function &create(&$root, &$pipeline)
     // Create contents of this inline box
     if ($root->node_type() == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
         $handler = get_css_handler('white-space');
         return InlineBox::create_from_text($root->content, $handler->get());
     } else {
         $box =& new InlineBox();
         // Initialize content
         $child = $root->first_child();
         while ($child) {
             $child_box =& create_pdf_box($child, $pipeline);
             $child = $child->next_sibling();
         // Add fake whitespace box with zero size for the anchor spans
         // We need this, as "reflow" functions will automatically remove empty inline boxes from the
         // document tree
         if ($box->is_null()) {
             $whitespace = new WhitespaceBox();
     return $box;
Example #2
 function apply(&$root, &$pipeline)
     $local_css = array();
     if (isset($this->tag_filtered[strtolower($root->tagname())])) {
         $local_css = $this->tag_filtered[strtolower($root->tagname())];
     if (isset($this->tag_filtered["*"])) {
         $local_css = array_merge($local_css, $this->tag_filtered["*"]);
     $applicable = array();
     foreach ($local_css as $rule) {
         if ($rule->match($root)) {
             $applicable[] = $rule;
     usort($applicable, "cmp_rule_objs");
     foreach ($applicable as $rule) {
         switch ($rule->get_pseudoelement()) {
                 // Just store something in the 'content' property to indicate that current
                 // element have pseudoelements
                 $handler =& get_css_handler('content');
                 $handler->css("+", $pipeline);
                 $rule->apply($root, $pipeline);
 function ButtonImageBox($img, $field, $value)
     global $g_css_handlers;
     $handler =& get_css_handler('-html2ps-form-action');
     $this->_action_url = $handler->get();
     $this->_field_name = $field;
     $this->_field_value = $value;
 function inherit()
     // Determine parent 'display' value
     $handler =& get_css_handler('display');
     // note that as css handlers are evaluated in alphabetic order, parent display value still will be on the top of the stack
     $parent_display = $handler->get();
     // If parent is a table row, inherit the background settings
     $this->push($parent_display == 'table-row' ? $this->get() : $this->default_value());
  * Constructs new (possibly interactive) button box
  * @param String $text text to display
  * @param String $field field name (interactive forms)
  * @param String $value field value (interactive forms)
 function ButtonSubmitBox($text, $field, $value)
      * Save current form action reference for interactive form generation
     $handler =& get_css_handler('-html2ps-form-action');
     $this->_action_url = $handler->get();
     $this->_field_name = $field;
     $this->_value = $value;
 function inherit()
     // Determine parent 'display' value
     $handler =& get_css_handler('display');
     $parent_display = $handler->get_parent();
     // Inherit vertical-align from table-rows
     if ($parent_display === "table-row") {
     $this->push(is_inline_element($parent_display) ? $this->get() : $this->default_value());
 function inherit()
     // This pseudo-property is not inherited by tables
     // As current box display value may not be know at the moment of inheriting,
     // we'll use parent display value, stopping inheritance on the table-row/table-group level
     // Determine parent 'display' value
     $handler =& get_css_handler('display');
     $parent_display = $handler->get_parent();
     if ($parent_display === "table") {
 function inherit()
     // Determine parent 'display' value
     $handler =& get_css_handler('display');
     // 'display' CSS property processed AFTER this; so parent display value will be
     // on the top of the stack
     $parent_display = $handler->get();
     // Inherit vertical-align from table-rows
     if ($parent_display === "table-row" || $parent_display === "table") {
     $this->push(is_inline_element($parent_display) ? $this->get() : $this->default_value());
 function RadioBox($checked, $value)
     // Call parent constructor
     // Check the box state
     $this->_checked = $checked;
      * Store the form value for this radio button
     $this->_value = trim($value);
     $handler =& get_css_handler('-html2ps-form-radiogroup');
     $this->_group_name = $handler->get();
     // Setup box size:
     $this->default_baseline = units2pt(CHECKBOX_SIZE);
     $this->height = units2pt(CHECKBOX_SIZE);
     $this->width = units2pt(CHECKBOX_SIZE);
 function CSSRule($rule, &$pipeline)
     $this->selector = $rule[0];
     $this->body = $rule[1];
     $this->baseurl = $rule[2];
     $this->order = $rule[3];
     // Pre-parse property values
     foreach (array_keys($this->body) as $key) {
         $handler =& get_css_handler($key);
         if ($handler) {
             $value = $this->parse_important($key, $this->body[$key]);
             $this->body[$key] = $handler->parse($value, $pipeline);
     $this->specificity = css_selector_specificity($this->selector);
     $this->pseudoelement = css_find_pseudoelement($this->selector);
Example #11
  * Create new BR element
 function BRBox()
      * We're trying to avoid inheriting any of current CSS properties;
      * push_css_defaults will prevent any unneeded CSS properties like margins and padding to be inherited;
      * on the other size, it will keep the 'font-size' property we need to calculate the line height 
      * We treat BR as a block box; as default value of 'display' property is not 'block', we should 
      * set it up manually.
     $this->display = 'block';
      * In addition to 'display', we should inherit the 'clear' CSS property, as the 
      * <BR style="clear: both;"> construct is often used all over the Net.
     $handler =& get_css_handler('clear');
     $this->clear = $handler->get();
 function GenericBox()
     $this->_left = 0;
     $this->_top = 0;
     $this->baseline = 0;
     $this->default_baseline = 0;
     // Generic CSS properties
     // Save CSS property values
     $base_font_size = get_base_font_size();
     // 'color'
     $handler = get_css_handler('color');
     $this->color = $handler->get();
     // 'font-size'
     $this->font_size = units2pt(get_font_size(), $base_font_size);
     // 'font-family'
     $this->family = get_font_family();
     // 'font-weight'
     $this->weight = get_font_weight();
     // 'font-style'
     $this->style = get_font_style();
     // 'text-decoration'
     $handler = get_css_handler('text-decoration');
     $this->decoration = $handler->get();
function _fix_tag_display($default_display, &$pipeline)
    // In some cases 'display' CSS property should be ignored for element-generated boxes
    // Here we will use the $default_display stored above
    // Note that "display: none" should _never_ be changed
    $handler =& get_css_handler('display');
    if ($handler->get() === "none") {
    switch ($default_display) {
        case 'table-cell':
            // TD will always have 'display: table-cell'
            $handler->css('table-cell', $pipeline);
        case '-button':
            // INPUT buttons will always have 'display: -button' (in latter case if display = 'block', we'll use a wrapper box)
            if ($handler->get() === 'block') {
                $need_block_wrapper = true;
            $handler->css('-button', $pipeline);
 function ListItemBox(&$root, &$pipeline)
     // Call parent constructor
     // Pseudo-CSS properties
     // '-list-counter'
     $counter =& get_css_handler('-list-counter');
     $background_color =& get_css_handler('background-color');
     $background_color->push_css('transparent', $pipeline);
     $this->str_number_box = TextBox::create(CSSListStyleType::format_number($this->list_style->type, $counter->get()), 'iso-8859-1');
     $this->str_number_box->baseline = $this->str_number_box->default_baseline;
     // increase counter value
     // remove inherited value
     $counter->replace($counter->get() + 1);
     // open the marker image if specified
     if (!$this->list_style->image->is_default()) {
         $this->marker_image = $this->list_style->image->_image;
     } else {
         $this->marker_image = null;
Example #15
 function TableBox(&$root, &$pipeline)
     // Call parent constructor
     // Initialize line box
     //     $this->_current_x = 0;
     //     $this->_current_y = 0;
     // List of column width constraints
     $this->cwc = array();
     // Initialize content
     //     $this->content = array();
     // Automatically create at least one table row
     //     if (count($this->content) == 0) {
     // This row should not inherit any table specific properties!
     // 'overflow' for example
     $this->content[] =& new TableRowBox($root);
     //     }
     // Setup cellspacing / cellpadding values
     $handler =& get_css_handler('border-collapse');
     if ($handler->get() == BORDER_COLLAPSE) {
         $handler =& get_css_handler('padding');
         $handler->css("0", $pipeline);
     // Set text-align to 'left'; all browsers I've ever seen prevent inheriting of
     // 'text-align' property by the tables.
     // Say, in the following example the text inside the table cell will be aligned left,
     // instead of inheriting 'center' value.
     // <div style="text-align: center; background-color: green;">
     // <table width="100" bgcolor="red">
     // <tr><td>TEST
     // </table>
     // </div>
     $handler =& get_css_handler('text-align');
     $handler->css('left', $pipeline);
     // Parse table contents
     $child = $root->first_child();
     $col_index = 0;
     while ($child) {
         if ($child->node_type() === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             if ($child->tagname() === 'colgroup') {
                 // COLGROUP tags do not generate boxes; they contain information on the columns
                 $col_index = $this->parse_colgroup_tag($child, $col_index);
             } else {
                 $child_box =& create_pdf_box($child, $pipeline);
         $child = $child->next_sibling();
Example #16
function &create_pdf_pseudoelement($root, $pe_type, &$pipeline)
    // Store initial values to CSS stack
    // Apply default stylesheet rules (using base element)
    global $g_css_defaults_obj;
    $g_css_defaults_obj->apply($root, $pipeline);
    // Initially generated boxes do not require block wrappers
    // Block wrappers are required in following cases:
    // - float property is specified for non-block box which cannot be directly converted to block box
    //   (a button, for example)
    // - display set to block for such box
    $need_block_wrapper = false;
    // Order is important. Items with most priority should be applied last
    // Tag attributes
    execute_attrs_before($root, $pipeline);
    // CSS stylesheet
    global $g_css_obj;
    $g_css_obj->apply($root, $pipeline);
    // values from 'style' attribute
    if ($root->has_attribute("style")) {
        parse_style_attr(null, $root, $pipeline);
    // Pseudoelement-specific rules; be default, it should flow inline
    $handler =& get_css_handler('display');
    $handler->css('inline', $pipeline);
    $handler =& get_css_handler('content');
    $handler->css("", $pipeline);
    $handler =& get_css_handler('float');
    $handler->css("none", $pipeline);
    $handler =& get_css_handler('position');
    $handler->css("static", $pipeline);
    $handler =& get_css_handler('margin');
    $handler->css("0", $pipeline);
    $handler =& get_css_handler('width');
    $handler->css("auto", $pipeline);
    $handler =& get_css_handler('height');
    $handler->css("auto", $pipeline);
    $g_css_obj->apply_pseudoelement($pe_type, $root, $pipeline);
    // Now, if no content found, just return
    $handler =& get_css_handler('content');
    $content = $handler->get();
    if ($content === "") {
        $dummy = null;
        return $dummy;
    // CSS 2.1:
    // 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'
    // The three properties that affect box generation and layout —
    // 'display', 'position', and 'float' — interact as follows:
    // 1. If 'display' has the value 'none', then 'position' and 'float' do not apply.
    //    In this case, the element generates no box.
    $position_handler =& get_css_handler('position');
    $float_handler =& get_css_handler('float');
    // 2. Otherwise, if 'position' has the value 'absolute' or 'fixed', the box is absolutely positioned,
    //    the computed value of 'float' is 'none', and display is set according to the table below.
    //    The position of the box will be determined by the 'top', 'right', 'bottom' and 'left' properties and
    //    the box's containing block.
    $position = $position_handler->get();
    if ($position === POSITION_ABSOLUTE || $position === POSITION_FIXED) {
        $need_block_wrapper |= _fix_display_position_float();
    // 3. Otherwise, if 'float' has a value other than 'none', the box is floated and 'display' is set
    //    according to the table below.
    $float = $float_handler->get();
    if ($float != FLOAT_NONE) {
        $need_block_wrapper |= _fix_display_position_float();
    // 4. Otherwise, if the element is the root element, 'display' is set according to the table below.
    // 5. Otherwise, the remaining 'display' property values apply as specified. (see _fix_display_position_float)
    // Note that pseudoelements may get only standard display values
    $display_handler =& get_css_handler('display');
    switch (trim($display_handler->get())) {
        case "block":
            $box =& BlockBox::create_from_text($content);
        case "inline":
            $ws_handler =& get_css_handler('white-space');
            $box =& InlineBox::create_from_text($content, $ws_handler->get());
            die("Unsupported 'display' value: " . $display_handler->get());
    // Check if this box needs a block wrapper (for example, floating button)
    // Note that to keep float/position information, we clear the CSS stack only
    // AFTER the wrapper box have been created; BUT we should clear the following CSS properties
    // to avoid the fake wrapper box actually affect the layout:
    // - margin
    // - border
    // - padding
    // - background
    if ($need_block_wrapper) {
        $handler =& get_css_handler('margin');
        $handler->css("0", $pipeline);
        $handler =& get_css_handler('background');
        $handler->css('transparent', $pipeline);
        // Create "clean" block box
        $wrapper =& new BlockBox();
        // Remove CSS propery values from stack
        execute_attrs_after($root, $pipeline);
        return $wrapper;
    } else {
        // Remove CSS propery values from stack
        execute_attrs_after($root, $pipeline);
        return $box;
 function ButtonResetBox($text)
     $handler =& get_css_handler('-html2ps-form-action');
     $this->_action_url = $handler->get();
 function GenericFormattedBox()
     $base_font_size = get_base_font_size();
     // 'background'
     $handler = get_css_handler('background');
     $this->background = $handler->get();
     $this->background = $this->background->copy();
     // 'border'
     $this->border = new BorderPDF(get_border());
     // '-cellpadding'
     $handler = get_css_handler('-cellpadding');
     $this->cellpadding = units2pt($handler->get(), $base_font_size);
     // '-cellspacing'
     $handler = get_css_handler('-cellspacing');
     $this->cellspacing = units2pt($handler->get(), $base_font_size);
     // 'clear'
     $handler = get_css_handler('clear');
     $this->clear = $handler->get();
     // 'content'
     $handler = get_css_handler('content');
     $this->content_pseudoelement = $handler->get();
     // 'display'
     $handler = get_css_handler('display');
     $this->display = $handler->get();
     // 'float'
     $handler = get_css_handler('float');
     $this->float = $handler->get();
     // 'height'
     $this->_height_constraint = HCConstraint::create($this);
     // $this->height = $this->_height_constraint->apply(0, $this);
     $this->height = 0;
     // 'line-height'
     $this->line_height = get_line_height();
     $this->line_height = $this->line_height->copy();
     // 'list-style'
     $handler = get_css_handler('list-style');
     $this->list_style = $handler->get();
     $this->list_style = $this->list_style->copy();
     // 'margin'
     $handler = get_css_handler('margin');
     $this->margin = $handler->get();
     $this->margin = $this->margin->copy();
     // 'overflow'
     $handler = get_css_handler('overflow');
     $this->overflow = $handler->get();
     // 'padding'
     $handler = get_css_handler('padding');
     $this->padding = $handler->get();
     $this->padding = $this->padding->copy();
     // 'page-break-after'
     $handler = get_css_handler('page-break-after');
     $this->page_break_after = $handler->get();
     // 'position'
     $handler = get_css_handler('position');
     $this->position = $handler->get();
     // 'text-align'
     $handler = get_css_handler('text-align');
     $this->text_align = $handler->get();
     // 'text-indent'
     $handler = get_css_handler('text-indent');
     $this->text_indent = $handler->get();
     $this->text_indent = $this->text_indent->copy();
     // 'vertical-align'
     $handler = get_css_handler('vertical-align');
     $this->vertical_align = $handler->get();
     // 'visibility'
     $handler = get_css_handler('visibility');
     $this->visibility = $handler->get();
     // 'width'
     $handler = get_css_handler('width');
     $this->_width_constraint = $handler->get();
     $this->_width_constraint = $this->_width_constraint->copy();
     $this->width = $this->_width_constraint->apply(0, 0);
     // 'white-space'
     $handler = get_css_handler('white-space');
     $this->white_space = $handler->get();
     // CSS positioning properties
     // 'left'
     $handler = get_css_handler('left');
     $value = $handler->get();
     $this->left = $value;
     // 'top'
     $handler = get_css_handler('top');
     $this->top = $handler->get();
     // 'bottom'
     // TODO: automatic height calculation
     $handler = get_css_handler('bottom');
     $this->bottom = $handler->get();
     if (!is_null($this->bottom)) {
         $this->bottom = units2pt($this->bottom, $base_font_size);
     // 'right'
     // TODO: automatic width calculation
     $handler = get_css_handler('right');
     $this->right = $handler->get();
     $handler = get_css_handler('z-index');
     $this->z_index = $handler->get();
     // 'PSEUDO-CSS' properties
     // '-align'
     $handler = get_css_handler('-align');
     $this->pseudo_align = $handler->get();
     // '-html2ps-link-destination'
     global $g_config;
     if ($g_config["renderlinks"]) {
         $handler = get_css_handler('-html2ps-link-destination');
         $this->pseudo_link_destination = $handler->get();
     } else {
         $this->pseudo_link_destination = "";
     // '-html2ps-link-target'
     global $g_config;
     if ($g_config["renderlinks"]) {
         $handler = get_css_handler('-html2ps-link-target');
         $this->pseudo_link_target = $handler->get();
     } else {
         $this->pseudo_link_target = "";
     // '-localalign'
     $handler = get_css_handler('-localalign');
     switch ($handler->get()) {
         case LA_LEFT:
         case LA_RIGHT:
             $this->margin->left->auto = true;
         case LA_CENTER:
             $this->margin->left->auto = true;
             $this->margin->right->auto = true;
     // '-nowrap'
     $handler = get_css_handler('-nowrap');
     $this->pseudo_nowrap = $handler->get();
     // Layout data
     $this->baseline = 0;
     $this->parent = null;
     // Unique box identifier
     global $g_box_uid;
     $this->uid = $g_box_uid;
     // As PHP in most cases passes a copy of an object instead
     // of reference and it is pretty hard to track (especially between different versions
     // of PHP), we'll keep references to all boxes in the global array
     //     global $g_boxes;
     //     $g_boxes[$this->uid] =& $this;
 function inherit()
     $handler =& get_css_handler('display');
     $parent_display = $handler->get_parent();
     $this->push(is_inline_element($parent_display) ? $this->get() : $this->default_value());
 function applicable()
     $handler =& get_css_handler('display');
     $display = $handler->get();
     return $display === 'table-cell' || $display === 'table-row' || is_inline_element($display);
 function TableCellBox(&$root, $pipeline)
     $this->_suppress_first = false;
     $this->_suppress_last = false;
     $this->colspan = 1;
     $this->rowspan = 1;
     // This value will be overwritten in table 'normalize_parent' method
     $this->column = 0;
     $this->row = 0;
     if ($root->tagname() === 'td' || $root->tagname() === 'th') {
         // Use cellspacing / cellpadding values from the containing table
         $handler =& get_css_handler('-cellspacing');
         $cellspacing = $handler->get();
         $cp_handler =& get_css_handler('-cellpadding');
         $cellpadding = $cp_handler->get();
         // FIXME: I'll need to resolve that issue with COLLAPSING border model. Now borders
         // are rendered separated
         // if not border set explicitly, inherit value set via border attribute of TABLE tag
         if (is_default_border(get_border())) {
             $border = get_table_border();
         $margin =& get_css_handler('margin');
         $handler =& get_css_handler('border-collapse');
         if ($handler->get() == BORDER_COLLAPSE) {
             $h_padding =& get_css_handler('padding');
             if ($h_padding->is_default($h_padding->get())) {
                 $h_padding->css($cellpadding, $pipeline);
         } else {
             $h_padding =& get_css_handler('padding');
             if ($h_padding->is_default($h_padding->get())) {
                 $h_padding->css($cellpadding, $pipeline);
             if ($margin->is_default($margin->get())) {
                 $margin->css(units_mul($cellspacing, 0.5), $pipeline);
         // Save colspan and rowspan information
         $this->colspan = max(1, (int) $root->get_attribute('colspan'));
         $this->rowspan = max(1, (int) $root->get_attribute('rowspan'));
     // $root->tagname() == 'td'
     // Call parent constructor
     // 'vertical-align' CSS value is not inherited from the table cells
     $handler =& get_css_handler('vertical-align');
     $this->create_content($root, $pipeline);
     global $g_config;
     if ($g_config['mode'] == "quirks") {
         // QUIRKS MODE:
         // H1-H6 and P elements should have their top/bottom margin suppressed if they occur as the first/last table cell child
         // correspondingly; note that we cannot do it usung CSS rules, as there's no selectors for the last child.
         $child = $root->first_child();
         if ($child) {
             while ($child && $child->node_type() != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                 $child = $child->next_sibling();
             if ($child) {
                 if (array_search(strtolower($child->tagname()), array("h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "p"))) {
                     $this->_suppress_first = true;
         $child = $root->last_child();
         if ($child) {
             while ($child && $child->node_type() != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                 $child = $child->previous_sibling();
             if ($child) {
                 if (array_search(strtolower($child->tagname()), array("h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "p"))) {
                     $this->_suppress_last = true;
     // pop the default vertical-align value
 function alpha($psdata, $src_img, &$size_x, &$size_y, &$image, &$mask)
     $id = $this->generate_id();
     $size_x = imagesx($src_img);
     $size_y = imagesy($src_img);
     $ps_image_data = "";
     $ps_mask_data = 0xff;
     $ctr = 1;
     $row = 1;
     for ($y = 0; $y < $size_y; $y++) {
         for ($x = 0; $x < $size_x; $x++) {
             // Mask pixel
             $colors = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y));
             $a = $colors['alpha'];
             $r = $colors['red'];
             $g = $colors['green'];
             $b = $colors['blue'];
             $handler =& get_css_handler('background-color');
             $bg = $handler->get_visible_background_color();
             $r = (int) ($r + ($bg[0] - $r) * $a / 127);
             $g = (int) ($g + ($bg[1] - $g) * $a / 127);
             $b = (int) ($b + ($bg[2] - $b) * $a / 127);
             $ps_image_data .= sprintf("\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o", $r, $g, $b);
             // Write mask and image rows
             if ($ctr > MAX_IMAGE_ROW_LEN || $x + 1 == $size_x) {
                 $row_next = $size_x - $x - 1 + $size_x * ($size_y - $y - 1) == 0 ? 1 : $row + 1;
                 $psdata->write("/row-{$id}-{$row} { /image-{$id}-data { row-{$id}-{$row_next} } def ({$ps_image_data}) } def\n");
                 $ps_image_data = "";
                 $ctr = 1;
                 $row += 1;
     if ($ps_image_data) {
         $psdata->write("/row-{$id}-{$row} { /image-{$id}-data { row-{$id}-{$row_next} } def ({$ps_image_data}) } def\n");
     $psdata->write("/image-{$id}-data { row-{$id}-1 } def\n");
     $psdata->write("/image-{$id}-init { } def\n");
     // return image and mask data references
     $image = "{image-{$id}-data}";
     $mask = "";
     return $id;
Example #23
function apply_css_rule_obj($properties, $baseurl, $root, &$pipeline)
    foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
        switch ($key) {
            case 'border':
                css_border($value, $root);
            case 'border-color':
                css_border_color($value, $root);
            case 'border-top':
                css_border_top($value, $root);
            case 'border-right':
                css_border_right($value, $root);
            case 'border-bottom':
                css_border_bottom($value, $root);
            case 'border-left':
                css_border_left($value, $root);
            case 'border-style':
                css_border_style($value, $root);
            case 'border-top-style':
                css_border_top_style($value, $root);
            case 'border-right-style':
                css_border_right_style($value, $root);
            case 'border-bottom-style':
                css_border_bottom_style($value, $root);
            case 'border-left-style':
                css_border_left_style($value, $root);
            case 'border-top-color':
                css_border_top_color($value, $root);
            case 'border-right-color':
                css_border_right_color($value, $root);
            case 'border-bottom-color':
                css_border_bottom_color($value, $root);
            case 'border-left-color':
                css_border_left_color($value, $root);
            case 'border-width':
                css_border_width($value, $root);
            case 'border-top-width':
                css_border_top_width($value, $root);
            case 'border-right-width':
                css_border_right_width($value, $root);
            case 'border-bottom-width':
                css_border_bottom_width($value, $root);
            case 'border-left-width':
                css_border_left_width($value, $root);
            case 'font':
                css_font($value, $root);
            case 'font-family':
                css_font_family($value, $root);
            case 'font-size':
                css_font_size($value, $root);
            case 'font-style':
                css_font_style($value, $root);
            case 'font-weight':
                css_font_weight($value, $root);
            case 'line-height':
                css_line_height($value, $root);
                $handler =& get_css_handler($key);
                if ($handler) {
                    $handler->replace($value, $pipeline);
 function alpha(&$psdata, $src_img, &$size_x, &$size_y, &$image, &$mask)
     // Generate an unique image id
     $id = $this->generate_id();
     // Determine image size
     $size_x = imagesx($src_img);
     $size_y = imagesy($src_img);
     // write stread header to the postscript file
     $psdata->write("/image-{$id}-init { image-{$id}-data 0 setfileposition } def\n");
     $psdata->write("/image-{$id}-data currentfile << /Filter /ASCIIHexDecode >> /ReusableStreamDecode filter\n");
     // initialize line length counter
     $ctr = 0;
     // Save visible background color
     $handler =& get_css_handler('background-color');
     $bg = $handler->get_visible_background_color();
     for ($y = 0; $y < $size_y; $y++) {
         for ($x = 0; $x < $size_x; $x++) {
             // Check color/alpha of current pixels
             $colors = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y));
             $a = $colors['alpha'];
             $r = $colors['red'];
             $g = $colors['green'];
             $b = $colors['blue'];
             // Calculate approximate color
             $r = (int) ($r + ($bg[0] - $r) * $a / 127);
             $g = (int) ($g + ($bg[1] - $g) * $a / 127);
             $b = (int) ($b + ($bg[2] - $b) * $a / 127);
             // Save image pixel to the stream data
             $psdata->write(sprintf("%02X%02X%02X", $r, $g, $b));
             // Increate the line length counter; check if stream line needs to be terminated
             $ctr += 6;
             if ($ctr > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
                 $ctr = 0;
     // terminate the stream data
     // return image and mask data references
     $image = "image-{$id}-data";
     $mask = "";
     return $id;
Example #25
 function create($box)
     // Determine if there's constant restriction
     $handler =& get_css_handler('height');
     if (!$handler->is_default($handler->get())) {
         $constant = $handler->get();
     } else {
         $constant = null;
     // Determine if there's min restriction
     $handler =& get_css_handler('min-height');
     if (!$handler->is_default($handler->get())) {
         $min = $handler->get();
     } else {
         $min = null;
     // Determine if there's max restriction
     $handler =& get_css_handler('max-height');
     if (!$handler->is_default($handler->get())) {
         $max = $handler->get();
     } else {
         $max = null;
     $constraint = new HCConstraint($constant, $min, $max);
     return $constraint;