function identify_protected_posts($attachment_id = 0, $attachments = false, $cols = '', $args = array())
     $defaults = array('use_object_restrictions' => true, 'use_term_restrictions' => true, 'use_private_status' => true, 'guid' => '');
     $args = array_merge($defaults, (array) $args);
     global $wpdb, $scoper;
     if (!isset($scoper) || is_null($scoper)) {
     if (empty($scoper->taxonomies)) {
     $restricted_roles = array();
     $unrestricted_roles = array();
     // TODO: also protect uploads based on restriction of other taxonomies
     $restricted_terms = array();
     $restricted_objects = array();
     $term_restriction_clause = '';
     $object_restriction_clause = '';
     $limit_clause = '';
     $unattached_clause = '';
     global $scoper;
     $reader_roles = array();
     foreach ($scoper->role_defs->role_caps as $role_handle => $role_caps) {
         $caps_by_op = $scoper->cap_defs->organize_caps_by_op(array_keys($role_caps));
         if (count($caps_by_op) == 1 && 'read' == key($caps_by_op)) {
             $reader_roles[] = $role_handle;
     $role_clause = "AND rs.role_name IN ('" . implode("','", scoper_role_handles_to_names($reader_roles)) . "')";
     //if ( $use_private_status )
     //	$role_clause = ( 'rs' == SCOPER_ROLE_TYPE ) ? "AND rs.role_name IN ('post_reader', 'page_reader')" : '';	// if also checking for private status, don't need to check for restriction of private_reader roles
     //	$role_clause = ( 'rs' == SCOPER_ROLE_TYPE ) ? "AND rs.role_name IN ('post_reader', 'page_reader', 'private_post_reader', 'private_page_reader')" : '';
     if ($use_term_restrictions) {
         $term_restriction_query = "SELECT rs.obj_or_term_id AS term_id, rs.role_name, rs.max_scope FROM {$wpdb->role_scope_rs} AS rs " . "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt ON tt.taxonomy = rs.src_or_tx_name AND tt.taxonomy = 'category' AND tt.term_taxonomy_id = rs.obj_or_term_id " . "WHERE rs.role_type = 'rs' AND rs.require_for IN ('entity', 'both') AND rs.topic = 'term' {$role_clause}";
         $term_default_restriction_query = "SELECT rs.role_name FROM {$wpdb->role_scope_rs} AS rs " . "WHERE rs.role_type = 'rs' AND rs.require_for IN ('children', 'both') AND rs.topic = 'term' AND rs.max_scope = 'term' AND rs.src_or_tx_name = 'category' AND rs.obj_or_term_id = '0' {$role_clause}";
         $all_terms = array();
         $all_terms['category'] = $scoper->get_terms('category', false, COL_ID_RS);
         if ($results = scoper_get_results($term_restriction_query)) {
             foreach ($results as $row) {
                 if ('blog' == $row->max_scope) {
                     $unrestricted_roles['category'][$row->role_name][] = $row->term_id;
                 } else {
                     $restricted_roles['category'][$row->role_name][] = $row->term_id;
         // if there a role is default-restricted, mark all terms as restricted (may be unrestricted later)
         if ($results = scoper_get_col($term_default_restriction_query)) {
             foreach ($results as $role_name) {
                 if (isset($unrestricted_roles['category'][$role_name])) {
                     $default_restricted = array_diff($all_terms['category'], $unrestricted_roles['category'][$role_name]);
                 } else {
                     $default_restricted = $all_terms['category'];
                 if (isset($restricted_roles['category'][$role_name])) {
                     $restricted_roles['category'][$role_name] = array_unique(array_merge($restricted_roles['category'][$role_name], $default_restricted));
                 } else {
                     $restricted_roles['category'][$role_name] = $default_restricted;
         $restricted_terms['category'] = isset($restricted_roles['category']) ? agp_array_flatten($restricted_roles['category']) : array();
         if ($restricted_terms['category']) {
             $term_restriction_clause = "OR post_parent IN ( SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} " . "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS tr ON tr.object_id = {$wpdb->posts}.ID " . "WHERE tr.term_taxonomy_id IN ('" . implode("','", $restricted_terms['category']) . "') )";
     if ($attachment_id) {
         if (is_array($attachment_id)) {
             $id_clause = "AND ID IN ('" . implode("','", $attachment_id) . "')";
         } else {
             $id_clause = "AND ID = '{$attachment_id}'";
             $limit_clause = 'LIMIT 1';
     } elseif ($guid) {
         $id_clause = "AND guid = '{$file_path}'";
     } else {
         $id_clause = '';
     if (defined('SCOPER_NO_THUMBNAIL_FILTER')) {
         if ($thumbnail_ids = scoper_get_col("SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_thumbnail_id'")) {
             $id_clause .= " AND ID NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $thumbnail_ids) . "')";
     if ($attachments) {
         // to reduce pool of objects, we only care about those that have an attachment
         $attachment_query = "SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.ID IN ( SELECT post_parent FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'attachment' {$id_clause} ) ";
     if ($use_object_restrictions) {
         $object_restriction_query = "SELECT rs.obj_or_term_id AS obj_id, rs.role_name, rs.max_scope FROM {$wpdb->role_scope_rs} AS rs " . "WHERE rs.role_type = 'rs' AND rs.require_for IN ('entity', 'both') AND rs.topic = 'object' AND rs.src_or_tx_name = 'post' {$role_clause} AND rs.obj_or_term_id IN ( {$attachment_query} )";
         $object_default_restriction_query = "SELECT rs.role_name FROM {$wpdb->role_scope_rs} AS rs " . "WHERE rs.require_for IN ('children', 'both') AND rs.topic = 'object' AND rs.max_scope = 'object' AND rs.src_or_tx_name = 'post' AND rs.obj_or_term_id = '0' {$role_clause}";
         $all_objects = array();
         $all_objects['post'] = scoper_get_col($attachment_query);
         $restricted_roles = array();
         $unrestricted_roles = array();
         if ($results = scoper_get_results($object_restriction_query)) {
             foreach ($results as $row) {
                 if ('blog' == $row->max_scope) {
                     $unrestricted_roles['post'][$row->role_name][] = $row->obj_id;
                 } else {
                     $restricted_roles['post'][$row->role_name][] = $row->obj_id;
         // if there a role is default-restricted, mark all terms as restricted (may be unrestricted later)
         if ($results = scoper_get_col($object_default_restriction_query)) {
             foreach ($results as $role_name) {
                 if (isset($unrestricted_roles['category'][$role_name])) {
                     $default_restricted = array_diff($all_terms['post'], $unrestricted_roles['post'][$role_name]);
                 } else {
                     $default_restricted = $all_objects['post'];
                 if (isset($restricted_roles['post'][$role_name])) {
                     $restricted_roles['post'][$role_name] = array_unique(array_merge($restricted_roles['post'][$role_name], $default_restricted));
                 } else {
                     $restricted_roles['post'][$role_name] = $default_restricted;
         if (!empty($restricted_roles)) {
             $restricted_objects['post'] = array_unique(agp_array_flatten($restricted_roles['post']));
             if ($restricted_objects['post']) {
                 $object_restriction_clause = "OR post_parent IN ( SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID IN ('" . implode("','", $restricted_objects['post']) . "') )";
     if ($use_private_status) {
         $status_query = "AND post_parent IN ( SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'private' )";
     if ($attachments) {
         $attachment_type_clause = "post_type = 'attachment' AND";
         $unattached_clause = defined('SCOPER_BLOCK_UNATTACHED_UPLOADS') ? " OR post_parent < 1" : '';
     $single_col = false;
     if (COLS_ALL_RS === $cols) {
         $query_cols = '*';
     } elseif (COL_ID_RS == $cols) {
         $query_cols = 'ID';
         $single_col = true;
     } elseif (COLS_ID_DISPLAYNAME_RS == $cols) {
         if ($attachment) {
             $query_cols = 'ID, post_title, guid';
         } else {
             $query_cols = 'ID, post_title';
     } else {
         if ($attachments) {
             $query_cols = 'ID, guid';
         } else {
             $query_cols = 'ID';
             $single_col = true;
     $query = "SELECT {$query_cols} FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$attachment_type_clause} ( 1=1 {$status_query} {$term_restriction_clause} {$object_restriction_clause} {$unattached_clause} ) {$id_clause} ORDER BY ID DESC {$limit_clause}";
     if ($attachment_id && !is_array($attachment_id)) {
         if ($single_col) {
             $results = scoper_get_var($query);
         } else {
             $results = scoper_get_row($query);
     } else {
         if ($single_col) {
             $results = scoper_get_col($query);
         } else {
             $results = scoper_get_results($query);
     return $results;
//log_mem_usage_rs( 'initial requires' );
if (!$bail) {
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/defaults_rs.php';
    //log_mem_usage_rs( 'defaults_rs' );
    if (IS_MU_RS && agp_is_plugin_network_active(SCOPER_BASENAME)) {
    //log_mem_usage_rs( 'refresh_options_sitewide' );
    // if role options were just updated via http POST, use new values rather than loading old option values from DB
    // These option values are used in WP_Scoped_User constructor
    if (is_admin() && isset($_POST['enable_group_roles']) && 0 === strpos($GLOBALS['plugin_page_cr'], 'rs-')) {
    } else {
    if (IS_MU_RS && agp_is_plugin_network_active(SCOPER_BASENAME)) {
        // If groups are sitewide, default groups must also be defined/applied sitewide (and vice versa)
        global $scoper_sitewide_groups, $scoper_options_sitewide;
        if ($scoper_sitewide_groups = scoper_get_site_option('mu_sitewide_groups')) {
            $scoper_options_sitewide['default_groups'] = true;
        } elseif (isset($scoper_options_sitewide['default_groups'])) {
    // rs_blog_roles option has never been active in any RS release; leave commented here in case need arises
    //define ( 'RS_BLOG_ROLES', scoper_get_option('rs_blog_roles') );
    //log_mem_usage_rs( 'user-plug_rs' );
    add_action('set_current_user', 'scoper_act_set_current_user', 99);
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['current_user'])) {