Example #1
function dept_tree_list($DEPT_ID, $PRIV_OP)
    global $DEEP_COUNT;
    global $connection;
    $query = "SELECT * from department where DEPT_PARENT='" . $DEPT_ID . "' order by DEPT_NO";
    $cursor = exequery($connection, $query);
    $OPTION_TEXT = "";
    $DEEP_COUNT .= " ";
    while ($ROW = mysql_fetch_array($cursor)) {
        $DEPT_ID = $ROW['DEPT_ID'];
        $DEPT_NAME = $ROW['DEPT_NAME'];
        $DEPT_NAME = str_replace("<", "&lt", $DEPT_NAME);
        $DEPT_NAME = str_replace(">", "&gt", $DEPT_NAME);
        $DEPT_NAME = stripslashes($DEPT_NAME);
        $DEPT_PRIV = 1;
        $OPTION_TEXT_CHILD = dept_tree_list($DEPT_ID, $PRIV_OP);
        if ($DEPT_PRIV == 1) {
            $OPTION_TEXT .= "     <tr class=TableData>       <td class='menulines' id='" . $DEPT_ID . "' title='" . $DEPT_NAME . "' onclick=javascript:click_dept('" . $DEPT_ID . "') style=cursor:pointer>" . $DEEP_COUNT1 . "├" . $DEPT_NAME . "</a></td>     </tr>";
        if ($OPTION_TEXT_CHILD != "") {
    return $OPTION_TEXT;
Example #2
function dept_tree_list($DEPT_ID, $PRIV_OP)
    global $DEEP_COUNT;
    global $connection;
    $query = "SELECT * from producttype where parentid='" . $DEPT_ID . "'";
    if ($_GET['MODULE_ID'] != "") {
        $query .= " and rowid<>'" . $_GET['MODULE_ID'] . "'";
    if ($_GET['MANAGE_FLAG'] == "1") {
        $query .= " and rowid not in (select distinct producttype from product)";
    $query .= "order by rowid";
    //print $query;exit;
    $cursor = exequery($connection, $query);
    $OPTION_TEXT = "";
    $DEEP_COUNT .= "  ";
    while ($ROW = mysql_fetch_array($cursor)) {
        $DEPT_ID = $ROW['ROWID'];
        $DEPT_NAME = $ROW['name'];
        $DEPT_PARENT = $ROW['parentid'];
        $DEPT_NAME = str_replace("<", "&lt", $DEPT_NAME);
        $DEPT_NAME = str_replace(">", "&gt", $DEPT_NAME);
        $DEPT_NAME = stripslashes($DEPT_NAME);
        if ($PRIV_OP == 1) {
            $DEPT_PRIV = is_dept_priv($DEPT_ID);
        } else {
            $DEPT_PRIV = 1;
        $image = "<img src='../../../Framework/images/endnode.gif'>";
        $onclick = "onclick=javascript:click_dept('" . $DEPT_ID . "') style=cursor:pointer";
        $query1 = "SELECT * from product where producttype='" . $DEPT_ID . "'";
        $cursor1 = exequery($connection, $query1);
        $ROW1 = mysql_fetch_array($cursor1);
        if (sizeof($ROW1) > 1) {
            $image = "<img width=16 height=16 src='../../../Framework/images/ts.gif'>";
        } else {
            $title = "title='此目录为空'";
        if ($_GET['MANAGE_FLAG'] == "2") {
            $query1 = "SELECT * from producttype where parentid='" . $DEPT_ID . "'";
            $cursor1 = exequery($connection, $query1);
            $ROW1 = mysql_fetch_array($cursor1);
            if (sizeof($ROW1) > 1) {
                $onclick = "";
                $title = "";
        $OPTION_TEXT_CHILD = dept_tree_list($DEPT_ID, $PRIV_OP);
        if ($DEPT_PRIV == 1) {
            $OPTION_TEXT .= "     <tr class=TableData>       <td class='menulines' id='" . $DEPT_ID . "' title='" . $DEPT_NAME . "' " . $onclick . " " . $title . ">" . $DEEP_COUNT1 . $image . " " . $DEPT_NAME . "</td>     </tr>";
        if ($OPTION_TEXT_CHILD != "") {
    return $OPTION_TEXT;