if (!is_numeric($user)) {
//check that it is either the correct user or a moderator
if ($user != $_SESSION['shastrixid'] && $_SESSION['forum_accesslevel'] < 7) {
    header("Location: index.php?show=userlist");
$sql = "SELECT realname, forum_accesslevel, email_address, forum_avatar, website, location, occupation, interests, bio, forum_sig, forum_avatartype, forum_sigdefault, forum_pmallowed, restrictedname FROM users WHERE number = '{$user}'";
$request = $mysqli->query($sql) or die($mysqli->error);
$row = $request->fetch_assoc();
$name = $row['realname'];
$accesslevel = $row['forum_accesslevel'];
$rank = moderatorlevels($row['forum_accesslevel'], 0);
$col = moderatorcolours($row['forum_accesslevel'], 0);
$email = $row['email_address'];
$website = $row['website'];
$location = $row['location'];
$occupation = $row['occupation'];
$interests = $row['interests'];
$bio = $row['bio'];
$sig = $row['forum_sig'];
if ($row['forum_sigdefault'] == 1) {
    $sigchecked = "checked='checked'";
if ($row['forum_pmallowed'] == 1) {
    $pmchecked = "checked='checked'";
if ($row['restrictedname'] == 1) {
    $restrictchecked = "checked='checked'";
$post_text2 = htmlentities($post_text, ENT_QUOTES);
$post_text_preview = craptohtml($post_text);
$post_usesig = $_POST['post_usesig'];
$sql_user = "******";
$request_user = $mysqli->query($sql_user) or die($mysqli->error);
$row_user = $request_user->fetch_assoc();
$post_user = $row_user['realname'];
if (strlen($post_user) > 9) {
    //whack in a line break
    $post_user_split = chunk_split($post_user);
    $post_user = $post_user_split[0] . $post_user_split[1] . $post_user_split[2] . $post_user_split[3] . $post_user_split[4] . $post_user_split[5] . $post_user_split[6] . $post_user_split[7] . $post_user_split[8] . $post_user_split[9] . $post_user_split[10] . $post_user_split[11] . "<br />" . $post_user_split[12] . $post_user_split[13] . $post_user_split[14] . $post_user_split[15];
$post_rankno = $row_user['forum_accesslevel'];
$post_posts = $row_user['forum_posts'];
$post_rank = moderatorlevels($row_user['forum_accesslevel'], $post_posts);
$post_colour = moderatorcolours($row_user['forum_accesslevel'], $post_posts);
$post_bg = backgroundcolours($post_rankno, $post_posts);
if (!empty($row_user['location'])) {
    $post_location = "Location: " . $row_user['location'];
if ($post_usesig == "on" && !empty($row_user['forum_sig'])) {
    $post_sig = "</td></tr><tr><td width='680' height='10' class='bottomall' style='background-color:{$post_bg};'>---<br />" . craptohtml($row_user['forum_sig']);
    $post_sigline = "";
} else {
    $post_sig = "</td></tr><tr><td class='bottomall' style='background-color:{$post_bg};'>&nbsp;";
    $post_sigline = "";
if (empty($row_user[forum_avatar])) {
    $avatar = "<img src='http://s3.shastrix.co.uk/forum/avatars/0.png' height='90' width='90' border='0' alt='Avatar' />";
} else {
    switch ($row_user['forum_avatartype']) {
Example #3
    <th width="50"><div align="center"><a href="?show=userlist&amp;order=posts">No. Posts</a></div></th>
    <th width="100"><div align="center"><a href="?show=userlist&amp;order=active">Last Active</a></div>
    <th width="50"><div align="center">Actions</div></th>
 <tr><td colspan="7">&nbsp;</td></tr>
$counting = 0;
while ($row_users = $request_users->fetch_assoc()) {
    $listuserno = $row_users['number'];
    $listusername = $row_users['realname'];
    $posts = $row_users['forum_posts'];
    $lastactive = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($row_users['forum_lastactive']));
    $usersince = $row_users['startdate'];
    $status = moderatorlevels($row_users['forum_accesslevel'], $posts);
    $statuscolour = moderatorcolours($row_users['forum_accesslevel'], $posts);
    $statuscolour2 = backgroundcolours($row_users['forum_accesslevel'], $posts);
    if ($row_users['forum_avatar'] == 1) {
        switch ($row_users['forum_avatartype']) {
            case 1:
                $ext = ".gif";
            case 2:
                $ext = ".jpg";
        $avatar = "<img src='http://s3.shastrix.co.uk/forum/avatars/" . $listuserno . $ext . "' height='45' width='45' border='0'>";
    } else {
        $avatar = "";
    if ($row_users['forum_pmallowed'] == 1 && $user_pmallowed == 1) {
Example #4
if (!empty($id)) {
    $sql = "SELECT note_name, note_parent, note_type, note_text FROM forum_notes WHERE note_id = '{$id}' AND note_user = '******' LIMIT 1";
    $req = $mysqli->query($sql) or die($mysqli->error);
    $row = $req->fetch_assoc();
    $n_name = $row['note_name'];
    $n_parent = $mysqli->real_escape_string($row['note_parent']);
    $n_type = $row['note_type'];
    $n_text = $row['note_text'];
} else {
    $n_type = 0;
//load colour
$sql_u = "SELECT forum_posts FROM users WHERE number = '{$u_id}' LIMIT 1";
$req_u = $mysqli->query($sql_u) or die($mysqli->error);
$row_u = $req_u->fetch_assoc();
$mycolour = moderatorcolours($_SESSION['forum_accesslevel'], $row_u['forum_posts']);
//First we have a title
if (!empty($n_parent)) {
    $title = $n_name;
    $par = $n_parent;
    while ($par != 0) {
        $sql_p = "SELECT note_name, note_parent FROM forum_notes WHERE note_id = '{$par}' LIMIT 1";
        $req_p = $mysqli->query($sql_p) or die($mysqli->error);
        $row_p = $req_p->fetch_assoc();
        $par_name = $row_p['note_name'];
        $title = "<a href='?show=notes&amp;id={$par}' style='text-decoration:none; color:#000000;'>{$par_name}</a> &gt; " . $title;
        $par = $row_p['note_parent'];
    //end while
    $title = "<a href='?show=notes' style='text-decoration:none; color:#000000;'>Notes</a> &gt; " . $title;
} else {
$row_topic = $request_topic->fetch_assoc();
$topic_name = $row_topic['topic_name'];
//check whether quest posting is enabled
if ($row_topic['topic_guest'] == 0) {
$post_text = stripslashes($_POST['post_text']);
$post_text2 = htmlentities($post_text, ENT_QUOTES);
$post_text_preview = craptohtml($post_text);
$usernumber = 0;
$post_userid = 0;
$post_user = "******";
$post_rankno = 0;
$post_rank = moderatorlevels(0, 1);
$post_colour = moderatorcolours(0, 1);
$post_bg = backgroundcolours(0, 1);
$post_scno = semicircle(0, 1);
$post_posts = 1;
$post_sig = "</td></tr><tr><td class='bottomall' style='background-color:{$post_bg}'>&nbsp;";
$post_sigline = "";
$avatar = "<img src='http://s3.shastrix.co.uk/forum/avatars/guest.jpg' height='90' width='90' border='0' alt='Avatar' />";
//the thing to test they are a real person and not a random bot from somewhere
$test_no = rand(1, 12);
switch ($test_no) {
    case 1:
        $test_q = "";
        //how many sides
        $test_img = "1001.gif";
    case 2: