Example #1
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoLearningPath}</div>";
    draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
} else {
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>\n           <b>{$langDumpUserDurationToFile}: </b>1. <a href='dumpuserlearnpathdetails.php?course={$course_code}'>{$langcsvenc2}</a>\n                2. <a href='dumpuserlearnpathdetails.php?course={$course_code}&amp;enc=1253'>{$langcsvenc1}</a>          \n          </div>";
// display tab header
$tool_content .= "\n  <table class='table-default'>\n  <tr>\n    <th class='left'><div align='left'>{$langStudent}</div></th>\n    <th width='120'>{$langAm}</th>\n    <th>{$langGroup}</th>\n    <th colspan='2'>{$langProgress}&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>\n  </tr>\n";
// display tab content
$k = 0;
foreach ($usersList as $user) {
    // list available learning paths
    $learningPathList = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT learnPath_id FROM lp_learnPath WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);
    $iterator = 1;
    $globalprog = 0;
    $tool_content .= "  <tr>";
    foreach ($learningPathList as $learningPath) {
        // % progress
        $prog = get_learnPath_progress($learningPath->learnPath_id, $user->id);
        if ($prog >= 0) {
            $globalprog += $prog;
    $total = round($globalprog / ($iterator - 1));
    $tool_content .= '    <td><a href="detailsUser.php?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;uInfo=' . $user->id . '">' . q($user->surname) . ' ' . q($user->givenname) . '</a></td>' . '    <td class="center">' . q(uid_to_am($user->id)) . '</td>' . '    <td align="center">' . user_groups($course_id, $user->id) . '</td>' . '    <td class="right" width=\'120\'>' . disp_progress_bar($total, 1) . '</td>' . '    <td align="left" width=\'10\'>' . $total . '%</td>' . '</tr>';
// foot of table
$tool_content .= '</table>';
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Example #2
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                array('title' => $langBack,
                      'url' => "index.php",
                      'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                      'level' => 'primary-label'))); 
    // display tab header
    $tool_content .= '' . "\n\n"
            . '    <div class="table-responsive"><table class="table-default">' . "\n"
            . '    <tr class="list-header">' . "\n"
            . '      <th class="text-left">' . $langStudent . '</th>' . "\n"
            . '      <th width="5px">' . $langProgress . '</th>' . "\n"
            . '    </tr>' . "\n";

    // display tab content
    foreach ($usersList as $user) {
        $lpProgress = get_learnPath_progress($path_id, $user->id);
        $tool_content .= "\n    <tr>";
        $tool_content .= '' . "\n"
                . '      <td><a href="detailsUserPath.php?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;uInfo=' . $user->id . '&amp;path_id=' . $path_id . '">' . q($user->surname) . ' ' . q($user->givenname) . '</a></td>' . "\n"
                . '      <td align="right">'
                . disp_progress_bar($lpProgress, 1)
                . '</td>' . "\n"
                . '    </tr>' . "\n";
    // foot of table
    $tool_content .= '    ' . "\n\n" . '    </table></div>' . "\n\n";

draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Example #3

    if ($progress > 0) {
        $globalProg += $progress;
    if ($module['contentType'] != CTLABEL_) {
        $moduleNb++; // increment number of modules used to compute global progression except if the module is a title

    $tool_content .= '    </tr>' . "\n";

if ($moduleNb == 0) {
    $tool_content .= '    <tr class="odd">' . "\n" . '<td align="center" colspan="5">' . $langNoModule . '</td>' . "\n" . '    </tr>' . "\n";
} elseif ($moduleNb > 0) {
    // display global stats
    $tool_content .= '    <tr class="odd">' . "\n"
            . '      <th colspan="' . ($maxDeep + 1) . '">&nbsp;</th>' . "\n"
            . '      <th align="right">' . (($global_time != "0000:00:00") ? $langTimeInLearnPath : '&nbsp;') . '</th>' . "\n"
            . '      <th align="center">' . (($global_time != "0000:00:00") ? preg_replace("/\.[0-9]{0,2}/", "", $global_time) : '&nbsp;') . '</th>' . "\n"
            . '<th align="right"><small>' . $langGlobalProgress . '</small></th>' . "\n"
            . '<th align="right">'
            . disp_progress_bar(round($globalProg / ($moduleNb)), 1)
            . '</th>' . "\n"
            . '    </tr>';
$tool_content .= "\n</table></div>\n";

draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);

Example #4
    $tool_content .= '</td>' . "\n";
    //-- progression
    if ($module['contentType'] != CTLABEL_) {
        // display the progress value for current module
        $tool_content .= '<td align="right" width="120">' . disp_progress_bar($progress, 1) . '</td>' . "\n";
        $tool_content .= '<td align="left" width="10">&nbsp;' . $progress . '%</td>' . "\n";
    } else {
        // label
        $tool_content .= '      <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>' . "\n";
    if ($progress > 0) {
        $globalProg += $progress;
    if ($module['contentType'] != CTLABEL_) {
        // increment number of modules used to compute global progression except if the module is a title
    $tool_content .= '    </tr>' . "\n";
if ($moduleNb == 0) {
    $tool_content .= '    <tr class="odd">' . "\n" . '<td align="center" colspan="7">' . $langNoModule . '</td>' . "\n" . '    </tr>' . "\n";
} elseif ($moduleNb > 0) {
    // display global stats
    $tool_content .= '    <tr class="odd">' . "\n" . '      <td colspan="' . ($maxDeep + 1) . '">&nbsp;</td>' . "\n" . '      <td align="right">' . ($global_time != "0000:00:00" ? $langTimeInLearnPath : '&nbsp;') . '</td>' . "\n" . '      <td align="center">' . ($global_time != "0000:00:00" ? preg_replace("/\\.[0-9]{0,2}/", "", $global_time) : '&nbsp;') . '</td>' . "\n" . '<td align="right"><small>' . $langGlobalProgress . '</small></td>' . "\n" . '<td align="right">' . disp_progress_bar(round($globalProg / $moduleNb), 1) . '</td>' . "\n" . '      <td align="left"><small>&nbsp;' . round($globalProg / $moduleNb) . '%</small></td>' . "\n" . '    </tr>';
$tool_content .= "\n</table>\n";
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Example #5
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        $user_id = $row->id;        
        if ($type == 'duration') {
            $value = format_time_duration(0 + $row->duration);
            $sortkey = $row->duration;
            $name = $row->surname . ' ' . $row->givenname;
            $am = $row->am;
        } elseif ($type == 'lp') {
            $name = uid_to_name($user_id);
            $am = uid_to_am($user_id);
            $iterator = 0;
            $progress = 0;
            foreach ($learningPathList as $learningPath) {
                $progress += get_learnPath_progress($learningPath->learnPath_id, $user_id);
            if ($iterator > 0) {
                $total = round($progress / $iterator);
                $sortkey = $total;
                $value = disp_progress_bar($total, 1) . '&nbsp;<small>' . $total . '%</small>';
            } else {
                $value = '&mdash;';
        $tool_content .= "<td width='30%'>" . q($name) . "</td><td width='30%'>" . q($am) . "</td><td align='text-center'>$group_name</td>"
                       . "<td>$value</td></tr>";
$tool_content .= "</table></div>";

draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Example #6
 .'<li>'.$langEmail.': ';
 if( empty($trackedUser['email']) )	$tool_content .= $langNoEmail;
 else 			$tool_content .= $trackedUser['email'];

 $tool_content .= '</li>'."\n"
// get list of learning paths of this course
// list available learning paths
$lpList = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT name, learnPath_id\n\t\t\t FROM lp_learnPath \n                        WHERE course_id = ?d\n\t\t     ORDER BY `rank`", $course_id);
// table header
$tool_content .= '<table width="99%" class="tbl_alt">' . "\n" . '      <tr>' . "\n" . '        <th>&nbsp;</th>' . "\n" . '        <th align="left"><div align="left">' . $langLearningPath . '</div></th>' . "\n" . '        <th colspan="2">' . $langProgress . '</th>' . "\n" . '      </tr>' . "\n";
if (count($lpList) == 0) {
    $tool_content .= '    <tr>' . "\n" . '        <td colspan="3" align="center">' . $langNoLearningPath . '</td>' . "\n" . '      </tr>' . "\n";
} else {
    // display each learning path with the corresponding progression of the user
    $k = 0;
    foreach ($lpList as $lpDetails) {
        if ($k % 2 == 0) {
            $tool_content .= "      <tr class=\"even\">";
        } else {
            $tool_content .= "      <tr class=\"odd\">";
        $lpProgress = get_learnPath_progress($lpDetails->learnPath_id, $_GET['uInfo']);
        $tool_content .= '' . "\n" . "        <td width='1'><img src='{$themeimg}/arrow.png' alt='' /></td>\n" . '        <td><a href="detailsUserPath.php?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;uInfo=' . $_GET['uInfo'] . '&amp;path_id=' . $lpDetails->learnPath_id . '">' . htmlspecialchars($lpDetails->name) . '</a></td>' . "\n" . '        <td align="right" width="120">' . "" . disp_progress_bar($lpProgress, 1) . '</td>' . "\n" . '        <td align="left" width="10">' . $lpProgress . '%</td>' . "\n" . '      </tr>' . "\n";
$tool_content .= '      </table>' . "\n";
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Example #7
 $tool_content .= '        <tr class="even">' . "\n" . '          <td>' . $langTotalTimeSpent . '</td>' . "\n" . '          ' . "\n" . '          <td align="right">' . $resultBrowsed->total_time . '</td>' . "\n" . '        </tr>' . "\n\n";
 //display time passed in last session
 $tool_content .= '        <tr class="even">' . "\n" . '          <td>' . $langLastSessionTimeSpent . '</td>' . "\n" . '          ' . "\n" . '          <td align="right">' . $resultBrowsed->session_time . '</td>' . "\n" . '        </tr>' . "\n\n";
 //display user best score
 if ($resultBrowsed->scoreMax > 0) {
     $raw = round($resultBrowsed->raw / $resultBrowsed->scoreMax * 100);
 } else {
     $raw = 0;
 $raw = max($raw, 0);
 if ($resultBrowsed->contentType == CTSCORM_ && $resultBrowsed->scoreMax <= 0 && ($resultBrowsed->lesson_status == "COMPLETED" || $resultBrowsed->lesson_status == "PASSED" || $resultBrowsed->raw != -1)) {
     $raw = 100;
 // no sens to display a score in case of a document module
 if ($resultBrowsed->contentType != CTDOCUMENT_ && $resultBrowsed->contentType != CTLINK_ && $resultBrowsed->contentType != CTCOURSE_DESCRIPTION_ && $resultBrowsed->contentType != CTMEDIA_ && $resultBrowsed->contentType != CTMEDIALINK_) {
     $tool_content .= '<tr>' . "\n" . '          <td>' . $langYourBestScore . '</td>' . "\n" . '          ' . "\n" . '          <td>' . disp_progress_bar($raw, 1) . ' ' . $raw . '%</td>' . "\n" . '        </tr>' . "\n\n";
 //display lesson status
 // display a human readable string ...
 if ($resultBrowsed->lesson_status == "NOT ATTEMPTED") {
     $statusToDisplay = $langNotAttempted;
 } else {
     if ($resultBrowsed->lesson_status == "PASSED") {
         $statusToDisplay = $langPassed;
     } else {
         if ($resultBrowsed->lesson_status == "FAILED") {
             $statusToDisplay = $langFailed;
         } else {
             if ($resultBrowsed->lesson_status == "COMPLETED") {
                 $statusToDisplay = $langAlreadyBrowsed;
             } else {
Example #8
    // DISPLAY ADMIN LINK-----------------------------------------------------------
    if ($is_editor) {
        // 5 administration columns
        // LOCK link
        $is_real_dir = is_dir(realpath($webDir . "/courses/" . $course_code . "/scormPackages/path_" . $list->learnPath_id));
        $tool_content .= "      <td class='option-btn-cell'>" . action_button(array(array('title' => $langBlock, 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?course={$course_code}&amp;cmd=mkBlock&amp;cmdid=" . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-unlock', 'show' => $list->lock == 'OPEN'), array('title' => $langAltMakeNotBlocking, 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?course={$course_code}&amp;cmd=mkUnblock&amp;cmdid=" . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-lock', 'level' => 'primary', 'show' => !($list->lock == 'OPEN')), array('title' => $langTracking, 'url' => "details.php?course={$course_code}&amp;path_id=" . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-search'), array('title' => $langVisible, 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?course={$course_code}&amp;cmd=mkVisibl&amp;visibility_path_id=" . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-eye-slash', 'show' => $list->visible == 0), array('title' => $langVisible, 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?course={$course_code}&amp;cmd=mkInvisibl&amp;visibility_path_id=" . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle', 'confirm' => $list->lock == 'CLOSE' ? $langAlertBlockingPathMadeInvisible : null, 'confirm_title' => "", 'confirm_button' => $langAccept, 'show' => $list->visible != 0), array('title' => $langModify, 'url' => "learningPathAdmin.php?course={$course_code}&amp;path_id=" . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-edit'), array('title' => $langDelete, 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?course={$course_code}&amp;cmd=delete&amp;del_path_id=" . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-times', 'class' => 'delete', 'confirm' => $is_real_dir ? $langAreYouSureToDeleteScorm + " '" . $list->name . "'" : $langDelete), array('title' => $langUp, 'level' => 'primary', 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?course={$course_code}&amp;cmd=moveUp&amp;move_path_id=" . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-up', 'disabled' => $iterator == 1), array('title' => $langDown, 'level' => 'primary', 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?course={$course_code}&amp;cmd=moveDown&amp;move_path_id=" . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-down', 'disabled' => $iterator >= $LPNumber), array('title' => $langExport2004, 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;cmd=export&amp;path_id=' . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-download'), array('title' => $langExport12, 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;cmd=export12&amp;path_id=' . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-download'), array('title' => $langExportIMSCP, 'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;cmd=exportIMSCP&amp;path_id=' . $list->learnPath_id, 'icon' => 'fa-download'))) . "</td>\n";
    } elseif ($uid) {
        // % progress
        $prog = get_learnPath_progress($list->learnPath_id, $uid);
        if (!isset($globalprog)) {
            $globalprog = 0;
        if ($prog >= 0) {
            $globalprog += $prog;
        $tool_content .= "<td class='text-right' width='120'>" . disp_progress_bar($prog, 1) . "</td>\n";
        $tool_content .= "<td class='text-left' width='10'>" . $prog . "% </td>";
    $tool_content .= "</tr>\n";
// end while
if (!$is_editor && $iterator != 1 && $uid) {
    // add a blank line between module progression and global progression
    $total = round($globalprog / ($iterator - 1));
    $tool_content .= "\n    <tr>\n      <th colspan='2'><div align='right'><b>{$langPathsInCourseProg}</b>:</div></th>\n      <th><div align='right'>" . disp_progress_bar($total, 1) . "</div></th>\n      <th><div align='left'>{$total}%</div></th>\n    </tr>\n";
$tool_content .= "\n     </table></div>\n";
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Example #9
$path_id = intval($_REQUEST['path_id']);
// get infos about the learningPath
$learnPathName = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT `name` FROM `lp_learnPath` WHERE `learnPath_id` = ?d AND `course_id` = ?d", $path_id, $course_id);
if ($learnPathName) {
    // display title
    $titleTab['subTitle'] = htmlspecialchars($learnPathName->name);
    // display a list of user and their respective progress
    $sql = "SELECT U.`surname`, U.`givenname`, U.`id`\n\t\tFROM `user` AS U,\n\t\t     `course_user` AS CU\n\t\tWHERE U.`id` = CU.`user_id`\n\t\tAND CU.`course_id` = {$course_id}\n\t\tORDER BY U.`surname` ASC, U.`givenname` ASC";
    @($tool_content .= get_limited_page_links($sql, 30, $langPreviousPage, $langNextPage));
    $usersList = get_limited_list($sql, 30);
    // display tab header
    $tool_content .= '' . "\n\n" . '      <p>' . $langLearnPath . ': <b>';
    $tool_content .= disp_tool_title($titleTab);
    $tool_content .= '</b></p>' . "\n" . '    <table width="99%" class="tbl_alt">' . "\n" . '    <tr>' . "\n" . '      <th>&nbsp;</th>' . "\n" . '      <th><div align="left">' . $langStudent . '</div></th>' . "\n" . '      <th colspan="2" width="25%">' . $langProgress . '</th>' . "\n" . '    </tr>' . "\n";
    // display tab content
    $k = 0;
    foreach ($usersList as $user) {
        $lpProgress = get_learnPath_progress($path_id, $user->id);
        if ($k % 2 == 0) {
            $tool_content .= "\n    <tr class=\"even\">";
        } else {
            $tool_content .= "\n    <tr class=\"odd\">";
        $tool_content .= '' . "\n" . '      <td width="1"><img src="' . $themeimg . '/arrow.png" alt="bullet" title="bullet" border="0"></td>' . "\n" . '      <td><a href="detailsUserPath.php?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;uInfo=' . $user->id . '&amp;path_id=' . $path_id . '">' . q($user->surname) . ' ' . q($user->givenname) . '</a></td>' . "\n" . '      <td align="right">' . disp_progress_bar($lpProgress, 1) . '</td>' . "\n" . '      <td align="left"><small>' . $lpProgress . '%</small></td>' . "\n" . '    </tr>' . "\n";
    // foot of table
    $tool_content .= '    ' . "\n\n" . '    </table>' . "\n\n";
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Example #10
    if ($uid && $module['contentType'] != CTLABEL_) {
        // display actions for current module (taking into consideration blocked modules)
        if (!$is_blocked || !$first_blocked) {
            $tool_content .= "<td width='18'><a href=\"module.php?course={$course_code}&amp;module_id=" . $module['module_id'] . "\">" . icon('fa-line-chart', $langTracking) . "</a></td>";
        } else {
            $tool_content .= "<td></td>";
        if ($is_blocked) {
            $first_blocked = true;
        // display the progress value for current module
        $tool_content .= '<td align="right" width="120">' . disp_progress_bar($progress, 1) . '</td>' . "\n" . '      <td align="left" width="10">' . '&nbsp;' . $progress . '%' . '</td>' . "\n";
    } elseif ($uid && $module['contentType'] == CTLABEL_) {
        $tool_content .= '<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>' . "\n";
    if ($progress > 0) {
        $globalProg = $globalProg + $progress;
    if ($module['contentType'] != CTLABEL_) {
        // increment number of modules used to compute global progression except if the module is a title
    $tool_content .= "</tr>";
if ($uid && $moduleNb > 0) {
    // add a blank line between module progression and global progression
    $tool_content .= '<tr class="odd">' . "\n" . '<th colspan="' . ($maxDeep + 2) . '" align="right"><div align="right">' . $langGlobalProgress . '</div></th>' . "\n" . '<th align="right" width="120"><div align="right">' . disp_progress_bar(round($globalProg / $moduleNb), 1) . '</div></th>' . "\n" . '<th align="left" width="10"><div class="center">' . '&nbsp;' . round($globalProg / $moduleNb) . '%' . '</div></th>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "";
$tool_content .= "</table>";
draw($tool_content, 2);
Example #11
            $globalprog += $prog;
        $tool_content .= "<td class='text-right' width='120'>" . disp_progress_bar($prog, 1) . "</td>";
    $tool_content .= "</tr>\n";
} // end while

if (!$is_editor && $iterator != 1 && $uid) {
    // add a blank line between module progression and global progression
    $total = round($globalprog / ($iterator - 1));
    $tool_content .= "
      <th><div align='right'><b>$langPathsInCourseProg</b>:</div></th>
      <th><div align='right'>" . disp_progress_bar($total, 1) . "</div></th>
$tool_content .= "\n     </table></div>\n";
$tool_content .= "<div class='modal fade' id='restrictlp' tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='myModalLabel' aria-hidden='true'>
  <div class='modal-dialog'>
    <div class='modal-content'>
      <div class='modal-body'>".
      <div class='modal-footer'>
        <button type='button' class='btn btn-default' data-dismiss='modal'>Close</button>
Example #12
    // list available learning paths
    $learningPathList = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT learnPath_id FROM lp_learnPath WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);

    $iterator = 1;
    $globalprog = 0;
    $tool_content .= "  <tr>";
    foreach ($learningPathList as $learningPath) {
        // % progress
        $prog = get_learnPath_progress($learningPath->learnPath_id, $user->id);
        if ($prog >= 0) {
            $globalprog += $prog;
    $total = round($globalprog / ($iterator - 1));
    $tool_content .= 
            '    <td><a href="detailsUser.php?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;uInfo=' . $user->id . '&amp;uName=' . $user->givenname . '">' .  profile_image($user->id, IMAGESIZE_SMALL, 'img-circle')."&nbsp;". q($user->surname) . ' ' . q($user->givenname) . '</a></td>'
            . '    <td class="text-center">' . q(uid_to_am($user->id)) . '</td>'
            . '    <td class="text-left">' . user_groups($course_id, $user->id) . '</td>'
            . '    <td class="text-right" width=\'120\'>'
            . disp_progress_bar($total, 1)
            . '</td>'
            . '</tr>';
// foot of table
$tool_content .= '</table></div>';

draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);