Example #1
 * Get theme update information from the PMPro server.
 * @since  2.0
function memberlite_getUpdateInfo()
    //check if forcing a pull from the server
    $update_info = get_option("memberlite_update_info", false);
    $update_info_timestamp = get_option("memberlite_update_info_timestamp", 0);
    //if no update_infos locally, we need to hit the server
    if (empty($update_info) || !empty($_REQUEST['force-check']) || current_time('timestamp') > $update_info_timestamp + 86400) {
         * Filter to change the timeout for this wp_remote_get() request.
         * @since 2.0.1
         * @param int $timeout The number of seconds before the request times out
        $timeout = apply_filters("memberlite_get_update_info_timeout", 5);
        //get em
        $remote_info = wp_remote_get(PMPRO_LICENSE_SERVER . "/themes/memberlite", $timeout);
        //test response
        if (is_wp_error($remote_info) || empty($remote_info['response']) || $remote_info['response']['code'] != '200') {
            pmpro_setMessage("Could not connect to the PMPro License Server to get update information. Try again later.", "error");
        } else {
            //update update_infos in cache
            $update_info = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($remote_info), true);
            add_option("memberlite_update_info", $update_info, NULL, 'no');
        //save timestamp of last update
        add_option("memberlite_update_info_timestamp", current_time('timestamp'), NULL, 'no');
    return $update_info;
function jellythemes_photos_list($atts, $content = null)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('limit' => 8), $atts));
    $return = '
		        <nav class="primary"><ul>
	                          <li><a class="selected" href="#" data-filter="*"><span>' . __('All photos', 'jellythemes') . '</span></a></li>';
    $types = get_terms('type', array('hide_empty' => 0));
    if ($types && !is_wp_error($types)) {
        foreach ($types as $type) {
            $return .= '<li><a href="#" data-filter=".' . esc_js($type->slug) . '"><span>' . $type->name . '</span></a></li>';
    $return .= '</ul></nav>
                        <div class="portfolio">';
    $photos = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'photo', 'posts_per_page' => esc_attr($limit)));
    while ($photos->have_posts()) {
        $term_list = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'type', array("fields" => "names"));
        $images = rwmb_meta('_jellythemes_project_images', 'type=plupload_image', get_the_ID());
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $img = wp_get_attachment_image($image['ID'], 'full', false, array('class' => 'img-responsive'));
            $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image['ID'], 'full');
        $return .= '<article class="' . implode(' ', get_post_class('entry')) . '">
			                                <a class="swipebox" href="' . $src[0] . '">
			                                ' . $img . '
			                                <span class="magnifier"></span>
    $return .= '</div>';
    return $return;
  * Sends and receives data to and from the server API
  * @access public
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @return object $response
 public function plugin_information($args)
     $target_url = $this->create_upgrade_api_url($args);
     $apisslverify = get_option('mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate') === false || get_option('mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate') == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $request = wp_remote_get($target_url, array('timeout' => 50, 'sslverify' => $apisslverify));
     //      $request = wp_remote_post( MainWP_Api_Manager::instance()->getUpgradeUrl() . 'wc-api/upgrade-api/', array('body' => $args) );
     if (is_wp_error($request) || wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($request) != 200) {
         return false;
     $response = unserialize(wp_remote_retrieve_body($request));
      * For debugging errors from the API
      * For errors like: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 170 bytes
      * Comment out $response above first
     // $response = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request );
     // print_r($response); exit;
     if (is_object($response)) {
         if (isset($response->package)) {
             $response->package = apply_filters('mainwp_api_manager_upgrade_url', $response->package);
         return $response;
     } else {
         return false;
 * Update a plugin
 * @access private
 * @param mixed $plugin
 * @return array
function _wprp_upgrade_plugin($plugin)
    include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/admin.php';
    if (!_wprp_supports_plugin_upgrade()) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'error' => 'WordPress version too old for plugin upgrades');
    $skin = new WPRP_Plugin_Upgrader_Skin();
    $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader($skin);
    $is_active = is_plugin_active($plugin);
    // Do the upgrade
    $result = $upgrader->upgrade($plugin);
    $data = ob_get_contents();
    if (!$result && !is_null($result) || $data) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'error' => 'file_permissions_error');
    } elseif (is_wp_error($result)) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'error' => $result->get_error_code());
    if ($skin->error) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'error' => $skin->error);
    // If the plugin was activited, we have to re-activate it
    // @todo Shouldn't this use activate_plugin?
    if ($is_active) {
        $current = get_option('active_plugins', array());
        $current[] = plugin_basename(trim($plugin));
        update_option('active_plugins', $current);
    return array('status' => 'success');
 function after()
     if (empty($this->upgrader->result['destination_name'])) {
     $theme_info = $this->upgrader->theme_info();
     if (empty($theme_info)) {
     $name = $theme_info['Name'];
     $stylesheet = $this->upgrader->result['destination_name'];
     $template = !empty($theme_info['Template']) ? $theme_info['Template'] : $stylesheet;
     $preview_link = htmlspecialchars(add_query_arg(array('preview' => 1, 'template' => $template, 'stylesheet' => $stylesheet, 'preview_iframe' => 1, 'TB_iframe' => 'true'), trailingslashit(esc_url(get_option('home')))));
     $activate_link = wp_nonce_url("themes.php?action=activate&amp;template=" . urlencode($template) . "&amp;stylesheet=" . urlencode($stylesheet), 'switch-theme_' . $template);
     $install_actions = array('preview' => '<a href="' . $preview_link . '" class="thickbox thickbox-preview" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Preview &#8220;%s&#8221;'), $name)) . '">' . __('Preview') . '</a>', 'activate' => '<a href="' . $activate_link . '" class="activatelink" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Activate &#8220;%s&#8221;'), $name)) . '">' . __('Activate') . '</a>');
     if (is_network_admin() && current_user_can('manage_network_themes')) {
         $install_actions['network_enable'] = '<a href="' . esc_url(wp_nonce_url('themes.php?action=enable&amp;theme=' . $template, 'enable-theme_' . $template)) . '" title="' . esc_attr__('Enable this theme for all sites in this network') . '" target="_parent">' . __('Network Enable') . '</a>';
     $install_actions['themes_page'] = '<a href="' . self_admin_url('themes.php') . '" title="' . esc_attr__('Themes page') . '" target="_parent">' . __('View Installed Themes', 'wp-app-store') . '</a>';
     if (!$this->result || is_wp_error($this->result) || is_network_admin()) {
         unset($install_actions['activate'], $install_actions['preview']);
     $install_actions = apply_filters('install_theme_complete_actions', $install_actions, $this->api, $stylesheet, $theme_info);
     if (!empty($install_actions)) {
         $this->feedback(implode(' | ', (array) $install_actions));
  * Performs the actual image manipulation,
  * including saving the target file.
  * @param  string $load_filename filepath (not URL) to source file
  *                               (ex: /src/var/www/wp-content/uploads/my-pic.jpg)
  * @param  string $save_filename filepath (not URL) where result file should be saved
  *                               (ex: /src/var/www/wp-content/uploads/my-pic@2x.jpg)
  * @return bool                  true if everything went fine, false otherwise
 function run($load_filename, $save_filename)
     $image = wp_get_image_editor($load_filename);
     if (!is_wp_error($image)) {
         $current_size = $image->get_size();
         $src_w = $current_size['width'];
         $src_h = $current_size['height'];
         // Get ratios
         $w = $src_w * $this->factor;
         $h = $src_h * $this->factor;
         $image->crop(0, 0, $src_w, $src_h, $w, $h);
         $result = $image->save($save_filename);
         if (is_wp_error($result)) {
             error_log('Error resizing image');
             error_log(print_r($result, true));
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         if (isset($image->error_data['error_loading_image'])) {
             TimberHelper::error_log('Error loading ' . $image->error_data['error_loading_image']);
         } else {
     return false;
function rcl_confirm_user_registration()
    global $wpdb, $rcl_options;
    $reglogin = $_GET['rglogin'];
    $regpass = $_GET['rgpass'];
    $regcode = md5($reglogin);
    if ($regcode == $_GET['rgcode']) {
        if ($user = get_user_by('login', $reglogin)) {
            wp_update_user(array('ID' => $user->ID, 'role' => get_option('default_role')));
            $time_action = current_time('mysql');
            $action = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT time_action FROM " . RCL_PREF . "user_action WHERE user = '******'", $user->ID));
            if (!$action) {
                $wpdb->insert(RCL_PREF . 'user_action', array('user' => $user->ID, 'time_action' => $time_action));
            $creds = array();
            $creds['user_login'] = $reglogin;
            $creds['user_password'] = $regpass;
            $creds['remember'] = true;
            $sign = wp_signon($creds, false);
            if (!is_wp_error($sign)) {
                do_action('rcl_confirm_registration', $user->ID);
    if ($rcl_options['login_form_recall'] == 2) {
    } else {
        wp_redirect(get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '?action-rcl=login&error=confirm');
Example #8
  * @param WP_Post|WP_User|object $object
 public function __construct($object)
     if (!function_exists('get_editable_roles')) {
         require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/user.php';
     $this->object = $object;
     if (is_a($object, 'WP_Post')) {
         $this->id = $object->ID;
         $this->type = $object->post_type;
         $this->meta_type = 'post';
     } elseif (is_a($object, 'WP_User')) {
         $this->id = $object->ID;
         $this->type = $object->roles[0];
         $this->meta_type = 'user';
     } elseif (isset($object->term_id)) {
         $this->id = $object->term_id;
         $this->type = $object->taxonomy;
         $this->meta_type = 'term';
     } elseif (empty($object) || is_wp_error($object)) {
         $this->id = null;
         $this->type = null;
         $this->meta_type = null;
     } else {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid $object type error. $object is "%s".', get_class($object)));
Example #9
  * Add flat taxonomy term from "checklist" meta box on the Media Manager Modal Window
  * Adapted from the WordPress post_categories_meta_box() in /wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php.
  * @since 2.20
  * @param string The taxonomy name, from $_POST['action']
  * @return void Sends JSON response with updated HTML for the checklist
 private static function _mla_ajax_add_flat_term($key)
     $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($key);
     check_ajax_referer($_POST['action'], '_ajax_nonce-add-' . $key, true);
     if (!current_user_can($taxonomy->cap->edit_terms)) {
     $new_names = explode(',', $_POST['new' . $key]);
     $new_terms_markup = '';
     foreach ($new_names as $name) {
         if ('' === sanitize_title($name)) {
         if (!($id = term_exists($name, $key))) {
             $id = wp_insert_term($name, $key);
         if (is_wp_error($id)) {
         if (is_array($id)) {
             $id = absint($id['term_id']);
         } else {
         $term = get_term($id, $key);
         $name = $term->name;
         $new_terms_markup .= "<li id='{$key}-{$id}'><label class='selectit'><input value='{$name}' type='checkbox' name='tax_input[{$key}][]' id='in-{$key}-{$id}' checked='checked' />{$name}</label></li>\n";
     // foreach new_name
     $input_new_parent_name = "new{$key}_parent";
     $supplemental = "<input type='hidden' name='{$input_new_parent_name}' id='{$input_new_parent_name}' value='-1' />";
     $add = array('what' => $key, 'id' => $id, 'data' => $new_terms_markup, 'position' => -1, 'supplemental' => array('newcat_parent' => $supplemental));
     $x = new WP_Ajax_Response($add);
  * Render the shortcode
  * @param  array $args     Shortcode paramters
  * @param  string $content Content between shortcode
  * @return string          HTML output
 function render($args, $content = '')
     $defaults = Magee_Core::set_shortcode_defaults(array('url' => '', 'number' => 3, 'class' => '', 'id' => ''), $args);
     self::$args = $defaults;
     $html = '';
     //$html = '<h2>'._e( 'Recent news from Some-Other Blog:', 'my-text-domain' ).'<h2>';
     if ($url !== '') {
         include_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php';
         $rss = fetch_feed(esc_url($url));
         $maxitems = 0;
         if (!is_wp_error($rss)) {
             $maxitems = $rss->get_item_quantity(esc_attr($number));
             $rss_items = $rss->get_items(0, $maxitems);
         $html = '<ul class="' . esc_attr($class) . '" id="' . esc_attr($id) . '">';
         if ($maxitems == 0) {
             $html .= '<li>' . _e('No items', 'magee-shortcodes') . '</li>';
         } else {
             foreach ($rss_items as $item) {
                 $html .= '<li>';
                 $html .= '<a target="_blank" href="' . esc_url($item->get_permalink()) . '" ';
                 $html .= 'title="' . __('Posted ' . $item->get_date('j F Y | g:i a'), 'magee-shortcodes') . '">';
                 $html .= $item->get_title();
                 $html .= '</a>';
                 $html .= '</li>';
         $html .= '</ul>';
     return $html;
 function create_data()
     $svg_file = find_file($this->paths['tempdir'], '.svg');
     $return = array();
     if (empty($svg_file)) {
         $return['message'] = 'The zip did not contained any svg files.';
     $file_data = file_get_contents(trailingslashit($this->paths['tempdir']) . $svg_file);
     if (!is_wp_error($file_data) && !empty($file_data)) {
         $xml = simplexml_load_string($file_data);
         $font_attr = $xml->defs->font->attributes();
         $this->font_name = (string) $font_attr['id'];
         $icon_list = array();
         $glyphs = $xml->defs->font->children();
         $class = '';
         foreach ($glyphs as $item => $glyph) {
             if ($item == 'glyph') {
                 $attributes = $glyph->attributes();
                 $unicode = (string) $attributes['unicode'];
                 $d = (string) $attributes['d'];
                 if ($class != 'hidden' && !empty($d)) {
                     $unicode_key = trim(json_encode($unicode), '\\\\"');
                     if ($item == 'glyph' && !empty($unicode_key) && trim($unicode_key) != '') {
                         $icon_list[$this->font_name][$unicode_key] = $unicode_key;
         if (!empty($icon_list) && !empty($this->font_name)) {
             $icon_list_file = fopen($this->paths['tempdir'] . '/icon_list.php', 'w');
             if ($icon_list_file) {
                 fwrite($icon_list_file, '<?php $icons = array();');
                 foreach ($icon_list[$this->font_name] as $unicode) {
                     if (!empty($unicode)) {
                         $delimiter = "'";
                         if (strpos($unicode, "'") !== false) {
                             $delimiter = '"';
                         fwrite($icon_list_file, "\r\n" . '$icons[\'' . $this->font_name . '\'][' . $delimiter . $unicode . $delimiter . '] = ' . $delimiter . $unicode . $delimiter . ';');
             } else {
                 $return['message'] = 'There was a problem creating the icon list file';
     } else {
         $return['message'] = 'The svg file could not be opened.';
     return $return;
function rp_getstring_related_posts($post, $args)
    // args
    $defaults = array('limit' => 3, 'title' => '', 'beforeposts' => '', 'afterposts' => '', 'eachpost' => '<li><a href="%permalink%">%title%</a></li>', 'noposts' => '');
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    // no posts string
    $noposts = '';
    if (strlen($args['noposts']) > 0) {
        $noposts = rp_replace_placeholders($post, $args['title']) . rp_replace_placeholders($post, $args['noposts']);
    // get related posts
    $relatedposts = rp_get_related_posts($post, $args['limit']);
    if (is_wp_error($relatedposts) || !is_array($relatedposts)) {
        return $noposts;
    // print only if there are related posts
    if (count($relatedposts) <= 0) {
        return $noposts;
    // the string
    $string = '';
    // print title and before
    $string .= rp_replace_placeholders($post, $args['title']);
    $string .= rp_replace_placeholders($post, $args['beforeposts']);
    // print related posts
    foreach ($relatedposts as $relatedpost) {
        $string .= rp_replace_placeholders($relatedpost, $args['eachpost']);
    // print after
    $string .= rp_replace_placeholders($post, $args['afterposts']);
    // return string
    return $string;
Example #13
 * Saves settings.
 * @param type $form 
function wpcf_admin_image_settings_form_submit($form)
    if (isset($_POST['clear-cache-images']) || isset($_POST['clear-cache-images-outdated'])) {
        require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/image.php';
        $cache_dir = wpcf_fields_image_get_cache_directory(true);
        if (is_wp_error($cache_dir)) {
        } else {
            if (isset($_POST['clear-cache-images'])) {
                wpcf_fields_image_clear_cache($cache_dir, 'all');
            } else {
            wpcf_admin_message_store(__('Images cache cleared', 'wpcf'));
        return true;
    $settings = wpcf_get_settings();
    $data = $_POST['wpcf_settings'];
    foreach (array('add_resized_images_to_library', 'images_remote', 'images_remote_cache_time') as $setting) {
        if (!isset($data[$setting])) {
            $settings[$setting] = 0;
        } else {
            $settings[$setting] = $data[$setting];
    update_option('wpcf_settings', $settings);
    wpcf_admin_message_store(__('Settings saved', 'wpcf'));
 function createFile($imgURL)
     $remImgURL = urldecode($imgURL);
     $urlParced = pathinfo($remImgURL);
     $remImgURLFilename = $urlParced['basename'];
     $imgData = wp_remote_get($remImgURL);
     if (is_wp_error($imgData)) {
         $badOut['Error'] = print_r($imgData, true) . " - ERROR";
         return $badOut;
     $imgData = $imgData['body'];
     $tmp = array_search('uri', @array_flip(stream_get_meta_data($GLOBALS[mt_rand()] = tmpfile())));
     if (!is_writable($tmp)) {
         return "Your temporary folder or file (file - " . $tmp . ") is not witable. Can't upload images to Flickr";
     rename($tmp, $tmp .= '.png');
     register_shutdown_function(create_function('', "unlink('{$tmp}');"));
     file_put_contents($tmp, $imgData);
     if (!$tmp) {
         return 'You must specify a path to a file';
     if (!file_exists($tmp)) {
         return 'File path specified does not exist';
     if (!is_readable($tmp)) {
         return 'File path specified is not readable';
     //  $data['name'] = basename($tmp);
     return "@{$tmp}";
Example #15
  * Writes a log message.
  * Can extract a message from WP_Error object.
  * @param string|WP_Error $msg Message to log.
 protected function log($msg)
     if (is_wp_error($msg)) {
         $msg = $msg->get_error_message();
Example #16
  * Returns an array of search suggestions from the unofficial completion API located 
  * at the endpoint specified in this class. &q=query
  * Parses the output into an array of associative arrays with keys of term, volume and
  * current. "current" is a boolean that determines whether the result in question is the searched
  * for term.
  * @return array|WP_Error WP_Error if something goes wrong. Otherwise, an array as described above.
 public static function get_suggestions($search_term)
     $search_term = trim($search_term);
     if (empty($search_term)) {
         return new WP_Error('empty_term', __('Please provide a search term.', 'scribeseo'));
     $response = wp_remote_get(add_query_arg(array('q' => urlencode($search_term)), self::ENDPOINT));
     if (is_wp_error($response)) {
         return $response;
     $result = array();
     // turn on user error handing
     $user_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
     $complete_suggestions = simplexml_load_string(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response));
     // get any errors
     $xml_errors = libxml_get_errors();
     // restore error handling setting
     if (!empty($xml_errors)) {
         return new WP_Error('xml_error', __('The XML from the Google Completion API could not be loaded appropriately.', 'scribeseo'));
     $complete_suggestions_po = json_decode(json_encode($complete_suggestions));
     if (!is_object($complete_suggestions_po) || !isset($complete_suggestions_po->CompleteSuggestion)) {
         return new WP_Error('xml_error', __('The XML from the Google Completion API could not be loaded appropriately.', 'scribeseo'));
     foreach ($complete_suggestions_po->CompleteSuggestion as $suggestion) {
         $term = $suggestion->suggestion->{'@attributes'}->data;
         $volume = intval($suggestion->num_queries->{'@attributes'}->int);
         $volume_nice = number_format_i18n($volume);
         $current = $term == $search_term;
         $result[] = compact('term', 'volume', 'volume_nice', 'current');
     return $result;
 function callback($path = '', $blog_id = 0)
     $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user($this->api->get_blog_id($blog_id));
     if (is_wp_error($blog_id)) {
         return $blog_id;
     //upload_files can probably be used for other endpoints but we want contributors to be able to use media too
     if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
         return new WP_Error('unauthorized', 'User cannot view media', 403);
     $args = $this->query_args();
     if ($args['number'] < 1) {
         $args['number'] = 20;
     } elseif (100 < $args['number']) {
         return new WP_Error('invalid_number', 'The NUMBER parameter must be less than or equal to 100.', 400);
     $media = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_parent' => $args['parent_id'], 'offset' => $args['offset'], 'numberposts' => $args['number'], 'post_mime_type' => $args['mime_type']));
     $response = array();
     foreach ($media as $item) {
         $response[] = $this->get_media_item($item->ID);
     $_num = (array) wp_count_attachments();
     $_total_media = array_sum($_num) - $_num['trash'];
     $return = array('found' => $_total_media, 'media' => $response);
     return $return;
  * Checks one or more comments against the Akismet API.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * <comment_id>...
  * : The ID(s) of the comment(s) to check.
  * [--noaction]
  * : Don't change the status of the comment. Just report what Akismet thinks it is.
  *     wp akismet check 12345
  * @alias comment-check
 public function check($args, $assoc_args)
     foreach ($args as $comment_id) {
         if (isset($assoc_args['noaction'])) {
             // Check the comment, but don't reclassify it.
             $api_response = Akismet::check_db_comment($comment_id, 'wp-cli');
         } else {
             $api_response = Akismet::recheck_comment($comment_id, 'wp-cli');
         if ('true' === $api_response) {
             WP_CLI::line(sprintf(__("Comment #%d is spam.", 'akismet'), $comment_id));
         } else {
             if ('false' === $api_response) {
                 WP_CLI::line(sprintf(__("Comment #%d is not spam.", 'akismet'), $comment_id));
             } else {
                 if (false === $api_response) {
                     WP_CLI::error(__("Failed to connect to Akismet.", 'akismet'));
                 } else {
                     if (is_wp_error($api_response)) {
                         WP_CLI::warning(sprintf(__("Comment #%d could not be checked.", 'akismet'), $comment_id));
 public function do_affiliates($step = 1)
     global $wpdb;
     $offset = ($step - 1) * 100;
     $affiliates = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}affiliates_tbl LIMIT {$offset}, 100;");
     $to_delete = array();
     if ($affiliates) {
         foreach ($affiliates as $affiliate) {
             if (empty($affiliate->email)) {
             $user = get_user_by('email', $affiliate->email);
             if (is_wp_error($user) || !$user) {
                 $user_id = wp_insert_user(array('user_email' => $affiliate->email, 'first_name' => $affiliate->firstname, 'last_name' => $affiliate->lastname, 'user_url' => $affiliate->website, 'user_pass' => '', 'user_login' => $affiliate->email));
             } else {
                 $user_id = $user->ID;
             $payment_email = !empty($affiliate->paypalemail) ? $affiliate->paypalemail : $affiliate->email;
             $status = 'approved' == $affiliate->account_status ? 'active' : 'pending';
             $args = array('date_registered' => date('Y-n-d H:i:s', strtotime($affiliate->date)), 'user_id' => $user_id, 'payment_email' => $payment_email, 'rate' => $affiliate->commissionlevel, 'status' => $status);
             // Try to get an existing affiliate based on the user_id
             $existing_affiliate = affiliate_wp()->affiliates->get_by('user_id', $user_id);
             if ($existing_affiliate) {
             // Insert a new affiliate - we need to always insert to make sure the affiliate_ids will match
             $id = affiliate_wp()->affiliates->insert($args, 'affiliate');
         return true;
     } else {
         // No affiliates found, so all done
         return false;
Example #20
 function __construct($url, $timeout = 10, $redirects = 5, $headers = null, $useragent = null, $force_fsockopen = false)
     $this->url = $url;
     $this->timeout = $timeout;
     $this->redirects = $redirects;
     $this->headers = $headers;
     $this->useragent = $useragent;
     $this->method = SIMPLEPIE_FILE_SOURCE_REMOTE;
     if (preg_match('/^http(s)?:\\/\\//i', $url)) {
         $args = array('timeout' => $this->timeout, 'redirection' => $this->redirects, 'reject_unsafe_urls' => true);
         if (!empty($this->headers)) {
             $args['headers'] = $this->headers;
         if (SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT != $this->useragent) {
             //Use default WP user agent unless custom has been specified
             $args['user-agent'] = $this->useragent;
         $res = wp_remote_request($url, $args);
         if (is_wp_error($res)) {
             $this->error = 'WP HTTP Error: ' . $res->get_error_message();
             $this->success = false;
         } else {
             $this->headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers($res);
             $this->body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($res);
             $this->status_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($res);
     } else {
         $this->error = '';
         $this->success = false;
 public function subscribe_if_not_subscribed()
     global $bc_accounts;
     $accounts = $bc_accounts->get_sanitized_all_accounts();
     $completed_accounts = array();
     foreach ($accounts as $account => $account_data) {
         // We may have multiple accounts for an account_id, prevent syncing that account more than once.
         if (!in_array($account_data['account_id'], $completed_accounts)) {
             $completed_accounts[] = $account_data['account_id'];
             $subscriptions = $this->cms_api->get_subscriptions();
             if (is_array($subscriptions)) {
                 foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) {
                     if ($bc_accounts->get_account_id() === $subscription['service_account'] && isset($subscription['id']) && false !== strpos($subscription['endpoint'], get_admin_url())) {
             $subscription_status = $this->cms_api->add_subscription();
             if (is_wp_error($subscription_status)) {
                 return false;
             if (isset($subscription_status['id']) && $subscription_status['service_account'] === $bc_accounts->get_account_id()) {
                 $subscription_id = BC_Utility::sanitize_subscription_id($subscription_status['id']);
                 update_option($this->get_option_key_for($bc_accounts->get_account_id()), $subscription_id);
 public function __construct($sURL, $iTimeout = 10, $iRedirects = 5, $aHeaders = null, $sUserAgent = null, $bForceFsockOpen = false)
     $this->timeout = $iTimeout;
     $this->redirects = $iRedirects;
     $this->headers = $sUserAgent;
     $this->useragent = $sUserAgent;
     $this->url = $sURL;
     // If the scheme is not http or https.
     if (!preg_match('/^http(s)?:\\/\\//i', $sURL)) {
         $this->error = '';
         $this->success = false;
     // Arguments
     $aArgs = array('timeout' => $this->timeout, 'redirection' => $this->redirects, true, 'sslverify' => false);
     if (!empty($this->headers)) {
         $aArgs['headers'] = $this->headers;
     if (SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT != $this->useragent) {
         $aArgs['user-agent'] = $this->useragent;
     // Request
     $res = function_exists('wp_safe_remote_request') ? wp_safe_remote_request($sURL, $aArgs) : wp_remote_get($sURL, $aArgs);
     if (is_wp_error($res)) {
         $this->error = 'WP HTTP Error: ' . $res->get_error_message();
         $this->success = false;
     $this->headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers($res);
     $this->body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($res);
     $this->status_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($res);
Example #23
  * Geocode an address using http
  * @param mixed $auto true = automatically update the poi, false = return raw geocoding results
  * @return true if auto=true and success | WP_Error on failure
 function geocode($auto = true)
     if (!class_exists('Mappress_Pro')) {
         return new WP_Error('geocode', 'MapPress Pro required for geocoding', 'mappress');
     // If point has a lat/lng then no geocoding
     if (!empty($this->point['lat']) && !empty($this->point['lng'])) {
         if ($this->address) {
             $this->correctedAddress = $this->address;
         $this->viewport = null;
     } else {
         $location = Mappress::$geocoders->geocode($this->address);
         if (is_wp_error($location)) {
             return $location;
         $this->point = array('lat' => $location->lat, 'lng' => $location->lng);
         $this->correctedAddress = $location->corrected_address;
         $this->viewport = $location->viewport;
     // Guess a default title / body - use address if available or lat, lng if not
     if (empty($this->title) && empty($this->body)) {
         if ($this->correctedAddress) {
             $parsed = Mappress::$geocoders->parse_address($this->correctedAddress);
             $this->title = $parsed[0];
             $this->body = isset($parsed[1]) ? $parsed[1] : "";
         } else {
             $this->title = $this->point['lat'] . ',' . $this->point['lng'];
 function run_backfill($site_id)
     $backend_upgrade = $this->ext->get_option('livefyre_backend_upgrade', 'not_started');
     if ($backend_upgrade == 'not_started') {
         # Need to upgrade the backend for this plugin. It's never been done for this site.
         # Since this only happens once, notify the user and then run it.
         $url = LFAPPS_Comments_Core::$quill_url . '/import/wordpress/' . $site_id . '/upgrade';
         $http = new LFAPPS_Http_Extension();
         $resp = $http->request($url, array('timeout' => 10));
         if (is_wp_error($resp)) {
             update_option('livefyre_backend_upgrade', 'error');
             update_option('livefyre_backend_msg', $resp->get_error_message());
         $resp_code = $resp['response']['code'];
         $resp_message = $resp['response']['message'];
         if ($resp_code != '200') {
             update_option('livefyre_backend_upgrade', 'error');
             $this->lf_core->Raven->captureMessage("Backfill error for site " . $site_id . ": " . $resp->get_error_message());
         $json_data = json_decode($resp['body']);
         $backfill_status = $json_data->status;
         $backfill_msg = $json_data->msg;
         if ($backfill_status == 'success') {
             $backfill_msg = 'Request for Comments 2 upgrade has been sent';
         update_option('livefyre_backend_upgrade', $backfill_status);
         update_option('livefyre_backend_msg', $backfill_msg);
Example #25
 * This function calibrefx_update_check is to ...
function calibrefx_update_check()
    global $wp_version;
    /** Get time of last update check */
    $calibrefx_update = get_transient('calibrefx-update');
    /** If it has expired, do an update check */
    if (!$calibrefx_update) {
        $url = 'http://api.calibrefx.com/themes-update/';
        $options = apply_filters('calibrefx_update_remote_post_options', array('body' => array('theme_name' => 'calibrefx', 'theme_version' => FRAMEWORK_VERSION, 'url' => home_url(), 'wp_version' => $wp_version, 'php_version' => phpversion(), 'user-agent' => "WordPress/{$wp_version};")));
        $response = wp_remote_post($url, $options);
        $calibrefx_update = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
        /** If an error occurred, return FALSE, store for 48 hour */
        if ('error' == $calibrefx_update || is_wp_error($calibrefx_update) || !is_serialized($calibrefx_update)) {
            set_transient('calibrefx-update', array('new_version' => FRAMEWORK_VERSION), 60 * 60 * 48);
            return false;
        /** Else, unserialize */
        $calibrefx_update = maybe_unserialize($calibrefx_update);
        /** And store in transient for 48 hours */
        set_transient('calibrefx-update', $calibrefx_update, 60 * 60 * 48);
    /** If we're already using the latest version, return false */
    if (version_compare(FRAMEWORK_VERSION, $calibrefx_update['new_version'], '>=')) {
        return false;
    return $calibrefx_update;
Example #26
 function woo_vl_news_widget()
     include_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php';
     // Get the RSS feed for WooCommerce Plugins
     $rss = fetch_feed('http://www.visser.com.au/blog/category/woocommerce/feed/');
     $output = '<div class="rss-widget">';
     if (!is_wp_error($rss)) {
         $maxitems = $rss->get_item_quantity(5);
         $rss_items = $rss->get_items(0, $maxitems);
         $output .= '<ul>';
         foreach ($rss_items as $item) {
             $output .= '<li>';
             $output .= '<a href="' . $item->get_permalink() . '" title="' . 'Posted ' . $item->get_date('j F Y | g:i a') . '" class="rsswidget">' . $item->get_title() . '</a>';
             $output .= '<span class="rss-date">' . $item->get_date('j F, Y') . '</span>';
             $output .= '<div class="rssSummary">' . $item->get_description() . '</div>';
             $output .= '</li>';
         $output .= '</ul>';
     } else {
         $message = __('Connection failed. Please check your network settings.', 'woocommerce-exporter');
         $output .= '<p>' . $message . '</p>';
     $output .= '</div>';
     echo $output;
 * Test whether force rewrite should be enabled or not.
function wpseo_title_test()
    $options = get_option('wpseo_titles');
    $options['forcerewritetitle'] = false;
    $options['title_test'] = 1;
    update_option('wpseo_titles', $options);
    // Setting title_test to > 0 forces the plugin to output the title below through a filter in class-frontend.php.
    $expected_title = 'This is a Yoast Test Title';
    $args = array('user-agent' => sprintf('WordPress/%1$s; %2$s - Yoast', $GLOBALS['wp_version'], get_site_url()));
    $resp = wp_remote_get(get_bloginfo('url'), $args);
    if ($resp && !is_wp_error($resp) && (200 == $resp['response']['code'] && isset($resp['body']))) {
        $res = preg_match('`<title>([^<]+)</title>`im', $resp['body'], $matches);
        if ($res && strcmp($matches[1], $expected_title) !== 0) {
            $options['forcerewritetitle'] = true;
            $resp = wp_remote_get(get_bloginfo('url'), $args);
            $res = false;
            if ($resp && !is_wp_error($resp) && (200 == $resp['response']['code'] && isset($resp['body']))) {
                $res = preg_match('`/<title>([^>]+)</title>`im', $resp['body'], $matches);
        if (!$res || $matches[1] != $expected_title) {
            $options['forcerewritetitle'] = false;
    } else {
        // If that dies, let's make sure the titles are correct and force the output.
        $options['forcerewritetitle'] = true;
    $options['title_test'] = 0;
    update_option('wpseo_titles', $options);
 protected function activate()
     foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) {
         if (!$this->network_wide && Jetpack::is_plugin_active($plugin) || is_plugin_active_for_network($plugin)) {
             $this->log[$plugin]['error'] = __('The Plugin is already active.', 'jetpack');
             $has_errors = true;
         if (!$this->network_wide && is_network_only_plugin($plugin) && is_multisite()) {
             $this->log[$plugin]['error'] = __('Plugin can only be Network Activated', 'jetpack');
             $has_errors = true;
         $result = activate_plugin($plugin, '', $this->network_wide);
         if (is_wp_error($result)) {
             $this->log[$plugin]['error'] = $result->get_error_messages();
             $has_errors = true;
         $success = Jetpack::is_plugin_active($plugin);
         if ($success && $this->network_wide) {
             $success &= is_plugin_active_for_network($plugin);
         if (!$success) {
             $this->log[$plugin]['error'] = $result->get_error_messages;
             $has_errors = true;
         $this->log[$plugin][] = __('Plugin activated.', 'jetpack');
     if (!$this->bulk && isset($has_errors)) {
         $plugin = $this->plugins[0];
         return new WP_Error('activation_error', $this->log[$plugin]['error']);
 protected function get_values()
     $terms = array();
     // Load all available event categories
     $source = get_terms(TribeEvents::TAXONOMY, array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC'));
     if (empty($source) || is_wp_error($source)) {
         return array();
     // Preprocess the terms
     foreach ($source as $term) {
         $terms[(int) $term->term_id] = $term;
         $term->parent = (int) $term->parent;
         $term->depth = 0;
         $term->children = array();
     // Initally copy the source list of terms to our ordered list
     $ordered_terms = $terms;
     // Re-order!
     foreach ($terms as $id => $term) {
         // Skip root elements
         if (0 === $term->parent) {
         // Reposition child terms within the ordered terms list
         $term->depth = $terms[$term->parent]->depth + 1;
         $terms[$term->parent]->children[$id] = $term;
     // Finally flatten out and return
     return $this->flattened_term_list($ordered_terms);
  * Creates a cropped version of an image for a given attachment ID.
  * @param int $attachment_id The attachment for which to generate a cropped image.
  * @param int $width The width of the cropped image in pixels.
  * @param int $height The height of the cropped image in pixels.
  * @param bool $crop Whether to crop the generated image.
  * @return string The full path to the cropped image.  Empty if failed.
 private function _generate_attachment($attachment_id = 0, $width = 0, $height = 0, $crop = true)
     $attachment_id = (int) $attachment_id;
     $width = (int) $width;
     $height = (int) $height;
     $crop = (bool) $crop;
     $original_path = get_attached_file($attachment_id);
     // fix a WP bug up to 2.9.2
     if (!function_exists('wp_load_image')) {
         require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php';
     $resized_path = @new_image_resize($original_path, $width, $height, $crop);
     if (!is_wp_error($resized_path) && !is_array($resized_path)) {
         return $resized_path;
         // perhaps this image already exists.  If so, return it.
     } else {
         $orig_info = pathinfo($original_path);
         $suffix = "{$width}x{$height}";
         $dir = $orig_info['dirname'];
         $ext = $orig_info['extension'];
         $name = basename($original_path, ".{$ext}");
         $destfilename = "{$dir}/{$name}-{$suffix}.{$ext}";
         if (file_exists($destfilename)) {
             return $destfilename;
     return '';