function listBillPorts($bill_id)
    $res = "";
    $res .= "<table>";
    $res .= "  <tr>";
    $res .= "    <th>Device</th>";
    $res .= "    <th>Hardeware</th>";
    $res .= "    <th>Interface/Port</th>";
    $res .= "    <th>Speed</th>";
    //$res      .= "    <th>Description</th>";
    //$res      .= "    <th>Notes</th>";
    $res .= "  </tr>";
    foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `bill_ports` as b, `ports` as p, `devices` as d WHERE b.bill_id = ? AND p.port_id = b.port_id AND d.device_id = p.device_id", array($bill_id)) as $row) {
        if (bill_permitted($bill_id)) {
            $device['name'] = $row['sysName'];
            //$device['port']   = $row['ifName']." (".$row['ifDescr'].")";
            $device['port'] = $row['ifName'];
            $device['speed'] = formatRates($row['ifSpeed']);
            $device['hw'] = $row['hardware'];
            $device['descr'] = $row['port_descr_descr'];
            $device['notes'] = $row['port_descr_notres'];
            $res .= "  <tr>";
            $res .= "    <td>" . $device['name'] . "</td>";
            $res .= "    <td>" . $device['hw'] . "</td>";
            $res .= "    <td>" . $device['port'] . "</td>";
            $res .= "    <td>" . $device['speed'] . "</td>";
            //$res  .= "    <td>".$device['descr']."</td>";
            //$res  .= "    <td>".$device['notes']."</td>";
            $res .= "  </tr>";
    $res .= "</table>";
    return $res;
if (!is_file("includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php") || defined('DEFAULT_THEME_CLASS')) {

<div class="alert alert-error">
 <h4>JpGraph 设置错误</h4>
 <p><i>JpGraph 已经从 Observium 中移除资料库现在必须单独安装.</i></p>
 <ul style="margin-left: 30px"> <!-- ugly css hax, someone please FIXME -->
   <li>请下载 <a href=""></a> 并解压到 html/includes/jpgraph.</li>
   <li>从配置文件中删除主题定义 html/includes/jpgraph/src/</li>

$isAdmin = $_SESSION['userlevel'] == "10" ? true : false;
$isUser = bill_permitted($bill_id);
if ($vars['addbill'] == "yes" && !empty($vars['bill_name'])) {
    $updated = '1';
    if (isset($vars['bill_quota']) or isset($vars['bill_cdr'])) {
        if ($vars['bill_type'] == "quota") {
            if (isset($vars['bill_quota_type'])) {
                if ($vars['bill_quota_type'] == "MB") {
                    $multiplier = 1 * $config['billing']['base'];
                if ($vars['bill_quota_type'] == "GB") {
                    $multiplier = 1 * $config['billing']['base'] * $config['billing']['base'];
                if ($vars['bill_quota_type'] == "TB") {
                    $multiplier = 1 * $config['billing']['base'] * $config['billing']['base'] * $config['billing']['base'];
                $bill_quota = is_numeric($vars['bill_quota']) ? $vars['bill_quota'] * $config['billing']['base'] * $multiplier : 0;
Example #3
$init_modules = array('web', 'auth');
require realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/includes/init.php';
if (get_client_ip() != $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) {
    if (!$_SESSION['authenticated']) {
        echo 'unauthenticated';
require $config['install_dir'] . '/html/lib/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
require $config['install_dir'] . '/html/lib/jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php';
require $config['install_dir'] . '/html/lib/jpgraph/';
require $config['install_dir'] . '/html/lib/jpgraph/jpgraph_date.php';
if (is_numeric($_GET['bill_id'])) {
    if (get_client_ip() != $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) {
        if (bill_permitted($_GET['bill_id'])) {
            $bill_id = $_GET['bill_id'];
        } else {
            echo 'Unauthorised Access Prohibited.';
    } else {
        $bill_id = $_GET['bill_id'];
} else {
    echo 'Unauthorised Access Prohibited.';
$rate_data = dbFetchRow('SELECT * from `bills` WHERE `bill_id`= ? LIMIT 1', array($bill_id));
$bill_name = $rate_data['bill_name'];
if (is_numeric($_GET['bill_id']) && is_numeric($_GET[bill_hist_id])) {
Example #4

$bill_id = mres($vars['bill_id']);
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10') {
    include 'pages/bill/';
if (bill_permitted($bill_id)) {
    $bill_data = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM bills WHERE bill_id = ?', array($bill_id));
    $bill_name = $bill_data['bill_name'];
    $today = str_replace('-', '', dbFetchCell('SELECT CURDATE()'));
    $yesterday = str_replace('-', '', dbFetchCell('SELECT DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)'));
    $tomorrow = str_replace('-', '', dbFetchCell('SELECT DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)'));
    $last_month = str_replace('-', '', dbFetchCell('SELECT DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)'));
    $rightnow = $today . date(His);
    $before = $yesterday . date(His);
    $lastmonth = $last_month . date(His);
    $bill_name = $bill_data['bill_name'];
    $dayofmonth = $bill_data['bill_day'];
    $day_data = getDates($dayofmonth);
    $datefrom = $day_data['0'];
    $dateto = $day_data['1'];
    $lastfrom = $day_data['2'];
    $lastto = $day_data['3'];
    $rate_95th = $bill_data['rate_95th'];
    $dir_95th = $bill_data['dir_95th'];
    $total_data = $bill_data['total_data'];
    $rate_average = $bill_data['rate_average'];
    if ($rate_95th > $paid_kb) {
        $over = $rate_95th - $paid_kb;
        $bill_text = $over . 'Kbit excess.';
        $bill_color = '#cc0000';
Example #5
        } elseif ($bittype == "CDR") {
            $res .= "&amp;95th=yes";
    } else {
        $res = "<img src=\"bandwidth-graph.php?bill_id=" . $bill_id;
    //$res .= "&amp;type=".$type;
    $res .= "&amp;type=" . $imgtype;
    $res .= "&amp;x=1050&amp;y=250";
    $res .= "&amp;from=" . $from . "&amp;to=" . $to;
    $res .= "\" style=\"margin: 15px 0px 25px 0px;\" />";
    return $res;
echo "\n             <table class=\"table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed table-rounded\">\n               <thead>\n                 <tr style=\"font-weight: bold; \">\n                   <th width=\"250\">Period</th>\n                   <th>Type</th>\n                   <th>Allowed</th>\n                   <th>Inbound</th>\n                   <th>Outbound</th>\n                   <th>Total</th>\n                   <th>95th %ile</th>\n                   <th style=\"text-align: center;\">Overusage</th>\n                   <th colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align: right;\"><a class=\"btn btn-mini\" style=\"color: #555;\" href=\"" . generate_url($vars, array('detail' => "all")) . "\"><img src=\"images/16/chart_curve.png\" alt=\"Show details\" title=\"Show details\" /> Show all details</a></th>\n                 </tr>\n               </thead>\n               <tbody>";
foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `bill_history` WHERE `bill_id` = ? ORDER BY `bill_datefrom` DESC LIMIT 24", array($bill_id)) as $history) {
    if (bill_permitted($history['bill_id'])) {
        $datefrom = $history['bill_datefrom'];
        $dateto = $history['bill_dateto'];
        $type = $history['bill_type'];
        $percent = $history['bill_percent'];
        $dir_95th = $history['dir_95th'];
        $rate_95th = formatRates($history['rate_95th']);
        $total_data = format_number($history['traf_total'], $config['billing']['base']);
        if ($type == "CDR") {
            $allowed = formatRates($history['bill_allowed']);
            $used = formatRates($history['rate_95th']);
            $in = formatRates($history['rate_95th_in']);
            $out = formatRates($history['rate_95th_out']);
            $overuse = $history['bill_overuse'] <= 0 ? "<span class=\"badge badge-success\">-</span>" : "<span class=\"badge badge-important\">" . formatRates($history['bill_overuse']) . "</span>";
            $label = "inverse";
Example #6

$data = "";
if (isset($_POST['billsearch'])) {
    $type['cdr'] = $_POST['billingtype'] == "cdr" ? " selected" : "";
    $type['quota'] = $_POST['billingtype'] == "quota" ? " selected" : "";
    $state['under'] = $_POST['billingstate'] == "under" ? " selected" : "";
    $state['over'] = $_POST['billingstate'] == "over" ? " selected" : "";
if ($isAdmin) {
    $data .= "<option value=\"\">All Customers</option>";
    $data .= "<optgroup label=\"Customer:\">";
    foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `bill_perms` GROUP BY `user_id` ORDER BY `user_id` ") as $customers) {
        if (bill_permitted($customers['bill_id'])) {
            $customer = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = ? ORDER BY `user_id`", array($customers['user_id']));
            $name = empty($customer['realname']) ? $customer['username'] : $customer['realname'];
            $select = $_POST['billinguser'] == $customer['user_id'] ? " selected" : "";
            $data .= "<option value=\"" . $customer['user_id'] . "\"" . $select . ">" . $name . "</option>";
    $data .= "</optgroup>";
} else {
    $data .= "<optgroup label=\"Customer:\">";
    $data .= "<option value=\"" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "\" selected>" . $_SESSION['username'] . "</option>";
    $data .= "</optgroup>";

<form class="well form-search" method="post" action="" style="padding-bottom: 10px;">
Example #7
  <div class="col-sm-6">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"><i class="icon-ok-sign icon-white"></i> <strong>Add Bill</strong></button>

} else {
    include "pages/bills/";
    $i = 0;
    echo "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' class='table table-condensed'>\n           <tr>\n             <th>Billing name</th>\n             <th></th>\n             <th>Type</th>\n             <th>Allowed</th>\n             <th>Used</th>\n             <th>Overusage</th>\n             <th></th>\n             <th></th>\n           </tr>";
    foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `bills` ORDER BY `bill_name`") as $bill) {
        if (bill_permitted($bill['bill_id'])) {
            $day_data = getDates($bill['bill_day']);
            $datefrom = $day_data['0'];
            $dateto = $day_data['1'];
            #      $rate_data    = getRates($bill['bill_id'],$datefrom,$dateto);
            $rate_data = $bill;
            $rate_95th = $rate_data['rate_95th'];
            $dir_95th = $rate_data['dir_95th'];
            $total_data = $rate_data['total_data'];
            $rate_average = $rate_data['rate_average'];
            if ($bill['bill_type'] == "cdr") {
                $type = "CDR";
                $allowed = format_si($bill['bill_cdr']) . "bps";
                $used = format_si($rate_data['rate_95th']) . "bps";
                $percent = round($rate_data['rate_95th'] / $bill['bill_cdr'] * 100, 2);
Example #8

// Authorises bill viewing and sets $ports as reference to mysql query containing ports for this bill
require '../includes/billing.php';
if (is_numeric($_GET['id']) && ($auth || bill_permitted($_GET['id']))) {
    $bill = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `bills` WHERE bill_id = ?', array($_GET['id']));
    $datefrom = date('YmdHis', $_GET['from']);
    $dateto = date('YmdHis', $_GET['to']);
    $rates = getRates($_GET['id'], $datefrom, $dateto);
    $ports = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `bill_ports` AS B, `ports` AS P, `devices` AS D WHERE B.bill_id = ? AND P.port_id = B.port_id AND D.device_id = P.device_id', array($_GET['id']));
    $auth = true;
Example #9
include $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/";
    if (!$_SESSION['authenticated']) {
        echo "unauthenticated";
require_once $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php";
require_once $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_line.php";
require_once $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php";
require_once $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/jpgraph/src/";
require_once $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_date.php";
$vars = get_vars('GET');
if (is_numeric($vars['bill_id'])) {
        if (bill_permitted($vars['bill_id'])) {
            $bill_id = $vars['bill_id'];
        } else {
            echo "Unauthorised Access Prohibited.";
    } else {
        $bill_id = $vars['bill_id'];
} else {
    echo "Unauthorised Access Prohibited.";
// Workaround for JPGraph 3.5 on Ubuntu per 0015246
if (!function_exists('imageantialias')) {
    function imageantialias($image, $enabled)

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage webui
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2014 Adam Armstrong
// Build a list of user ids we can use to search for bills that user is allowed to see.
if ($isAdmin) {
    foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `entity_permissions` WHERE `entity_type` = 'bill' GROUP BY `user_id` ORDER BY `user_id` ") as $customers) {
        if (bill_permitted($customers['entity_id'])) {
            $customer = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = ? ORDER BY `user_id`", array($customers['user_id']));
            $name = empty($customer['realname']) ? $customer['username'] : $customer['realname'];
            $select = $vars['billinguser'] == $customer['user_id'] ? " selected" : "";
            $users[$customer['user_id']] = $name;
} else {
    $users[$_SESSION['user_id']] = $_SESSION['username'];
// Billing name field
$search[] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => '账单名称', 'id' => 'billingname', 'value' => $vars['billingname']);
// Billing type field
$search[] = array('type' => 'select', 'name' => '所有类型', 'id' => 'billingtype', 'value' => $vars['billingtype'], 'values' => array('cdr' => 'CDR/95th', 'quota' => '限额'));
//Billing user field
$search[] = array('type' => 'select', 'name' => '用户', 'id' => 'billinguser', 'width' => '130px', 'value' => $vars['billinguser'], 'values' => $users);