Example #1
* Prepares results from search for display
* @param string The source string
* @param int Number of chars to trim
* @param string The searchword to select around
* @return string
function mosPrepareSearchContent($text, $length = 200, $searchword)
    // strips tags won't remove the actual jscript
    $text = preg_replace("'<script[^>]*>.*?</script>'si", "", $text);
    $text = preg_replace('/{.+?}/', '', $text);
    //$text = preg_replace( '/<a\s+.*?href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/is','\2', $text );
    return mosSmartSubstr(strip_tags($text), $length, $searchword);
Example #2
* Prepares results from search for display
* @param string The source string
* @param int Number of chars to trim
* @param string The searchword to select around
* @return string
function mosPrepareSearchContent($text, $length = 200, $searchword)
    // strips tags won't remove the actual jscript
    $text = preg_replace("'<script[^>]*>.*?</script>'si", "", $text);
    $text = preg_replace('/{.+?}/', '', $text);
    //$text = preg_replace( '/<a\s+.*?href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/is','\2', $text );
    // replace line breaking tags with whitespace
    $text = preg_replace("'<(br[^/>]*?/|hr[^/>]*?/|/(div|h[1-6]|li|p|td))>'si", ' ', $text);
    $text = mosSmartSubstr(strip_tags($text), $length, $searchword);
    return $text;