function xmldb_local_tcapi_upgrade($oldversion) {
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;

    // Do this every time just to make sure the correct permissions are in place.
    $dbman = $DB->get_manager();

    // Moodle v2.2.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this

    // Moodle v2.3.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this

    if ($oldversion < 2013020502) {
    	// Changing nullability of field name on table tcapi_agent to null
    	$table = new xmldb_table('tcapi_agent');
    	$field = new xmldb_field('name', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, null, null, null, null, null, 'object_type');
    	// Launch change of nullability for field name
    	$dbman->change_field_notnull($table, $field);
    	// tcapi savepoint reached
    	upgrade_plugin_savepoint(true, 2013020502, 'local', 'tcapi');
    if ($oldversion < 2013020503) {
    	// Update tcapi_agent fields to json vs. serialized
    	$fields = array('name','mbox','mbox_sha1sum','openid','account','given_name','family_name','first_name','last_name');
    	if ($records = $DB->get_records('tcapi_agent', array('object_type'=>'person'))) {
    		foreach ($records as $r) {
    			$update = false;
    			foreach ($fields as $key) {
    				if (!empty($r->$key) && ($val = unserialize($r->$key))) {
    					$r->$key = json_encode($val);
    					$update = true;
    			if ($update)
    				$DB->update_record('tcapi_agent', $r);
    	// tcapi savepoint reached
    	upgrade_plugin_savepoint(true, 2013020503, 'local', 'tcapi');
    return true;
function xmldb_local_tcapi_install($oldversion) {
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;

    // Do this every time just to make sure the correct permissions are in place.
    // Moodle v2.2.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this

    // Moodle v2.3.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this

    return true;