . ' number:' . $member['member_number'], 3, '_sms_subscribe_member_expired');
            if ($subscribe['expire_msg']) {
                _log('SMS k:' . $subscribe['subscribe_keyword'] . ' member_id:' . $member['member_id'] . ' number:' . $member['member_number'] . ' message:[' . $subscribe['expire_msg'] . ']', 3, '_sms_subscribe_member_expired');
                sendsms_helper($c_username, $member['member_number'], $subscribe['expire_msg'], 'text', '', $subscribe['smsc'], TRUE);