 * Function check_attempts
 * Description: Check Script usage attempts and returns false if attempts reach max allowed
 * Requirements: Sessions
 * @author Raheel Hasan
 * @version 1.2
 * @example
 * #/ Check Attempts
 * include_once('includes/check_attempts.php');
 * if(check_attempts(10)==false)
 * {
 *    return_back('resend-activation', true); exit;
 * }
 * // return_back() function must call update_attempt_counts();
function check_attempts($allowed = 10, $sess_msg_key = 'CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL')
    ###/ Check Attempts
    if (isset($_SESSION["au_wrongtry"]) && $_SESSION["au_wrongtry"] >= $allowed) {
        $last_time = (int) $_SESSION['au_last_attempt'];
        $now = time();
        $stop_tm = rand(120, 220);
        if ($now - $last_time > $stop_tm) {
            //$_SESSION["au_wrongtry"] = 0;
            //$_SESSION['au_last_attempt'] = 0;
        } else {
            $_SESSION[$sess_msg_key] = array(false, '<strong class="red-txt">Too Many Attempts!</strong><br />Please try again after a few minutes.');
            $_SESSION['au_last_attempt'] = time();
            return false;
    //end if attempt check....
    return true;
function process_signup_3($POST, $FILES, $user_id)
    global $seo_tag, $consts;
    if ($user_id > 0) {
        ##/ Process Profile Pic
        include_once '../includes/resize_images.php';
        $up_path = "user_files/prof/{$user_id}/";
        if (!is_dir($up_path)) {
            mkdir($up_path, 0705, true);
        $sql_prt = $profile_pic = '';
        if (is_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['profile_pic']['tmp_name'])) {
            $copy_data = array(0 => array('i_part' => '_th', 'size_w' => 35, 'size_h' => 35));
            $profile_pic = upload_img_rs('profile_pic', 250, 250, $up_path, 'Profile Pic', '', 250, 'CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL', false, $copy_data);
            if ($profile_pic != '') {
                $sql_prt .= ", profile_pic='{$profile_pic}'";
        #/save users
        $sql_users = "UPDATE users SET\n        screen_name='{$POST['screen_name']}', identify_by='{$POST['identify_by']}' {$sql_prt}\n        WHERE id = '{$user_id}'";
        @mysql_exec($sql_users, 'save');
        #/save user_info
        $sql_user_info = "UPDATE user_info SET\n        country_code = '{$POST['country_code']}', state = '{$POST['state']}', city = '{$POST['city']}',\n    \taddress_ln_1 = '{$POST['address_ln_1']}', address_ln_2 = '{$POST['address_ln_2']}',\n    \tzip = '{$POST['zip']}', phone_number = '{$POST['phone_number']}'\n        WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'";
        @mysql_exec($sql_user_info, 'save');
        $_SESSION['signup_success'] = '2';
        $_SESSION['signup_stage'] = 'signup-details';
    } else {
        $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, 'Unable to process your request at this moment! Please try again later.');
        #/ update user_info
        $sql_user_info = "UPDATE user_info SET country_code='{$_POST['country_code']}', state='{$_POST['state']}',\n        city='{$_POST['city']}', address_ln_1='{$_POST['address_ln_1']}', address_ln_2='{$_POST['address_ln_2']}',\n    \tzip='{$_POST['zip']}', phone_number='{$_POST['phone_number']}'\n        WHERE user_id='{$user_id}'";
        @mysql_exec($sql_user_info, 'save');
        #/ update user_permissions
        $fields_perm = implode(',', $_POST['user_perm']);
        $sql_user_permissions = "UPDATE user_permissions SET fields_perm='{$fields_perm}'\n        WHERE user_id='{$user_id}'";
        @mysql_exec($sql_user_permissions, 'save');
        #/ Update Session
        foreach ($_POST as $POSTk => $POSTv) {
            if (array_key_exists($POSTk, $_SESSION['CUSA_Main_usr_info'])) {
                $_SESSION['CUSA_Main_usr_info'][$POSTk] = $POSTv;
        //var_dump("<pre>", $_SESSION['CUSA_Main_usr_info']); die();
        #/ Redirect
        $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(true, "Your Profile data has been successfully Updated..");
    } else {
        $fv_msg = 'Please clear the following Error(s):<br /><br />- ';
        $fv_msg_ar = array();
        foreach ($fv_errors as $fv_k => $fv_v) {
            $fv_msg_ar = array_merge($fv_msg_ar, $fv_v);
        $fv_msg .= @implode('<br />- ', $fv_msg_ar);
        $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, $fv_msg);
//end if form post..