<?php if (isset($p->file)) { $url = $p->file; } else { $url = $oldfile; } $desc = get_category_info(null); $content = file_get_contents($url); $oldtitle = get_content_tag('t', $content, 'Untitled'); $olddescription = get_content_tag('d', $content); $oldtag = get_content_tag('tag', $content); $oldimage = get_content_tag('image', $content); $oldcontent = remove_html_comments($content); $dir = substr($url, 0, strrpos($url, '/')); $isdraft = explode('/', $dir); $oldurl = explode('_', $url); if (empty($oldtag)) { $oldtag = $oldurl[1]; } $oldmd = str_replace('.md', '', $oldurl[2]); if (isset($_GET['destination'])) { $destination = $_GET['destination']; } else { $destination = 'admin'; } $replaced = substr($oldurl[0], 0, strrpos($oldurl[0], '/')) . '/'; // Category string $cat = explode('/', $replaced); $category = $cat[count($cat) - 3]; $dt = str_replace($replaced, '', $oldurl[0]);
function get_posts($posts, $page = 1, $perpage = 0) { if (empty($posts)) { $posts = get_post_sorted(); } $tmp = array(); // Extract a specific page with results $posts = array_slice($posts, ($page - 1) * $perpage, $perpage); foreach ($posts as $index => $v) { $post = new stdClass(); $filepath = $v['dirname'] . '/' . $v['basename']; // Extract the date $arr = explode('_', $filepath); // Replaced string $replaced = substr($arr[0], 0, strrpos($arr[0], '/')) . '/'; // Author string $str = explode('/', $replaced); $author = $str[count($str) - 5]; if ($str[count($str) - 3] == 'uncategorized') { $category = default_category(); $post->category = '<a href="' . $category->url . '">' . $category->title . '</a>'; $post->categoryb = '<a property="v:title" rel="v:url" href="' . $category->url . '">' . $category->title . '</a>'; } else { $category = get_category_info($str[count($str) - 3]); $post->category = '<a href="' . $category[0]->url . '">' . $category[0]->title . '</a>'; $post->categoryb = '<a property="v:title" rel="v:url" href="' . $category[0]->url . '">' . $category[0]->title . '</a>'; } $type = $str[count($str) - 2]; // The post author + author url $post->author = $author; $post->authorUrl = site_url() . 'author/' . $author; $post->type = $type; $dt = str_replace($replaced, '', $arr[0]); $t = str_replace('-', '', $dt); $time = new DateTime($t); $timestamp = $time->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // The post date $post->date = strtotime($timestamp); // The archive per day $post->archive = site_url() . 'archive/' . date('Y-m', $post->date); if (config('permalink.type') == 'post') { $post->url = site_url() . 'post/' . str_replace('.md', '', $arr[2]); } else { $post->url = site_url() . date('Y/m', $post->date) . '/' . str_replace('.md', '', $arr[2]); } $post->file = $filepath; $content = file_get_contents($filepath); // Extract the title and body $post->title = get_content_tag('t', $content, 'Untitled: ' . date('l jS \\of F Y', $post->date)); $post->image = get_content_tag('image', $content); $post->video = get_youtube_id(get_content_tag('video', $content)); $post->link = get_content_tag('link', $content); $post->quote = get_content_tag('quote', $content); $post->audio = get_content_tag('audio', $content); $tag = array(); $url = array(); $bc = array(); $rel = array(); $tagt = get_content_tag('tag', $content); $t = explode(',', rtrim($arr[1], ',')); if (!empty($tagt)) { $tl = explode(',', rtrim($tagt, ',')); $tCom = array_combine($t, $tl); foreach ($tCom as $key => $val) { if (!empty($val)) { $tag[] = array($val, site_url() . 'tag/' . strtolower($key)); } else { $tag[] = array($key, site_url() . 'tag/' . strtolower($key)); } } } else { foreach ($t as $tt) { $tag[] = array($tt, site_url() . 'tag/' . strtolower($tt)); } } foreach ($tag as $a) { $url[] = '<a rel="tag" href="' . $a[1] . '">' . $a[0] . '</a>'; $bc[] = '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb"><a property="v:title" rel="v:url" href="' . $a[1] . '">' . $a[0] . '</a></span>'; } $post->tag = implode(' ', $url); $post->tagb = implode(' ยป ', $bc); $post->related = rtrim($arr[1], ','); // Get the contents and convert it to HTML $post->body = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform(remove_html_comments($content)); if (config('views.counter') == 'true') { $post->views = get_views($post->file); } $post->description = get_content_tag("d", $content, get_description($post->body)); $tmp[] = $post; } return $tmp; }
<?php $php_root_path = ".."; $privilege_root_path = "/admin"; require_once "includes/include_all_fns.inc"; session_start(); // extract ( $_SESSION , EXTR_REFS ) ; $err_message = " Unable to process your request due to the follow problems: <br>\n"; do_html_header("Edit Category"); $catID =& $_GET["catID"]; //Call the funtion to get the category information $editCatInfo = get_category_info($catID); ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="process_edit_category.php"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="20%"> </td> <td width="80%"> </td> <input type="hidden" name="catID" value="<?php echo $editCatInfo->CategoryID; ?> "> </tr> <tr> <td>Category Name:</td> <td> <input name="catName" type="text" id="catname" size="40" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $editCatInfo->CategoryName; ?> "> </td> </tr>
$adv_qry = "&adv=1"; } if ($type != "") { $type_qry = "&type={$type}"; } // display links to more result pages include "" . $template_dir . "/html/070_more-results.html"; } } break; default: if (!$cat_sel) { // if not multiple category selection if ($show_categories) { if ($_REQUEST['catid'] && is_numeric($catid)) { $cat_info = get_category_info($catid); } else { $cat_info = get_categories_view(); } } // get name of current category $sql_query = "SELECT category from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "categories where category_id = '{$catid}'"; $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); }
} if (empty($content)) { $message['error'] .= '<li>Content field is required.</li>'; } if (!$proper) { $message['error'] .= '<li>CSRF Token not correct.</li>'; } config('views.root', 'system/admin/views'); render('edit-page', array('title' => 'Edit category - ' . blog_title(), 'description' => blog_description(), 'canonical' => site_url(), 'error' => '<ul>' . $message['error'] . '</ul>', 'oldfile' => $oldfile, 'postTitle' => $title, 'postUrl' => $url, 'postContent' => $content, 'type' => 'is_category', 'bodyclass' => 'editcategory', 'breadcrumb' => '<a href="' . site_url() . '">' . config('breadcrumb.home') . '</a> » Edit category')); } }); // Delete category get('/category/:category/delete', function ($category) { if (login()) { config('views.root', 'system/admin/views'); $post = get_category_info($category); if (!$post) { not_found(); } $post = $post[0]; render('delete-category', array('title' => 'Delete category - ' . blog_title(), 'description' => blog_description(), 'canonical' => site_url(), 'bodyclass' => 'editpage', 'breadcrumb' => '<a href="' . site_url() . '">' . config('breadcrumb.home') . '</a> » ' . $post->title, 'p' => $post, 'type' => 'categoryPage')); } else { $login = site_url() . 'login'; header("location: {$login}"); } }); // Get deleted category data post('/category/:category/delete', function () { $proper = is_csrf_proper(from($_REQUEST, 'csrf_token')); if ($proper && login()) { $file = from($_REQUEST, 'file');
function category_list($custom = null) { $dir = "cache/widget"; $filename = "cache/widget/category.list.cache"; $tmp = array(); $cat = array(); $list = array(); if (is_dir($dir) === false) { mkdir($dir, 0775, true); } if (file_exists($filename)) { $cat = unserialize(file_get_contents($filename)); } else { $arr = get_category_info(null); foreach ($arr as $a) { $cat[] = array($a->md, $a->title); } array_push($cat, array('uncategorized', 'Uncategorized')); asort($cat); $tmp = serialize($cat); file_put_contents($filename, print_r($tmp, true)); } if (!empty($custom)) { return $cat; } echo '<ul>'; foreach ($cat as $k => $v) { if (get_categorycount($v['0']) !== 0) { echo '<li><a href="' . site_url() . 'category/' . $v['0'] . '">' . $v['1'] . '</a></li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; }
get_all_themes(); break; case 'getThemeInfo': get_theme_info(); break; case 'saveThemeInfo': save_theme_info(); break; case 'deleteTheme': delete_theme(); break; case 'getAllCategoriesList': get_all_categories_list(); break; case 'getCategoryInfo': get_category_info(); break; case 'saveCategoryInfo': save_category_info(); break; case 'deleteCategory': delete_category(); break; case 'getAllLayersList': get_all_layers_list(); break; case 'getThemeLayerMapping': get_theme_layer_mapping(); break; case 'saveThemeLayerMapping': save_theme_layer_mapping();