function makeTask(&$frm) { global $session; /* frist feld formatieren */ $frist = "0000-00-00"; if (isset($frm['frist']) && $frm['frist'] != "JJJJ-MM-TT") { $frist = $frm['frist']; } // Überprüfung ob Task mit Language schon vorhanden ///////////// // neuen Text anlegen $ntextid = sql_addNewText(sqlv($frm['title']), sqlv(nvl($frm['abstract'])), 0, $frm['lang'], nvl($frm['cat'], 0), nvl($frm['filetyp'], 0), $session['userid'], $frm['textID']); if (!isset($ntextid) or $ntextid == 0) { $session['notice'] = "error making Task. Cannot generate new Text! Please contact the administrator via contact-link<br>Errorcode: tid={$frm['textID']}"; return 0; } // neuen Task anlegen $taskID = sql_addNewTask($frm['textID'], $ntextid, $session['userid'], $frist); return 1; }
public function numProductos() { $num = 0; for ($p = 0; $p < $this->nf; $p++) { if (nvl($this->carro['estado'][$p])) { $num++; } } return $num; }
static function democonsent($params) { $server = $params['cortodata']['server']; if ($params['cortofirstcall']) { $response = $params['cortodata']['response']; $attributes = attributes2array($response['saml:Assertion']['saml:AttributeStatement'][0]['saml:Attribute']); print $server->renderTemplate('consent', array('action' => $params['cortolocation'], 'attributes' => $attributes, 'cortopassthru' => $params['cortopassthru'], 'cortoentityid' => $params['cortoentityid'], 'cortoservice' => $params['cortoservice'])); exit; } if (nvl($_POST, 'consent') !== 'yes') { print $server->renderTemplate('noconsent'); exit; } }
/** * Returns attributes for route's callback * @param Request $request * @param string[]|callable $controller * @return array */ public function getAttributes($request, $controller) { if (is_array($controller)) { //if controller's class and function names $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($controller[0], $controller[1]); } else { //if callable $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($controller); } // Get function's params $params = $reflection->getParameters(); $attributes = []; // Filter required attributes foreach ($params as $param) { $attributes[] = nvl($request->attributes, $param->getName(), null); } return $attributes; }
function demoapp() { $sharedkey = 'abrakadabra'; $corto = join("/", array_slice(explode("/", 'http' . (nvl($_SERVER, 'HTTPS') ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), 0, -1)); $self = $corto . '/index.php'; $corto = $corto . '/corto.php'; if (isset($_POST['doslo'])) { $request = array('__t' => 'samlp:LogoutRequest', '_ID' => ID(), '_Version' => '2.0', '_IssueInstant' => gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', time()), '_Destination' => "{$corto}/sp/Mads/SLO", 'saml:Issuer' => array('__v' => $self), 'saml:NameID' => json_decode(stripcslashes($_POST['subject']), 1), '_NotOnOrAfter' => timeStamp(10)); $location = $request['_Destination']; $location .= "?SAMLRequest=" . urlencode(base64_encode(gzdeflate(json_encode($request)))); print render('redirect', array('location' => $location, 'message' => $request)); exit; } if (isset($_POST['doit'])) { $idp = empty($_POST['idp']) ? NULL : $_POST['idp']; if (!$idp) { $idp = "sp"; } $request = array('_ID' => ID(), '_Version' => '2.0', '_IssueInstant' => gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', time()), '_Destination' => "{$corto}/{$idp}/Mads", '_ForceAuthn' => !empty($_REQUEST['ForceAuthn']) ? 'true' : 'false', '_IsPassive' => !empty($_REQUEST['IsPassive']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'AssertionConsumerServiceIndex' => 0, '_AttributeConsumingServiceIndex' => 5, '_ProtocolBinding' => 'JSON-Redirect', 'saml:Issuer' => array('__v' => $self)); if (!empty($_REQUEST['IDPList'])) { foreach ((array) $_REQUEST['IDPList'] as $idp) { $idpList[] = array('_ProviderID' => $idp); $request['samlp:Scoping']['samlp:IDPList']['samlp:IDPEntry'] = $idpList; } } $relayState = 'Dummy RelayState ...'; #$request['samlp:Scoping']['_ProxyCount'] = 2; $location = $request['_Destination']; $location .= "?SAMLRequest=" . urlencode(base64_encode(gzdeflate(json_encode($request)))) . ($relayState ? '&RelayState=' . urlencode($relayState) : ''); print render('redirect', array('location' => $location, 'message' => $request)); exit; } $relayState = $rs = $message = null; $response = nvl($_GET, 'SAMLResponse'); $SAMLResponse = json_decode(gzinflate(base64_decode($response)), 1); if (isset($_POST['RelayState']) && ($rs = $_POST['RelayState'])) { $rs = '&RelayState=' . $rs; } print render('demo', array('action' => $self, 'SAMLResponse' => $SAMLResponse, 'message' => "RelayState: " . nvl($_GET, 'RelayState'), 'self' => $self)); }
<img src="" width="650" height="92" alt="You're a winner!" style="display:block" /> <div id="form_area"> <?php if ($usConfirm == "confirm") { echo "<div class=\"newsletter_intro\">You have been removed from the mailing list</div>\r\n"; } else { echo "<div class=\"newsletter_intro\">Please click the button below to unsubscribe from the United Biscuits mailing list</div>\r\n"; ?> <form style="width:650px; margin:0 auto; text-align:center;" name="us_form" id="us_form" method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="us_confirm" value="confirm" /> <input type="hidden" name="c" value="<?php echo nvl($campaign); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="u" value="<?php echo nvl($uid); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?php echo nvl($email); ?> " /><br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Unsubscribe" /> </form> <?php } ?> <br /><br /><br /><br /> </div> </div>
/** * Initialize corto session - to be able to handle multiple federations * and entities the session name is a hash of entityID concatenated with the federation name * * @return void */ public function startSession() { $cookie_path = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $secure_cookie = nvl($_SERVER, 'HTTPS'); // IIS returns 'off' if not https $secure_cookie = isset($secure_cookie) && $secure_cookie != 'off'; session_write_close(); // @todo remember general alert for non-https requests ... // @todo what about INTERNAL bindings ??? session_set_cookie_params(0, $cookie_path, '', $secure_cookie); session_name(sha1($this->_metadata['current']['entityID'])); session_start(); #$_SESSION['__entity__'] = $this->_metadata['current']['entityID']; }
$update[] = "CONTENT_DETAIL_ENG= '" . $_POST['txtDetailEng'] . "'"; $update[] = "BRIEF_LOC= '" . $_POST['txtBriefDescLoc'] . "'"; $update[] = "BRIEF_ENG= '" . $_POST['txtBriefDescEng'] . "'"; $update[] = "LAST_UPDATE_USER = '******'user_name'] . "'"; $update[] = "LAST_UPDATE_DATE = NOW()"; $update[] = "CAT_ID = '" . $CID . "'"; ///$_POST['cmbCategory'] . "'"; $update[] = "SUB_CAT_ID = '" . $subCatID . "'"; $update[] = "EVENT_START_DATE = '" . ConvertDateToDB($_POST['txtStartDate']) . "'"; $update[] = "EVENT_END_DATE = '" . ConvertDateToDB($_POST['txtEndDate']) . "'"; $update[] = "PLACE_DESC_LOC = '" . nvl($_POST['txtPlaceLoc'], "") . "'"; $update[] = "PLACE_DESC_ENG = '" . nvl($_POST['txtPlaceEng'], "") . "'"; $update[] = "LAT = '" . nvl($_POST['txtLat'], "") . "'"; $update[] = "LON = '" . nvl($_POST['txtLon'], "") . "'"; $update[] = "EVENT_START_TIME = '" . nvl($_POST['cmbHourStart'], '') . ':' . nvl($_POST['cmbMinuteStart'], '') . "'"; $update[] = "EVENT_END_TIME = '" . nvl($_POST['cmbHourEnd'], '') . ':' . nvl($_POST['cmbMinuteEnd'], '') . "'"; $update[] = "PRICE_RATE_LOC = '" . $_POST['txtPriceLoc'] . "'"; $update[] = "PRICE_RATE_ENG = '" . $_POST['txtPriceEng'] . "'"; $sql = "UPDATE trn_content_detail SET " . implode(",", $update) . " WHERE CONTENT_ID = " . $conid; mysql_query($sql, $conn); if (count($_POST['photo_file']) > 0) { $sql_max = "SELECT MAX(ORDER_ID) AS MAX_ORDER FROM trn_content_picture WHERE CONTENT_ID = " . $conid . " AND CAT_ID = " . $CID; //$_POST['cmbCategory']; $query_max = mysql_query($sql_max, $conn) or die($sql_max); $row_max = mysql_fetch_array($query_max); $max = $row_max['MAX_ORDER']; $max++; foreach ($_POST['photo_file'] as $k => $file) { $filename = admin_move_image_upload_dir('content_' . $CID, end(explode('/', $file)), 1000, '', false, 150, 150); unset($insert); $insert['CONTENT_ID'] = $conid;
,sb.SUB_CONTENT_CAT_DESC_ENG FROM trn_content_category cc LEFT OUTER JOIN trn_content_sub_category sb ON sb.CONTENT_CAT_ID = cc.CONTENT_CAT_ID WHERE cc.REF_MODULE_ID = $MID AND cc.flag <> 2 AND cc.CONTENT_CAT_ID = $CID "; if (isset($SCID) && nvl($SCID, '0') != '0') { $sql .= " AND sb.SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID = $SCID "; } $sql .=" ORDER BY cc.ORDER_DATA DESC ,sb.order_data DESC ) a LEFT JOIN trn_content_detail cd ON a.CONTENT_CAT_ID = cd.CAT_ID where cd.CONTENT_STATUS_FLAG <> 2 "; if (isset($SCID) && nvl($SCID, '0') != '0') { $sql .= " AND cd.SUB_CAT_ID = $SCID "; } $sql .= " ORDER BY cd.ORDER_DATA desc "; $query = mysql_query($sql,$conn); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { ?> <li class="ui-state-default" data-order="<?=$row['ORDER_DATA'] ?>" data-id="<?=$row['CONTENT_ID'] ?>"><?=$row['CONTENT_DESC_LOC'] ?></li> <? } ?> </ul> </div>
$textLocation = ' class="text-des" style="height: 15px;" '; $textTicket = ' class="text-ticket" '; if (nvl($row['PRICE_RATE'], '') == '') $textTicket = ' class="text-des" style="height: 15px;" '; ?> <div class="box-when"> <h3>WHEN</h3> <p class="text-date"><? echo ConvertDate($row['EVENT_START_DATE']) ?> - <? echo ConvertDate($row['EVENT_END_DATE']) ?></p> <p class="text-time"><? echo $row['EVENT_START_TIME'] ?> - <? echo $row['EVENT_END_TIME'] ?></p> <p <?=$textLocation ?>><? echo nvl($row['PLACE_DESC'], '') ?></p> </div> <div class="box-ticket"> <h3>TICKET</h3> <p <?=$textTicket ?>><?= nvl($row['PRICE_RATE'], '') ?></p> </div> <div class="box-news-text"> <p> <?=nl2br(strip_tags($row['CONTENT_DETAIL'], $allowTag)); ?> </p> </div> <?php $SqlFile = "SELECT * FROM trn_content_picture WHERE CONTENT_ID = ".$CONID." AND CAT_ID = ".$CID." AND DIV_NAME = 'Other' ORDER BY ORDER_ID ASC"; $QueryFile = mysql_query($SqlFile) or die(mysql_error()); $numFile = mysql_num_rows($QueryFile); if($numFile > 0){ ?> <div class="box-otherfile-main"> <div class="box-title cf">
<?php include "/nfslocal/www/include/db/dbconnect.php"; //get vars $uid = $_REQUEST["u"]; //person unique ID $url_id = $_REQUEST["r"]; //url_id for link in URL table //get url details $urlsql = "SELECT url, description, code, alert, personalise, active, campaign \n\t\t \t\t\t FROM url\n \tWHERE url_id='{$url_id}' and active = 'true' LIMIT 1"; $geturl = mysql_query($urlsql); $url = mysql_fetch_array($geturl); //set campaign code // use posted campaign code, or the one from the table, this means that landing pages can have the came link, but log to different campaigns $campaign = nvl($_REQUEST["c"], $url[6]); $campaigntable = $campaign . "_log"; //log click through //$mysqltime = strftime ("%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" , time()); $logsql = "INSERT INTO {$campaigntable}(log_date, campaign, uid, action, details) VALUES (now(), '{$campaign}', '{$uid}', '{$url['2']}', '{$url['1']}')"; $dolog = mysql_query($logsql); //get passthrough details (if personalise = true) if ($url[4] == "true") { $campaignemail = $campaign . "_email"; $dsql = "SELECT * FROM {$campaignemail} WHERE uid = '{$uid}'"; $getd = mysql_query($dsql); //personalise the link $d = mysql_fetch_array($getd); foreach ($d as $k => $v) { $url[0] = str_replace("#={$k}=#", $v, $url[0]); } }
function getCatBread($cid, $mid, &$breadArr) { $sqlStr = "select * from trn_content_category where CONTENT_CAT_ID = " . $cid; $rs = mysql_query($sqlStr) or die(mysql_error()); if ($_SESSION['LANG'] == 'TH') { $selectedColName = 'CONTENT_CAT_DESC_LOC'; } else { $selectedColName = 'CONTENT_CAT_DESC_ENG'; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { // echo count($breadArr); if (count($breadArr) == 0) { $breadArr[] = '<li class="active">' . $row[$selectedColName] . '</li>'; } else { if (nvl($row['IS_LAST_NODE'], 'Y') == 'Y') { $breadArr[] = '<li ><a href="da-all-black.php?MID=' . $mid . '&CID=' . $row['CONTENT_CAT_ID'] . '">' . $row[$selectedColName] . ' > </a></li>'; } else { $breadArr[] = '<li ><a href="da-category-black.php?MID=' . $mid . '&CID=' . $row['CONTENT_CAT_ID'] . '">' . $row[$selectedColName] . ' > </a></li>'; } } } }
LINK_URL FROM trn_content_sub_category WHERE CONTENT_CAT_ID = " . $categoryRow['CONTENT_CAT_ID']; $sqlSubCategory .= " AND flag = 0 ORDER BY ORDER_DATA desc"; $rsSubMenu = mysql_query($sqlSubCategory) or die(mysql_error()); $subCount = 1; echo '<ul class="submenu-left">'; while ($subCategoryRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsSubMenu)) { $subLink = "ve-category.php?c=" . $categoryRow['CONTENT_CAT_ID'] . "&SCID=" . $subCategoryRow['SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID']; if (nvl($subCategoryRow['LINK_URL'], '') != '') $subLink = $subCategoryRow['LINK_URL']; echo '<li class="submenu' . $subCount . '"><a href="' . $subLink . '">' . $subCategoryRow['SUB_CONTENT_DESC'] . '</a></li>'; $subCount++; } echo '</ul>'; } echo '</li>'; $mainMenuCount++; } ?>
?> /opt.php?debug=<?php echo nvl($session['mode_debug']) == 1 ? 0 : 1; ?> ">Debug Modus <?php echo nvl($session['mode_debug']) == 1 ? "Aus" : "An"; ?> </A> | <a href="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot; ?> /opt.php?admin=<?php echo nvl($session['mode_admin']) == 1 ? 0 : 1; ?> ">Admin Modus <?php echo nvl($session['mode_admin']) == 1 ? "Aus" : "An"; ?> </A> | <a href="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot; ?> /admin/admin.php">Admin Seite</A> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot; ?>
?> <? $MID = $_GET['MID']; $id = $_GET['conid']; $CID = $_GET['cid']; $LV = $_GET['LV']; $SCID = $_GET['SCID']; $subfixAddAndEdit = '&cid=' . $CID . '&LV=' . $LV; if (isset($SCID) && nvl($SCID, '0') != '0') { $subfixAddAndEdit .= '&SCID=' . $SCID; } $navigateBackPage = ''; $navigateBackPage = 'content_view.php?cid=' . $CID . '&MID=' . $MID . '&LV=' . $LV; if (nvl($SCID, '0') != '0') $navigateBackPage .= '&SCID=' . $SCID; $sql = "SELECT cd.* ,cc.CONTENT_CAT_DESC_ENG ,cc.CONTENT_CAT_DESC_LOC ,cc.IS_LAST_NODE ,sc.SUB_CONTENT_CAT_DESC_ENG ,sc.SUB_CONTENT_CAT_DESC_LOC FROM trn_content_detail cd LEFT JOIN trn_content_category cc ON cc.CONTENT_CAT_ID = cd.CAT_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN trn_content_sub_category sc ON sc.SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID = cd.SUB_CAT_ID"; if($MID == $contact_us){ $sql .= " where cd.CONTENT_STATUS_FLAG = 2 " ; }else{
include "../application.php"; /* form has been submitted */ if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { $frm = $HTTP_POST_VARS; //mydebug($frm); if (isset($frm['download'])) { /* if Packer not choosen, then check if user has an default packer */ if (nvl($frm['packerID'], 0) == 0) { $packerID = isset($session['usepackerID']) ? $session['usepackerID'] : 0; } else { /* Packer choosen, so set default-packer for user if not set */ $packerID = $frm['packerID']; setdefault($session['usepackerID'], $packerID); } // get the downloadURL for the File $goto = get_downloadURL(nvl($frm['textID']), $packerID); //$goto = empty($session["wantsurl"]) ? "$CFG->wwwroot/main.php" : $session["wantsurl"]; header("Location: {$goto}"); die; } } $DOC_TITLE = "Download"; include "{$CFG->templatedir}/header.php"; include "templates/"; include "{$CFG->templatedir}/footer.php"; /****************************************************************************** * FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************************/ ?>
function wday(&$dnummer) { $wday = array("", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa", "So"); return nvl($wday[$dnummer]) . " "; }
?> </span> </h1> </div> <hr class="line-gray"/> <?php if ($_SESSION['LANG'] == 'TH') { $LANG_SQL = "CONTENT_DESC_LOC AS CONTENT_DESC"; } else { if ($_SESSION['LANG'] == 'EN') { $LANG_SQL = "CONTENT_DESC_ENG AS CONTENT_DESC"; } } $sql = " SELECT " . $LANG_SQL . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM trn_content_detail \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE CONTENT_STATUS_FLAG = 0 AND CAT_ID = {$position_sub_cat} AND CONTENT_ID = " . nvl($CONID, -2); $sql .= " order by ORDER_DATA desc"; $query = mysql_query($sql, $conn); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); $positionName = $row['CONTENT_DESC']; ?> <form action="e-application-action.php?add" method="post" name="formcms" id = "myform" enctype="multipart/form-data" > <div class="box-contact-from"> <div class="box-row cf"> <div class="box-left"> <p class="con">Specify type of job onterested</p> </div> <div class="box-right"> <div class="box-input-text">
$index++; } ?> </div> <div class="box-pagination-main cf"> <ul class="pagination"> <?php $countContentSql = "SELECT count(1) as ROW_COUNT FROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttrn_content_category cat\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN trn_content_detail content ON content.CAT_ID = cat.CONTENT_CAT_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcat.REF_MODULE_ID = {$new_and_event}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND cat.flag = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND cat.CONTENT_CAT_ID = {$museum_event_cat_id}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND content.SUB_CAT_ID = {$event_sub_cat_id}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND content.APPROVE_FLAG = 'Y'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND content.CONTENT_STATUS_FLAG = 0 "; $countContentSql .= $search_sql; $queryCount = mysql_query($countContentSql, $conn); $dataCount = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryCount); $contentCount = $dataCount['ROW_COUNT']; $maxPage = ceil($contentCount / 30); $extraClass = ''; if (nvl($currentPage, -1)) { $currentPage = 1; } if ($currentPage == 1) { $extraClass = 'class="deactive"'; } echo $pageStart; echo '<li ' . $extraClass . '><a href="?PG=' . ($currentPage - 1) . '" class="btn-arrow-left"></a></li>'; for ($idx = 0; $idx < 3; $idx++) { if ($currentPage + $idx > $maxPage) { break; } $activeClass = ''; if ($idx == 0) { $activeClass = ' class="active"'; }
protected static function _array2xml($hash, $elementName, XMLWriter $writer, $level = 0, $visiblenamespaces = array()) { if ($level > self::MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL) { throw new Exception('Recursion threshold exceed on element: ' . $elementName . ' for hashvalue: ' . var_export($hash, true)); } if ($hash == self::PLACEHOLDER_VALUE) { // Ignore placeholders return; } if (!isset($hash[0])) { $writer->startElement($elementName); } // handle attributes / namespaces first // attribute key prefix is a prefix of private key prefix thus first // test for private key prefis foreach ((array) $hash as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, self::PRIVATE_KEY_PREFIX) === 0) { # [__][<x>] is used for private attributes for internal consumption } elseif (strpos($key, self::ATTRIBUTE_KEY_PREFIX) === 0) { if (substr($key, 1, 6) == 'xmlns:' && nvl($visiblenamespaces, substr($key, 7))) { continue; } $writer->writeAttribute(substr($key, 1), $value); if (substr($key, 1, 6) == 'xmlns:') { $visiblenamespaces[substr($key, 7)] = true; } } } if (preg_match("/^(.+):/", $elementName, $nsprefix)) { if (!nvl($visiblenamespaces, $nsprefix[1])) { $visiblenamespaces[$nsprefix[1]] = true; $writer->writeAttribute('xmlns:' . $nsprefix[1], self::$_namespacesbyprefix[$nsprefix[1]]); } } // and then elements etc. foreach ((array) $hash as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key)) { // Normal numeric index, value is probably a hash structure, recurse... self::_array2xml($value, $elementName, $writer, $level + 1, $visiblenamespaces); } elseif ($key === self::VALUE_KEY) { $writer->text($value); } elseif (strpos($key, self::PRIVATE_KEY_PREFIX) === 0) { # [__][<x>] is used for private attributes for internal consumption } elseif (strpos($key, self::ATTRIBUTE_KEY_PREFIX) === 0) { } else { self::_array2xml($value, $key, $writer, $level + 1, $visiblenamespaces); } } if (!isset($hash[0])) { $writer->endElement(); } }
function build_element($s, $company) { $element_table = $company . "_element"; $ei_table = $company . "_element_instance"; $sql = "SELECT {$ei_table}.content,{$element_table}.name \n\t\t\t\t FROM {$element_table} LEFT JOIN {$ei_table} ON {$element_table}.element_id = {$ei_table}.element_id \n\t\t\t\t WHERE {$ei_table}.section_instance_id = '{$s['instance_id']}'"; $esql = mysql_query($sql); while ($e = mysql_fetch_array($esql)) { // replace section with content $s["content"] = str_replace("##==" . $e["name"] . "==##", $e["content"], $s["content"]); } return nvl($s["content"]); }
} else { $session['notice'] .= "Titel nicht geändert!<br>"; } } if (!empty($frm['abstract'])) { if (change_abstract($frm['id'], $frm['abstract'])) { $session['notice'] .= "Kurzbeschreibung erfolgreich geändert!<br>"; } else { $session['notice'] .= "Kurzbeschreibung nicht geändert!<br>"; } } if (isset($frm['upload'])) { $errormsg = validate_form($frm, $errors); //print_r($frm); if (empty($errormsg)) { if (!upload_file($frm['id'], $frm['file']['tmp_name'], $frm['file']['ext'], $frm['file']['fileID'], nvl($frm['length']), 0)) { $id = $frm['id']; $DOC_TITLE = "Upload"; include "{$CFG->templatedir}/header.php"; include "templates/"; include "{$CFG->templatedir}/footer.php"; die; } else { $session['notice'] .= "Datei erfolgreich hochgeladen<br>"; } } else { $session['notice'] = $errormsg; $stay = 1; } } // endif is upload?!
/** * Handle an authentication response and send it on to the SP. * Handle filtering for both incoming and outgoing response * * @throws Corto_Module_Services_Exception * @param $params * @return void */ public function assertionConsumerService($params) { if ($this->_server->callfilters('init')) { $receivedResponse = $this->_server->getBindingsModule()->receiveResponse($params); // Get the ID of the Corto Request message if (!$receivedResponse['_InResponseTo']) { $message = "Unsollicited assertion (no InResponseTo in message) not supported!"; throw new Corto_Module_Services_Exception($message); } $receivedRequest = $this->_server->getReceivedRequestFromResponse($receivedResponse['_InResponseTo']); $state = get_defined_vars(); $filterparams = array('request' => $receivedRequest, 'response' => $receivedResponse, 'server' => $this->_server); $filters = array_merge($this->_server->getRemoteMD($receivedResponse['saml:Issuer']['__v'], 'IDP', 'corto:responseInputFilter', null, array()), $this->_server->getCurrentMD('SP', 'corto:responseOutputFilter', null, array())); } // SP side filters if ($this->_server->callfilters("responsein", $state, $filters, $filterparams)) { extract($state); unset($state); $receivedResponse = $filterparams['response']; unset($filterparams); $proxySP = null; if ($proxyIDP = nvl($receivedRequest['__'], 'ProxyIDP')) { $proxySP = $params['EntityID']; $this->_server->setCurrentEntity($proxyIDP); $this->_server->startSession(); } $_SESSION['cachedresponses'][$receivedResponse['saml:Issuer']['__v']] = $receivedResponse; $this->AssertionConsumerService2($receivedRequest, $receivedResponse, $proxySP); } }
<div class="caption lfl " data-x="20" data-y="258" data-speed="1000" data-start="1500" data-easing="easeInOutQuint"> <p style="font-size:370%;color:#fff;font-family:Roboto;font-weight:200;line-height:1"><?php echo nvl($imagen['referencia']); ?> </p> </div> <? } ?> <!--div class="caption lfr " data-x="20" data-y="309" data-speed="1000" data-start="2000" data-easing="easeInOutCubic"> <p style="font-family:Roboto;color:#fff;font-size:130%;font-weight:300;font-style:italic;line-height:1"><?php echo nvl($imagen['vinculo']); ?> </p> </div--> <? if( isset($imagen['referencia']) && $imagen['vinculo'] != "" ){ ?> <div class="caption lfb btn" data-x="585" data-y="285" data-speed="1000" data-start="3000" data-easing="easeInOutBounce"><a href="#" style="line-height:1;font-weight:400;font-family:Roboto;"><?php echo nvl($imagen['vinculo']); ?> </a></div> <? } ?> </li> <? } ?> </ul> <div class="tp-bannertimer"></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var tpj=jQuery; tpj.noConflict();
function db_del($key, $subkey = '_') { $id = db_start($key); if ($subkey == '*') { $res = $_SESSION; session_destroy(); } else { $res = nvl($_SESSION, $subkey); unset($_SESSION[$subkey]); if (empty($_SESSION)) { session_destroy(); } } db_end($id); return $res; }
$update = ""; $update[] = "ORDER_DATA = " . $val; $sql = "UPDATE trn_museum_profile_picture SET " . implode(",", $update) . " WHERE PIC_ID =" . $k; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die($sql); } } if (isset($_POST['catMuseum'])) { $sql = "delete from trn_mapping_museum_category where MUSEUM_DETAIL_ID = " . $_POST['museumId']; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die($sql); foreach ($_POST['catMuseum'] as $k => $val) { unset($insert); $arrVal = explode("|", $val); //echo 'val : ' . $val; //echo 'Arr : ' . $arrVal ; $insert['MUSEUM_DETAIL_ID'] = $_POST['museumId']; $insert['CONTENT_CAT_ID'] = nvl($arrVal[0], 0); $insert['CONTENT_SUB_CAT_ID'] = nvl($arrVal[1], 0); $sql = "INSERT INTO trn_mapping_museum_category (" . implode(",", array_keys($insert)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", array_values($insert)) . ")"; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die($sql); } } header('Location: ' . 'account-museum-detail.php'); } ?>
$insert['LAST_UPDATE_DATE'] = "NOW()"; $insert['FLAG'] = "0"; $insert['REF_SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID'] = "'" . $refSubModule . "'"; $insert['IS_LAST_NODE'] = "'" . $isLastNode . "'"; $sql = "INSERT INTO trn_content_sub_category (" . implode(",", array_keys($insert)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", array_values($insert)) . ")"; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die($sql); header('Location: ' . $returnPage); } if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { $update = ""; $chkHasSubCategory = $_POST['chkHasSubCategory']; $isLastNode = ""; $refSubModule = 0; if ($chkHasSubCategory) { $isLastNode = "N"; if (isset($SCID) && nvl($SCID, '') != '') { $refSubModule = $SCID; } } else { $isLastNode = "Y"; } //$update[] = "CONTENT_CAT_ID = '" . $_POST['cmbCategory'] . "'"; $update[] = "SUB_CONTENT_CAT_DESC_LOC = '" . $_POST['txtDescLoc'] . "'"; $update[] = "SUB_CONTENT_CAT_DESC_ENG = '" . $_POST['txtDescEng'] . "'"; $update[] = "LAST_UPDATE_USER = '******'"; $update[] = "LAST_UPDATE_DATE = NOW()"; $update[] = "REF_SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID = '" . $refSubModule . "'"; $update[] = "IS_LAST_NODE = '" . $isLastNode . "'"; $sql = "UPDATE trn_content_sub_category SET " . implode(",", $update) . " WHERE SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID = " . $_GET['subcid']; mysql_query($sql, $conn); header('Location: ' . $returnPage);
<?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { ?> <div class="Main_Content" data-id="<?php echo $row['SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID']; ?> " > <div class="floatL checkboxContent"><input type="checkbox" name="check" value="<?php echo $row['SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID']; ?> "></div> <div class="floatL nameContent"> <? $nextPage = ''; if (nvl($row['IS_LAST_NODE'], 'Y') == 'Y') { //content no LV use current LV $nextPage = 'content_view.php?cid=' . $CID . '&MID=' . $MID . '&LV=' . $LV . '&SCID=' . $row['SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID']; } else { //recursive to self page $nextPage = 'main_sub_category_view.php?cid=' . $CID . '&MID=' . $MID . '&LV=' . ($LV + 1) . '&SCID=' . $row['SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID']; } ?> <div><? //echo '<a href="sub_category_view.php?scid='.$row['SUB_CONTENT_CAT_ID'].'&MID='.$MID.'&cid='.$CID.'">'. $row['SUB_CONTENT_CAT_DESC_LOC'].'</a>' echo '<a href="' . $nextPage . '">' . $row['SUB_CONTENT_CAT_DESC_LOC'] . '</a>'; ?></div> <div>วันที่สร้าง <? echo ConvertDate($row['CREATE_DATE']); ?> | วันที่ปรับปรุง <? echo ConvertDate($row['LAST_UPDATE_DATE']);
$insert['CONTENT_STATUS_FLAG'] = "'0'"; $insert['CONTENT_VIEW_COUNT'] = "0"; $insert['BRIEF_LOC'] = "'" . $_POST['txtBriefDescLoc'] . "'"; $insert['BRIEF_ENG'] = "'" . $_POST['txtBriefDescEng'] . "'"; $insert['MUSUEM_ID'] = "'" . $_POST['museumID'] . "'"; $insert['APPROVE_FLAG'] = "'N'"; $insert['USER_CREATE'] = "'" . $_SESSION['user_name'] . "'"; $insert['CREATE_DATE'] = "NOW()"; $insert['LAST_UPDATE_USER'] = "******" . $_SESSION['user_name'] . "'"; $insert['LAST_UPDATE_DATE'] = "NOW()"; $insert['EVENT_START_DATE'] = "'" . ConvertDateToDB($_POST['txtStartDate']) . "'"; $insert['EVENT_END_DATE'] = "'" . ConvertDateToDB($_POST['txtEndDate']) . "'"; $insert['PLACE_DESC_LOC'] = "'" . nvl($_POST['txtPlaceLoc'], "") . "'"; $insert['PLACE_DESC_ENG'] = "'" . nvl($_POST['txtPlaceEng'], "") . "'"; $insert['LAT'] = "'" . nvl($_POST['txtLat'], "") . "'"; $insert['LON'] = "'" . nvl($_POST['txtLon'], "") . "'"; $insert['EVENT_START_TIME'] = "'" . $_POST['startdate'] . "'"; $insert['EVENT_END_TIME'] = "'" . $_POST['enddate'] . "'"; $insert['PRICE_RATE_LOC'] = "'" . $_POST['txtPriceLoc'] . "'"; $insert['PRICE_RATE_ENG'] = "'" . $_POST['txtPriceEng'] . "'"; $sql = "INSERT INTO trn_content_detail (" . implode(",", array_keys($insert)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", array_values($insert)) . ")"; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die($sql . ' Err : ' . mysql_error()); $retrunID = mysql_insert_id(); if (count($_POST['EVENT_PIC_file']) > 0) { $sql_max = "SELECT MAX(ORDER_ID) AS MAX_ORDER FROM trn_content_picture WHERE CONTENT_ID = " . $retrunID . " AND IMG_TYPE = 1 "; //$_POST['cmbCategory']; $query_max = mysql_query($sql_max, $conn) or die($sql_max); $row_max = mysql_fetch_array($query_max); $max = $row_max['MAX_ORDER']; $max++; foreach ($_POST['EVENT_PIC_file'] as $k => $file) {
/** * Returns the URL of the HTTP_REFERER, less the querystring portion * @return string */ function get_referer() { return strip_querystring(nvl($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); }