public function getStatusDataRows() { $rows = array(); $rows[] = "<tr><th>OpCache Version</th><td>{$this->_configuration['version']['version']}</td></tr>\n"; $rows[] = "<tr><th>PHP Version</th><td>" . phpversion() . "</td></tr>\n"; if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $rows[] = "<tr><th>Host</th><td>{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}</td></tr>\n"; } if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) { $rows[] = "<tr><th>Server Software</th><td>{$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']}</td></tr>\n"; } $rows[] = "<tr><th>Uptime</th><td>" . duration($this->_status['opcache_statistics']['start_time']) . "</td></tr>\n"; $rows[] = '<tr><th>Clear cache</th><td><a href="?clear_cache=1">✖ Clear Cache</a></td></tr>' . "\n"; foreach ($this->_status as $key => $value) { if ($key === 'scripts') { continue; } if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { if ($v === false) { $value = 'false'; } if ($v === true) { $value = 'true'; } if ($k === 'used_memory' || $k === 'free_memory' || $k === 'wasted_memory') { $v = $this->_size_for_humans($v); } if ($k === 'current_wasted_percentage' || $k === 'opcache_hit_rate') { $v = number_format($v, 2) . '%'; } if ($k === 'blacklist_miss_ratio') { $v = number_format($v, 2) . '%'; } if ($k === 'start_time' || $k === 'last_restart_time') { $v = $v ? date(DATE_RFC822, $v) : 'never'; } if (THOUSAND_SEPARATOR === true && is_int($v)) { $v = number_format($v); } $rows[] = "<tr><th>{$k}</th><td>{$v}</td></tr>\n"; } continue; } if ($value === false) { $value = 'false'; } if ($value === true) { $value = 'true'; } $rows[] = "<tr><th>{$key}</th><td>{$value}</td></tr>\n"; } return implode("\n", $rows); }
function send_footers() { global $settings, $c, $session, $theme, $dbconn, $total_query_time, $debuglevel; global $REQUEST_URI, $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $HTTP_REFERER, $PHP_SELF; $theme->EndContentArea(); if ($theme->panel_right) { $theme->RightPanel(); } $theme->EndPanels(); if ($theme->panel_bottom) { $theme->PageFooter(); } echo <<<CLOSEHTML <div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div> <script language="JavaScript" src="js/overlib.js"></script> </body> </html> CLOSEHTML; if (is_object($settings) && $settings->is_modified()) { if (!is_numeric($settings->get('counter'))) { $settings->set('counter', 0); } else { $settings->set('counter', $settings->get('counter') + 1); } $config_data_string = qpg($settings->to_save()); $query = "UPDATE session SET session_config={$config_data_string} "; $query .= "WHERE session_id={$session->session_id} "; $query .= "AND session_config != {$config_data_string}; "; if ($session->user_no > 0) { $query .= "UPDATE usr SET config_data={$config_data_string} WHERE user_no={$session->user_no} "; $query .= "AND config_data != {$config_data_string}; "; } $result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query); } error_reporting(7); if ($debuglevel > 0) { $total_query_time = sprintf("%3.06lf", $total_query_time); error_log($c->sysabbr . " total_query_ TQ: {$total_query_time} URI: {$REQUEST_URI}", 0); $total_time = sprintf("%3.06lf", duration($c->started, microtime())); error_log($c->sysabbr . " process_time TT: {$total_time} Agent: {$HTTP_USER_AGENT} Referrer: {$HTTP_REFERER} ", 0); error_log("=============================================== Endof {$PHP_SELF}"); } }
function is_session_valid() { if (empty($_SESSION['timestamp']) or empty($_SESSION['token-issue'])) { return FALSE; } $session = duration($_SESSION['timestamp']); $token = duration($_SESSION['token-issue']); if ($session > SESSION_DURATION) { return false; } else { if ($token > TOKEN_DURATION) { return false; } else { if (empty($_SESSION["token"])) { return false; } else { return true; } } } }
<?php check_login(); if (!defined('BASEPATH')) { exit('Nu poti accesa acest fisier direct.'); } set_title(site_name() . ' - Caracterele mele'); $data = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . PLAYER_DATABASE . ".player WHERE account_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_data']['id'] . "'"); $users = array(); $i = 0; while ($row = $DB->fetch($data)) { $users[$i]['id'] = $row['id']; $users[$i]['name'] = $row['name']; $users[$i]['level'] = $row['level']; $users[$i]['time'] = $row['playtime'] > 0 ? duration($row['playtime'] * 60) : 'nedeterminat'; $users[$i]['class'] = char_class($row['job']); $i++; } $smarty->assign('users', $users); assign('content_tpl', 'content/character');
} ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dine.css?v=0.1"> <script src=""></script> <script src=''></script> </head> <body id="plate"> <div id="text"> <?php $who = name(); $where = place(); $when = when(); $duration = duration(); $email = email(); $why = reason(); $mail_text = "Who: {$who}\r\n" . "Where: {$where}\r\n" . "When: {$when}\r\n" . "Duration: {$duration} hour(s) \r\n" . "Email: {$email}\r\n" . "Reason: {$why}\r\n"; if (verify_captcha()) { send_mail($mail_text, $email, $who); echo "Mail sent, now you must wait for me to respond."; } else { echo "Captcha failed, I don't dine with robots"; } ?> </div> </body> </html>
$h3_ = '<font face="' . $h3['font_face'] . '" size=' . $h3['font_size'] . ' color="' . $h3['color'] . '">' . ($h3['bold'] ? '<b>' : '') . ($h3['italic'] ? '<i>' : '') . ($h3['underline'] ? '<u>' : ''); $_h3 = ($h3['underline'] ? '</u>' : '') . ($h3['italic'] ? '</i>' : '') . ($h3['bold'] ? '</b>' : '') . '</font>'; // Default text style $d_ = '<font face="' . $default['font_face'] . '" size=' . $default['font_size'] . ' color="' . $default['color'] . '">' . ($default['bold'] ? '<b>' : '') . ($default['italic'] ? '<i>' : '') . ($default['underline'] ? '<u>' : ''); $_d = ($default['underline'] ? '</u>' : '') . ($default['italic'] ? '</i>' : '') . ($default['bold'] ? '</b>' : '') . '</font>'; // Stack trace text style $st_ = '<font face="' . $strace['font_face'] . '" size=' . $strace['font_size'] . ' color="' . $strace['color'] . '">' . ($strace['bold'] ? '<b>' : '') . ($strace['italic'] ? '<i>' : '') . ($strace['underline'] ? '<u>' : ''); $_st = ($strace['underline'] ? '</u>' : '') . ($strace['italic'] ? '</i>' : '') . ($strace['bold'] ? '</b>' : '') . '</font>'; // Result content $bigball['width'] = '32'; $bigball['height'] = '32'; $build_url = 'TODO: Find a way to list URL to Jenkins build'; $build_report = 'TODO: Find a way to list URL to HTML report'; $build_project = 'TODO: Find a way to list project'; $build_date = date('D M j H:i:s Y', $result->getTimeStart()); $build_duration = duration($result->getDuration()); $changes = 'TODO: Find a way to list changes'; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <body> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=4 width="100%"> <tr> <th align="right" width="100"><img src="<?php echo $bigball['src']; ?> " width=<?php echo $bigball['width']; ?> height=<?php echo $bigball['height'];
function get_time_difference($post_time, $decorate = false) { $timestamp = time() - strtotime($post_time); if ($decorate == true) { return duration($timestamp); } else { return $timestamp; } }
} if (is_valid_email()) { $a_valid_email = "valid"; $may_or_may_not = "may"; } else { $a_valid_email = "invalid"; $may_or_may_not = "may not"; } echo "So your name is {$who}.<br>" . "You want to meet at {$where} on {$when} hours for {$duration} {$hours} because {$why}.<br>" . "I think I {$am_free_or_busy}<br>" . "You can be contacted at {$email},<br>" . "which to me looks to be {$a_valid_email} therefore I {$may_or_may_not} try to respond."; ?> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?php echo email(); ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="duration" value="<?php echo duration(); ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="when" value="<?php echo when(); ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="why" value="<?php echo reason(); ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="who" value="<?php echo name(); ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="where" value="<?php
$html .= '<div class="circle" style="border-color:#' . $color . '; background-color:#' . $color . ';"></div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="cell">'; $html .= '<span class="from">' . $from['name'] . '</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="row middle">'; $html .= '<div class="cell">'; $html .= '<span class="icon" style="color:#' . $color . ';"></span>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="cell road">'; $html .= '<div class="line" style="border-color:#' . $color . '; background-color:#' . $color . ';"></div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="cell">'; $html .= '<span class="direction">' . $displayInformations['direction'] . '</span>'; $html .= '<span class="stop_duration">' . count($stop_date_times) . ' arrêts : ' . duration($duration) . '</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="row end">'; $html .= '<div class="cell">'; $html .= '<span class="arrival_date_time">' . date_time($arrival_date_time) . '</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="cell road">'; $html .= '<div class="circle" style="border-color:#' . $color . '; background-color:#' . $color . ';"></div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="cell">'; $html .= '<span class="to">' . $to['name'] . '</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; echo $html;
$passtime = $time - $cache['start_time'] > 0 ? $time - $cache['start_time'] : 1; // zero division $mem_size = $mem['num_seg'] * $mem['seg_size']; $mem_avail = $mem['avail_mem']; $mem_used = $mem_size - $mem_avail; $seg_size = bsize($mem['seg_size']); $sharedmem = sprintf($lng['apcuinfo']['sharedmemval'], $mem['num_seg'], $seg_size, $cache['memory_type']); $req_rate_user = sprintf("%.2f", $cache['num_hits'] ? ($cache['num_hits'] + $cache['num_misses']) / $passtime : 0); $hit_rate_user = sprintf("%.2f", $cache['num_hits'] ? $cache['num_hits'] / $passtime : 0); $miss_rate_user = sprintf("%.2f", $cache['num_misses'] ? $cache['num_misses'] / $passtime : 0); $insert_rate_user = sprintf("%.2f", $cache['num_inserts'] ? $cache['num_inserts'] / $passtime : 0); $apcversion = phpversion('apcu'); $phpversion = phpversion(); $number_vars = $cache['num_entries']; $starttime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $cache['start_time']); $uptime_duration = duration($cache['start_time']); $size_vars = bsize($cache['mem_size']); // check for possible empty values that are used in the templates if (!isset($cache['file_upload_progress'])) { $cache['file_upload_progress'] = $lng['logger']['unknown']; } if (!isset($cache['num_expunges'])) { $cache['num_expunges'] = $lng['logger']['unknown']; } $runtimelines = ''; foreach (ini_get_all('apcu') as $name => $v) { $value = $v['local_value']; eval("\$runtimelines.=\"" . getTemplate("settings/apcuinfo/runtime_line") . "\";"); } $freemem = bsize($mem_avail) . sprintf(" (%.1f%%)", $mem_avail * 100 / $mem_size); $usedmem = bsize($mem_used) . sprintf(" (%.1f%%)", $mem_used * 100 / $mem_size);
$unraid = parse_plugin_cfg("dynamix",true); $events = explode('|', $unraid['notify']['events']); $temps = array(190,194); $max = $unraid['display']['max']; $hot = $unraid['display']['hot']; exec("smartctl -A /dev/$port|awk 'NR>7'",$output); foreach ($output as $line) { if (!$line) continue; $info = explode(' ', trim(preg_replace('/\s+/',' ',$line)), 10); $color = ""; if (array_search($info[0], $events)!==false && $info[9]>0) $color = " class='orange-text'"; else if (array_search($info[0], $temps)!==false) { if ($info[9]>=$max) $color = " class='red-text'"; else if ($info[9]>=$hot) $color = " class='orange-text'"; } echo "<tr{$color}>"; if ($info[0] == 9 && is_numeric($info[9])) $info[9] .= duration($info[9]); foreach ($info as $field) echo "<td>".str_replace('_',' ',$field)."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } break; case "capabilities": exec("smartctl -c /dev/$port|awk 'NR>5'",$output); $row = ["","",""]; foreach ($output as $line) { if (!$line) continue; $line = preg_replace('/^_/','__',preg_replace(array('/__+/','/_ +_/'),'_',str_replace(array(chr(9),')','('),'_',$line))); $info = array_map('trim', explode('_', preg_replace('/_( +)_ /','__',$line), 3)); if (isset($info[0])) $row[0] .= ($row[0] ? " " : "").$info[0]; if (isset($info[1])) $row[1] .= ($row[1] ? " " : "").$info[1]; if (isset($info[2])) $row[2] .= ($row[2] ? " " : "").$info[2]; if (substr($row[2],-1)=='.') {
case "Meeting": $title = '<strong>' . $div["type"] . '</strong> ' . $div["start"] . '<br />' . $div["subject"]; $caption = $div["type"] . ' ' . $div["start"] . ' to ' . $div["end"] . '<br />(' . duration($div["duration"], 'long') . ')'; $overdiv = $div["subject"]; if ($div["notes"]) { $overdiv .= "\n\n" . $div["notes"]; } break; case "Note": $title = '<strong>' . $div["type"] . '</strong> ' . $div["start"] . '<br />' . $div["subject"]; $caption = $div["type"] . ' ' . $div["start"] . ' to ' . $div["end"] . '<br />(' . duration($div["duration"], 'long') . ')'; $overdiv = $div["subject"] . "\n\n" . $div["notes"]; break; case "Lunch": $title = '<strong>' . $div["type"] . '</strong> ' . $div["start"] . '<br />' . $div["user"]; $caption = $div["type"] . ' ' . $div["start"] . ' to ' . $div["end"] . '<br />(' . duration($div["duration"], 'long') . ')'; $overdiv = "User:\n" . $div["user"]; break; } if ($div["attendees"]) { $overdiv .= "\n\nAttendees:\n" . $div["attendees"]; } $overdiv = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $overdiv); $overdiv = str_replace("'", "\\'", $overdiv); $div_mouseover = 'return overlib(\'' . $overdiv . '\',CAPTION,\'' . $caption . '\');'; //calEventOver(this,'.($div["app_height"]-6).'); $div_mouseout = 'nd();'; //calEventOut(this,'.($div["app_height"]-6).'); // write the div if ($div["app_height"] < 24) { $app_height = 24;
if (time() > ($endtime - (2 * $week))) { $allow_bonuses = true; } if (time() < ($endtime - (5 * $day))) { $allow_vacation = true; } $diff = $endtime - $time; if ($time > $endtime) { $game_offline = true; } $d = duration($diff); $resetA = "Reset in: $d"; $conf_announcement = $announce . ' ' . $resetA; // If changing these, update User $conf['start-gold' ] = 50000; $conf['start-attackturns' ] = 50; $conf['start-uu' ] = 0; $conf['start-sasoldiers' ] = 75; $conf['start-dasoldiers' ] = 75; $conf['officers-per-page' ] = 5; $conf['max-officers' ] = 15; $conf['users-per-page' ] = 30;
<th class="vtip" title="Seconds since the last access for the most recent item evicted from this class.<br>Use this to judge how recently active your evicted data is">Evicted time</th> <th class="vtip" title="Age of the oldest item in the LRU.">Age</th> <th class="vtip" title="Details and keys">Link</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> EOB; foreach ($entries as $slabId => $slab) { $itemsCount = $slab['number']; $chunkSize = $slabInfo[$server][$slabId]['chunk_size']; $itemsSpace = round($itemsCount * $chunkSize * 100 / $memcacheStats['limit_maxbytes'], 3); $chunks_total = $slabInfo[$server][$slabId]['total_chunks']; $chunks_used = $slabInfo[$server][$slabId]['used_chunks']; $percentFree = round(($chunks_total - $chunks_used) * 100 / $chunks_total, 2); $totalBytes = $chunks_total * $chunkSize; $usedBytes = $slabInfo[$server][$slabId]['used_chunks'] * $chunkSize; $unusedBytes = $totalBytes - $usedBytes; $dumpUrl = $PHP_SELF . '&op=2&server=' . array_search($server, $MEMCACHE_SERVERS) . '&dumpslab=' . $slabId; echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr class=tr-{$m}>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=td-0>" . $slabId . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $itemsCount . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $chunkSize . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $slabInfo[$server][$slabId]['chunks_per_page'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $slabInfo[$server][$slabId]['total_pages'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class='vtip' title='" . bsize($totalBytes) . "'>" . $chunks_total . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class='vtip' title='" . bsize($usedBytes) . "'>" . $chunks_used . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class='vtip' title='" . $percentFree . " % allocated chunks in this class'>" . ($chunks_total - $chunks_used) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class='vtip' title='" . bsize($unusedBytes) . "'>" . $unusedBytes . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $itemsSpace . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . (int) $slab['evicted'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . (int) $slab['evicted_time'] . "</td>\n <td>" . duration($time - $slab['age']) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=td-0><center><a href=\"" . $dumpUrl . "\">details</a></center></td>\n\n </tr>"; $m = 1 - $m; } echo <<<EOB \t\t\t</tbody></table> \t\t\t<hr/> EOB; } break; break; } echo getFooter();
include "config.php"; include "commonfunctions.php"; $irpg_page_title = "Player Info"; include "header.php"; ?> <h1>Players</h1> <h2>Pick a player to view</h2> <p class="small">[gray=offline]</p> <ol> <?php $file = file($irpg_db); unset($file[0]); usort($file, 'cmp_level_desc'); foreach ($file as $line) { list($user, , , $level, $class, $secs, , , $online) = explode("\t", trim($line)); $class = htmlentities($class); $next_level = duration($secs); print " <li" . (!$online ? " class=\"offline\"" : "") . "><a" . (!$online ? " class=\"offline\"" : "") . " href=\"playerview.php?player=" . urlencode($user) . "\">" . htmlentities($user) . "</a>, the level {$level} {$class}. Next level in {$next_level}.</li>\n"; } ?> </ol> <p>For a script to view player stats from a terminal, try <a href="idlerpg-adv.txt">this</a> perl script by <a href="">daxxar</a>.</p> <p>See player stats in <a href="db.php">table format</a>.</p> <?php include "footer.php";
echo '#### Unstable: ' . $tests_unstable . PHP_EOL; echo '#### Skipped: ' . $tests_skipped . PHP_EOL; echo '#### OK: ' . $tests_ok . PHP_EOL; echo '#### ------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; echo '#### Actual tests run: ' . $total_tests . PHP_EOL; echo '#### Assertions: ' . $total_assertions . PHP_EOL; echo '#### Assertions with errors: ' . $assertion_errors . PHP_EOL; echo '#### Assertions with failures: ' . $assertion_failures . PHP_EOL; echo '#### ------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; if ($total_tests > 0) { echo '#### Avg. run time pr. test: ' . duration((time() - $result->getTimeStart()) / $total_tests) . PHP_EOL; echo '#### Avg. assertions pr. test: ' . $total_assertions / $total_tests . PHP_EOL; } echo '#### Avg. tests pr. testfile: ' . $total_tests / count($tests) . PHP_EOL; echo '#### ------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; echo '#### Run time: ' . duration(time() - $result->getTimeStart()) . PHP_EOL; if ($build_error) { echo '#### Result: Build failed!' . PHP_EOL; } else { if ($build_unstable) { echo '#### Result: Build unstable!' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo '#### Result: Build successful!' . PHP_EOL; } } echo '####################################################################' . PHP_EOL; echo '####################################################################' . PHP_EOL; // Sleep 3 seconds to allow ffmpeg to cleanly shut down on last test if (!$onscreen) { sleep(3); }
} // duration $duration = (strtotime($row["app_end"]) - strtotime($row["app_start"])) / 60; // array of attendees if ($row["attendee_id"]) { $attendees[$row["attendee_id"]] = $row["attendee_name"]; } // appointment info $appointment_info = '<pre> Type: ' . $app["type"] . ' (ID: ' . $app["id"] . ') Booked by: ' . $app["bookedbyname"] . ' Created on: ' . $app["created"] . '</pre>'; } for ($i = 5; $i <= 300;) { // what is that 300? $app_duration_data[$i] = duration($i); $i = $i + 5; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if appointment occours over (default_appointment_delay) hours in the past, divert to appointment_view.php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* $app_comparison_today = strtotime($date_mysql); $app_comparison_start = strtotime($app["start"]); $app_comparison_start = ($app_comparison_start + $default_appointment_delay); if ($app_comparison_start < $app_comparison_today) { header("Location:appointment_view.php?app_id=$app_id"); exit; } */
} else { $img_class = 'class="img-responsive"'; } $code[] = '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3 col-lg-3">'; $code[] = '<div class="well well-sm m-b-0 m-t-20">'; $code[] = '<a href="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/video/' . $video['VID'] . '/' . prepare_string($video['title']) . '">'; $code[] = '<div class="thumb-overlay">'; $code[] = '<img src="' . get_thumb_url($video['VID']) . '/' . $video['thumb'] . '.jpg" title="' . htmlspecialchars($video['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($video['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" id="rotate_' . $video['VID'] . '_' . $video['thumbs'] . '_' . $video['thumb'] . '" ' . $img_class . ' />'; if ($video['type'] == 'private') { $code[] = '<div class="label-private">' . $lang['global.PRIVATE'] . '</div>'; } if ($video['hd'] == 1) { $code[] = '<div class="hd-text-icon">HD</div>'; } $code[] = '<div class="duration">'; $code[] = duration($video['duration']); $code[] = '</div>'; $code[] = '</div>'; $code[] = '<span class="video-title title-truncate m-t-5">' . htmlspecialchars($video['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</span>'; $code[] = '</a>'; $code[] = '<div class="video-added">'; $code[] = time_range($video['addtime']); $code[] = '</div>'; $code[] = '<div class="video-views pull-left">'; $views = $video['viewnumber'] == '1' ? $lang['global.view'] : $lang['global.views']; $code[] = $video['viewnumber'] . ' ' . $views; $code[] = '</div>'; if ($video['rate'] == 0 && $video[dislikes] == 0) { $rate_class = 'no-rating"'; $rate_icon = '<i class="fa fa-heart video-rating-heart no-rating"></i> <b>-</b>'; } else {
echo get_url('access', 'clear_cookies'); ?> "><?php echo lang('clear cookies'); ?> </a></li> <li id="loginForgotPassword"><a href="<?php echo get_url('access', 'forgot_password'); ?> "><?php echo lang('forgot password'); ?> </a></li> <li> <label class="checkbox" for="loginRememberMe"><?php echo lang('remember me', duration(config_option('remember_login_lifetime'))); ?> </label> <?php echo checkbox_field('login[remember]', array_var($login_data, 'remember') == 'checked', array('id' => 'loginRememberMe')); ?> </li> <li> <label class="checkbox" for="trace"><?php echo lang('enable trace'); ?> </label> <?php echo checkbox_field('trace', false, array('id' => 'trace')); ?> </li>
$player[3]['y'] = $arg[3]; } } elseif ($arg[0] == "P4") { $player[4]['name'] = $arg[1]; if ($type == 2) { $player[4]['x'] = $arg[2]; $player[4]['y'] = $arg[3]; } } } if (!$type) { echo " <p>Sorry, there is no active quest.</p>\n"; } else { echo " <p><b>Quest:</b> To {$text}.</p>\n"; if ($type == 1) { echo " <p><b>Time to completion:</b> " . duration($time - time()) . "</p>\n"; } elseif ($type == 2) { if ($stage == 1) { echo " <p><b>Current goal:</b> [{$p1['0']},{$p1['1']}]</p>\n"; } else { echo " <p><b>Current goal:</b> [{$p2['0']},{$p2['1']}]</p>>\n"; } } echo " <p><b>Participant 1:</b> <a href=\"playerview.php?player=" . urlencode($player[1]['name']) . "\">" . htmlentities($player[1]['name']) . "</a><br />\n"; if ($type == 2) { echo " <b>Position:</b> [" . $player[1]['x'] . "," . $player[1]['y'] . "]</p>\n"; } else { echo "<br />\n"; } echo " <p><b>Participant 2:</b> <a href=\"playerview.php?player=" . urlencode($player[2]['name']) . "\">" . htmlentities($player[2]['name']) . "</a><br />\n"; if ($type == 2) {
$keysql = "UPDATE phpbb_sessions SET session_onlineplay = 1, session_realip = '" . htmlspecialchars(get_ip_address(), ENT_QUOTES) . "' WHERE session_id = '" . $user->session_id . "';"; $keyresult = $db->sql_query($keysql); $db->sql_freeresult($keyresult); } else { $result['status'] = 'nope'; $result['error_msg'] = 'interOps is currently down for maintenance.'; } } else { $result['status'] = 'nope'; //$result['error_msg'] = 'User is not allowed to play'; $result['error_msg'] = 'Online playing privileges revoked'; if ($canhave[$userID]['can_play_reason']['value']) { $result['error_msg'] .= ' - ' . str_replace('#', '@', $canhave[$userID]['can_play_reason']['value']); } if ($canhave[$userID]['can_play_expire']['value']) { $result['error_msg'] .= ' (will expire in ' . duration($canhave[$userID]['can_play_expire']['value'] - time()) . ')'; } } $banReason = check_ban($userID, '', '', 1); if ($banReason != "") { $result['status'] = 'nope'; $result['error_msg'] = 'User is banned'; $canPlay = false; } } // start buffering (to allow kill) ob_start(); // output the results echo ($result['status'] == LOGIN_SUCCESS ? 'ok' : 'fail') . '#'; echo ($result['error_msg'] ? isset($user->lang[$result['error_msg']]) ? $user->lang[$result['error_msg']] : $result['error_msg'] : 'Success.') . '#'; echo ($result['status'] == LOGIN_SUCCESS ? $user->data['user_id'] : '1') . '#';
$val = intval($val) . " [<font color=\"{$uniquecolor}\">Jeff's Cluehammer of Doom</font>]"; } if ($key == "ring" && substr($val, -1, 1) == "h") { $val = intval($val) . " [<font color=\"{$uniquecolor}\">Juliet's Glorious Ring of Sparkliness</font>]"; } echo " {$key}: {$val}<br />\n"; $sum += $val; } echo " <br />\n sum: {$sum}<br />\n" . " </p>" . " <h2>Penalties</h2>\n" . " <p>\n"; ksort($pen); $sum = 0; foreach ($pen as $key => $val) { echo " {$key}: " . duration($val) . "<br />\n"; $sum += $val; } echo " <br />\n total: " . duration($sum) . "</p>\n"; $file = fopen($irpg_mod, "r"); $temp = array(); while ($line = fgets($file, 1024)) { if (strstr($line, " " . $_GET['player'] . " ") || strstr($line, " " . $_GET['player'] . ", ") || substr($line, 0, strlen($_GET['player']) + 1) == $_GET['player'] . " " || substr($line, 0, strlen($_GET['player']) + 3) == $_GET['player'] . "'s ") { array_push($temp, $line); } } fclose($file); if (!is_null($temp) && count($temp)) { echo '<h2>'; echo $_GET['allmods'] != 1 ? "Recent " : ""; echo 'Character Modifiers</h2><p>'; if ($_GET['allmods'] == 1 || count($temp) < 6) { foreach ($temp as $line) { $line = htmlentities(trim($line));
\t\t<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>APC Version</td><td>{$apcversion}</td></tr> \t\t<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>PHP Version</td><td>{$phpversion}</td></tr> EOB; if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { echo "<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>APC Host</td><td>{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']} {$host}</td></tr>\n"; } if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) { echo "<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Server Software</td><td>{$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']}</td></tr>\n"; } echo <<<EOB \t\t<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Shared Memory</td><td>{$mem['num_seg']} Segment(s) with {$seg_size} <br/> ({$cache['memory_type']} memory, {$cache['locking_type']} locking) </td></tr> EOB; echo '<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Start Time</td><td>', date(DATE_FORMAT, $cache['start_time']), '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Uptime</td><td>', duration($cache['start_time']), '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>File Upload Support</td><td>', $cache['file_upload_progress'], '</td></tr>'; echo <<<EOB \t\t</tbody></table> \t\t</div> \t\t<div class="info div1"><h2>File Cache Information</h2> \t\t<table cellspacing=0><tbody> \t\t<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Cached Files</td><td>{$number_files} ({$size_files})</td></tr> \t\t<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Hits</td><td>{$cache['num_hits']}</td></tr> \t\t<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Misses</td><td>{$cache['num_misses']}</td></tr> \t\t<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Request Rate (hits, misses)</td><td>{$req_rate} cache requests/second</td></tr> \t\t<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Hit Rate</td><td>{$hit_rate} cache requests/second</td></tr> \t\t<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Miss Rate</td><td>{$miss_rate} cache requests/second</td></tr> \t\t<tr class=tr-0><td class=td-0>Insert Rate</td><td>{$insert_rate} cache requests/second</td></tr> \t\t<tr class=tr-1><td class=td-0>Cache full count</td><td>{$cache['expunges']}</td></tr>
$render .= remove_lastchar($render2, ",") . '</p>' . "\n"; } $render .= '<hr />'; break; default: //$render = "<p>No further printable information available</p>"; } // heading $heading = ' <h1>' . $app["user_name"] . ' - ' . $app["type"] . '</h1> <hr class="title" /> '; if ($app["allday"] == 'Yes') { $heading .= '<p>All day appointment</p>'; } else { $heading .= '<p>' . date('D jS F g:ia', strtotime($app["start"])) . ' (' . duration($duration, 'long') . ')</p>'; } // confidentiality statement $render .= ' <div id="footer"> <h1>Confidentiality notice</h1> <p>This document contains privileged information which must remain confidential. Under no circumstances should this document be given to a client, left in a property or your car, or otherwise fall into anyone\'s hands other than a member of the company. This document should be destroyed after use.</p>'; if ($printed_by) { $render .= '<p>Document printed on ' . date('d/m/Y h:ia') . ' by ' . $printed_by . '</p>'; } $render .= '</div>'; $js_footer = '<script type="text/javascript"> // <!-- window.onLoad = window.focus(); window.print();
$sql .= "WHERE ((last_status IN ('F', 'C') AND status_on BETWEEN " . qpg($from_date) . " AND " . qpg($to_date) . ") "; $sql .= "OR last_status NOT IN ('F','C')) "; if (isset($system_id)) { $sql .= "AND request.system_id={$system_id} "; } if (isset($request_type)) { $sql .= "AND request.request_type={$request_type} "; } if (isset($requested_by)) { $sql .= "AND requester_id = {$requested_by} "; } $sql .= "GROUP BY status_lookup.lookup_desc, request.last_status "; $sql .= "ORDER BY 2 DESC;"; // echo "$sql"; $debuggroups['PieChart'] = 1; $pie = new PieChart($sql); /* include("page-header.php"); */ $pie->Render(); /* include("page-footer.php"); */ error_reporting(7); if ($debuglevel > 0) { $total_query_time = sprintf("%3.06lf", $total_query_time); error_log("{$sysabbr} total_query_ TQ: {$total_query_time} URI: {$REQUEST_URI}", 0); $total_time = sprintf("%3.06lf", duration($begin_processing, microtime())); error_log("{$sysabbr} process_time TT: {$total_time} Agent: {$HTTP_USER_AGENT} Referrer: {$HTTP_REFERER} ", 0); error_log("=============================================== Endof {$PHP_SELF}"); }
/** * create torrent with Mainline * * @return string $onLoad */ function createTorrentMainline() { global $cfg, $path, $tfile, $comment, $piece, $use_tracker, $tracker_name, $alert; $onLoad = ""; // Clean up old files if (@file_exists($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $tfile)) { @unlink($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $tfile); } // build command-string $command = "cd " . tfb_shellencode($cfg["transfer_file_path"]) . ";"; $command .= " HOME=" . tfb_shellencode($cfg["path"]); $command .= "; export HOME;"; $command .= "nohup " . $cfg["pythonCmd"] . " -OO "; $command .= tfb_shellencode($cfg["docroot"] . "bin/clients/mainline/"); $command .= " --no_verbose"; $command .= " --no_debug"; // $command .= " --language en"; // Is there comments to add? if (!empty($comment)) { $command .= " --comment " . tfb_shellencode($comment); } // Set the piece size if (!empty($piece)) { $command .= " --piece_size_pow2 " . tfb_shellencode($piece); } // trackerless / tracker /* if ((isset($use_tracker)) && ($use_tracker == 1)) $command .= " --use_tracker"; else $command .= " --no_use_tracker"; */ $command .= " --use_tracker"; // tracker-name //if ((!empty($tracker_name)) && ($tracker_name != "http://")) $command .= " --tracker_name " . tfb_shellencode($tracker_name); // Set the target torrent field $command .= " --target " . tfb_shellencode($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $tfile); // tracker (i don't know...) $command .= " " . tfb_shellencode($tracker_name); // input $command .= " " . tfb_shellencode($cfg["path"] . $path); // Set to never timeout for large torrents @set_time_limit(0); // Let's see how long this takes... $time_start = microtime(true); // Execute the command exec($command); // We want to check to make sure the file was successful $success = false; $raw = @file_get_contents($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $tfile); if (preg_match("/6:pieces([^:]+):/i", $raw, $results)) { // This means it is a valid torrent $success = true; // Make an entry for the owner AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["file_upload"], $tfile); } else { // Something went wrong, clean up if (@file_exists($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $tfile)) { @unlink($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $tfile); } } // We are done! how long did we take? $time_end = microtime(true); $diff = duration($time_end - $time_start); // make path URL friendly to support non-standard characters $downpath = urlencode($tfile); // Depending if we were successful, display the required information $onLoad = $success ? "completed('" . $downpath . "'," . $alert . ",'" . $diff . "');" : "failed('" . $downpath . "'," . $alert . ");"; return $onLoad; }
<br/> (<?php echo $cache['memory_type']; ?> memory, <?php echo $cache['locking_type']; ?> locking) </td> </tr> <tr><td>Start Time</td><td><?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, $cache['start_time']); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td>Uptime</td><td><?php echo duration($cache['start_time']); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td>File Upload Support</td><td><?php echo $cache['file_upload_progress']; ?> </td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-left: 0px"> <div class="panel panel-info">
@fwrite($fp, "7:privatei1eee"); } else { @fwrite($fp, "e7:privatei0e17:dht_backup_enablei1e20:dht_backup_requestedi1eee"); } @fclose($fp); } } } else { // Something went wrong, clean up if (@file_exists($tpath . $tfile)) { @unlink($tpath . $tfile); } } // We are done! how long did we take? $time_end = microtime(true); $diff = duration($time_end - $time_start); // make path URL friendly to support non-standard characters $downpath = urlencode($tfile); // Depending if we were successful, display the required information if ($success) { $onLoad = "completed( '" . $downpath . "', " . $alert . ", '" . $diff . "' );"; } else { $onLoad = "failed( '" . $downpath . "', " . $alert . " );"; } } // This is the torrent download prompt if (!empty($_GET["download"])) { $tfile = $_GET["download"]; if (isValidTransfer($tfile) === true) { // Does the file exist? if (file_exists($tpath . $tfile)) {
// variables $m = 0; $cacheItems = getCacheItems(); $items = $cacheItems['items']; $totals = $cacheItems['counts']; $maxDump = MAX_ITEM_DUMP; foreach ($items as $server => $entries) { echo <<<EOB \t\t\t<div class="info"><table cellspacing=0><tbody> \t\t\t<tr><th colspan="2">{$server}</th></tr> \t\t\t<tr><th>Slab Id</th><th>Info</th></tr> EOB; foreach ($entries as $slabId => $slab) { $dumpUrl = $PHP_SELF . '&op=2&server=' . array_search($server, $MEMCACHE_SERVERS) . '&dumpslab=' . $slabId; echo "<tr class=tr-{$m}>", "<td class=td-0><center>", '<a href="', $dumpUrl, '">', $slabId, '</a>', "</center></td>", "<td class=td-last><b>Item count:</b> ", $slab['number'], '<br/><b>Age:</b>', duration($time - $slab['age']), '<br/> <b>Evicted:</b>', isset($slab['evicted']) && $slab['evicted'] == 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No'; if (isset($_GET['dumpslab']) && $_GET['dumpslab'] == $slabId && (isset($_GET['server']) && $_GET['server'] == array_search($server, $MEMCACHE_SERVERS))) { echo "<br/><b>Items: item</b><br/>"; $items = dumpCacheSlab($server, $slabId, $slab['number']); // maybe someone likes to do a pagination here :) $i = 1; foreach ($items['ITEM'] as $itemKey => $itemInfo) { $itemInfo = trim($itemInfo, '[ ]'); echo '<a href="', $PHP_SELF, '&op=4&server=', array_search($server, $MEMCACHE_SERVERS), '&key=', base64_encode($itemKey) . '">', $itemKey, '</a>'; if ($i++ % 10 == 0) { echo '<br/>'; } elseif ($i != $slab['number'] + 1) { echo ','; } } }
<img src="up.png" border="0"> </a> / <a href="db.php?sort=cmp_alignment_desc"> <img src="down.png" border="0"> </a>) </th> </tr> <?php foreach ($file as $line) { list($user, $isadmin, $level, $class, $secs, $online, $idled, $created, $lastlogin, $alignment, ) = explode("\t", trim($line)); $class = str_replace("<", "<", $class); $user = str_replace("<", "<", $user); $class = str_replace(">", ">", $class); $user = str_replace(">", ">", $user); $sum = 0; foreach ($item as $k => $v) { $sum += $v; } $pentot = 0; foreach ($pen as $k => $v) { $pentot += $v; } echo " <tr>\n" . " <td nowrap>{$user}</td>\n" . " <td>{$level}</td>\n" . " <td>" . ($isadmin ? "Yes" : "No") . "</td>\n" . " <td nowrap>{$class}</td>\n" . " <td nowrap>" . duration($secs) . "</td>\n" . " <td>" . ($online == 1 ? "Yes" : "No") . "</td>\n" . " <td nowrap>" . duration($idled) . "</td>\n" . " <td nowrap>{$x}</td>\n" . " <td nowrap>{$y}</td>\n" . " <td nowrap>" . duration($pentot) . "</td>\n" . " <td nowrap>" . date("D M j H:i:s Y", $created) . "</td>\n" . " <td nowrap>" . date("D M j H:i:s Y", $lastlogin) . "</td>\n" . " <td>{$sum}</td>\n" . " <td>" . ($alignment == 'e' ? "Evil" : ($alignment == 'n' ? "Neutral" : "Good")) . "</td>\n" . " </tr>\n"; } echo ' </table> <br><br> * Accounts created before Aug 29, 2003 may have incowrect data fields. '; include "footer.php";