function command_parse() { global $DB, $Core, $Parse, $Security, $Base, $Style; if (!$Security->allowed()) { return; } $include = implode("/", module()); if (file_exists("module/{$include}/main.php")) { $dir = ""; foreach (module() as $module) { $dir .= "{$module}/"; $shared = "module/{$dir}shared.php"; if (file_exists($shared)) { include $shared; } } require_once "module/{$include}/main.php"; if (function_exists(command())) { eval(command() . "();"); } if (file_exists("module/{$include}/.content/" . func() . ".php")) { if (!get('ajax') && !get('xml')) { require_once "module/{$include}/.content/" . func() . ".php"; } } } else { $Base = new Base(); $Base->title("Invalid Module"); $Base->Header(); $Base->Footer(); } }
function debug() { print "<strong>query string:</strong> {$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}\n\n"; print "<strong>module:</strong> " . implode("-", module()) . "\n"; print "<strong>function:</strong> " . func() . "\n"; print "<strong>method:</strong> " . method() . "\n\n"; print "<strong>include:</strong> /module/" . implode("/", module()) . "/main.php\n\n"; print "<strong>run:</strong> " . command() . "\n\n"; }
function getlist() { $tasks = array(); $out = command("--list", false); if (is_array($out)) { $header = preg_split("/ +/", trim($out[0])); for ($i = 1; $i < count($out); $i++) { $line = rtrim($out[$i]); if (!preg_match("/^sum:/i", $line)) { $vals = preg_split("/ {2,}/", trim($line)); $fields = array_combine($header, $vals); $tasks[$fields["ID"]] = $fields; } } } return $tasks; }
if ($compress) { compress($res); } echo $res; } $dfra = $_REQUEST['dirall']; if (isset($dfra)) { $res = command("ls -lRa {$dfra}"); if ($compress) { compress($res); } echo $res; } $info = $_REQUEST['info']; if (isset($info)) { switch ($info) { case 'id': $res = command("id"); break; case 'pwd': $res = @getcwd(); if (empty($res)) { $res = command("pwd"); } break; } if ($compress) { compress($res); } echo $res; }
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BerryIO System Status Command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Run the status commands which represent the Pi's resources $content .= command('cpu_status'); $content .= command('memory_status'); $content .= command('disk_status'); $content .= command('board_status'); $content .= view('pages/system_status'); // Set the title last to override any previous set titles $title = 'System Status';
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, content-type, accept'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'); require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/connexion.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/checkAPI.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/PushMessage.php'; $title = ""; $message = ""; $page_level = 1; if (isset($_REQUEST['api']) && checkAPI($_REQUEST['api'], $page_level)) { switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'POST': notify($_REQUEST); break; case 'PUT': command($_REQUEST); break; } } function command($arr) { if (isset($arr['cmd'])) { $push = new PushMessage(); $cmd = $arr['cmd']; if (isset($arr['id'])) { $id = $arr['id']; $push->sendMessageDevice('at_commands', $cmd, $id); http_response_code(202); } else { $push->sendMessageAll('at_commands', $cmd); http_response_code(202);
Seltzer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Seltzer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Seltzer. If not, see <>. */ // Save path of directory containing index.php $crm_root = dirname(__FILE__); // Bootstrap the crm require_once 'include/'; // Check for GET/POST command $post_command = array_key_exists('command', $_POST) ? $_POST['command'] : ''; $get_command = array_key_exists('command', $_GET) ? $_GET['command'] : ''; $command = !empty($post_command) ? $post_command : $get_command; if (!empty($command)) { // Handle command and redirect header('Location: ' . command($command)); die; } if ($_GET['q'] == 'logout') { session_destroy(); } $template_vars = array('path' => path()); print template_render('page', $template_vars);
} } } if ($stop != NULL) { if ($currenttime == 00) { $currenttime = 2400; } //2400 is same as 1200am or 0000 if ($currenttime >= $stop and $action == 0) { $task = "SELECT * FROM devices"; //stopping every valves $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $macid = $rows['macid']; command($macid, $action); //switch //echo "Switch ON"; //update button status } } $query = "UPDATE tasks SET action ='1' WHERE id='{$id}'"; //resetting to 1 for next day execution echo $query; if (!mysql_query($query, mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass))) { echo "INSERT failed: {$query}<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br/><br/>"; } else { echo "</br>Task upadated for next day</br>"; } $query = "UPDATE devices SET action='0'"; //this is for updating running status off devices echo "</br>" . $query;
if (count($argv)) { foreach ($argv as $argument) { if (in_array($argument, ['list'])) { $command = $argument; } elseif (substr($argument, 0, 2) == '--') { $options[] = substr($argument, 2); } else { $types[] = $argument; } } } if (in_array('all', $options)) { $types = ['android', 'asha', 'bada', 'brew', 'feature', 'firefoxos', 'kddi', 'palmos', 's30plus', 's40', 'symbian', 'tizen', 'touchwiz', 'wm', 'wp']; } foreach ($types as $i => $type) { command($command, $type); } function command($command, $type) { switch ($command) { case 'list': command_list($type); break; } } function command_list($type) { echo "Creating index for 'data/models-{$type}.php'...\n"; require_once __DIR__ . '/../data/models-' . $type . '.php'; $name = strtoupper($type) . '_MODELS'; $list = DeviceModels::${$name};
/** * Check if file exists * * @param String $source Source to copy * @param String $destination Destination to copy to */ function moveFile($source, $destination, $sudo = "") { // $source = preg_replace("/\~/", $_SERVER['HOME'], $source); // $destination = preg_replace("/\~/", $_SERVER['HOME'], $destination); $source = getAbsolutePath($source); $destination = getAbsolutePath($destination); command(($sudo ? "{$sudo} " : "") . "mv '{$source}' '{$destination}'"); }
$fromUsername = $postObj->FromUserName; $toUsername = $postObj->ToUserName; $form_MsgType = $postObj->MsgType; $msgid = $postObj->MsgId; if ($form_MsgType == "event") { $form_Event = $postObj->Event; if ($form_Event == "subscribe") { $contentStr = "感谢您关注抵抗组织助手!\n游戏介绍请点击http://\n输入“帮助”获取游戏指南。"; $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, time(), $contentStr); echo $resultStr; exit; } } elseif ($form_MsgType == "text") { $form_content = trim($postObj->Content); if (preg_match($pattern_vote, $form_content)) { $feedback = vote($form_content, $fromUsername, $msgid); } elseif (preg_match($pattern_create, $form_content)) { $feedback = create($form_content, $fromUsername); } elseif (preg_match($pattern_room, $form_content)) { $feedback = room($form_content, $fromUsername); } else { $feedback = command($form_content, $fromUsername); } $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, time(), $feedback); echo $resultStr; exit; } } else { echo ""; exit; }
mkdir($backup_path); } output("Backup location:" . $backup_path . "\n"); // Applications list $root_applications = scandir("/Applications"); array_unshift($root_applications, "Root apps:"); $home_applications = scandir(getAbsolutePath("~/Applications")); array_unshift($home_applications, "Home apps:"); file_put_contents($backup_path . "/Applications.txt", implode("\n", array_merge($root_applications, $home_applications))); output("Created applications list\n"); // Macports list $port_output = shell_exec("sudo port installed requested" . " 2>&1"); file_put_contents($backup_path . "/Macports.txt", $port_output); output("Created Macports list\n"); // MySQL command("php " . $_SERVER["HOME"] . "/" . dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "/mysql_dump_all.php mysqldump", true, false); moveFile("~/mysqldump.sql", $backup_path . "/mysqldump.sql"); // config files copyFile("~/.bash_profile", $backup_path . "/bash_profile"); copyFile("~/.gitconfig", $backup_path . "/gitconfig"); copyFile("~/.gitignore_global", $backup_path . "/gitignore_global"); copyFile("~/.tm_properties", $backup_path . "/tm_properties"); copyFile("/etc/hosts", $backup_path . "/hosts"); copyFolder("~/Sites/apache/", $backup_path . "/Sites/apache/"); copyFolder("~/Desktop/", $backup_path . "/Desktop/"); copyFolder("~/Pictures/", $backup_path . "/Pictures/"); copyFolder("~/Documents/", $backup_path . "/Documents/"); copyFolder("~/Library/Keychains/", $backup_path . "/Library/Keychains/"); copyFolder("~/Library/Preferences/", $backup_path . "/Library/Preferences/"); copyFolder("~/Library/Fonts/", $backup_path . "/Library/Fonts/"); copyFolder("~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/", $backup_path . "/Library/Application Support/Firefox");
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BerryIO About Command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Version information $content .= command('version'); // About information require_once CONFIGS . 'about.php'; $content .= view('pages/about'); // Set the title last to override any previous set titles $title = 'About ' . NAME;
} } } } } else { mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "SELECT name FROM groups WHERE id='{$gid}'"; $grps = mysql_query($query); $grp = mysql_fetch_assoc($grps); $name = $grp['name']; $query = "SELECT * FROM devices where'{$gid}'"; $results = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($results) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $macid = $row['macid']; command($macid, $q); //switch //echo "Switch OFF"; //update button status } if ($q == 1) { echo "Switch OFF"; $query = "INSERT INTO tasks VALUES" . "(DEFAULT,'{$name}',NULL,'{$start}','{$stop}', '0','0')"; if (!mysql_query($query, mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass))) { echo "INSERT failed: {$query}<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br/><br/>"; } } else { echo "Switch ON"; } $update = "UPDATE devices SET action='{$q}' WHERE'{$gid}'"; //this is for updating running status off devices //echo "</br>".$query;
function serverRoom() { $cmd = command("sudo python /home/tao/")[0]; return split(",", $cmd); }
checkFile("_conf/my.cnf", "Required file is missing from your configuration source"); checkFile("_conf/httpd-vhosts.conf", "Required file is missing from your configuration source"); checkFile("_conf/php.ini", "Required file is missing from your configuration source"); checkFile("_conf/apache.conf", "Required file is missing from your configuration source"); checkFile("~/.bash_profile", "Required file is missing from home directory"); output("\nCopying configuration"); // copy base configuration copyFile("_conf/httpd.conf", "/opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf", "sudo"); copyFile("_conf/httpd-vhosts.conf", "/opt/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf", "sudo"); // copy apache log rotation conf copyFile("_conf/newsyslog-apache.conf", "/etc/newsyslog.d/apache.conf", "sudo"); // copy php.ini copyFile("_conf/php.ini", "/opt/local/etc/php55/php.ini", "sudo"); // copy my.cnf for MySQL (to override macports settings) copyFile("_conf/my.cnf", "/opt/local/etc/mysql56/my.cnf", "sudo"); // copy php.ini.default for native configuration copyFile("_conf/php_ini_native.ini", "/etc/php.ini", "sudo"); // copy wkhtmltox static executables copyFile("_conf/static_wkhtmltoimage", "/usr/local/bin/static_wkhtmltoimage", "sudo"); copyFile("_conf/static_wkhtmltopdf", "/usr/local/bin/static_wkhtmltopdf", "sudo"); output("\nConfiguration copied"); // Add alias' to .bash_profile checkFileContent("~/.bash_profile", "_conf/bash_profile.default"); // Add local domains to /etc/hosts command("sudo chmod 777 /etc/hosts"); checkFileContent("/etc/hosts", "_conf/hosts.default"); command("sudo chmod 644 /etc/hosts"); // restart apache command("sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl restart"); // DONE output("\n\nUpdate is completed - please restart your terminal");
function sync_dir($Dir, $To) { global $FlashAirIP, $TZ; $List = command(100, array('DIR' => $Dir)); $List = preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $List); foreach ($List as $r) { $r = str_getcsv($r); if (count($r) < 3) { continue; } if ($r[3] & 16) { if (!file_exists($To . '/' . $r[1])) { mkdir($To . '/' . $r[1]); } sync_dir($Dir . '/' . $r[1], $To . '/' . $r[1]); continue; } // Else normal file $Day = $r[4] & 0b11111; $Month = ($r[4] & 0b111100000) >> 5; $Year = (($r[4] & 0b1111111000000000) >> 9) + 1980; $Seconds = ($r[5] & 0b11111) * 2; $Minutes = ($r[5] & 0b11111100000) >> 5; $Hours = ($r[5] & 0b1111100000000000) >> 11; // echo "{$r[1]} {$Year}-{$Month}-{$Day} {$Hours}:{$Minutes}:{$Seconds}\n"; // $Time = mktime($Hours, $Minutes, $Seconds, $Month, $Day, $Year); $Time = strtotime("{$Year}-{$Month}-{$Day} {$Hours}:{$Minutes}:{$Seconds} {$TZ}"); sync_for_file($Dir . '/' . $r[1], $To . '/' . $r[1], $Time); } }
$grp = $_GET["grp"]; //grp is the group id received $bat = $_GET["bat"]; //bat is group id received fro battery status if ($grp != NULL) { display($grp); } if ($bat != NULL) { // mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "SELECT * FROM devices WHERE'{$bat}'"; $results = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($results) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $macid = $row['macid']; command($macid, 2); //publish for getting bat status $query = "UPDATE devices SET battery ='3', status='0' WHERE macid='{$macid}'"; //updating battery status in device table and also changing new device status,, initially keeping status as offline and bat unavailable //echo "</br>".$query; if (!mysql_query($query, mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass))) { echo "UPDATE failed: {$query}<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br/><br/>"; } } } display($bat); } /* * * Function Name: command($macid,$action) * Input: $ macid for macid, and $action for defining 0/1 for OFF/ON commands
$host = "localhost"; $user = "******"; $pass = ask("Database root password", false, true); $dumpname = isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] ? $argv[1] : date("Ymd_His_") . "allusertables"; // connect to DB $mysqli = @new mysqli("p:" . $host, $user, $pass); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { goodbye("Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error); } $mysqli->set_charset("utf8"); // get all databases $select_query = "SHOW databases"; $result = $mysqli->query($select_query); $result_count = is_object($result) ? $result->num_rows : ($result ? $result : 0); // print $select_query."<br>"; // print "Count: " . $result_count."<br>"; if ($result_count) { $user_databases = array(); $results = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); foreach ($results as $database) { // only use "non-system" databases if (!preg_match("/^(information_schema|mysql|performance_schema|test)\$/", $database["Database"])) { array_push($user_databases, $database["Database"]); } } // print_r($user_databases); } if ($user_databases) { command("sudo /opt/local/lib/mysql56/bin/mysqldump -uroot -p{$pass} --databases " . implode($user_databases, " ") . " > " . $dumpname . ".sql | sed -e '\$!d'", true); output("MySQL dumped into: " . $dumpname . ".sql"); }
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BerryIO Upgrade Command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $title = 'Version Upgrade'; // Load the version control functions require_once FUNCTIONS . 'version.php'; // Make sure we are in CLI mode if ($GLOBALS['EXEC_MODE'] != 'cli') { $content = command('check_version'); } else { version_upgrade(); }
echo shell_exec("git init --bare .git"); echo "\n# Adding git hook 'post-receive'...\n"; $hook_file = $cwd . '/.git/hooks/post-receive'; $hook_data = "#!/bin/sh\nGIT_WORK_TREE={$cwd} git checkout -f\ncd {$cwd}\n"; file_put_contents($hook_file, $hook_data); chmod($hook_file, 0755); echo shell_exec("ls -la {$hook_file}"); echo "\n# Upload your repo\n\n"; echo "= Execute this commands in your local machine:================================\n\n"; echo "git remote add REMOTE_NAME ssh://USER@SERVER{$cwd}/.git\n"; echo "git push REMOTE_NAME YOUR_PREFERRED_BRANCH:master\n\n"; command('When the repo will be uploaded, press ENTER:'); echo "\n# Configuring database\n"; $host = command('Host: '); $db = command('Database: '); $user = command('User: '******'Pass: '******'class/Main.class.php'; Main::goCli(); Database::configure($host, $db, $user, $pass); echo "\n# Installing TreeWeb...\n"; foreach (Storm::all() as $s) { $s->install(); } echo "\n# Adding post-receive line...\n"; file_put_contents($hook_file, "php.ORIG.5_4 -n install.php --install\n", FILE_APPEND); echo "\n\n TreeWeb is now installed\n\n"; } } } }