Example #1
function email()
    global $twig, $user;
    $textvars = array();
    if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['rid'])) {
        die('Tök helytelen azonosító.');
    $remark = $vars['remark'] = new Remark($_REQUEST['rid']);
    $vars['church'] = $textvars['church'] = getChurch($remark->tid);
    $vars['type'] = $_REQUEST['type'];
    $textvars['remark'] = $remark;
    $textvars['user'] = $user;
    switch ($_REQUEST['type']) {
        case 'koszonet':
            $vars['text'] = $twig->render('email_feedback_koszonet.twig', $textvars);
        case 'plebaniara':
            $vars['text'] = $twig->render('email_feedback_plebaniara.twig', $textvars);
        case 'android':
            $vars['text'] = $twig->render('email_feedback_android.twig', $textvars);
            $vars['text'] = '';
    $vars['content'] = $content;
    echo $twig->render('naplo_email.twig', $vars);
    echo $header . $content . $footer;
Example #2
 function __construct($rid = false)
     if (!isset($rid) or !is_numeric($rid)) {
         global $user;
         $this->name = $user->nev;
         $this->username = $user->username;
         //email fakultatív
         //TODO: megbízható?? reliable
         $this->timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->state = 'u';
         $this->text = "";
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT * FROM  " . $this->table . " WHERE id = {$rid} LIMIT 1";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $x = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         if (is_array($x)) {
             foreach ($x as $key => $value) {
                 $this->{$key} = $value;
             $this->rid = $this->id;
             $this->tid = $this->hol_id;
             $this->username = $this->login;
             if ($this->username != '') {
                 $this->user = new \User($this->username);
             $this->marker['url'] = "javascript:OpenScrollWindow('naplo.php?kod=templomok&id=" . $this->hol_id . "',550,500);";
             if ($this->allapot == 'u') {
                 $this->marker['text'] = "Új észrevétel!";
                 $this->marker['html'] = "<img src=img/csomag.gif title='" . $this->marker['text'] . "' align=absmiddle border=0> ";
                 $this->marker['mark'] = 'u';
             } elseif ($this->allapot == 'f') {
                 $this->marker['text'] = "Észrevétel javítása folyamatban!";
                 $this->marker['html'] = "<img src=img/csomagf.gif title='" . $this->marker['text'] . "' align=absmiddle border=0> ";
                 $this->marker['mark'] = 'f';
             } elseif ($this->allapot == 'j') {
                 $this->marker['text'] = "Észrevétel feldolgova.";
                 $this->marker['html'] = "<img src=img/csomag1.gif title='" . $this->marker['text'] . "' align=absmiddle border=0> ";
                 $this->marker['mark'] = 'j';
             } else {
                 $this->marker['text'] = "Nincsenek állapota";
                 $this->marker['html'] = "<span class='alap' title='" . $this->marker['text'] . "'>(nincs)</span>";
                 $this->marker['mark'] = false;
             $this->church = getChurch($this->hol_id);
         } else {
             // TODO: There is no remark with this rid;
             return false;
function miserend_addmise($tid)
    global $m_id;
    global $script;
    //$script .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='js/miserend_addmise.js'></script>\n";
    //Ezt csak a development szerveren kéne
    $vars['church'] = $church = getChurch($tid);
    $masses = getMasses($tid);
    $vars['m_id'] = $m_id;
    $vars['tid'] = $tid;
    $jelzes = getRemarkMark($tid);
    $vars['jelzes'] = $jelzes;
    if ($church['miseaktiv'] == 1) {
        $vars['active']['yes'] = ' checked ';
    } else {
        $vars['active']['no'] = ' checked ';
    $vars['lastperiod'] = 0;
    if (isset($masses['periods'])) {
        foreach ($masses['periods'] as $pkey => $period) {
            $vars['periods'][] = formPeriod($pkey, $period, 'period');
    $vars['lastperiod'] = $pkey;
    $vars['lastparticular'] = 0;
    if (isset($masses['particulars'])) {
        foreach ($masses['particulars'] as $pkey => $particular) {
            $vars['particulars'][] = formPeriod($pkey, $particular, 'particular');
    $vars['lastparticular'] = $pkey;
    $vars['misemegj'] = array('type' => 'textbox', 'name' => "misemegj", 'value' => $church['misemegj'], 'label' => 'Rendszeres rózsafűzér, szentségimádás, hittan, stb.<br/>');
    $vars['adminmegj'] = array('type' => 'textbox', 'name' => "adminmegj", 'value' => $church['adminmegj'], 'labelback' => ' A templom szerkesztésével kacsolatosan.');
    $vars['update'] = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "update", 'value' => 'i', 'checked' => true, 'labelback' => 'Utoljára frissítve: ' . date('Y.m.d.', strtotime($church['frissites'])));
    $vars['helptext'] = '<span class="alap">Figyelem! Ha átfedés van két periódus/időszak vagy különleges miserend között, akkor a listában lejjebb lévő vagyis „nehezebb” periódus vagy különleges miserend jelenik meg a keresőben!</span>';
    $vars['template'] = "admin_editschedule";
    return $vars;
Example #4
function widget_miserend($args)
    global $twig, $config;
    $tid = $args['tid'];
    $vars = getChurch($tid);
    if ($vars == array()) {
        $html = 'Nincs ilyen templom.';
    } else {
        $vars['design_url'] = $config['path']['domain'];
        $vars['miserend'] = getMasses($tid);
        if ($args['misemegj'] == 'off') {
        $html = $twig->render('widget_massschedule.twig', $vars);
    if (!isset($args['callback'])) {
        return $html;
    } else {
        return $args['callback'] . '(' . json_encode(array('html' => $html)) . ')';
Example #5
$html = '';
if ($nosuccess) {
    $html .= ' [<a href="?q=josm&page=' . $offset . '" >mindet</a>] ';
} else {
    $html .= ' [<a href="?q=josm&page=' . $offset . '&nosuccess" >csak a problémásakat</a>] ';
$result = mysql_query("select count(*) from osm;");
$statOSM = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$result = mysql_query("select count(*) from templomok left join terkep_geocode ON templomok.id = terkep_geocode.tid where ok = 'i';");
$statMR = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$html .= " Stat: <span title='OSM adatbázisba bekötött templomok'>" . $statOSM[0] . "</span>/<span title='Összes templom a miserend.hu-n.'>" . $statMR[0] . "</span>";
if (count($tmp) < 1) {
    addMessage('Hopsz', 'warning');
} else {
    foreach ($tmp as $t) {
        $church = getChurch($t);
        //To use uptodate OSM
        //$church['osm'] = getOSMelement($church['osm']['type'],$church['osm']['id']);
        $osm = $church['osm'];
        if ($osm == '') {
            $around = 60;
            $around2 = 3000;
            $lon = $church['lng'];
            $lat = $church['lat'];
            if ($lat == '' or $lon == '') {
            } else {
                $query = '[out:json][timeout:6]; ( node["amenity"="place_of_worship"](around:' . $around2 . ',' . $lat . ',' . $lon . '); way["amenity"="place_of_worship"](around:' . $around2 . ',' . $lat . ',' . $lon . '); rel["amenity"="place_of_worship"](around:' . $around2 . ',' . $lat . ',' . $lon . '); ); out body center qt 6;';
                $obj = getOverpass($query);
                if (count((array) $obj->elements) > 5) {
                    $query = '[out:json][timeout:6]; ( node["amenity"="place_of_worship"](around:' . $around . ',' . $lat . ',' . $lon . '); way["amenity"="place_of_worship"](around:' . $around . ',' . $lat . ',' . $lon . '); rel["amenity"="place_of_worship"](around:' . $around . ',' . $lat . ',' . $lon . '); ); out body center qt;';
                    $obj = getOverpass($query);
Example #6
    public function __construct()
        global $config, $meta;
        global $twig, $user;
        $tid = $_REQUEST['tid'];
        $church = getChurch($tid);
        if ($church != array()) {
            $vane = 1;
        foreach ($church as $k => $i) {
            ${$k} = $i;
        $ma = date('Y-m-d');
        if ($frissites > 0) {
            $frissitve = $frissites;
            $frissites = str_replace('-', '.', $frissites) . '.';
            //$frissites="<span class=kicsi_kek><b><u>Frissítve:</u></b><br>$frissites</span>";
        $titlekieg = " - {$nev} ({$varos})";
        if ($vane != 1) {
            $titlekieg = "404";
        if (!empty($turistautak)) {
            //$terkep="<br><a href=http://turistautak.hu/poi.php?id=$turistautak target=_blank title='További infók'><img src=http://www.geocaching.hu/images/mapcache/poi_$turistautak.gif border=0 vspace=5 hspace=5></a>";
        $ev = date('Y');
        $mostido = date('H:i:s');
        $mainap = date('w');
        if ($mainap == 0) {
            $mainap = 7;
        $tolig = $nyariido . '!' . $teliido;
        $tolig = str_replace('-', '.', $tolig);
        $tolig = str_replace("{$ev}.", '', $tolig);
        $tolig = str_replace('!', ' - ', $tolig);
        if ($ma >= $nyariido and $ma <= $teliido) {
            $nyari = "<div align=center><span class=alap><b><font color=#B51A7E>nyári</font></b></span><br><span class=kicsi>({$tolig})</span></div>";
            $teli = "<div align=center><span class=alap>téli</span></div>";
            $aktiv = 'ny';
        } else {
            $nyari = "<div align=center><span class=alap>nyári</span><br><span class=kicsi>({$tolig})</span></div>";
            $teli = "<div align=center><span class=alap><b><font color=#B51A7E>téli</font></b></span></div>";
            $aktiv = 't';
        $misek = getMasses($tid);
        if ($user->checkRole('miserend') or $user->checkRole('ehm:' . $egyhazmegye) or isset($responsible) and in_array($user->login, $responsible)) {
            $nev .= " <a href=?m_id=27&m_op=addtemplom&tid={$tid}><img src=img/edit.gif align=absmiddle border=0 title='Szerkesztés/módosítás'></a> <a href=?m_id=27&m_op=addmise&tid={$tid}><img src=img/mise_edit.gif align=absmiddle border=0 title='mise módosítása'></a>";
            $query = "select allapot from eszrevetelek where hol_id = '" . $tid . "' GROUP BY allapot ORDER BY allapot limit 5;";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            $allapotok = array();
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                if ($row['allapot']) {
                    $allapotok[] = $row['allapot'];
            if (in_array('u', $allapotok)) {
                $nev .= " <a href=\"javascript:OpenScrollWindow('naplo.php?kod=templomok&id={$tid}',550,500);\"><img src=img/csomag.gif title='Új észrevételt írtak hozzá!' align=absmiddle border=0></a> ";
            } elseif (in_array('f', $allapotok)) {
                $nev .= " <a href=\"javascript:OpenScrollWindow('naplo.php?kod=templomok&id={$tid}',550,500);\"><img src=img/csomagf.gif title='Észrevétel javítása folyamatban!' align=absmiddle border=0></a> ";
            } elseif (count($allapotok) > 0) {
                $nev .= " <a href=\"javascript:OpenScrollWindow('naplo.php?kod=templomok&id={$tid}',550,500);\"><img src=img/csomag1.gif title='Észrevételek!' align=absmiddle border=0></a> ";
        if (!empty($ismertnev)) {
            $ismertnev = $ismertnev;
        //"<span class=alap><i><b>Közismert nevén:</b></i><br></span><span class=dobozfocim_fekete><b><font color=#AC007A>$ismertnev</font></b></span><br><img src=img/space.gif width=5 height=7><br>";
        $cim = "<span class=alap><i>Cím:</i> <u>{$varos}, {$cim}</u></span>";
        if ($checked > 0) {
            $staticmap = "kepek/staticmaps/" . $tid . "_227x140.jpeg";
            if (file_exists($staticmap)) {
                $cim .= "<a href=\"http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat={$lat}&mlon={$lng}#map=15/{$lat}/{$lng}\" target=\"_blank\"><img src='kepek/staticmaps/" . $tid . "_227x140.jpeg'></a>";
            } else {
                $cim .= "<br/><span class=alap><i>Térképen:</i> <u><a href=\"http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat={$lat}&mlon={$lng}\">{$lat}, {$lng}</a></u></span>";
        } else {
            $cim .= "<br/><span class=alap><u><a href=\"http://terkep.miserend.hu/?templom={$tid}\">Segíts megtalálni a térképen!</a></u></span>";
        $kapcsolat = nl2br($plebania);
        if (!empty($pleb_url)) {
            $kapcsolat .= "<br/><div style=\"width: 230px;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;o-text-overflow: ellipsis;text-overflow: ellipsis;\">Weboldal: <a href={$pleb_url} target=_blank class=link title='{$pleb_url}'  onclick=\"ga('send','event','Outgoing Links','click','" . $pleb_url . "');\">" . preg_replace("/http:\\/\\//", "", $pleb_url) . "</a></div>";
        if (!empty($pleb_eml)) {
            $kapcsolat .= "<div style=\"width: 230px;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;o-text-overflow: ellipsis;text-overflow: ellipsis;\">Email: <a href='mailto:{$pleb_eml}' class=link>{$pleb_eml}</a></div>";
        $eszrevetel = "<p class=alapkizart>Ha észrevételed van a templommal vagy a miserenddel kapcsolatban, írd meg nekünk!</p>\n    <div align=center><a href=\"javascript:OpenNewWindow('eszrevetel.php?id={$tid}&kod=templomok',450,530);\" class=link><font color=#8D317C size='+1'><b>Észrevétel beküldése</b></font></a></div>\n    <div align=center><a href=\"javascript:OpenNewWindow('kepkuldes.php?id={$tid}&kod=templomok',450,530);\" class=link><font color=#8D317C size=''><b>Új kép beküldése</b></font></a></div>";
        //$sz1='<span class=kicsi>a szolgáltatás átmenetileg szünetel</span>';
        //$sz2='<span class=kicsi>a szolgáltatás átmenetileg szünetel</span>';
        $marcsak = (int) ((strtotime('2014-03-20') - time()) / (60 * 60 * 24));
        //$sz1="<span class=\"kicsi\"><a href=\"http://terkep.miserend.hu\" target=\"_blank\">Már csak ".$marcsak." nap és itt a térkép.</a></span>";
        //$sz2= $sz1;
        if (!empty($megjegyzes)) {
            $variables = array('header' => array('content' => 'Jó tudni...'), 'content' => nl2br($megjegyzes), 'settings' => array('class' => 'doboz'), 'design_url' => $config['path']['domain']);
            $jotudni = $twig->render('doboz_lila.html', $variables);
        $query = "select fajlnev,felirat from kepek where tid='{$tid}' order by sorszam";
        $lekerdez = mysql_query($query);
        $mennyi = mysql_num_rows($lekerdez);
        $kepek = '';
        if ($mennyi > 0) {
            $scrollable .= '<script>
                $("#my-als-list").als(	{visible_items: ';
            if ($mennyi < 4) {
                $scrollable .= 4;
            } else {
                $scrollable .= 4;
            $scrollable .= '});                      
                $(".als-color").colorbox({rel:\'als-color\', transition:"fade",maxHeight:"98%"},
                    function() {
                        ga(\'send\',\'event\',\'Photos\',\'templom\',\'' . $tid . '\')        });            
            $kepek .= "\n";
            $kepek .= '<div class="als-container" id="my-als-list">
  <span class="als-prev"><img src="img/als/thin_left_arrow_333.png" alt="prev" title="previous" /></span>
  <div class="als-viewport">
    <ul class="als-wrapper">';
            $konyvtar = "kepek/templomok/{$tid}";
            while (list($fajlnev, $kepcim) = mysql_fetch_row($lekerdez)) {
                $altT[$fajlnev] = $kepcim;
                if (!isset($ogimage)) {
                    $ogimage = '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $konyvtar . "/" . $fajlnev . '">';
                @($info = getimagesize("{$konyvtar}/kicsi/{$fajlnev}"));
                $w1 = $info[0];
                $h1 = $info[1];
                if ($h1 > $w1 and $h1 > 90) {
                    $arany = 90 / $h1;
                    $ujh = 90;
                    $ujw = $w1 * $arany;
                } else {
                    $ujh = $h1;
                    $ujw = $w1;
                $osszw = $osszw + $ujw;
                $title = rawurlencode($kepcim);
                $kepek .= "<li class='als-item'><a href=\"{$konyvtar}/{$fajlnev}\" title=\"{$title}\" class='als-color'><img src={$konyvtar}/kicsi/{$fajlnev} title='{$kepcim}' ></a></li>\n";
            if ($mennyi < 4) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < 4 - $mennyi; $i++) {
                    $kepek .= "<li class='als-item'></li>";
            $kepek .= '</ul>
            <span class="als-next"><img src="img/als/thin_right_arrow_333.png" alt="next" title="next" /></span>
            $kepek .= $scrollable;
            if (isset($ogimage)) {
                $meta .= $ogimage . "\n";
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM favorites WHERE uid = " . $user->uid . " AND tid = " . $tid . " LIMIT 1");
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1 and $user->uid > 0) {
            $favorite = 1;
        } elseif ($user->uid > 0) {
            $favorite = 0;
        } else {
            $favorite = -1;
        if ($vane > 0) {
            $variables = array('tid' => $tid, 'title' => $church['nev'] . " | Miserend", 'nev' => $nev, 'ismertnev' => $ismertnev, 'favorite' => $favorite, 'varos' => $varos, 'frissites' => $frissites, 'nyari' => $nyari, 'teli' => $teli, 'miserend' => $misek, 'eszrevetel' => $eszrevetel, 'androidreklam' => androidreklam(), 'kepek' => $kepek, 'jotudni' => $jotudni, 'leiras' => $leiras, 'cim' => $cim, 'terkep' => $terkep, 'megkozelites' => nl2br($megkozelites), 'kapcsolat' => $kapcsolat, 'miseaktiv' => $miseaktiv, 'misemegjegyzes' => nl2br($misemegj), 'szomszedok' => $szomszedok, 'napok' => array('', 'hétfő', 'kedd', 'szerda', 'csütörtök', 'péntek', 'szombat', '<font color=#AC282B><b>vasárnap</b></font>'), 'design_url' => $config['path']['domain'], 'campaign' => updatesCampaign(), 'alert' => LiturgicalDayAlert('html'), 'titlekieg' => $titlekieg);
            $variables['template'] = 'church.twig';
            foreach ($variables as $key => $var) {
                $this->{$key} = $var;
        } else {
            $this->template = 'church.twig';
            addMessage("A keresett templom nem található.", "danger");
Example #7
 function addFavorites($tids)
     if (!is_array($tids)) {
         $tids = array($tids);
     foreach ($tids as $tid) {
         if (!is_numeric($tid)) {
             return false;
     foreach ($tids as $key => $tid) {
         if (getChurch($tid) == array()) {
     $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO favorites (uid,tid) VALUES ";
     $values = array();
     foreach ($tids as $key => $tid) {
         $values[] = "(" . $this->uid . "," . $tid . ")";
     $query .= implode(', ', $values) . ";";
     if (mysql_query($query)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;