function showResults()
    #--- Output the page header.
    echo "<h1>Fun Statistics</h1>\n\n<br>";
    echo "<p style='padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;font-weight:bold'>Here you see a selection of fun statistics, based on official WCA competition results.</p>";
    echo "<p style='padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;font-weight:bold'>There are also three separate statistics pages: <a href='misc/evolution/'>Evolution of Records</a>, <a href='misc/sum_of_ranks/'>Sum of Ranks</a>, and <a href='misc/missing_averages/'>Missing Averages</a>.</p>";
    echo "<p style='padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;color:gray;font-size:10px'>Generated on " . wcaDate() . ".</p>";
    #--- Get all the list definitions.
    global $lists;
    #--- Output the links to the individual lists.
    echo "<ul style='padding-left:20px'>\n";
    foreach ($lists as $list) {
        echo "<li style='padding-bottom:5px'><a style='color:#33C;font-weight:normal' href='#{$list['0']}'>{$list['1']}</a></li>\n";
    echo "</ul>\n\n";
    #--- Output the lists.
    $ctr = 0;
    foreach ($lists as $list) {
        addList($list, ++$ctr);
function showResults () {
  #--- Output the page header.
  echo "<h1>Fun Statistics</h1>\n\n";
  echo "<p style='padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;font-weight:bold'>Here you see a selection of fun statistics, based on official WCA competition results.</p>";
  echo "<p style='padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;color:gray;font-size:10px'>Generated on " . wcaDate() . ".</p>";

  #--- Get all the list definitions.
  global $lists;

  #--- Output the links to the individual lists.  
  echo "<ul style='padding-left:20px'>\n";
  foreach( $lists as $list )
    echo "<li style='padding-bottom:5px'><a style='color:#33C;font-weight:normal' href='#$list[0]'>$list[1]</a></li>\n";
  echo "</ul>\n\n";

  #--- Output the lists.
  $ctr = 0;
  foreach( $lists as $list )
    addList( $list, ++$ctr );