Example #1
function create_update_list($post_update_list, $db_update_list)
    $set_update = '';
    foreach ($post_update_list as $key => $value) {
        if (postOK($value)) {
            if (empty($set_update)) {
                $set_update .= $db_update_list[$key] . ' = "' . tep_db_prepare_input($_POST[$value]) . '"';
            } else {
                $set_update .= ',' . $db_update_list[$key] . ' = "' . tep_db_prepare_input($_POST[$value]) . '"';
    return $set_update;
Example #2

function postOK()
    return isset($_POST["marka"]) && isset($_POST["model"]) && isset($_POST["cena"]) && isset($_POST["data"]);
function fileOK()
    return $_FILES["snimka"]["error"] > 0 && ($_FILES["snimka"]["type"] == "image/gif" || $_FILES["snimka"]["type"] == "image/jpeg" || $_FILES["snimka"]["type"] == "image/jpg" || $_FILES["snimka"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg" || $_FILES["snimka"]["type"] == "image/x-png" || $_FILES["snimka"]["type"] == "image/png");
if (!(fileOK() && postOK())) {
    $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "test");
    if (mysqli_connect_errno($con)) {
        echo "Failed to connect" . mysqli_connect_error();
    $marka = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["marka"]);
    $model = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["model"]);
    $cena = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["cena"]);
    $date = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["date"]);
    $name = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_COOKIE["name"]);
    $expire = time() + 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
    $expire = date("Y-m-d", $expire);
    $snimka = $_FILES["snimka"]["name"];
    $image = "Images/" . $_FILES["snimka"]["name"];
    if (file_exists("Images/" . $_FILES["snimka"]["name"])) {
        echo $_FILES["snimka"]["name"] . " already exists. ";
    } else {
        move_uploaded_file($_FILES["snimka"]["tmp_name"], "Images/" . $snimka["_FILES"]["name"]);
    $msg = "INSERT INTO carsinfo (Car,DateofProduction,Model,BidPrice,image,sellerName,Expire)\r\n    VALUES ('{$marka}','{$date}','{$model}','{$cena}','{$image}','{$name}','{$expire}')";
    $mysqli_query($con, $msg);
 * Retrieves all the organisations
include_once 'database.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
include_once '../includes/configure.php';
include_once '../includes/database_tables.php';
include_once '../includes/functions/database.php';
if (postOK('organisation_id') && !verifyExistence(TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK, 'address_book_id', $_POST['organisation_id'])) {
    header('Content-type: text/xml');
    echo '<xml></xml>';
$query = 'select ab.address_book_id as id, ab.entry_country_id as country_id, ab.entry_company as title, c.customers_email_address as email, c.customers_telephone as phone, c.customers_fax as fax, ctr.countries_name as country ' . 'from ' . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . ' as ab, ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' as c, ' . TABLE_COUNTRIES . ' as ctr ' . 'where ab.customers_id = c.customers_id and ab.entry_company != "" and ctr.countries_id = ab.entry_country_id';
if (postOK('organisation_id')) {
    $query .= ' and ab.address_book_id = ' . $_POST['organisation_id'];
include_once 'object_query.php';
$query = new Object_query($query);
if ($query->isRequestOk()) {
    $xml = '<xml>';
    $organisations = array();
    foreach ($query->getCollection() as $organisation) {
        if (!isKnownOrganisation($organisations, $organisation['title'])) {
            $organisations[$organisation['title']] = array();
        } else {
            if (isKnownCountryForOrg($organisations, $organisation['title'], $organisation['country_id'])) {

 * Retrieves all the lines (products linked with an order) of an order
include_once 'database.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
include_once '../includes/configure.php';
include_once '../includes/functions/database.php';
include_once '../includes/database_tables.php';
include_once '../includes/functions/general.php';
tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database');
if (!postOK('sale_order_id') or !verifyExistence(TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS, 'orders_id', $_POST['sale_order_id'])) {
    header('Content-type: text/xml');
    echo '<xml></xml>';
$query = 'select orders_products_id as id, products_name as title, concat_ws(" ", "", products_name) as reference, products_price as price, products_quantity as quantity, products_tax as vat from ' . TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS . ' where orders_id = ' . $_POST['sale_order_id'];
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo executeSQL($query);

include 'tiosafe_config.php';
if (postOK('sale_order_line_id') and postOK('sale_order_id')) {
    $products_id = $_POST['sale_order_line_id'];
    $orders_id = $_POST['sale_order_id'];
    $query2 = 'SELECT orders_products_attributes_id AS id,
              WHERE orders_id = ' . $orders_id . ' 
              AND orders_products_id = ' . $products_id;
    $result2 = $db->Execute($query2);
    $xml = '<xml>';
    while (!$result2->EOF) {
        $xml .= '<object>';
        $xml .= '<id>' . $result2->fields['orders_products_attributes_id'] . '</id>';
        $xml .= '<category>' . $result2->fields['products_options'] . '/' . $result2->fields['products_options_values'] . '</category>';
        $xml .= '</object>';
    $xml .= '</xml>';
    header('Content-type: text/xml');
    echo $xml;
Example #6
    if ( !(int) $_POST['person_id'] ) {
      header('Content-type: text/xml');
      echo '<xml></xml>';

  if ( postOK('person_id') && !verifyExistence(TABLE_CUSTOMERS, 'customers_id', $_POST['person_id'])) {
    header('Content-type: text/xml');
    echo '<xml></xml>';
tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database');
$query = 'select c.customers_id as id, c.customers_firstname as firstname, c.customers_lastname as lastname, c.customers_email_address as email, c.customers_dob as birthday, c.customers_telephone as telephone, c.customers_fax as fax, concat_ws(" ", "", ab.entry_company, ctr.countries_name) as relation ' . 'from ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' as c , ' . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . ' as ab,  ' . TABLE_COUNTRIES . ' as ctr ' . 'where c.customers_default_address_id = ab.address_book_id and ab.entry_country_id = ctr.countries_id';
if (postOK('person_id')) {
    $query .= ' and c.customers_id = ' . $_POST['person_id'];
include_once 'object_query.php';
$query = new Object_query($query);
if ($query->isRequestOk()) {
    $xml = '<xml>';
    foreach ($query->getCollection() as $person) {
        $xml .= '<object>';
        foreach ($person as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == 'relation') {
                if ($value != '' and isValidRelation($person['id'])) {
                    $xml .= "<nb_rel>" . count(explode(" ", $value)) . "</nb_rel>";
                    $xml .= "<{$key}>{$value}</{$key}>";
Example #7

 * Retrieves all the products of the products table
include_once 'database.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
include_once '../includes/configure.php';
include_once '../includes/database_tables.php';
include_once '../includes/functions/database.php';
tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database');
if (postOK('products_id') && !verifyExistence(TABLE_PRODUCTS, 'products_id', $_POST['product_id'])) {
    header('Content-type: text/xml');
    echo '<xml></xml>';
$language_id = getDefaultLanguageID();
$query = 'select p.products_id as id, p.products_id as reference, pd.products_name as title from ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' as p, ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . ' as pd where p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = ' . $language_id;
if (postOK('product_id')) {
    $query .= ' and p.products_id = ' . $_POST['product_id'];
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo executeSQL($query);
Example #8

include_once 'functions.php';
include_once '../includes/configure.php';
include_once '../includes/database_tables.php';
include_once '../includes/functions/database.php';
if (!postNotEmpty('id')) {
    die('Product Id not given');
$products_id = $_POST['id'];
if (postOK('category')) {
    $category = explode('/', $_POST['category']);
    $option = $category[0];
    $value = $category[1];
    $optionId = optionExists($option);
    $valueId = valueExists($value);
    if (!$optionId) {
        $optionId = createOption($option);
    if (!$valueId) {
        $valueId = createValue($value);
    if (!isOptionLinkedToValue($optionId, $valueId)) {
        createLink($optionId, $valueId);
    if (!isProductLinked($optionId, $valueId, $products_id)) {
        createLinkToProduct($optionId, $valueId, $products_id);
tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database');
Example #9

 * Retrieves all the orders in the orders table
include_once 'database.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
include_once '../includes/configure.php';
include_once '../includes/database_tables.php';
include_once '../includes/functions/database.php';
tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database');
if (postOK('sale_order_id') && !verifyExistence(TABLE_ORDERS, 'orders_id', $_POST['sale_order_id'])) {
    header('Content-type: text/xml');
    echo "<xml></xml>";
$destination = 'concat(" ", concat_ws(" ", o.delivery_name, o.customers_email_address))';
$destination_ownership = 'concat(" ", concat_ws(" ", c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname, c.customers_email_address))';
$destination_administration = 'concat(" ", concat_ws(" ", o.billing_name, c.customers_email_address))';
$destination_decision = 'concat(" ", concat_ws(" ", o.customers_name, c.customers_email_address))';
// Getting only delivered orders ie orders_status=3
$query = 'select o.orders_id as id, o.orders_id as reference, o.currency as currency, ' . $destination . ' as destination, ' . $destination_administration . ' as destination_administration, ' . $destination_decision . ' as destination_decision, ' . $destination_ownership . ' as destination_ownership, o.payment_method as payment_mode ' . 'from ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' as o, ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' as c  where c.customers_id = o.customers_id and orders_status = 3';
if (postOK('sale_order_id')) {
    $query .= ' and o.orders_id = ' . $_POST['sale_order_id'];
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo executeSQL($query);
if (postOK('product_id') and !postOK('order_id')) {
    $product_id = $_POST['product_id'];
    $language_id = getDefaultLanguageID();
    $query = 'select pa.products_attributes_id, po.products_options_name, pov.products_options_values_name from ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . ' as pa, ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . ' as po, ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . ' as pov where pa.products_id = ' . $product_id . ' and pa.options_id = po.products_options_id and pa.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id and po.language_id = ' . $language_id . ' and pov.language_id = ' . $language_id;
    $db_query = tep_db_query($query);
    $xml = '<xml>';
    while ($result = tep_db_fetch_array($db_query)) {
        $xml .= '<object>';
        $xml .= '<category>' . $result['products_options_name'] . '/' . strtolower($result['products_options_values_name']) . '</category>';
        $xml .= '</object>';
    $xml .= '</xml>';
} else {
    if (postOK('product_id') and postOK('order_id')) {
        $query = 'select products_options, products_options_values from ' . TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . ' where orders_id = ' . $_POST['order_id'] . ' and orders_products_id = ' . $_POST['product_id'];
        $db_query = tep_db_query($query);
        $xml = '<xml>';
        while ($result = tep_db_fetch_array($db_query)) {
            $xml .= '<object>';
            $xml .= '<category>' . $result['products_options'] . '/' . strtolower($result['products_options_values']) . '</category>';
            $xml .= '</object>';
        $xml .= '</xml>';
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $xml;