function cg2_footer()
    $html = '';
    $html .= plugin_footer();
    return $html;
function cg2_homepage($error = '')
    if ($error) {
    // header
    $title = t('Admin') . " &gt; <a href='?menu=_codeGenerator'>" . t('Code Generator') . "</a>\n";
    $html = plugin_header('###TITLE###', '', false);
    $html = preg_replace('/###TITLE###/', $title, $html);
    // list internal generators
    $html .= _cg2_getGeneratorList(t("Create a Viewer"), t("'Viewers' are PHP files that display the data from the CMS in all the different 'views' you might have on your site."), "private");
    // list other generators (added by plugins)
    $html .= _cg2_getGeneratorList(t("Other Generators"), t("Plugins can add their own code generators here"), "public");
    // footer
    $html .= plugin_footer();
    print $html;